[GENERAL] compat-postgresql-libs rpm bug in 64bit mode

2008-08-06 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm using compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm on CentOS 5 in 
64bit mode.

The package did not create a libpq.so.4 link in /usr/lib64/, which 
caused Apache to fail.

Kevin Murphy

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Re: [GENERAL] compat-postgresql-libs rpm bug in 64bit mode

2008-08-06 Thread Kevin Murphy

Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:


On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 11:19 -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:


I'm using compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm on CentOS 5
in  64bit mode.

The package did not create a libpq.so.4 link in /usr/lib64/, which 
caused Apache to fail.


We both have 32 and 64 bit packages. Please make sure that you have
64-bit one installed.

Yes, it's installed.

compat-postgresql-libs.i686  4-1PGDG.rhel5

The package creates /usr/lib64/libpq.so.4.1, but it does not create
/usr/lib64/libpq.so.4 -> /usr/lib64/libpq.so.4.1.


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[GENERAL] How to use postgresql-jdbc rpm with Sun JDK

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Murphy
What's the easiest RPM-based way to install postgresql-jdbc on CentOS 
5?  I just became aware of the JPackage project, which seems appealing, 
but it doesn't have an up-to-date version of postgresql-jdbc.

I'm using Devrim GÜNDÜZ's very nice PostgreSQL repository 
(pgsqlrpms.org) with yum.

When yum installs the PGDG postgresql-jdbc-8.3.3 RPM on CentOS 5, it 
appears to want to drag in GCJ dependencies, but I want to use a Sun 
JDK.  The JDK is pre-installed by the Rocks V cluster distribution, 
which is based on CentOS 5.

Kevin Murphy

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Re: [GENERAL] How to use postgresql-jdbc rpm with Sun JDK

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Murphy

Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:

On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 09:57 -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:
When yum installs the PGDG postgresql-jdbc-8.3.3 RPM on CentOS 5, it 
appears to want to drag in GCJ dependencies, but I want to use a Sun 
JDK.  The JDK is pre-installed by the Rocks V cluster distribution, 
which is based on CentOS 5.

Upstream (I mean, Tom) is building -jdbc package with open source
components for a long time, and I am following that, too. We were
directly installing the binary jar files under /usr/share/java without

So, you will need to install jar files I think:


Speaking as a near-ignoramus, would a simple RPM that wraps the binary 
jar file make sense?  I'm not sure what dependencies it should have, 
though: simply 'java'?  My issue is that a Rocks cluster likes to have 
all software packaged as RPMs; compute nodes can be automatically built 
from scratch when required simply by dumping RPMs in a certain directory 
on the head node and adding the RPM name to an XML file.

I guess it can't be that hard for me to custom-build this sort of RPM, 
although I've never built one before.

-Kevin Murphy

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Re: [GENERAL] How to use postgresql-jdbc rpm with Sun JDK

2008-08-08 Thread Kevin Murphy

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Speaking as a near-ignoramus, would a simple RPM that wraps the binary 
jar file make sense?

Sure, if you want to do it that way.  We did in fact do it that way up
till about 8.0.  We (or at least I) moved away from it because of Red
Hat's policy that source RPMs should contain only, well, source.
But if you roll your own you certainly need not be bound by that

After looking in more detail at what the gcj packages install, I've 
decided it's no big deal to just use Devrim's 
postgresql-jdbc-8.3.603-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm package as is.

While the java-1.4.2-gcj-compat and libgcj RPMs are needlessly 
installed, they don't interfere with Rocks' Java metapackage (roll), as 
I had feared.

Thanks for the responses,
Kevin Murphy

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Re: [GENERAL] Drupal and PostgreSQL - performance issues?

2008-10-14 Thread Kevin Murphy

Greg Smith wrote:

On Tue, 14 Oct 2008, Mikkel H�gh wrote:

You are targetting DBAs using servers with less than 512 MB RAM. Is 
PostgreSQL supposed to be used by professional DBAs on enterprise 
systems or is it supposed to run out of the box on my old Pentium 3?

you'll discover that the Linux default for how much memory an 
application like PostgreSQL can allocate is 32MB. This is true even if 
you install the OS on a system with 128GB of RAM.

One thing that might help people swallow the off-putting default "toy 
mode" performance of PostgreSQL would be an explanation of why 
PostgreSQL uses its shared memory architecture in the first place. How 
much of a performance or stability advantage does it confer under what 
database usage and hardware scenarios? How can any such claims be proven 
except by writing a bare-bones database server from scratch that can use 
multiple memory models?

-Kevin Murphy

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[GENERAL] perl-DBD-Pg package for CentOS 5?

2008-10-31 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hi Devrim,

Thanks for the awesome resource of yumpgsqlrpms.org.

My life would be complete if it offered perl-DBD-Pg for CentOS 5!

I'll look around for a src rpm.


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Re: [GENERAL] perl-DBD-Pg package for CentOS 5?

2008-10-31 Thread Kevin Murphy

Joao Ferreira wrote:

Have you considered installing directlly from CPAN ?

# perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::Pg;'

On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 09:20 -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:

My life would be complete if it offered perl-DBD-Pg for CentOS 5!

Yes, but I prefer a package in this situation because the code runs on a 
Rocks Linux cluster, and customizations to the compute nodes are 
conventionally via package; when a new node is added, the suite of local 
RPMs is automatically post-installed, et voilà.  I've worked around the 
lack of a package in the past, and I'll do it again.  Luckily our nodes 
have access to the world.  Now I'm fantasizing about making an RPM that 
just customizes CPAN/Config.pm and installs DBD::Pg from CPAN.


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[GENERAL] Question about inscrutable cast syntax

2008-12-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
Two versions of an application differ in the way a particular column is 


lastupdated timestamp without time zone DEFAULT 
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone NOT NULL


lastupdated timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL

I believe these are both the result of an automatic mysql-to-postgresql 
conversion process rather than hand-coded.

For my personal edification, I'd like to understand what's going on with 
that first one!  Note that the column type is timestamp without time 
zone, so I'm also curious about the 'with time zone' modifier in the 
first example.

Kevin Murphy

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Re: [GENERAL] Indices types, what to use. Btree, Hash, Gin or Gist

2009-01-31 Thread Kevin Murphy

Gregory Stark wrote:

Mohamed  writes:


I want to match against a boolean field, that is, only true or false is
possible. I am thinking Btree but not sure.. correct?

No index is going to be particularly effective for boolean columns unless
they're very heavily skewed. You might find it useful to build separate
partial indexes on other keys for each value though.


Just for the edification of the masses, can you show an example that 
illustrates your point about partial indexes?


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[GENERAL] Case-sensitive connect in psql is perplexing

2009-02-10 Thread Kevin Murphy
I've noticed that the argument to the \c (connect) meta-command is 
case-sensitive.  This doesn't seem to be consistent with other 
meta-commands or the SQL standard of case-insensitive identifiers.  
Would it hurt to change the behavior?

Kevin Murphy

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[GENERAL] Aliasing syntax question

2009-02-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
I've now seen the 'unnest' function defined in a few different ways with 
regard to aliases.

Substitute the following pairs of values for X and Y in the query below, 
and all of them work (in PG 8.3.6, at least):

X   Y
i g(i)
g.i  g(i)

create or replace function unnest(anyarray)
returns setof anyelement as $$
select $1[X] from generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1)) Y;
$$ language sql;

Please enlighten the unworthy!

Kevin Murphy

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[GENERAL] Mac OS X 10.3 and SYSV shared memory settings

2005-03-11 Thread Kevin Murphy
Because I was just burned by this, I'd like to remind OS X users that 
OS 10.3 (Panther) may be a less desirable platform than 10.2 for 
running PostgreSQL and other applications that benefit from customizing 
SYSV shared memory settings.

The problem is that in 10.3, there unbelievably seems to be no reliable 
way to customize the SYSV shared memory settings such that the settings 
are preserved across OS updates (10.3.6 to 10.3.7, e.g.)!

The following reminder from the PG 8.0 manual (thanks to whomever put 
this in) also applies to PG 7.4.X, and it is incredibly important:

"In OS X 10.3, these commands [shared memory sysctl commands] have been 
moved to /etc/rc and must be edited there. You'll need to reboot to 
make changes take effect. Note that /etc/rc is usually overwritten by 
OS X updates (such as 10.3.6 to 10.3.7) so you should expect to have to 
redo your editing after each update."

If someone has a solution to this problem, please let me know.  In the 
meantime we'll have to implement a cron-driven alert and a policy 
change, hope that transitioning to a new sysadmin at a later date does 
not screw us, and pray that 10.4 provides a solution to this problem.  
A simple change to /etc/rc on Apple's part seems to be all that would 
be required - it already executes sysctl commands from a user-defined 
/etc/sysctl.conf file, but the shared memory settings can only be set 
*once*, and /etc/rc happens to set the defaults before reading 
/etc/sysctl.conf.  I can have a cron job remove the shared memory 
sysctls in /etc/rc if they reappear, but that would be a decidedly 
imperfect kludge.

Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] mailing list archives not responding?

2005-03-17 Thread Kevin Murphy
Hi all,
My searches at:
haven't been working for the last couple hours; the query times out.
Is this my problem or a real one?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] LWM 2004 Readers' Choice Nomination

2005-04-02 Thread Kevin Murphy
On Mar 28, 2005, at 1:40 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
I don't see PostgreSQL either. That seems very odd as we are the second
widest used OSS database on Linux.
Yeah, they might as well just put up a graph of advertising dollars by 
database instead of these poll results ;-)

Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] Strange interaction of union and expressions

2005-04-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
On Apr 20, 2005, at 1:24 PM, Aaron Bingham wrote:
create table a (foo varchar);
insert into a (foo) values ('baz');
create table b (foo varchar);
insert into b (foo) values ('woof');
select '"' || foo || '"' as foo
from (select foo from a) as bar
union select foo from b;
No, it's doing what you asked.
You mean:
select '"' || foo || '"' from (select foo from a union select foo from 
b) as subq;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] subqueries and qualification of table names

2005-04-26 Thread Kevin Murphy
I have a query which didn't work properly until I fully qualified 
columns used in a a subquery with the appropriate table names.  The 
reason is that both tables have a column named 'chromosome' used in the 
subquery.  In the following query, PG treats the phrase "and chromosome 
= chromosome" as "and genetic.chromosome = genetic.chromosome".  I.e. 
it treats:

# select chromosome, layer, rank,
(select refsnp_id
from genetic
where extended_frame = True
and chromosome = chromosome
and gl_left = rank)
from framework
where name = 'D3S3610'
and layer = 'GL';
select chromosome, layer, rank,
(select refsnp_id
from genetic
where genetic.extended_frame = True
and genetic.chromosome = genetic.chromosome
and genetic.gl_left = framework.rank)
from framework
where name = 'D3S3610'
and layer = 'GL';
Is that the appropriate SQL behavior?  Personally I don't care; I'm 
just curious.

Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] MacOSX, fink, missing readline/readline.h

2005-06-27 Thread Kevin Murphy

Teunis Peters wrote:

This has to do with building postgresql-8.0.3

I'm installing on a MacOSX system (10.3) and configure's failing to 
find the readline installation.

Installing the vanilla readline library from source now works great on 10.3.

If you first install this using the standard ./configure && make && sudo 
make install :


then your postgresql compile should work fine.

-Kevin murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] can't drop sequence even though table is gone

2005-07-06 Thread Kevin Murphy

I'm using PG 8.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.1.

I've dropped some tables that had associated sequences, but I am unable 
to drop the sequences.  I haven't noticed any errors or crashes.  It 
will be easy to rebuild the whole database.  I'm just reporting this 
because it seemed unusual.

=> \ds
   List of relations
Schema | Name |   Type   | Owner
public | seq_SML_sources_id   | sequence | fable
public | seq_SML_symbols_id   | sequence | fable
public | seq_TaggedEntities_id| sequence | fable

=> drop sequence seq_SML_sources_id;
ERROR:  sequence "seq_sml_sources_id" does not exist

=> select * from pg_class where relname = 'seq_SML_sources_id';
 relname   | relnamespace | reltype  | relowner | relam | 
relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | reltoastrelid | 
reltoastidxid | relhasindex | relisshared | relkind | relnatts | 
relchecks | reltriggers | relukeys | relfkeys | relrefs | relhasoids | 
relhaspkey | relhasrules | relhassubclass | relacl

seq_SML_sources_id | 2200 | 12237018 |  100 | 0 |
12237017 | 0 |1 | 1 | 0 
| 0 | f   | f   | S   |9 
| 0 |   0 |0 |0 |   0 | f  | 
f  | f   | f  |

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] What's Popular for CMS and RAD with PHP/PostgreSQL?

2005-07-15 Thread Kevin Murphy

John DeSoi wrote:

CMS and RAD tools out there?

Using PHP and PostgreSQL only, what do you feel are the most popular

Drupal is a very nice CMS for PHP and PostgreSQL. I'm using it for  
some consulting projects now and it has saved me a great deal of  
time. Some of the useful features include:

I too like drupal and use it with postgresql, but some of the Drupal 
contrib module authors are still very mysql-centric and fond of writing 
code that breaks when using postgresql (or doesn't support it at all).  
Luckily, it's usually not too hard to patch yourself or find a patch.  A 
lot of highly desirable functionality does not exist in the Drupal core 
but instead is provided by these contributed modules.  Drupal still 
recommends mysql and doesn't treat postgresql and mysql equally.  It 
would be nice if Drupal would keep track of which modules had been 
tested against postgresql, but they don't.  If there were a pool of 
drupal/postgresql users willing to be testers, and module authors were 
aware of this, that would help also.  I've been too busy to dive in and 
suggest/coordinate this, though.

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] speeding up a query on a large table

2005-07-25 Thread Kevin Murphy

I'm trying to speed up a query on a text column of a 14M-row table.
Uncached query times vary between 1-20 seconds (maybe more), depending 
on the search

term. In between time trials I've been trying to flush the disk buffer
cache by selecting count(*) from a  separate 4GB table, and times are pretty
consistent for a given search term.  If a search term hasn't been seen 
in a while,
or my full table scan has purged memory, a query may take 20 seconds, 
if the relevant pages are cached, it may take 8.5 milliseconds.  I'd 
really like to

avoid that 20 second turn-off for users.

I'm guessing I need to put lots of RAM in this machine (currently only 2GB;
max 8GB) and somehow pre-load the entire index?  The production version 
of this
database will be read-only, btw.  Because this index will be key to the 

application, and because the number of possible search terms is so large, it
would be nice if the entire index could somehow be preloaded into memory 

encouraged to stay there.  Alternatively, we could prime the disk buffers by
doing searches on what we guess will be the most common terms.  I wasn't 
attention to the recent thread about ram disks, but maybe this is a 
situation that

might call for one?

The rest of this message contains details about the situation.

Thanks for the advice, as usual!

-Kevin Murphy

Sample query:

explain analyze select * from tagged_genes where mention = 'bcl2';

Index Scan using tagged_genes_mention_idx on tagged_genes  
(cost=0.00..327.64 rows=81 width=67) (actual time=28.694..5544.779 
rows=848 loops=1)

  Index Cond: (mention = 'bcl2'::text)
Total runtime: 5545.434 ms

The index of the query column (mention) is 226,229 pages (= 1.7 GB?).
There are 1.3M unique values in that column.  I've run 'vacuum analyze'
on the table.  I also tried setting the statistics target to 1000, and 
it did

speed up searches for some search terms.

Just out of curiosity, and because I am interested in possibly using
tsearch2 in the future, I created a tsvector column indexing the
mention column (and added a GIST index and vacuum-analyzed the table
again).  tsearch2 is a lot slower, presumably because it's doing a lot
more (although in this case, it doesn't return all that much more).
Here is a typical result of a tsearch2 search on my data:

explain analyze select * from tagged_genes where vector @@ 

Index Scan using vector_idx on tagged_genes  (cost=0.00..56092.98 
rows=13983 width=67) (actual time=202.078..43122.688 rows=980 loops=1)

  Index Cond: (vector @@ '\'bcl2\''::tsquery)
Total runtime: 43124.215 ms

Blech.  I'd love to use tsearch2, but it's hard to see it being useful
with my puny hardware and not so puny data.

I'm using PG 8.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.2 on a dual 2.5GHz G5 currently
with 2GB RAM.  The data is physically stored on an Xserve RAID array
(seven 7200rpm ultra-ATA drives, RAID 5) connected via fibre channel
directly to the G5.  I did some tests of this array's performance for a 

user.  Using a large block size (256K), this array can do sequential reads
at 134 MB/sec, but the performance drops to 12MB/sec for 4K
sequential reads.  Random 4K reads are 5MB/sec, and random 256K
reads are 121MB/sec (all these according to "XBench" - not sure if it's a
good benchmark).

I'm using these shared memory settings:


and from postgresql.conf:

shared_buffers = 15000
work_mem = 32768

Everything else in postgresql.conf is default.


Here is the table description:

tagged_genes table:
13,982,464 rows
422,028 pages  (although about half of that is the experimental tsvector 
column, though!)

create table tagged_genes (
   id   bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,  -- artificial primary key
   mention  text, -- a gene name or description
   pmid bigint,   -- identifies the document that 
the mention occurs in

   create_date  timestamp NOT NULL,
   vector   tsvector  -- experimental tsearch2 index of 
mention column

create index tg_mention_idx on tagged_genes(mention);
create index tg_pmid_idxon tagged_genes(pmid);
create index tg_vector_idx  on tagged_genes(vector);

Some trials with different search terms:

Index Scan usi

[GENERAL] CLUSTER equivalent

2005-08-02 Thread Kevin Murphy

Are the two following options equivalent?

OPTION A (ordered insert):

CREATE TABLE table1 (cluster_col TEXT, col2 INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON table1(cluster_col);
INSERT INTO table1 (cluster_col, col2) SELECT cluster_col, col2 FROM 
table1 ORDER BY cluster_col;

OPTION B (unordered insert followed by CLUSTER):

CREATE TABLE table1 (cluster_col TEXT, col2 INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON table1(cluster_col);
INSERT INTO table1 (cluster_col, col2) SELECT cluster_col, col2 FROM table1;
CLUSTER idx1 ON table1;

Kevin Murphy

P.S.  On another topic, did I gather correctly from a recent thread that 
it would be more efficient to define the above table (if it were really 
only two columns) as:

create table clustered_tagged_genes (integer pmid, text mention);

i.e., with the integer field before the text field?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Note on scalar subquery syntax

2005-08-03 Thread Kevin Murphy
I thought this might be helpful in the future to other duffers such as 

The following is my big contribution to the documentation of the use of 
scalar subqueries ;-):

You have to wrap a scalar subquery in its own parentheses even where you 
might think it to be unnecessary, such as when the subquery is the sole 
argument to a function.

As an example, I wrote a function to explode, or unpack, the elements of 
an array onto separate rows (its return type is SETOF whatever), but it 
took me a while to figure out how to use it effectively in queries.

You have to use it like this:

RIGHT--> select * from array_explode((select array_col from table1 where 
col2 = 'something'));

Note the "extra" set of parentheses.  These are crucial: the syntax is 
invalid without these, as in:

WRONG--> select * from array_explode(select array_col from table1 where 
col2 = 'something');

And no, as mentioned in many archived list messages, you can NOT do the 
following, which is what a lot of people (including me) seem to try first:

WRONG--> select array_explode(array_col) from table1 where col2 = 

(The previous command results in the error message: "set-valued function 
called in context that cannot accept a set").

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Note on scalar subquery syntax

2005-08-03 Thread Kevin Murphy

Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 09:40:26AM -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:

You have to wrap a scalar subquery in its own parentheses even where you 
might think it to be unnecessary, such as when the subquery is the sole 
argument to a function.

It first guess I imagine it is because the syntax becomes ambiguous,
expecially if you have multiple arguments to the function.

Thanks, Martijn.  Yes, I don't consider it to be entirely unreasonable; 
it was just surprising and strange-looking to me.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Note on scalar subquery syntax

2005-08-03 Thread Kevin Murphy

Peter Fein wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:

As an example, I wrote a function to explode, or unpack, the elements of
an array onto separate rows (its return type is SETOF whatever), but it
took me a while to figure out how to use it effectively in queries.

Mind posting it?  I know I've had need of such I thing & IIRC others
have asked as well...

I'm no expert, but per Peter's request, here is a generic 
array-unpacking function that works in PostgreSQL 8.0.  It can't be 
invoked if the argument doesn't have an explicit type.  I.e. you would 
have to use it as: "select * from 
array_explode_generic('{apple,banana,cherry}'::text[]);" or "select * 
from array_explode_generic('{1,2,3}'::integer[]);".

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_explode(an_array anyarray) RETURNS 
SETOF anyelement AS $$

   idx integer;

   FOR idx IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(an_array, 1) LOOP
   RETURN NEXT an_array[idx];
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I would imagine that a type-specific version would be faster.  For that, 
replace "anyarray" with, e.g. "integer[]", and "anyelement" with, e.g. 

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] How to explode an array into multiple rows

2005-08-04 Thread Kevin Murphy

I'd like to do something like this:

select array_explode(array_col) from table1 where col2 = 'something';

where array_explode returns the elements of array_col unpacked onto 
separate rows.

I tried creating a function returning a setof type, but postgresql 
produces a "set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a 
set" error.  I've seen this error in the list archives, but I'm not sure 
how to translate the simple cases discussed into this situation.  I'm 
sure it's something simple, but it's been eluding me.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] table clustering brings joy

2005-08-16 Thread Kevin Murphy




















-Kevin Murphy

Re: [GENERAL] table clustering brings joy

2005-08-16 Thread Kevin Murphy

Greg Stark wrote:

All that said clustering is indeed often quite effective. Especially if it
makes an index scan efficient enough to win over sequential scans you can see
some huge effects. It's most useful for tables that aren't undergoing lots of
updates and don't need to be reclustered often.

Which is my situation; most tables are read-only.  Thanks for the comments.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] speeding up a query on a large table

2005-08-17 Thread Kevin Murphy

Mike Rylander wrote:

On 8/17/05, Manfred Koizar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 17:50:55 -0400, Kevin Murphy

and because the number of possible search terms is so large, it
would be nice if the entire index could somehow be preloaded into memory
and encouraged to stay there.

You could try to copy the relevant index
file(s) to /dev/null to populate the OS cache ...

That actually works fine.  When I had big problems with a large GiST
index I just used cat to dump it at /dev/null and the OS grabbed it. 
Of course, that was on linux so YMMV.


Thanks, Manfred & Mike.  That is a very nice solution.  And just for the 
sake of the archive ... I can find the filename of the relevant index or 
table file name(s) by finding pg_class.relfilenode where 
pg_class.relname is the name of the entity, then doing, e.g.: sudo -u 
postgres find /usr/local/pgsql/data -name "somerelfilenode*".

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] CLUSTER equivalent

2005-09-15 Thread Kevin Murphy
I just wanted to confirm that the COPY command always stores data in the 
table in the order in which it appears in the import file.

I.e., if the import file is sorted ahead of time, am I correct in 
assuming that the COPY command can have the same effect as CLUSTER'ing 
(or as creating a new table as an ordered select on the loaded table)?  
(Indexes would of course be applied after the data load.)

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] CLUSTER equivalent

2005-09-15 Thread Kevin Murphy

Neil Conway wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:

I just wanted to confirm that the COPY command always stores data in 
the table in the order in which it appears in the import file.

This is not the case -- depending on the content of the FSM, the newly 
added rows might be distributed throughout the table.

How about for a freshly created, empty table -- I should have qualified 
my original statement.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] optimizing common subqueries

2005-10-04 Thread Kevin Murphy
My understanding is that PG does not eliminate common subqueries within 
complex queries.  I just wanted to confirm this.

I also tried wrapping subqueries in STABLE or IMMUTABLE functions 
returning SETOF, but from the PG 8.0.3 log, I see that the function is 
invoked redundantly anyway.  I know that disk buffering has the effect 
of optimizing this sort of thing to some extent, but I was wondering if 
I can do better.

Any other possibilities?

The code below shows what I am trying to do.  I created functions to 
make it easy for you to see where the common subqueries occur (note that 
one of the functions invokes the other function, which increases the 

CREATE FUNCTION pmids_by_mention(text) RETURNS SETOF integer AS $$
 SELECT pmid
 FROM normalized_genes
 WHERE symbol IN (
   FROM normalized_genes
   WHERE mention = $1

CREATE FUNCTION common_pmids(text,text) RETURNS SETOF integer AS $$
 SELECT * FROM pmids_by_mention($1)
 SELECT * FROM pmids_by_mention($2)

 SELECT pmid FROM pmids_by_mention('mycn') as pmid
   WHERE pmid IN (
 SELECT * FROM common_pmids('mycn','trka')
 SELECT pmid FROM pmids_by_mention('trka') as pmid
   WHERE pmid IN (
 SELECT * FROM common_pmids('mycn','trka')
) AS subq
ORDER BY total desc;

I doubt anybody cares, but ... I am doing an article lookup by genes 
which are mentioned in articles (pmid), where each gene may be referred 
to indirectly via an alias (mention).  Each gene symbol has many 
aliases/mentions.  (Unfortunately, it is also possible but rare for an 
alias/mention to map to more than one gene symbol).  The query logic is 
as follows.  For each mention/alias supplied by the user, find all 
articles connected to the gene (or, rarely, genes), even indirectly.  
Take the intersection of these sets to find the articles/pmid's 
containing all the specified genes.  Unfortunately, in order to rank the 
articles by relevance, it is further necessary to come up with a result 
set containing one row for each qualifying gene mention in the set of 
matching articles.  There can be any number of search terms (up to some 
limit), so the actual query has to be built  dynamically on the fly by 
the application.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] STL problem in stored procedures

2005-10-25 Thread Kevin Murphy

Tom Lane wrote:

I think he needs to rewrite in C :-(.  The backend is not C++ and I
fear it's unlikely that libc++ will play nicely as a dynamic add-on.

Grrr.  I also have a C++ library that I'd like to use from PostgreSQL on 
Mac OS X.

I have succeeded in calling a tiny toy C++ shared library from PG, but I 
don't know enough to understand what problems might be associated with 
using more complicated C++ code.

It would be great if some C++/C guru could make a thorough analysis of 
C++ integration issues.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] aix build question re: duplicate symbol warning

2005-10-27 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hi all,

I'm trying to build PG 8.1 beta on an AIX server.

The 'make' finishes without errors, but I'm getting lots of duplicate 
symbol warnings like the following one.  What am I to make of these?

gcc -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline 
-fno-strict-aliasing   -Wl,-bnoentry -Wl,-H512 -Wl,-bM:SRE -o libpq.\
so libpq.a -L../../../src/port-L../../../src/port -lnsl  
-Wl,-bI:../../../src/backend/postgres.imp -Wl,-bE:libpq.exp 
ld: 0711-224 WARNING: Duplicate symbol: 

ld: 0711-224 WARNING: Duplicate symbol: 


I used a vanilla configure except for --without-readline.

Tools that seem to be in use:

AIX 5.1
GNU Make 3.80
gcc 3.2.2
ld - AIX version

This is an 8-CPU machine that recently became disused in our research 
department and looks like a nice potential PG host.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] SQL injection

2005-11-01 Thread Kevin Murphy
Can some knowledgeable person set the record straight on SQL injection, 
please?  I thought that the simple answer was to use prepared statements 
with bind variables (except when you are letting the user specify whole 
chunks of SQL, ugh), but there are many people posting who either don't 
know about prepared statements or know something I don't.

Kevin Murphy

P.S.  I don't use PHP, but google informs me that PHP definitely has 
prepared statement options: PEAR::DB, PDO in 5.X+, etc.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] database owner does not own public schema

2005-11-02 Thread Kevin Murphy
Why, when I create a new database owned by a specified user (createdb 
--owner=somebody), would the public schema in that database not be owned 
by the user and moreover not be writable by the user?  I'm using a fresh 
install of 8.1rc1, but the same thing seems to happen with an unfresh 8.0.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Getting prepared statement parameters in log when using JDBC with PG 8

2006-09-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm hoping to see the parameters of prepared statements in the 
postgresql log when using a JDBC client against postgresql 8.1?

I saw a post  about using the V2 protocol.

Is there any downside to this?


P.S.  Looking at the driver documentation, I see that I can append the 
protocol specification to the jdbc connect string, e.g.:


I'll give that a try.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] function accepting and returning rows; how to avoid parentheses

2006-12-12 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'd like to have a function that acts as a row filter (that can 
optionally expand each row into multiple rows), but I don't know how to 
wangle this such that the output is not enclosed in parentheses, i.e. 
what I'm getting now is a single column of a composite type instead of 
multiple columns matching the original table layout.


CREATE TABLE sometable (key text, value real);
INSERT INTO sometable VALUES ('A', 1);
INSERT INTO sometable VALUES ('B', 2);

-- unrealistic demo filter function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(arow sometable) RETURNS SETOF sometable AS $$
   RETURN NEXT arow;
   RETURN NEXT arow;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- SQL front-end for filter function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION explode(sometable) RETURNS SETOF sometable as $$
SELECT * FROM foo($1) AS t;

select explode(sometable.*) from sometable;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] function accepting and returning rows; how to avoid

2006-12-13 Thread Kevin Murphy

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On 12/13/06, Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to have a function that acts as a row filter (that can
optionally expand each row into multiple rows), but I don't know how to
wangle this such that the output is not enclosed in parentheses, i.e.
what I'm getting now is a single column of a composite type instead of
multiple columns matching the original table layout.

functions defined in the sql language (as opposed to pl/pgsql) allow
you to call them without explicitly using from...if you want to
expand, just select from your result as you would expand any row
variable. basically, have you tried:

select (explode(sometable.*)).* from sometable;

Thanks a lot.  You must have been puzzled that I got so close and failed 
to figure it out.  I hadn't really understood the {row}.* notation.  In 
the meantime I did an end run with an insert trigger, but at least I 
understand this now.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Optimization of unnecessary GROUP BY columns

2006-12-26 Thread Kevin Murphy
When columns are required in a GROUP BY clause even though some of them 
are fully dependent on others, is there any plan for making it possible 
to do the GROUP BY only on the necessary columns?  The 8.X documentation 
made me curious:

Section 7.2.3 in the 8.X documentation ("The GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses"):

"SELECT product_id, p.name, (sum(s.units) * p.price) AS sales
FROM products p LEFT JOIN sales s USING (product_id)
GROUP BY product_id, p.name, p.price;
Depending on how exactly the products table is set up, name and price 
may be fully dependent on the product ID, so the additional groupings 
could theoretically be unnecessary, but this is not implemented yet."

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] selecting random rows

2007-01-22 Thread Kevin Murphy
Here is Josh Berkus' solution for randomly picking a single row from a 
query.  I think the FAQ (www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs.FAQ.html#item4.1) 
could be updated with a link to this solution, which is more practical 
for large queries.


Here is a discussion by Greg Sabino Mullane about getting random subsets 
of table rows.  Greg's approach involves modifying the table you want to 
query from and is not very general-purpose (although it is a nice read).


I've seen Josh's approach extended to the multiple-row-subset case.  I 
think the perl pseudo-code would look like this:

# $n is the desired number of rows
 if(rand($.)<$n) # This is the probability that the current line should 
be in the output if it were the last line of the 

# Remove (at random) one of the current 

 splice(@lines,rand(@lines),1) if @lines==$n;
# and add the latest selection at the 


Would it be possible to implement this as a function in PG?

Aside: I'm fantasizing about a postgresql archive of user-submitted 
functions. Is the pgfoundry the closest thing to this?

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql (OT: perl)

2007-02-22 Thread Kevin Murphy

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Russ> Take perl for example. I have still yet to see readable Perl code.

You can't read it if you're not familiar with it. 
Seconded.  Perl is like the churkendoose -- hybrid strength, ugly as 
hell, only poultry known that can scare off a fox every time, whole 
barnyard loves having it around.  The better I know it, the better I 
like it.

A language's appeal always depends on your prior language and operating 
system experience, not to mention what you're trying to use it for, how 
you learn it, the support infrastructure around you while learning it, 
how much you're getting paid (in fame, fortune, and/or fun) to program 
in it, how long you've used it, how often you use it, what other 
languages you use alongside of it, who your friends are, how much of a 
sucker you are for what you read in the tech press, how patient you are, 
how creative you are, your tolerance for abstraction, the number and 
quality of programmers you want to be able to potentially contribute to 
or maintain your code, etc, etc.

It's a big barnyard, and it all stinks.  So let's just roll around in 
the mud and have some fun.

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Q re installing Pg on OS X?

2007-04-16 Thread Kevin Murphy

Seneca Cunningham wrote:

On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 06:18:18PM -0400, Kynn Jones wrote:

Still, it would be nice to have more up-to-date instructions on how to
install PostgreSQL on OS X.  Any pointers would be much appreciated!

Try the main documentation 
And just for the record, PostgreSQL compiles and installs smoothly from 
source code when you have XCode (developer tools) installed, using the 
instructions in the INSTALL file in the tar ball.

*) Use 'make' instead of 'gmake' as indicated (OS X make is GNU make)
*) OS X doesn't have an 'adduser' command

Either use the GUI or create a postgres user on the command line using 
niload, e.g.:

sudo niload group . 

[GENERAL] Building PG 8.2.3 for x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.4.9

2007-04-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
Has anybody tried making a 64-bit PostgreSQL on an Apple XServe w/  
Intel Woodcrest CPU's?  My compile works, but the 'make check' fails  
because of failure to allocate shared memory.  There's plenty of SYSV  
memory available.

I compiled using:

./configure --without-readline --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql-8.2.3  
CFLAGS='-arch x86_64'

log/initdb.log contains:

creating template1 database in /usr/local/src/postgresql-8.2.3/src/ 
test/regress/./tmp_check/data/base/1 ... FATAL:  \

could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory
DETAIL:  Failed system call was shmget(key=1, size=1810432, 03600).
HINT:  This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a  
shared memory segment exceeded available memory or s\
wap space. To reduce the request size (currently 1810432 bytes),  
reduce PostgreSQL's shared_buffers parameter (curre\

ntly 50) and/or its max_connections parameter (currently 10).

Output of: sudo ipcs -m -b:

Shared Memory:

(no shared memory segments in use)

/etc/sysctl.conf contains:


I just started a 32-bit instance of PostgreSQL with no problems on  
this box, and it showed:

sudo ipcs -m -b
Shared Memory:
m 1310715432001 --rw--- postgres    staff 126763008

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Building PG 8.2.3 for x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.4.9

2007-04-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Apr 19, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:
Has anybody tried making a 64-bit PostgreSQL on an Apple XServe w/  
Intel Woodcrest CPU's?  My compile works, but the 'make check'  
fails because of failure to allocate shared memory.  There's plenty  
of SYSV memory available.

The call to shmget() is failing with ENOMEM.  A standalone SYSV  
shared memory test program gives the same result when compiled with - 
arch x86_64.


-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Building PG 8.2.3 for x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.4.9

2007-04-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

A.M. wrote:

On Apr 19, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:
Has anybody tried making a 64-bit PostgreSQL on an Apple XServe w/ 
Intel Woodcrest CPU's?  My compile works, but the 'make check' fails 
because of failure to allocate shared memory.  There's plenty of 
SYSV memory available.

The configure script will likely still configure for the 32-bit 
headers (so size_t will be 32 bits incorrectly). It will take a little 
more autoconf hacking to get a 64-bit build.

sizeof(size_t) reports as 8.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Building PG 8.2.3 for x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.4.9

2007-04-20 Thread Kevin Murphy

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Has anybody tried making a 64-bit PostgreSQL on an Apple XServe w/  
Intel Woodcrest CPU's? 

creating template1 database in /usr/local/src/postgresql-8.2.3/src/ 
test/regress/./tmp_check/data/base/1 ... FATAL:  \

could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory
DETAIL:  Failed system call was shmget(key=1, size=1810432, 03600).

Hmm ... not sure if this is related, but there's something mighty fishy
about that "key" parameter.  I'd expect to see key=5432001, or something
close to that depending on what port number you're using.

But is this the case when doing 'make check'?   I see this in postinit.c:

* We're running a postgres bootstrap process or a 
standalone backend.  
* Create private "shmem" and 

   CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores(true, 0);

where 0 is the port.

Since the ENOMEM problem occurs in a simple shared memory test program, 
I'm inquiring on an Apple dev list.

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Building PG 8.2.3 for x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.4.9

2007-04-24 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Apr 19, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:
Has anybody tried making a 64-bit PostgreSQL on an Apple XServe w/  
Intel Woodcrest CPU's?  My compile works, but the 'make check'  
fails because of failure to allocate shared memory.  There's  
plenty of SYSV memory available.

The call to shmget() is failing with ENOMEM.  A standalone SYSV  
shared memory test program gives the same result when compiled with  
-arch x86_64.

OK, I finally found someone (Terry Lambert at Apple) to answer my  
question.  Here's the thread:


Excerpt: "It's trying to allocate the memory in the lower 4G of the  
process virtual address space, and unless you turn off the 4G page 0  
mapping (or munamp() it after you're running but before you attempt  
to allocate shared memory), it's not going to see any free address  
space available."

Kevin Murphy

[GENERAL] Permission denied to create database

2007-05-04 Thread Kevin Murphy
Sleep deprived and surely doing something stupid here; I can't seem to 
confer the ability to create databases on a regular user.  I always get 
"permission denied to create database".  One note: template1 has had 
some C functions added to it.  Could that be related to the problem?

$ createdb -U joe joejunkdb
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  permission denied to create 

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all on tablespace pg_default to joe"

$ createdb -U joe joejunkdb   
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  permission denied to create 

joe=>  \db+
  List of tablespaces
   Name|  Owner   | Location |   Access 
privileges| Description

pg_default | postgres |  | {postgres=C/postgres,joe=C/postgres} |
pg_global  | postgres |  

joe=> \l+
   List of databases
  Name|  Owner   | Encoding | Tablespace |Description   

template1 | postgres | UTF8 | pg_default | Default template database

For some reason, I haven't succeeded by reading the docs and googling.

Thanks for jarring my memory,
Kevin Murphy
PostgreSQL 8.2.4

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Permission denied to create database

2007-05-04 Thread Kevin Murphy

Richard Huxton wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:
Sleep deprived and surely doing something stupid here; I can't seem 
to confer the ability to create databases on a regular user.

As a superuser: ALTER USER joe CREATEDB
Thanks, Richard and others who replied.  I don't have to deal with 
permissions very often.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on Linux PC vs MacOS X

2004-11-03 Thread Kevin Murphy
On Nov 3, 2004, at 1:33 PM, Jeff Bohmer wrote:
We use PostgreSQL 7.x on both OS X and Linux.  We used to run OS X in 
production, but due to numerous problems we switched to Linux.  OS X 
was not stable at all, especially under load.  It was also a poor 
performer under load or not.
Did you (or anyone) ever compare performance of PostgreSQL under PPC 
Linux running on the G4 or G5?

-Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] out of memory during query execution

2005-12-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm certainly not an AIX expert, but I remember my 32-bit AIX programs 
being limited to 256MB of heap by default.  When I linked, I think I had 
to ask for more maximum data page space using something like:


(which asks for 1GB, I believe)

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] sqlite speed comparison

2006-02-14 Thread Kevin Murphy
A Windows PostgreSQL guru who cares (;-)) might help this guy with his 
benchmark of mysql, firebird, sqlite, and postgresql:


Obviously I don't care (and I don't use Windows).

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] How I changed the encoding of template1 after the fact

2006-02-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
I wanted to change the encoding of the template1 database, but when I 
tried to drop template1, I get the message, "ERROR:  cannot drop a 
template database".

The docs 
say that this is possible, but a user comment on that page says you can't.

Actually, you *can* drop a template database, if you first convert it 
into a non-template database, as per 

Here's a condensed example, in which template1 is recreated to change 
its default encoding:

-- Connect as the postgres superuser, 

-- psql -U postgres 

-- Then 

UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = TRUE where datname = 'template0';
\c template0
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE where datname = 'template1';
drop database template1;
create database template1 with template = template0 encoding = 'UNICODE';
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE where datname = 'template1';
\c template1
UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = FALSE where datname = 'template0';

If you just wanted to clone template0, you would leave out the "encoding 
= 'UNICODE'" clause.

Gurus, any corrections or safety advisories you care to make?

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] index scan backward plan question

2006-03-21 Thread Kevin Murphy
I have a table for which PG 8.3 is guessing wrong about a plan when the 
result set gets large.  For these large result sets, it uses an Index 
Scan Backward/Filter (slower) instead of Sort/Bitmap Heap Scan/Bitmap 
Index Scan (faster).  See below. 

I fooled around with various planner variables, but the only thing I 
found that worked was:

set enable_indexscan = off;

BTW, without turning index scans off, the largest queries take many 
minutes to return (in fact, I've never had the patience to wait for the 

Is there some other way I can persuade PG to not ever use the Index Scan 
Backward approach?

Kevin Murphy

Limit  (cost=104804.79..110320.84 rows=25 width=229) (actual 
time=1653.686..10381.264 rows=25 loops=1)
  ->  Index Scan Backward using merged_weight_date_idx on merged  
(cost=0.00..31295593.98 rows=141839 width=229) (actual 
time=3.888..10380.783 rows=500 loops=1)

Filter: (symbol = 'ERVK6'::text)
Total runtime: 10381.552 ms

Limit  (cost=278766.87..278766.93 rows=25 width=229) (actual 
time=5140.604..5140.639 rows=25 loops=1)
  ->  Sort  (cost=278765.81..279120.41 rows=141839 width=229) (actual 
time=5140.098..5140.571 rows=450 loops=1)

Sort Key: weight, date
->  Bitmap Heap Scan on merged  (cost=920.44..245618.72 
rows=141839 width=229) (actual time=61.265..354.795 rows=142814 loops=1)

  Recheck Cond: (symbol = 'ERVK6'::text)
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on merged_symbol_idx  
(cost=0.00..920.44 rows=141839 width=0) (actual time=58.846..58.846 
rows=142814 loops=1)

Index Cond: (symbol = 'ERVK6'::text)
Total runtime: 5903.179 ms

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] index scan backward plan question

2006-03-23 Thread Kevin Murphy

> Neil Conway wrote:
> There is no such thing as "PG 8.3".

I meant 8.1.3

> please provide the queries that trigger the problem and the
> relevant schema definitions.

Sorry about not posting more details initially.  I was running out the 
door and was hasty.

> Try re-running ANALYZE and retrying EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

It was analyzed (and unmodified since analysis).  I also rebuilt the 
table from scratch - same results.

I'm beginning to think my performance problem is mostly related to tight 
memory.  The same query that was insanely slow on one machine (1GB RAM) 
was reasonably fast on another with more memory (8GB RAM).  Also, when I 
freed a bit more memory on the original machine, the performance wall 
went away.  PostgreSQL seems to be making OK decisions about when to use 
the 'index scan backward' plan, but under tight memory conditions, the 
index scan would take forever while the alternative would be fine.

My curiosity has sunk below my need to get real work done, so I don't 
require any further response.

If anybody has too much time on his or her hands, you can read what I 
wrote (below) before I decided it wasn't worth pursuing this any further.

Kevin Murphy

\d merged
 Table "public.merged"
  Column|  Type   | Modifiers
pmid | integer |
first_author | text|
authors  | text|
title| text|
journal  | text|
date | date|
display_date | text|
volume   | text|
issue| text|
pages| text|
symbol   | text|
weight   | real|
  "merged_data_idx" btree (date, first_author)
  "merged_first_author_idx" btree (first_author)
  "merged_pmid_idx" btree (pmid)
  "merged_symbol_idx" btree (symbol)
  "merged_weight_date_idx" btree (weight, date)

The query in question searches on 'symbol', orders by the combination of 
'weight' and 'date', and constrains by a limit and offset.  The table 
has 7,839,274 rows; 16,247 distinct symbol values; 17,279 distinct 
weight values; 831,007 distinct weight-date combinations.

Depending on the query search term and offset value, one of two 
different plans is chosen.  For search terms matching large numbers of 
rows, and with a low enough offset, an 'index scan backward' plan is 
chosen, which is sometimes extremely fast (faster than the other plan).  
However, for the search terms matching very large numbers of rows, the 
'index scan backward' plan can be molasses-slow (as much as 2 and 3 
orders of magnitude).  During such slow queries, the CPU is not doing 
much: postgres is consuming <=3% of CPU, and nothing else is happening 
on the box ('top' is using the most CPU).  Disk I/O is consistent and 
low at around 1MB/sec while this is going on.  Top doesn't show any 
swapping, although free physical memory is very low, but on the other 
hand there is lots of inactive memory (720MB).  During these very long 
queries, I see a lock on merged_weight_date_idx (which is 168 MB in 
size, BTW) the whole time.  There are no messages in the system or 
postgresql logs.  Can it really be taking PG 490 seconds (see below) to 
read some fraction of 168MB into memory?

* * * * * * * *

postgresql.conf settings:

shared_buffers = 15000
work_mem = 32768
maintenance_work_mem = 65536
default_statistics_target = 1000

I just noticed that default_statistics_target is set at one extreme.  
Since many of the columns have large numbers of values, highly skewed 
distributions, and the oddballs are often important, it was my 
understanding that this was not unreasonable (and early tests seemed to 
bear this out).  I stand ready to be corrected.

* * * * * * * *


OS X 10.4, 1 GB RAM, dual 1.8 Ghz PPC

* * * * * * * *

The following plan is produced for almost all values of 'symbol' except 
the values with the most records.  It is also produced for the 
high-frequency symbols if the OFFSET is large enough.  The following is 
a search for a less common symbol than the problematic cases ('CFTR' 
matches 8920 rows):

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT pmid, authors, title, journal, date, 
display_date, volume, issue, pages

FROM merged
WHERE symbol = 'CFTR'
ORDER BY weight DESC, date DESC
Limit  (cost=29364.77..29364.83 rows=25 width=229) (actual 
time=1351.026..1351.040 rows=25 loops=1)
 ->  Sort  (cost=29364.77..29385.54 rows=8310 width=229) (actual 
time=1351.023..1351.028 rows=25 loops=1)

   Sort Key: weight, date

Re: [GENERAL] How can I known the size of a database, table by table ?

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Murphy

Bruno Baguette wrote:
I works on a PostgreSQL 8.0.4 database, and I would like to known the 
size (in bytes, Mbytes or anything else) of that database, for each 
You've already got several replies.  Know that the PG documentation is 
excellent.  If you visit www.postgresql.org, you will quickly find: 

The following won't help you, but just for completeness, in PG 8.1, 
dbsize functionality is built in, so you can just do:

select tablename, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(tablename)) as size
from pg_tables where schemaname in ('public') order by 
pg_total_relation_size(tablename) desc;

select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(current_database())) AS TOTAL;

Also, replace or add to 'public' as required by the schemas you use.  
The sizes reported include the indexes for each table.

The total includes not just your tables but the system tables also.  
Unless you have collected lots of statistics on the database, the system 
tables (pg_*) will probably only take up a few MB of space.

Note that pg_size_pretty() _rounds_ the raw byte numbers, so the pretty 
results may understate the space requirements by half a unit.

If you want to exclude the system tables from the total database size, 
then instead of pg_database_size(), you could use:

select pg_size_pretty(cast (sum(pg_total_relation_size(tablename)) as 
bigint)) as size

from pg_tables where schemaname in ('public');

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Please explain the gin index

2006-07-18 Thread Kevin Murphy

PG tsearch2 users,

I notice there is an 8.1 backport of tsearch2 for 8.2  

Has anybody used this?

What are the performance differences between the new GIN index and GIST?

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] number of distinct values in tsearch2 gist index

2006-07-18 Thread Kevin Murphy
In the output of gist_stat() in the gevel contrib module, is the number 
of tuples the number of distinct values stored in the index?  Is the 
number (6M) so large because the positions are part of the values?  I'm 
guessing I can't determine the number of distinct lexemes from the 
output of gist_stat() 

select gist_stat('idxfti_idex');
Number of levels:  5
Number of pages:   244881
Number of leaf pages:  234515
Number of tuples:  6017003
Number of invalid tuples:  0
Number of leaf tuples: 5772123
Total size of tuples:  1846434636 bytes
Total size of leaf tuples: 1779845516 bytes
Total size of index:   2006065152 bytes

(1 row)

Time: 193023.012 ms

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Messages to pgsql-general list not being posted

2006-07-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
Yesterday I sent two messages to pgsql-general@postgresql.org, and 
neither one posted, as far as I can tell.

"Please explain the gin index" - 7/18/06 10:44 AM EDT

"number of distinct values in tsearch2 gist index" - 7/18/06 1:24 PM EDT

This has also happened to me on numerous previous occasions.  Is there 
heavy-handed moderation or filtering going on here?

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Messages to pgsql-general list not being posted

2006-07-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Yesterday I sent two messages to pgsql-general@postgresql.org, and 
neither one posted, as far as I can tell.

Perhaps your own incoming spam filtering is dropping the messages?
Hmm, I checked the spam filter folder, to no avail.  I have no 
explanation.  I'll check the archives in the future.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] access method "gin" does not exist

2006-07-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm trying to test the 8.1 backport of the 8.2 GIN index and tsearch2 

The patch is applied successfully (to 8.1.4, on OS X 10.4.7 w/ xcode 
2.3), the build and install goes well, stop & start of postmaster is 
done, but initializing tsearch2 fails:

psql -U postgres minitest < 

ERROR: access method "gin" does not exist

This error occurs at the following statement:

CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gin_tsvector_ops
   OPERATOR1   @@ (tsvector, tsquery),
   OPERATOR2   @@@ (tsvector, tsquery) RECHECK,
   FUNCTION1   bttextcmp(text, text),
   FUNCTION2   gin_extract_tsvector(tsvector,internal),

   STORAGE text;

Sanity checks:

1) In PSQL:
select amname from pg_am where amname like '%gin%';

(0 rows)

Hmm.  Should I expect this query to return something?

show gin_fuzzy_search_limit;

(1 row)

Thanks for any tips,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


2006-08-16 Thread Kevin Murphy

Filip Rembiałkowski wrote:

Greg Stark wrote:

But the closest partial solution suggested so far is the pg_xfrm (sic) 
function that
has been implemented and posted at least three times by three different
posters to the postgres mailing lists. In the interest of avoiding a fourth
independent implementation I'll attach the one I use below, it's not big.

But I have no idea how to compile/install it.

I tried compiling but it failed:

pgdba ( at ) sulaco:~/src/postgresql-8.1.3/src$ gcc -I ./include -fPIC -c 
pg_strxfrm.c: In function 'pg_strxfrm':
pg_strxfrm.c:98: error: 'Warn_restart' undeclared (first use in this function)
pg_strxfrm.c:98: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
pg_strxfrm.c:98: error: for each function it appears in.)

What is the answer to Filip's question?  I didn't see an answer in the list 
archives.  I've seen several copies of Joe Conway's pg_strxfrm.c code on the 
web, and it always refers to the Warn_restart variable, which doesn't seem to 
exist in the 8.1.4 code that I'm using.

I am working with a database in UTF-8 encoding using "C" collation - but I'd occasionally like to ORDER BY columns containing real UTF-8 data. 

Would the pg_strxfrm() function get used in a new operator class function?   
I'll read up on operator classes in chapter 32.14 of the docs, but if someone 
has a simple example, it might help other searchers of the archives.

Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster


2006-08-17 Thread Kevin Murphy

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What is the answer to Filip's question?  I didn't see an answer in the list 
archives.  I've seen several copies of Joe Conway's pg_strxfrm.c code on the 
web, and it always refers to the Warn_restart variable, which doesn't seem to 
exist in the 8.1.4 code that I'm using.

Warn_restart hasn't existed since PG 7.4.  I would imagine that the code
needs to be tweaked to use a PG_TRY construct instead of direct setjmp

Yes, I'm a user, not a hacker.  I was hoping that someone had done this 
already.  Anyway, I gave PG_TRY a try, and the code superficially works. 
I have no idea what I'm doing; you can see what I did below.

Confirm that instead of:

   memcpy(&save_restart, &Warn_restart, sizeof(save_restart));
   if (sigsetjmp(Warn_restart, 1) != 0)
   memcpy(&Warn_restart, &save_restart, sizeof(Warn_restart));
   newlocale = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, oldlocale);
   if (!newlocale)
   elog(PANIC, "setlocale failed to reset locale: 
%s", localestr);

   siglongjmp(Warn_restart, 1);
   code here
   memcpy(&Warn_restart, &save_restart, sizeof(Warn_restart));

it should be:

code here
newlocale = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, oldlocale);
if (!newlocale)
elog(PANIC, "setlocale failed to reset locale: %s", 


Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] syntax error but command executes anyway?

2004-06-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

> > egenome_dev=# \i
> > /Users/murphy/cvs/egora/sql/data_port/port_identifiers.sql 
> > INSERT 0 1672036
> This INSERT 0 part tells you it didn't actually insert anything.

Actually, that's not true.  I didn't know what this number was until just now, 
but I looked it up: for a single-row insert, it's the OID of the new row; 
otherwise, it's 0.  The 1672036, on the other hand, means that 1,672,036 rows 
were inserted.

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] syntax error but command executes anyway?

2004-06-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
On Saturday 19 June 2004 06:57 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> > egenome_dev=# \i
> > /Users/murphy/cvs/egora/sql/data_port/port_identifiers.sql INSERT 0
> > 1672036
> > psql:/Users/murphy/cvs/egora/sql/data_port/port_identifiers.sql:15:
> > ERROR: syntax error at or near "sourcecode" at character 2
> It seems mighty suspicious that psql is reporting a syntax error at line
> 15 of the file when cat is only showing 9 lines.  I suspect that the
> insert you are showing us did execute, but then something further on
> in the file is producing the syntax error.
> I am wondering whether cat on OS X stops at embedded nulls, or something
> stupid like that.  It sure looks like there must be garbage in the
> port_identifiers.sql file beyond what cat has printed here.  What do you
> see when you examine the file with other tools?  (Try "od -c" if nothing
> else springs to mind.)
> It is possible that the problem is not entirely cat's fault but has
> something to do with the way that psql's \! command invokes cat.
> Does cat at the shell prompt produce the same output?
>   regards, tom lane

It is indeed very weird, since the script is not that long.  I piped it 
through 'od -a' to confirm.

However, I retract my complaint, since I can't reproduce it!

I had to take a bad DIMM out of this machine a few days ago; maybe I need to 
run that memory test again.  Still, it would seem remarkable if a memory 
error could produce my initial results rather than a crash or hang.  I am 
also feeling like compiling PG again, since it was initially compiled with 
that bad DIMM (but again, what would the odds be?)

Tom, as always, thanks for your mellow and rapid response to questions.

I'll let you know if this crops up again in a reproducible way.

-Kevin Murphy

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] zombie primary key lurches out of database to devour the brains of the unwary

2004-08-31 Thread Kevin Murphy
Using PG 7.4.5 on Mac OS X 10.3 ...
I have a primary key that I can't destroy and can't create.  One weird 
symptom is that when I use \d in psql to attempt to display the 
constraint, there is no output at all!  Normally, psql either shows the 
constraint or reports that the constraint doesn't exist.

(BTW, I know that the default clauses below are kind of weird, but I am 
using PG to process data for a database that doesn't use NULL and uses 
0 and empty strings as default values.  The DDL is generated 
automatically, so the defaults don't all make sense, but they should be 
harmless.  Don't worry; the app is almost ported to PG ;-)

In the transcript below, snp_main_chr22 is the table, and there is 
supposed to be a primary key snp_main_chr22_pk on the refsnp_id column:

egenome_test=# egenome_test=# \d snp_main_chr22
Table "build.snp_main_chr22"
   Column| Type  |   Modifiers
 refsnp_id   | integer   | default 0
 variation   | character varying(10) | default ''::character varying
 het | character varying(20) | default ''::character varying
 validated   | character varying(5)  | default ''::character varying
 chr | character varying(2)  | default ''::character varying
 assay_size  | integer   | default 0
 pop_size| integer   | default 0
 seq_pos | integer   | default 0
 transcribed | character varying(1)  | default ''::character varying
egenome_test=# alter table snp_main_chr22 drop constraint 
ERROR:  constraint "snp_main_chr22_pk" does not exist

egenome_test=# drop table snp_main_chr22 cascade;
egenome_test=# \d snp_main_chr22_pk
egenome_test=# \d snp_main_chr22_pk_gibberish
Did not find any relation named "snp_main_chr22_pk_gibberish".
egenome_test=# CREATE TABLE snp_main_chr22 (
refsnp_id  integer DEFAULT 0,
variation  varchar(10) DEFAULT '',
hetvarchar(20) DEFAULT '',
validated  varchar(5) DEFAULT '',
chrvarchar(2) DEFAULT '',
assay_size integer DEFAULT 0,
pop_size   integer DEFAULT 0,
seq_posinteger DEFAULT 0,
transcribedvarchar(1) DEFAULT ''
egenome_test(# egenome_test(# egenome_test(# egenome_test(# 
egenome_test(# egenome_test(# egenome_test(# egenome_test(# 
egenome_test(# egenome_test(# CREATE TABLE

egenome_test=# ALTER TABLE snp_main_chr22
  ADD CONSTRAINT snp_main_chr22_pk
  PRIMARY KEY (refsnp_id)
egenome_test-# egenome_test-# egenome_test-# NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD 
PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "snp_main_chr22_pk" for table 
ERROR:  relation "snp_main_chr22_pk" already exists

egenome_test=# egenome_test=# \d snp_main_chr22
Table "build.snp_main_chr22"
   Column| Type  |   Modifiers
 refsnp_id   | integer   | default 0
 variation   | character varying(10) | default ''::character varying
 het | character varying(20) | default ''::character varying
 validated   | character varying(5)  | default ''::character varying
 chr | character varying(2)  | default ''::character varying
 assay_size  | integer   | default 0
 pop_size| integer   | default 0
 seq_pos | integer   | default 0
 transcribed | character varying(1)  | default ''::character varying
Thanks for any advice.
Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] how to constrain a query to return 1 or 0 rows (or >1 or 0 rows)

2004-09-10 Thread Kevin Murphy
This is probably a stupid question, but ...
I'd like to be able to take an existing query and modify it to return a 
single row if that's what the base query returns, and 0 rows if the 
base query returns multiple rows.  Similarly, I'd like to also modify 
it to return multiple rows if that's what the base query returns, and 0 
rows if the base query return a single row.

What's a good way to do this?
Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] the current scoop on ilike and indexes

2004-09-21 Thread Kevin Murphy
I am pretty sure the answer is no, but ... is there any way to get 
'ilike' to use an index?  It seems like something that a lot of people 
would want to do.  Otherwise, should I just create redundant 
case-mapped columns and use 'like'?

Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] the current scoop on ilike and indexes

2004-09-21 Thread Kevin Murphy
On Sep 21, 2004, at 4:52 PM, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
You can use an index on an expression like "lower( col ) LIKE ... " as 
long as the LIKE expression is left-anchored. See
Yes, I know that already.  I wasn't talking about LIKE; I was talking 
about ILIKE.  The data in the column is mixed-case.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] mailing list archive search form broken?

2004-09-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
I receive the error message "Try to compose a less restrictive search 
query or check spelling" regardless of search term when attempting to 
search the list "PgSQL - General" via the mailing list archive search 
form at:

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] using COPY table FROM STDIN within script run as psql -f file.sql

2004-09-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
This is a tip for the record in case it helps somebody else in the 

I have an import script that relies on a stored procedure that runs as 
a trigger on inserts into a temporary table.  The script looks like 

-- create table
-- ...
-- define procedure and trigger
-- ...
-- import data via COPY command:
However, when run as "psql -f import.sql 

The solution is to use the psql "\COPY" command instead (and remove the 
trailing semi-colon, which cannot be used with psql commands).  I.e. 
this command will work:

-Kevin Murphy
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]