[GENERAL] Log storage

2017-10-17 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Hello everyone,

An inaugural poster here, sorry if I misidentified a list for my question.

I am planning to use PostgreSQL as a storage for application logs (lines 
of text) with the following properties:

- Ingest logs at high rate: 3K lines per second minimum, but the more 
the better as it would mean we could use one Postgres instance for more 
than one app.

- Only store logs for a short while: days, may be weeks.

- Efficiently query logs by an arbitrary time period.

- A "live feed" output, akin to `tail -f` on a file.

For context, I only used Postgres for a bog standard read-heavy web 
apps, so I'm completely out of expertise for such a case. Here are my 

- Is it even possible/advisable to use an actual ACID RDBMS for such a 
load? Or put another way, can Postgres be tuned to achieve the required 
write throughput on some mid-level hardware on AWS? May be at the 
expense of sacrificing transaction isolation or something…

- Is there an efficient kind of index that would allow me to do `where 
'time' between ... ` on a constantly updated table?

- Is there such a thing as a "live cursor" in Postgres for doing the 
`tail -f` like output, or I should just query it in a loop (and skip 
records if the client can't keep up)?

Thanks in advance for all the answers!

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Re: [GENERAL] Log storage

2017-10-18 Thread Ivan Sagalaev
Can't get to hard data right now, but those are app logs that try to be 
no more than ~100 bytes characters long for readability, and also HTTP 
logs with long-ish request lines which might put it in the neighborhood 
of 2K characters.

On 10/18/2017 02:30 AM, legrand legrand wrote:

What is the (min, max, avg) size of the inserted text ?

SQLeo projection manager
Senior Oracle dba migrating towards PostgreSQL
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