[GENERAL] "show all" command crashes server

2009-09-10 Thread Grant Maxwell

Hi folks

First time poster here so please extend grace if I don't initially  
provide what is needed to help.

I am running postgresql 8.3.7 on debian lenny  

I have three of these servers and generally they run well.

On this one server if I use the command "show all" in psql, phpPgAdmin  
or pgAdmin3 the postgresql server spits the dummy as follows:

postg...@theconsole:~$ psql
Welcome to psql 8.3.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
   \h for help with SQL commands
   \? for help with psql commands
   \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
   \q to quit

postgres=# show all;
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

In the syslog is:

Sep 10 23:55:14 theconsole postgres[31118]: [3-2] 0: LOCATION:   
reaper, postmaster.c:2156
Sep 10 23:55:15 theconsole postgres[31124]: [4-1]  [local] [unknown]  
[unknown] 0: LOG:  08P01: incomplete startup packet
Sep 10 23:55:15 theconsole postgres[31124]: [4-2]  [local] [unknown]  
[unknown] 0: LOCATION:  ProcessStartupPacket, postmaster.c:1396
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [4-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
server process (PID 31145) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [4-2] 0: LOCATION:   
LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2529
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [5-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
terminating any other active server processes
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [5-2] 0: LOCATION:   
HandleChildCrash, postmaster.c:2374
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [6-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
all server processes terminated; reinitializing
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [6-2] 0: LOCATION:   
PostmasterStateMachine, postmaster.c:2690
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system was interrupted; last known up at 2009-09-10 23:55:14  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [7-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4836
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31147]: [7-1]  [local] postgres  
postgres 0: FATAL:  57P03: the database system is in recovery mode
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31147]: [7-2]  [local] postgres  
postgres 0: LOCATION:  ProcessStartupPacket, postmaster.c:1648
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [8-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [8-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:5003
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [9-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
record with zero length at 2A/E734761C
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [9-2] 0: LOCATION:   
ReadRecord, xlog.c:3126
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [10-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
redo is not required
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [10-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:5146
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31150]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
autovacuum launcher started
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31150]: [7-2] 0: LOCATION:   
AutoVacLauncherMain, autovacuum.c:520
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system is ready to accept connections

this is 100% repeatable.

The database seems to work fine unless this command is run then it is  
instant death.

any help would be appreciated


Re: [GENERAL] "show all" command crashes server

2009-09-10 Thread Grant Maxwell

On 11/09/2009, at 1:09 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:

On this one server if I use the command "show all" in psql,  

or pgAdmin3 the postgresql server spits the dummy as follows:

postgres=# show all;
server closed the connection unexpectedly

Hmm - some modules can provide their own config variables. Do you have
the same modules installed in all three servers?

How can I determine what modules are installed ?
		I do know that pgmemcache is installed on this server - but it was  
there before the problems started and it works ok.

Can you "show" individual variables?
		I did a show all on one of the other servers, created a script to  
use each of the resulting outputs in a single show statement and ran  
on the problem server.

It ran without a fault.

		I then took the postgresql.conf file from the problem server,  
grabbed all the config lines and submitted them one at a time (again  
with a script) and it also

worked fine.

Grant Maxwell

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Re: [GENERAL] "show all" command crashes server

2009-09-10 Thread Grant Maxwell

On 11/09/2009, at 8:17 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Grant Maxwell  writes:

On 11/09/2009, at 1:09 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:
Hmm - some modules can provide their own config variables. Do you  

the same modules installed in all three servers?

How can I determine what modules are installed ?

The contents of the local_preload_libraries and  

parameters would probably be enough ...

regards, tom lane

On the problem server:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pgmemcache'
#local_preload_libraries = ''

on the others both are emply.

For good measure I removed pgmemcache but the problem persists.
I have now put it back.


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Re: [GENERAL] "show all" command crashes server

2009-09-10 Thread Grant Maxwell

On 11/09/2009, at 8:36 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Grant Maxwell  writes:

On the problem server:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pgmemcache'
#local_preload_libraries = ''

on the others both are emply.

Sounds like a smoking gun to me.

For good measure I removed pgmemcache but the problem persists.

Did you restart the postmaster afterwards?  shared_preload_libraries
is only considered at postmaster start.

yep - full restart.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] primary keys

2009-09-12 Thread Grant Maxwell

Hi Folks

I'm looking for a bit of advice regarding alpha primary keys.

I have a table (designed by someone else) that has a numeric primary  
key and also a unique non-null email address field.

The use of the primary key is causing me some headaches in that in   
multiple database server environment each server allocates a unique  
number from a range
(and that works fine) but when the table is replicated (master-master- 
master) the exception handling is a bit tricky because each database  
server may have
records that are duplicate at the email address field - with a  
different primary key number.

I don't know why it was done this way but it seems to me that the  
email addresses are unique, non null and could be used as the primary  
key. This would make the

replication much faster and simpler.

Does anyone out there think the change (number to email address as  
primary key) would be a bad idea ?

your thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re: [GENERAL] primary keys

2009-09-12 Thread Grant Maxwell

On 13/09/2009, at 2:46 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Grant Maxwell  writes:

I don't know why it was done this way but it seems to me that the
email addresses are unique, non null and could be used as the primary
key. This would make the replication much faster and simpler.

Does anyone out there think the change (number to email address as
primary key) would be a bad idea ?

One thing that's often considered a useful attribute of a primary  
key is

that it be immutable.  In your application, do users ever change their
email addresses?  If so, what should happen --- is it okay to treat  

as effectively a new entry?

This would be ok. The table keeps a list of email addresses and some  
stats on them
users may have multiple addresses but would never alter a specific  

Also, if you have any other tables referencing this one via foreign
keys, you'd have to have them storing the email address instead of
the serial number; it'll be bulkier and address updates will be that
much more expensive.

so text PKs will be less efficient than numeric ?

You can find lots and lots and lots of discussion of this topic if
you search the archives for talk about natural versus surrogate keys.

Good pointer = thanks Tom

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] "show all" command crashes server *** FIXED ***

2009-09-13 Thread Grant Maxwell

First of all thanks to those who provided input.

This problem is now fixed and I thought I would post this solution so  
that others might benefit in the future.

For the sake of completeness:

	The error was that if "show all" was run on this postgresql (version  
8.3) server, postgres would crash and then recover.

Otherwise the server "seemed" healthy

The postgres log showed:
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [4-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
server process (PID 31145) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [4-2] 0: LOCATION:   
LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2529
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [5-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
terminating any other active server processes
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [5-2] 0: LOCATION:   
HandleChildCrash, postmaster.c:2374
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [6-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
all server processes terminated; reinitializing
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [6-2] 0: LOCATION:   
PostmasterStateMachine, postmaster.c:2690
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system was interrupted; last known up at 2009-09-10 23:55:14  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [7-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4836
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31147]: [7-1]  [local] postgres  
postgres 0: FATAL:  57P03: the database system is in recovery mode
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31147]: [7-2]  [local] postgres  
postgres 0: LOCATION:  ProcessStartupPacket, postmaster.c:1648
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [8-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in  
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [8-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:5003
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [9-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
record with zero length at 2A/E734761C
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [9-2] 0: LOCATION:   
ReadRecord, xlog.c:3126
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [10-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
redo is not required
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31146]: [10-2] 0: LOCATION:   
StartupXLOG, xlog.c:5146
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31150]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
autovacuum launcher started
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31150]: [7-2] 0: LOCATION:   
AutoVacLauncherMain, autovacuum.c:520
Sep 10 23:55:36 theconsole postgres[31118]: [7-1] 0: LOG:  0:  
database system is ready to accept connections

Increase the memory on the server.

	We had recently ( a month before) had installed splunk on the server.  
It was running ok
	The combination of splunk and other tasks running had pushed the  
memory too close.
	What we did not notice was that swap had been almost completely  
consumed - nasty

	We shut it all down, increased the memory (double) and voila -  
problem gone.

It goes to show that when hunting problems we should not ignore the  
basic environmental elements.
It also goes to show that our monitoring system was not looking at  
this relatively new server.

(this confession is not an invitation for a spanking)

again thanks for the help

On 11/09/2009, at 9:09 AM, Grant Maxwell wrote:

On 11/09/2009, at 8:36 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Grant Maxwell  writes:

On the problem server:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pgmemcache'
#local_preload_libraries = ''

on the others both are emply.

Sounds like a smoking gun to me.

For good measure I removed pgmemcache but the problem persists.

Did you restart the postmaster afterwards?  shared_preload_libraries
is only considered at postmaster start.

yep - full restart.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for way to replicate master db to multiple mobile databases

2009-09-24 Thread Grant Maxwell

On 25/09/2009, at 12:50 PM, Selena Deckelmann wrote:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Cédric Villemain

Le jeudi 24 septembre 2009, Selena Deckelmann a écrit :


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Bryan Montgomery >


I'm looking for a way to replicate am master database to multiple  
databases that are taken in to the field. Currently for each  
laptop we
dump and load the tables. However,there is only a small  
percentage of

data that changes on a frequent basis.

I've been looking around and come across pyerplica, londiste and  
- the documentation on most of these is fairly sparse. It seems  

Bucardo may be the best bet - at least initially.

Bucardo is a good choice for this usage model because it was
originally designed to work over a lossy network connections.

yes, but isn't bucardo designed to 2 nodes only ?

No, definitely not!  You can replicate to any number of systems. And
you can group them in whatever groups you'd like.  Multi-master (as
Joshua said) only works between two nodes, but master->slave can be
from a master, to any number of slaves.

I use bucardo extensively across multiple sites and with complex  
replication requirements. It does a great job.

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[GENERAL] problem with array query

2009-09-27 Thread Grant Maxwell

Hi Folks

According to the 8.3 docs I should be able to write:
select * from tblretrain where   'ms-ap-t2-02c9' NOT IN   (owners);

where owners is an array per the following definition

CREATE TABLE tblretrain
  pkretrainid integer NOT NULL,
  mailid integer NOT NULL,
  train_to smallint NOT NULL,
  owners character varying(1024)[],
  bayes_trained boolean DEFAULT false,
  contents text NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT tblretrain_pk PRIMARY KEY (pkretrainid)

The problem is that it generates an error:

ERROR:  array value must start with "{" or dimension information
** Error **
ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
SQL state: 22P02

It seems as though postgres is not recognising owners as an array.

Any suggestions please ?

Re: [GENERAL] problem with array query

2009-09-27 Thread Grant Maxwell

Hi Tom

The bit I was reading is

 However, this quickly becomes tedious for large arrays, and is not  
helpful if the size of the array is uncertain. An alternative method  
is described in Section 9.20. The above query could be replaced by:

SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 1 = ANY (pay_by_quarter);
In addition, you could find rows where the array had all values equal  
to 1 with:

SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 1 = ALL (pay_by_quarter);
(section 9.20 is the bit that suggests the syntax I was trying)
<> ALL is not working. I thought it would fail if the LS does not  
match every array member of the RS.
What I'm trying to do is find every record where "my name" is not in  
the array.

So I tried <> ANY and also <> ALL and both returned an empty row set.

On 28/09/2009, at 11:42 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Grant Maxwell  writes:

According to the 8.3 docs I should be able to write:
select * from tblretrain where   'ms-ap-t2-02c9' NOT IN   (owners);
where owners is an array per the following definition
  owners character varying(1024)[],

No, what you can write is "<> ALL", not NOT IN.

It seems as though postgres is not recognising owners as an array.

It's trying to parse the literal as an array so that it can do a
plain equality comparison against the owners column.

You probably read the part of the docs where it says that
x NOT IN (SELECT ...) is equivalent to x <> ALL (SELECT ...).
Which is true, but it has nothing to do with the non-sub-SELECT  

Without a sub-SELECT, we have two cases:
x NOT IN (y,z,...) expects x,y,z to all be the same type.
x <> ALL (y) expects y to be an array of x's type.
Got it?

regards, tom lane

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