[OpenWrt-Devel] ubiquiti unifi pro vlan config issue

2014-07-08 Thread ulf kypke
hi, i have problems getting a vlan setting working on a unifi pro runnnig
on a managed switch with tagged vlan ports

based on the hardware table in the wiki the unifi pro has a AR8327 switch.

i tried setting up a config like

and i also tried a setup like the readme in

both without success, the device is not reachable anymore.

does anyone know how to run the unifi pro in vlan
so that each wifi mapped to one tagged vlan like for example:

the 2.4 ghz wifi is mapped to vlan2
and the 5ghz wifi is mapped to vlan5

and config for the device is mapped to vlan3

here is my config network:

config interface 'vlan3'
option ifname 'eth0.3'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''
option gateway ''
option dns ''

config interface 'vlan2'

option ifname 'eth0.2'
option type 'bridge'
option proto 'none'

config interface 'vlan5'

option ifname 'eth0.5'
option type 'bridge'
option proto 'none'

and wireless is like this

config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
option mode 'ap'
option encryption 'none'
option ssid 'guest'
option network 'vlan2'

config wifi-iface
option device 'radio1'
option mode 'ap'
option encryption 'wpa-mixed'
option key 'foofoofoo'
option ssid 'private'
option network 'vlan5'

and help or tips would be awesome

thanks ulf

Ulf Kypke-Burchardi
Köpenicker Strasse 159
10997 Berlin, Germany
+49 - (0) 177 - 3405152
openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] edgerouter lite vs openwrt

2014-07-08 Thread Luca Postregna
Is there anybody with experience in setup openwrt on ubiquiti edgerouter
I found only incomplete online information about.
Is there howto?


openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] edgerouter lite vs openwrt

2014-07-08 Thread Edison Figueira Junior
the trunk version works correctly

Enviada do meu iPhone

> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:04, Luca Postregna  escreveu:
> Is there anybody with experience in setup openwrt on ubiquiti edgerouter lite?
> I found only incomplete online information about.
> Is there howto?
> Thanks
> LP
> -- 
> luca.postregna.name
> twitter.com/lucapost
> ___
> openwrt-devel mailing list
> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] why only hostapd?

2014-07-08 Thread smilebef
Only hostap work with dfs in AP-Mode?
This is the last development step here?
Than is this not rewarding for me.

Wy this limitation?
Is this necessary?

I think no.

1. I think the Hardware has only to disable the channel if Radar is
   detectet. Right? It works.
2. The Software in Userspace has to choice a (ald and new) channel.
Right? It works only with hostapd!
3. We are not bound to honour a standard, that not explicit writen for
ours application!
4. We are only engaged to fulfil the laws of the countries.

But why only hostapd?

If the Hardware disables the channel because radardetect, i do not need
any instance, that tell me wich aplication rules my channels, because i
can not overide disabled channels by hardware with the software tools.

I think the choice of the channel can also be done by a shell-script
using iw or iwconfig located in chrontab.

The current situation is in my opinion not nessesary and not
consistent to ours situation.


Am Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:14:10 +0200
schrieb Martin Garbe :

> On 7/3/14, 7:28 AM, Jacek Kikiewicz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I sure selected this option, as I said command 'iw phy phy1 info'
> > does in fact show DFS channels, but I just cannot set them for
> > usage...
> > 
> The command "iw phy ..." only shows hardware capabilities. For DFS
> hardware AND software support is needed. In OpenWRT you need hostapd
> to support DFS too. The config parameter CONFIG_PACKAGE_ATH_DFS
> explicitely activates DFS in hostapd. This parameter is not set by
> default. For more information see also the patch with comment in git:
> http://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt.git;a=commitdiff;h=5fd90c893f86e88150ea81be7afd337ac1b802aa
> Regards,
> Martin
> > Jacek
> > 
> > On 07/02/14 22:50, Martin Garbe wrote:
> >> On 7/1/14, 10:04 AM, Jacek Kikiewicz wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> I have few APs that are using ath9k driver, I've read that now
> >>> DFS is supported on that driver,
> >>> so I compiled latest revision (yesterday: 41415), and started
> >>> playing, basically when as per
> >>> manual / howto I run 'iw phy phy1 info' I can see DFS channels,
> >>> exactly like in howto on a wiki, problem is however
> >>> that I cannot make it work on those channels (I've tried
> >>> 52,56,100, 104), after changing config and restarting wifi
> >>> I saw in dmesg 'interface wlan1 entered disabled mode) - I tried
> >>> with HT20 for the beginning.
> >>> So, question here is, should this work in current state or is
> >>> there still some support missing?
> >>> I can pull any logs  / settings that are of interest.
> >> Have you elected
> >> when compiling the driver? This way you agree to the fact that your
> >> hardware supports DFS. After that DFS channels can be selected.
> >>
> >>
> >> Martin
> >>
> >>> Thanks!
> >>> Jacek
> >>> ___
> >>> openwrt-devel mailing list
> >>> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> >>> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> openwrt-devel mailing list
> >> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> >> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
> > ___
> > openwrt-devel mailing list
> > openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> > https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
> ___
> openwrt-devel mailing list
> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] edgerouter lite vs openwrt

2014-07-08 Thread Luca Postregna
Hi edison,
   can you summarize for me the right way to install openwrt on usb flash
of ERLite?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Edison Figueira Junior 

> the trunk version works correctly
> Enviada do meu iPhone
> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:04, Luca Postregna 
> escreveu:
> Is there anybody with experience in setup openwrt on ubiquiti edgerouter
> lite?
> I found only incomplete online information about.
> Is there howto?
> Thanks
> LP
> --
> luca.postregna.name
> twitter.com/lucapost
> ___
> openwrt-devel mailing list
> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel

openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] edgerouter lite vs openwrt

2014-07-08 Thread Edison Figueira Junior
Hi luca,

Put the kernel on /dev/sda1 partition of usb flash with vmlinux.64 name and 
extract rootfs on /dev/sda2 of usb flash

make the backup of kernel ubnt :-) 

Enviada do meu iPhone

> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:39, Luca Postregna  escreveu:
> Hi edison,
>can you summarize for me the right way to install openwrt on usb flash of 
> ERLite?
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Edison Figueira Junior  
>> wrote:
>> the trunk version works correctly
>> Enviada do meu iPhone
>>> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:04, Luca Postregna  escreveu:
>>> Is there anybody with experience in setup openwrt on ubiquiti edgerouter 
>>> lite?
>>> I found only incomplete online information about.
>>> Is there howto?
>>> Thanks
>>> LP
>>> -- 
>>> luca.postregna.name
>>> twitter.com/lucapost
>>> ___
>>> openwrt-devel mailing list
>>> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
>>> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
> -- 
> luca.postregna.name
> twitter.com/lucapost
openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] [package] libubox: fix segment fault for out-of-memory

2014-07-08 Thread ewolfok
HI, all

this is a patch try to fix libubox's segment fault for out-of-memory

Best regards

Signed-off-by:Chen Bin 
diff --git a/blob.c b/blob.c
index 10c1f49..ec8617b 100644
--- a/blob.c
+++ b/blob.c
@@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
 static bool
 blob_buffer_grow(struct blob_buf *buf, int minlen)
+   struct blob_buf *new;
int delta = ((minlen / 256) + 1) * 256;
-   buf->buflen += delta;
-   buf->buf = realloc(buf->buf, buf->buflen);
-   if (buf->buf)
-   memset(buf->buf + buf->buflen - delta, 0, delta);
-   return !!buf->buf;
+   new = realloc(buf->buf, buf->buflen + delta);
+   if (new) {
+   buf->buf = new;
+   memset(buf->buf + buf->buflen, 0, delta);
+   buf->buflen += delta;
+   }
+   return !!new;
 static void
@@ -50,15 +53,16 @@ attr_to_offset(struct blob_buf *buf, struct blob_attr *attr)
return (char *)attr - (char *) buf->buf + BLOB_COOKIE;
 blob_buf_grow(struct blob_buf *buf, int required)
int offset_head = attr_to_offset(buf, buf->head);
if (!buf->grow || !buf->grow(buf, required))
-   return;
+   return false;
buf->head = offset_to_attr(buf, offset_head);
+   return true;
 static struct blob_attr *
@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ blob_add(struct blob_buf *buf, struct blob_attr *pos, int id, 
int payload)
struct blob_attr *attr;
if (required > 0) {
-   blob_buf_grow(buf, required);
+   if (!blob_buf_grow(buf, required))
+   return NULL;
attr = offset_to_attr(buf, offset);
} else {
attr = pos;
@@ -142,6 +147,8 @@ blob_put_raw(struct blob_buf *buf, const void *ptr, 
unsigned int len)
return NULL;
attr = blob_add(buf, blob_next(buf->head), 0, len - sizeof(struct 
+   if (!attr)
+   return NULL;
blob_set_raw_len(buf->head, blob_pad_len(buf->head) + len);
memcpy(attr, ptr, len);
return attr;
@@ -166,6 +173,8 @@ blob_nest_start(struct blob_buf *buf, int id)
unsigned long offset = attr_to_offset(buf, buf->head);
buf->head = blob_new(buf, id, 0);
+   if (!buf->head)
+   return NULL;
return (void *) offset;
diff --git a/blobmsg.c b/blobmsg.c
index f317152..ce9e4dd 100644
--- a/blobmsg.c
+++ b/blobmsg.c
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ blobmsg_open_nested(struct blob_buf *buf, const char *name, 
bool array)
name = "";
head = blobmsg_new(buf, type, name, 0, &data);
+   if (!head)
+   return NULL;
blob_set_raw_len(buf->head, blob_pad_len(buf->head) - 
buf->head = head;
return (void *)offset;
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] why only hostapd?

2014-07-08 Thread Felix Fietkau
On 2014-07-08 15:22, smile...@gmail.com wrote:
> Only hostap work with dfs in AP-Mode?
> This is the last development step here?
> Than is this not rewarding for me.

> Bacause:
> Wy this limitation?
hostapd is already required for AP mode. It controls the AP state,
channel configuration, etc.

> Is this necessary?
At the moment, yes.

> I think no.
> 1. I think the Hardware has only to disable the channel if Radar is
>detectet. Right? It works.
> 2. The Software in Userspace has to choice a (ald and new) channel.
> Right? It works only with hostapd!
> 3. We are not bound to honour a standard, that not explicit writen for
> ours application!
> 4. We are only engaged to fulfil the laws of the countries.
What you're writing looks a bit confused to me...

> But why only hostapd?
> If the Hardware disables the channel because radardetect, i do not need
> any instance, that tell me wich aplication rules my channels, because i
> can not overide disabled channels by hardware with the software tools.
> I think the choice of the channel can also be done by a shell-script
> using iw or iwconfig located in chrontab.
Even without DFS that doesn't work.

> The current situation is in my opinion not nessesary and not
> consistent to ours situation.
Your opinion seems to be lacking quite a bit of background regarding the
design of MAC layer management within mac80211, cfg80211 and hostapd.

- Felix
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH 2/4] [rb532] change default package set

2014-07-08 Thread Roman Yeryomin
On 8 July 2014 04:17, Florian Fainelli  wrote:
> 2014-07-07 13:57 GMT-07:00 Roman Yeryomin :
>> On 7 July 2014 11:52, Felix Fietkau  wrote:
>>> On 2014-07-05 00:36, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
 There could be no wireless interfaces but ethernets are on board.

 Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin 
>>> Not taking this one. Adding kmod-via-rhine is unnecessary, since the
>>> driver is already built into the kernel.
>> Ok, true... though I don't see the point in keeping wpad and madwifi there.
> Could you resubmit with a more recent package set such as wpad-mini
> and kmod-ath5k for instance?

How about just removing wpad and madwifi? I understand that, most
likely, there will be some wifi card installed but it can be any
minipci card and some (like me) may not use any wifi cards at all.

openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] edgerouter lite vs openwrt

2014-07-08 Thread Luca Postregna
do you have .config for me?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Edison Figueira Junior 

> Hi luca,
> Put the kernel on /dev/sda1 partition of usb flash with vmlinux.64 name
> and extract rootfs on /dev/sda2 of usb flash
> make the backup of kernel ubnt :-)
> Enviada do meu iPhone
> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:39, Luca Postregna 
> escreveu:
> Hi edison,
>can you summarize for me the right way to install openwrt on usb flash
> of ERLite?
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Edison Figueira Junior 
> wrote:
>> the trunk version works correctly
>> Enviada do meu iPhone
>> Em 08/07/2014, às 10:04, Luca Postregna 
>> escreveu:
>> Is there anybody with experience in setup openwrt on ubiquiti edgerouter
>> lite?
>> I found only incomplete online information about.
>> Is there howto?
>> Thanks
>> LP
>> --
>> luca.postregna.name
>> twitter.com/lucapost
>> ___
>> openwrt-devel mailing list
>> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
>> https://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel
> --
> luca.postregna.name
> twitter.com/lucapost

openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] uClibc menuconfig

2014-07-08 Thread Carlos Ferreira
Hello all!

Can anyone tell me how can I enable the pthread debug mode in uClibc?
I followed the instructions as explained here
 with no luck in
obtaining the libthread_db.so.

In here
the explanation for accessing the menuconfig for uClibc does not work in
Does anyone knows if the uclibc menuconfig still exists in current trunk?


Carlos Miguel Ferreira
Researcher at Telecommunications Institute
Aveiro - Portugal
Work E-mail - c...@av.it.pt
Skype & GTalk -> carlosmf...@gmail.com
LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmferreira
openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] [Patch] [ar71xx] added support for TL-WA830RE V2

2014-07-08 Thread Fredrik Jonson
Sorry for the incorrect topic.

Signed-off-by: Fredrik Jonson 
 target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/diag.sh |   1 +
 .../ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/01_leds |   5 +
 .../ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/02_network  |   1 +
 target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/ar71xx.sh   |   3 +
 .../ar71xx/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh  |   1 +
 target/linux/ar71xx/config-3.10|   1 +
 .../files/arch/mips/ath79/mach-tl-wa830re-v2.c | 132 +
 target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile |   3 +-
 target/linux/ar71xx/mikrotik/config-default|   1 +
 .../714-MIPS-auth79-add-TL-WA830REv2-support.patch |  42 +++
 10 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 

diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/diag.sh 
index ef172b4..d2e4937 100755
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/diag.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/diag.sh
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ get_status_led() {
tl-wr841n-v1 | \
tl-wr841n-v7 | \
tl-wr841n-v8 | \
+   tl-wa830re-v2 | \
tl-wr842n-v2 | \
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/01_leds 
index fe5ff93..ebc8942 100755
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/01_leds
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/01_leds
@@ -286,6 +286,11 @@ tl-wr841n-v8)
ucidef_set_led_wlan "wlan" "WLAN" "tp-link:green:wlan" "phy0tpt"
+   ucidef_set_led_netdev "lan" "LAN" "tp-link:green:lan" "eth0"
+   ucidef_set_led_wlan "wlan" "WLAN" "tp-link:green:wlan" "phy0tpt"
+   ;;
ucidef_set_led_netdev "wan" "WAN" "tp-link:green:wan" "eth1"
ucidef_set_led_switch "lan1" "LAN1" "tp-link:green:lan1" "switch0" 
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/02_network 
index 646425c..6a43d03 100755
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/02_network
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/02_network
@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ tl-mr3040 |\
 tl-mr3040-v2 |\
 tl-wa750re |\
 tl-wa850re |\
+tl-wa830re-v2 |\
 tl-wa801nd-v2 |\
 tl-wa901nd |\
 tl-wa901nd-v2 |\
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/ar71xx.sh 
index bd277ab..88a1c86 100755
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/ar71xx.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/ar71xx.sh
@@ -541,6 +541,9 @@ ar71xx_board_detect() {
+   *"TL-WA830RE v2")
+   name="tl-wa830re-v2"
+   ;;
*"TL-WA801ND v2")
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh 
index 8af9580..8f3b563 100755
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ platform_check_image() {
tl-wr741nd | \
tl-wr741nd-v4 | \
tl-wr841n-v1 | \
+   tl-wa830re-v2 | \
tl-wr841n-v7 | \
tl-wr841n-v8 | \
tl-wr841n-v9 | \
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/config-3.10 b/target/linux/ar71xx/config-3.10
index 4e30a44..fbd22b9 100644
--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/config-3.10
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/config-3.10
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ CONFIG_ATH79_MACH_TL_MR11U=y
diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/files/arch/mips/ath79/mach-tl-wa830re-v2.c 
new file mode 100644
index 000..1c74fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/files/arch/mips/ath79/mach-tl-wa830re-v2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ *  TP-LINK TL-WA830RE v2 board support
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2014 Fredrik Jonson 
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+ *  by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dev-eth.h"
+#include "dev-gpio-buttons.h"
+#include "dev-leds-gpio.h"
+#include "dev-m25p80.h"
+#include "dev-usb.h"
+#include "dev-wmac.h"
+#include "machtypes.h"
+#define TL_WA830REV2_GPIO_LED_WLAN 13
+#define TL_WA830REV2_GPIO_LED_QSS  15
+#define TL_WA830REV2_GPIO_LED

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH 2/4] [rb532] change default package set

2014-07-08 Thread Florian Fainelli
2014-07-08 8:01 GMT-07:00 Roman Yeryomin :
> On 8 July 2014 04:17, Florian Fainelli  wrote:
>> 2014-07-07 13:57 GMT-07:00 Roman Yeryomin :
>>> On 7 July 2014 11:52, Felix Fietkau  wrote:
 On 2014-07-05 00:36, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
> There could be no wireless interfaces but ethernets are on board.
> Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin 
 Not taking this one. Adding kmod-via-rhine is unnecessary, since the
 driver is already built into the kernel.
>>> Ok, true... though I don't see the point in keeping wpad and madwifi there.
>> Could you resubmit with a more recent package set such as wpad-mini
>> and kmod-ath5k for instance?
> How about just removing wpad and madwifi? I understand that, most
> likely, there will be some wifi card installed but it can be any
> minipci card and some (like me) may not use any wifi cards at all.

How about keeping it? By the time the RB532 was sold, ath5k driven
mini-PCI cards were also sold, so they are likely to be still
installed. Either way, I am fine with nothing, you have already
dictated the use of 'eth0' as a WAN interface, so I guess that's a
fair change.
openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] Kernel module development workflow

2014-07-08 Thread Tomas Daujotas
I was looking for a good reference for OpenWRT kernel module development
workflow. I know that it is possible to download the linux kernel, set up
the cross-compile and do all the job messing around the files, however I am
interested if there is a *correct* way of doing driver development.
I've been using Eclipse for most of my embedded designs and search on
Google ended up in this lovely manual:
Since it already sets up the cross-compile stuff, the main issue for me
should be setting up the correct include paths for kernel headers. This
becomes an interesting task. E.g. we have an include from the example here:
http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/07/write-linux-kernel-module/ ->


However, the current path for the kernel sources is:
including the path ./openwrt/build_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
would not work, so this requires either renaming the directory, creating a
symlink or using another kernel sources location, which I probably don't
know. I couldn't find a decent and good manual of setting up the

Could you please put me on the correct way of how to start the development
properly, so the driver could be easily implemented into the system?

Thank you.

Tomas Daujotas
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH 2/4] [rb532] change default package set

2014-07-08 Thread Roman Yeryomin
On 8 July 2014 21:37, Florian Fainelli  wrote:
> 2014-07-08 8:01 GMT-07:00 Roman Yeryomin :
>> On 8 July 2014 04:17, Florian Fainelli  wrote:
>>> 2014-07-07 13:57 GMT-07:00 Roman Yeryomin :
 On 7 July 2014 11:52, Felix Fietkau  wrote:
> On 2014-07-05 00:36, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
>> There could be no wireless interfaces but ethernets are on board.
>> Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin 
> Not taking this one. Adding kmod-via-rhine is unnecessary, since the
> driver is already built into the kernel.

 Ok, true... though I don't see the point in keeping wpad and madwifi there.
>>> Could you resubmit with a more recent package set such as wpad-mini
>>> and kmod-ath5k for instance?
>> How about just removing wpad and madwifi? I understand that, most
>> likely, there will be some wifi card installed but it can be any
>> minipci card and some (like me) may not use any wifi cards at all.
> How about keeping it? By the time the RB532 was sold, ath5k driven
> mini-PCI cards were also sold, so they are likely to be still
> installed. Either way, I am fine with nothing, you have already
> dictated the use of 'eth0' as a WAN interface, so I guess that's a
> fair change.

Didn't know that I'm a dictator :)
If you are fine with nothing that would mean you don't care, but seems you do.
It's just that I prefer defining defaults only if they are really
defaults. Like if there would be onboard wireless or if rb532 couldn't
be bought without wifi cards. But by default they were sold without
any wireless cards.
Either way, seems that nobody but me (at least from the list) really
uses these boards, so, I assumed, that my micro-dictatorship would be
acceptable. :)

openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] Board-specific config for WNR1000v2

2014-07-08 Thread Cody Jackson

Hello all;

A OpenWRT ramdisk image runs nicely on my Netgear WNR1000v2 VC (Atheros 
7240 CPU, ar71xx target) except for the minor fact that when booted as a 
"generic" board, there are no network devices. (But who needs those 
anyway on a router, right?)

I'm hacking on the WNR2000 board init code (in 
linux/ar71xx/files/arch/mips/ath79/mach-wnr2000.c) and I believe I 
understand the gist of what it's doing. However, when I try booting with 
my hacked code, it crashes on ath79_register_wmac().

I think the key is this line:

u8 *eeprom = (u8 *) KSEG1ADDR(0x1fff1000);

But I'm not sure what it does. My best guest is that it's a pointer to 
the flash memory (or possibly a specific portion of it, such as the ART 
partition with the device MAC addresses), with the magic number being 
its address in the address space of the device. I don't think 0x1fff1000 
is correct for the WNR1000v2. How can I go about figuring out the 
correct address (if it is incorrect)?

I've browsed through the Netgear GPL'd source code but there is an 
overwhelming number of addresses specified in a header file (ar7240.h). 
However, 0x1f is defined as AR7240_SPI_BASE, which does seem to 
be flash memory...

I'd appreciate any pointers in the right direction.

-Cody Jackson
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] why only hostapd?

2014-07-08 Thread Bernd Naumann
Hi Felix,

As I do not have the lightest clue about the magic behind DFS I want to
ask a question.

If I understand it correctly, routers in a mesh network have to change
there channel if they detect a radar, and all routers in a mesh network
have to use the same channel, but have to switch to the proper channel
/at once/?

Additionally, the only way to set the channel on OpenWRT is to use
hostapd? And the problem is, that some script have to make the decision
and have to tell hostapd the set the 'new' channel? Or am I completely
miss the point?

Thanks for making things clear to me,
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] kernel: ledtrig-netdev: use netdev_notifier_info

2014-07-08 Thread Luka Perkov
Hi Claudio,

On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 08:24:32PM -0400, Claudio Leite wrote:
> Since kernel 3.11, the third parameter passed to notifier_call()
> is of type struct netdev_notifier_info. This patch fixes an oops
> when setting a netdev LED trigger.
> Signed-off-by: Claudio Leite 
> ---
>  .../patches-3.12/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch | 13 
> +
>  .../patches-3.13/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch | 13 
> +
>  .../patches-3.14/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch | 13 
> +
>  3 files changed, 39 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 
> target/linux/generic/patches-3.12/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch
>  create mode 100644 
> target/linux/generic/patches-3.13/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch
>  create mode 100644 
> target/linux/generic/patches-3.14/833-ledtrig_netdev-use-notifier-info.patch

Applied in r41552. I have merged the patch with already existing
831-ledtrig_netdev.patch. Thanks for fixing this!

openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] Help with SysupgradeNAND

2014-07-08 Thread Ben Mulvihill
Hello Daniel,

I have got SysupgradeNAND working on the BTHOMEHUBV2B with an all-ubifs
rootfs, with a patch which I'll submit in another email, once I've
recompiled with the latest trunk and made sure that everything is 
working, but in the meantime I have a question: am I right in thinking
that the only type of overlay supported is squashfs + ubifs, not
squashfs + jffs2 ?


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