[OpenStack-Infra] helping openstack-infra

2019-11-25 Thread Sorin Sbarnea

In response to 
 would like to state that I am more than willing to help the openstack-infra 
team with sysadmin tasks needed.

I am fully aware this will require me investing more time on infra specific 
tasks but I am glad it do have the support from my organization for doing this.

As I was really happy about my last year experience with others from infra and 
I valued a lot their help on various tasks, I want to also return the favor and 
help with other chores or features we may need do to make our CI even better.

So mainly, just let me know what needs should be done?

Sorin Sbarnea
Red Hat TripleO CI

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [zuul-jobs] configure-mirrors: deprecate mirroring configuration for easy_install

2019-11-25 Thread Paul Belanger
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 04:02:13PM +1100, Ian Wienand wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I force-merged [5] to avoid widespread gate breakage.  Because
> the change is in zuul-jobs, we have a policy of annoucing
> deprecations.  I've written the following but not sent it to
> zuul-announce (per policy) yet, as I'm not 100% confident in the
> explanation.
> I'd appreciate it if, once proof-read, someone could send it out
> (modified or otherwise).
> Thanks,

Rather then force merge, and potential break other zuul installs. What
about a new feature flag, that was still enabled but have openstack base
jobs disabled?  This would still allow older versions of setuptools to
work I would guess?

That said, ansible Zuul is not affected as we currently fork
configure-mirrors for our open puproses, I'll check now that we are also
not affected.

> -i
> --
> Hello,
> The recent release of setuptools 42.0.0 has broken the method used by
> the configure-mirrors role to ensure easy_install (the older method of
> install packages, before pip became in widespread use [1]) would only
> access the PyPi mirror.
> The prior mirror setup code would set the "allow_hosts" whitelist to
> the mirror host exclusively in pydistutils.cfg.  This would avoid
> easy_install "leaking" access outside the specified mirror.
> Change [2] in setuptools means that pip is now used to fetch packages.
> Since it does not implement the constraints of the "allow_hosts"
> setting, specifying this option has become an error condition.  This
> is reported as:
>  the `allow-hosts` option is not supported 'when using pip to install 
> requirements
> It has been pointed out [3] that this prior code would break any
> dependency_links [4] that might be specified for the package (as the
> external URLs will not match the whitelist).  Overall, there is no
> desire to work-around this behaviour as easy_install is considered
> deprecated for any current use.
> In short, this means the only solution is to remove the now
> conflicting configuration from pydistutils.cfg.  Due to the urgency of
> this update, it has been merged with [5] before our usual 2-week
> deprecation notice.
> The result of this is that older setuptools (perhaps in a virtualenv)
> with jobs still using easy_install may not correctly access the
> specified mirror.  Assuming jobs have access to PyPi they would still
> work, although without the benefits of a local mirror.  If such jobs
> are firewalled from usptream they may now fail.  We consider the
> chance of jobs using this legacy install method in this situation to
> be very low.
> Please contact zuul-discuss [6] with any concerns.
> We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming :)
> [1] https://packaging.python.org/discussions/pip-vs-easy-install/
> [2] 
> https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/commit/d6948c636f5e657ac56911b71b7a459d326d8389
> [3] https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1916
> [4] https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dependencies.html
> [5] https://review.opendev.org/695821
> [6] http://lists.zuul-ci.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/zuul-discuss
> ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing list
> OpenStack-Infra@lists.openstack.org
> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-infra

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [zuul-jobs] configure-mirrors: deprecate mirroring configuration for easy_install

2019-11-25 Thread Clark Boylan
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 5:38 AM, Paul Belanger wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 04:02:13PM +1100, Ian Wienand wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Today I force-merged [5] to avoid widespread gate breakage.  Because
> > the change is in zuul-jobs, we have a policy of annoucing
> > deprecations.  I've written the following but not sent it to
> > zuul-announce (per policy) yet, as I'm not 100% confident in the
> > explanation.
> > 
> > I'd appreciate it if, once proof-read, someone could send it out
> > (modified or otherwise).
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> Greetings!
> Rather then force merge, and potential break other zuul installs. What
> about a new feature flag, that was still enabled but have openstack base
> jobs disabled?  This would still allow older versions of setuptools to
> work I would guess?

I think the ship has sailed and the change has already been force merged. That 
said setuptools isn't something that you can easily control versioning of. For 
example when you create a virtualenv the version of setuptools in the 
virtualenv is automatically updated to the latest version. For this reason I 
think the merge was the best course of action.

> That said, ansible Zuul is not affected as we currently fork
> configure-mirrors for our open puproses, I'll check now that we are also
> not affected.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] helping openstack-infra

2019-11-25 Thread Clark Boylan
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 4:15 AM, Sorin Sbarnea wrote:
> Hi!
> In response to 
> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/upstream-investment-opportunities/2019/community-infrastructure-sysadmins.html
>  would like to state that I am more than willing to help the openstack-infra 
> team with sysadmin tasks needed.
> I am fully aware this will require me investing more time on infra 
> specific tasks but I am glad it do have the support from my 
> organization for doing this.
> As I was really happy about my last year experience with others from 
> infra and I valued a lot their help on various tasks, I want to also 
> return the favor and help with other chores or features we may need do 
> to make our CI even better.
> So mainly, just let me know what needs should be done?

Current priority efforts include OpenDev-ification of services and updating 
config management for puppet managed services to ansible and containers.

To opendevify services we are updating them to be hosted at opendev.org domains 
as well as updating theming if necessary to incorporate the opendev logo and 
color scheme. In many cases we want to install redirects from the old 
openstack.org names to the new opendev.org name. For services with SSL/TLS this 
is likely the trickiest bit of the conversion as our plan is to use LetsEncrypt 
for opendev.org names. Thankfully, we've sorted out a plan [0] for managing 
openstack.org names with LetsEncrypt certs as well.

For the config management updates we've been converting deployments of services 
from puppet to ansible and in many cases having ansible drive docker-compose to 
do the actual deployments. This process typically starts by determining if we 
can use an upstream image or not. If not we add a Dockerfile and corresponding 
image build jobs to the opendev/system-config repo. Then we can add jobs to 
test deployment of those containers and finally deploy to production via this 
method. The great thing about this process is we can fully test the deployment 
easily and there are many examples of that in system-config now (see Gitea).

Whether or not it makes more sense to convert a service to opendev or update 
its config management first, likely depends on how difficult it is to set up 
SSL/TLS for multiple domains. My hunch is that for most services doing the 
config management update with the SSL/TLS needs in mind is likely easiest.

If you'd like a concrete place to start I would suggest taking a service like 
ethercalc or etherpad, udpate its config management to ansible + 
docker-compose, implement test jobs as others have, then when all that is happy 
you can work with an infra root to replace our deployment of these services in 
production. Then if we haven't already done it in conjunction with the config 
management updates we can update the SSL/TLS setup and convert to an opendev 

Another different but slightly related OpenDev topic is to start implementing 
tooling so that top level orgs can manage their repositories directly. At the 
PTG we discussed doing this via a meta project per repo that determines who is 
allowed to make those changes, then via ansible of some sort implement those 
updates when the appropriate approvers have ACKed the change. This likely needs 
a bit of design work just to be sure we are all in agreement of the plan. A 
lightweight spec would be helpful.


Hope this helps. Feel free to dig in or ask questions and I'll do my best to 
expand on this  topic.


OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] helping openstack-infra

2019-11-25 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2019-11-25 09:48:20 -0800 (-0800), Clark Boylan wrote:
> For the config management updates we've been converting
> deployments of services from puppet to ansible

It also merits pointing out that this is in part driven by our
inability to easily apply our existing Puppet manifests with any of
the versions of Puppet available for newer operating systems like
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so if there is a desire to do something which
needs a newer operating system than (rapidly aging) Ubuntu 16.04
LTS, replacing the Puppet automation with Ansible is a necessary
Jeremy Stanley

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OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] Meeting Agenda for November 26, 2019

2019-11-25 Thread Clark Boylan
We will meet in #openstack-meeting at 19:00UTC November 26 with this agenda:

== Agenda for next meeting ==

* Announcements
** Holiday week for those in the USA

* Actions from last meeting

* Specs approval

* Priority Efforts (Standing meeting agenda items. Please expand if you have 
A Task Tracker for OpenStack]
 Update Config Management]
*** topic:update-cfg-mgmt
*** Zuul as CD engine
** OpenDev
*** Possible gitea/go-git bug in current version of gitea we are running 

* General topics
** Trusty Upgrade Progress (clarkb 20191126)
*** Wiki updates
** static.openstack.org (ianw,corvus,mnaser,fungi 20191126)
*** Infra-root needs to create AFS volumes.
** Installing tox with py3 in base images runs some envs with py3 now - update 
(ianw 20191125)
** Submariner on opendev.org (dgroisma, mkolesni)
** dib/nodepool container (ianw 20191125)
*** ianw to do writeup before
** Discussion on retiring services that are largely unmaintained or unused 
(clarkb 20191126)
*** Want to start this discussion as services like Ask are barely on life 
support and we should probably clean them up.
*** https://etherpad.openstack.org/infra-service-list

* Open discussion

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] Creating OpenDev control-plane docker images and naming

2019-11-25 Thread Ian Wienand

I'm trying to get us to a point where we can use nodepool container
images in production, particularly because I want to use updated tools
available in later distributions than our current Xenial builders [1]

We have hit the hardest problem; naming :)

To build a speculative nodepool-builder container image that is
suitable for a CI job (the prerequisite for production), we need to
somehow layer openstacksdk, diskimage-builder and finally nodepool
itself into one image for testing. [2]

These all live in different namespaces, and the links between them are
not always clear.  Maybe a builder doesn't need diskimage-builder if
images come from elsewhere.  Maybe a launcher doesn't need
openstacksdk if it's talking to some other cloud.

This becomes weird when the zuul/nodepool-builder image depends on
opendev/python-base but also openstack/diskimage-builder and
openstack/openstacksdk.  You've got 3 different namespaces crossing
with no clear indication of what is supposed to work together.

I feel like we've been (or at least I have been) thinking that each
project will have *a* Dockerfile that produces some canonical
 image.  I think I've come to the conclusion this
is infeasible.

There can't be a single container that suits everyone, and indeed this
isn't the Zen of containers anyway.

What I would propose is that projects do *not* have a single,
top-level Dockerfile, but only (potentially many) specifically
name-spaced versions.

So for example, everything in the opendev/ namespace will be expected
to build from opendev/python-base.  Even though dib, openstacksdk and
zuul come from difference source-repo namespaces, it will make sense
to have:

  +-> opendev/openstacksdk
  +-> opendev/diskimage-builder
  +-> opendev/nodepool-builder

because these containers are expected to work together as the opendev
control plane containers.  Since opendev/nodepool-builder is defined
as an image that expected to make RAX compatible, OpenStack uploadable
images it makes logical sense for it to bundle the kitchen sink.

I would expect that nodepool would also have a Docker.zuul file to
create images in the zuul/ namespace as the "reference"
implementation.  Maybe that looks a lot like Dockerfile.opendev -- but
then again maybe it makes different choices and does stuff like
Windows support etc. that the opendev ecosystem will not be interested
in.  You can still build and test these images just the same; just
we'll know they're targeted at doing something different.

As an example:

  https://review.opendev.org/696015 - create opendev/openstacksdk image
  https://review.opendev.org/693971 - create opendev/diskimage-builder

(a nodepool change will follow, but it's a bit harder as it's
cross-tenant so projects need to be imported).

Perhaps codifying that there's no such thing as *a* Dockerfile, and
possibly rules about what happens in the opendev/ namespace is spec
worthy, I'm not sure.

I hope this makes some sense!

Otherwise, I'd be interested in any and all ideas of how we basically
convert the nodepool-functional-openstack-base job to containers (that
means, bring up a devstack, and test nodepool, dib & openstacksdk with
full Depends-On: support to make sure it can build, upload and boot).
I consider that a pre-requisite before we start rolling anything out
in production.


[1] I know we have ideas to work around the limitations of using host
tools to build images, but one thing at a time! :)

[2] I started looking at installing these together from a Dockerfile
in system-config.  The problem is that you have a "build context",
basically the directory the Dockerfile is in and everything under
it.  You can't reference anything outside this.  This does not
play well with Zuul, which has checked out the code for dib,
openstacksdk & nodepool into three different sibling directories.
So to speculatively build them together, you have to start copying
Zuul checkouts of code underneath your system-config Dockerfile
which is crazy.  It doesn't use any of the speculative build
registry stuff and just feels wrong because you're not building
small parts ontop of each other, as Docker is designed to do.  I
still don't really know how it will work across all the projects
for testing either.

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