Re: saving the presentation

2012-10-08 Thread Антон Ткаченко

I mean, the pdf/ppt I uploaded into the whiteboard + all the writing I made.

I'm using openmeetings 2.0 integrated with moodle, downloaded it from
(direct link is

The manual is this:

In fact, I don't even have the "save as" buttons in file menu even at

I'll be using moodle+openmeetings for education, so it's crusial that
presentation with all the notes made by teacher are available for
download as a file. Avi is a solution, but not a very convenient one

Surely, I can also make screenshots, but It's not the best idea either :)

2012/10/8 George Kirkham :
> Ahtoh,
> Can you please explain what you mean by "my presentation" ?
> Which version of OpenMeetings are you using ?  Where did you download it
> from?
> I am not completely familiar with all the documentation that is available
> for Openmeetings, so could you please tell me the URL/link to the
> documentation that you refer to.  And is it for OpenMeetings 2.0 or 2.1 or
> older ?
> There are three save methods that I know of;
> 1)  If you load up your presentation file, say a Powerpoint slide show,
> to the "Public drive", people in the meeting can "download" the original
> presentation file.
> 2)  If you select the "save and export" tool from the whiteboard, you
> can save the whiteboard slides to OpenMeetings, but I am not aware of a way
> to download this file to your computer, only to "load" it to a new
> OpenMeetings screen.
> 3)   To record your screen and then download this as an AVI or FLV file.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Антон Ткаченко []
> Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 5:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: saving the presentation
> Hi everyone!
> I've got a problem with saving my presentation: if I click "save as" button,
> enter the filename, nothing happens. How can it be accessable?
> An there is no "save as PNG" in FILE menu as shown in User's guide L
> Screenshots are here:
> Could someone please help me?
> Sincerely,
> Anton Tkachenko
> e-mail:

RE: saving the presentation

2012-10-08 Thread V. Trizna
Hi Anton,

You can find the manuals for version 2.0 here:

All the best,


-Message d'origine-
De : Антон Ткаченко [] 
Envoyé : lundi 8 octobre 2012 09:56
À :
Objet : Re: saving the presentation


I mean, the pdf/ppt I uploaded into the whiteboard + all the writing I made.

I'm using openmeetings 2.0 integrated with moodle, downloaded it from
(direct link is

The manual is this:

In fact, I don't even have the "save as" buttons in file menu even at

I'll be using moodle+openmeetings for education, so it's crusial that 
presentation with all the notes made by teacher are available for download as a 
file. Avi is a solution, but not a very convenient one :(

Surely, I can also make screenshots, but It's not the best idea either :)

2012/10/8 George Kirkham :
> Ahtoh,
> Can you please explain what you mean by "my presentation" ?
> Which version of OpenMeetings are you using ?  Where did you download 
> it from?
> I am not completely familiar with all the documentation that is 
> available for Openmeetings, so could you please tell me the URL/link 
> to the documentation that you refer to.  And is it for OpenMeetings 
> 2.0 or 2.1 or older ?
> There are three save methods that I know of;
> 1)  If you load up your presentation file, say a Powerpoint slide show,
> to the "Public drive", people in the meeting can "download" the 
> original presentation file.
> 2)  If you select the "save and export" tool from the whiteboard, you
> can save the whiteboard slides to OpenMeetings, but I am not aware of 
> a way to download this file to your computer, only to "load" it to a 
> new OpenMeetings screen.
> 3)   To record your screen and then download this as an AVI or FLV file.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Антон Ткаченко []
> Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 5:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: saving the presentation
> Hi everyone!
> I've got a problem with saving my presentation: if I click "save as" 
> button, enter the filename, nothing happens. How can it be accessable?
> An there is no "save as PNG" in FILE menu as shown in User's guide L
> Screenshots are here:
> Could someone please help me?
> Sincerely,
> Anton Tkachenko
> e-mail:

RE: saving the presentation

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham

I thought that you may have meant the Whiteboard with the uploaded document and 
all the writing/notes that are made in the meeting.

Sadly I have not found any way to export the Whiteboard, even though it can be 
saved in OpenMeetings itself.

If it be possible, maybe someone can tell us how.

I understand the Whiteboard to be a flash object, so I am not sure how it could 
be saved in a way it could be used later.


George Kirkham

-Original Message-
From: Антон Ткаченко [] 
Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: saving the presentation


I mean, the pdf/ppt I uploaded into the whiteboard + all the writing I made.

I'm using openmeetings 2.0 integrated with moodle, downloaded it from
(direct link is

The manual is this:

In fact, I don't even have the "save as" buttons in file menu even at

I'll be using moodle+openmeetings for education, so it's crusial that 
presentation with all the notes made by teacher are available for download as a 
file. Avi is a solution, but not a very convenient one :(

Surely, I can also make screenshots, but It's not the best idea either :)

2012/10/8 George Kirkham :
> Ahtoh,
> Can you please explain what you mean by "my presentation" ?
> Which version of OpenMeetings are you using ?  Where did you download 
> it from?
> I am not completely familiar with all the documentation that is 
> available for Openmeetings, so could you please tell me the URL/link 
> to the documentation that you refer to.  And is it for OpenMeetings 
> 2.0 or 2.1 or older ?
> There are three save methods that I know of;
> 1)  If you load up your presentation file, say a Powerpoint slide show,
> to the "Public drive", people in the meeting can "download" the 
> original presentation file.
> 2)  If you select the "save and export" tool from the whiteboard, you
> can save the whiteboard slides to OpenMeetings, but I am not aware of 
> a way to download this file to your computer, only to "load" it to a 
> new OpenMeetings screen.
> 3)   To record your screen and then download this as an AVI or FLV file.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Антон Ткаченко []
> Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 5:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: saving the presentation
> Hi everyone!
> I've got a problem with saving my presentation: if I click "save as" 
> button, enter the filename, nothing happens. How can it be accessable?
> An there is no "save as PNG" in FILE menu as shown in User's guide L
> Screenshots are here:
> Could someone please help me?
> Sincerely,
> Anton Tkachenko
> e-mail:

RE: saving the presentation

2012-10-08 Thread greenes
Hi Anton,

Please, excuse my lateness in answering. Till today
8-10-2012 i dont see your questions through Apache
OpenMeetings list. I dont received the Moodle post. Sorry.

Your manual is about an old version of OpenMeetings, it is not
for 2.0.

Remember, all the files you upload and their convertions
will be in:


...and the videos files you record in:


At the version 2.0 that is in your installation (OM 2.0, Moodle 2.2.3 in
Ubuntu 12.04) no have the option to download a snapshot of the
whiteboard. One way would be get a snapshot of all the firefox window
pressing the keyboard button: PrtSC, or with a snapshot software.

To download the files you uploaded is:

* First you upload a file to:

Files --> Room files (public drive) (for exemple).

* Supose the file name you uploaded it is:  hola.rtf

* Double clic on it and will show a new window in which
you can download to your computer the original file hola.rtf
or this file in pdf format.

As you said can: Save and export, in the whiteboard, giving a name
and extension, for exemple:  hola_whiteboard.rtf or hola_whiteboard.pdf,
and it will show at the same window than the original.

About your Moodle question it is answered in Moodle list.




El lun, 08-10-2012 a las 22:29 +1100, George Kirkham escribió:
> Ahoth,
> I thought that you may have meant the Whiteboard with the uploaded document 
> and all the writing/notes that are made in the meeting.
> Sadly I have not found any way to export the Whiteboard, even though it can 
> be saved in OpenMeetings itself.
> If it be possible, maybe someone can tell us how.
> I understand the Whiteboard to be a flash object, so I am not sure how it 
> could be saved in a way it could be used later.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> -Original Message-
> From: Антон Ткаченко [] 
> Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 6:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: saving the presentation
> Hi!
> I mean, the pdf/ppt I uploaded into the whiteboard + all the writing I made.
> I'm using openmeetings 2.0 integrated with moodle, downloaded it from
> here:
> (direct link is
> The manual is this:
> In fact, I don't even have the "save as" buttons in file menu even at 
> I'll be using moodle+openmeetings for education, so it's crusial that 
> presentation with all the notes made by teacher are available for download as 
> a file. Avi is a solution, but not a very convenient one :(
> Surely, I can also make screenshots, but It's not the best idea either :)
> 2012/10/8 George Kirkham :
> > Ahtoh,
> >
> >
> >
> > Can you please explain what you mean by "my presentation" ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Which version of OpenMeetings are you using ?  Where did you download 
> > it from?
> >
> >
> >
> > I am not completely familiar with all the documentation that is 
> > available for Openmeetings, so could you please tell me the URL/link 
> > to the documentation that you refer to.  And is it for OpenMeetings 
> > 2.0 or 2.1 or older ?
> >
> >
> >
> > There are three save methods that I know of;
> >
> >
> >
> > 1)  If you load up your presentation file, say a Powerpoint slide show,
> > to the "Public drive", people in the meeting can "download" the 
> > original presentation file.
> >
> > 2)  If you select the "save and export" tool from the whiteboard, you
> > can save the whiteboard slides to OpenMeetings, but I am not aware of 
> > a way to download this file to your computer, only to "load" it to a 
> > new OpenMeetings screen.
> >
> > 3)   To record your screen and then download this as an AVI or FLV file.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > George Kirkham
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Антон Ткаченко []
> > Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 5:09 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: saving the presentation
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> >
> >
> > I've got a problem with saving my presentation: if I click "save as" 
> > button, enter the filename, nothing happens. How can it be accessable?
> >
> >
> >
> > An there is no "save as PNG" in FILE menu as shown in User's guide L
> >
> >
> >
> > Screenshots are here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Could someone please help me?
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Anton Tkachenko
> >
> > e-mail:
> >
> >

Question about -guest- users for a meeting

2012-10-08 Thread Alberto Ernestini

i am more than a newbie about openmeetings, so forgive me if this 
question was answered somewhere else!/
/It's possible to have a user that can only join a active conference 
room, without having the video/audio box shown ?

Thanks a lot!

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham


Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo
Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as
yet implemented in OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use
headphones or speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware
which uses AEC are Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U,
and the Jabra SPEAK410.


When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;

"compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code
change, it is more a build environment configuration task.
I don't think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will
concentrate on DHTML."


I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo
issue. But I sure wish it was resolved.




George Kirkham


IT Manager

Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 

NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia

T: (02) 6120 1600

F: (02) 6273 7181

E:  , 




From: Jean-Marie Landri [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 4:11 AM
Subject: Sound issue on laptop


When using skype, there is no probleme at all !
But when using OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and
it become VERY loud !
I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear other
peaple talk !
Everything works fine on Skype, why isn't it working on Open Meeting ?
It feels like everyone should wear a headset !
Thank you very much,

Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
video components are currently in SWF10
try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham wrote:

> Jean-Marie,
> ** **
> Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as yet
> implemented in OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use
> headphones or speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware which
> uses AEC are Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U, and the
> Jabra SPEAK410.
> ** **
> When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;
> “compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code
> change, it is more a build environment configuration task.
> I don't think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will
> concentrate on DHTML.”
> ** **
> I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo issue.
> But I sure wish it was resolved.
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham
> ** **
> IT Manager
> Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 
> NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia
> T: (02) 6120 1600
> F: (02) 6273 7181
> E:, 
> W:
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Jean-Marie Landri []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 October 2012 4:11 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Sound issue on laptop
> ** **
> ** **
> When using skype, there is no probleme at all !
> But when using OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and it 
> become VERY loud !
> I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear other peaple 
> talk !
> ** **
> Everything works fine on Skype, why isn't it working on Open Meeting ?
> It feels like everyone should wear a headset !
> ** **
> Thank you very much,

Maxim aka solomax

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham


Selecting “echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings” does not make any 
difference because the corresponding client side code is not implemented in 
OpenMeetings.  At least not to my knowledge.


Skype has implemented AEC via flash, which is why Echo is an issue for 
OpenMeetings even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an issue for 


Please correct me if I am wrong.




George Kirkham




From: Maxim Solodovnik [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation 
(AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


video components are currently in SWF10

try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham  wrote:



Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation 
(AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as yet implemented in 
OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use headphones or 
speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware which uses AEC are 
Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U, and the Jabra SPEAK410.


When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;

“compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code change, it 
is more a build environment configuration task.
I don't think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will 
concentrate on DHTML.”


I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo issue. But 
I sure wish it was resolved.




George Kirkham


IT Manager

Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 

NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia

T: (02) 6120 1600

F: (02) 6273 7181





From: Jean-Marie Landri [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 4:11 AM
Subject: Sound issue on laptop


When using skype, there is no probleme at all !
But when using OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and it 
become VERY loud !
I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear other peaple 
talk !
Everything works fine on Skype, why isn't it working on Open Meeting ?
It feels like everyone should wear a headset !
Thank you very much,


Maxim aka solomax

Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
I always thought that Flash performs echo cancellation, encodes the sound
and then send it to the client.
But I'm not really familiar with this.
Hopefully Sebastian or Timur can answer this

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 10:33 AM, George Kirkham wrote:

> Maxim,
> ** **
> Selecting “echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings” does not make any
> difference because the corresponding client side code is not implemented in
> OpenMeetings.  At least not to my knowledge.
> ** **
> Skype has implemented AEC via flash, which is why Echo is an issue for
> OpenMeetings even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an issue
> for Skype.
> ** **
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11
> ** **
> video components are currently in SWF10
> try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham 
> wrote:
> Jean-Marie,
> Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as yet
> implemented in OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use
> headphones or speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware which
> uses AEC are Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U, and the
> Jabra SPEAK410.
> When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;
> “compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code
> change, it is more a build environment configuration task.
> I don't think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will
> concentrate on DHTML.”
> I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo issue.
> But I sure wish it was resolved.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> IT Manager
> Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 
> NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia
> T: (02) 6120 1600
> F: (02) 6273 7181
> E:, 
> W:
> *From:* Jean-Marie Landri []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 October 2012 4:11 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Sound issue on laptop
> When using skype, there is no probleme at all !
> But when using OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and it 
> become VERY loud !
> I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear other peaple 
> talk !
> Everything works fine on Skype, why isn't it working on Open Meeting ?
> It feels like everyone should wear a headset !
> Thank you very much,
> ** **
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham

Adobe Flash will only handle Echo Cancellation if the client side Flash 
Application calls Flash’s “Enhanced audio API”.

 I would greatly recommend that OpenMeetings should implement Echo 
Cancellation, if possible via Flash since this is the platform that 
OpenMeetings is currently using.  The current Echo issue of means that we only 
use OpenMeetings for its whiteboard and Video sharing.

In addition to acoustic echo cancellation, enhanced audio also provides noise 
suppression. Previously, Flash Player only provided noise suppression for Speex 
audio. The new noise-suppression scheme is applied to all captured audio 
samples. Noise suppression is controlled by the already-existing 
noiseSuppressionLevel property of the Microphone class and is enabled by 
default. Setting noiseSuppressionLevel to 0 will disable noise suppression.

Enhanced audio has a couple of limitations:

•You cannot use enhanced and non-enhanced audio at the same time.

•You can only use a single enhanced audio capture at any given time.

 Operation of enhanced audio is controlled by the enhancedOptions property on 
your Microphone object and the MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class. The class has 
the following properties:

•MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.mode selects the operation mode for enhanced audio. 
For possible values, please see the MicrophoneEnhancedMode class. The default 
value is MicrophoneEnhancedMode.HALF_DUPLEX for USB capture devices and 
MicrophoneEnhancedMode.FULL_DUPLEX otherwise.

 •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.echoPath specifies the echo path length (in 
milliseconds). A longer echo path means better echo cancellation but also 
introduces longer delays and requires more processing power. The default value 
is 128; the only other possible value is 256.

 •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.nonLinearProcessing specifies whether to use 
non-linear processing to suppresses residual echo. A time-domain technique is 
used; the default value is enabled.






George Kirkham



From: Maxim Solodovnik [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation 
(AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


I always thought that Flash performs echo cancellation, encodes the sound and 
then send it to the client.

But I'm not really familiar with this.

Hopefully Sebastian or Timur can answer this


On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 10:33 AM, George Kirkham  wrote:



Selecting “echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings” does not make any 
difference because the corresponding client side code is not implemented in 
OpenMeetings.  At least not to my knowledge.


Skype has implemented AEC via flash, which is why Echo is an issue for 
OpenMeetings even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an issue for 


Please correct me if I am wrong.




George Kirkham




From: Maxim Solodovnik [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation 
(AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


video components are currently in SWF10

try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham  wrote:



Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation 
(AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as yet implemented in 
OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use headphones or 
speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware which uses AEC are 
Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U, and the Jabra SPEAK410.


When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;

“compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code change, it 
is more a build environment configuration task.
I don't think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will 
concentrate on DHTML.”


I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo issue. But 
I sure wish it was resolved.




George Kirkham


IT Manager

Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 

NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia

T: (02) 6120 1600

F: (02) 6273 7181





From: Jean-Marie Landri [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 4:11 AM
Subject: Sound issue on laptop


When using skype, there is no probleme at all !
But when using OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and it 
become VERY loud !
I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear other peaple 
talk !
Everything works fine on Skype, why i

Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread
Hi George,

maybe we can make upgrade the audio/video sample application to SWF11 to
have a quick look at all the feature currently available in flash player.
We have such an sampler application, that has a checkbox for all the
available settings where you can make a simple 1:1 call via Red5 and test

I think this should be done upfront. Otherwise its more a mystical thing
that happens inside the application. If it works in the sampler it
will/should work in OpenMeetings.


2012/10/9 George Kirkham 

> Maxim,
> Adobe Flash will only handle Echo Cancellation if the client side Flash
> Application calls Flash’s “Enhanced audio API”.
>  I would *greatly recommend* that OpenMeetings should implement Echo
> Cancellation, if possible via Flash since this is the platform that
> OpenMeetings is currently using.  The current Echo issue of means that we
> only use OpenMeetings for its whiteboard and Video sharing.
> In addition to acoustic echo cancellation, enhanced audio also provides
> noise suppression. Previously, Flash Player only provided noise suppression
> for Speex audio. The new noise-suppression scheme is applied to all
> captured audio samples. Noise suppression is controlled by the
> already-existing noiseSuppressionLevel property of the Microphone class and
> is enabled by default. Setting noiseSuppressionLevel to 0 will disable
> noise suppression.
> *Enhanced audio has a couple of limitations:*
> •You cannot use enhanced and non-enhanced audio at the same time.
> •You can only use a single enhanced audio capture at any given time.
>  Operation of enhanced audio is controlled by the enhancedOptions property
> on your Microphone object and the MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class. The
> class has the following properties:
> •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.mode selects the operation mode for enhanced
> audio. For possible values, please see the MicrophoneEnhancedMode class.
> The default value is MicrophoneEnhancedMode.HALF_DUPLEX for USB capture
> devices and MicrophoneEnhancedMode.FULL_DUPLEX otherwise.
>  •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.echoPath specifies the echo path length (in
> milliseconds). A longer echo path means better echo cancellation but also
> introduces longer delays and requires more processing power. The default
> value is 128; the only other possible value is 256.
>  •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.nonLinearProcessing specifies whether to use
> non-linear processing to suppresses residual echo. A time-domain technique
> is used; the default value is enabled.
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 October 2012 3:44 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11
> ** **
> I always thought that Flash performs echo cancellation, encodes the sound
> and then send it to the client.
> But I'm not really familiar with this.
> Hopefully Sebastian or Timur can answer this
> ** **
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 10:33 AM, George Kirkham 
> wrote:
> Maxim,
> Selecting “echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings” does not make any
> difference because the corresponding client side code is not implemented in
> OpenMeetings.  At least not to my knowledge.
> Skype has implemented AEC via flash, which is why Echo is an issue for
> OpenMeetings even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an issue
> for Skype.
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11
> video components are currently in SWF10
> try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham 
> wrote:
> Jean-Marie,
> Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo
> Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as yet
> implemented in OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use
> headphones or speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware which
> uses AEC are Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U, and the
> Jabra SPEAK410.
> When I spoke to Sebastian about the problem of echo, he replied;
> “compiling the SWF10 to SWF11 should not require so much of a code
> change, it is more a build envi

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham


I am sure there are others than myself who would appreciate if we could
implement Flash's AEC.


I am not that skilled with the code or compiling but if I can help with
testing please let me know how.  That is if someone can build the
"audio/video sample application to SWF11", I might be able to test it




George Kirkham



From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


Hi George,

maybe we can make upgrade the audio/video sample application to SWF11 to
have a quick look at all the feature currently available in flash
We have such an sampler application, that has a checkbox for all the
available settings where you can make a simple 1:1 call via Red5 and
test everything.

I think this should be done upfront. Otherwise its more a mystical thing
that happens inside the application. If it works in the sampler it
will/should work in OpenMeetings.


2012/10/9 George Kirkham 


Adobe Flash will only handle Echo Cancellation if the client side Flash
Application calls Flash's "Enhanced audio API".

 I would greatly recommend that OpenMeetings should implement Echo
Cancellation, if possible via Flash since this is the platform that
OpenMeetings is currently using.  The current Echo issue of means that
we only use OpenMeetings for its whiteboard and Video sharing.

In addition to acoustic echo cancellation, enhanced audio also provides
noise suppression. Previously, Flash Player only provided noise
suppression for Speex audio. The new noise-suppression scheme is applied
to all captured audio samples. Noise suppression is controlled by the
already-existing noiseSuppressionLevel property of the Microphone class
and is enabled by default. Setting noiseSuppressionLevel to 0 will
disable noise suppression.

Enhanced audio has a couple of limitations:

*You cannot use enhanced and non-enhanced audio at the same time.

*You can only use a single enhanced audio capture at any given time.

 Operation of enhanced audio is controlled by the enhancedOptions
property on your Microphone object and the MicrophoneEnhancedOptions
class. The class has the following properties:

*MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.mode selects the operation mode for enhanced
audio. For possible values, please see the MicrophoneEnhancedMode class.
The default value is MicrophoneEnhancedMode.HALF_DUPLEX for USB capture
devices and MicrophoneEnhancedMode.FULL_DUPLEX otherwise.

 *MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.echoPath specifies the echo path length (in
milliseconds). A longer echo path means better echo cancellation but
also introduces longer delays and requires more processing power. The
default value is 128; the only other possible value is 256.

 *MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.nonLinearProcessing specifies whether to use
non-linear processing to suppresses residual echo. A time-domain
technique is used; the default value is enabled.






George Kirkham



From: Maxim Solodovnik [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 3:44 PM

Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


I always thought that Flash performs echo cancellation, encodes the
sound and then send it to the client.

But I'm not really familiar with this.

Hopefully Sebastian or Timur can answer this


On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 10:33 AM, George Kirkham 



Selecting "echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings" does not make
any difference because the corresponding client side code is not
implemented in OpenMeetings.  At least not to my knowledge.


Skype has implemented AEC via flash, which is why Echo is an issue for
OpenMeetings even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an
issue for Skype.


Please correct me if I am wrong.




George Kirkham




From: Maxim Solodovnik [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo
Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11


video components are currently in SWF10

try rclick and check echo cancelation checkbox in Flash settings

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:50 AM, George Kirkham 



Sadly the sound issue on laptop is due to lack of Acoustic Echo
Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11 but is not as
yet implemented in OpenMeetings.  Currently the only solution is to use
headphones or speakerphones that support AEC.  Examples of hardware
which uses AEC are Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam, ClearOne Chat 60-U,
and the Jabra SPEAK