Re: chat box font options.

2012-05-04 Thread
Hi Mukesh,

you could open a jira task.
We are happy to receive your contributions :)


2012/5/4 Mukesh Reddy 

>  Hi Everyone,
> ** **
> I feel chat options should be there for chat box, font
> styles like *bold ,**italic ,colors *and some fixed font sizes (12-20)
> It will be so nice if it support html links,  by clicking on the links
> they have to open in a new tab of the browser.
> * *
> ** **
> *Thanks and Regards,*
> *Mukesh Reddy,*
> *Java Associate Engineer,*
> *Email***
> ** **
> ** **

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: How to reduce echo in audio conferences

2012-05-04 Thread
There is already a functionality "exclusive audio" that does what you
describe: Make one person the "speaker" and mute everybody else
Additionally there is a button to mute single participants.


2012/5/4 George Kirkham 

> Hi,
> ** **
> Using quality echo cancelling equipment (headsets/speakerphones) greatly
> reduces issues with echo, however most people don’t have quality echo
> cancelling equipment.
> ** **
> Is there any way to reduce echo (other than echo cancelling
> headsets/speakerphones) ?
> ** **
> I have seen systems which use software echo cancelling methods, some are
> more simple than others, like auto muting the microphones of everyone but
> the person currently speaking, until that person pauses speaking. The mute
> lasts long enough for the audio stream finish, then allows the next person
> who starts speaking to be the primary speaker.  Would it be possible to
> implement a system like this?
> ** **
> Usually the echo is a delayed echo which I believes makes it much more
> difficult to detect.
> ** **
> Does anyone in the OpenMeetings development team have experience in
> software echo cancelling or plan to introduce it?
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham
> ** **
> IT Manager
> Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 
> NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia
> T: (02) 6120 1600
> F: (02) 6273 7181
> E:, 
> W:

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: How to reduce echo in audio conferences

2012-05-04 Thread
Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) is partly already available, as soon as we
compile to SWF11 there might be a further improvement to AEC. However I
would agree to your opinion to not expect world wonders by that change, as
in some situations AEC is technically very difficult and there might be no
alternative to muting participants.
There are also conference microphones for example the "Phoenix Conference
microphone" series is quite good for talking to bigger audience with a
single microphone.



> There is already a functionality "exclusive audio" that does what you
> describe: Make one person the "speaker" and mute everybody else
> Additionally there is a button to mute single participants.
> Sebastian
> 2012/5/4 George Kirkham 
>> Hi,
>> ** **
>> Using quality echo cancelling equipment (headsets/speakerphones) greatly
>> reduces issues with echo, however most people don’t have quality echo
>> cancelling equipment.
>> ** **
>> Is there any way to reduce echo (other than echo cancelling
>> headsets/speakerphones) ?
>> ** **
>> I have seen systems which use software echo cancelling methods, some are
>> more simple than others, like auto muting the microphones of everyone but
>> the person currently speaking, until that person pauses speaking. The mute
>> lasts long enough for the audio stream finish, then allows the next person
>> who starts speaking to be the primary speaker.  Would it be possible to
>> implement a system like this?
>> ** **
>> Usually the echo is a delayed echo which I believes makes it much more
>> difficult to detect.
>> ** **
>> Does anyone in the OpenMeetings development team have experience in
>> software echo cancelling or plan to introduce it?
>> ** **
>> Thanks,
>> ** **
>> George Kirkham
>> ** **
>> IT Manager
>> Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) 
>> NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia
>> T: (02) 6120 1600
>> F: (02) 6273 7181
>> E:, 
>> W:
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: How to reduce echo in audio conferences

2012-05-04 Thread
For example this one here:

Might be a very good choice.



> Further:
> Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) is partly already available, as soon as
> we compile to SWF11 there might be a further improvement to AEC. However I
> would agree to your opinion to not expect world wonders by that change, as
> in some situations AEC is technically very difficult and there might be no
> alternative to muting participants.
> There are also conference microphones for example the "Phoenix Conference
> microphone" series is quite good for talking to bigger audience with a
> single microphone.
> Sebastian
> 2012/5/4 
> There is already a functionality "exclusive audio" that does what you
>> describe: Make one person the "speaker" and mute everybody else
>> Additionally there is a button to mute single participants.
>> Sebastian
>> 2012/5/4 George Kirkham 
>>> Hi,
>>> ** **
>>> Using quality echo cancelling equipment (headsets/speakerphones) greatly
>>> reduces issues with echo, however most people don’t have quality echo
>>> cancelling equipment.
>>> ** **
>>> Is there any way to reduce echo (other than echo cancelling
>>> headsets/speakerphones) ?
>>> ** **
>>> I have seen systems which use software echo cancelling methods, some are
>>> more simple than others, like auto muting the microphones of everyone but
>>> the person currently speaking, until that person pauses speaking. The mute
>>> lasts long enough for the audio stream finish, then allows the next person
>>> who starts speaking to be the primary speaker.  Would it be possible to
>>> implement a system like this?
>>> ** **
>>> Usually the echo is a delayed echo which I believes makes it much more
>>> difficult to detect.
>>> ** **
>>> Does anyone in the OpenMeetings development team have experience in
>>> software echo cancelling or plan to introduce it?
>>> ** **
>>> Thanks,
>>> ** **
>>> George Kirkham
>>> ** **
>>> IT Manager
>>> Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) ***
>>> *
>>> NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia
>>> T: (02) 6120 1600
>>> F: (02) 6273 7181
>>> E:, 
>>> W:
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: ERROR @base/functions.lzx

2012-05-04 Thread Alexei Fedotov
This may be a problem of the database configuration in persistence.xml
04.05.2012 9:55 пользователь "Hasan Gharehasanloo" 

> I found that after installation my db has only 48 tables, and all of them
> are empty.
> this problem is for bad installation???
> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Hasan Gharehasanloo  > wrote:
>> yes, I mean exactly the same as your link
>> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 3:40 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>>> Sorry Hasan,
>>> there is no way of loading the "maindebug" in OM2 directly anymore you
>>> have to load the swf10 debug SWF
>>> http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf10.swf
>>> Sebastian
>>> 2012/5/3 Hasan Gharehasanloo 
 after installation of OM2, in maindebug, it gives this warning & errors
 and stops loading :

 WARNING @base/hibernate/hibRtmpConnection.lzx≈212: reference to
 undefined property 'session_id'
 error  NetConnection.Call.Failed
 rtmp://localhost:1935/openmeetings/hibernate #hib/@getPublicSID false
 error  NetConnection.Connect.Failed
 rtmpt://localhost:8088/openmeetings/hibernate #hib/@getPublicSID false
 ERROR @base/functions.lzx≈100: undefined object does not have a
 property 'length'
 WARNING @base/functions.lzx≈100: reference to undefined property
 labelerrorPopup:  Error Missing [556]

 Best Regards
 Hassan Gharehasanloo

>>> --
>>> Sebastian Wagner
>> --
>> -
>> Best Regards
>> Hassan Gharehasanloo
> --
> -
> Best Regards
> Hassan Gharehasanloo

interface om with active-directory ?

2012-05-04 Thread Xavier COUDIN


I am just installing (and discovering) openmeetings and tying to 
interface it active-directory.

It seems that I can not getit working.
- sometime the user who wants to log-in is completely accepted, even if 
it does not exist at all in the AD  (config file does not exist)
- sometimes I get a message "invalid password" (config is 
- sometimes I get a message "username not found" (config is 

one question : what status (in the AD) must have the user indicated in 
the line "ldap_admin_dn" ?   domain-admin ? or simple domain-user can be 
enough ?

another question:
when authentication against AD, how do I manage the organizaton wich the 
user should belong to ? (as, of course, before the first connexion, this 
user is not known at all by the application, so he even does not exist 
in the local DB).

best regards,

Xavier COUDIN  -  coordinateur informatique
Lycée Pays-de-Retz, 44210 Pornic, tel 02 40 82 40 19  poste 167
Lycée Pro Albert Chassagne, 44560 Paimboeuf, tel 02 40 27 51 72
gsm 06 80 28 40 53

OM 1.9 RTMPS and Mac/Safari users

2012-05-04 Thread Lawrence Murphy
Hello everyone.

We are experiencing video slowdowns and video/audio disconnects for Mac users 
on OM when encrypting video. Is anyone else aware of issues with Macs or in 
Safari? And workarounds or solutions?

Thanks. Have a great weekend!
Lawrence Murphy, MA
Worldwide Therapy Online Inc.
cell: 519-831-9141
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with confidential information, please contact me by telephone. From there, you 
can decide if you want to set up a secure email address. Thank you.

RE: interface om with active-directory ?

2012-05-04 Thread Stephen Cottham

This config works for me on a 2003 domain.

You will need to change

CN= openmeetinguser ==> A user in your AD
OU= someou ==> The OU the user above lives in
DC= yourdomain ==> Your windows domain
DC=internal ==> Whatever your 2003 domain ends with

ldap_search_base=DC:yourdomain,DC:internal ==> This is where OM will search for 
the users to authenticate, I have done the whole forest but it could be 
something like this


Workign Config:


A good tool is Apache Directory studio to get your ldap queries to working 
before testing, with version 2 make sure you have ldap_use_lower_case=true.


Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
Level 5, 333 Ann St
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
Fax: +6173 319 2799
Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
Mobile: +447900 918 616 (UK)

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Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules  

-Original Message-
From: Xavier COUDIN [] 
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2012 5:01 PM
Subject: interface om with active-directory ?


I am just installing (and discovering) openmeetings and tying to interface it 

It seems that I can not getit working.
- sometime the user who wants to log-in is completely accepted, even if it does 
not exist at all in the AD  (config file does not exist)
- sometimes I get a message "invalid password" (config is
- sometimes I get a message "username not found" (config is

one question : what status (in the AD) must have the user indicated in 
the line "ldap_admin_dn" ?   domain-admin ? or simple domain-user can be 
enough ?

another question:
when authentication against AD, how do I manage the organizaton wich the user 
should belong to ? (as, of course, before the first connexion, this user is not 
known at all by the application, so he even does not exist in the local DB).

best regards,

Xavier COUDIN  -  coordinateur informatique Lycée Pays-de-Retz, 44210 Pornic, 
tel 02 40 82 40 19  poste 167 Lycée Pro Albert Chassagne, 44560 Paimboeuf, tel 
02 40 27 51 72 gsm 06 80 28 40 53

Re: OM 1.9 RTMPS and Mac/Safari users

2012-05-04 Thread Lawrence Murphy
Thanks Stephen. Certificates are from a trusted supplier. Using Safari is 
problematic. Using IE8 and IE9 there is less delay, though not none. Flash is 
up to date.
Lawrence Murphy, MA
Worldwide Therapy Online Inc.
cell: 519-831-9141
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of the party named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended 
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this communication in error, please immediately notify us and delete the 
message from your system. If you are the intended recipient and wish to reply 
with confidential information, please contact me by telephone. From there, you 
can decide if you want to set up a secure email address. Thank you.

On 2012-05-04, at 12:14 PM, Stephen Cottham wrote:

> Also what version of flash are you using and have you tried a different 
> browser to see if you get the same results?
> Stephen Cottham
> Group IT Manager (Associate)
> Robert Bird Group
> Level 5, 333 Ann St
> Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
> Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
> Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
> Fax: +6173 319 2799
> Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
> Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
> Web:
> This email and any attachments are confidential and may contain legally 
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> computer viruses.
> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules
> From: Lawrence Murphy [] 
> Sent: Friday, 4 May 2012 5:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: OM 1.9 RTMPS and Mac/Safari users
> Hello everyone.
> We are experiencing video slowdowns and video/audio disconnects for Mac users 
> on OM when encrypting video. Is anyone else aware of issues with Macs or in 
> Safari? And workarounds or solutions?
> Thanks. Have a great weekend!
> Lawrence Murphy, MA
> Worldwide Therapy Online Inc.
> cell: 519-831-9141
> Confidentiality Notice 
> This e-mail message contains confidential information intended only for the 
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> wish to reply with confidential information, please contact me by telephone. 
> From there, you can decide if you want to set up a secure email address. 
> Thank you.

Re: 3 Questions

2012-05-04 Thread
Hi Daniel,

a possible way to prioritize the audio packet is to have a QoS
configuration in your network or router that does prioritize audio packets
over video packets.

In our old wiki there is some docs and a script:

However I think those QoS settings only prioritize quite general, I don't
know if there is a script existing yet that is able to prioritize RTMP
Packets and additionally inspect if it is audio or video to do some kind of
prio for audio packets.
Also this script would be required to be installed also in the network
router of your clients... if you only use it in your intranet this might be
already sufficient for a public server it might be not.


2012/4/28 Alexei Fedotov 

> 1. Is there an easy way to change the custom logo? If so, can you
> please let me know where to install the new logo file?
> >> You can change the text Openmeetings in the configuration file
> Maybe logo is somewhere around
> The old way to do this was to put in logo in OpenLaszlo level and recompile
> 2. Is there a way to tell OpenMeetings to prioritize the audio and
> screen data over webcam data? Right now we get a lag in audio if
> bandwidth is low and I would prefer the lag to be in the webcam video?
> >> AFAIK The best solution is to adapt settings to the bandwidth, so you
> have enough bandwidth
> 3. Finally, has anyone thought about how to integrate Google Chat in
> OpenMeetings. Google Chat provides both audio and video and would seem
> to work well as an integration.
> >> Google Chat uses jabber protocol, it can be integrated on protocol
> level, there are at least two apache licensed jabber libraries
> I'm not aware if one integrated it in widget level
> --
> With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
> Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
> +7 916 562 8095
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Daniel Ascher 
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone:
> >
> > As we put together our OpenMeetings service I have a three questions:
> >
> > 1. Is there an easy way to change the custom logo? If so, can you please
> let
> > me know where to install the new logo file?
> >
> > 2. Is there a way to tell OpenMeetings to prioritize the audio and screen
> > data over webcam data? Right now we get a lag in audio if bandwidth is
> low
> > and I would prefer the lag to be in the webcam video?
> >
> > 3. Finally, has anyone thought about how to integrate Google Chat in
> > OpenMeetings. Google Chat provides both audio and video and would seem to
> > work well as an integration.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > --
> > Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
> > President
> > A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
> > "Creating Bright Futures"
> >
> > 505 York Road, Suite 6
> > Jenkintown, PA 19046
> > Office: 215.886.9188
> > Direct: 267.242.9640
> >

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: OM 1.9 RTMPS and Mac/Safari users

2012-05-04 Thread Lawrence Murphy
Thank you! We had been doing the opposite - enabling in the hopes of improving 
Lawrence Murphy, MA
Worldwide Therapy Online Inc.
cell: 519-831-9141
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can decide if you want to set up a secure email address. Thank you.

On 2012-05-04, at 1:08 PM, Stephen Cottham wrote:

> On the Mac can you try disabling the hardware acceleration in flash? Seen 
> some cases where it makes and improvement...
> Stephen Cottham
> Group IT Manager (Associate)
> Robert Bird Group
> Level 5, 333 Ann St
> Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
> Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
> Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
> Fax: +6173 319 2799
> Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
> Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
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> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules
> From: Lawrence Murphy [] 
> Sent: Friday, 4 May 2012 5:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OM 1.9 RTMPS and Mac/Safari users
> Thanks Stephen. Certificates are from a trusted supplier. Using Safari is 
> problematic. Using IE8 and IE9 there is less delay, though not none. Flash is 
> up to date.
> Lawrence Murphy, MA
> Worldwide Therapy Online Inc.
> cell: 519-831-9141
> Confidentiality Notice 
> This e-mail message contains confidential information intended only for the 
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> From there, you can decide if you want to set up a secure email address. 
> Thank you.
> On 2012-05-04, at 12:14 PM, Stephen Cottham wrote:
> Also what version of flash are you using and have you tried a different 
> browser to see if you get the same results?
> Stephen Cottham
> Group IT Manager (Associate)
> Robert Bird Group
> Level 5, 333 Ann St
> Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
> Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
> Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
> Fax: +6173 319 2799
> Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
> Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
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> This email and any attachments are confidential and may contain legally 
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