Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] /hipster: MATE + NVIDIA + 2 monitors :: full screen problem

2017-09-15 Thread Till Wegmüller

Hi Predrag

I got curious about your setup and googled a bit.
Since we have Updated to the latest pretty much without any big 
patches appart from Compatibility the latest guides for linux also 
work for us. Apart from Path name differences. e.g they seperate 
xorg.conf into multiple files we usually don't

Looking into the arch wiki I found that xinerma has been replaced on 
Nvidia cards by TwinView. And they seem to have a configuration that 
pretty much sounds like the thing you want under [1].

You might also want to look a little bit into[2] for background info.



Am 15.09.2017 um 16:21 schrieb Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst:

On 09/12/17 11:58, Grüninger, Andreas (LGL Extern) wrote:

Maybe this helps:
nvidia-xconfig --enable-all-gpus --separate-x-screens


Hi Andreas,

tried and got 2 separated X windows session (so, was not able to move 
windows across - which I already had once. See attached conf and log 

Right now, I have no xorg.conf - but still 2 monitors are treated as 1 
screen - so full screen is displayed in the middle...

Thanks anyway.

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst 

Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. September 2017 11:01
An: Alexander Pyhalov; Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Betreff: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] /hipster: MATE + NVIDIA + 2 
monitors :: full screen problem

On 09/05/17 21:00, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:

On 05.09.2017 12:57, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
On 09/05/17 12:49 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst 

On 09/05/17 11:09, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:

On 09/05/17 11:55 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst

Regarding script:

$ locate display-setup-script
$ pkg search -r display-setup-script [nothing]

Where to find it?

I meant /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf setting 'display-setup-script'.


you are able to play full screen video on one monitor only?

Which graphic card you use (I mean, if nvidia, did you used

Yes, if second monitor (TV) is unavailable, Mate uses just primary
monitor. In both cases I can play full-screen video with vlc. I
haven't used nvidia-settings tool, can look share xorg.conf or
Xorg.0.log in the evening.

I've found out that my desktop doesn't have xorg.conf and I see the
following in Xorg.0.log (see attachment).

System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

Hi AlP, all...

I just wanna share my frustration (as well as xorg.conf and Xorg.log.0 
files). I have also tried configuration w/o xorg.conf - nothing has 
worked as expected.

I just gave up. So, to summarize:

a) under gnome (before mate) I was able to use xinerama and to have 2 
different x screens on NVIDIA Corporation G92 [GeForce 9800 GT] card
b) changed to MATE and 2 screens suddenly were "glued" into single 
space, so I have tried following (in order to get separate screens 

    1) removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf - no luck
    2) called nvidia-settings (and tried also nvidia-xconfig) which 
have created xorg.conf file, but no luck in splitting screens (and 
being able to move applications between them - two completely 
separated/isolated x session is possible - that is not goal)
    3) performed modifications as it was suggested by Ken Mays (in 
separate e-mail thread) and as it is suggested in 

and - but still there is no 
change (I always get "(WW) NVIDIA(0): Option "TwinView" is not used")
    4) looks like System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Monitors 
detects both monitors properly, their position, resolution, etc... but 
it is not of use in this case.

So, I have been stuck with one huge desktop, combining two monitors of 
different resolution and full screen playing on both (centered between

them) - very ugly for watching.

Many thanks for help. There is nothing to document unfortunately.

With best regards.

Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 87, 65812 Bad Soden 
am Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303 managing 
director: Phil Douglas - Making your business fly!
openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenVPN inside a Zone

2017-09-17 Thread Till Wegmüller

Hello Everyone

I am trying to install openvpn into a zone. However I am getting stuck.

I am getting setpriv error when launching via smf.
I have the priv part of the openindiana.README inside the manifest (it 
was there from installation).

If I Launch OpenVPN via console (no daemon) it runs until "TCPv4_SERVER 
READ [448] from [AF_INET]$CLIENTIP: P_DATA_V2 kid=0 DATA len=447" after 
that it segfaults and dumps core.

pstack core says

core 'core' of 9356:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf
   (81791e4, 80467f0, c, 1)
 febc4a3a aesni_gcm_init_key (817cde0, 0, 80467f0, 0) + da
 febc0491 EVP_CipherInit_ex (817cde0, 0, 0, 0, 80467f0, ) + 151
 08071409 cipher_ctx_reset (817cde0, 80467f0, 8, 8066edb) + 19
 0806ad62 openvpn_decrypt_aead (a06, 0, 0, 8160648, 814e034, 814d960) + 232
 0806c4c5 openvpn_decrypt (814db44, a06, 0, 0, 8160648, 814e034) + 75
 080752be process_incoming_link_part1 (814d30c, 813ca90, 0, 8162690) + 1be
 0809a22a multi_process_incoming_link (80469ec, 814d188, 9, 8072ca7, 8, 
8046a64) + aa
 08092972 multi_tcp_action (0, 80472ec, 8146ac0, 404, 8046f88, 
fefd2482) + 532
 08092fad tunnel_server_tcp (8047454, 8047454, 80fd440, 0, 805c173, 
fed3a28a) + 3ed

 0809dcd1 openvpn_main (feffb0a8) + 1f1
 0809df8b main (8047dec, fef5f2c8, 8047e28, 8064e23, 3, 8047e34) + 1b
 08064e23 _start   (3, 8047ef0, 8047f02, 8047f0b, 0, 8047f25) + 83

Does anybody have an idea what the setpriv Error could be?
Has anybody a working OpenVPN Server in a zone?

Thanks in advance for any help

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenVPN inside a Zone

2017-09-17 Thread Till Wegmüller

Hi Jim

Yes I have those permisions set. The interface gets set up. The 
connection gets established but OpenVPN Segfaults somewhere during 
cipher handling.

What version are you using? Have you needed to modify smf to make 
openvpn work?


Am 17.09.2017 um 23:48 schrieb Jim Klimov:

On September 17, 2017 10:17:04 PM GMT+02:00, "Till Wegmüller" 

Hello Everyone

I am trying to install openvpn into a zone. However I am getting stuck.

I am getting setpriv error when launching via smf.
I have the priv part of the openindiana.README inside the manifest (it
was there from installation).

If I Launch OpenVPN via console (no daemon) it runs until "TCPv4_SERVER

READ [448] from [AF_INET]$CLIENTIP: P_DATA_V2 kid=0 DATA len=447" after

that it segfaults and dumps core.

pstack core says

core 'core' of 9356:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config
    (81791e4, 80467f0, c, 1)
  febc4a3a aesni_gcm_init_key (817cde0, 0, 80467f0, 0) + da
febc0491 EVP_CipherInit_ex (817cde0, 0, 0, 0, 80467f0, ) + 151
  08071409 cipher_ctx_reset (817cde0, 80467f0, 8, 8066edb) + 19
0806ad62 openvpn_decrypt_aead (a06, 0, 0, 8160648, 814e034, 814d960) +
  0806c4c5 openvpn_decrypt (814db44, a06, 0, 0, 8160648, 814e034) + 75
080752be process_incoming_link_part1 (814d30c, 813ca90, 0, 8162690) +
0809a22a multi_process_incoming_link (80469ec, 814d188, 9, 8072ca7, 8,
8046a64) + aa
  08092972 multi_tcp_action (0, 80472ec, 8146ac0, 404, 8046f88,
fefd2482) + 532
  08092fad tunnel_server_tcp (8047454, 8047454, 80fd440, 0, 805c173,
fed3a28a) + 3ed
  0809dcd1 openvpn_main (feffb0a8) + 1f1
0809df8b main (8047dec, fef5f2c8, 8047e28, 8064e23, 3, 8047e34) +
  08064e23 _start   (3, 8047ef0, 8047f02, 8047f0b, 0, 8047f25) + 83

Does anybody have an idea what the setpriv Error could be?
Has anybody a working OpenVPN Server in a zone?

Thanks in advance for any help

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Yes, our router lives in a zone nicely.

IIRC there are privs to set for the zone itself, so it is permitted to 
manipulate the network, and pass the tun/tap device nodes.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] hipster conversion

2017-09-27 Thread Till Wegmüller
When I Download the file the sha1sum is correct.

Faulty wire?

Try wget the file and then sha1sum does it match the expected?

On 27.09.2017 14:20, Daniel Kjar wrote:
> doh...  trucking along and this happens...
> runtime/ruby-23    816/1218 68951/108074
> 830.5/1363.9$<3>
> Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file
> data for
> the requested operation.
> Details follow:
> 1: Framework error: code: 56 reason: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
> URL:
> ''.
> 2: Invalid contentpath
> usr/ruby/2.3/lib/ruby/2.3.0/i386-solaris2.11/enc/trans/ chash
> failure: expected: dcb0a247d580a4214b257a123cf02d85eff2ca2a computed:
> 0be61db3135ce320a4202dea7b1a60e40196c0c5. (happened 3 times)
> idea?  pinged openindiana it is alive from my end.
> On 09/26/17 16:26, Timothy Coalson wrote:
>> I had two 151a9 systems (with very little installed) which upgraded
>> fairly
>> cleanly to a 2015 snapshot of hipster, following this page:
>> Make backups, YMMV, etc.
>> Tim
>> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Daniel Kjar  wrote:
>>> I think I will try upgrading a snapshot of the VM I created of the
>>> actual
>>> server and see how that goes...  I don't think there will hardware
>>> problems
>>> on the server since it is a sun x2200m2.
>>> On 09/26/17 08:43, Jonathan Adams wrote:
 Like you, I have a few 151a boxes lying around.

 Originally I had a box that was upgrade every few weeks, and it
 managed to
 be upgraded to the latest hipster, so it is possible.  However the
 of incremental changes that have happened since 151a, and the
 might have been pruned over time, which means that the general
 advice now
 is that you do a fresh install and copy on your files.

 The 151a boxes I have will be replaced in the next year, so that
 headache will go away for me, and they will be fresh install on new

 Either way you decide to go, remember to take plenty of backups
 before you


 On 26 September 2017 at 13:17, Daniel Kjar  wrote:

 I have been letting things just 'run' for quite a while now but since I
> started working towards virtualizing my systems I have come to notice
> that
> 151a is no longer a thing...   Is it 'safe' for me to upgrade my
> servers
> (a
> file server and a web server/mysql server) to hipster?  I don't
> want to
> let
> them rot on 151a if that is no longer being supported.  That whole
> will
> likely just get deeper.
> I hate to do it but I could start fresh with hipster but I haven't
> installed all of my stuff in 10 years so I am not sure I even remember
> where to look for my notes on what I did...
> -- 
> Dr. Daniel Kjar
> Associate Professor of Biology
> Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
> Elmira College
> 1 Park Place
> Elmira, NY 14901
> 607-735-1826
> "...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
>   -E. O. Wilson
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
 openindiana-discuss mailing list

>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Daniel Kjar
>>> Associate Professor of Biology
>>> Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
>>> Elmira College
>>> 1 Park Place
>>> Elmira, NY 14901
>>> 607-735-1826
>>> "...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
>>>  -E. O. Wilson
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] hipster conversion

2017-09-27 Thread Till Wegmüller
The Url is

> How do I download it and where would I put the file once downloaded? I
> can use my cell phone to get the file but I can't pick up the server and
> move it off network...

No but maybe the Networking guy likes wine/beer...

On 27.09.2017 15:01, Daniel Kjar wrote:
> shoot.  This is what I get now...
> 09Z
> runtime/ruby-23    817/1218 6/108074
> 829.9/1363.9$<3>
> Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file
> data for
> the requested operation.
> Details follow:
> Invalid contentpath
> usr/ruby/2.3/lib/ruby/2.3.0/i386-solaris2.11/enc/trans/ chash
> failure: expected: dcb0a247d580a4214b257a123cf02d85eff2ca2a computed:
> 0be61db3135ce320a4202dea7b1a60e40196c0c5. (happened 4 times)
> How do I download it and where would I put the file once downloaded? I
> can use my cell phone to get the file but I can't pick up the server and
> move it off network...
> On 09/27/17 09:01, John D Groenveld wrote:
>> In message <>,
>> =?UTF-8?Q?Till_Weg
>> m=c3=bcller?= writes:
>>> Faulty wire?
>> Transparent proxy with a malware fingerprint collision?
>>> Try wget the file and then sha1sum does it match the expected?
>> Both on and off the organization network.
>> John
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Intro questions

2017-10-23 Thread Till Wegmüller
I remember the same discussion.

As far as i remember one needs to pass the graphics card into the zone
via the device passthrough configuration. From there on it is the same
as a physical maschine.


On 10/23/17 19:31, John D Groenveld wrote:
> In message , Gary 
> G
> endel writes:
>> x-windows support from that.  (I've run apps like xterm etc. from a remote 
>> des
>> ktop).  Unlike OpenIndiana, native desktop functionality is limited.
> I think the OP also wants to run the X server in a container with
> the IO devices passed to it from the global zone.
> I vaguely recall this wish list in an OI or Omnios forum.
> Another similar use-case is passing the framebuffer from host
> to VBox or KVM guest to run games and other graphics intensive
> applications.
> John
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] switching from Ubuntu

2017-11-07 Thread Till Wegmüller

Atheros 8k are supported via freenic drivers.

Broadcom Probably aswell.

Also have a look if there are packages not installed
List from

You can list the packages via
$ pkg list | grep $NAME
$ pkg search -l atheros

For Broadcom it should be the same deal.

Hope this helps.


On 07.11.2017 15:15, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Thanks All for the nice welcome and I look forward to testing out OI as
> well as trying to contribute a bit along the way during the course of my
> projects.
> I actually, just tried to boot the OI (Hipster) live iso on an 64-bit AMD
> test machine that I have been running Ubuntu 16.04 and although it does
> boot up reasonably well, but I found that it does not recognize my network
> cards "Qualcomm Atheros AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet" and "Broadcom Limited
> BCM43228 802.11 a/b/g/n" wireless. Actually, it seems to see them in the
> device list, but it does not activate them so perhaps I need some drivers
> if they are available.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Nikola M  wrote:
>> On 11/ 7/17 12:26 PM, openbabel wrote:
>>> Greetings All,
>>> I would like to add that if you have a particular interest in helping the
>>> desktop environment advance we would welcome your imput.
>>> Robert Jones
>> Just to add..
>> ...and would also welcome posting answer to messages, below quotes :)
>>> On 07/11/2017 07:53, Nikola M wrote:
 On 11/ 7/17 01:34 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:

> Greetings All,
> I have used many operating systems over the years and lately have been
> using Windows (all flavors) as well as Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Gentoo,
> etc...) bu mostly have been using Ubuntu 16.04 as my desktop for some
> time
> now.
> Currently, I am gearing up to do a couple of projects which have the
> Illumos base which are in the SmartOS arena, but it made me start to
> wonder
> if I should also consider loading up OpenIndiana Hipster as my desktop
> so
> that I can become more familiar with it as it seems to have many
> similarities as SmartOS and wanted to get the opinion of the OI
> community
> as to what they thought about it as a day-to-day OS?
> Mostly just exploring the possibility of nuking Ubuntu in favor of
> installing OI for a while to see how it runs.
> Any comments, experiences, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

 Firstly , Openindiana is the distribution name because /hipster
 (lowercase) is not OS/distribution name, but a repository name.
 I welcome you to illumos distributions, Unix-derived family. (It is
 truly derived from Unix and not just Unix-like)

 Openindiana is a server-oriented UK-hosted OS that have a desktop. OI
 has 'snapshots' twice a year (not a releases per se, since they are not
 supported to be updated as such like in Ubuntu) and in the meantime there
 are contiuous updates of fresh and 'vanilla' illumos updates and the effort
 of contributors in 'userland' source repository to make it better, more bug
 free and add fundamental features, where Alexander Pyhalov is standing out
 together with all other important contributors.

 Having a MATE desktop, Firefox ESR and LibreOffice (from SFE
 repository), Openindiana is enough for everyday use of internet services
 and using Solaris zones (those might end up hosted in the illumos based
 cloud), but it is sure that some device driver support might lacking or
 trailing behind  a bit.
 You can also bootstrap Joyent SmartOS userland and use it in the window,
 using pkgsrc packages, separately installed, in the terminal emulator and
 have it together with OI desktop experience. There are also Boot
 Envornments on top of ZFS that makes both testing and production use more
 reliable and predictive experience etc.

 So you can count on frequent and inclusive experience, that would demand
 of you to be more included in the development of the OI itself, not only by
 posting bug reports or driver support requests, but it could also allow you
 to be more directly involved (and more appreciated) then in some other
 distributions you could. So it's both exciting and fulfilling experience to
 use it and make it better.
 Don' take anything by the letter , be free to openly (and publicly!)
 collaborate with others and everything you do will be important.

 openindiana-discuss mailing list

>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>> openindiana-discuss@ope

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] switching from Ubuntu

2017-11-07 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Lonnie

The Links I have provided may not list the specific cards.

The Package list only lists driver names and Producer names at best.
Which exact network card is supported is not apparent from the Package
metadata. The Url
already limits the search to all drivers with atheros somewhere in the

Freenic drivers may also not list your exact card but it usually has a
series which are supported. For example for AR8XXX he has the driver
atge available.

From there it is trial and error.

Hope this helps

On 08.11.2017 00:53, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi Till,
> I have been searching over the links that you provided for Qualcomm Atheros
> AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet" and "Broadcom Limited BCM43228 802.11 a/b/g/n"
> wireless network cards but it seems that they are not supported yet.
> I may have to try another network card, if possible, to see what might
> work. Will keep trying though.
> Thanks again,
> Lonnie
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Atheros 8k are supported via freenic drivers.
>> Broadcom Probably aswell.
>> Also have a look if there are packages not installed
>> List from
>> atheros&action=Search
>> You can list the packages via
>> $ pkg list | grep $NAME
>> or
>> $ pkg search -l atheros
>> For Broadcom it should be the same deal.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 07.11.2017 15:15, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>> Thanks All for the nice welcome and I look forward to testing out OI as
>>> well as trying to contribute a bit along the way during the course of my
>>> projects.
>>> I actually, just tried to boot the OI (Hipster) live iso on an 64-bit AMD
>>> test machine that I have been running Ubuntu 16.04 and although it does
>>> boot up reasonably well, but I found that it does not recognize my
>> network
>>> cards "Qualcomm Atheros AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet" and "Broadcom Limited
>>> BCM43228 802.11 a/b/g/n" wireless. Actually, it seems to see them in the
>>> device list, but it does not activate them so perhaps I need some drivers
>>> if they are available.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lonnie
>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Nikola M  wrote:
>>>> On 11/ 7/17 12:26 PM, openbabel wrote:
>>>>> Greetings All,
>>>>> I would like to add that if you have a particular interest in helping
>> the
>>>>> desktop environment advance we would welcome your imput.
>>>>> Robert Jones
>>>> Just to add..
>>>> ...and would also welcome posting answer to messages, below quotes :)
>>>>> On 07/11/2017 07:53, Nikola M wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/ 7/17 01:34 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>>>>> Greetings All,
>>>>>>> I have used many operating systems over the years and lately have
>> been
>>>>>>> using Windows (all flavors) as well as Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Gentoo,
>>>>>>> etc...) bu mostly have been using Ubuntu 16.04 as my desktop for some
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>> now.
>>>>>>> Currently, I am gearing up to do a couple of projects which have the
>>>>>>> Illumos base which are in the SmartOS arena, but it made me start to
>>>>>>> wonder
>>>>>>> if I should also consider loading up OpenIndiana Hipster as my
>> desktop
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> that I can become more familiar with it as it seems to have many
>>>>>>> similarities as SmartOS and wanted to get the opinion of the OI
>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>> as to what they thought about it as a day-to-day OS?
>>>>>>> Mostly just exploring the possibility of nuking Ubuntu in favor of
>>>>>>> installing OI for a while to see how it runs.

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] wifi card compatibility

2017-11-16 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Marc

Atheros AR9k series cards are unfortunately not supported yet in
OpenIndiana/Illumos Atheros up until and including 8k is supported by
default and by freenicdrivers.

Atheros drivers are available in Freebsd and Linux but the driver has
not been ported/updated yet.

Also See:


On 16.11.2017 22:23, Marc Lobelle wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a notebook that included an apparently unsupported SIERRA
> wireless card. So I bought on ebay an Intel 4965 AGN card, which is in
> the list of the compatible devices. However, both windows and openiniana
> seem to identify it as an ATHEROS AR9287. Is it possible to have an
> intel card with an atheros chipset ? Or does it mean that the label oh
> the board is fake.
> Any way, is this card usable with open indiana ? If yes with wich driver
> ? and what should I do to install this driver. Thanks
> Marc
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recompiling a program for openindiana

2017-11-20 Thread Till Wegmüller
You can't just recompile and use the software like that I am afraid.

First of if OS specific code is not present for the OS you want to use
the application for you will need to write that Code. There is no way
around that.

Secondly Secure delete is absolutely Useless on a Copy-on-Write
Filesystem and SSD's for that matter. It will never overwrite the
blocks. If the Data Really matters use encryption.

Hope that helps

On 20.11.2017 10:02, Marc Lobelle wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to recompile a program called srm (available on sourceforge
> ) for openindiana. It works as rm but makes sure that there is no trace
> of the destroyed file in the blocks of the free list.
> This program uses #if defined (__linux__) and  #if defined (__OpenBSD__)
> and I should replace this code with something appropriate for openindiana.
> __linux__ etc are predifines preprocessor macros, presented in
> However, I do not see openindiana in there, so what should I use ?
> Thanks
> Marc
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recompiling a program for openindiana

2017-11-20 Thread Till Wegmüller
You can use Lofi dev to encrypt the device below the filesystem Layer.
[1] [2] [3]

You can use a container Solution I.e A ZFS Volume that is encrypted with
lofidev and then has an UFS Partition inside. Somewhat like [2] but with
UFS rather than ZFS inside the Volume.

Or you could help review the Encryption code for upstreaming. It is
already written but in Process of upstreaming. I think it's [4] but you
will have to search from there further.



On 20.11.2017 10:51, Marc Lobelle wrote:
> On 20/11/17 09:06, Peter Tribble wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Marc Lobelle
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to recompile a program called srm (available on
>>> sourceforge )
>>> for openindiana. It works as rm but makes sure that there is no trace of
>>> the destroyed file in the blocks of the free list.
>>> This program uses #if defined (__linux__) and  #if defined (__OpenBSD__)
>>> and I should replace this code with something appropriate for
>>> openindiana.
>>> __linux__ etc are predifines preprocessor macros, presented in
>>> However, I do not see openindiana in there, so what should I use ?
>> Note that if you're using ZFS (which is the default file system on
>> OpenIndiana) then
>> the overwriting which srm does will have no effect - the copy-on-write
>> mechanism
>> that ZFS uses for data integrity ensures that the "overwrite" will go
>> to a
>> different,
>> unused, part of the device. Therefore, srm won't do any good.
> Hum, this means that bcrypt will not erase the original file after
> encrypying it either and the file must be decrypted to be used. How can
> I make sure that its contents cannot be recovered on zfs then ? (apart
> from writing the zfs encryption code that is missing in illumos zfs ; it
> will have to be done eventually but I'm looking for an interim solution).
> Thanks
> Marc
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recompiling a program for openindiana

2017-11-26 Thread Till Wegmüller

I am affraid several Unix Machanisms block you here.

First mount was designed so that a filesystem that is in access can not
be unmounted. This so that an admin can not accidentally kill the system
with an umount. I am not aware of a filesystem based mechanism that
leaves the access once the file is written, AFAIK this is also true on
linux with DMcrypt. This kind of design only works with an file based
approach like GPG/PGP.

If you have a Zpool inside the Lofidevice you will have to deactivate it
and all process using it before closing the lofidev.

Zpools can be imported and mounted during import/export they are
automatically mounted/unmounted. The In use limitation applies to both
aswell due to forementioned reason.

From what i gather what you want you may want to look at the F.U.S.E

I have a bit of trouble figuring out your threat model. Could you
elaborate on what you want to defend against? This may allow people to
give you better advice.


On 25.11.2017 16:11, Marc Lobelle wrote:
> Dear Till,
> I used the technique of Constantin [2] and, with a script to automate
> the lofi commands, it works really fine. When the system boots, the
> encrypted pool is not usable and after running the script, it becomes
> visible.
> However I did not manage to close the access to the encrypted pool
> without rebooting the system: if I try "lofiadm -d" to block access to
> the files through lofi, the system refuses because the devices are busy
> and it would cause a fault, which is exactly wat I want.
> Do you know a way to do that?
> I tried to zpool export the encrypted zpool, but I cannot reimport it
> after disconnecting then reconnecting the lofi's.
> Thanks in advance for your advice
> Best regards
> Marc
> On 20/11/17 09:36, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> You can use Lofi dev to encrypt the device below the filesystem Layer.
>> [1] [2] [3]
>> You can use a container Solution I.e A ZFS Volume that is encrypted with
>> lofidev and then has an UFS Partition inside. Somewhat like [2] but with
>> UFS rather than ZFS inside the Volume.
>> Or you could help review the Encryption code for upstreaming. It is
>> already written but in Process of upstreaming. I think it's [4] but you
>> will have to search from there further.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> ---
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 20.11.2017 10:51, Marc Lobelle wrote:
>>> On 20/11/17 09:06, Peter Tribble wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Marc
>>>> Lobelle
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to recompile a program called srm (available on
>>>>> sourceforge )
>>>>> for openindiana. It works as rm but makes sure that there is no
>>>>> trace of
>>>>> the destroyed file in the blocks of the free list.
>>>>> This program uses #if defined (__linux__) and  #if defined
>>>>> (__OpenBSD__)
>>>>> and I should replace this code with something appropriate for
>>>>> openindiana.
>>>>> __linux__ etc are predifines preprocessor macros, presented in
>>>>> However, I do not see openindiana in there, so what should I use ?
>>>> Note that if you're using ZFS (which is the default file system on
>>>> OpenIndiana) then
>>>> the overwriting which srm does will have no effect - the copy-on-write
>>>> mechanism
>>>> that ZFS uses for data integrity ensures that the "overwrite" will go
>>>> to a
>>>> different,
>>>> unused, part of the device. Therefore, srm won't do any good.
>>> Hum, this means that bcrypt will not erase the original file after
>>> encrypying it either and the file must be decrypted to be used. How can
>>> I make sure that its contents cannot be recovered on zfs then ? (apart
>>> from writing the zfs encryption code that is missing in illumos zfs ; it
>>> will have to be done eventually but I'm looking for an interim
>>> solution).
>>> Thanks
>>> Marc
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] How to fix broken locale ?

2017-11-26 Thread Till Wegmüller

I noticed a similar issue when logging into a zone via ssh. It works for
me via zlogin.

Are you inside a zone connecting via SSH?

What is the output of pkg list *locale* ?

Does en_US.UTF-8 exist in /usr/share/locale/ ?

How have you installed the system and when? With which medium?


On 26.11.2017 19:38, Flemming Dalsgaard wrote:
> Hi.
> I am stuck on a issue with locale not working.
> It was discovered when pkg started issuing the following messages on
> invocation:
> # pkg search -rp rcs
> pkg: Unable to set locale; locale package may be broken or
> not installed.  Reverting to C locale.
> ...
> Also perl does not like it..
> perl -v
> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
> LC_ALL = (unset),
> LC_MONETARY = "en_US.UTF-8",
> LC_COLLATE = "en_US.UTF-8",
> LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",
> LC_NUMERIC = "en_US.UTF-8",
> LC_TIME = "en_US.UTF-8",
> LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
> are supported and installed on your system.
> perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").
> This is perl 5, version 22, subversion 4 (v5.22.4) built for
> i86pc-solaris-64int
> locale -a shows i have en_US.UTF-8 installed
> i have the following locale packages installed (and reinstalled)
> local/en
> text/locale
> system/locale/support/english
> system/install/locale
> My /etc/default/init include:
> TZ=Europe/Copenhagen
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
> But still locale returns:
> # locale
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> Any ideas on I reinitialize locale to fix this ?
> Thanks
> Flemming
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] How to fix broken locale ?

2017-11-26 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Flemming

Which locale the system uses should not matter. as long as it is
installed. C is the default and basicly does no translation with gettext
(I think). Or at least it is that Language which always has Message
files in /usr/share/locale.

In any case the situation is pretty simple.

The Zone Installation via pkg does not install locale/en and
locale/en-extra packages. Thus your locale is not installed.
Install those packages should fix it. Maybe also text/locale needs to be

I per default set my locale to C on my zones as I not need anything
fancy date/currency or other display wise. My zones mostly host webapps
which have their own implementation independatn of the zones locale setting.

Hope this helps.

On 26.11.2017 23:27, Flemming Dalsgaard wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> Yes this is a zone and I connect via ssh.
> You are right zlogin behaves differently. In may case it set all LC's to
> "C" and LANG=""
> I don't get any complaints about locale but its not really correct is it ?
> I would expect it to be en_US.UTF-8 as in the init file.
> pkg list *locale*
> locale/en
> 0.5.11-2017.0.0.16853  i--
> locale/en-extra
> 0.5.11-2017.0.0.16853  i--
> system/install/locale
> 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0  i--
> system/locale/support/english
> 0.1-2013.0.0.0 i--
> text/locale
> 0.5.11-2017.0.0.16853  i--
> Hmm no en_US.UTF-8 in /usr/share/locale
> The zone are new. Well created with the GZ's 2017.04 and updated to 2017.10
> but the GZ goes way back and have lived for 15+ years starting off as
> Solaris 8 moving to OpenSolaris and now running OI for the last 5? years.
> Thanks
> Flemming
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Till Wegmüller 
> wrote:
>> Hey
>> I noticed a similar issue when logging into a zone via ssh. It works for
>> me via zlogin.
>> Are you inside a zone connecting via SSH?
>> What is the output of pkg list *locale* ?
>> Does en_US.UTF-8 exist in /usr/share/locale/ ?
>> How have you installed the system and when? With which medium?
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 26.11.2017 19:38, Flemming Dalsgaard wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I am stuck on a issue with locale not working.
>>> It was discovered when pkg started issuing the following messages on
>>> invocation:
>>> # pkg search -rp rcs
>>> pkg: Unable to set locale; locale package may be broken or
>>> not installed.  Reverting to C locale.
>>> ...
>>> Also perl does not like it..
>>> perl -v
>>> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
>>> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
>>> LC_ALL = (unset),
>>> LC_MONETARY = "en_US.UTF-8",
>>> LC_COLLATE = "en_US.UTF-8",
>>> LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",
>>> LC_NUMERIC = "en_US.UTF-8",
>>> LC_MESSAGES = "C",
>>> LC_TIME = "en_US.UTF-8",
>>> LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
>>> are supported and installed on your system.
>>> perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").
>>> This is perl 5, version 22, subversion 4 (v5.22.4) built for
>>> i86pc-solaris-64int
>>> locale -a shows i have en_US.UTF-8 installed
>>> i have the following locale packages installed (and reinstalled)
>>> local/en
>>> text/locale
>>> system/locale/support/english
>>> system/install/locale
>>> My /etc/default/init include:
>>> TZ=Europe/Copenhagen
>>> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
>>> LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8"
>>> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
>>> LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
>>> LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
>>> But still locale returns:
>>> # locale
>>> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
>>> LC_CTYPE="C"
>>> LC_TIME="C"
>>> LC_ALL=
>>> Any ideas on I reinitialize locale to fix this ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Flemming
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recompiling a program for openindiana

2017-11-27 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Marc

That setup is overkill suicide. It will bite you more than be usefull.
The basic Zpool already has Failure Protection and stuff built in. If
you want to do a raidz do it on the base pool.

As for the Importing. If you have closed the lofi device you should not
see it. You have to reopen the lofidevice and then import it with path.

If you destroy a zpool its contents will be destroyed. Thats the point
of destroy.

The most simple setup is ZPOOL -> ZFSVolume -> LofiCrypto -> UFS Filesystem.

You can also make a File on a Dataset but it will bring you no benefits
compared to a ZFS volume.

This Setup should work. And it avoids all the pitfalls with
import/export you are mentioning.

A Simple Mount is enough (and ofcourse setup lofiCrypt)

Hope this helps

On 27.11.2017 01:11, Marc Lobelle wrote:
> Hello Till,
> On 26/11/17 22:53, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hmm
>> I am affraid several Unix Machanisms block you here.
>> First mount was designed so that a filesystem that is in access can not
>> be unmounted. This so that an admin can not accidentally kill the system
>> with an umount. I am not aware of a filesystem based mechanism that
>> leaves the access once the file is written, AFAIK this is also true on
>> linux with DMcrypt. This kind of design only works with an file based
>> approach like GPG/PGP.
>> If you have a Zpool inside the Lofidevice you will have to deactivate it
>> and all process using it before closing the lofidev.
> Indeed, this is the clean way to do it
>> Zpools can be imported and mounted during import/export they are
>> automatically mounted/unmounted.
> I tried to do that but I did not find how to import a whole raidz2 of
> encrypted lofi files after exporting it
> I tried to export it: that works but if I then type zpool import, I do
> not see it and if I try to reimport it? i get a message that it does not
> exist
> If this can be done, the zpool could indeed be cleanly unmounted and
> later remounted
> That would be equivalent to the encrypted zfs file systems on solaris
> that I use on other computers.
> What do you think ?
> Thanks
> Marc
>> The In use limitation applies to both
>> aswell due to forementioned reason.
>>  From what i gather what you want you may want to look at the F.U.S.E
>> Options.
>> I have a bit of trouble figuring out your threat model. Could you
>> elaborate on what you want to defend against? This may allow people to
>> give you better advice.
> I want the file system to be encrypted but to be able to mount it at
> will (giving the passphrase) when I need to use it or to unmount it when
> I do not need it.
> Another question is: If the zpool is exported, can the lofidev be closed
> ? If I destroy the zpool, I  can close the lofidev and later reopen them
> and rebuild the zpool but the contents is lost.
> Marc
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 25.11.2017 16:11, Marc Lobelle wrote:
>>> Dear Till,
>>> I used the technique of Constantin [2] and, with a script to automate
>>> the lofi commands, it works really fine. When the system boots, the
>>> encrypted pool is not usable and after running the script, it becomes
>>> visible.
>>> However I did not manage to close the access to the encrypted pool
>>> without rebooting the system: if I try "lofiadm -d" to block access to
>>> the files through lofi, the system refuses because the devices are busy
>>> and it would cause a fault, which is exactly wat I want.
>>> Do you know a way to do that?
>>> I tried to zpool export the encrypted zpool, but I cannot reimport it
>>> after disconnecting then reconnecting the lofi's.
>>> Thanks in advance for your advice
>>> Best regards
>>> Marc
>>> On 20/11/17 09:36, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>>>> You can use Lofi dev to encrypt the device below the filesystem Layer.
>>>> [1] [2] [3]
>>>> You can use a container Solution I.e A ZFS Volume that is encrypted
>>>> with
>>>> lofidev and then has an UFS Partition inside. Somewhat like [2] but
>>>> with
>>>> UFS rather than ZFS inside the Volume.
>>>> Or you could help review the Encryption code for upstreaming. It is
>>>> already written but in Process of upstreaming. I think it's [4] but you
>>>> will have to search from there further.
>>>> [1]

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] IPMP Info

2017-12-04 Thread Till Wegmüller

OpenIndiana is not Solaris and unfortunately a few commands have not
made it into the Open-Source World.

I have found [1] to cover link aggregation(ipmp) which hopefully covers
your case.

If you remember how to do it in solaris10 that should Also work in


Hope this helps

On 04.12.2017 12:53, Senthilarasan Swamy wrote:
> Hi,
> We are going to move prod solaris10 to OI sol11 latest version. Got stuck 
> with configuration of IPMP on bnxe interfaces while creatin ipmp group, 
> “create-ipmp” option is not found on ipadm command.
> Please point me to active/standby ipmp group create configuration/procedure. 
> Another question is does bnxe interface is compatable with interface base 
> probe detection on multipathing?
> Thanks,
> Senthilarasan Swamy
> System Architect
> Exponential.
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI IPv4 Stack setting DF flag on fragmented UDP packets

2017-12-04 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Markus

Nice to see you on the List :)

The First question will be who does the fragmenting and what kind of
fragment are we talking about.

If it is IP based it could also be a router on the way that fragments it.

If it is on the DNS layer then there should just be two IP packets that
should pass through a stateful firewall on the client router.

In any case you can play with the MTU with ipadm set-ifprop and ipadm

It might be that the MTU is set below 1500 which is the case on my
machine. Mine is 1472 by default (no idea why, but could be automegotiation.

In any case I don't think that the Packaet Size of a DNS should be much
bigger then.

Hope this helps

On 04.12.2017 19:31, Markus Wernig wrote:
> Yes, I can force BIND to switch to TCP by setting max-udp-size 1440, but
> that's just giving in ...
>> Regardless, I expect that DNS 'named' is reponsible for setting the DF
>> flag.
> Hm. On Solaris, this was also a BIND named, compiled from source with
> gcc4, and there is no compile option to influence that. So I assume it
> must be in libc somewhere.
> best /markus
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Booting Hipster from > 2 TB disks ???

2017-12-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Reginald

AFAIK this was the very reason we switched to loader.
RAIDZ has been mentioned as supported unfortunately I have not tired it.

I will install my > 2 TB System tomorrow So I can report back once that


On 13.12.2017 23:28, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Is this possible?   A bunch of searching has not resolved the question.  If 
> it is, I will order 3-4 TB disks, if not, I'll order 2 TB disks.
> There was a post several years ago saying it worked, but I can find no 
> confirmation that it is functional.  
> I presently have a system which uses 2 TB disks with a small slice for rpool 
> and a large slice for user files.  The user file slice is using RAIDZ2. Each 
> disk in the RAIDZ2 pool has an rpool slice which is part of a 4 way mirror.  
> At the time I set that up OI would not boot from an EFI label disk and would 
> not boot from a RAIDZ pool.
> I've not seen anything definitive to indicate that that has changed.  Hence 
> my question.
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oi-userland question (regarding kerberos-5 package)

2017-12-14 Thread Till Wegmüller

Kerberos is from Illumos-gate not userland.


On 14.12.2017 16:24, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was playing with oi-userland and wanted to check Makefile for
> kerberos-5 package, but it is not there?
> $ git clone
> Cloning into 'oi-userland'...
> remote: Counting objects: 144610, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86/86), done.
> remote: Total 144610 (delta 28), reused 63 (delta 10), pack-reused 144506
> Receiving objects: 100% (144610/144610), 127.92 MiB | 978.00 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (72614/72614), done.
> $ find oi-userland -name '*kerberos*'
> [no result shown]
> $ pkg list service/security/kerberos-5
> service/security/kerberos-5   0.5.11-2017.0.0.16900
>     i--
> So, how to get to oi-useland compiling configuration for it?
> With best regards.
> Predrag Zečević

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oi-userland question (regarding kerberos-5 package)

2017-12-14 Thread Till Wegmüller

Unfortuantely not directly AFAIK.

But the version being 0.5.11 is a strong indicator as other packages use
the version of the software for that Property.

And the FMRI Namespace /system is reserved for illumos packages


On 14.12.2017 16:40, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> On 12/14/17 16:31, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi
>> Kerberos is from Illumos-gate not userland.
>> Greetings
>> Till
> Hi Till,
> thanks! Is it possible to get (somehow) that info from pkg list output?
> $ pkg info service/security/kerberos-5
>   Name: service/security/kerberos-5
>    Summary: Kerberos version 5 support
>    Description: Kerberos version 5 support
>   Category: System/Security
>  State: Installed
>  Publisher:
>    Version: 0.5.11
>     Branch: 2017.0.0.16900
> Packaging Date: Tue Dec 12 01:05:09 2017
>   Size: 2.67 MB
>   FMRI:
> pkg://
> Regards.
>> On 14.12.2017 16:24, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was playing with oi-userland and wanted to check Makefile for
>>> kerberos-5 package, but it is not there?
>>> $ git clone
>>> Cloning into 'oi-userland'...
>>> remote: Counting objects: 144610, done.
>>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86/86), done.
>>> remote: Total 144610 (delta 28), reused 63 (delta 10), pack-reused
>>> 144506
>>> Receiving objects: 100% (144610/144610), 127.92 MiB | 978.00 KiB/s,
>>> done.
>>> Resolving deltas: 100% (72614/72614), done.
>>> $ find oi-userland -name '*kerberos*'
>>> [no result shown]
>>> $ pkg list service/security/kerberos-5
>>> service/security/kerberos-5   0.5.11-2017.0.0.16900
>>>  i--
>>> So, how to get to oi-useland compiling configuration for it?
>>> With best regards.
>>> Predrag Zečević
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Booting Hipster from > 2 TB disks ???

2017-12-15 Thread Till Wegmüller

I was able to install OI on a raidz2 pool via the installer. On 4TB disks.

However the OS throws a error 48 when trying to mount the zpool and thus

I have not figured out why but it is suggested that this may be a bug in
the kernel. Meaning it can not use raidz2 as rpool. maybe raidz1 works.


On 13.12.2017 23:28, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Is this possible?   A bunch of searching has not resolved the question.  If 
> it is, I will order 3-4 TB disks, if not, I'll order 2 TB disks.
> There was a post several years ago saying it worked, but I can find no 
> confirmation that it is functional.  
> I presently have a system which uses 2 TB disks with a small slice for rpool 
> and a large slice for user files.  The user file slice is using RAIDZ2. Each 
> disk in the RAIDZ2 pool has an rpool slice which is part of a 4 way mirror.  
> At the time I set that up OI would not boot from an EFI label disk and would 
> not boot from a RAIDZ pool.
> I've not seen anything definitive to indicate that that has changed.  Hence 
> my question.
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] tr: Re: Gnome 3.X

2017-12-21 Thread Till Wegmüller


While Gnome3 With extensions is an interesting Option for the future we 
commited to mate some time ago as it was easier to maintain with our 
limited resource.

Since Alan Coopersmith with his team at Oracle has ported Gnome3 to 
solaris it is now also an option to port. If you are up for porting and 
maintaining it I will happily assist with my know-how from packaging.

You can find the Port in Oracles Github: [1]

Hope this helps


Am 21.12.2017 um 16:45 schrieb cpforum:

I've found theses thread November 2016 in openindiana-discuss and oi-dev 
archive about Gnome 3.22.1 port under Solaris 11.

I also remember someone give a publisher url of the Solaris port on OI hipster
but I've lost the url of this publisher.

First version of Gnome 3 were ugly you have to use keybord Windows key to makes 
preferred application appears on the left. It's now possible (under CentOS 7.4 
for exemple ) with Frippery Gnome extension to have a Gnome 3.X deskop near the 
same as the Gnome 2.32 or Mate 1.18 with preferences applications in the top 
toobar and the launched one's in the bottom toolbar.

Message du 21/12/17 14:34
De : "Alexander Pyhalov"
A : "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" , "cpforum"
Copie à :
Objet : Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Gnome 3.X

On 12/21/17 04:12 PM, cpforum wrote:


Were can I found an IPS url for Gnome 3.X repository for OpenIndiana Hipster ?
Someone post info about Gnome 3 one or two years ago in this list.

Nowhere. I don't remember any developer interested in Gnome 3 on OI.
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hardware to run OpenIndiana ...

2017-12-27 Thread Till Wegmüller

Best is at least 1.5gb ram and a newer but not the newest processor.
The Problem is less that a maschine needs power to run OpenIndiana but
that we can not keep up with the latest drivers. I would go for an last
gen hardware.

I have it running on a HP Proliant Microserver Gen10 and I know that
Gen8 works well too.

Hope this helps

On 28.12.2017 00:34, Everaldo Bernardo Cunha wrote:
> What hardware do I need to run OpenIndiana 2017.10? How much RAM and
> processor speed is needed?
> Everaldo
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hardware to run OpenIndiana ...

2017-12-28 Thread Till Wegmüller
On 28.12.2017 04:58, Michael Kruger wrote:
> On 12/27/2017 07:33 PM, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> I have it running on a HP Proliant Microserver Gen10 and I know that
>> Gen8 works well too.
> Really? I would think Gen 10 would be UEFI?
> Does Hipster now support UEFI?

No but UEFI can still boot legacy MBR for one or two generations.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Problems with two disks after Hypervisor switched Disk paths

2018-01-08 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello Community

I am a bit stuck with two disks which don't want to attach to a zpool
after being removed from the pool.

Story: We have a KVM-VM running OpenIndiana on a Linux host. the Guest
VM has a Zpool with about 10 disks. Passed through from the host via
virtio. After a Host Reboot Linux decided to switch around the disk
names. (Linux likes to to that) Thus the directly passed through disks
to the Guest got switched around aswell. Three devices seem to have been
affected. two of them where hot spares so no data loss. I managed to get
the Zpool working again by replacing the missing disk with c18t0d0.
However c14t0d0 and c15t0d0 do not want to be added as hot spares anymore.

c15t0d0 is an odd case If I try to access the disk with dd it says No
such device or address. Same with zpool labelclear and friends.

I tried to wipe every piece kind of zfs label on c14t0d0 including all
partitions with format. If I now try to use format again to start from
scratch It asks me to set the disk type only to tell me that the
partition is in use. Does anybody know how to reset a disk like this
short from dd'ing with zero the whole disk?

Short from dd'ing the whole disks zero which are 3TB so I am out of
ideas? Has anybody an idea what I could do with these disks to be able
to attach them to the zpool ?

Also everytime I try to do anything with c14t0d0 it says c18t0d0 (notice
the name difference) is already part of the pool. Does anybody know why
zpool thinks c14t0d0 is c18t0d0?

Thanks in advance and Greetings

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problems with two disks after Hypervisor switched Disk paths

2018-01-09 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hrmm yeah I think it's no problem with the pool but rather something
with the Solaris device management I am not getting.

c14t0d0 is recognized as new disk by format but what is anoying though
is this:

# zpool add -f tank spare c14t0d0
invalid vdev specification
the following errors must be manually repaired:
/dev/dsk/c18t0d0s0 is part of active ZFS pool bkpool. Please see zpool(1M).

Which makes me think that there is still a label on that disk somewhere.
Anybody any ideas?

Thanks and Greetings

On 09.01.2018 03:46, Warren Marts wrote:
> Writing 1 MB of zeros to the raw disk device has always been enough to make
> sure a drive is treated as new.
> My experience is mostly with FreeBSD, but a zpool export .. reboot .. zpool
> import [-f] cycle has fixed up things for me before. Or zpool clear
>  .
> On Solaris based systems I understand the FMA may need to be examined or
> cleared.
> On Jan 8, 2018 9:48 AM, "Till Wegmüller"  wrote:
>> Hello Community
>> I am a bit stuck with two disks which don't want to attach to a zpool
>> after being removed from the pool.
>> Story: We have a KVM-VM running OpenIndiana on a Linux host. the Guest
>> VM has a Zpool with about 10 disks. Passed through from the host via
>> virtio. After a Host Reboot Linux decided to switch around the disk
>> names. (Linux likes to to that) Thus the directly passed through disks
>> to the Guest got switched around aswell. Three devices seem to have been
>> affected. two of them where hot spares so no data loss. I managed to get
>> the Zpool working again by replacing the missing disk with c18t0d0.
>> However c14t0d0 and c15t0d0 do not want to be added as hot spares anymore.
>> c15t0d0 is an odd case If I try to access the disk with dd it says No
>> such device or address. Same with zpool labelclear and friends.
>> I tried to wipe every piece kind of zfs label on c14t0d0 including all
>> partitions with format. If I now try to use format again to start from
>> scratch It asks me to set the disk type only to tell me that the
>> partition is in use. Does anybody know how to reset a disk like this
>> short from dd'ing with zero the whole disk?
>> Short from dd'ing the whole disks zero which are 3TB so I am out of
>> ideas? Has anybody an idea what I could do with these disks to be able
>> to attach them to the zpool ?
>> Also everytime I try to do anything with c14t0d0 it says c18t0d0 (notice
>> the name difference) is already part of the pool. Does anybody know why
>> zpool thinks c14t0d0 is c18t0d0?
>> Thanks in advance and Greetings
>> Till
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Swap/stack space continuously shrinking

2018-02-21 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Markus

This happens when the Memory Of the Machine runs out.
It is named swap but it is an in memory Filesystem that is mounted at
boot on these specific directories. (Much like TMPFS on Linux)

Have you overcomited the RAM?

Hope this helps

On 21.02.2018 12:27, Markus Wernig wrote:
> Hi all
> I have 2 OI installations in kvm/qemu virtual machines. Both are showing
> the same symptom: The available swap/stack space is continuously
> decreasing, up to the point (roughly every 6-7 weeks) where none is left
> and no new processes can be forked. Meaning a forced reboot, as also no
> login shells can be spawned any more.
> I have already moved /tmp to a separate dataset in the global zone (and
> to plain directories within the two other zones).
> What I see is a slow, continuous decrease in the sisze of all file
> systems marked as swap (~6.5 GB after reboot):
> df -h | grep swap over the last 24 hours:
> swap   6.45G  1020K  6.45G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
> swap   6.45G60K  6.45G 1%/var/run
> ..
> swap   5.94G  1020K  5.94G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
> swap   5.94G60K  5.94G 1%/var/run
> ..
> swap   5.89G   204K  5.89G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
> swap   5.89G12K  5.89G 1%/var/run
> ..
> swap   5.62G   204K  5.62G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
> swap   5.62G12K  5.62G 1%/var/run
> ..
> swap   5.04G  1020K  5.04G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
> swap   5.04G48K  5.04G 1%/var/run
> The swap device on the other hand remains stable:
> # swap -lh
> swapfile devswaplo   blocks free
> /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 270,24K 512M 512M
> As nothing seems to get stored in that space, I assume it must be used
> by something else (processes not freeing it).
> Does anybody have an idea on how to start debugging this? All I get in
> the log files are these messages, starting some hours before the boxes
> stand still:
> Feb 14 03:51:09 xfer-srv05 tmpfs: [ID 518458 kern.warning] WARNING:
> /etc/svc/volatile: File system full, swap space limit exceeded
> Feb 14 03:51:10 xfer-srv05 last message repeated 1 time
> Feb 14 04:03:20 xfer-srv05 genunix: [ID 470503 kern.warning] WARNING:
> Sorry, no swap space to grow stack for pid 8106 (httpd)
> Feb 14 04:28:36 xfer-srv05 genunix: [ID 470503 kern.warning] WARNING:
> Sorry, no swap space to grow stack for pid 8920 (httpd)
> Feb 14 05:58:20 xfer-srv05 genunix: [ID 470503 kern.warning] WARNING:
> Sorry, no swap space to grow stack for pid 11050 (httpd)
> Feb 14 05:58:24 xfer-srv05 last message repeated 1 time
> Thanks for any ideas.
> /markus
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Automated Setup Of OpenIndiana with sysding

2018-03-05 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello Everyone

I am currently working on an Automated Installer for Openindiana (and
potentialy other distros) based on Peter tribbles Tribblix Installation

It works except for one bug.

During First Bootup the it loads the service manifests but complains
that it can not apply the generic profile.

Thus sysding does not get run and does not configure the Machine.

Has anybody any Idea how I could debug that? Is there any log that SMF
creates during firstboot that I could look at?

Thanks and Greetings

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Fwd: [oi-dev] [call for testing] KPTI images

2018-03-06 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi and welcome in the community

On 06.03.2018 14:48, Priyadarshan via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Thank you very much for the clarification.
> I am coming from FreeBSD (since 2002, both on servers and workstations).
> I am just getting my feet wet with openindiana.
> I am studying Pro OpenSolaris, and getting to OpenSolaris Bible later,
> having my first install on a ThinkPad W541. I must say, I was impressed
> on how smooth and flawless the install was, in comparison to Win 10,
> FreeBSD 11 or even Linux Mint.
> From the overall feel of it I know this is home.
> I would like very much to contribute some packages, when (if ever)  I'll
> have enough expertise.

If you are studying the books you will definately have enough expertise.
The Packaging is made with Custom makefiles based on the current

You can find documentation here:

The Source here:

> As I understand, then, it would be better to contribute to openindiana
> repositories, as found here:
> When the time will come, would I be able to "pester" people on this
> list, in regards to creating new packages? Or better the oi-dev list?

For packaging help you will definately get help on oi-dev. We also have
irc channels on freenode if you prefer that.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Missing? svc:/application/pkg/zones-proxy-client

2018-03-06 Thread Till Wegmüller
On 06.03.2018 22:50, Predrag Zecevic wrote:

> system/zones/brand/nlipkg
> instead of
> system/zones/brand/ipkg
> for zones (thanks to Alexander Pyhalov [] and
> its blog)

You will need to set brand=nlipkg in zonecfg afterward.

And probably reinstall the Zone for it to take effect.

Hope it helps

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oi-userland test : no local repo

2018-03-25 Thread Till Wegmüller

Very simple.

Inside the top dir of the git type "gmake setup"

You can then look at the repo with "pkgrepo -s file://$REPOLOCATION list"

Hope this helps

On 25.03.2018 22:01, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hello!
> As my first test I tried to build the tool hplip with gui enabled,
> cloned the git repository, modified the makefile..
> After gmake publish and succesful compile it says:
> The path '/home/stephan/src/oi-userland/i386/repo' does not contain a
> valid package repo
> But i don't even have a directory "/home/stephan/src/oi-userland/i386"
> Does anyone here have a hint for me?
> How do i create an empty local repo?
> Greetings,
> Stephan Althaus
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] http protocol error

2018-03-26 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Gary

Problems with Hipsters IPS repo. Serverside.


On 26.03.2018 01:44, Gary Mills wrote:
> What's going on here?
> # beadm list
> BE   Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
> hipster-20171031 -  -  15.1M static 2018-02-03 16:26
> hipster-20180204 NR /  8.80G static 2018-02-04 08:35
> # pkg update -n
> pkg: 0/1 catalogs successfully updated:
> http protocol error: Unknown error code: 404 reason: Not Found
> URL: 
> '' 
> (happened 4 times)

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] help needed: reinstall bootloader

2018-04-13 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Stephan

Is this a Linux dualboot machine?

Linux has the tendency to overwrite the device section of a zpool when
importing. /dev/sdc looks like a linux name.

If so you may have killed that zpool by importing it from linux.
AFAIK there is currently no good solution to fix the device name entry.

Also be sure to stick to either slices or partitions p1 != s1 in your
One is the traditional Solaris Slice layout of the disk the other the
Partitions in DOS style. They do not mix at all.

Hope this helps

On 13.04.2018 21:01, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hello!
> Something weird happened (per ssh i killed X because of a not responding
> system, i had to power off)
> and now the boot loader hangs just before listing the installed drives
> "BIOS Drive C:" ...
> and therefore not showing the oi boot menu.
> Boot From DVD with
> #beadm activate openindiana-2 zfs:rpool
> #boot
> does work (so i am able to send EMails :-)
> #zpool status
> does list a wrong device name (/dev/sdc5 but the partition is
> /dev/dsk/c5t0d0p1),
> so i cannot use #bootadm install-bootloader -Mfv
> i tried
> #installgrub -m /boot/grub/zfs_stage1_5 /boot/grub/stage_2
> /dev/rdsk/ct5t0d0s1
> with the effect that i only see a cursor in the left upper edge, so its
> worse than before.
> Below are the details.
> Any hints are welcome :-)
> Stephan
> -
> root@dell:~# zpool status rpool
>   pool: rpool
>  state: ONLINE
> status: Some supported features are not enabled on the pool. The pool can
>     still be used, but some features are unavailable.
> action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'. Once this is done,
>     the pool may no longer be accessible by software that does not
> support
>     the features. See zpool-features(5) for details.
>   scan: none requested
> config:
>     rpool    ONLINE   0 0 0
>   /dev/sdc5  ONLINE   0 0 0
> errors: No known data errors
> root@dell:~# format
> Searching for disks...done
>    0. c5t0d0  224 sec 56>
>   /pci@0,0/pci1028,24f@1f,2/disk@0,0
> Specify disk (enter its number): ^C
> root@dell:~# bootadm install-bootloader -Mfv
> be_do_installboot: device /dev/sdc5
> be_do_installboot: install failed for device /dev/sdc5.
>   Command: "/usr/sbin/installboot -F -m -f //boot/pmbr //boot/gptzfsboot
> /dev/sdc5/r"
>   Errors:
> installing loader to whole disk device is not supported
> open: No such file or directory
> Unable to open device /dev/sdc5/r
> be_run_cmd: command terminated with error status: 1
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Is SFE IPS Repository Down?

2018-04-19 Thread Till Wegmüller

It's a problem on the providers side. Try checking in the next few days.


On 19.04.2018 18:45, Rasaki Temidire wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have been trying to install packages from the SFE repository
> ( but the pkg command times out each
> time.  Tried pointing my browsers to the repository home page and they
> times out.  Has anyone else noticed this issue?
> Rasaki
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hardware to run OpenIndiana ...

2018-04-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Jürgen.

I must admit I really seldomly reboot that system appart from the fma
errorlog it just runs.

Usually I use "init 5" to shutdown as this gets the best results.
Init 6 should help.

I have Set "acpi-user-options=2" in /boot/conf.d/acpi maybe that helps.
My guess is that acpi is Re-enabled during boot and thus the freeze.

Hope this helps

On 22.04.2018 16:34, Jürgen Bereuter wrote:
> Hello,
> i try to install Hipster 2017.10 (usb) on an HP Proliant Microserver Gen 10.
> I know, that i had to disable uefi boot and use legacy bios, that works, so i 
> am able to install it. And i have to disable acpi support (for installation 
> and booting/running openindiana afterwards). But with this disabled option i 
> am not able to reboot from command line (it freezes). 
> Till, you wrote, that you have installed Openindiana on such a system. Is 
> there a trick to solve my problems?
> Thanks! jürgen
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hardware to run OpenIndiana ...

2018-04-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
Glad I could help.

While not ideal it may also be of use to disable svc:/system/fmd:default
until it gets support for the Hardware sensors it is missing.

I run this server in private home setup so for me it does not matter
that fmd is disabled. If you want to keep fmd enabled the best option
for now is to to write a cronjob that disables it purges the errorlog
and then reneables fmd again. Otherwise the log will eat your disk space.

Have fun with and Greetings

On 22.04.2018 21:47, Jürgen Bereuter wrote:
> Till,
> that was very helpful! The system is working and i am able to reboot (thats 
> important, although i think, it could be a reboot after a kernel panic), and, 
> also important to know, that these errors do not affect system integrity.
> Thanks you for your fast response.
> jürgen
>> Am 22.04.2018 um 18:58 schrieb Till Wegmüller :
>> Hi Jürgen.
>> I must admit I really seldomly reboot that system appart from the fma
>> errorlog it just runs.
>> Usually I use "init 5" to shutdown as this gets the best results.
>> Init 6 should help.
>> I have Set "acpi-user-options=2" in /boot/conf.d/acpi maybe that helps.
>> My guess is that acpi is Re-enabled during boot and thus the freeze.
>> Hope this helps
>> Till
>> On 22.04.2018 16:34, Jürgen Bereuter wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i try to install Hipster 2017.10 (usb) on an HP Proliant Microserver Gen 10.
>>> I know, that i had to disable uefi boot and use legacy bios, that works, so 
>>> i am able to install it. And i have to disable acpi support (for 
>>> installation and booting/running openindiana afterwards). But with this 
>>> disabled option i am not able to reboot from command line (it freezes). 
>>> Till, you wrote, that you have installed Openindiana on such a system. Is 
>>> there a trick to solve my problems?
>>> Thanks! jürgen
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Connecting Serial Modem to Illumos (ACM9

2018-04-29 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello Dear OI Community

I am trying to connect my Ultimaker to my OpenIndiana Server. It is a
serial device accessed through a python software.

When connecting the USB I can see it showing up in dmesg:
Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 349649] usba:no
driver found for interface 1 (nodename: 'data') of Ultimaker BV
( Ultimaker 2.0
Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 912658] USB 1.10 interface
(usbif2341,10.config1.0) operating at full speed (USB 1.x) on USB 3.0
root hub: modem@0, usbsacm1 at bus address 2
Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 349649] Ultimaker BV
( Ultimaker 2.0
Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 genunix: [ID 936769] usbsacm1 is
Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 genunix: [ID 408114]
/pci@0,0/pci1043,84ca@14/communications@1/modem@0 (usbsacm1) online

But I do not know where that file would be under /dev. On linux it's
somewhere under /dev/ttyUSB or /dev/ttyACM.

I have a device under /dev/term that links to
../../devices/pci@0,0/pci1043,84ca@14/communications@1/modem@0:0 like
usbsacm1 should. But that device seems not to be correct.

Does anybody know where that device usbsacm1 would be under /dev? or do
I need anything aditional to get access to that device?

Thanks in advance for any advice and Greetings

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Connecting Serial Modem to Illumos (ACM9

2018-04-29 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Reginal, Peter

Thanks for the help. I seem to be getting something from /dev/cua/0 but
there seems to be a problem in my installation. Looks like a Software
error though. I'll see if it's because I am on a faulty realease.

Thank you for the Help
that gets me a few steps further.


On 29.04.2018 17:55, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> It should be /dev/cua?
> Here is what I get with Hipster 17.10.  First is with a Triplite Keyscan 
> connected.  Second is with it removed.  Not sure what the deal is with the 
> cua0 and cua1 entries. But I seem to recall trying to get a PCI serial port 
> card to work and giving up.
> Be aware that very few USB to RS232 devices work with Solaris,  And in 
> general it is a horrible can of worms even when they do.
> My canonical test for a new admin at work was to mention "modem".  If the 
> person flinched I knew they were experienced.  If they didn't they were 
> clearly new at this.
> rhb@Hipster:/dev$ ls -l /dev/cua*
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  39 Dec 19 19:52 /dev/cua0 -> 
> ../devices/pci@0,0/isa@1/asy@1,3f8:a,cu
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  39 Dec 19 19:52 /dev/cua1 -> 
> ../devices/pci@0,0/isa@1/asy@1,2f8:b,cu
> /dev/cua:
> total 1
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  53 Apr 29 10:43 0 -> 
> ../../devices/pci@0,0/pci103c,1309@1a,2/device@1:0,cu
> rhb@Hipster:/dev$ ls -l /dev/cua*
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  39 Dec 19 19:52 /dev/cua0 -> 
> ../devices/pci@0,0/isa@1/asy@1,3f8:a,cu
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  39 Dec 19 19:52 /dev/cua1 -> 
> ../devices/pci@0,0/isa@1/asy@1,2f8:b,cu
> rhb@Hipster:/dev$ 
> On Sun, 4/29/18, Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>  Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Connecting Serial Modem to Illumos (ACM9
>  To:
>  Date: Sunday, April 29, 2018, 6:56 AM
>  Hello Dear OI Community
>  I am trying to connect my Ultimaker to
>  my OpenIndiana Server. It is a
>  serial device accessed through a python
>  software.
>  When connecting the USB I can see it
>  showing up in dmesg:
>  Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 349649
>] usba:        no
>  driver found for interface 1 (nodename:
>  'data') of Ultimaker BV
>  ( Ultimaker 2.0
>  Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 912658
>] USB 1.10 interface
>  (usbif2341,10.config1.0) operating at
>  full speed (USB 1.x) on USB 3.0
>  root hub: modem@0, usbsacm1 at
>  bus address 2
>  Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 usba: [ID 349649
>] Ultimaker BV
>  ( Ultimaker 2.0
>  Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 genunix: [ID
>  936769] usbsacm1 is
>  /pci@0,0/pci1043,84ca@14/communications@1/modem@0
>  Apr 29 11:34:36 node02 genunix: [ID
>  408114]
>  /pci@0,0/pci1043,84ca@14/communications@1/modem@0 (usbsacm1)
>  online
>  But I do not know where that file would
>  be under /dev. On linux it's
>  somewhere under /dev/ttyUSB or
>  /dev/ttyACM.
>  I have a device under /dev/term that
>  links to
>  ../../devices/pci@0,0/pci1043,84ca@14/communications@1/modem@0:0 like
>  usbsacm1 should. But that device seems
>  not to be correct.
>  Does anybody know where that device
>  usbsacm1 would be under /dev? or do
>  I need anything aditional to get access
>  to that device?
>  Thanks in advance for any advice and
>  Greetings
>  Till
>  ___
>  openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot

2018-05-01 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Tomasz

Isn't Apollo Lake 32bit only? We got rid of 32bit support a few months ago.


On 01.05.2018 13:28, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
> On 28 April 2018 at 14:48, Alexander Pyhalov  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot is ready.
>> Images:
> I've been trying to boot usb image on
> After display messages about loading boot_archive{,.hash} and after
> this "Booting..." few seconds after this everything resets and back to
> BIOS reset.
> I've been trying to enable kmdb and verbose but with those options
> enabled nothing more is displayed and everything freezes (only cold
> reset helps).
> I'm using UP Squared Pentium Quad Core (N4200 @ 1.10GHz) 8GB memory/128GB eMMC
> kloczek

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot

2018-05-01 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Tomasz

What does the debug mode say?


On 01.05.2018 13:28, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
> On 28 April 2018 at 14:48, Alexander Pyhalov  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot is ready.
>> Images:
> I've been trying to boot usb image on
> After display messages about loading boot_archive{,.hash} and after
> this "Booting..." few seconds after this everything resets and back to
> BIOS reset.
> I've been trying to enable kmdb and verbose but with those options
> enabled nothing more is displayed and everything freezes (only cold
> reset helps).
> I'm using UP Squared Pentium Quad Core (N4200 @ 1.10GHz) 8GB memory/128GB eMMC
> kloczek

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] AMD graphics for OI?

2018-05-01 Thread Till Wegmüller

Well not that long, but definetly somewhere in that range I'm affraid.
Unless somebody sneakily started a porting effort.


On 02.05.2018 07:25, wrote:
> Hello,
> I know there are graphics drivers for Nvidea hardware, but my hardware
> is AMD.
> What is the status for AMD grahics drivers on OI? Is it one of those
> long-term, "one day...when GNU HURD dominates the marketplace on
> consumer and enterprise systems".
> SM
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] An installation report and a few questions from a Solaris neophyte.

2018-05-08 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Lazarus

On 08.05.2018 11:36, Michal Nowak wrote:

> Perhaps KVMadm from SFE repo is what you are looking for:

A Simple Shell script is usually enough to run kvm I use the following.


# configuration
# Sample zvol path.
# Memory for the KVM instance, in Mebibytes (2^20 bytes).
# Virtual CPUs for the instance

mac=`dladm show-vnic -po macaddress $VNIC`

/usr/bin/amd64/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-name "$(basename $CD)" \
-boot cd \
-enable-kvm \
-nodefaults \
-vnc :$VNC \
-monitor telnet:localhost:7000,server,nowait,nodelay \
-smp $CPUS \
-m $MEM \
-no-hpet \
-localtime \
-drive file=$HDD,if=virtio,index=0 \
-drive file=$CD,media=cdrom,if=ide,index=2  \
-net nic,vlan=0,name=net0,model=e1000,macaddr=$mac \
-net vnic,vlan=0,name=net0,ifname=$VNIC,macaddr=$mac \
-vga std \

if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to start VM"

I place this under the zfs dataset of the vm (rpool1/kvm/jenkins-alpine
in this case) as make it executable and just connect via ssh and
run the vm.

That gives you a telnet port on localhost:7000 to look into the vm
console if you want to to anything there. and a VNC on :0 on the host.

This is easiest to put into a zone as the zone will only need the
priviledges and the it's good to go. Which is best to do homework first
before using something more automagic like kvmadm.

Hope this helps

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] AMD Rysen 3

2018-06-20 Thread Till Wegmüller
On 20.06.2018 20:18, Gary Mills wrote:
>> When I booted the system with live DVD everything was OK
>> except the "ERROR: failed to attach AMD IOMMU" error.
> I get that error every time I boot my Ryzen system.  It seems to
> do no harm.  Everything else seems to work normally, including
> the GUI.

The only time I have ever needed IOMMU was when I did PCI pass-through
of my Graphics card to a VM.

I don't think there is any other use for it.

As we don't have Quemu for AMD anyway you wont need it.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] boot failure

2018-07-19 Thread Till Wegmüller

A simple

echo "acpi-user-options=2" > /boot/conf.d/acpi

does the trick


On 19.07.2018 20:54, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>> I've seen this on Kaby Lake system but don't remember how/if I 
>> workarounded it. Last chance: disable ACPI in the bootloader.
> OK this last "trick" allowed him to finally boot the system.
> Now the question is: Once the system is installed is it necessary to 
> disable ACPI everytime he boots the system? If the answer is yes,
> is there any way to configure the boot loader to automatically disable
> Kind regards,
> Apostolos
> --
> Apostolos Syropoulos
> Xanthi, Greece
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 5.2.14 crashing when attempting to start VM

2018-08-14 Thread Till Wegmüller

Are you trying to boot 32-bit VM's?

Or is Virtualbox still part 32bit?

The referenced Bug mentions that only 32bit VM's are affected.

Can you boot the VM's with Qemu?

I doubt Bugs in June are affecting that Issue given that a Patch level
from 12th July still works.

What type of VM's are you trying to boot? Windows, Linux, 32/64 bit?

Did the Workaround work?
>> we have had similar case in the past, and workaround was found:
>> *
>> * that was added to wiki too:

When reading the crashdump virtualbox seems to choke on IOctl.

Have you tried building Virtualbox OSE and see if that works for you?

Thanks for the info

On 14.08.2018 09:45, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> On 08/06/18 12:36, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>> On 07/25/18 22:02, Michal Nowak wrote:
>>> On 07/25/18 04:46 PM, russell wrote:

 I have been VirtualBox 5.2.14 since it came out without any issues
 until I performed a pkg update on 22nd July.
 Everytime I perform a pkg update I always specify a new boot
 environment, so last update which VirtualBox 5.2.14 worked on is the
 one I performed on the 12th July. I have made this BE activate so I
 do not have to remember to select it on boot.


>>> I think it might be the "eager FPU" changes which landed in
>>> illumos-gate on June 13th:
>>> It's reported to the authors of those patches at
>>> I don't know of a workaround apart from sticking to versions before
>>> the change.
>>> Michal
>> Hi all,
>> we have had similar case in the past, and workaround was found:
>> *
>> * that was added to wiki too:
>> Not sure what to do with this new case (should be illumos issue opened
>> or not)?
>> In any case, I have updated /hipster today and it has crashed. Output
>> excerpt from mdb -k (::msgbuf) command:
>> --
>> pseudo-device: vboxusbmon0
>> vboxusbmon0 is /pseudo/vboxusbmon@0
>> panic[cpu0]/thread=ff03d96e0520:
>> recursive rw_enter, lp=ff03e71be928 wwwh=ff03d96e0524
>> thread=ff03d96e0520
>> ff000fcb5440 unix:rw_panic+54 ()
>> ff000fcb54b0 unix:rw_enter_sleep+37a ()
>> ff000fcb55a0 genunix:as_fault+1f1 ()
>> ff000fcb5630 unix:pagefault+96 ()
>> ff000fcb5730 unix:trap+d88 ()
>> ff000fcb5740 unix:cmntrap+e6 ()
>> ff000fcb5880 vboxdrv:rtR0SegVBoxSolCreate+91 ()
>> ff000fcb5960 genunix:as_map_locked+1a4 ()
>> ff000fcb59d0 genunix:as_map+58 ()
>> ff000fcb5a70 vboxdrv:rtR0MemObjNativeMapUser+28f ()
>> ff000fcb5ae0 vboxdrv:RTR0MemObjMapUserTag+154 ()
>> ff000fcb5b80 vboxdrv:SUPR0GipMap+138 ()
>> ff000fcb5c10 vboxdrv:supdrvIOCtl+2e7c ()
>> ff000fcb5cc0 vboxdrv:VBoxDrvSolarisIOCtl+375 ()
>> ff000fcb5d00 genunix:cdev_ioctl+39 ()
>> ff000fcb5d50 specfs:spec_ioctl+60 ()
>> ff000fcb5de0 genunix:fop_ioctl+55 ()
>> ff000fcb5f00 genunix:ioctl+9b ()
>> ff000fcb5f10 unix:brand_sys_syscall+1f2 ()
>> dumping to /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump, offset 65536, content: kernel
>> --
>> Booting to older BE (with latest VBox package - 5.2.16) worked for me
>> too.
>> Regards.
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> Hi all,
> Is there any workaround for this case?
> It prevents me from OI /hipster upgrade (I need VBox for various
> reasons)...
> With best regards.
> Predrag Zečević

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 5.2.14 crashing when attempting to start VM

2018-08-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
On 14.08.2018 10:28, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>> Did the Workaround work?
> Yes, we have added it to wiki
 we have had similar case in the past, and workaround was found:
 * that was added to wiki too:


I am a bit confused. Did that workaround work for your current case? If
so why are you asking for a Workaround?

Or was the problem that pkg overwrote 'set disable_smap=1' in /etc/system ?

It looks like that back in the day Virtualbox used an undefined
behaviour to access user data. Looks like a bug in Virtualbox to me. Os
and other devs can workaround it but ultimately If I read Rmustacs
comment correctly on the given illumos bug, then Virtualbox should use
the proper Driver Framework methods to get user data instead of IOctl's.
So unless the behave properly in modern Solarisch OSes there will always
be problem's.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 5.2.14 crashing when attempting to start VM

2018-08-22 Thread Till Wegmüller

I get the same result on my machine illumos-49714e869e

Syscall 177 which is at the bottom of the stack is munmap. So my
assumption is there was a bug introduced in KVM some tima ago.

I have also tested disabling KPTI with no luck. so it's not that.


On 8/22/18 3:35 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> On 08/22/18 15:18, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>> On 22/08/2018 14:29, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>> On 22/08/2018 12:39, Jacques Hugo wrote:
 Hey Predrag,
 I'm on this release -> SunOS 5.11 illumos-66a2141c21 illumos
 If you touch the qemu-kvm bin the host panics immediately and
>>> Checked that on real hardware (DataON CIB-9470V12, E5-2600 V2, C602)
>>> with current hipster:
>>> illumos-6640c13bea i86pc i386 i86pc
>>> qemu-kvm reboots the host immediately. Seems to be a serious bug.
>>> No panic message, just a reboot, starting in dbx looks like this:
>>> ro sunth7 ~ # dbx /usr/bin/qemu-kvm
>>> For information about new features see `help changes'
>>> To remove this message, put `dbxenv suppress_startup_message 7.7' in
>>> your .dbxrc
>>> Reading qemu-kvm
>>> Reading
>>> Reading
>>> (dbx) run -m 4g -smp 3 -cdrom /tftpboot/OI-hipster-minimal-20180427.iso
>>> Running: qemu-kvm -m 4g -smp 3 -cdrom
>>> /tftpboot/OI-hipster-minimal-20180427.iso
>>> (process id 1238)
>>> Reading
>>> Reading
>> Have got a crashdump:
>>  > ::status
>> debugging crash dump vmcore.0 (64-bit) from imksunth7
>> operating system: 5.11 illumos-6640c13bea (i86pc)
>> image uuid: ba4a4d5d-58bd-6dbd-ab55-ba047c459f90
>> panic message: BAD TRAP: type=7 (#nm Device not available)
>> rp=fe426c6f2300 addr=fe426c6f2ea8
>> dump content: kernel pages only
>>  > ::stack
>> kvm_fx_finit()
>> vmx_vcpu_reset+0x97()
>> kvm_arch_vcpu_reset+0x6c()
>> kvm_arch_vcpu_setup+0x28()
>> kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu+0x44()
>> kvm_ioctl+0xa2c()
>> cdev_ioctl+0x39(1320002, 2000ae41, 0, 202003, fea3a23ccad8,
>> fe426c6f2ea8)
>> spec_ioctl+0x60(fea3e4fa3880, 2000ae41, 0, 202003,
>> fea3a23ccad8, fe426c6f2ea8)
>> fop_ioctl+0x55(fea3e4fa3880, 2000ae41, 0, 202003,
>> fea3a23ccad8, fe426c6f2ea8)
>> ioctl+0x9b(9, 2000ae41, 0)
>> sys_syscall+0x177()
>> /dev/kvm is available and module is loaded:
>> ro sunth7 /var/crash/crashcore # modinfo |grep kvm
>> 261 f7e7e000  376b0 306   1  kvm (kvm driver v0.1)
> I have impression that incompatible changes was made on illumos level ...
> Thanks for looking at.
> Now, we need someone to get it working back...
> Regards.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 5.2.14 crashing when attempting to start VM

2018-08-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
Ticket created


On 8/22/18 3:35 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> On 08/22/18 15:18, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>> On 22/08/2018 14:29, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>> On 22/08/2018 12:39, Jacques Hugo wrote:
 Hey Predrag,
 I'm on this release -> SunOS 5.11 illumos-66a2141c21 illumos
 If you touch the qemu-kvm bin the host panics immediately and
>>> Checked that on real hardware (DataON CIB-9470V12, E5-2600 V2, C602)
>>> with current hipster:
>>> illumos-6640c13bea i86pc i386 i86pc
>>> qemu-kvm reboots the host immediately. Seems to be a serious bug.
>>> No panic message, just a reboot, starting in dbx looks like this:
>>> ro sunth7 ~ # dbx /usr/bin/qemu-kvm
>>> For information about new features see `help changes'
>>> To remove this message, put `dbxenv suppress_startup_message 7.7' in
>>> your .dbxrc
>>> Reading qemu-kvm
>>> Reading
>>> Reading
>>> (dbx) run -m 4g -smp 3 -cdrom /tftpboot/OI-hipster-minimal-20180427.iso
>>> Running: qemu-kvm -m 4g -smp 3 -cdrom
>>> /tftpboot/OI-hipster-minimal-20180427.iso
>>> (process id 1238)
>>> Reading
>>> Reading
>> Have got a crashdump:
>>  > ::status
>> debugging crash dump vmcore.0 (64-bit) from imksunth7
>> operating system: 5.11 illumos-6640c13bea (i86pc)
>> image uuid: ba4a4d5d-58bd-6dbd-ab55-ba047c459f90
>> panic message: BAD TRAP: type=7 (#nm Device not available)
>> rp=fe426c6f2300 addr=fe426c6f2ea8
>> dump content: kernel pages only
>>  > ::stack
>> kvm_fx_finit()
>> vmx_vcpu_reset+0x97()
>> kvm_arch_vcpu_reset+0x6c()
>> kvm_arch_vcpu_setup+0x28()
>> kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu+0x44()
>> kvm_ioctl+0xa2c()
>> cdev_ioctl+0x39(1320002, 2000ae41, 0, 202003, fea3a23ccad8,
>> fe426c6f2ea8)
>> spec_ioctl+0x60(fea3e4fa3880, 2000ae41, 0, 202003,
>> fea3a23ccad8, fe426c6f2ea8)
>> fop_ioctl+0x55(fea3e4fa3880, 2000ae41, 0, 202003,
>> fea3a23ccad8, fe426c6f2ea8)
>> ioctl+0x9b(9, 2000ae41, 0)
>> sys_syscall+0x177()
>> /dev/kvm is available and module is loaded:
>> ro sunth7 /var/crash/crashcore # modinfo |grep kvm
>> 261 f7e7e000  376b0 306   1  kvm (kvm driver v0.1)
> I have impression that incompatible changes was made on illumos level ...
> Thanks for looking at.
> Now, we need someone to get it working back...
> Regards.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Samba compile

2018-08-22 Thread Till Wegmüller

Why not have a look in the original makefile?

I guess what you looking for is in /usr/gnu/lib


On 8/23/18 7:48 AM, Carsten John wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> for some reasons I need a samba version > 4.6 ideally a 4.8.x Version.
> Compiling from source shouldn/t be an issue, but I ran into a problem 
> regarding gnutls.
> Despite the fact that gnutls is installed the configure script claims missing 
> gnutls.
> So far, I couldn't find out where the configuire script actually searches for 
> gnutls ;-(
> Did anybody compile samba 4 on openindiana (somebody did for sure, as there 
> is a samba package available)?
> Perhaps the package maitainer has a hint for me?
> thx
> Carsten

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] nsswitch.conf

2018-08-24 Thread Till Wegmüller

In Illumos based systems smf configuration did not happen as much as in
Solaris. Due to the fact that solaris closed before the change was
complete in the open-source base.

I Usually have no problem manually editing nsswitch.conf. However I
usually copy nsswitch.dns to nsswitch.conf and nothing more. But it
never reverted after reboot.

That behaviour is most probably caused by a service. There are multiple
ones that edit nsswitch.conf or copy the dns version in place.

My gueses for the culprit are "svc:/network/service:default" and nwam.

For NWAM make sure you are using "svc:/network/physical:default" instead
of "svc:/network/physical:nwam" otherwise nwam fingers into stuff you
might not want.

for "svc:/network/service:default" have a look at the start script and
see what the shellscript accepts as modified nsswitch so it does not
overwrite your changes.

Hope this helps.

On 8/24/18 2:49 PM, Carsten John wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm running hipster on a test setup and can't get changes to nsswitch.conf 
> get honored (need to get winbind for passwd and groups inton it).
> In Oracle 11.3 the nsswitch is managed via svccfg, but the service 
> name-service/switch seems not to be present in hipster.
> Any manual change to nsswitch.conf is ignored and revertes in the file after 
> reboot.
> Any suggestions?
> Thx
> Carsten

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] mounting an existing system on a boot image

2018-09-10 Thread Till Wegmüller

Small info for problems such as these.

pkg has the functionality builtin to fix them

So with board tools you only need to boot a live/install iso drop to
shell. and then.

zpool import -R /a rpool
pkg -R /a verify
pkg -R /a fix
zpool export rpool

And your done :)

Hope this helps

On 9/10/18 11:57 AM, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
> On 10/09/2018 11:55, Marc Lobelle wrote:
>> Thanks Udo and Jean Pierre: a small detail:I must be root to do this:
>> where can I find the root pwd of the live image ?
> sudo bash
> echo $PWD

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] NTP not starting in Zones

2018-09-12 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello fellow Community

Since some time I get the following error inside all my zones from ntp.

[ Sep 11 06:54:40 Enabled. ]
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
setppriv: Not owner
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]
[ Sep 11 07:08:18 Leaving maintenance because disable requested. ]
[ Sep 11 07:08:18 Disabled. ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Enabled. ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
setppriv: Not owner
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]

Does anybody know what ntp or rather smf is complaining about?
Is ntp not suposed to be installed inside zones? If so wouldn't it make
sense to configure ntp as variant global?

Would love to hear what you know about this.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] NTP not starting in Zones

2018-09-12 Thread Till Wegmüller

No unfortuantely not.
SMF Manifest has:

~# ls -alh /lib/svc/method/ntp
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root bin3.26K Feb 22  2018 /lib/svc/method/ntp

~# ls -alh /usr/lib/inet/ntpd
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root bin1.20M Sep  9 22:53 /usr/lib/inet/ntpd

Unfortunately not. Or do I need to check on another spot?

On 09/12/18 11:08 PM, ken mays via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>  Check owner status (non-root)...~K
> On Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 2:01:29 PM PDT, Till Wegmüller 
>  wrote:  
>  Hello fellow Community
> Since some time I get the following error inside all my zones from ntp.
> --
> [ Sep 11 06:54:40 Enabled. ]
> [ Sep 11 06:54:41 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
> [ Sep 11 06:54:41 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
> setppriv: Not owner
> [ Sep 11 06:54:41 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]
> [ Sep 11 07:08:18 Leaving maintenance because disable requested. ]
> [ Sep 11 07:08:18 Disabled. ]
> [ Sep 11 15:58:33 Enabled. ]
> [ Sep 11 15:58:33 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
> [ Sep 11 15:58:33 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
> setppriv: Not owner
> [ Sep 11 15:58:33 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]
> --
> Does anybody know what ntp or rather smf is complaining about?
> Is ntp not suposed to be installed inside zones? If so wouldn't it make
> sense to configure ntp as variant global?
> Would love to hear what you know about this.
> Greetings
> Till
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster live DVD and USB won't boot all the way

2018-10-02 Thread Till Wegmüller

What usualy helps in such situations is to disable acpi or switch video
to vesa. The Boot menu has options for that.

Also have a look if switching options around in the boot menu gets the
system booting.

If not boot with debug and instruct kmdb to continue. Debug is
Interactive so you have not bootet past the error in debug mode.


On 10/2/18 7:41 AM, Will Brokenbourgh wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> After a long time away from OpenIndiana, I have tried to come back,
> however I can only run OI in a virtual machine now.  This is not ideal
> and I want to run OI natively.  I really *really* want to run OI on my
> bare metal, but it just hangs after the copyright and before the SMF
> start stage.
> I tried getting some advice from the OI IRC channel, but the folks who
> were responding didn't understand my issue.  I cannot get to the
> Device Driver Utility to generate a report because OI doesn't boot all
> the way.
> I tried using verbose and debug mode while booting and this is the
> only error shown:
> - - -
> module /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix: text at [0xfb80,
> 0xfb96d29c] data at 0xfbc0
> module /kernel/amd64/genunix: text at [0xfb96d2a0,
> 0xfbbdce07] data at 0xfbcae3c0
> Loading kmdb...
> module /kernel/misc/amd64/kmdbmod: text at [0xfbd1f460,
> 0xfbdd4197] data at 0xfbdd41a0
> module /kernel/misc/amd64/ctf: text at [0xfbbdce20,
> 0xfbbe6f0f] data at 0xfbe9d600
> Welcome to kmdb
> Loaded modules: [ unix krtld genunix ]
> [0]>
> - - -
> Here are some of the specifics of my system:
> - - -
> Motherboard:
>   ASUS M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3, BIOS 0502, 11/18/2016
>   Video adapter: Integrated AMD RS780L [Radeon 3000]
>   SATA controller: AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller
>   USB controller: AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB EHCI Controller
>   USB controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1042A USB 3.0 Host Controller
>   Ethernet controller: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit
> Ethernet Controller (rev 15)
> Processor:
>   AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 64-bit
> Thanks in advance for letting me know what steps I should take next
> (besides different hardware -- that is not economically feasible right
> now).
> Sincerely,
> Will Brokenbourgh
> Sent from my Linux desktop
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Formats for rhythmbox internet radio?

2018-10-10 Thread Till Wegmüller

All Patent encumbered Software is available from the Publisher
hipster-encumbered under


On 10/10/18 07:59 PM, Gary Mills wrote:
> I've just started using rhythmbox on OI hipster.  I use it mainly for
> listening to Internet radio.  What formats can rhythmbox use to play
> radio streams?  The default set seems to be almost entirely OGG
> streams.  Can it play anything else?
> What about MP3 streams?  I assume I need a proprietary codec for
> those.  Can I obtain this someplace?
> If it matters, I'm using the pulseaudio sound system.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Upgraded to VirtualBox 5.2.20

2018-10-24 Thread Till Wegmüller

On 24.10.18 08:06, Carl Brewer wrote:
>> Could you try to boot this?
> It boots!
> gets stuck though, after boot :
> Console login service(s) cannot run
> .
> .
> .
> bash: fatal: open failed, no such file or directory
> then some error about relocation in /usr/bin/bash: symbol PC: referenced
> symbol not found

That is a problem with the image building Process :)

@Aurélien you will need to make sure to have both 32 and 64bit bash and
its dependencies in the files section when using distro_const

The distro const files from the slim_source repo are incomplete.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Upgraded to VirtualBox 5.2.20

2018-10-24 Thread Till Wegmüller
Usually if solaris.zlib (/usr) is found and mounted boot progresses
properly but this error usually means that it only booted into the
boot_archive and not mounted /usr. But to figure out why you'll need the
bash stuff in boot archive.

On 24.10.18 11:21, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> Weird... I booted 20181016 in Virtualbox with the exact same manifest.
> What could be the difference?
> On 10/24/18, Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Hi
>> On 24.10.18 08:06, Carl Brewer wrote:
>>>> Could you try to boot this?
>>> It boots!
>>> gets stuck though, after boot :
>>> Console login service(s) cannot run
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> bash: fatal: open failed, no such file or directory
>>> then some error about relocation in /usr/bin/bash: symbol PC: referenced
>>> symbol not found
>> That is a problem with the image building Process :)
>> @Aurélien you will need to make sure to have both 32 and 64bit bash and
>> its dependencies in the files section when using distro_const
>> The distro const files from the slim_source repo are incomplete.
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Upgraded to VirtualBox 5.2.20

2018-10-24 Thread Till Wegmüller
It was a 32bit 64bit problem the last time I ran into it. Fact is the
boot archive is missing libraries in it's default configuration as it is
in slim_source repository and you will need to add those files to the

And yes It could also be that for some reason distro_const failed to
copy libncurses to boot_archive. Also note that you will only hit that
problem when solaris.zlib can not be loaded. i.e. CD-ROM not found or


On 24.10.18 13:45, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> Thanks for the help!
> I am not sure what you meant by dependency to 32- and 64-bit bash since we
> only have 64-bit.
> Coud it just be a punctual problem with the image creation by distro_const?
> I tested the 20181016 image at
> without any problem on my machine and it should contain the same packages
> aside from mate-system-monitor.
> I will re-run the image

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Upgraded to VirtualBox 5.2.20

2018-10-24 Thread Till Wegmüller
You'll at least need

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  15 Sep 15  2017
/usr/lib/64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  17 Sep 15  2017
/usr/lib/64/ ->
-r-xr-xr-x   2 root bin 470K Apr  3  2018
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  16 Sep 15  2017
/usr/lib/64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  18 Sep 15  2017
/usr/lib/64/ ->
-r-xr-xr-x   2 root bin 470K Apr  3  2018

It will not autoresolve symlinks.


On 24.10.18 14:11, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 2:09 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> It was a 32bit 64bit problem the last time I ran into it. Fact is the
>> boot archive is missing libraries in it's default configuration as it is
>> in slim_source repository and you will need to add those files to the
>> filelist.
> I added usr/lib/64/
> to the manifest and started the job again.
> We'll see...
>> And yes It could also be that for some reason distro_const failed to
>> copy libncurses to boot_archive. Also note that you will only hit that
>> problem when solaris.zlib can not be loaded. i.e. CD-ROM not found or
>> Netboot.
> Thanks for your help!
> Aurélien
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 24.10.18 13:45, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> I am not sure what you meant by dependency to 32- and 64-bit bash since
>> we
>>> only have 64-bit.
>>> Coud it just be a punctual problem with the image creation by
>> distro_const?
>>> I tested the 20181016 image at
>>> without any problem on my machine and it should contain the same packages
>>> aside from mate-system-monitor.
>>> I will re-run the image
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Unable to boot from BE created today

2018-11-02 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Russel

Did /var/adm/messages Say anything about the rebooting? Like a Panic?


On 11/02/18 07:47 PM, russell wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I performed a pkg refresh and update to create a new BE, I did
> however make my previous BE the active one before attempting to boot
> from the new BE. Booting occurs normal, I select the new BE created
> today, the boot process starts and then my computer reboots within 8
> seconds.
> Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
> Regards
> Russell
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Unable to boot from BE created today

2018-11-02 Thread Till Wegmüller
Ah yeah that is a quite old one :)

You need to use the bootadm from the new BE.


On 11/02/18 09:36 PM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
> On 2018-11-02 12:38 p.m., Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi Russel
>> Did /var/adm/messages Say anything about the rebooting? Like a Panic?
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 11/02/18 07:47 PM, russell wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Today I performed a pkg refresh and update to create a new BE, I did
>>> however make my previous BE the active one before attempting to boot
>>> from the new BE. Booting occurs normal, I select the new BE created
>>> today, the boot process starts and then my computer reboots within 8
>>> seconds.
>>> Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
>>> Regards
>>> Russell
>>> ___
> Hi Russell.
> I had some problems the other day going from legacy OI -> Hipster.  I
> ended up having to go to just Hipster-2015.
> At the very end of the upgrade I was getting an error like:
> pkg /sbin/bootadm update-archive -R /tmp/x failed with a return code
> of 1
> Do you see something like that?
> Geoff
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Unable to boot from BE created today

2018-11-03 Thread Till Wegmüller

I just updated today and It worked flawlessly.

I am curious why you are getting a splash screen with a Horizontal Line

Are you using Grub still? AFAIk Loader does not put any Splash screen
lines on the Boot command line by default


On 11/03/18 11:56 AM, russell wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to be clear, I am currently running a BE created on 2018-08-11
> @11:01, I have performed a number of updates and created new BE since
> then but have deleted them when I can not use them with VirtualBox.
> This morning I attempted to boot from the BE environment created
> 2018-11-02 @ 14:57, I got the splash screen with the horizontal line but
> then as before my computer rebooted unexpectedly. When the reboot to
> place it automatically booted into the 2018-08-11 BE. I mounted the
> broken BE with
> # beadm mount oihipster201811-01 /tmp/broken
> Then proceeded to look at /tmp/broken/var/adm/messages, the file
> contained no reference date of Nov 03, syslog also contained no
> reference to Nov 03. Checking the time stamps on the files, nothing
> appeared to be dated Nov 03. It was though the BE had never been booted.
> Regards
> Russell
> On 02/11/2018 18:47, russell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today I performed a pkg refresh and update to create a new BE, I did
>> however make my previous BE the active one before attempting to boot
>> from the new BE. Booting occurs normal, I select the new BE created
>> today, the boot process starts and then my computer reboots within 8
>> seconds.
>> Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
>> Regards
>> Russell
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Stop Replacement of Host Spare in ZFS Pool

2018-11-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello Fellow community

I have a problem with one of my Pools.
I had some zfs_deadman timeouts and deduced the reason to one Disk via
coredump necromancy. I figured I'll just replace that disk with my hot
spare and deal with it after. However the pool does not finish
Resilvering. It always restarts.

After Investigating on the Physical host (the OpenIndiana Server is a
VM) It turns out that both the Hot-Spare and a completely unrelated disk
are having SMART errors. (At least thats what the Proprietary Software
seems to claim)

My Question is: Is there a way to stop a disk replacement and throw the
spare disk back out of the pool again?

Also How can I gain a look into the Disk Timeout counters so I can
monitor them?

Thanks for any Hints and Answers

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Trying to make python ctypes behave

2018-11-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hello Fellow Community

I am getting a weird behaviour from python ctypes recently. On some
machines I can find Libraries with the find_library() function on some I
can not. I narrowed it down to something that is in the dependency list
of build_essential. However I can not narrow it down to a Package. One
can test by using the following code in python console.

from ctypes.util import find_library

This should print '' if it works.
Also saltstack needs to use FFI and this function. So if somebody uses
Saltstack that package should be installed. Are there any Saltstack
users from before the Package? If so would you happen to know which tool
I am missing?

Thanks for any pointers.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] dejavu font question (and notice)

2018-11-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Predrag

On 14.11.18 15:15, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
> not be detected.
> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
> not be detected.
> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
> not be detected.

What does the modify time of the Directory look like?
Is you Clock setup properly? Is NTP running?


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] dejavu font question (and notice)

2018-11-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hmm that rules out the obvious problems...

However what is odd is the Access time not being equal to modify time.
Do you have no-acces in mountoptions? Or is that suposed to be this way.

If I do
{18-11-14 18:26}Hephaistos:~ toast% date && stat /var/cache/fontconfig/
November 14, 2018 at 06:26:45 PM CET
  File: /var/cache/fontconfig/
  Size: 147 Blocks: 63 IO Block: 16384  directory
Device: 1310003h/1305670123523d Inode: 11350   Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (0/root)   Gid: (2/ bin)
Access: 2018-11-14 18:13:03.577753190 +0100
Modify: 2018-11-14 18:13:03.57711 +0100
Change: 2018-11-14 18:13:03.57711 +0100
 Birth: 2018-09-05 23:03:51.476202054 +0200

Access == Modify and Change. Give or take a few microseconds.

Could it be that Firefox compares Access and Modify and expect Acces to
be newer than Modify?

Hope this helps

On 11/14/18 04:34 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> On 11/14/18 16:05, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi Predrag
>> On 14.11.18 15:15, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>>> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
>>> not be detected.
>>> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
>>> not be detected.
>>> Fontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may
>>> not be detected.
> Hi Till,
>> What does the modify time of the Directory look like?
> $ date && stat /var/cache/fontconfig/
> Wed Nov 14 16:33:36 CET 2018
>   File: /var/cache/fontconfig/
>   Size: 167247  Blocks: 61633  IO Block: 131072 directory
> Device: 11b00010002h/1215475810306d Inode: 3404874 Links: 2
> Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    2/ bin)
> Access: 2018-11-14 16:03:54.878705434 +0100
> Modify: 2018-11-14 16:33:12.760583784 +0100
> Change: 2018-11-14 16:33:12.760583784 +0100
>  Birth: 2018-11-14 11:31:18.481712703 +0100
>> Is you Clock setup properly? Is NTP running?
> Yes, we use kerberos auth, so clock is (must be) synchronized and:
> $ svcs ntp
> online 11:06:47 svc:/network/ntp:default
>> Greetings
>> Till
> With best regards.
> Predrag Zečević
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-11-14 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Tim

It is quite hard to get to Feature parity with Virtualbox when it comes
to Desktop Features. Both KVM and bHyve have traditionally been more
used in the Server and Cloud Market. However I believe some workarounds
can be made.

First Proper Graphics Integration. I have since long ago stopped using
any Virtualmachine Console for something like daily work with a GUI
(Windows) The Built in RDP Server available in almost any Windows
Version is massively Powerfull and the FOSS Implementation xfreerdp
works well for many Use cases. Including Clipbord sharing any much more.
Using the Virtual Machines Remote Desktop Capability is what you want in
most cases.

RedHat tried to offer a competing Product to Microsofts RDP with Spice
but did not succeed that much. And as is unfortunately common with
RedHat Software it makes heavy use of Linux exclusive functionality.

Both bHyve and QEMU use VNC as default. TigerVNC which we have packaged
should allow for Good resolution and Clipboard Sharing. You may need the
Virtio Windows Dirvers and the Quemu Guest Agent though. I would guess
since Virtualbox also uses software on the Guest for this purpose.

bHyve looks like to be a step Back when it comes to Desktop features.

As for Resolution. This depends very much on the Graphics device Qemu
presents to the VM. We seem to have cirrus, qxl, vmware and std
available. I believe std is vesa. At least qxl, cirrus and vmware should
be able to support 1080p Dsktop resolutions. You will need to pass the
correct -vga option when starting the VM.

As for shared Folders. The situation seems a lot better here for both
KVM and bHyve. Both Support virtio-9p aka VirtFS. Which has kernel
drivers for at least Linux which can use the Filesystem as Root
apparently. Unfortunatly Windows Driver Work is not yet that complete
see [0]. But with some Poking of both the ReactOS and the virtio-win
Community this will be the way to go for shared folders. What remains as
a question is if we have virtio-9p support compiled with our version of
Qemu as it is quite recent. See [1] for examples of usage.

While finishing this mail I noticed the Features list on freerdp [2]. It
has everything you wanted. Given the feature compiles in Illumos. I
think the Quickest way to get to feature parity is using Windows RDP
server and Freedrp.


Researching Greetings
On 11/14/18 07:37 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox, Stephan Althaus
> said...:
>> If you are on OmniOs / Omniosce, you have Bhyve.
>> You can use that instead of virtualbox.
>> With Openindiana, you could use QEMU-KVM as well..
>> What are your personal reasons not to do so?
> There was a thread a couple weeks ago where some people, myself included,
> posted some of the reasons why they had previously found VirtualBox
> preferrable to KVM.  The "feature parity" part of the thread kind of
> starts with my post:
> Tim

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help needed to understand situation due to one network connection gone down global zone ok but local zone vNIC status says UP

2018-11-19 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Sanjay

The described behaviour makes sense for my understanding of Network
devices. For a Link failover you will need to have a property on a Bond
or A link aggregation. A VNIC does not propagate these properties.
Imagine it being a virtual cable to a virtual switch. Or in this case
the nic. So long as that switch runs the Connection state shows as UP.
Because the connection state to it's next hop ( the NIC in your case) is
up. If the Uplink of the Switch is down you will need to monitor that on
the Switch. Or the Physical NIC in this case.

Hope this helps

On 11/20/18 06:28 AM, Sanjay Pokhriyal via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Hi,We faced an outage issue where one of the network connection went down. In 
> our setup we have two NICs and two local zones were created.Global zone was 
> showing link status as down but in local zones vNIC were showing its STATE as 
> UP.Due to this it never switched to secondary connection and we were out of 
> connectivity for hours.
> please help us to understand how local zone can sync its status with global 
> zone or details if we need to tweak/change our setup considerably.
> # uname -aSunOS ss2-p1 5.11 illumos-47b8d4b884 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris## 
> dladm show-physLINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    
> DEVICEixgbe0       Ethernet             up         1  full      
> ixgbe0ixgbe1       Ethernet             up         1  full      ixgbe1## 
> dladm show-linkLINK        CLASS     MTU    STATE    BRIDGE     OVERixgbe0    
>   phys      1500   up       --         --ixgbe1      phys      1500   up      
>  --         --ixgbe0vnic65 vnic     1500   up       --         
> ixgbe0ixgbe0vnic66 vnic     1500   up       --         ixgbe0ixgbe1vnic65 
> vnic     1500   up       --         ixgbe1ixgbe1vnic66 vnic     1500   up     
>   --         ixgbe1### zoneadm list -vc  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH  
>                          BRAND    IP   0 global           running    /        
>                       ipkg     shared  11 ss2-p1-Lz1-test1 running    
> /export/home/ss2-p1-Lz1-test1  ipkg     excl  13 ss2-p1-Lz1-test2 running    
> /export/home/ss2-p1-Lz1-test2  ipkg     excl##
> Thanks in advance Regards,Sanjay
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Need Help Fixing Zpool misconfiguration

2018-11-22 Thread Till Wegmüller

I had a slight mishap while configuring a Zpool.

I wanted to re-add a spare disk again after we had replaced it and made
a typo. Adding the device instead as top-level vdev.

aka typed:
zpool add $POOL $DEVICE
instead of
zpool add $POOL spare $DEVICE

Turns out even with top-level device_removal feature turned on I cannot
fix that typo.

If I type
zpool remove $POOL $DEVICE
I get
cannot remove $DEVICE: invalid config; all top-level vdevs must have the
same sector size and not be raidz.

Which is true because the rest of the Pool is part of a raidz2.

And of course as murphy wants it I cannot just ditch that pool beacause
it is too big to fit that data anywhere.

While I would love for zpool remove to be able to remove the DEVICE in
the future I wanted to ask you guys If you know a good Idea on how to
Workaround that problem in the meantime.

I really dont like having this single point of failure in the pool.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks and Greetings

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Need Help Fixing Zpool misconfiguration

2018-11-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
Huh odd

Reading the Blog post associated with the Delphix device_removal feature
that limitation does not make that much sense, since it is a straight up
copy on a lov level block wise. Why would a different type of device
make that approach not working.


On 11/22/18 06:41 PM, Guenther Alka wrote:
> Only Solaris can remove a basic vdev from a pool with a raid-Z. Open-ZFS
> cannot (yet) . If you cannot destroy/ recreate the pool you can only add
> a disk to the basic vdev to make it a mirror (add redundancy)
> Gea
> Am 22.11.2018 um 18:06 schrieb Till Wegmüller:
>> Hello
>> I had a slight mishap while configuring a Zpool.
>> I wanted to re-add a spare disk again after we had replaced it and made
>> a typo. Adding the device instead as top-level vdev.
>> aka typed:
>> zpool add $POOL $DEVICE
>> instead of
>> zpool add $POOL spare $DEVICE
>> Turns out even with top-level device_removal feature turned on I cannot
>> fix that typo.
>> If I type
>> zpool remove $POOL $DEVICE
>> I get
>> cannot remove $DEVICE: invalid config; all top-level vdevs must have the
>> same sector size and not be raidz.
>> Which is true because the rest of the Pool is part of a raidz2.
>> And of course as murphy wants it I cannot just ditch that pool beacause
>> it is too big to fit that data anywhere.
>> While I would love for zpool remove to be able to remove the DEVICE in
>> the future I wanted to ask you guys If you know a good Idea on how to
>> Workaround that problem in the meantime.
>> I really dont like having this single point of failure in the pool.
>> Any advice would be greatly appreciated
>> Thanks and Greetings
>> Till
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Need Help Fixing Zpool misconfiguration

2018-11-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
And the icing on the cake is the fact that in the newest OI (Osnet 17649
2018.10) you can't accidently do it anymore. Unfortunately in OI (Osnet
17625 2018.04) there was no -f required to add the singleton device.

Well we will probably build a new Pool...

Thanks for the answer.
Looking forward for then new device_removal updates once they land


On 11/22/18 06:41 PM, Guenther Alka wrote:
> Only Solaris can remove a basic vdev from a pool with a raid-Z. Open-ZFS
> cannot (yet) . If you cannot destroy/ recreate the pool you can only add
> a disk to the basic vdev to make it a mirror (add redundancy)
> Gea
> Am 22.11.2018 um 18:06 schrieb Till Wegmüller:
>> Hello
>> I had a slight mishap while configuring a Zpool.
>> I wanted to re-add a spare disk again after we had replaced it and made
>> a typo. Adding the device instead as top-level vdev.
>> aka typed:
>> zpool add $POOL $DEVICE
>> instead of
>> zpool add $POOL spare $DEVICE
>> Turns out even with top-level device_removal feature turned on I cannot
>> fix that typo.
>> If I type
>> zpool remove $POOL $DEVICE
>> I get
>> cannot remove $DEVICE: invalid config; all top-level vdevs must have the
>> same sector size and not be raidz.
>> Which is true because the rest of the Pool is part of a raidz2.
>> And of course as murphy wants it I cannot just ditch that pool beacause
>> it is too big to fit that data anywhere.
>> While I would love for zpool remove to be able to remove the DEVICE in
>> the future I wanted to ask you guys If you know a good Idea on how to
>> Workaround that problem in the meantime.
>> I really dont like having this single point of failure in the pool.
>> Any advice would be greatly appreciated
>> Thanks and Greetings
>> Till
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Installing Newer Driver from NVIDIA Site

2018-11-29 Thread Till Wegmüller

With discrete cards it can get complicated. There is a special
application that i need to be able to use my Discrete card. Called
Bumblebee. But I don't know if it runs on OI. My Laptop is still Arch
linux. Intel is mostly the main Card handling all the Outputs in my
case. So you will probably need the intel graphics driver to work.
Unless you have some other variant where the Nvidia Graphics Card
actually runs the outputs. My dekstop runs an GTX960 with an 340.107
driver. The one from the repo. But thats a dedicated graphics card.

Hope this helps

On 11/29/18 08:42 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hi
> is anyone using different nvidia drivers than version 340.x??
> i am trying to use a newer driver for my nvidia card (M2000M),
> the older drivers that support my card fail because they don't support
> Xorg ABI 23,
> the younger versions won't start with the errors
> Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
> failed to copy vbios to system memory.
> Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
> RmInitAdapter failed! (0x30:0x:654)
> Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
> nv_open: rm_init_adapter(0x0100) failed
> (all logs and system info see attachment)
> ..while following the instructions here:
> Tried OI from 05/2018, current OI and one GCC-NEXT, all the same..
> Maybe there's some ACPI thing, or some other driver occupying the card?
> (discrete graphics on a laptop - intel gpu build in cpu)
> Any hints are welcome!
> Greetings,
> Stephan
> P.S. vesa does work, but does not recognize my external monitor..
> On 13.04.18 09:25, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using exactly this version of thedriver without any problem. BTW
>> the driveris developed for Solaris 10 and it istotally compatible with
>> Illumos. When and if they switch to Solaris 11, thenit would be
>> difficult to use it.
>> AS
>> Στάλθηκε από το Ταχυδρομείο Yahoo σε Android
>>   ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Installing Newer Driver from NVIDIA Site

2018-11-29 Thread Till Wegmüller

By checking if NVIDIA advertises it as such. It's a marketing term from
Nvidia. See [0] for some stuff that linux can do. There seem to be
configs you can write to only use the nvidia card. You will need to
check what works.

There should also be an option in the BIOS to disable one of the Cards.
If you are lucky you can disable the intel one.


On 11/29/18 09:30 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hi!
> How can i determine if my system is "optimus"
> My Card is a quadro m2000m, not a geforce ...
> a) my ubuntu installation on this machine does not have the
> bumblebee-packages installed
> b )The Xorg.0.log when using VESA is saying that it uses the nvidia card
> .. so i hope this is _not_ an optimus thing.
> [   283.548] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
> [   283.548] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/amd64/
> [   283.549] (II) Module vesa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [   283.549]     compiled for 1.19.5, module version = 2.3.4
> [   283.549]     Module class: X.Org Video Driver
> [   283.549]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
> [   283.549] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
> [   283.549] (++) using VT number 7
> [   283.559] (WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card
> support
> [   283.559] (II) Loading sub module "vbe"
> [   283.559] (II) LoadModule: "vbe"
> [   283.560] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/
> [   283.560] (II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [   283.560]     compiled for 1.19.6, module version = 1.1.0
> [   283.560]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
> [   283.560] (II) Loading sub module "int10"
> [   283.560] (II) LoadModule: "int10"
> [   283.560] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/
> [   283.560] (II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [   283.560]     compiled for 1.19.6, module version = 1.0.0
> [   283.560]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
> [   283.560] (II) VESA(0): initializing int10
> [   283.564] (II) VESA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS detected
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 16384 kB
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM: NVIDIA
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 130.7
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: GM107 Board - 27040010
> [   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: Chip Rev
> [   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
> [   284.262] (==) VESA(0): RGB weight 888
> [   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
> [   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> [   284.262] (II) Loading sub module "ddc"
> [   284.262] (II) LoadModule: "ddc"
> [   284.262] (II) Module "ddc" already built-in
> [   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
> [   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC Level none
> [   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 0 sec.
> [   284.334] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC read failed
> [   284.336] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE PanelID read failed
> [   284.336] (II) VESA(0): Searching for matching VESA mode(s):
> On 29.11.18 20:59, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi
>> With discrete cards it can get complicated. There is a special
>> application that i need to be able to use my Discrete card. Called
>> Bumblebee. But I don't know if it runs on OI. My Laptop is still Arch
>> linux. Intel is mostly the main Card handling all the Outputs in my
>> case. So you will probably need the intel graphics driver to work.
>> Unless you have some other variant where the Nvidia Graphics Card
>> actually runs the outputs. My dekstop runs an GTX960 with an 340.107
>> driver. The one from the repo. But thats a dedicated graphics card.
>> Hope this helps
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 11/29/18 08:42 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> is anyone using different nvidia drivers than version 340.x??
>>> i am trying to use a newer driver for my nvidia card (M2000M),
>>> the older drivers that support my card fail because they don't support
>>> Xorg ABI 23,
>>> the younger versions won't start with the errors
>>> Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
>>> failed to copy vbios to system memory.
>>> Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notic

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Compiling KeepassXC on Hipster

2018-12-03 Thread Till Wegmüller
Nice work.

I would also be interested in it.

Could you Publish a patch or put a makefile into OI Userland?

Thanks and Greetings
On 12/03/18 09:28 PM, wrote:
> Thanks Bob and Alexander, I think I start to understand.
> grep digits ../../src/totp/totp.cpp
> [...]
> quint8 digits = encoder.digits == 0 ? numDigits : encoder.digits;
> [...]
> From my 30 years old rusty knowledge of C++, this mean that digits is
> supposed to be a 'quint8' which is most probably QT version of the 'int'
> and as Bob noticed the pow function expects 'int', 'float', or 'double'
> From Alexander reference, I should have
> quint32 digitsPower = pow(encoder.alphabet.size(), int(digits));
> In that particular case it was 'encoder.alphabet.size()'  which appeared
> ambiguous, using 'double (encoder.alphabet.size())' made it. 'digits'
> was ok so far
> Bottom line is I could compile and execute it, it is nice to have it
> native (works with wine).
> Thanks both of you.
> Best regards.
> Ben
> On 04/12/2018 03:21, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>> On Mon, 3 Dec 2018, wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> 'static QString Totp::generateTotp(QByteArray, quint64, quint8,
>>> quint8)':
>>> /home/ben/tmp/keepassxc-2.3.4/src/totp/totp.cpp:167:62: error: call
>>> of overloaded 'pow(int, quint8&)' is ambiguous
>>> quint32 digitsPower = pow(encoder.alphabet.size(), digits);
>> What is the declared storage type of the 'digits' argument?  From
>> reading the header, it appears that it must be of type 'int', 'float',
>> or 'double'.  Any other type would require a type transformation which
>> might be ambiguous.
>> Bob
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-12-09 Thread Till Wegmüller
t;> VirtualBox: fatal: relocation error: file
>>>>> /usr/lib/qt/5.8/plugins/amd64/platforms/ symbol
>>>>> _ZN15QXcbIntegrationC1ERK11QStringListRiPPc: referenced symbol not
>>>>> found
>>>>> I will investigate further - tomorrow evening maybe..
>>>>> LONG story
>>>>> My Package can be found and installed by doing this:
>>>>> #pkg unset-publisher userland
>>>>> #pkg set-publisher -g userland
>>>>> #pkg refresh
>>>>> #pkg install
>>>>> pkg://userland/system/virtualbox@5.2.22,5.11-2018.0.0.0:20181116T220242Z
>>>>> i tried and managed to get the sources of oi-userland virtualbox with
>>>>> date 2018/11/13
>>>>> First error when building:
>>>>> /tank/src/oi-userland/components/sysutils/virtualbox/build/amd64/src/VBox/Devices/Audio/DrvHostOSSAudio.cpp:22:27:
>>>>> fatal error: sys/soundcard.h: No such file or directory
>>>>>     #include 
>>>>>   ^
>>>>> i installed
>>>>> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-audio
>>>>> to fix that.
>>>>> Then, qt5 was not found. In the output i found a hint to do
>>>>> source ./build/amd64/
>>>>> But, QT5 was still not found. The directory stated in the
>>>>> was not
>>>>> correct for my system.
>>>>> The QT PATH in the Makefile was set to /usr/qt/5, i changed that to
>>>>> /usr/lib/qt/5.8
>>>>> next missing packages:
>>>>> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-usb
>>>>> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-ugen
>>>>>     -- maybe i forgot to gmake env-prep before this all..
>>>>> Finally, after install on the target system,
>>>>> it does not run complaining about
>>>>> #pkg install qt5
>>>>>  :-D
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> Stephan
>>>>> On 14.11.18 20:40, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim
>>>>>> It is quite hard to get to Feature parity with Virtualbox when it
>>>>>> comes
>>>>>> to Desktop Features. Both KVM and bHyve have traditionally been more
>>>>>> used in the Server and Cloud Market. However I believe some
>>>>>> workarounds
>>>>>> can be made.
>>>>>> First Proper Graphics Integration. I have since long ago stopped
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> any Virtualmachine Console for something like daily work with a GUI
>>>>>> (Windows) The Built in RDP Server available in almost any Windows
>>>>>> Version is massively Powerfull and the FOSS Implementation xfreerdp
>>>>>> works well for many Use cases. Including Clipbord sharing any much
>>>>>> more.
>>>>>> Using the Virtual Machines Remote Desktop Capability is what you
>>>>>> want in
>>>>>> most cases.
>>>>>> RedHat tried to offer a competing Product to Microsofts RDP with
>>>>>> Spice
>>>>>> but did not succeed that much. And as is unfortunately common with
>>>>>> RedHat Software it makes heavy use of Linux exclusive functionality.
>>>>>> Both bHyve and QEMU use VNC as default. TigerVNC which we have
>>>>>> packaged
>>>>>> should allow for Good resolution and Clipboard Sharing. You may
>>>>>> need the
>>>>>> Virtio Windows Dirvers and the Quemu Guest Agent though. I would
>>>>>> guess
>>>>>> since Virtualbox also uses software on the Guest for this purpose.
>>>>>> bHyve looks like to be a step Back when it comes to Desktop 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-12-09 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Aurelian

Good Question. How can I check the the Modules are loaded? I only know
lsmod from linux but I know that command does not exist in illumos.

I rebooted multiple times. After each Panic et least :) and after that I
checked if something may have gotten stuck in an update so I Updated and
rebooted. So if it is a missing module it wont be solved by rebooting.


On 12/09/18 08:47 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> Did you reboot after installing, just to make sure the right modules are
> loaded?
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 8:44 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for that work guys. Unfortunately I does not work for me.
>> My System Panics.
>> I updated to the latest release this morning and still get panics every
>> time I want to boot a VM.
>> Does anybody know a thing I am missing or should I open a bug report?
>> MDB output:
>> sudo mdb vmcore.1
>> Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace mac cpu.generic uppc apix
>> scsi_vhci zfs sata ip hook neti sockfs arp usba xhci mm fctl stmf
>> stmf_sbd lofs random sd idm cpc crypto fcip fcp ufs logindmux nsmb ptm
>> smbsrv nfs sppp ipc ]
>>> $C
>> ff003e31ba00 0xf8d72b66()
>> ff003e31ba70 0xf8d6ddd4()
>> ff003e31ba90 0xf8d6e5c5()
>> ff003e31bb30 0xf8e0e1a6()
>> ff003e31bbb0 0xf8d6f1d7()
>> ff003e31bc30 supdrvIOCtl+0x148a()
>> ff003e31bcc0 VBoxDrvSolarisIOCtl+0x361()
>> ff003e31bd00 cdev_ioctl+0x39(132, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8)
>> ff003e31bd50 spec_ioctl+0x60(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>> ff003e31bde0 fop_ioctl+0x55(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>> ff003e31bf00 ioctl+0x9b(15, c0185687, fd7fec8ced50)
>> ff003e31bf10 sys_syscall+0x177()
>>> ::status
>> debugging crash dump vmcore.1 (64-bit) from Hephaistos
>> operating system: 5.11 illumos-863275a46b (i86pc)
>> image uuid: db6faf9c-3db4-ca4b-d83a-960dbb5e6e16
>> panic message: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ff003e31b8e0
>> addr=fd7feba20640 occurred in module "" due to an illegal
>> access to a user address
>> dump content: kernel pages only
>> Tanks for any advice
>> Toast.
>> On 12/07/18 07:10 PM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>> I was just told there is now a vbox package for omnios.
>>> That is awesome news and kudos to the Omnios and OI community for
>>> getting vbox to work on illumos.
>>> On 2018-12-07 9:31 a.m., Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Any ideas on how I could convert the OI package to install on
>>>> Omnios?   I know the GUI part won't work.  I am just looking for the
>>>> command line part.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Geoff
>>>> On 2018-12-06 10:11 a.m., Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> VirtualBox 5.2.22 is available from /hipster repository as
>>>>> system/virtualbox .
>>>>> GUI works as expected.
>>>>> The package is installable in zone, but is not tested there and
>>>>> likely additional work is needed to make it functioning in NGZ.
>>>>> С уважением,
>>>>> Александр Пыхалов,
>>>>> программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
>>>>> управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ
>>>>> От: Stephan Althaus 
>>>>> Отправлено: 18 ноября 2018 г. 23:47:03
>>>>> Кому:
>>>>> Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Just to confirm the current state,
>>>>> We are able to run VirtualBox virtual machines as user in Background by
>>>>> this:
>>>>> VBoxHeadless -s 
>>>>> and use the graphical frontend via RDP for example or SSH dependant of
>>>>> the guest OS,
>>>>> save the current state of the VM to disk with
>>>>> VBoxManage controlvm  savestate

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-12-09 Thread Till Wegmüller
Ah Thanks. I was close.

The Loaded Modules look ok though.

modinfo | grep vbox
200 f7b645a8d08 308   1  vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp
202 f88a6000  55b48 306   1  vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv
248 f8aa7000   77e8 307   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv
248 f8aa7000   77e8   -   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod
250 f8ab6000   48d8 310   1  vboxusbmon (VirtualBox USBMon

Sidenote we have a smf service called
svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl:default which cannot run because
that component does not exist in our install.

[ Dec  8 15:42:56 Disabled. ]
[ Dec  8 15:42:56 Rereading configuration. ]
[ Dec  9 20:54:45 Enabled. ]
[ Dec  9 20:54:45 Executing start method
("/opt/VirtualBox/ start"). ]
ERROR: /opt/VirtualBox/VBoxBalloonCtrl does not exist.
[ Dec  9 20:54:45 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]

On 12/09/18 09:01 PM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> The command to list loaded kernel modules is "modinfo".
>> On Dec 9, 2018, at 14:51, Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Hi Aurelian
>> Good Question. How can I check the the Modules are loaded? I only know
>> lsmod from linux but I know that command does not exist in illumos.
>> I rebooted multiple times. After each Panic et least :) and after that I
>> checked if something may have gotten stuck in an update so I Updated and
>> rebooted. So if it is a missing module it wont be solved by rebooting.
>> Greetings
>> Toast
>> On 12/09/18 08:47 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>>> Did you reboot after installing, just to make sure the right modules are
>>> loaded?
>>> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 8:44 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Thanks for that work guys. Unfortunately I does not work for me.
>>>> My System Panics.
>>>> I updated to the latest release this morning and still get panics every
>>>> time I want to boot a VM.
>>>> Does anybody know a thing I am missing or should I open a bug report?
>>>> MDB output:
>>>> sudo mdb vmcore.1
>>>> Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace mac cpu.generic uppc apix
>>>> scsi_vhci zfs sata ip hook neti sockfs arp usba xhci mm fctl stmf
>>>> stmf_sbd lofs random sd idm cpc crypto fcip fcp ufs logindmux nsmb ptm
>>>> smbsrv nfs sppp ipc ]
>>>>> $C
>>>> ff003e31ba00 0xf8d72b66()
>>>> ff003e31ba70 0xf8d6ddd4()
>>>> ff003e31ba90 0xf8d6e5c5()
>>>> ff003e31bb30 0xf8e0e1a6()
>>>> ff003e31bbb0 0xf8d6f1d7()
>>>> ff003e31bc30 supdrvIOCtl+0x148a()
>>>> ff003e31bcc0 VBoxDrvSolarisIOCtl+0x361()
>>>> ff003e31bd00 cdev_ioctl+0x39(132, c0185687,
>>>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8)
>>>> ff003e31bd50 spec_ioctl+0x60(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>>>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>>>> ff003e31bde0 fop_ioctl+0x55(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>>>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>>>> ff003e31bf00 ioctl+0x9b(15, c0185687, fd7fec8ced50)
>>>> ff003e31bf10 sys_syscall+0x177()
>>>>> ::status
>>>> debugging crash dump vmcore.1 (64-bit) from Hephaistos
>>>> operating system: 5.11 illumos-863275a46b (i86pc)
>>>> image uuid: db6faf9c-3db4-ca4b-d83a-960dbb5e6e16
>>>> panic message: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ff003e31b8e0
>>>> addr=fd7feba20640 occurred in module "" due to an illegal
>>>> access to a user address
>>>> dump content: kernel pages only
>>>> Tanks for any advice
>>>> Toast.
>>>> On 12/07/18 07:10 PM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>>>> I was just told there is now a vbox package for omnios.
>>>>> That is awesome news and kudos to the Omnios and OI community for
>>>>> getting vbox to work on illumos.
>>>>> On 2018-12-07 9:31 a.m., Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> Any ideas on how I could convert the OI package to install on
>>>>>> Omnios?   I know the GUI part won't work.  I am just looking for the

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Huge ZFS root pool slowdown - diagnose root cause?

2018-12-11 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi no zfs replace does not manage mbr stuff.

You will need to use bootadm


On 11.12.18 19:14, John D Groenveld wrote:
> In message <>, jason matthews 
> wr
> ites:
>> Life should be better with the sick disk removed.
> And when its replaced, I believe the OP will need to installboot(1M)
> the new drive.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but Illumos ZFS doesn't magically put
> the boot code with zpool replace.
> John
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-12-13 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Alan

Yes that was it thank you.

I now also remember that conversation.

@OI Developers We may want to add a patch to enable the SMAP codepaths
in the OI Package. From what i can tell it is just disabled because it
assumes SMAP to be off by default on any Solaris System.

With SMAP disabled it works.

On 12/12/18 03:05 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> That looks a lot like the panic we get on Solaris when someone tries to
> run VirtualBox with SMAP enabled, and
> and bot suggest OI may have
> the same problem.
> -alan-
> On 12/ 9/18 11:38 AM, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for that work guys. Unfortunately I does not work for me.
>> My System Panics.
>> I updated to the latest release this morning and still get panics every
>> time I want to boot a VM.
>> Does anybody know a thing I am missing or should I open a bug report?
>> MDB output:
>> sudo mdb vmcore.1
>> Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace mac cpu.generic uppc apix
>> scsi_vhci zfs sata ip hook neti sockfs arp usba xhci mm fctl stmf
>> stmf_sbd lofs random sd idm cpc crypto fcip fcp ufs logindmux nsmb ptm
>> smbsrv nfs sppp ipc ]
>>> $C
>> ff003e31ba00 0xf8d72b66()
>> ff003e31ba70 0xf8d6ddd4()
>> ff003e31ba90 0xf8d6e5c5()
>> ff003e31bb30 0xf8e0e1a6()
>> ff003e31bbb0 0xf8d6f1d7()
>> ff003e31bc30 supdrvIOCtl+0x148a()
>> ff003e31bcc0 VBoxDrvSolarisIOCtl+0x361()
>> ff003e31bd00 cdev_ioctl+0x39(132, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8)
>> ff003e31bd50 spec_ioctl+0x60(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>> ff003e31bde0 fop_ioctl+0x55(ff0d20eeec00, c0185687,
>> fd7fec8ced50, 202003, ff0d2200f0f8, ff003e31bea8, 0)
>> ff003e31bf00 ioctl+0x9b(15, c0185687, fd7fec8ced50)
>> ff003e31bf10 sys_syscall+0x177()
>>> ::status
>> debugging crash dump vmcore.1 (64-bit) from Hephaistos
>> operating system: 5.11 illumos-863275a46b (i86pc)
>> image uuid: db6faf9c-3db4-ca4b-d83a-960dbb5e6e16
>> panic message: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ff003e31b8e0
>> addr=fd7feba20640 occurred in module "" due to an illegal
>> access to a user address
>> dump content: kernel pages only
>> Tanks for any advice
>> Toast.
>> On 12/07/18 07:10 PM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>> I was just told there is now a vbox package for omnios.
>>> That is awesome news and kudos to the Omnios and OI community for
>>> getting vbox to work on illumos.
>>> On 2018-12-07 9:31 a.m., Geoff Nordli wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Any ideas on how I could convert the OI package to install on
>>>> Omnios?   I know the GUI part won't work.  I am just looking for the
>>>> command line part.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Geoff
>>>> On 2018-12-06 10:11 a.m., Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> VirtualBox 5.2.22 is available from /hipster repository as
>>>>> system/virtualbox .
>>>>> GUI works as expected.
>>>>> The package is installable in zone, but is not tested there and
>>>>> likely additional work is needed to make it functioning in NGZ.
>>>>> С уважением,
>>>>> Александр Пыхалов,
>>>>> программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
>>>>> управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ
>>>>> От: Stephan Althaus 
>>>>> Отправлено: 18 ноября 2018 г. 23:47:03
>>>>> Кому:
>>>>> Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Just to confirm the current state,
>>>>> We are able to run VirtualBox virtual machines as user in
>>>>> Background by
>>>>> this:
>>>>> VBoxHeadless -s 
>>>>> and use the graphical frontend via RDP for example or SSH dependant of
>>>>> the gues

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenLDAP and BerkeleyDB

2018-12-18 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Dieter

No you need to update.
We have no mirrors. Due to the fact that we have no package signing Yet.


On 18.12.18 18:33, Dieter Klünter wrote:
> Am Tue, 18 Dec 2018 14:01:47 +0100
> schrieb "Michal Nowak" :
>> On Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 9:10 AM, Michal Nowak
>>  wrote:
>>> On 12/17/18 09:54 PM, Dieter Klünter wrote:  
 I'm trying to get OpenLDAP running, but a BDB library mismatch
 prevents it :-(

 bdb_back_initialize: BDB library version mismatch: expected
 Berkeley DB 5.3.21: (May 11, 2012), got Berkeley DB 5.3.28:
 (September  9, 2013

 OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.44 (Feb 11 2018 07:52:01) $

 Whoever built this package,  PLEASE either stick to library
 conformance or, even better, refrain from building slapd with
 BerkeleyDB, as this is deprecated, the announcement has been made
 at LDAPCon 2007. If you have to stick to BerkeleyDB build back_bdb
 and back_hdb as modules.

>>> Hello Dieter,
>>> I am sorry for the problem with OpenLDAP, it was caused by updated
>>> BerkeleyDB.
>>> I created a request for OpenLDAP to be rebuild
>>> (, after that
>>> slapd should initialize correctly.  
>> Dieter,
>> this is now released as library/openldap@2.4.44,5.11-2018.0.0.1. Does
>> it work for you?
> I receive some pkg errors, so i have to wait a few days :-)
> pkg update: No matching version of library/openldap can be installed:
>  Reject: pkg://
> AFAI understand, this package has not been distributed yet.
> -Dieter

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] web proxy server w/SSL/TLS termination (on OI)

2018-12-22 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Jerry

I Run Caddy as a ReverseProxy. You can dwnload a solaris Binary directly
of their site. As it is Pure Go they can cross compile it without
needing a solaris Host within seconds. And there is a Plugin to allow it
to be used as Forward Proxy aswell. Config File is absolutely simplistic
and well documented.

The Other option I know is very popular and modern is Squid. It's kind
of the King of the Hill atm.

I think it was even packaged at somepoint afaik. But I could be mistaken.

Anyway very much recommend to try out caddy.


On 22.12.18 00:18, Jerry Kemp wrote:
> among other things, I have a personal collection in my home of old 
> workstations (SGI Irix boxes and earlier Sun workstations), older
> Macs, etc.  For example, a recent acquisition was a Sun SPARCserver 1000e 
> system (Sun4d), with several external drive units.  Pics here:
> As most of you are aware, the web as we know it, continues to become 
> increasingly encrypted, with older, commonly used protocols
> such as SSLv3 being depreciated in favor of TLS 1.2, 1.3 and beyond.
> I would like to be able to do some basic web surfing on these older boxes.  
> Emphasis on basic.  The reality is, its very unlikely
> that anyone will ever compile a newer browser for my old stuff, and, I doubt 
> it would have the encryption/decryption horsepower to
> do so, even if modern browser software were available.
> What I'm looking at doing is setting up a web proxy, and, having that web 
> proxy also do the SSL/TLS termination.  Ideally, this
> proxy software would run on OI.
> As expected of anyone here, making a similar request, I did do some homework, 
> and it seems that there are several pieces of Unix
> open-source software that perform this function.   This is just one 
> particular hit, but, sharing it as it has a nice summary list of
> software that has this capability:
> full disclaimer:  This is not for a business, its just for me, in my home. I 
> have no intentions of doing Internet banking or
> anything else questionable.  Just want to be able to do some basic web 
> surfing, download source code, etc.
> Specifically, I'm solely wondering if anyone here has already done something 
> like this, and, if so, is there any software in
> particular you might recommend, or, recommend avoiding.   I'm basically just 
> looking for software recommendations, from there, I can
> run with the compile+technicals.  As commented earlier, what ever software I 
> use would need to compile+run on OI.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] How to restore a file in a snapshot?

2019-01-04 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Gary

Yes you cannot write to those locations.
It is up to you what you want to do. You can destroy the Snapshots and
or BE's If you want.

Also you can use pkg(5) to fixup your current installation if you really
get file corruption in the current BE.

Look at pkg(5) fix and or verify subcommands in the manpage.

Hope this helps
Greetings Till
On 04.01.19 14:44, Gary Mills wrote:
> After a crash, I got this:
>   # zpool status -v rpool
> pool: rpool
>state: ONLINE
>   status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
>   corruption.  Applications may be affected.
>   action: Restore the file in question if possible.  Otherwise restore the
>   entire pool from backup.
>  see:
> scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h2m with 3 errors on Thu Jan  3 20:48:04 2019
>   config:
>   rpool   ONLINE   0 024
> c5t0d0s0  ONLINE   0 048
>   errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files:
> rpool/ROOT/hipster-20180701@install:/usr/share/locale/ast/LC_MESSAGES/
> rpool/ROOT/hipster-20180701@install:/usr/share/locale/br/LC_MESSAGES/
> rpool/ROOT/hipster-20180701@2017-10-01-22:45:12:/var/pkg/publisher/
> Those filesystems all seem to be snapshots.  They correspond to two
> older BEs that I created.  Since snapshots are read-only, I assume
> I can't restore the files as indicated.  Should I just destroy the
> snapshots?  Should I destroy the BEs?  What should I do?

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Sun Rays might just be back on modern OI

2019-02-04 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Carsten

Afaik there was a package or config item that made it work. Something related 
to multiseat stuff. 

We had that on the mailinglist a while back 2017? And found a workaround. But I 
can not remember what it was.

Can anybody of the involved offer their input?

Jim are you using lightdm?


Am 4. Februar 2019 09:01:56 MEZ schrieb Carsten Grzemba :
>On 03.02.19 18:51, Jim Klimov   wrote: 
>> On February 3, 2019 2:09:47 PM UTC, Gary Mills
> wrote:
>> >On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 10:54:37AM +, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> >
>> >> And on my side, I dug into why that venerable piece of software,
>> >> the Sun DHCP server which I've actually used and liked, just up
>> >> died in illumos-gate some years back (ultimately leading to its
>> >> removal), and what can be done about it.
>> >
>> >> Thanks to andyf I revived the SUNWdhcpd for the setup I maintain
>> >> and had to recently update to modern OI releases, see
>> >> for
>> >> details and caveats, and
>> >>
>> >> equivalent codebase fix :)
>> >
>> >You don't need the Sun DHCP server to operate Sun Ray terminals. You
>> >can use the ISC DHCP server instead. Here's what I used to use in
>> >ISC configuration file:
>> >
>> > # Sun Ray vendor options
>> > option space NewT;
>> > option NewT.AuthSrvr code 21 = ip-address;
>> > ...
>> > subnet netmask {
>> > range;
>> > option subnet-mask;
>> > option broadcast-address;
>> > option routers;
>> > default-lease-time 600;
>> > max-lease-time 7200;
>> > if option vendor-class-identifier = "SUNW.NewT.SUNW" {
>> > vendor-option-space NewT;
>> > option NewT.AuthSrvr;
>> > }
>> > }
>> >
>> >This configuration specifies a dynamic IP address for the Sun Ray
>> >terminal, and as the IP address of the Sun Ray login
>> >server. There's more that can be specified, but this is the minimum.
>> >
>> >The ISC configuration for Sun Ray terminals is all documented in
>> >Sun documents, now presumably Oracle Solaris documents.
>> I suspected something of the kind =D
>> I mean, surely any standard DHCP server can send proper packets at
>proper time, and nowadays a DNS setup could suffice, but the first
>thing (AFAIK) people trying to install or update SRSS is not having a
>dependency package for it, which is not too hard to work around but
>does complicate things. Also SRSS wizards being able to configure the
>address range by telling the DHCP server to do so was nice.
>> And there's guys like me (oh, maybe only me?) actually using it as a
>generic DHCP server for a multi-subnet LAN of varied devices, not just
>Sun Rays, just because it is nifty with the macros and we always did ;)
>> Anyhow, I had fun and learned something new as I scratched my
>long-standing itch, and can delay migrating that config to lots of
>repetitive lines ix  n ISC DHCP files for a few more years =)
>> Cheers,
>> Jim
>I am suprised because I got not response for this problem:
>I my experiance SunRay   SS do not work with lightdm. Is there a
>openindiana-discuss mailing list

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] IPS idiom for local packages with no dependencies

2019-02-10 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Tim

IPS implements package deprecation differently than any other known
Packaging system. Packages get deprecated centrally by the Openindiana
Developers. There are never locally installed Packages that are not in
the Upstream Repository unless you are using beta software from other
publishers like userland. Our Development Publisher/Branch. In which
case you can do "pkg list | grep userland" to find all package

What you are talking about is when our base requirements change but the
old Package is still viable for certain use cases. But maybe not yours
and you want to get rid of it. This you will have to do manually

We may at some point also obsolete gcc-49 but not now. If we do so IPS
will automatically clean your system from any obsoleted packages.

What I imagine your search will find are any packages that are not
dependant on other packages. Which I am assuming are quite a lot. gnu
find coming to my mind. And I doubt you want to remove them all. Sou you
would need to filter further. Also you will not find any that have no
dependency after the first run. And Lastly you will probably not find
consolidations which will prevent you from removing quite a few packages

The best way to get rid of unwanted software is IMHO to look at pkg list
manually and remove any you don't want. But unless you are changing a
desktop system to a Server system or removing all Development Packages
required for userland Packaging your gain in Space will be a few hundred
Megabytes at most. We do not have that many packages after all.

Hope this helps

On 06.02.19 22:43, Tim Mooney wrote:
> All-
> Anyone know a good way to find all locally-installed packages that aren't
> listed as a dependency for any other locally installed packages?  I
> can iterate through the contents of 'pkg list' and run 'pkg search -l -o
> depend::', but is there a better way?
> As I've applied updates to hipster over the years and the defaults change
> from something like developer-gcc49 to developer/gcc-6, it's sometimes
> the case that some old packages are kept, when I don't really need them
> any longer.
> Short of doing a fresh re-install, I'm just looking to do some cleanup
> of packages that have been replaced with a newer version that might be
> under a different name.
> Thanks,
> Tim

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] IPS idiom for local packages with no dependencies

2019-02-12 Thread Till Wegmüller
Yeah IPS is a complete re engineering from existing Package managers. On
the Architecture side it has a lot of features that other Package
Formats only added as an after thought.

As to your confusion with perl. That is quite an ugly Hack to have both
a 32bit and a 64bit version of perl available.


On 12.02.19 01:44, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] IPS idiom for local packages
> with...:
>> On 02/11/19 04:19 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
>>> However, most packages that I would have guessed would be "leaves" are
>>> actually required by userland-incorporation or some other incorporation,
>>> so they are effectively "required". 
>> depend type=incorporate does not mark a package required, it just sets a
>> constraint on what version can be installed.   When you're looking at
>> what
>> packages are actually required, you need to look carefully at the type
>> of the depend action, and see what each type actually does in the list
>> in the pkg(5) man page.
> Thanks for the clarification, Alan.  It's appreciated.
> I think my experience with other package managers, especially RPM, has
> actually been a bit of a detriment to learning IPS.  Even after using OI
> for several years now, I'm still finding surprises with IPS.
> Tim

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] No GUI after upgrade yesterday

2019-03-04 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Gary

On 04.03.19 03:05, Gary Mills wrote:
> Yes, that's my problem now.  I know I can make the partition bootable,
> but I'd prefer to chain-load it somehow.  It used to work with GRUB.

You are in fact the first person to ask this on the ML AFAIK.

While I don't have a setup that works I also don't want to leave you
researching everything from point 0.

We switched to FreeBSD loader since the last time you upgraded. We
follow Upstream quite tightly so anything that works on freebsd should
work with OI.

It seems that Freebsd loader can boot Windows but you will need to
checkout what Configuration you can and need to set. You can find a list
of all the configuration options under /boot/

Alternatively you could testout UEFI setup. You should have an UEFI boot
partition If you installed Windows First on the Device. Under boot we
now have two efi binaries under /boot. "/boot/loader32.efi" and
"/boot/loader64.efi" depending on how castrated your UEFI Motherboard
setup screen is you should be able to just copy the one apropriate to
your architecture to the EFI Partition and boot it from the BIOS Boot menu.

AFAIK It is still quite Beta (meaning tsoome is working on it and I
haven't gotten the chance to test it) but it should work If I
interpreted his heads up mail on the ML correctly.

Hope this helps you a bitt getting Dual-Boot Working.
We are curious to see how you manage it as It is something I definetly
would like to document.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Current status for docks software on the current build of oi

2019-03-04 Thread Till Wegmüller

As we have MATE you could try mate-dock applet


On 03/04/19 10:39 PM, Michal Nowak wrote:
> On 03/04/19 10:00 PM, Dr Peter jones wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am wondering if there is any dock software available on the current
>> build
>> of oi? I can see asperations on trying to get docky working and my
>> guess is
>> the latest AWN is no longer working?
>> Regards
>> Robert Jones
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> Hi,
> maybe Compiz has a plugin of that nature? Worth a try.
> Michal
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hypervisor support

2019-03-12 Thread Till Wegmüller

We have both Virtualbox and KVM packaged on OI. Virtualbox as the GUI
and Desktop Solution with Management GUI and KVM as headless Server VM
Manager. We also have a zone brand kvm which manages starting KVM inside
a dedicated Zone for better protection and resource control. It also
manages to invoke Qemu/KVM in a way to expose VNC via socket.

You can see the dokumentation from our friends over in the OmiOSCE
Community which originally wrote the zone brand. [0]



On 12.03.19 10:20, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> On 03/12/19 07:47, Tony Brian Albers wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> At present, is it possible to use a hypervisor like virtualbox or kvm
>> on OI?
> Yes, I have used both (but not simultaneously). Right now VBox is in use:
> :; pkg list virtualbox
> system/virtualbox 5.2.24-2018.0.0.0     i--
> KVM/Qemu is also available:
> :; pkg search -r qemu
> ...
> pkg:/system/qemu/kvm@
> If "on OI" means that...
>> Together with it's graphical frontend like virt-manager?
> I guess, there is NO virt-manager available
>> And how about graphical console access? Doable?
> Depends what "graphical console access" means to you...
> If you start Unix like guest, you can do sort of graphical accesses (VNC
> for example is available in both VBox and KVM; or ssh + Xserver, etc...)
> Also, Windows boot is possible.
>> thx,
>> /tony
> HTH,
> With best regards.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] FTDI FT232R support In Hipster?

2019-03-13 Thread Till Wegmüller

Is this file from any userland package or from illumos gate?
If it is from illumos gate you may want to open a Bug to get these ID's
added properly. Or directly a Patch if you can :) As this is the
OpenIndiana Discussion List and not the Illumos Developers list I don't
know if your Patch got recognized in the later case.


On 13.03.19 10:26, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
> Jean-Pierre André wrote:
>> Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>>> google was not useful, so I thought I'd ask here.  I need some USB to
>>> serial interfaces.
>> I have a rfxcom USB device to collect temperature data from several
>> sensors. It advertises an FTDI FT230XQ interface and appears as
>> usb403,6015.
>> When I associate it with the driver usbftdi, I get an error
>> (roughly "driver successfully added, but failed to attach").
>> I do not see any /dev/cua interface created.
>> The device runs properly on Windows and Linux, so I have to
>> suppose usbftdi is not fit for purpose (its standard association
>> is for usb403,6001 which must be an older interface).
> I have finally dug into the usbftdi driver code and found that
> it has hard coded limitations to specific devices.
> I just had to add the one I needed (usb403,6015) to the
> hard coded list and recompile.
> Below is the significant diff.
> Compiling this relies on a file sys/usb/usbdevs.h defining
> the vendor/product ids, which is apparently built from some
> source file whose OpenIndiana variant I could not find.
> I used one from FreeBSD, but it does not contain the one
> Jean-Pierre
> --- uftdi_dsd.0 2019-03-12 12:04:08.095929800 +
> +++ uftdi_dsd.c 2019-03-13 09:43:54.242637100 +
> @@ -245,6 +254,7 @@
> +   case USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_232EX: /* JPA */
>     break;
>     default:
>     recognized = B_FALSE;
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with!?

2019-03-20 Thread Till Wegmüller

I see 4379 in Branch Hipster and many more Versions.

On 3/20/19 9:51 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hello!
> There is a problem with the repository - 0 packages.
> Is some maintainer aware of it?
> Stephan
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] /hipster: problems with sound

2019-03-21 Thread Till Wegmüller

On 21.03.19 14:35, Michal Nowak wrote:
> It seems that we don't have a way to handle such transfers more sanely than 
> uninstalling the old one and installing the new one instead.

Shouldn't uploading a rename manifest (obsoleting) have the desired
effect? You should be able to specify the Full New FMRI of the new Package.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Experimenting with an XServer GUI for SmartOS with Openindiana as guide

2019-03-25 Thread Till Wegmüller

You will need lightdm and gtk-greeter for the actual display.


On 25.03.19 12:00, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am experimenting with adding a X-Server and GUI login to SmartOS as I
> need the ram-based capabilities that it is designed to use.
> With that in mind, I have been able to add the X-Server and for now it is
> using XInit being started with "startx".
> I would like to add the graphical login that I see in the Openindiana
> version and would like to see if someone, in the know, has any information
> on what packages might be needed to make this happen.
> Mostly just experimenting but still making good progress.
> Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing pthreads for compiling

2019-03-28 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Lonnie

If you want to get an idea what a package contains just run "pkg
contents -r -m" This will show you the Manifest of the Package as
textfile. Our packages are not at all similar to RPM or DEB. We do not
use an Archive format at all. There are only Textfiles and gzip
compressed binary data payloads. Every package server exposes the pkg5
REST API where you can grab any manifests (textual description of the
package contents and files and other metadata.

On OI there is the pkgrecv command which allows you to download packages
into a local directory structure like so "pkgrecv -s -d path/to/folder packge/full/name"
That will get you a nested folderstructure which pkg can install from.
Inside the structure are two folders. file which holds the gzip
compressed package payload and pkg which holds the actual package
manifest. Open the manifests with a text editor of your choice.

If you can write code I have some go packages which can work with the
folderstructures and REST API's of pkg over at [0]


Hope this helps

On 3/28/19 6:01 PM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wanted to thank everyone who tired to assist me with getting slim to
> compile.  It turns out that it was not pthreads at all but instead the gcc
> compiler in the CMakeLists.txt file had CMAKE_C_FLAGS set to "-Wall -O2",
> but the compiler did not like the "-Wall" setting.  I removed it and
> pthreads was found without any problems after which I ran "make" and it
> produced the "slim" executable.
> On this note of login greeters, I also wanted to look at the
> "LightDM-GTK-Greeter" package out in the oi-userland for the sources and
> also in the OpenIndiana hipster package manager online.  In looking for
> this one, I wanted to see how big the footprint would be since the idea is
> to put it on SmartOS as a test and I already have an X-Server, but do not
> want a large window manager. I am experimenting with building minimal
> ram-based distributions.
> In looking at the Hipster package manager I see that this package is
> "system_display-manager_lightdm_gtk-greeter.p5i" but I do not know what is
> in a p5i file nor how to decompress it to get just the binaries that I can
> copy over to test it along with the slim option to see which looks better.
> On a good side note, I have installed OpenIndiana on a native partition so
> that I can do some development on both the OpenIndiana and SmartOS projects
> and REALLY like the OpenIndiana OS running on a native partition. Already,
> I am seeing myself rebooting into my previous Ubuntu 18.04 less and less.
> If I could find a way so that OpenIndiana could see my Ubuntu 18.04 "ext4"
> partition so that I cold access some of those files then I might even try
> to stay with running OpenIndiana always. Any ideas on how to see or mount
> the partition since the OI file manager does not see it by default.
> Cheers and this is off to a great journey with OpenIndiana.
> Lonnie
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 3:19 PM Tim Mooney  wrote:
>> In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing pthreads for compiling,...:
>>> I have setup Openindiana from the live DVD just now and have installed
>>> gcc-8, cmake, and some libraries as I want to compile a small
>> application,
>>> but am getting a message that "pthreads,h - not found"
>> People have already mentioned the 'build-essential' meta package, that
>> installs packages that are likely needed (essential) for any build.
>> Depending on what you're trying to do, there are certainly additional
>> development-related packages that aren't included in build-essential.
>>> I looked on the OpenIndiana package library online and found
>>> library/pth@2.0.7,5.11-2018.0.0.0:20180211T123900Z
>>> <
>> I don't think library/pth is what's missing.
>>> x11/library/libpthread-stubs@0.3,5.11-2018.0.0.0:20180212T053005Z
>>> <
>> I have had a few packages that haven't compiled because of that missing
>> stub, so I typically install it when I'm setting up a build system:
>> sudo pkg install x11/library/pthread-stubs
>>> for which I tried to install them but it said that no update was
>> necessary
>>> for these images.
>> Are they actually installed?
>> pkg list | egrep 'libpthread-stubs|library/pth'
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Mooney
>> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure  701-231-1076 (Voice)
>> Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building  701-231-8541 (Fax)
>> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
>> ___
>> openindian

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-03-31 Thread Till Wegmüller

Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.

Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory

Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
instructions how to build it.


On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have done a fresh install of OpenIndiana on a drive and all seems to have
> gone well.
> In just now firing up the default Firefox and searching the Internet for
> some things, I find that I run across some sites that are saying that they
> no longer support the version of Firefox that I am using and to upgrade.
> The problem is that I do not know if there is a newer version that I can
> upgrade, or another type of browser like Opera, or something else that is a
> bit newer.
> Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Lonnie
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-01 Thread Till Wegmüller
Wonderfull thank you for the offer.

OK First you will need a copy of oi-userland [0] setup inside a machine
dedicated for building packages. It is recomended to use any virgin zone
and install "metapackages/build-essential" package inside. For a
detailed guide on how to use OI userland look at [1]. The Pull request
containing Firefox 60 is [2]. You can use the official guide from github
at [3] to checkout that pr into a local git branch.

After you have checked out the PR into a local branch it's as simple as
export OI_USERLAND_ROOT="/path/to/oi-userland"

gmake setup #must be made in the toplevel directory
cd components/web/firefox/
gmake env-prep
gmake publish

This will create a firefox package inside the repository

Add it to the systems known list of publishers/repository with
pkg set-publisher -g $OI_USERLAND_ROOT/i386/repo userland

and then install it via pkg install -v

It may be the case that you need to loosen the version lock on userland
incorporation in order to be able to install firefox from userland

you can do that with:
pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/browser/firefox=false
pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/data/firefox-bookmarks=false


Let me know if you need anymore help to get started with the
contribution process.

On 31.03.19 22:04, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hi!
> I would be happy helping out with this too.
> Cheers,
> Stephan
> On 04/01/19 01:44 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>> Hi Till,
>> Sure thing. I will be happy to give it a try and do some testing.
>> Cheers,
>> Lonnie :)
>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 3:41 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.
>>> Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory
>>> footprint.
>>> Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
>>> instructions how to build it.
>>> Greetings
>>> Till
>>> On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I have done a fresh install of OpenIndiana on a drive and all seems to
>>> have
>>>> gone well.
>>>> In just now firing up the default Firefox and searching the Internet for
>>>> some things, I find that I run across some sites that are saying that
>>> they
>>>> no longer support the version of Firefox that I am using and to upgrade.
>>>> The problem is that I do not know if there is a newer version that I can
>>>> upgrade, or another type of browser like Opera, or something else that
>>> is a
>>>> bit newer.
>>>> Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Lonnie
>>>> ___
>>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-01 Thread Till Wegmüller
Yes we have a very detailed guide.

Also you can use this simpler one as a reference.


On 01.04.19 12:10, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi Till,
> Thanks for the instructions and I will start trying to get things in place,
> but have a simple question as I am still new to using the Illumos based
> distro.
> Is there some documentation on doing this in a "zone" currently I had been
> just running in user mode but thing that is in the global-zone actually.
> You mentioned using a "virgin zone" and I need to figure out how to do that
> although I have had just a little experience in this area and am reading up
> on it more now, while coming from the Linux world which really does not
> have zones.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 5:50 AM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Wonderfull thank you for the offer.
>> OK First you will need a copy of oi-userland [0] setup inside a machine
>> dedicated for building packages. It is recomended to use any virgin zone
>> and install "metapackages/build-essential" package inside. For a
>> detailed guide on how to use OI userland look at [1]. The Pull request
>> containing Firefox 60 is [2]. You can use the official guide from github
>> at [3] to checkout that pr into a local git branch.
>> After you have checked out the PR into a local branch it's as simple as
>> export OI_USERLAND_ROOT="/path/to/oi-userland"
>> gmake setup #must be made in the toplevel directory
>> cd components/web/firefox/
>> gmake env-prep
>> gmake publish
>> This will create a firefox package inside the repository
>> $OI_USERLAND_ROOT/i386/repo
>> Add it to the systems known list of publishers/repository with
>> pkg set-publisher -g $OI_USERLAND_ROOT/i386/repo userland
>> and then install it via pkg install -v
>> "pkg://userland/web/browser/firefox
>> pkg://userland/web/data/firefox-bookmarks"
>> It may be the case that you need to loosen the version lock on userland
>> incorporation in order to be able to install firefox from userland
>> publisher.
>> you can do that with:
>> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/browser/firefox=false
>> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/data/firefox-bookmarks=false
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Let me know if you need anymore help to get started with the
>> contribution process.
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 31.03.19 22:04, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I would be happy helping out with this too.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stephan
>>> On 04/01/19 01:44 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>> Hi Till,
>>>> Sure thing. I will be happy to give it a try and do some testing.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Lonnie :)
>>>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 3:41 PM Till Wegmüller 
>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.
>>>>> Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory
>>>>> footprint.
>>>>> Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
>>>>> instructions how to build it.
>>>>> Greetings
>>>>> Till
>>>>> On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>> I have done a fresh install of OpenIndiana on a drive and all seems to
>>>>> have
>>>>>> gone well.
>>>>>> In just now firing up the default Firefox and searching the Internet
>> for
>>>>>> some things, I find that I run across some sites that are saying that
>>>>> they
>>>>>> no longer support the version of Firefox that I am using and to
>> upgrade.
>>>>>> The problem is that I do not know if there is a 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-01 Thread Till Wegmüller
>   12:   0x84b899 - __rust_maybe_catch_panic
>   13:   0x8044e8 - std::rt::lang_start_internal::h8ea26b550d812617
>   14:   0x57d850 - main
>   15:   0x560af2 - _start_crt
>   16:   0x560a57 - _start
> make[4]: ***
> [/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/firefox-60.6.1/config/
> force-cargo-library-build] Error 101
> make[4]: Leaving directory
> '/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/toolkit/library/rust'
> make[3]: ***
> [/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/firefox-60.6.1/config/
> toolkit/library/rust/target] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> '/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64'
> make[2]: ***
> [/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/firefox-60.6.1/config/
> compile] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> '/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64'
> make[1]: ***
> [/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/firefox-60.6.1/config/
> default] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64'
> gmake: ***
> [/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/make-rules/
> /rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/.built]
> Error 2
> Greetings, Stephan
> On 04/01/19 11:50 AM, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Wonderfull thank you for the offer.
>> OK First you will need a copy of oi-userland [0] setup inside a machine
>> dedicated for building packages. It is recomended to use any virgin zone
>> and install "metapackages/build-essential" package inside. For a
>> detailed guide on how to use OI userland look at [1]. The Pull request
>> containing Firefox 60 is [2]. You can use the official guide from github
>> at [3] to checkout that pr into a local git branch.
>> After you have checked out the PR into a local branch it's as simple as
>> export OI_USERLAND_ROOT="/path/to/oi-userland"
>> gmake setup #must be made in the toplevel directory
>> cd components/web/firefox/
>> gmake env-prep
>> gmake publish
>> This will create a firefox package inside the repository
>> $OI_USERLAND_ROOT/i386/repo
>> Add it to the systems known list of publishers/repository with
>> pkg set-publisher -g $OI_USERLAND_ROOT/i386/repo userland
>> and then install it via pkg install -v
>> "pkg://userland/web/browser/firefox
>> pkg://userland/web/data/firefox-bookmarks"
>> It may be the case that you need to loosen the version lock on userland
>> incorporation in order to be able to install firefox from userland
>> publisher.
>> you can do that with:
>> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/browser/firefox=false
>> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/data/firefox-bookmarks=false
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Let me know if you need anymore help to get started with the
>> contribution process.
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 31.03.19 22:04, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I would be happy helping out with this too.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stephan
>>> On 04/01/19 01:44 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>> Hi Till,
>>>> Sure thing. I will be happy to give it a try and do some testing.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Lonnie :)
>>>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 3:41 PM Till Wegmüller  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.
>>>>> Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory
>>>>> footprint.
>>>>> Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
>>>>> instructions how to build it.
>>>>> Greetings
>>>>> Till
>>>>> On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] mate desktop 1.22

2019-04-15 Thread Till Wegmüller

It would be best if you contribute to the Packaging effort already going on.

That would allow you to use our existing Infrastructure to do all the
dependency handling and share any Work you do.


Michal Novak and Alexander are working hard to get it into 2019.04 Snapshot.


On 15.04.19 15:29, openbabel wrote:
> Dear All,
> The mate 1.22 new desktop is now available for download. Would it be
> straightforward to download and attempt to update it myself or are there
> too many dependencies to attempt this as a non developer ?
> Regards
> Robert Jones
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] wiki status?

2019-04-23 Thread Till Wegmüller
Was that wiki in any way Linked to the Illumos wiki? Or on the same
confluence instance?
Because illumos wiki was having problems and needed to be replaced with
the docs page.


On 22/04/2019 19.19, Tim Mooney wrote:
> All-
> The wiki ( ) has been returning a 503 Service
> Unavailable for days.
> Anyone know who might be able to fix it?
> Tim

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] QT libraries on Openindiana?

2019-04-26 Thread Till Wegmüller
Hi Lonnie

We did nor yet have a use case to Provide QTCreator or the advanced QT
libraries. We have no stack that is based on them currently but they do
compile. Note that the Qt5 in the Repository is only qt-core and not the
myriad of supporting Libraries of the QT ecosystem.

But We would welcome contributions from a C++ Developer (such as
Yourself) willing to maintain these libraries.

On 26/04/2019 14.30, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
> Am 26.04.19 um 14:07 schrieb Lonnie Cumberland:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> Does this also provide for all of the other nice things like QTCreator,
>> etc... ?
>> I installed QT from the main site yesterday on a Windows system and it ran
>> nicely so it got me thinking about OpenIndiana as I want to migrate over to
>> the Illumos base systems soon.
>> Cheers,
>> Lonnie :)
>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 7:29 AM Andreas Wacknitz  wrote:
>>> Am 26.04.19 um 13:05 schrieb Lonnie Cumberland:
 Hi All,

 Happy Friday/

 I was just wondering if OpenIndiana can support QT5  libraries to build

 Best Regards,
 openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>> Hi Lonnie,
>>> we have qt on Hipster:
>>> ➜  ~ pkg list -a|grep qt
>>> library/qt4
>>> 4.8.7-2018.0.0.5   ---
>>> library/qt5
>>> 5.8.0-2018.0.0.5   ---
>>> So, "pkg install qt5" should provide you with qt-5.8.0.
>>> Regards,
>>> Andreas
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> Alas no qtcreator:
> andreas@dl360g7-6:~$ pkg contents qt5 | grep bin\/
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/assistant
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/canbusutil
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/designer
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/lconvert
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/linguist
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/lrelease
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/lupdate
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/moc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/pixeltool
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qcollectiongenerator
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qdbus
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qdbuscpp2xml
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qdbusviewer
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qdbusxml2cpp
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qdoc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qgltf
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qhelpconverter
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qhelpgenerator
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qlalr
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmake
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qml
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmleasing
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmlimportscanner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmllint
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmlmin
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmlplugindump
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmlprofiler
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmlscene
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qmltestrunner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qscxmlc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qtattributionsscanner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qtdiag
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qtpaths
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/qtplugininfo
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/rcc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/uic
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/xmlpatterns
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/amd64/xmlpatternsvalidator
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/assistant
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/canbusutil
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/designer
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/lconvert
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/linguist
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/lrelease
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/lupdate
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/moc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/pixeltool
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qcollectiongenerator
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qdbus
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qdbuscpp2xml
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qdbusviewer
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qdbusxml2cpp
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qdoc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qgltf
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qhelpconverter
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qhelpgenerator
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qlalr
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmake
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qml
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmleasing
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmlimportscanner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmllint
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmlmin
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmlplugindump
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmlprofiler
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmlscene
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qmltestrunner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qscxmlc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qtattributionsscanner
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qtdiag
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qtpaths
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/qtplugininfo
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/rcc
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/uic
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/xmlpatterns
> usr/lib/qt/5.8/bin/xmlpatternsvalidator
> Regards,
> Andreas
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

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