Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Split-root installations

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Klimov

Another piece of research on the split-root subject: the
svc:/system/device/mpxio-upgrade:default service seemingly
takes care of mounting (non-ZFS) root and /usr filesystems
read-only (and only with devices specified in /etc/vfstab)
in order to update metadevice and /etc/vfstab configs, and
then disables itself.

This service, as well as filesystem/root, depends on service
svc:/system/metainit:default with mode "optional_all", so an
installation can "svcadm disable metainit" for ZFS-rooted
systems, and then networking and filesystems can race to
execute. This is of course not a solution...

It may happen so (but as with any race - is not guaranteed)
that /usr will be available by the time other methods make
calls into it. Also, if SVM is used on a particular system
(i.e. for accessing legacy datasets, or non-zfs dump, or swap),
and the "metainit" service is reenabled to start at boot,
this would restore the current SMF dependency chain - of

1) However, a particular system with known local-storage-based
roots can probably safely remove the dependencies on metainit
and mpxio-upgrade from filesystem/root, and then establish
dependencies from several networking services on anywhere
from fs-root to fs-minimal (for NWAM), as applicable. Then
the nodename and metadevice stuff can run after the root
hierarchy got mounted, if the admin knows it to be valid
(no networked or metadeviced root-fs components).

2) I think one more valid approach to unroll these dependencies
via SMF in a packageable manner has emerged, and a rather apparent
one: to move (or duplicate, or invoke) the code from fs-root which
mounts a zfs-based /usr filesystem into a service of its own, on
which consumers of the /usr namespace would depend (optional_all).

At start this service would check if current root is zfs, and
if a child dataset or legacy-mounted ZFS /usr are known and
available - it would mount the dataset if yes. Otherwise it
would exit without an error. As a result, the networking
scripts in my split-zfs-based-root cause would be guaranteed
to have a /usr before they run.

It would (should) have no impact on systems that use monoroots
on ZFS, or that use other roots (networked, metadevice, etc.) -
these would work or fail the same as they do today.

3) Similarly, such a service can mount ZFS-based datasets of
the rest of the root hierarchy if available (/var, children
of bootfs, SHARED/*) and as a result of this, even the NWAM
method on systems with local storage would have a complete
environment to work in (for its LDAP/NIS interaction), all
without major rehaul of SMF dependencies and method code.

But in this extended case there is a possible though improbable
loophole: if some parts of the operating environment including
the rootfs are mounted from ZFS, but some major components
like /var work from nfs/cachefs/ufs/... and then some datasets
like /var/adm would be mounted on top of that. A script that
only mounts a ZFS hierarchy in order to avoid dependencies
on networking and metadevices would apparently ignore these
other options; at most it can detect them in /etc/vfstab and
stop mounting stuff under the involved mountpoint (this would
come in later via filesystem service chains that exist today).

And the current filesystem service methods should need to check
that they don't mount the same (zfs) filesystem twice, so as
to not bail out on "zfs mount" errors due to this.

Does any of this - (1) or (2)-and-maybe-(3) - also sound like a
bad solution? If so - why? If it is acceptable, then it is at
least a solution that I can script up myself (unlike plugging
gzip-9 in GRUB for example) :)

//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Split-root installations

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Klimov

On 2013-11-29 14:53, Jim Klimov wrote:

I think that the further discussion of this should require a
diagram of some sort, to more visibly determine the dependencies
of the services involved in OS/Net configuration. But the short
takeaways would be that *for a local-storage zfs rooted system*
(including a zfs-based /usr as part of the rootfs or a dataset),
the network/physical and identity:node and optional metadevices
seemingly can start well after filesystem/minimal (gotta test).

So... I went over the SMF method scripts and their include files,
and built a diagram of service dependencies involved in networking
and filesystems leading up to filesystem/local (there are also
other branches regarding nuances of networking like IPSEC and
iptun, which are not covered here).

I also tried to find as many dependencies of these scripts on /usr
to see what needs to be replaced (with shell-provided commands)
or relocated to /sbin (i.e. SMF management commands, issue filed
as if we'd try to fix the
system in-place and try to make it working as much as it can,
without changing the SMF startup order and still having some
things running without a /usr.

//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Split-root installations

2013-11-30 Thread Kees Nuyt
On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:26:38 +0100, you wrote:

>So... I went over the SMF method scripts and their include files,
>and built a diagram of service dependencies involved in networking
>and filesystems leading up to filesystem/local (there are also
>other branches regarding nuances of networking like IPSEC and
>iptun, which are not covered here).

Not a solution, but related:
I found the script below, called "svcstree"
on the interwebs some 3 years ago.

Alas, it only lists service dependencies,
not file and networking dependencies, but
your struggle reminded me of its existence, 
and it could be useful for some people :D

Sorry for hijacking your thread.

Kees Nuyt

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# VERSION = 3.0

### Main ###

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config prefix_pattern=\(-i\) posix_default no_ignore_case);

our @indent = ();# stores the indent string
our $more = "|   ";  # used this to indent if there are more services
our $last = ".   ";  # used this to indent if this is the last service
our $linenum = 1;# page number.  he he he... thats line number!
our %svc;# by default stores the line number of first occurence
 # If -u option is provided then it is used to decide when
 # to print the service.
our ($fmri, $state);
our @tmp = ("error");
my $PROGNAME = "svcstree";
my $SVCS = "/usr/bin/svcs";
my ($h_opt, $man_opt, $d_opt, $D_opt, $l_opt, $u_opt, $m_opt, $s_opt); # options
our $svcs_opts = "-H -o fmri";  # options passed to svcs command

our ($blue, $green, $red, $darkred, $nocolr);  # colour the fmri
our ($startcolr, $endcolr);
$blue = "\033[34m";
$green = "\033[32m";
$red = "\033[31m";
$darkred = "\033[31;1m";
$nocolr = "\033[39;0m";
$startcolr = "";
$endcolr = $nocolr;
&usage if (!GetOptions("h"=>\$h_opt,   # help
   "man"=>\$man_opt,# print man page
   "d"=>\$d_opt,   # svcs -d
   "D"=>\$D_opt,   # svcs -D
   "l"=>\$l_opt,   # long listing
   "u"=>\$u_opt,   # unique listing
   "m"=>\$m_opt,   # expand milestones too
   "s"=>\$s_opt)); # show state of service/instance

# Parse and verify options
# Give preference to -h if both -h and -man are provided.
# Ignore other options if -h or -man is provided.
($tmp[0] = "-h", &usage) if ($h_opt);
&manpage if ($man_opt);

# Print error message, including usage message on error, to STDERR
select STDERR;

# Options check
if ($d_opt && $D_opt) {
print "ERROR: Only one of the '-d' or '-D' option can be specified\n\n";
if (!$d_opt && !$D_opt) {
print "ERROR: One of the '-d' or '-D' option must be specified\n\n";
if ($l_opt && $u_opt) {
print "ERROR: Only one of the '-l' or '-u' option can be specified\n\n";

# Arguments check
if (@ARGV != 1) {
print "ERROR: Service name not provided\n\n";
@tmp = `$SVCS $svcs_opts $ARGV[0]`;
print "ERROR: The argument \"$ARGV[0]\" matches more than one 
services/instances\n" if (@tmp > 1);
print "ERROR: The argument \"$ARGV[0]\" does not match any service/instance\n" 
if (@tmp < 1);
exit 4 if (@tmp != 1);

# Restore output to STDOUT
select STDOUT;

# Get the fmri and if asked, state of service too.
# The first argument has to be printed here.  Otherwise the function will
# not print anything if a milestone is passed as argument.  It also
# prevents an extra unwanted indentation.
$svcs_opts .= ",state" if ($s_opt);
($fmri, $state) = split(' ', `$SVCS $svcs_opts $ARGV[0]`);
print $linenum++, "\t", $startcolr, "$fmri $state\n", $endcolr;

# Set appropriate svcs option
$svcs_opts .= " -d" if ($d_opt); 
$svcs_opts .= " -D" if ($D_opt);
&showdep(`$SVCS $svcs_opts $ARGV[0]`);
exit 0;

### Functions ###

# Prints the list of FMRIs passed in a loop.  Finds its dependent/supporting
# services and recurses on them.
# The argument is a list of services.  If -s option is provided then every
# line has two part: service and its state.
sub showdep {
# If -u option is provided, increment the hit count of this service
if ($u_opt) {
my $entry;
foreach $entry (@_) {
chomp ($entry);
$svc{"$entry"} += 1;
chomp (my $i = shift(@_));

# Set state
($fmri, $state) = split(' ', $i) if($s_opt);

# Set state to null string if -s not provided.
($fmri = $i, $state = "") if(!$s_opt);

# If the hit count of a service is not zero, continue.  If
# the hit count is zero, then print it.  Also set the hit
# count to a large value so that it does not come down to
# zero again.
if ($u_opt) {

[OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update and zones

2013-11-30 Thread Paul van der Zwan
I have a system running two local zones in addition to the global zone.
I have updated the global zone a few times using the hipster repo, last time 
about 2 weeks ago.
This morning I wanted to install php in the webserver zone and noticed the file would not work
because my was out of date.
It seems pkg update in the global zone does not update the local zones. On 
Oracle Solaris the zones were always automatically
following the global zone.

How can I make sure this happens on OI as well ?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update and zones

2013-11-30 Thread Predrag Zecevic

Am 30.11.2013 13:18, schrieb Paul van der Zwan:

I have a system running two local zones in addition to the global zone.
I have updated the global zone a few times using the hipster repo, last time 
about 2 weeks ago.
This morning I wanted to install php in the webserver zone and noticed the file would not work
because my was out of date.
It seems pkg update in the global zone does not update the local zones. On 
Oracle Solaris the zones were always automatically
following the global zone.

How can I make sure this happens on OI as well ?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list


did you moved zones to /hipster too?
If not, then you have to do manual update:
pfexec zoneadm -z $Zone halt
pfexec pkg -R $ZonePath/$Zone/root update -v


Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH

Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile:+49  174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic

Headquarter:  2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
  65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director:Phil Douglas - Making your business fly!

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update and zones

2013-11-30 Thread Paul van der Zwan

On 30 Nov 2013, at 13:34, Predrag Zecevic  

> Am 30.11.2013 13:18, schrieb Paul van der Zwan:
>> I have a system running two local zones in addition to the global zone.
>> I have updated the global zone a few times using the hipster repo, last time 
>> about 2 weeks ago.
>> This morning I wanted to install php in the webserver zone and noticed the 
>> file would not work
>> because my was out of date.
>> It seems pkg update in the global zone does not update the local zones. On 
>> Oracle Solaris the zones were always automatically
>> following the global zone.
>> How can I make sure this happens on OI as well ?
>> TIA
>>  Paul
>> ___
>> OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
> Hi,
> did you moved zones to /hipster too?

Not sure if those zones were created before or after I started using the 
hipster repo.
So far I have always used pkg only in the global zone. ( using -R to install 
packages in the local zones).

> If not, then you have to do manual update:
> pfexec zoneadm -z $Zone halt
> pfexec pkg -R $ZonePath/$Zone/root update -v
I have done that on one of the zones and that completed normally.
After that I ran pkg update in the global zone and the local zones are not even 
Can pkg on OI hipster update zones automatically at all ?


> Regrads
> -- 
> Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH
> Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
> Mobile:+49  174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic
> Headquarter:  2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
>  65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
> Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
> Managing director:Phil Douglas
> - Making your business fly!
> ___
> OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI

2013-11-30 Thread Murray
Does anyone know of a good and complete set of instructions for deleting 
zpool.cache on OI? My google-fu has failed me and the incomplete instructions 
I've found elsewhere are not enough to get me going.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] vncserver behavior after upgrading to 151a8

2013-11-30 Thread Murray
I did manage to figure this out. Turns out that the update to 151a8 uninstalls 
a package of gnome scripts. I just edited ~/.vnc/xstartup to call gnome-session 
instead of twm as a fix.

> On Sep 18, 2013, at 9:47 AM, Murray Cullen  wrote:
> I've just updated in place to 151a8, and tried to setup a VNC session. It 
> looks like xterm works, but nothing else. I don't really know enough about 
> the underpinnings to know where to start looking.
> In 151a7, I got a full gnome desktop...
> Regards
> Murray

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Klimov

On 2013-11-30 18:08, Murray wrote:

Does anyone know of a good and complete set of instructions for deleting 
zpool.cache on OI? My google-fu has failed me and the incomplete instructions 
I've found elsewhere are not enough to get me going.

What do you want to achieve this way? The zpool.cache file caches
information about imported pools (beside rpool which is provided
by a different mechanism early in boot), and allow for faster pool
imports (needed info from labels is saved) as well as it lists the
pools for automatic import after a reboot.

If you export a pool manually, it should be removed from the cache.
If you import a pool with "-o cachefile " or "-R "
options, it would also prevent creation of entries in the default

So, to remove the file you usually need to just remove it :)
For more certainty, you can export all the non-root pools before,
or even boot into a Live Media environment. But I don't see why
such drastic measures might be needed...

Also, there is a semi-completed article of mine here, if you'd
like the pools to optionally import at boot, but not block the
OS startup if they fail:

"Semi-completed" means that at the moment there are some improvements
and generalizations to implement in the scripts provided with the
article, but all the general logic and explanation is presented there

//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update and zones

2013-11-30 Thread Predrag Zecevic

Am 30.11.2013 14:00, schrieb Paul van der Zwan:

On 30 Nov 2013, at 13:34, Predrag Zecevic  

Am 30.11.2013 13:18, schrieb Paul van der Zwan:

I have a system running two local zones in addition to the global zone.
I have updated the global zone a few times using the hipster repo, last time 
about 2 weeks ago.
This morning I wanted to install php in the webserver zone and noticed the file would not work
because my was out of date.
It seems pkg update in the global zone does not update the local zones. On 
Oracle Solaris the zones were always automatically
following the global zone.

How can I make sure this happens on OI as well ?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list


did you moved zones to /hipster too?

Not sure if those zones were created before or after I started using the 
hipster repo.
So far I have always used pkg only in the global zone. ( using -R to install 
packages in the local zones).

If not, then you have to do manual update:
pfexec zoneadm -z $Zone halt
pfexec pkg -R $ZonePath/$Zone/root update -v

I have done that on one of the zones and that completed normally.
After that I ran pkg update in the global zone and the local zones are not even 
Can pkg on OI hipster update zones automatically at all ?
I guess not. At least one I have installed BEFORE moving to /hipster 
(from /dev)



Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH

Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile:+49  174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic

Headquarter:  2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
  65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director:Phil Douglas - Making your business fly!

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH

Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile:+49  174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic

Headquarter:  2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
  65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director:Phil Douglas - Making your business fly!

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Fastboot question

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Klimov

On 2013-11-29 20:46, Predrag Zecevic wrote:

Just in case, did you previously disable fastboot via SMF?

How i can do this?

Quoting from another discussion (on OmniOS lists):

   On Oct 7, 2013, at 4:34 AM, Narayan Desai  

> This is caused by the system attempting to use fastboot on 
default reboot. We've disabled that and things seem to work properly; 
the following commands do the trick. (the first changes reboot not to 
use fastboot, the second causes the system to do a full reboot upon panic)

>  -nld
# svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop 

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/boot-config:default

# svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop 

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/boot-config:default

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Garrett D'Amore 

If you're seeing hangs like this, I would appreciate knowing the 
hardware configuration.  Prtconf -vp might be helpful.  Presumably this 
is the result of one or more devices not doing the right thing for 

- Garrett


//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI

2013-11-30 Thread Steve Gonczi
I could be wrong but I think he wants to know how to do this on a 
system that hangs while trying to mount the pool. 

Your article is should help . Nice job, btw. 


- Original Message -
What do you want to achieve this way?

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Fastboot question

2013-11-30 Thread Predrag Zecevic

Am 30.11.2013 18:57, schrieb Jim Klimov:

On 2013-11-29 20:46, Predrag Zecevic wrote:

Just in case, did you previously disable fastboot via SMF?

How i can do this?

Quoting from another discussion (on OmniOS lists):

On Oct 7, 2013, at 4:34 AM, Narayan Desai  

> This is caused by the system attempting to use fastboot on default 
reboot. We've disabled that and things seem to work properly; the 
following commands do the trick. (the first changes reboot not to use 
fastboot, the second causes the system to do a full reboot upon panic)

> -nld
# svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop 

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/boot-config:default

# svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop 

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/boot-config:default

On my system:
$ svcprop -p config/fastreboot_default system/boot-config:default

$ svcprop -p config/fastreboot_onpanic system/boot-config:default

So, it is NOT disabled... Not sure if i have to do it?

Also, i have tried to attach result of running command: pfexec prtconf -vp
(if that is OK for this thread)

Thank you...

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Garrett D'Amore 

If you're seeing hangs like this, I would appreciate knowing the 
hardware configuration. Prtconf -vp might be helpful. Presumably this 
is the result of one or more devices not doing the right thing for 

- Garrett


//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH

Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile:+49  174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic

Headquarter:  2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
  65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director:Phil Douglas - Making your business fly!

System Configuration:  Oracle Corporation  i86pc
Memory size: 4095 Megabytes
System Peripherals (PROM Nodes):

Node 0x01
bios-boot-device:  '80'
name:  'i86pc'

Node 0x02
existing:  00dc7000..025cf801.
name:  'ramdisk'

Node 0x03
acpi-namespace:  '\_SB_.PCI0'
compatible: 'pciex_root_complex'
device_type:  'pciex'
reg:  ..
#size-cells:  0002
#address-cells:  0003
name:  'pci'

Node 0x04
reg:  ....
compatible: 'pci8086,29c0.1028.23d.2' + 'pci8086,29c0.1028.23d' + 
'pci1028,23d' + 'pci8086,29c0.2' + 'pci8086,29c0' + 'pciclass,06' + 
model:  'Host bridge'
power-consumption:  0001.0001
subsystem-vendor-id:  1028
subsystem-id:  023d
unit-address:  '0'
class-code:  0006
revision-id:  0002
vendor-id:  8086
device-id:  29c0
name:  'pci1028,23d'

Node 0x05
reg:  0800....
compatible: 'pciex8086,29c1.2' + 'pciex8086,29c1' + 
'pciexclass,060400' + 'pciexclass,0604' + 'pci8086,29c1.2' + 'pci8086,29c1' + 
'pciclass,060400' + 'pciclass,0604'
model:  'PCI-PCI bridge'
bus-range:  0001.0001
#size-cells:  0002
#address-cells:  0003
device_type:  'pciex'
power-consumption:  0001.0001
interrupts:  0001
unit-address:  '1'
class-code:  00060400
revision-id:  0002
vendor-id:  8086
device-id:  29c1
name:  'pci8086,29c1'

Node 0x19

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI

2013-11-30 Thread Murray Murman
Yes, Steve, exactly. I'd like to save the rest of my installation, but
I have a pool that when mounted on any system, prevents a reboot when

Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:03:13 + (UTC)
From: Steve Gonczi  
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana

Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I could be wrong but I think he wants to know how to do this on a
system that hangs while trying to mount the pool.

Your article is should help . Nice job, btw.


- Original Message -
What do you want to achieve this way?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting zpool.cache on OI

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Klimov

On 2013-11-30 20:53, Murray Murman wrote:

Yes, Steve, exactly. I'd like to save the rest of my installation, but
I have a pool that when mounted on any system, prevents a reboot when

Well, in this case the short route would be to boot a live environment
and delete that file. You may also have some luck with your installation
by booting it in single-user mode (add -s on grub command-line), this
would mount only parts of the rpool and won't (shouldn't) import other
pools yet; then you can delete the file. At least, you can try this
first :)


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenAFS

2013-11-30 Thread Aurélien Larcher
Hi everyone,
as my laboratory at KTH uses AFS filesystems I took the time to write a
Makefile (based on the existing SFE work for version 1.6.2) and manifest to
install version on my workstation from oi-userland:

Nonetheless as I am merely using it as a client to access the file server,
I do not know what should ideally be provided to make it a well-polished
package that would be worth merging into hipster.
So I thought I could pass the information if someone knowledgeable and
interested wants to give it a shot.

Additional question: how could I give credit properly when some patch is
based on a SFE spec?

Best regards,

LARCHER Aurélien  | KTH, School of Computer Science and
Work: +46 (0) 8 790 71 42 | Lindstedtsvägen 5, Plan 4, 100 44 Stockholm,
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list