Re: [Open Babel] charge wrongly calculated

2012-08-15 Thread Hannes Loeffler
Is this list still alive?

On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 10:26:57 +0100
Hannes Loeffler  wrote:

> Hi,
> the following script reads the attached mol2 file but wrongly outputs
> 0 for the charge.  Openbabel is version 2.3.
> import pybel
> mol = pybel.readfile('mol2', 'amm.mol2').next()
> print mol.charge
> I think it should be obvious from the N.4 Sybyl atom type that there
> must be a charge.  The sum of charges in the mol2 file also adds up to
> +1.
> Is there a way to force recalculation of charges?
> Thanks,
> Hannes.
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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] How to do this with Python?

2012-10-09 Thread Hannes Loeffler

how would I do the following in Python?

babel -imol2 a.mol2 b.mol2 -osdf ab.sdf

Obviously I need to convert two mol2 files and combined them in a
single sdf.

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

Re: [Open Babel] How to do this with Python?

2012-10-09 Thread Hannes Loeffler
Thanks a lot Noel.

I just looked through the Pybel code.  Assuming I wanted to do all that
directly I could do the following (ignoring any safe guards for the
moment), right?

import openbabel as ob

conv = ob.OBConversion()
conv.SetInAndOutFormats('mol2', 'sdf')

m1 = ob.OBMol()
m2 = ob.OBMol()

conv.ReadFile(m1, 'test.mol2')

conv.WriteFile(m1, 'test.sdf')


On Tue, 9 Oct 2012 15:04:23 +0100
Noel O'Boyle  wrote:

> Hello Hannes,
> You need to use the readfile method for reading, and Outputfile class
> for writing. If you cannot figure it out, post some code here and I
> will correct it.
> - Noel
> On 8 October 2012 11:08, Hannes Loeffler 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > how would I do the following in Python?
> >
> > babel -imol2 a.mol2 b.mol2 -osdf ab.sdf
> >
> >
> > Obviously I need to convert two mol2 files and combined them in a
> > single sdf.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Hannes.
> > --
> > Scanned by iCritical.
> >
> > --
> > Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New
> > Relic APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know
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> > ___
> > OpenBabel-discuss mailing list
> >
> >

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] missing attributes in 2.3.2 (Python)

2013-03-12 Thread Hannes Loeffler

I compiled 2.3.2 but find that some classes, e.g. OBAlign, and possibly
other stuff is absent from  I passed -DRUN_SWIG=ON to
cmake and swig does create

The other odd thing is that 'make install' copies, and into $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib instead of
the relevant Python directory.

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

Re: [Open Babel] missing attributes in 2.3.2 (Python)

2013-03-15 Thread Hannes Loeffler
Hi Noel,

On Thu, 14 Mar 2013 21:41:31 +
Noel O'Boyle  wrote:

> (Please cc to the list)
> It looks like when the bindings were generated for release, Eigen2 was
> not present. You will have to run Swig yourself to regenerate the
> bindings I'm afraid. It's pretty straightforward though. You should
> download and compile the latest version of Swig (or if you're feeling
> lucky, just use the Swig provided by your package manager). Then
> configure CMake with -DRUN_SWIG=TRUE -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=wherever.

I had that all along.

I have just found the real issue.  SWIG is not called with -DHAVE_EIGEN
-DHAVE_EIGEN3 when making the Python bindings because
scripts/CMakeLists.txt tries to expand ${eigen2_define}, which appears
to be not defined anywhere, instead of ${eigen_define} as in the Java


> On 12 March 2013 13:52, Hannes Loeffler 
> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
> >
> > I do have Eigen3. Cmake automatically detected it and set
> > EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR accordingly.  I also see that math/align.o is
> > built and linked into  Likewise with
> > ops/opalign.o.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 12 Mar 2013 13:25:04 +
> > Noel O'Boyle  wrote:
> >
> >> 1. Eigen3 is required for some classes such as OBAlign. See the
> >> install docs. 2. The "make install" is installing the files to
> >> where we expect. It's not possible for us to figure out in the
> >> general case where Python would install things (I regard this as a
> >> failure on Python's side, rather than ours). Just set your
> >> PYTHONPATH and all will be well.
> >>
> >> - Noel
> >>
> >> On 12 March 2013 13:13, Hannes Loeffler
> >>  wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I compiled 2.3.2 but find that some classes, e.g. OBAlign, and
> >> > possibly other stuff is absent from  I passed
> >> > -DRUN_SWIG=ON to cmake and swig does create
> >> >
> >> > The other odd thing is that 'make install' copies,
> >> > and into $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib
> >> > instead of the relevant Python directory.
> >> >
> >> > Cheers,
> >> > Hannes.
> >> > --
> >> > Scanned by iCritical.
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The
> >> > Forrester Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a
> >> > good choice" in the endpoint security space. For insight on
> >> > selecting the right partner to tackle endpoint security
> >> > challenges, access the full report.
> >> >
> >> > ___
> >> > OpenBabel-discuss mailing list
> >> >
> >> >
> >
> > --
> > Scanned by iCritical.

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] SetName appends residue number to residue name in MOL2

2013-11-08 Thread Hannes Loeffler

I have the following Python code to rename the first residue in a PDB
file.  The renaming works except that OpenBabel appends a '1',
obviously the residue number, to the new name in the mol2 output.  How
can I force OpenBabel to stop altering my residue name?

import pybel

mol = pybel.readfile('pdb', 'test.pdb').next()

obmol = mol.OBMol
res1 = obmol.GetResidue(0)
res1.SetName('FOOBAR')  # appends '1' to 'FOOBAR'

mol.write('mol2', 'test.mol2', overwrite = True)

Scanned by iCritical.
import pybel

mol = pybel.readfile('pdb', 'test.pdb').next()

obmol = mol.OBMol
res1 = obmol.GetResidue(0)

mol.write('mol2', 'test.mol2', overwrite = True)

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] mol2 writer adds residue number to residue name

2014-07-14 Thread Hannes Loeffler

here is something that has bugged me for some time now and is quite an
annoying misfeature of MOL2Format::WriteMolecule().  In line 591 of
src/formats/mol2format.cpp (checked out just a minute ago) the residue
name is appended with its number (res->GetNum()).

The practical problem is that whenever I change the residue name to a
desired string in my Python script I get a modified residue on
output.  This is obviously exacerbated by multiple read/writes.

If this is really a vital option to some I think it should be possible
to switch this off with a write option.

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

Re: [Open Babel] mol2 writer adds residue number to residue name

2014-07-23 Thread Hannes Loeffler
In case anybody is willing I have attached a patch.  This introduces a
new option 'r' which, when set, switches off residue number appending
unless 'l' is also set and residue name is simply '<1>'.  The defaults
are as they used to be.

On Mon, 14 Jul 2014 12:03:45 +0100
Hannes Loeffler  wrote:

> Hi,
> here is something that has bugged me for some time now and is quite an
> annoying misfeature of MOL2Format::WriteMolecule().  In line 591 of
> src/formats/mol2format.cpp (checked out just a minute ago) the residue
> name is appended with its number (res->GetNum()).
> The practical problem is that whenever I change the residue name to a
> desired string in my Python script I get a modified residue on
> output.  This is obviously exacerbated by multiple read/writes.
> If this is really a vital option to some I think it should be possible
> to switch this off with a write option.
> Cheers,
> Hannes.

Scanned by iCritical.
--- mol2format.cpp.orig	2014-07-23 13:37:43.0 +0100
+++ mol2format.cpp	2014-07-23 13:44:59.0 +0100
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
   OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("l", NULL, 0, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
+  OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("r", NULL, 0, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
 virtual const char* Description() //required
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
 "Sybyl Mol2 format\n"
 "Write Options e.g. -xl\n"
 "  l   Output ignores residue information (only ligands)\n\n";
+"  r   Output does not append residue number to residue name\n\n";
 virtual const char* SpecificationURL()
@@ -503,6 +505,7 @@
 ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream();
 OBMol &mol = *pmol;
 bool ligandsOnly = pConv->IsOption("l", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS)!=NULL;
+bool resNum = pConv->IsOption("r", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS)!=NULL;
 //The old code follows
 string str,str1;
@@ -588,7 +591,11 @@
 // use original atom names defined by residue
 // make sure that residue name includes its number
-snprintf(rlabel,BUFF_SIZE,"%s%d",res->GetName().c_str(), res->GetNum());
+if (resNum) {
+  snprintf(rlabel,BUFF_SIZE,"%s",res->GetName().c_str());
+} else {
+  snprintf(rlabel,BUFF_SIZE,"%s%d",res->GetName().c_str(), res->GetNum());
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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] accessing and manipulating GAFF atom types?

2015-02-25 Thread Hannes Loeffler

I was wondering if there is currently a mechanism to read out and
manipulate GAFF atom types.  It looks to me that OBForceFieldGaff
handles those types only internally while to the outside the internal
force fields are presented.

for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol):
  idx = atom.GetIdx()

  # can only handle internal types?
  if idx == 24 or idx == 26:
atom.SetType('nb')  # warning that type can't be translated

  # output is interal types only?
  print idx, atom.GetType()

Many thanks,

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OpenBabel-discuss mailing list

[Open Babel] get all matches with OBSmartsPattern?

2015-03-31 Thread Hannes Loeffler

I am trying to get all substructure matches with OBSmartsPattern but
this doesn't seem to work as expected when explicit hydrogens are

The attached Python script calculates a MCS with the help of RDKit's
implementation of fmcs.  The MCS is created as SMARTS pattern (script
uses pre-computed pattern if RDKit not available) which I want to use to
find all possible matches.  I run fmcs in topological mode i.e. without
any atom or bond type information.

smi1 = 'n1c(N)c(N)ccc1'
smi2 = 'n1c(Cl)c(N)ccc1'

In the case where hydrogens are included (MCS is all atoms in smi2) I
would expect four matches with the first molecule but get only two.  The
"Cl" in the MCS can match either Ns of smi1 (I only get this without
hydrogens) and the two hydrogens added to the amino group can "flip" and
thus give two additional matches (I only get this when hydrogens added
for one Cl-to-N match).

I guess I misunderstand how this is supposed to work.  RDKit's
GetSubstructMatches() gives me the same result.

Many thanks,
  import rdkit.Chem
  import rdkit.Chem.MCS
  have_rdkit = True
  have_rdkit = False

import openbabel as ob

addH = True

smi1 = 'n1c(N)c(N)ccc1'
smi2 = 'n1c(Cl)c(N)ccc1'

if have_rdkit:
  mol1 = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi1)
  mol2 = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi2)

  if addH:
  mol1 = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol1)
  mol2 = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol2)

  mcs = rdkit.Chem.MCS.FindMCS( (mol1, mol2),
   maximize = 'atoms',
   atomCompare = 'any',
   bondCompare = 'any',
   completeRingsOnly = True)

  p = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smarts)
  smarts = mcs.smarts

  print mcs.smarts, '\n'

  print '=== RDKit ==='

  for m1 in mol1.GetSubstructMatches(p, uniquify = False):
print [i+1 for i in m1]


  for m2 in mol2.GetSubstructMatches(p, uniquify = False):
print [i+1 for i in m2]
  if addH:
smarts = '[*]~@1~@[*](~@[*](~@[*](~!@[*])~@[*](~!@[*])~@[*]~@1~!@[*])~!@[*](~!@[*])~!@[*])~!@[*]'
smarts = '[*]~@1~@[*](~@[*](~@[*]~@[*]~@[*]~@1)~!@[*])~!@[*]'

print '\n=== OpenBabel ==='

conv = ob.OBConversion()

obmol1 = ob.OBMol()
obmol2 = ob.OBMol()

conv.ReadString(obmol1, smi1)
conv.ReadString(obmol2, smi2)

if addH:
  obmol1.AddHydrogens(False, False, 0.0)
  obmol2.AddHydrogens(False, False, 0.0)

pat1 = ob.OBSmartsPattern()
pat2 = ob.OBSmartsPattern()



for m1 in pat1.GetMapList():
print m1


for m2 in pat2.GetMapList():
print m2

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