[Open Babel] Issues Maintaining Bond Order Through Conversion

2018-06-27 Thread Biruk Abreha

I’ve been having trouble converting between formats. I have generated some MOL 
files using RDKit for various substituted subphthalocyanines (attached below) 
which, when opened with any molecule viewer, show the correct bond order (1 or 
2 depending on the atom) between the nitrogen and carbon atoms surrounding the 
central boron. However, when I convert to any other format (such as PDB or XYZ) 
with OpenBabel, the bond order between each nitrogen atom and the adjacent 
carbon atom is reduced to 1.

Is there an option that I haven’t included that can solve this problem, or is 
this a bug that hasn’t been addressed? Any help would be appreciated.


Description: MOL mdl chemical test

Description: MOL mdl chemical test
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Re: [Open Babel] Issues Maintaining Bond Order Through Conversion

2018-06-27 Thread Noel O'Boyle
Neither PDB nor XYZ files store the bond order. XYZ files do not even store
which atoms are connected to which atoms. If you want to learn more about
this, you should open chemical structure files in a text editor and
familiarise yourself with the information contained within. I gave a talk
which touches upon some of this (see slide 3 of

- Noel

On 27 June 2018 at 20:31, Biruk Abreha  wrote:

> Hello,
> I’ve been having trouble converting between formats. I have generated some
> MOL files using RDKit for various substituted subphthalocyanines (attached
> below) which, when opened with any molecule viewer, show the correct bond
> order (1 or 2 depending on the atom) between the nitrogen and carbon atoms
> surrounding the central boron. However, when I convert to any other format
> (such as PDB or XYZ) with OpenBabel, the bond order between each nitrogen
> atom and the adjacent carbon atom is reduced to 1.
> Is there an option that I haven’t included that can solve this problem, or
> is this a bug that hasn’t been addressed? Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Biruk
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Re: [Open Babel] Issues Maintaining Bond Order Through Conversion

2018-06-27 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Is there an option that I haven’t included that can solve this problem, or is 
> this a bug that hasn’t been addressed? Any help would be appreciated.

The two formats you mention don't store bond orders. (In particular XYZ only 
stores atoms - not even bond connections.)

OB includes an algorithm to perceive bond orders, but it's hardly foolproof. So 
if you want to ensure bond orders are preserved, don't use those formats.

Best regards,
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