Hi there,
The JNI-InChI project has code that detects the OS and unzips or loads the
appropriate binary. This might be a useful starting point.
We would welcome a page such as you describe. Perhaps you could take the
first steps in putting it together?
- Noel
On 5 February 2018 at 15:54, Vinothkumar Mohanakrishnan
> Dear OpenBabel Users
> I am developing a Java application (GUI) which uses OpenBabel in the
> backend. I want to pack this application so that users can use in different
> operating systems like Windows, Linux, MacOS.
> Right now, In my development environment, I am using
> System.loadlibrary("openbabel_java"). This works fine.
> This will break down when I pack my application (myapp.jar) for another
> computer or another operating system (in spite of having OpenBabel.jar in
> my application).
> I would like to know how can one pack OpenBabel in a third party
> application? I am pretty sure I am not the first one to have this question,
> any hints in the right direction(like some workflow) are highly
> appreciated.
> Just a small suggestion, It would be a nice idea to have a page
> describing, packing OpenBabel along with custom application in the
> documentation of OpenBabel.Thank you.
> --
> Regards
> Vinothkumar Mohanakrishnan
> --
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