[Open Babel] Molecular Mechanics Start Up Time?

2012-04-22 Thread ZacB
Hello All,

   I'm just starting out with open babel, and am interested in doing
minimization and energy calculation. Now, when I execute the command
"obminimize in.mol2", the terminal will be silent for about 40 seconds, then
finally start generating log messages. There is only a few second difference
between "obminimize -n 300 in.mol2" and "obminimize -n 2500 in.mol2" for my
system of 830 carbon atoms, so I suspect the vast majority of processing
time is start-up and not calculation. I have similar experiences with
obenergy. If this silent time is not start up, please correct me.

   So my question is this: Is there anyway to speed-up this start up time,
or at the very least a way to perform consecutive minimizations without a
startup in between every one?

   Thanks for your time.

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Re: [Open Babel] Molecular Mechanics Start Up Time?

2012-04-22 Thread Geoff Hutchison
>   So my question is this: Is there anyway to speed-up this start up time,
> or at the very least a way to perform consecutive minimizations without a
> startup in between every one?

Keep in mind the "startup" involves assigning the molecular mechanics atom/bond 
types, assigning aromaticity, detecting rings, etc. Molecules with large 
numbers of fused aromatic rings are challenging for the current aromaticity 
code in Open Babel, and so this "startup time" is highly dependent on the size 
and complexity of the molecule.

You can, of course, perform a variety of MM calculations consecutively without 
penalty using code in Python or C++ -- for example, the "--gen3d" flag for 
obabel will generate initial coordinates, followed by a steepest-descent 
search, a conformer search, and a conjugate gradient optimization of the final 
conformation. All these are done without needing to hit "startup" again.

Unless you have an extremely slow disk, or extremely limited RAM, the actual 
startup of "obminimize" or other programs should be fractions of a second. You 
can test this by trying to minimize something like benzene.

Hope that helps,
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