Re: [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction?
Ah yang benar ? --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Huan Sheng wrote: From: Huan Sheng Subject: Re: [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction? To: Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 4:51 AM Sepertinya malah one step closer to the deep crisis. Entah kebetulan atau tidak, thn 1997 muncul penyakit flu yg dikenal dengan SARS di Hong Kong, lalu kemudian ASIA masuk ke krisis. Thn 2009, muncul lagi flu baru di Meksiko dan US, yg mana juga sedang dalam krisis. Ini ada link yg menarik untuk dibaca, bisa jadi HOAX saja, bisa jadi benar. - Original Message - From: andref_r To: Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:29 PM Subject: [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction? The flu thing is a distraction from the recession? GBU all
Re: [obrolan-bandar] Harga Minyak 2009 Bisa Anjlok ke US$ 20/Barel
Oh yah ..jadi kemarin Pak kurtubi bilang nanti awal 2009 harga minyak jadi $ 200 sekarang nol nya hilang satu jadi $ 20 yah. --- On Sat, 1/17/09, Saham Oke wrote: From: Saham Oke Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Harga Minyak 2009 Bisa Anjlok ke US$ 20/Barel To: Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 10:54 PM Saatnya keluar dari komoditas.:-) Jakarta - Harga minyak mentah dunia tahun 2009 diperkirakan masih bakal mengalami penurunan. Proyeksi harga terendah diperkirakan di level US$20 per barel. "Harga terendah minyak mentah dunia tahun ini diperkirakan di level US$ 20 per barel," ujar pengamat perminyakan Kurtubi saat dihubungi detikFinance, Minggu (18/1/2009). Menurut Kurtubi, perkiraan analis-analis perminyakan dunia memprediksi rentang harga minyak mentah dunia tahun 2009 bakal berada di kisaran US$ 20 per barel hingga US$ 70 per barel.$-20/barel Nama baru untuk Anda! Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
So El where will be the fund flow when that you say happened? In commodity again or other else? Thx --- On Sat, 7/25/09, Elaine Sui wrote:From: Elaine Sui Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:38 PM I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say lah , but here's my comments:1. UNEMPLOYMENT & 2. DEFLATION PROBLEM I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+ billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel. (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?) Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:"In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country, effectively you have colonized that country." - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD (July 2nd, 2001) The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of the US policies? Yes. Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US), combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up economy. Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY. Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-, they have to lower it. But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about. What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are shutting down, or cutting their workforce. This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's) If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things, factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury int. to foreign investors. NOTE THAT THE ABOVE COMMENT IS FOR US ECONOMY. IN OTHER HAND, THE ASIAN TIGERS (CHINA, INDIA, AND INDONESIA) ECONOMY WILL BE LESS AFFECTED WITH THIS PROBLEM (BUT THEIR STOCK MARKETS MAY GOT SEVERELY HIT) AS THESE COUNTRIES RELY HEAVILY ON DOMESTIC/REGIONAL MARKET. THE REAL PROBLEM MAY RISE IF -AND ONLY IF- THE US STARTS TO DEFAULT THEIR DEBTS (UNABLE TO PAY THE INTEREST), COMBINED WITH RATING DOWNGRADES FOR USD THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn', 'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc) Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :(( 3. NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR CRISISIf the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his little brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book hee ) 4. UNFAVORED ELECTION RESULT Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.5. H1N1 SWINE FLU OUTBREAK Thailand economy already got hit with this pandemy, and potentially millions can die because of this worldwide. Do not underestimate this issue,
Re: [ob] Pengumuman GS
Mungkin karena pendapatan yang tinggi tersebut 90% berasal dari hasil sebagai securities bukan sebagai bank. Karena setelah GS terima bail out dari pemerintah AS posisi dia harus berubah menjadi bank. Maka nya pasar bereaksi negatif terhadap hasil tersebut. --- On Tue, 7/14/09, Peter Alimin wrote: From: Peter Alimin Subject: Re: [ob] Pengumuman GS To: "OB " Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 5:23 AM Epsnya 4,93 Tapi yg ada malah sos semua.. Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT -Original Message- From: Kidod25 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 11:16:46 To: Subject: [ob] Pengumuman GS Sebelum market buka akan ada pengumuman GS dgn target EPS 3.48. Kita lihat aja pergerakannya nanti. Kalau kemarin ada yang naikkin grade hingga saham ini naik, nanti kalau ternyata tidak sesuai espektasi. Mmmm salam + + + + + + + Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas. + + + + + + +Yahoo! Groups Links
Re: [ob] Stock ranking by ROE, PER and Growth... CPIN ada apa ya?
Mbah, saya perhatiin laba nya CPIN tiap tahun kenapa yah pada saat Q1-Q3 naik tapi tiba-tiba di Q4 nya turun? Thks. --- On Sun, 8/23/09, jsx_consultant wrote: From: jsx_consultant Subject: [ob] Stock ranking by ROE, PER and Growth... CPIN ada apa ya? To: Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 2:32 AM Stock ranking by ROE, PER and Growth Ranking by ROE: - Ranking by PER: - Ranking by Year on year Operating Profit Growth: - --- In, TimurLaut wrote: > > If it is not to much to ask, share dong mbah daftar ROE, PER, Growth untuk > semua emiten, kaya daftar saham yg turun banyak kemaren. > > > > > > From: Embah > To: > Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:47:27 AM > Subject: RE: [ob] CPIN ada apa ya? > > > Cari saham yang: > - ROE tinggi > - PER rendah > - Growth tinggi > > Contoh pada CPIN: > - ROE = 64% > - PER = 3 > - Growth: > - Sales = 10% > - Laba operasi = 120% > - Laba bersih = 201% > > > > > From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou >] On Behalf Of Ferry > Sent: 23 Agustus 2009 11:30 > To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com > Subject: RE: [ob] CPIN ada apa ya? > > > Mbah, > Second liner yg fundamentalnya seperti CPIN apalagi?? Kira2 TRAM bisa nyusul > BLTA gak ya?? > Rgds, > FW > From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou >] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant > Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:46 PM > To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com > Subject: Re: [ob] CPIN ada apa ya? > > Fundamental ALWAYS win at THE END... > > - http://www.investda TXT > - http://www.investda TXT > > --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, purnama saputra > wrote: > > > > PT Charoen Pokphan Ind. Tbk (CPIN) diprediksi akan menuai untung dari > > permintaan pakan ternak jenis jagung dan kacang kedelai yang masih tinggi > > walaupun ekonomi sedang lesu. > > > > Demikian penjeasan analis Reliance Securities Gina Novrina Nasution dalam > > risetnya Jumat (21/8). Ia memprediksi penjualan CPIN pun tahun ini akan sama > > sedengan tahun lalu sebesar Rp13 triliun. "Beli saham CPIN dengan targer > > harga Rp1.400," kata Gina. > > > > Pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin (20/8), harga saham CPIN ditutup melonjak > > 100 poin ke level 1.230. > > > > 2009/8/21 datasahamku > > > > > > > > > > > mohon sharing info CPIN > > > > > > > > > > > > + + + + + + + Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas. + + + + + + +Yahoo! Groups Links
Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: DJI sideways channel: BREAKOUT ?
>From CNN Money Tax rebates to start arriving monday jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Coba liat ini: DJI make a 2 MONTH NEW HIGH, breaking the sideways channel... Kalo malem ini NAEK LAGI, confirmasinya tambah JELAS... --- In, Vincent Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > kemaren intraday Djones dah break downtrendline resistant, tapi tutup dibawah lagi, > hr ini future dah plus mungkin nanti malem kalo tembus vol gede baru keliatan senin ihsg mau kemana > > Hendra Susanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > waduh.. gawat dong.. kmrn2 aja DJI cuma naek dikit, IHSG turunnya udah 1% lebih.. > kalo DJI sampe confirm masuk bullish trend, gak kebayang deh apa jadinya IHSG ... > asing pasti lsg keluar dari market indo and masuk ke market DJI yg udah pasti save... > kapan yah DJI merah lagi, supaya IHSG bisa ijo lagi and bisa cpt balik bullish lagi... > > > > > 2008/4/25 jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > DJI sideways channel: BREAKOUT ? > > Saat DJI future udah +70, jika DJI bisa ngejozz malem ini > maka akan terjadi BREAKOUT pada SIDEWAYS CHANNEL index dow.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. > - Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Re: [obrolan-bandar] Trs: New Year Longer Term Specific Views
I follow Elaine. I am sure overall this year bullish.
Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Menyentuh Upper Extreme 1462
Yeah , I am always support u. Don't think too much about criticism , EL. We are not getting loose criticism every day. So, always ciao.