2021-07-01 Thread Miguel Mata
Someone from please contact me offlist.


Miguel Mata
El Salvador
Comunicaciones IBW El Salvador
tel.: ++(503) 2278-5068
fax: ++(503) 2207-1310

"La confianza es la mejor conexion"

did facebook just DoS me?

2017-04-04 Thread Miguel Mata
Guys and gals,

just received a DoS from supposedly Facebook. Any contact of way of getting in 
touch with 


cant reach beyond 129.250.x.y

2014-07-03 Thread Miguel Mata
Hi guys and gals,

somehow it seems that just part of our network (a /24) can't reach beyond "NTT 
America, Inc."

We seem to stop on Somebody from NTT can contact me off list 

Miguel Mata
El Salvador CTO
Comunicaciones IBW El Salvador
tel.: ++(503) 2278-5068
fax: ++(503) 2207-1310

"La confianza es la mejor conexion"

someone from Sprint

2013-04-17 Thread Miguel Mata

we are having some problems reaching some of the sprint.com sites. If someone 
around that 
can help us, it'll be very appreciated. We are AS16592.

Please off list.

Miguel Mata
Gerente de Operaciones
Comunicaciones IBW El Salvador
tel.: ++(503) 2278-5068
fax: ++(503) 2207-1310

"La confianza es la mejor conexion"

really nasty attacks

2012-09-27 Thread Miguel Mata

on recent days I've seen an UDP attack a couple of times. The attack is fairly 
simple, a full 
load of UDP packets filled with "X". The attacks comes from various sites from 
the other side 
of the pond (46.165.197.xx, 213.152.180.yy).

Has anyone seen this kind of attack? Basically, the attack aims to fill your 
pipe (150Mbps 
over an STM1... guess what...) Then the question goes like this: besides asking 
upstream provider to block, drop or whatever on the offending traffic, and 
Kontaktieren Sie 
den Administrator, what else can be done?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Please contact me off list. I'll post a recap on due time.

Miguel Mata
Gerente de Operaciones
Comunicaciones IBW El Salvador
tel.: ++(503) 2278-5068
fax: ++(503) 2207-1310

"La confianza es la mejor conexion"