Re: packet loss question

2016-07-10 Thread James Greig
There was a useful nanog presentation somewhere that explained this really well 
in particular reading traceroutes correctly

Kind regards

James Greig 

> On 7 Jul 2016, at 20:17, Phillip Lynn  wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I am writing because I do not understand what is happening.  I ran mtr 
> against our email server and www.teco.comand below are the results.  I am not 
> a network engineer so I am at a loss.  I think what I am seeing is maybe a 
> hand off issue, between Frontier and Level3Miami2. If I am correct then what 
> can I do?
>  My system is running Centos 6.5 Linux.
> Thanks,
> Phillip
> (! 1011)-> sudo mtr -r
> HOST: x@netwolves.comLoss%   Snt   Last   Avg Best  Wrst StDev
>  1.  0.0%100.6 0.6 0.6   0.7   0.0
>  2. lo0-100.TAMPFL-VFTTP-322.gni  0.0%103.2 2.0 1.0   4.3   1.2
>  3. 0.0%104.0 4.9 2.3   6.9   1.5
>  4. ae8---0.scr02.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%109.3 9.1 7.5   9.8   1.0
>  5. ae1---0.cbr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%108.9   9.1   7.6 9.7 0.7
>  6. lag-101.ear3.Miami2.Level3.n 80.0%109.0   8.9   8.8 9.0 0.1
>  7. 10ge9-14.core1.mia1.he.net0.0%10   14.3 13.0 7.6  18.1   4.3
>  8. 0.0%10   25.6  33.2 22.4  99.7  23.6
>  9. 10ge10-4.core1.chi1.he.net0.0%10   45.6  51.8 45.5  82.7  12.5
> 10.   0.0%10   53.6  63.9 53.6 125.2  21.8
> 11. t4-2-usi-cr02-mpls-usinterne  0.0%10   53.2  73.1 53.2 225.6  54.0
> 12. v102.usi-cr04-mtka.usinterne  0.0%10   53.2  53.9 53.2  55.3   0.6
> 13.   0.0%10   53.4  53.9 53.4  55.4   0.7
> (! 1014)-> sudo mtr -r
> HOST: x@netwolves.comLoss%   Snt   Last   Avg Best  Wrst StDev
>  1.  0.0%100.6 0.6 0.6   0.7   0.0
>  2. lo0-100.TAMPFL-VFTTP-322.gni  0.0%10  104.8 81.4 1.1 113.2  43.2
>  3. 0.0%10  115.0 77.8 2.9 115.0  40.2
>  4. ae7---0.scr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%10  111.1 80.2 8.5 113.5  41.3
>  5. ae0---0.cbr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%10  105.9  82.2   7.6 115.4 33.8
>  6. lag-101.ear3.Miami2.Level3.n 70.0%10  116.1  80.2   8.5 116.1 62.0
>  7. NTT-level3-80G.Miami.Level3.  0.0%10  110.0 81.5 9.0 120.3  41.9
>  8.  0.0%10  119.8  84.0 10.0 119.8  38.5
>  9. 10.0%10  137.4 107.6 30.1 142.7  45.7
> 10.  0.0%10  135.0 109.9 36.6 140.0  39.1
> 11.  0.0%10  147.5 125.6 49.4 165.5  41.1
> 12.  0.0%10  158.6 124.0 49.6 161.3  41.5
> 13.  0.0%10  151.0 127.7 52.2 159.0  41.2
> 14. ???  100.0100.0 0.0 0.0   0.0   0.0
> -- 
> Phillip Lynn
> Software Engineer III
> NetWolves
> Phone:813-579-3214
> Fax:813-882-0209
> Email:

Re: packet loss question

2016-07-11 Thread James Greig
That's the one:) 

Kind regards

James Greig 

> On 11 Jul 2016, at 01:26, Mel Beckman  wrote:
> James,
> You may be thinking of this presentation: 
> -mel beckman
>> On Jul 10, 2016, at 4:49 PM, James Greig  wrote:
>> There was a useful nanog presentation somewhere that explained this really 
>> well in particular reading traceroutes correctly
>> Kind regards
>> James Greig 
>>> On 7 Jul 2016, at 20:17, Phillip Lynn  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am writing because I do not understand what is happening.  I ran mtr 
>>> against our email server and www.teco.comand below are the results.  I am 
>>> not a network engineer so I am at a loss.  I think what I am seeing is 
>>> maybe a hand off issue, between Frontier and Level3Miami2. If I am correct 
>>> then what can I do?
>>> My system is running Centos 6.5 Linux.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Phillip
>>> (! 1011)-> sudo mtr -r
>>> HOST: x@netwolves.comLoss%   Snt   Last   Avg Best  Wrst StDev
>>> 1.  0.0%100.6 0.6 0.6   0.7   0.0
>>> 2. lo0-100.TAMPFL-VFTTP-322.gni  0.0%103.2 2.0 1.0   4.3   1.2
>>> 3. 0.0%104.0 4.9 2.3   6.9   1.5
>>> 4. ae8---0.scr02.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%109.3 9.1 7.5   9.8   1.0
>>> 5. ae1---0.cbr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%108.9   9.1   7.6 9.7 0.7
>>> 6. lag-101.ear3.Miami2.Level3.n 80.0%109.0   8.9   8.8 9.0 0.1
>>> 7. 10ge9-14.core1.mia1.he.net0.0%10   14.3 13.0 7.6  18.1   4.3
>>> 8. 0.0%10   25.6  33.2 22.4  99.7  23.6
>>> 9. 10ge10-4.core1.chi1.he.net0.0%10   45.6  51.8 45.5  82.7  12.5
>>> 10.   0.0%10   53.6  63.9 53.6 125.2  21.8
>>> 11. t4-2-usi-cr02-mpls-usinterne  0.0%10   53.2  73.1 53.2 225.6  54.0
>>> 12. v102.usi-cr04-mtka.usinterne  0.0%10   53.2  53.9 53.2  55.3   0.6
>>> 13.   0.0%10   53.4  53.9 53.4  55.4   0.7
>>> (! 1014)-> sudo mtr -r
>>> HOST: x@netwolves.comLoss%   Snt   Last   Avg Best  Wrst StDev
>>> 1.  0.0%100.6 0.6 0.6   0.7   0.0
>>> 2. lo0-100.TAMPFL-VFTTP-322.gni  0.0%10  104.8 81.4 1.1 113.2  43.2
>>> 3. 0.0%10  115.0 77.8 2.9 115.0  40.2
>>> 4. ae7---0.scr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%10  111.1 80.2 8.5 113.5  41.3
>>> 5. ae0---0.cbr01.mias.fl.fronti  0.0%10  105.9  82.2   7.6 115.4 33.8
>>> 6. lag-101.ear3.Miami2.Level3.n 70.0%10  116.1  80.2   8.5 116.1 62.0
>>> 7. NTT-level3-80G.Miami.Level3.  0.0%10  110.0 81.5 9.0 120.3  41.9
>>> 8.  0.0%10  119.8  84.0 10.0 119.8  38.5
>>> 9. 10.0%10  137.4 107.6 30.1 142.7  45.7
>>> 10.  0.0%10  135.0 109.9 36.6 140.0  39.1
>>> 11.  0.0%10  147.5 125.6 49.4 165.5  41.1
>>> 12.  0.0%10  158.6 124.0 49.6 161.3  41.5
>>> 13.  0.0%10  151.0 127.7 52.2 159.0  41.2
>>> 14. ???  100.0100.0 0.0 0.0   0.0   0.0
>>> -- 
>>> Phillip Lynn
>>> Software Engineer III
>>> NetWolves
>>> Phone:813-579-3214
>>> Fax:813-882-0209
>>> Email:

Re: Looking for recommendations for a dedicated ping responder

2016-09-10 Thread James Greig
On one of these lists around 6 months ago a Google network engineer confirmed 
they do rate limit icmp (aside from prioritisation).

 Unless there's a real issue here this is more about educating people. It's 
amazing how many still miss interpret trace routes these days.

Kind regards

James Greig

> On 9 Sep 2016, at 23:29, Jon Lewis  wrote:
>> On Fri, 9 Sep 2016, Jared Mauch wrote:
>>> On Sep 9, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Dan White  wrote:
>>> We're being caught up in some sort of peering dispute between Level 3 and
>>> Google (in the Dallas area), and we've fielded several calls from larger
>>> customers complaining of 40-50% packet loss (to when there appears
>>> to be no actual service impacting loss.
>>> We currently suggest customers use a Linux server to ping against, or
>>> another public host.
>>> Ideally we'd like to use a hardware based ICMP system for customer use -
>>> Accedian NIDs are good at this (exceptionally low jitter) accept they
>>> throttle at 500 pings per second.
>> I know that the NETNOD folks did NTP in a FPGA that can do 4x 10GE,
>> perhaps that card and code could be used to do 40G ICMP responder?
> The trouble is, LOTS of people want to ping something "out on the internet" 
> to verify their connectivity, and things like GOOG's DNS servers are 
> a popular lighthouse.  I know from first hand experience (dealing with 
> customers complaining about it), that GOOG, at least at some of the anycast 
> nodes for the service, polices ICMP echo requests aimed at
> due to the quantity of those unwanted packets.
> Having a cheap/small/powerful device that can be used as a ping target, and 
> getting the masses to use it are two very different things.
> Dan, are your customers missing DNS responses, or just echo replies from 
>  If the latter, ask what they'd do if thousands of people pinged one 
> of their servers constantly.
> --
> Jon Lewis, MCP :)   |  I route
> |  therefore you are
> _ for PGP public key_

Re: SevOne Monitoring

2015-11-25 Thread James Greig
Depending on what you're after observium might be worth looking into. I run 
solarwinds, paessler and observium but neither are as clear and as useful for 
monitoring network as observium ( My opinion only of course )

Kind regards

James Greig 

> On 25 Nov 2015, at 08:54, Paul Stewart  wrote:
> Hey folks.
> Looking for feedback from actual customers on SevOne for network monitoring
> . anyone using them and willing to share thoughts online/offline?
> They have an appealing system for network monitoring and considering it as a
> replacement to Solarwinds. 
> Cheers,
> Paul

Re: SevOne Monitoring

2015-11-25 Thread James Greig
No, as far as I know that's work in progress at the moment.  The alert system 
works well for anything polled though but depends how often you're polling

James Greig

> On 25 Nov 2015, at 23:49, Mike Lyon  wrote:
> Can Observium alert on SNMP traps? I seem to remember that it couldn't do 
> that...
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:59 PM, James Greig  wrote:
>> Depending on what you're after observium might be worth looking into. I run 
>> solarwinds, paessler and observium but neither are as clear and as useful 
>> for monitoring network as observium ( My opinion only of course )
>> Kind regards
>> James Greig
>> > On 25 Nov 2015, at 08:54, Paul Stewart  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hey folks.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Looking for feedback from actual customers on SevOne for network monitoring
>> > . anyone using them and willing to share thoughts online/offline?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > They have an appealing system for network monitoring and considering it as 
>> > a
>> > replacement to Solarwinds.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Paul
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> -- 
> Mike Lyon
> 408-621-4826

Re: APC vs TrippLite metered PDU's

2015-12-01 Thread James Greig
Raritan and apc pdus are great and do the job.  We use snmp read and writes 
mainly but the web interface is pretty good and no java out plugins needed.

Kind regards

James Greig 

> On 1 Dec 2015, at 21:53, Dovid Bender  wrote:
> Hello All,
> We currently use TrippLite and over all have been very happy with their
> metered PDU's. When we first started out we had some minor issues and their
> support went above and beyond. Lately the their Java web interface has been
> becoming a real pain. More and more browsers lock it by default and it
> takes a lot of work to get it working correctly. Does anyone have any
> experience with APC? How are is management of their devices and over all
> how do they operate?
> TIA.
> Dovid