PSN download speeds

2017-01-09 Thread MKS

I have been testing the download speed from PS4 store, downloading game
demos etc.
So far I have seen content coming from, and level3
Does someone know if the PlayStation/Sony has contracts with all these CDNs
(and perhaps more) or if it's the publishers that choose/handle the
distribution of files?

So far i'm only getting download speeds of 10-20mbps even though i'm on a
100mbps connection, so downloading a 8Gbps file take too long.
Are the PS4 downloads generally rate-limited or am I just unlucky?


Re: PSN download speeds

2017-01-09 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

really not the right place for this... 

however, its pretty well documented elsewhere, eg


Bonded VDSL2 / ADSL2+ Modems with 4 or more lines bonded

2017-01-09 Thread Colton Conor
What options are out there to bond 4 or more DSL lines together?

I know Positron has a 4 and 8 pair VDSL2 modem

Adtran has a 8 port VDSL2 modem

and an Adtran 12 port ADSL2+ modem

Actelis has a 8 pair VDS2 Modem:

Is there anyone else out there? The problem with all these solutions is
they each cost over $1000, which is a lot considering 2 port bonded VDSL2
modems are in the $75-150 range. I know demand for these products is low,
but still hoping there is an OEM version.

Re: Bonded VDSL2 / ADSL2+ Modems with 4 or more lines bonded

2017-01-09 Thread Steven Miano
Zyxel SBG3600-N may be another offering you might want to look into?

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Colton Conor 

> What options are out there to bond 4 or more DSL lines together?
> I know Positron has a 4 and 8 pair VDSL2 modem
> Adtran has a 8 port VDSL2 modem
> and an Adtran 12 port ADSL2+ modem
> Actelis has a 8 pair VDS2 Modem:
> Is there anyone else out there? The problem with all these solutions is
> they each cost over $1000, which is a lot considering 2 port bonded VDSL2
> modems are in the $75-150 range. I know demand for these products is low,
> but still hoping there is an OEM version.

Miano, Steven M. IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Joel M Snyder


I've been getting mail from "" offering to rent unused 
IPv4/IPv6 space.  Their web site is a farce of random phrases, 
grammatical errors, misspellings, and randomly inserted words, and won't 
even render in Firefox.

That being said, I'm curious as to whether anyone has had any experience 
with them or knows the back story.

Also, is there some reason that there is no official searchable archive 
of the nanog mailing list?  (or dependable unofficial one...)?

Best in the new year to you all,

Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
Senior Partner, Opus One   Phone: +1 520 324 0494

Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Matt Freitag

I can't speak to ""

But is, in my experience, a pretty good
searchable archive of this list.

Matt Freitag
Network Engineer I
Information Technology
Michigan Technological University
(906) 487-3696 <%28906%29%20487-3696>

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Joel M Snyder 

> Folks:
> I've been getting mail from "" offering to rent unused
> IPv4/IPv6 space.  Their web site is a farce of random phrases, grammatical
> errors, misspellings, and randomly inserted words, and won't even render in
> Firefox.
> That being said, I'm curious as to whether anyone has had any experience
> with them or knows the back story.
> Also, is there some reason that there is no official searchable archive of
> the nanog mailing list?  (or dependable unofficial one...)?
> Best in the new year to you all,
> jms
> --
> Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
> Senior Partner, Opus One   Phone: +1 520 324 0494
> j...@opus1.com

Re: Bonded VDSL2 / ADSL2+ Modems with 4 or more lines bonded

2017-01-09 Thread Sander Steffann

> Zyxel SBG3600-N may be another offering you might want to look into?

I think those are limited to 2x VDSL + LTE.


Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Brandon Butterworth
> I've been getting mail from "" offering to rent unused 
> IPv4/IPv6 space.  Their web site is a farce of random phrases, 
> grammatical errors, misspellings, and randomly inserted words, and won't 
> even render in Firefox.

You need a larger warning may be dodgy sign?

> Also, is there some reason that there is no official searchable archive 
> of the nanog mailing list?  (or dependable unofficial one...)?

In each message header

google your search terms


Re: Benefits (and Detriments) of Standardizing Network Equipment in a Global Organization

2017-01-09 Thread Coy Hile
Why would one not set everything that's not an eyeball workstation to UTC and 
be done with it?

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 5, 2017, at 19:30, Tim McKee  wrote:
> Try times between Rio (Brasil) and Eastern US...  depending on the date there 
> are 4 different possible offsets...
> On Thu, 2016-12-29 at 21:47 -0800, Scott Weeks wrote:
> :: and minimal time zones (still 5 hours
> :: between New York and Hawaii though).
> Apologies, I can't resist. :) Sometimes
> it's 6 hours and some times it's 5
> between Hawaii and the East Coast.
> Hawaii is *always* -10 GMT.  We don't
> do daylight savings time.
> scott

Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 09:15:00AM -0700, Joel M Snyder wrote:
> I've been getting mail from "" offering to rent unused
> IPv4/IPv6 space.  [snip]

It is quite interesting to look at the WHOIS records for that domain,
for, for, and for

RFG, if you're reading this, it may be worthy of your skills.


Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Martin Hannigan
On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Matt Freitag  wrote:

> Joel,
> I can't speak to ""

Neither can I, but that may not mean much. Perhaps someone else can
validate that they're reputable and can execute a transaction end to end?

If you need IPv4 addresses for your network:

1. Make sure you have an IPV6 allocation from your favorite RIR and are
using it
2. Apply for and receive a last /22 from RIPE. EVERYONE can do this.
3. Contact a reputable broker.

The ones I have experience with (Alphabetical):

A. Peter Thimmesch at Addrex
B. Amy Cooper at Hilco Streambank
C. Mike Burns at

ARIN also publishes a list (which is not a requirement to be able to
transact or support transfers):

Network operators have many choices for answering their IP numbering needs
these days. Including IPv6.

Sorry to be a broken record on this topic, but it seems to come up a lot.
And if you search the archives I'll suspect you'll find something similar
to this a few time now.

An educated network operator is the best kind. That's why we are here.

YMMV and Best,


[NANOG-announce] NANOG 69 Update

2017-01-09 Thread Betty Burke

We are in the final stages of preparation for NANOG 69, February 6-8, 2017
in Washington, DC.

A few highlights and reminders follow:

The NANOG 69 Highlights 
page is now posted.  The NANOG 69 Agenda Outline is available now, with the
actual agenda to be posted
on or about January 16, 2017, with updates being provided as warranted.

The NANOG Program Committee continues to receive submissions as part
of the Call
for Presentations .

Please be aware of the NANOG 69 Registration
 Fee dates, and the NANOG 69
Hotel Reservation deadline.


   Late Registration starting January 9, 2017
   (member $725, non-member $750, student $100)

   On-Site Registration starting February 5, 2017
   (member $925, non-member $950, student $100)


   Cancellation Fee: $50.00, 2 weeks before meeting cancellation fee is
   $100.00 - January 23, 2017

   No refund will be offered after Sunday, February 5, 2017.

The Grand Hyatt Washington 
Group Rate Expires: Friday, January 13, 2017.   Online Reservations can be
made online:
Group Name:   NANOG 69
Room Rate:  $249.00 Standard Room Single and Double Occupancy
 $274.00 Triple Occupancy
 $299.00 Quadruple Occupancy

There are a few Sponsorship opportunities available, you can email for further information.

We look forward to our NANOG visit back to DC and welcome those attendees
 and meeting sponsors
already planning their trip to

We encourage you to join us for what will be another great February NANOG

Should you have any questions, do contact us at



Betty J. Burke
NANOG Executive Director
2864 Carpenter Rd., Ste 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1 866-902-1336
NANOG-announce mailing list

Re: Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Robert Story
On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 13:40:23 -0500 Martin wrote:
MH> 2. Apply for and receive a last /22 from RIPE. EVERYONE can do this.

Not quite everyone. You have to be a RIPE NCC member, which not everyone
can do.

"Who can become a Local Internet Registry (LIR)/RIPE NCC member?

Any organisation with a legally established office in the RIPE NCC
service region can become a member of the RIPE NCC."


Senior Software Engineer @ Parsons

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Aaron
The emails I've seen are looking to rent FROM us, not TO us. I've 
received an email to every one of our ARIN POCs so I assumed they were 
scraping whois data and marked it all as spam.


On 1/9/2017 12:40 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Matt Freitag  wrote:


I can't speak to ""

Neither can I, but that may not mean much. Perhaps someone else can
validate that they're reputable and can execute a transaction end to end?

If you need IPv4 addresses for your network:

1. Make sure you have an IPV6 allocation from your favorite RIR and are
using it
2. Apply for and receive a last /22 from RIPE. EVERYONE can do this.
3. Contact a reputable broker.

The ones I have experience with (Alphabetical):

 A. Peter Thimmesch at Addrex
 B. Amy Cooper at Hilco Streambank
 C. Mike Burns at

ARIN also publishes a list (which is not a requirement to be able to
transact or support transfers):

Network operators have many choices for answering their IP numbering needs
these days. Including IPv6.

Sorry to be a broken record on this topic, but it seems to come up a lot.
And if you search the archives I'll suspect you'll find something similar
to this a few time now.

An educated network operator is the best kind. That's why we are here.

YMMV and Best,



Aaron Wendel
Chief Technical Officer
Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097)

Re: Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Bob Evans

Well, since someone is listing wholesalers of IPV4 space. I never grabbed
any list to spam rental space offers that we have availablebut since
all the large competitors are mentioned in your thread here.

There is a lot of information on a site I maintain,

It has some good tech information, for those unfamiliar with routing
blocks where they can learn more about the IP shortage logistics and how
router table limits are effected.

Thank You
Bob Evans

> The emails I've seen are looking to rent FROM us, not TO us. I've
> received an email to every one of our ARIN POCs so I assumed they were
> scraping whois data and marked it all as spam.
> Aaron
> On 1/9/2017 12:40 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Matt Freitag  wrote:
>>> Joel,
>>> I can't speak to ""
>> Neither can I, but that may not mean much. Perhaps someone else can
>> validate that they're reputable and can execute a transaction end to
>> end?
>> If you need IPv4 addresses for your network:
>> 1. Make sure you have an IPV6 allocation from your favorite RIR and are
>> using it
>> 2. Apply for and receive a last /22 from RIPE. EVERYONE can do this.
>> 3. Contact a reputable broker.
>> The ones I have experience with (Alphabetical):
>>  A. Peter Thimmesch at Addrex
>>  B. Amy Cooper at Hilco Streambank
>>  C. Mike Burns at
>> ARIN also publishes a list (which is not a requirement to be able to
>> transact or support transfers):
>> Network operators have many choices for answering their IP numbering
>> needs
>> these days. Including IPv6.
>> Sorry to be a broken record on this topic, but it seems to come up a
>> lot.
>> And if you search the archives I'll suspect you'll find something
>> similar
>> to this a few time now.
>> An educated network operator is the best kind. That's why we are here.
>> YMMV and Best,
>> -M<
> --
> Aaron Wendel
> Chief Technical Officer
> Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097)
> (816)550-9030

Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Leandro de Lima Camargo
We received a offer from  too in 
/24 - U$100/month.

Leandro de Lima Camargo

> On Jan 92017, at 2:20 PM, Matt Freitag  wrote:
> Joel,
> I can't speak to ""
> But is, in my experience, a pretty good
> searchable archive of this list.
> Matt Freitag
> Network Engineer I
> Information Technology
> Michigan Technological University
> (906) 487-3696 <%28906%29%20487-3696>
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Joel M Snyder 
> wrote:
>> Folks:
>> I've been getting mail from "" offering to rent unused
>> IPv4/IPv6 space.  Their web site is a farce of random phrases, grammatical
>> errors, misspellings, and randomly inserted words, and won't even render in
>> Firefox.
>> That being said, I'm curious as to whether anyone has had any experience
>> with them or knows the back story.
>> Also, is there some reason that there is no official searchable archive of
>> the nanog mailing list?  (or dependable unofficial one...)?
>> Best in the new year to you all,
>> jms
>> --
>> Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
>> Senior Partner, Opus One   Phone: +1 520 324 0494
>> j...@opus1.com

Some standard of showing "this is how my network works"?

2017-01-09 Thread Mike Lund
Hey, sorry for bad title. I am wondering if there is some standard that is
gaining traction which gives actual useful information regarding an IP.

My biggest example is HE's rwhois referral, giving information about the
given IPv6 IP -- if it's a /64, /48, etc. Such information that helps abuse
admins make more-accurate policy decisions. This is just an example, there
could be other useful information as well.

Is this such a thing anywhere? Or is it like most networking things, where
only the smaller companies do anything useful like this? Thanks for your

Soliciting your opinions on Internet routing: A survey on BGP convergence

2017-01-09 Thread Laurent Vanbever

We often read that the Internet (i.e. BGP) is "slow to converge". But how slow
is it really? Do you care anyway? And can we (researchers) do anything about it?
Please help us out to find out by answering our short anonymous survey 
(<10 minutes).

Survey URL: 

** Background:

While existing fast-reroute mechanisms enable sub-second convergence upon 
local outages (planned or not), they do not apply to remote outages happening 
further away from your AS as their detection and protection mechanisms only 
work locally.

Remote outages therefore mandate a "BGP-only" convergence which tends to be
slow, as long streams of BGP UPDATEs (containing up to 100,000s of them) must
be propagated router-by-router. Our initial measurements indicate that it can
take state-of-the-art BGP routers dozens of seconds to process and propagate
these large streams of BGP UPDATEs. During this time, traffic for important
destinations can be lost.

** This survey:

This survey aims at evaluating the impact of slow BGP convergence on
operational practices. We expect the findings to increase the understanding of
the perceived BGP convergence in the Internet, which could then help
researchers to design better fast-reroute mechanisms.

We expect the questionnaire to be filled out by network operators whose job 
to BGP operations. It has a total of 17 questions and should take less 10 
to answer. The survey and the collected data are anonymous (so please do *not*
include information that may help to identify you or your organization). 
All questions are optional, so if you don't like a question or don't know the 
please skip it.

A summary of the aggregate results will be published as a part of a scientific
article later this year.

Thank you so much in advance, and we look forward to read your responses!

Laurent Vanbever (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

PS: It goes without saying that we would be also extremely grateful if you could
forward this email to any operator you might know who may not read NANOG.

Re: Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Martin Hannigan
On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Aaron  wrote:

> The emails I've seen are looking to rent FROM us, not TO us. I've received
> an email to every one of our ARIN POCs so I assumed they were scraping
> whois data and marked it all as spam.
> Aaron

If you did have excess v4 space, IMHO you'd be better off selling
purchase/transfer first right of refusal over the risk of rental and
scorched earth. YMMV here, zero experience in rentals, but I can imagine.



Re: Soliciting your opinions on Internet routing: A survey on BGP convergence

2017-01-09 Thread Baldur Norddahl


I find that the type of outage that affects our network the most is 
neither of the two options you describe. As is probably typical for 
smaller networks, we do not have redundant uplinks to all of our 
transits. If a transit link goes, for example because we had to reboot a 
router, traffic is supposed to reroute to the remaining transit links. 
Internally our network handles this fairly fast for egress traffic.

However the problem is the ingress traffic - it can be 5 to 15 minutes 
before everything has settled down. This is the time before everyone 
else on the internet has processed that they will have to switch to your 
alternate transit.

The only solution I know of is to have redundant links to all transits. 
Going forward I will make sure we have this because it is a huge 
disadvantage not being able to take a router out of service without 
causing downtime for all users. Not to mention that a router crash or 
link failure that should have taken seconds at most to reroute, but 
instead causes at least 5 minutes of unstable internet.



Den 09/01/2017 kl. 23.56 skrev Laurent Vanbever:


We often read that the Internet (i.e. BGP) is "slow to converge". But how slow
is it really? Do you care anyway? And can we (researchers) do anything about it?
Please help us out to find out by answering our short anonymous survey
(<10 minutes).

Survey URL: 

** Background:

While existing fast-reroute mechanisms enable sub-second convergence upon
local outages (planned or not), they do not apply to remote outages happening
further away from your AS as their detection and protection mechanisms only
work locally.

Remote outages therefore mandate a "BGP-only" convergence which tends to be
slow, as long streams of BGP UPDATEs (containing up to 100,000s of them) must
be propagated router-by-router. Our initial measurements indicate that it can
take state-of-the-art BGP routers dozens of seconds to process and propagate
these large streams of BGP UPDATEs. During this time, traffic for important
destinations can be lost.

** This survey:

This survey aims at evaluating the impact of slow BGP convergence on
operational practices. We expect the findings to increase the understanding of
the perceived BGP convergence in the Internet, which could then help
researchers to design better fast-reroute mechanisms.

We expect the questionnaire to be filled out by network operators whose job 
to BGP operations. It has a total of 17 questions and should take less 10 
to answer. The survey and the collected data are anonymous (so please do *not*
include information that may help to identify you or your organization).
All questions are optional, so if you don't like a question or don't know the 
please skip it.

A summary of the aggregate results will be published as a part of a scientific
article later this year.

Thank you so much in advance, and we look forward to read your responses!

Laurent Vanbever (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

PS: It goes without saying that we would be also extremely grateful if you could
forward this email to any operator you might know who may not read NANOG.

Re: Safe IPv4 Was: Re: IP address rental

2017-01-09 Thread Baldur Norddahl

Den 09/01/2017 kl. 20.35 skrev Aaron:
The emails I've seen are looking to rent FROM us, not TO us. I've 
received an email to every one of our ARIN POCs so I assumed they were 
scraping whois data and marked it all as spam.


I believe it is a safe assumption that requests to rent IP space 
received as spam (scraped and abused whois data) is for spamming. If you 
were to give these guys your space, you will likely find your space 
blacklisted on every imaginable service. And then you will find that the 
check bounced. And the company will turn out not to exist if you try to 
sue for your loss.

We also receive these requests regularly. There is probably a very good 
reason these people do not just use the official brokers to buy some 
space like the rest of us.

Not that it matters to me - we are a young expanding ISP so we are 
buying not selling.



Re: Soliciting your opinions on Internet routing: A survey on BGP convergence

2017-01-09 Thread joel jaeggli
On 1/9/17 2:56 PM, Laurent Vanbever wrote:
> We often read that the Internet (i.e. BGP) is "slow to converge". But how slow
> is it really? Do you care anyway? And can we (researchers) do anything about 
> it?
> Please help us out to find out by answering our short anonymous survey 
> (<10 minutes).
> Survey URL: 
> ** Background:
> While existing fast-reroute mechanisms enable sub-second convergence upon 
> local outages (planned or not), they do not apply to remote outages happening 
> further away from your AS as their detection and protection mechanisms only 
> work locally.
> Remote outages therefore mandate a "BGP-only" convergence which tends to be
> slow, as long streams of BGP UPDATEs (containing up to 100,000s of them) must
> be propagated router-by-router. Our initial measurements indicate that it can
> take state-of-the-art BGP routers dozens of seconds to process and propagate
> these large streams of BGP UPDATEs. During this time, traffic for important
> destinations can be lost.

One of the phenomena that is relatively easy to observe by withdrawing a
prefix entirely is the convergence towards longer and longer AS paths
until the route disappears entirely. that is providers that are further
away will remain advertising the route and in the interim their
neighbors  will ingest the available path will  until they too process
the withdraw. it can take a comically long time (like 5 minutes)  to see
the prefix ultimately disappear from the internet. When withdrawing a
prefix from a peer with which you have a single adjacency this can
easily happens in miniature.

> ** This survey:
> This survey aims at evaluating the impact of slow BGP convergence on
> operational practices. We expect the findings to increase the understanding of
> the perceived BGP convergence in the Internet, which could then help
> researchers to design better fast-reroute mechanisms.
> We expect the questionnaire to be filled out by network operators whose job 
> relates
> to BGP operations. It has a total of 17 questions and should take less 10 
> minutes
> to answer. The survey and the collected data are anonymous (so please do *not*
> include information that may help to identify you or your organization). 
> All questions are optional, so if you don't like a question or don't know the 
> answer,
> please skip it.
> A summary of the aggregate results will be published as a part of a scientific
> article later this year.
> Thank you so much in advance, and we look forward to read your responses!
> Laurent Vanbever (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
> PS: It goes without saying that we would be also extremely grateful if you 
> could
> forward this email to any operator you might know who may not read NANOG.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature