HP HSR Routers

2016-03-12 Thread Colton Conor
Does anyone deploy HP HSR routers for full BGP routing? Looks like they
have couple of routers that can hold 4 Million IPv4 routes, and do full BGP
routing. I did no even know that HP had routers of this size.

I read this post on Reddit, and it said the following:

I would suggest looking at the HP routing line, in North America for some
reason people over look them (HP's ability to get the message out is not
stellar). The HSR 6602-XG will push 15 Mpps with routing table sizes of
4mil (ipv4) and 2mil (ipv6) there is no additional licensing for any
feature you want to use. With respect to implementation I have always felt
if you understand the protocol who gives a damn about the syntax... The MSR
4060 will handle 36 Mpps with table sizes of 1mil (ipv4) and 1mil (ipv6).
Either solution will be cost effective.

The person I heard about HP from manages a direct peer as a transit AS to
hurricane electric with dual 10G Ethernet with a HSR 6800 (420Mpps) the
throughput and feature set on their product is unreal.

In a municipality's network for peering I purchased an ASR for the main
site prior to learning about the MSR/HSR line and just put in a 4060 for
the secondary and tertiary site they work like a charm. I think the total
cost per 4060 with redundant MPU's / Power Supplies / 4 port Gig T HIMM
card and 5years of support was like $15k (CDN) so like $25 USD... and not
only do they go toe to toe with the QFP in the ASR for performance but I
can terminate ipsec tunnels without shelling out an addition $20k!! or I
can redistribute into MPBGP from my IGP without shelling out an additional
20K for the IP Enterprise liscense!! :D

I would at least check em' out.

Oh last thing the routers support IRF which is the HP spin on RSMLT for
fabric creation (think VSS without the arbitrary limitations on which line
cards will be a/a or a/p (looking at you FWSM and IDSM) so you can
effectively have millisecond convergence across the routers... Also Comware
is modular so the OS is identical across all products, which is kind of
nice because with an ASR you have crap like VASI groups which only exist in
the ASR so ya that was fun


Re: HP HSR Routers

2016-03-12 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sat, 12 Mar 2016, Colton Conor wrote:

Does anyone deploy HP HSR routers for full BGP routing? Looks like they
have couple of routers that can hold 4 Million IPv4 routes, and do full BGP
routing. I did no even know that HP had routers of this size.

Are you sure that's forwarding table size, not routing table size?

There are lots of platforms that will have large RIB but a lot smaller 


"HP 6600 Router Series"

"Routing table size 100 entries (IPv4), 30 entries (IPv6)
Forwarding table size 100 entries (IPv4), 10 entries (IPv6)"

I don't know if there is a typo somewhere, but it shows the difference 
between RIB and FIB.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: swm...@swm.pp.se

L-Root IPv6 address renumbering

2016-03-12 Thread David Soltero

This is advance notice that there is a scheduled change to the IPv6 addresses 
in the Root Zone for the L root-server, also known as  L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, 
which is administered by the ICANN.

The current IP addresses for the L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET service are:

As of March 23, 2016, the new IP addresses for the L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET service 
will be:

The change will be implemented on the root zone on March 23, 2016 2100UTC,  
however the new address is already operational.

We encourage DNS infrastructure operators to update their DNS resolvers root 
"hints” file.

New hints files will be available at the following URLs once the change has 
been formally executed on March 23, 2016:

  *   http://www.internic.net/domain/named.root
  *   http://www.internic.net/domain/named.cache

Re: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-12 Thread Mark T. Ganzer
Note that I an not answering in any sort of "official" capacitybut I 
will instead ask this for your consideration:  Do servers in "test, 
stage, development, or any other environment" really need to have the 
same environmental, power and connectivity requirements that 
"production" servers have?   And should a dev lab containing a couple of 
servers and a few developers really be called a "datacenter"?

-Mark Ganzer
SSC-PAC San Diego Code 82700
Office/Voice mail: 619-553-1186   NOC: 619-553-5881

On 3/11/2016 9:21 AM, Roland Dobbins wrote:

On 12 Mar 2016, at 0:03, Sean Donelan wrote:

The U.S. Government has an odd defintion of what is a data center, 
which ends up with a lot of things no rational person would call a 
data center.

There's also a case to be made that governmental organizations really 
oughtn't to have servers just lying around in random rooms, and that 
those rooms are de facto government data centers, whether those who're 
responsible for said rooms/servers know it or not . . .

Roland Dobbins 

RE: Facebook & Traceroute

2016-03-12 Thread Doug Porter
> Why does Facebook spoof the source IP address
> of the hop before this server?  They spoof the
> source IP address that is performing the traceroute.

It's a known bug; apologies.  I've asked again that we rollout the fix.


Re: mrtg alternative

2016-03-12 Thread Max Mühlbronner


collectd has the features you mentioned (select/deselect , zoom...) and 
it is, quote: "built to scale".


Max M.

On 09.03.2016 14:01, Alain Hebert wrote:


 Cacti works... Biggest case I know, ~180 devices.  A few issues with
THold plugin but nothing that can't be fixed.

 And they are working on a new release (available thru github) which
include most of the useful plugins.

Alain Hebertaheb...@pubnix.net
PubNIX Inc.
50 boul. St-Charles
P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7
Tel: 514-990-5911  http://www.pubnix.netFax: 514-990-9443

On 02/27/16 16:12, Rafael Ganascim wrote:

I like cacti:


2016-02-26 20:18 GMT-03:00 Baldur Norddahl :


I am currently using MRTG and RRD to make traffic graphs. I am searching
for more modern alternatives that allows the user to dynamically zoom and
scroll the timeline.

Bonus points if the user can customize the graphs directly in the
webbrowse. For example he might be able to add or remove individual peers
from the graph by simply clicking a checkbox.

What is the 2016 tool for this?



[NANOG-announce] NANOG 67 Chicago, IL - Call for Presentations is Open!

2016-03-12 Thread L Sean Kennedy
NANOG Community,

The NANOG Program Committee is excited to announce that we are accepting
proposals for all sessions at NANOG 67 in Chicago, IL on June 13-15, 2016.
I have included some key points from the Call for Presentations and the
complete text is now available on the NANOG website:


Early bird registration is open for NANOG 67 and hotel reservations in the
NANOG block are available for those interested in making advance travel
plans.  We look forward to seeing all of you in Chicago and are eager to
get to work on building a strong program for the upcoming meeting.


NANOG Program Committee

NANOG 67 Call for Presentations

The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 67th
conference in Chicago, Illinois on June 13-15, 2016.  EdgeConneX will be
the Local Host at NANOG 67.

The NANOG Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels,
tutorials, and tracks sessions for the NANOG 67 program. We welcome
suggestions of keynote speakers or topic ideas. Presentations may cover
current technologies already deployed or soon-to-be deployed in the
Internet. Vendors are welcome to submit talks which cover relevant
technologies and capabilities, but presentations must not be promotional or
discuss proprietary solutions. NANOG 67 submissions can be entered on the NANOG
Program Committee Site .

How To Submit

The primary speaker, moderator, or author should submit a presentation
proposal and an abstract on the Program Committee Site
.  Please upload draft slides as soon as possible so
the Program Committee can understand the intended structure and level of
detail covered by the talk.  Draft slides are not required for a proposal
to be initiated,  but they are usually expected before the Program
Committee can definitively accept a submission.  The following information
should be included in the proposal:


   Author's name(s)

   Professional or Educational Affiliation

   A preferred contact email address

   A preferred phone number for contact

   Submission category (General Session, Panel, Tutorial, or Track)

   Presentation Title


   Slides (attachment or URL), in PowerPoint (preferred) or PDF format

Timeline for submission and proposal review


   Submitter enters Abstract (and draft slides if possible) in Program
   Committee Site .

  Any time following Call for Presentations and before deadline for

   PC performs initial review and assigns a “Shepherd” to help develop the

  Within 2-3 weeks

   Submitter develops draft slides of talk

  Please submit initial draft slides early

  Panels and Track submissions should provide topic list and
  intended/confirmed participants

   PC reviews slides and continues to work with Submitter as needed to
   develop topic

  Draft presentation slides should be submitted prior to published
  deadline for slides

   PC accepts or declines submission

   Agenda assembled and posted

   Submitters notified

If you think you have an interesting topic but want feedback or suggestions
for developing an idea into a presentation, please email the Program
Committee , and a representative of the Program
Committee will respond. Otherwise, submit your talk, keynote, track, or
panel proposal to the Program Committee Site 
without delay!  We look forward to reviewing your submission.

Key Dates For NANOG 67



Registration for NANOG 67 Opens

Monday, 3/7/2016

CFP Opens for NANOG 67

Tuesday, 3/8/2016

CFP Deadline #1: Presentation Abstracts Due

Monday, 4/4/2016

CFP Deadline #2: Presentation Slides Due

Friday, 4/29/2016

CFP Topic List and NANOG Highlights Page

Monday, 5/2/2016

Speaker FINAL presentations to PC Tool 

Monday, 5/30/2016

On-site Registration

Sunday, 6/12/2016

Lightning Talk Submissions Open (Abstracts Only)

Sunday, 6/12/2016

Further Presentation Guidelines can be found under "Present at a NANOG"
 and some general advice is
available in Tips on Giving a Talk

The NANOG Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels,
tutorial sessions, and tracks in all areas of network operations, such as:


   Network Connectivity, Interconnection, and Architecture

   Network Management and Configuration including Automation

   Network Performance, Measurement, and Telemetry

   Data Center and Physical Plant including Cooling and Power Efficiency

   Network Research

   Internet Governance

   Routing and Switching Protocols

   Network Data and Contr

SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Nicholas Warren
Quick question for the experts.

Why when looking at SFPs, some sites list them as $800 when the same part
number can be found on places like amazon for $30-$40. What is the
difference in them? Why would I buy them from a place like CDW with what
appears to be a 2,000% markup.




Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Internet Exchanges supporting jumbo frames?

2016-03-12 Thread Frank Habicht

On 3/10/2016 9:23 AM, Tassos Chatzithomaoglou wrote:
> Niels Bakker wrote on 10/3/16 02:44:
>> * nanog@nanog.org (Kurt Kraut via NANOG) [Thu 10 Mar 2016, 00:59 CET]:
>>> I'm pretty confident there is no need for a specific MTU consensus and not 
>>> all IXP participants are obligated to raise their interface MTU if the IXP 
>>> starts allowing jumbo frames.
>> You're wrong here.  The IXP switch platform cannot send ICMP Packet Too Big 
>> messages.  That's why everybody must agree on one MTU.
> Isn't that the case for IXP's current/default MTU?
> If an IXP currently uses 1500, what effect will it have to its customers if 
> it's increased to 9200 but not announced to them?

everyone has agreed on 1500. it is near impossible to get close to
everyone to agree on 9200 (or similar number) and implement it (at the
same time or in a separate VLAN) (Nick argues, and i see the problem).
The agreement and actions of the (various) operators of L3 devices
connected at the IXP is what matters and seems not trivial.
They are not under one control.


Re: Internet Exchanges supporting jumbo frames?

2016-03-12 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

> On 9 Mar 2016, at 21:17, Mikael Abrahamsson  wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2016, Nick Hilliard wrote:
>> Many IXPs have either looked at or attempted to build jumbo peering lans.  
>> You can see how well they worked out by looking at the number of successful 
>> deployments.  The reason for this tiny number isn't due to lack of effort on 
>> the part of the ixp operators.
> I believe all IXP operators should offer higher MTU vlans, so that the ISPs 
> who are interested can use them. If individual ISPs are not interested, then 
> they don't have to use it. It's available if they gain interest.

In my experience many (most)  IXP members don’t want multiple VLANs as default 
as that drives up operational complexity. I am not saying they are right, I am 
just saying that is reality.

> The whole point of an IX is to be a market place where interested parties can 
> talk to each other. The IXP should not limit (to reasonable extent) what 
> services the ISPs can run across the infrastructure. If two ISPs need higher 
> than 1500 MTU between them, then forcing them to connect outside of the IXP 
> L2 infrastructure doesn't make any sense to me, when it's fairly easy for the 
> IXP to offer this service.

Most IXPs offers private VLANs and I assume these can support any MTU size you 

Best Regards,

- kurtis -

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: Internet Exchanges supporting jumbo frames?

2016-03-12 Thread Martin Pels
On Thu, 10 Mar 2016 08:23:30 +0200
Tassos Chatzithomaoglou  wrote:

> Niels Bakker wrote on 10/3/16 02:44:
> > * nanog@nanog.org (Kurt Kraut via NANOG) [Thu 10 Mar 2016, 00:59
> > CET]:
> >> I'm pretty confident there is no need for a specific MTU consensus
> >> and not all IXP participants are obligated to raise their
> >> interface MTU if the IXP starts allowing jumbo frames.
> >
> > You're wrong here.  The IXP switch platform cannot send ICMP Packet
> > Too Big messages.  That's why everybody must agree on one MTU.
> >
> >
> Isn't that the case for IXP's current/default MTU?
> If an IXP currently uses 1500, what effect will it have to its
> customers if it's increased to 9200 but not announced to them?

None. Until someone actually tries to make use of the higher MTU. Then
things start breaking.

Let's say I'm a customer at this IXP. I have 100 peers. I have one peer
that likes large MTUs, so I set my L3 MTU to 9000 (or whatever I agree
with this peer). Now I have broken connectivity towards my 99 other
peers who are all still at 1500.

So today you need a separate VLAN for Jumbo's, which some IXPs have. On
this VLAN you will only find the peers that actually care about
Jumboframes. The majority of IXP participants don't bother to connect
to this VLAN for varying reasons. If the number of interested parties
is too low, IXPs may well decide it is not worth the investment of time
and resources to set this up, implement monitoring for it, deal with
customers messing up their configs, etc.

In order for Jumboframes to be successful on IXPs _on a large scale_
the technology has to change. There needs to be a mechanism to negotiate
MTU for each L2 neighbor individually. Something like
draft-van-beijnum-multi-mtu-03, which was mentioned before in this
thread. With this in place individual sets of peers could safely use
different MTUs on the same VLAN, and IXPs would have a migration path
towards supporting larger framesizes.


Kind regards,

Martin Pels
Network Engineer
LeaseWeb Technologies B.V.

T: +31 20 316 0232
E: m.p...@tech.leaseweb.com
W: http://www.leaseweb.com

Luttenbergweg 8, 1101 EC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Re: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-12 Thread amuse
I can confirm this. I was working at NASA when the last "data call" was put
out.  We had a room with a flight simulator in it, powered by an SGI
Onyx2.  The conversation with the auditor went like this:

Auditor *points at Onyx2*  "Is that machine shared?"
Me:  "Well yeah, the whole group uses it to..."
Auditor: *aside, to colleague* "OK, mark this room down too."

And our flight simulator lab became a data center.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Sean Donelan  wrote:

> If you've wondered why the U.S. Government has so many data centers, ok I
> know no one has ever asked.
> The U.S. Government has an odd defintion of what is a data center, which
> ends up with a lot of things no rational person would call a data center.
> If you call every room with even one server a "data center," you'll end up
> with tens of thousands of rooms now data centers.  With this defintiion, I
> probably have two data centers in my home.  Its important because
> Inspectors General auditors will go around and count things, because that's
> what they do, and write reports about insane numbers of data centers.
> https://datacenters.cio.gov/optimization/
> "For the purposes of this memorandum, rooms with at least one server,
> providing services (whether in a production, test, stage, development, or
> any other environment), are considered data centers. However, rooms
> containing only routing equipment, switches, security devices (such as
> firewalls), or other telecommunications components shall not be considered
> data centers."

JANOG38 Meeting Call for Presentations

2016-03-12 Thread Hiroya Kaneko

JANOG38 Meeting will take place on 6-8 July 2016 in OKINAWA, Japan.

JANOG is making a call for presentations until 15 April 2016.
Our meetings are in Japanese, but we have had several non-Japanese speakers who 
made presentations in the past.

We are looking forward to your proposals for presentations.

Shishio Tsuchiya,Hiroya Kaneko
JANOG38 Programme Committee Co-Chairs


 - Host: OKIT Corporation 
 - Date: 6 July., 2016 - 8 July., 2016
 - Venue   : TBD (Naha, Okinawa)
 - Fees: Conference(6-8 July): Free
 Banquet(in the evening on 7th): TBD

If you are interested to give a presentation, submissions are welcome via 
e-mail at:"meeting-38[at]janog.gr.jp" with the following information.

 1. Speaker's name(s)
 2. Speaker's organization(s)
 3. Preferred contact email address
 4. Submission category (General Session or Panel Session)
* If your choice is panel, please tell us the number of speakers  5. 
Presentation title  6. Abstract  7. Desired presentation time and discussion 
time  8. Slides (attachment or URL), in PowerPoint or PDF format.

Our Meetings are in Japanese, so non-Japanese speakers usually arrange an 
informal interpreter.
If you are interested in making a presentation at JANOG but cannot arrange an 
interpreter by yourself, you could consult with us at:
"meeting-38[at]janog.gr.jp". Although we cannot guarantee, we may be able to 
help you on volunteer basis.
Let us know if you have any questions : meeting-38[at]janog.gr.jp


CFP Deadline : 15 April 23:59 JST
The Program Committee will notify you after 25th April about your submission.


Foreign visitor entering Japan must have a passport which has valid period 
during you stay in Japan. Passport holders from some countries are required to 
have a visa to visit Japan before they depart toward Japan. Many are exempt 
from this requirement and can get their visa on entry to Japan. Please 
determine whether you are exempt from the visa requirement.

Please refer to the official website from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 
or any other appropriate website to get more information about Visa 
application. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan - Guide to Japanese Visas 

List of Countries and Regions for Visa Exemptions 

Please note that JANOG can not assist you with your visa application.
If you have any questions about the meeting, please feel free to contact 


JANOG webpage in English is available at: http://www.janog.gr.jp/en/


Hiroya Kaneko
NEC Cloud System Research Laboratories
1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki
Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan
TEL +8150-3381-7597
Mail: h-kan...@dr.jp.nec.com

Cisco Fabricpath

2016-03-12 Thread Nicolas V

Does anyone already played with cisco fabricpath feature ? I want to use it
on my nexus 5548

Is it working as easy as it seems ? No bugs / particular nx-os version... ?

Thanks !

Re: remote serial console (IP to Serial)

2016-03-12 Thread Mark Mahle
http://www.opengear.com has never let us down with respect to any 
footprint/device/connection/etc options.

Sure, you're paying a bit -- but you know the old adage..


- Original Message -
From: "Mel Beckman" 
To: "owen" 
Cc: "North American Network Operators' Group" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 8:51:54 AM
Subject: Re: remote serial console (IP to Serial)

Adafruit.com sells a USB to serial converter for $10 that works great 
(https://www.adafruit.com/product/954). Plus you can operate multiple serial 
ports this way. 

 -mel beckman

> On Mar 8, 2016, at 8:45 AM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> Serial port on the PI is TTL, so you’ll need some level shifters and/or
> ideally some opto-isolators or buffers to do a proper implementation.
> Owen
>> On Mar 8, 2016, at 08:32 , greg whynott  wrote:
>> Thanks to all who responded to me,  quite the flood of suggestions and
>> options.
>> Found a lot of 20 Digi CM32's on ebay for 35 dollars each,  overkill but
>> can't beat the price,  going to look into those to make sure they are still
>> able to get OS updates.  There will be no firewall in front of this device
>> so it should have one itself.
>> I like the raspberry pi idea...  Would ensure perpetual security updates
>> with the OS running on it,  whereas I'm sure some of the vendors of
>> commercial console products EOL support at some point.  The fact it runs
>> linux is inviting as we can add it to our monitoring systems.
>> have a great day,
>> greg
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Christopher Morrow >> wrote:
>>> for singular serial .. there are many, do you want something that's
>>> "appliance" or are you willing to deploy 18 raspnberry-pi-like
>>> thingies?
>>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:30 AM, greg whynott 
>>> wrote:
 Recently I have taking over the responsibility of managing about 18
>>> remote
 routers and firewalls.   None of these have a console port for 'out of
 band' access accessible today.
 Most sites has available IPs between the ISP and us (typically a /29) or
>>> a
 backup DSL connection available for use. I'd like to purchase a IP to
 Serial port device I can use for each location in the event I lock myself
 out.   The requirement would be an Ethernet port,  a serial port,  and
>>> SSH.
 Anyone have any recommendations on something like this?
 thanks much,

Re: remote serial console (IP to Serial)

2016-03-12 Thread Joe Hamelin
This little guy has proven handy for me.

Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, +1 (360) 474-7474

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Christopher Morrow 

> also, serial? or usb? (see previous cisco usb console port discussion)
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Christopher Morrow
>  wrote:
> > for singular serial .. there are many, do you want something that's
> > "appliance" or are you willing to deploy 18 raspnberry-pi-like
> > thingies?
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:30 AM, greg whynott 
> wrote:
> >> Recently I have taking over the responsibility of managing about 18
> remote
> >> routers and firewalls.   None of these have a console port for 'out of
> >> band' access accessible today.
> >>
> >> Most sites has available IPs between the ISP and us (typically a /29)
> or a
> >> backup DSL connection available for use. I'd like to purchase a IP
> to
> >> Serial port device I can use for each location in the event I lock
> myself
> >> out.   The requirement would be an Ethernet port,  a serial port,  and
> SSH.
> >>
> >>
> >> Anyone have any recommendations on something like this?
> >>
> >> thanks much,
> >> greg

Re: remote serial console (IP to Serial)

2016-03-12 Thread Michael Wayne
On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 06:40:54AM -0600, Andrew Latham wrote:
> +1 on the Lantronix Spider as it is an awesome tool but Lantronix make
> devices for very small rollouts also,
> http://www.lantronix.com/products/eds1100-eds2100/#tab-features might be

I mentioned this to the OP but did not see it mentioned here:

That Lantronix above is $214 for one serial port.  Money sensitive
people might consider an EdgeRouter Lite (used only to get ssh and
provide firewalling) coupled with a used Portmaster PM25 off Ebay
for under $200 (total) for 25 serial ports.

DataCenter color-coding cabling schema

2016-03-12 Thread Yardiel Fuentes
Hello Nanog-ers,

Have any of you had the option or; conversely, do you know of “best
practices" or “common standards”,  to color code physical cabling for your
connections in DataCenters for Base-T and FX connections? If so, Could you
share  any ttype of color-coding schema you are aware of ?…. Yes, this is
actually considering paying for customized color-coded cabling in a Data

Mr. Google did not really provide me with relevant answers on the above…
beyond the typical (Orange is for MMF, yellow for SMF, etc)…

Any reasons for or against it welcome too...

Yardiel Fuentes

Re: SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Josh Reynolds
On Mar 12, 2016 1:16 PM, "Nicholas Warren" 

> Quick question for the experts.
> Why when looking at SFPs, some sites list them as $800 when the same part
> number can be found on places like amazon for $30-$40. What is the
> difference in them? Why would I buy them from a place like CDW with what
> appears to be a 2,000% markup.
> https://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Brocade-SFP-mini-GBIC-transceiver-module-G
> igabit-Ethernet/1411743.aspx
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0076Q1CTY
> Thanks,
> Nich

Re: HP HSR Routers

2016-03-12 Thread William Herrin
On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Colton Conor  wrote:
> I would suggest looking at the HP routing line, in North America for some
> reason people over look them (HP's ability to get the message out is not
> stellar). The HSR 6602-XG will push 15 Mpps with routing table sizes of
> 4mil (ipv4) and 2mil (ipv6) there is no additional licensing for any
> feature you want to use. With respect to implementation I have always felt
> if you understand the protocol who gives a damn about the syntax... The MSR
> 4060 will handle 36 Mpps with table sizes of 1mil (ipv4) and 1mil (ipv6).
> Either solution will be cost effective.

Hi Colton,

My bet is that there's no TCAM. That or they're being cagey about
their hardware architecture since I can't find a single document about
the router that even mentions TCAM. Instead I'd bet they're doing
software routing (radix tree) spread over "32 hardware threads" and as
long as the bulk of your destinations are in small enough parts of the
tree to fit cleanly in to the processor caches you'll get "up to 15


If I'm right (I'm making guesses after all) then you should compare
HP's offering with software-based routers from other vendors rather
than comparing against routers which have a hardware fast path.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin  her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
Owner, Dirtside Systems . Web: 

Re: SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Edward Dore

> On 9 Mar 2016, at 18:59, Nicholas Warren  wrote:
> Quick question for the experts.
> Why when looking at SFPs, some sites list them as $800 when the same part
> number can be found on places like amazon for $30-$40. What is the
> difference in them? Why would I buy them from a place like CDW with what
> appears to be a 2,000% markup.
> https://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Brocade-SFP-mini-GBIC-transceiver-module-G
> igabit-Ethernet/1411743.aspx
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0076Q1CTY
> Thanks,
> Nich

The Amazon link almost certainly isn't the exact same part - it's more than 
likely a "compatible" module from a third party which has been coded to 
identify itself in the same way as the official part.

But yes, "official" optics are generally extremely expensive and third party 
ones are much, much cheaper (LightReading published an article many years ago 
reporting that at the time 25% of Cisco's profits were coming from the 
transceivers that they were selling as a huge markup!). You can get compatible 
transceivers for lots of popular vendors from the likes of Fiberstore, 
flexOptix and Solid Optics.

It's worth noting that the likes of Cisco, Juniper, Brocade etc. don't make the 
transceivers that they sell at these huge markups either - they just buy them 
from the likes of Finsar and code them with their own part numbers and 
guarantee them as compatible.

Depending on the vendor, product and software version, you may find that third 
party transceivers are disabled, have reduced functionality such as no DOM/DDM 
or generate warnings about being unsupported. This is why you can buy third 
party optics that are coded to identify themselves as legitimate parts.

Edward Dore
Freethought Internet

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Jörg Kost

Its all about support under warranty.

CDW is selling the original Brocade SFP. The amazon links only shows a 
compatible one. In most cases it will work, but if that tiny metal piece 
will break your freshly installed 20-x2 linecard, Brocade may not 
replace it. Also some of the cheaper optics may not support monitoring 
or diagnostic options.

You can also check the second market for an used original optic, if you 
want to save some budget.


On 9 Mar 2016, at 19:59, Nicholas Warren wrote:

Quick question for the experts.

Why when looking at SFPs, some sites list them as $800 when the same 

number can be found on places like amazon for $30-$40. What is the
difference in them? Why would I buy them from a place like CDW with 

appears to be a 2,000% markup.




Re: HP HSR Routers

2016-03-12 Thread Colton Conor
Its is for the routing table. Check out this datasheet:

Page 7

Performance Throughput up to 120 million pps up to 240 million pps up to
420 million pps Routing table size 400 entries (IPv4), 200 entries
(IPv6) 400 entries (IPv4), 200 entries (IPv6) 400 entries
(IPv4), 200 entries (IPv6) Forwarding table size 100 entries
(IPv4), 100 entries (IPv6) 100 entries (IPv4), 100 entries
(IPv6) 100 entries (IPv4), 100 entries (IPv6) Backplane bandwidth
1024 Gb/s 1024 Gb/s 2048 Gb/s

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson 

> On Sat, 12 Mar 2016, Colton Conor wrote:
> Does anyone deploy HP HSR routers for full BGP routing? Looks like they
>> have couple of routers that can hold 4 Million IPv4 routes, and do full
>> BGP
>> routing. I did no even know that HP had routers of this size.
> Are you sure that's forwarding table size, not routing table size?
> There are lots of platforms that will have large RIB but a lot smaller FIB.
> http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/getpdf.aspx/c04111660.pdf?ver=23
> "HP 6600 Router Series"
> "Routing table size 100 entries (IPv4), 30 entries (IPv6)
> Forwarding table size 100 entries (IPv4), 10 entries (IPv6)"
> I don't know if there is a typo somewhere, but it shows the difference
> between RIB and FIB.
> --
> Mikael Abrahamssonemail: swm...@swm.pp.se

Re: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-12 Thread George Herbert

> On Mar 11, 2016, at 11:57 AM, "Mark T. Ganzer"  wrote:
> but I will instead ask this for your consideration:  Do servers in "test, 
> stage, development, or any other environment" really need to have the same 
> environmental, power and connectivity requirements that "production" servers 
> have?

Why would you think otherwise?

It's a symptom of trying to save a few cents at the risk of dollars.

George William Herbert
Sent from my iPhone

Re: SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Mike Hale
You also run into some quality issues on third party ones, so be aware
and plan for it.  I've had maybe one Cisco-branded SFP go bad that I
can think, but I've got a crap ton of Axiom branded ones that were
bad.  Twinax ones were even worse...I got maybe two or three inserts
out of a significant fraction of them before they broke.  I've had
great luck with Curvature SFPs.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Jörg Kost  wrote:
> Its all about support under warranty.
> CDW is selling the original Brocade SFP. The amazon links only shows a
> compatible one. In most cases it will work, but if that tiny metal piece
> will break your freshly installed 20-x2 linecard, Brocade may not replace
> it. Also some of the cheaper optics may not support monitoring or diagnostic
> options.
> You can also check the second market for an used original optic, if you want
> to save some budget.
> Jörg
> On 9 Mar 2016, at 19:59, Nicholas Warren wrote:
>> Quick question for the experts.
>> Why when looking at SFPs, some sites list them as $800 when the same part
>> number can be found on places like amazon for $30-$40. What is the
>> difference in them? Why would I buy them from a place like CDW with what
>> appears to be a 2,000% markup.
>> https://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Brocade-SFP-mini-GBIC-transceiver-module-G
>> igabit-Ethernet/1411743.aspx
>> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0076Q1CTY
>> Thanks,
>> Nich

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Re: Internet Exchanges supporting jumbo frames?

2016-03-12 Thread Mark Andrews

In message 
, Joel Maslak writes:
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 9:27 AM, joel jaeggli  wrote:
> > PMTU blackhole detection implemented in all hosts. IPv4 is lost cause in
> > > my opinion (although it's strange how many hosts that seem to get away
> > > with 1492 (or is it 1496) MTU because they're using PPPoE).
> >
> > if your adv_mss is set accordingly you can get away with
> >  a lot.
> >
> At least for TCP.  EDNS with sizes > 14xx bytes just plain doesn't
> universally work across the internet, yet it's the default everywhere.

If you fix your own firewall to accept fragmented packets EDNS
basically works.  Over the years I've see a couple of sites which
can't emit fragmented EDNS but they are few and far between.

Firewall vendors could also do the correct thing and support
installing slits as well as than pinholes when generating reply
traffic acceptance rules on the fly.  They could be honest and
acknowledge that legitimate reply traffic includes packet fragments
and build their boxes to support it.


allow proto udp from any to any 53 keep-state permit-frags

could generate 

allow proto udp from dst 53 to src src-port
allow proto udp from dst to src frag offset != 0

You still have the protocol and the source and destination addresses.
You also don't allow full packets to reassemble via the slit rule.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

Re: SFP Cost Variation

2016-03-12 Thread Nick Hilliard
Josh Reynolds wrote:
> http://packetpushers.net/overpriced-optics-by-oems/

the cost bases mentioned in this article are a bit odd:

> So how much does a 10GB SFP+ SR optic cost? It turns out around $85 +
> some margin, bringing the cost to $95.

You can pick up a 10GB SFP+ SR for $15 in units of one from fiberstore.
Given the volumes they buy, vendors are probably paying a lot less than


Re: L-Root IPv6 address renumbering

2016-03-12 Thread Job Snijders
Hi David,

On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 09:06:20PM +, David Soltero wrote:
> This is advance notice that there is a scheduled change to the IPv6
> addresses in the Root Zone for the L root-server, also known as
> L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, which is administered by the ICANN.
> The current IP addresses for the L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET service are:
> 2001:500:3::42
> As of March 23, 2016, the new IP addresses for the L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET service 
> will be:
> 2001:500:9f::42
> The change will be implemented on the root zone on March 23, 2016
> 2100UTC,  however the new address is already operational.

Can you elaborate on why this change is being introduced?

Kind regards,


Re: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-12 Thread Florian Weimer
* Mark T. Ganzer:

> Note that I an not answering in any sort of "official" capacitybut
> I will instead ask this for your consideration:  Do servers in "test,
> stage, development, or any other environment" really need to have the
> same environmental, power and connectivity requirements that
> "production" servers have?

Depends on the process.  If you can push to production without pushing
to stage first, then stage and production need the same service level.

IETF RFC 7707: Network Reconnaissance in IPv6 Networks

2016-03-12 Thread Fernando Gont

Tim Chown and me have published RFC7707 on "Network Reconnaissance in
IPv6 Networks". The RFC is available at:

You can find some context for this RFC here:


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint:  31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

Re: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-12 Thread Roland Dobbins
On 13 Mar 2016, at 3:03, George Herbert wrote:

> It's a symptom of trying to save a few cents at the risk of dollars.

Concur 100%.

Not to mention the related security issues.

Roland Dobbins 

Re: DataCenter color-coding cabling schema

2016-03-12 Thread Joe Hamelin
I know at Clearwire data centers we used gray for network, blue for
management and orange for RS-232 console.  At least for the initial build.
Later re-work or additions were whatever the tech had on hand ;)  They also
had labels on each end of each wire showing the path through the system,
sometimes up to six lines.  It did make it easy to bring up a data center
and find cabling errors.  To see the system last more than a year or two up
upgrades would take some strong rules and oversight.  I think it would be
worth it if your management system can keep the religion.

Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, +1 (360) 474-7474

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Yardiel Fuentes  wrote:

> Hello Nanog-ers,
> Have any of you had the option or; conversely, do you know of “best
> practices" or “common standards”,  to color code physical cabling for your
> connections in DataCenters for Base-T and FX connections? If so, Could you
> share  any ttype of color-coding schema you are aware of ?…. Yes, this is
> actually considering paying for customized color-coded cabling in a Data
> Center...
> Mr. Google did not really provide me with relevant answers on the above…
> beyond the typical (Orange is for MMF, yellow for SMF, etc)…
> Any reasons for or against it welcome too...
> --
> Yardiel Fuentes

Re: Cisco Fabricpath

2016-03-12 Thread Ulf Zimmermann
I have used it for a cage in one datacenter, it was built 2+ years ago. It
hasn't been giving us problems, with the exception of several bad Cisco
direct attached copper cables.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 7:55 AM, Nicolas V  wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone already played with cisco fabricpath feature ? I want to use it
> on my nexus 5548
> Is it working as easy as it seems ? No bugs / particular nx-os version... ?
> Thanks !
> Nicolas


Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-396-1764
You can find my resume at: http://www.Alameda.net/~ulf/resume.html