Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-01-27 Thread Samarul Meu

Please help. I really messed up.

I was playing with some script trying to create an encrypted image and
accidentally I did bioctl -d sd0 where sd0 is the disk with my OpenBSD
install. Of course the system hanged. When I tried to reboot it no longer
ask me for my passphrase.

It showed only this:

open(hd0a:/etc/boot.conf): Invalid argument
cannot open hd0a:/etc/random.seed: Invalid argument
booting hd0a:/bsd: open hd0a:/bsd: Invalid argument
  failed(22). will try /bsd

After searching online I discovered this: boot sr0a:/bsd. Now it asks for
my Passphrase and it starts booting but then it hangs

softraid0 at root
scsibus2 at softraid0: 256 targets
panic: root device (3312a...) not found
Stopped at db_enter+0x10: popq %rbp
* 00  0  0x1 0x2000  0kswapper
panic(ff81dff) at panic+0x12a
setroot(80..) at setroot+0xdeb
disconf(1b21..) at diskconf+0x185
main(0,0,0,0,0,80..) at main+0x500
end trace frame: 0x0, count:10
describes the minimum info required inbug reports. Insufficient
info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.

Using a usb drive with *FuguIta* I managed to do a fsck on all partitions
(some errors appeared, but I cleaned them).

I was even able to mount them and everything seems fine, I recovered what I
was working on, but I have no luck in booting. Again and again the above

I am a little puzzled that there is no failsafe mechanism for commands like
bioctl or fdisk on the already mounted disk. For me the obvious think was
that the system complains when trying bioctl -d sd0.

Thank you for your help!

Re: Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-01-27 Thread Samarul Meu
mie., 27 ian. 2021, 20:24  a scris:

> Ironically this is the same error I have been getting, and recently
> posted about in the thread "Bootloader on USB stick fails with "root
> device not found"" ...

I read your thread just now. I will try the -a option.

Interesting, but I must mention that my OpenBSD is installed on an
encrypted partition.


Re: Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-01-27 Thread Samarul Meu
On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 4:38 AM Nick Holland wrote:

> -a at the boot prompt is my thought, too...but the little bit of your
> dmesg that you show seems to indicate you are not seeing the encrypted
> drive handled by in softraid at all.  So I have my concerns this won't
> do much but delay the panic (the kernel's panic.  Too late for your
> panic, I'm sure).

I tried booting using -a or -s, but I have no luck. When I use -a it gets
to the moment where it asks for the root device but the keyboard is dead, I
can't do anything. And when using -s it just hangs with the previous panic

> If this doesn't work for you, I'd start by booting off a bsd.rd (USB,
> CDROM, network, whatever) and looking around a bit.  What does the
> fdisk of your physical drive look like?  Is your OpenBSD partition
> still there?  If not, recreate it (hopefully you either used the
> defaults or remember what you did).  All that really matters is the
> starting sector (probably 64 assuming MBR.  UEFI is 1024, iirc, but
> I'm too lazy to look this up right now.  Dammit, no I'm not, yes,
> probably 1024, but I'm DEFINITELY not looking to see if that's a
> hard number or if there are things that cause it to move around).
> After the fdisk partitions, look at the disklabel in on the physical
> drive -- should be one big RAID partition as 'a' and type RAID.
I looked at the softraid partition and everything seems fine. As I
mentioned I see it as a 'a' RAID partition. Then I do a bioctl on it and I
can access it and see al the other partitions 'a-j' . I did an fsck -p on
all of them and I get no errors. I even mount them to see if everything is
ok and I managed to get the work done in '/home', but that is all. When I
reboot nothing works.

> I am kinda suspicious that the bioctl command you gave was not the
> culprit in this situation, but something else in your script.
Actually in the moment I was not running the script. I was doing some tests
and I could no longer access the sd1 which was used by a previous bioctl
attempt. So i tried to do a 'bioctl -d', but by mistake instead of sd1 I
did it on sd0. All froze and I had to do a hard reset.

> As for safeguards...Well, from personal experience recently, I can
> *assure* you I understand the first response when something goes
> horribly wrong and your finger is the one on the (virtual) trigger
> is, "Why wasn't there a safeguard??".  I get that, and I bet mine
> was a bigger oops than yours.  But realistically, there are an
> almost unlimited number of ways to hurt yourself, and a much smaller
> number of ways to do things right, and often what to person A is
> a horrible mistake, person B needs as a way to solve a big problem.
> I have often needed to use an OS like OpenBSD to clean up messes in
> other OSs because the safeguards in the other OS prevented me from
> doing what I needed to do.  So yes, I understand, but no, I don't
> want a "are you sure?" on every step of everything that could cause
> an "event".
I understand the point and maybe it is ok this way. Actually that is why I
am creating this scripts --- to check before doing anything that I am not
trying to modify the 'root' disk.

> And think how much you just learned about the value of good backups...
I learned this lesson a long time ago, on my beginner Linux years. Now, is
just a reminder.
Thank for your answer and help and I appreciate any further hints.

> Nick.

Re: Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-01-28 Thread Samarul Meu
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:12 PM vejetaryenvampir wrote:

> I think I was having the same problem when I changed the passphrase
> of my disk.  I managed to fix it with installboot(8).  You can
> access the bug report in here:
> I had the panic with the 6.8-stable device, but the 6.8-current device
> was booting just fine.  In fact, I've used installboot(8) on that device
> while it was running (booted by hand with sr0a:/bsd as you did).
> Sincerely,
> vejetaryenvampir

Thank you so much! You made my day!
So I used FuguIta (6.8 - stable) attached the encrypted partition
(accessible as sd1 now) and 'installboot sd1', reboot and surprise -
everything is working. I still have no idea why detaching the softraid
determined this kind of behavior.

Best regards,

P.S. To tetrahedra --- maybe this solution will solve your problem also.

Re: Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-03-08 Thread Samarul Meu
On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 10:27 AM Samarul Meu  wrote:

> Thank you so much! You made my day!
> So I used FuguIta (6.8 - stable) attached the encrypted partition
> (accessible as sd1 now) and 'installboot sd1', reboot and surprise -
> everything is working. I still have no idea why detaching the softraid
> determined this kind of behavior.

Today I stumbled again on the same error, but in a different situation,
let's say.

I have installed OpenBSD 6.8 on a USB disk as a portable solution (full
disk encryption). At work I also have the same 6.8 installed on a computer
(on an encrypted partition). I booted the new USB install, I mounted the
partition from the computer to copy some settings and then detached the
device. At home I mounted the encrypted USB disk on my laptop and copied
something from it. Detached the device and all seemed OK.

But today, boy, I was for a surprise. The USB disk and the computer OpenBSD
installations were not booting. The same error as before

open(hd0a:/etc/boot.conf): Invalid argument
cannot open hd0a:/etc/random.seed: Invalid argument
booting hd0a:/bsd: open hd0a:/bsd: Invalid argument
  failed(22). will try /bsd

For the moment I did not understand what was happening. I tried again boot>
boot sr0a:/bsd, but after a false start the system hanged. So the solution
'installboot sd2' (where sd2 is the attached encrypted partition) and now
both installed boot normally.

As I am a newbie in the OpenBSD environment I do not know if I should
report this as a bug of bioctl or not. The error I encounter is easy to

1. attach an encrypted disk (partition) with an OpenBSD installation on
it,  let's say sd1a --- "bioctl -c C -l sd1a softraid0" --- you will get
the new sd2
2. detach the sd2 "bioctl -d sd2"
3. The OpenBSD will no longer boot.

Thank you very much for your time!

Re: Managed to mess up the system encrypted disk. I can no longer boot.

2021-03-08 Thread Samarul Meu
lun., 8 mar. 2021, 15:06 Marcus MERIGHI  a scris:

> Hello Samarul,
> > Today I stumbled again on the same error, but in a different situation,
> > let's say.
> [...]
> > 1. attach an encrypted disk (partition) with an OpenBSD installation on
> > it,  let's say sd1a --- "bioctl -c C -l sd1a softraid0" --- you will get
> > the new sd2
> > 2. detach the sd2 "bioctl -d sd2"
> > 3. The OpenBSD will no longer boot.
> No mount(8) and umount(8) between step 1 and 2?
> Marcus

I don't think that mount is important in this case. The culprit is bioctl.



Errors after upgrading packages in 6.9

2021-05-13 Thread Samarul Meu
Hello to you all!

As I switch to OpenBSD recently this is my first upgrade experience. I
upgraded from stable to stable and the system upgrade was a very smooth
experience (nothing to be scared of as I expected).
My `/etc/installurl` has only one line ``

Then I tried `pkg_add -u` to upgrade my packages and although for most of
them everything went smooth I can't get escape this errors:

Can't install poppler-qt5-21.03.0 because of libraries
|library execinfo.2.0 not found
| not found anywhere
|library graphite2.2.0 not found
| not found anywhere
|library harfbuzz.15.5 not found
| not found anywhere
|library pcre2-16.0.5 not found
| not found anywhere
Direct dependencies for poppler-qt5-20.09.0->21.03.0 resolve to
qtbase-5.15.2p1 poppler-21.03.0
Full dependency tree is lcms2-2.12 boost-1.72.0 libffi-3.3 lzo2-2.10p2
icu4c-68.2v0 lz4-1.9.3 libiconv-1.16p0 sqlite3-3.34.1 png-1.6.37
bzip2-1.0.8p0 qtbase-5.15.2p1 jpeg-2.0.6v0 xz-5.2.5 zstd-1.4.9
poppler-21.03.0 pcre-8.44 poppler-data-0.4.9 cairo-1.16.0
gettext-runtime-0.21p1 python-3.8.8p0 tiff-4.2.0 glib2-2.66.8 openjp2-2.4.0
Can't install vlc-3.0.12p0 because of libraries
|library double-conversion.0.0 not found
| not found anywhere
|library icudata.19.2 not found
| /usr/local/lib/ (icu4c-68.2v0): not reachable
|library icui18n.19.2 not found
| /usr/local/lib/ (icu4c-68.2v0): not reachable
|library icuio.19.2 not found
| /usr/local/lib/ (icu4c-68.2v0): not reachable
|library icuuc.19.2 not found
| /usr/local/lib/ (icu4c-68.2v0): not reachable
Direct dependencies for vlc-3.0.11p0->3.0.12p0 resolve to
libplacebo-3.104.0 sdl-1.2.15p11 libass-0.15.0 sdl-image-1.2.12p4
avahi-0.8p0 libsoxr-0.1.3 qtx11extras-5.15.2 libsmb2-3.0.0 libvorbis-1.3.7
dbus-1.12.20v0 qtbase-5.15.2p1 gnutls-3.6.15p0 opus-1.3.1 libmatroska-1.6.3
libv4l-1.20.0 libdvdnav-6.1.0v0 gettext-runtime-0.21p1 libtar-1.2.20
x264-20200705p1 taglib-1.11.1p3 libxml-2.9.10p3 libarchive-3.5.1
speex-1.2.0 gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.28 x265-3.4 libnotify-0.7.9
harfbuzz-2.8.0 desktop-file-utils-0.26 ffmpeg-4.3.2p0v1 libbluray-1.2.1
protobuf-3.15.7 libnfs-4.0.0 libdvdread-6.1.1 libidn-1.36 libcddb-1.3.2p0
gtk+3-3.24.28p1 fribidi-1.0.10 qtsvg-5.15.2 png-1.6.37 libgcrypt-1.9.2
libdvbpsi-1.3.3 libebml-1.4.2
Full dependency tree is lcms2-2.12 ffmpeg-4.3.2p0v1 lame-3.100p1
p11-kit-0.23.22p0 desktop-file-utils-0.26 gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.28
lzo2-2.10p2 speexdsp-1.2.0 speex-1.2.0 librsvg-2.50.3 libgcrypt-1.9.2
qtsvg-5.15.2 png-1.6.37 libtheora-1.2.20190601p0 qtbase-5.15.2p1
libsndfile-1.0.30p0 shared-mime-info-2.1 qtx11extras-5.15.2 libsoxr-0.1.3
xz-5.2.5 libtasn1-4.16.0 zstd-1.4.9 libvpx-1.9.0v0
dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.12.20 sdl-1.2.15p11 libarchive-3.5.1
x264-20200705p1 libv4l-1.20.0 hicolor-icon-theme-0.17 xvidcore-1.3.7
libnotify-0.7.9 harfbuzz-2.8.0 libgpg-error-1.42 libevent-2.1.11
libsamplerate-0.1.9 libdvdread-6.1.1 sdl2-2.0.14p1 libvorbis-1.3.7
libsmb2-3.0.0 jpeg-2.0.6v0 gdbm-1.19 avahi-0.8p0 at-spi2-core-2.38.0
pcre-8.44 libxml-2.9.10p3 taglib-1.11.1p3 aom-2.0.2 opus-1.3.1
gnutls-3.6.15p0 libunistring-0.9.7 atk-2.36.0 gmp-6.2.1 libnettle-3.7.2
x265-3.4 libdaemon-0.14p1 libdvdcss-1.4.2p1 libebml-1.4.2 libdvbpsi-1.3.3
fribidi-1.0.10 at-spi2-atk-2.38.0 bzip2-1.0.8p0 pango-1.48.4
sdl-image-1.2.12p4 libass-0.15.0 cairo-1.16.0 libexecinfo-0.3p2v0
gettext-runtime-0.21p1 libwebp-1.2.0 dconf-0.40.0 libnfs-4.0.0
protobuf-3.15.7 libbluray-1.2.1 libffi-3.3 lz4-1.9.3 libiconv-1.16p0
gdk-pixbuf-2.42.4 sqlite3-3.34.1 gtk+3-3.24.28p1 libidn-1.36
libcddb-1.3.2p0 flac-1.3.3p0 giflib-5.1.6 libogg-1.3.4 libidn2-2.3.0p0
graphite2-1.3.14 adwaita-icon-theme-3.38.0 dbus-1.12.20v0 dav1d-0.8.2
libplacebo-3.104.0 libb2-0.98.1v0 libtar-1.2.20 python-3.8.8p0
libunbound-1.13.1 libdvdnav-6.1.0v0 tiff-4.2.0 glib2-2.66.8
libmatroska-1.6.3 gsm-1.0.19
Running tags: ok
Read shared items: ok
--- -libxml-2.9.10p2 ---
Remember to update /var/db/xmlcatalog
Obsolete package: colord-1.3.5p2 (requires GUdev or GUsb)
Obsolete package: orage-4.12.1p9 (no longer maintained upstream)
Couldn't find updates for colord-1.3.5p2 orage-4.12.1p9 poppler-qt5-20.09.0
ruby26-erubis-2.7.0 ruby26-thor-0.19.1 ruby26-xdg-2.2.5 vlc-3.0.11p0
Couldn't install poppler-qt5-21.03.0 vlc-3.0.12p0

I am thinking to switch to current, although I am not sure that it will
solve my problems.

Thank you for your help!

Dhcp client configuration in 7.0

2021-10-29 Thread Samarul Meu
Hello to you all!

Prior to 7.0 I was using this line in /etc/dhclient.conf
supersede domain-name-servers;
so that I do not get the DNS from the ISP provider.

I am using unbound to resolve my queries. With the new changes I can not
get the same functionality.

I tried to add this in /etc/dhcpleased.conf
interface urtwn0 ignore dns
where urtwn0 is my interface or disable resolvd.

If resolvd is on I get my ISP DNS server, if not when unbound starts
resolvd  adds the ISP DNS server to resolv.conf.

Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I have only on the resolv.conf file?

Thank you!

Re: Dhcp client configuration in 7.0

2021-10-29 Thread Samarul Meu
On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 8:30 PM Zé Loff  wrote:

> This works for me:
> /etc/hostname.em0:
> inet autoconf
> /etc/resolv.conf:
> nameserver
> /etc/dhcpleased.conf:
> interface em0 {
> ignore dns
> }
My dhcpleased.conf is similar (interface urtwn0 ignore dns), but it does
not seem to work. resolvd just overwrites the resolv.conf with the ISP DNS.
If I disable resolvd and I leave only nameserver the unbound
works as expected.

Now, my question is when ignore dns from dhcpleased.conf is considered? The
man page states "Ignore nameservers from leases on this interface" but
maybe I am not reading it correctly?

Re: Dhcp client configuration in 7.0

2021-10-30 Thread Samarul Meu
sâm., 30 oct. 2021, 03:10 Zé Loff  a scris:

> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 09:57:26PM +0300, Samarul Meu wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 8:30 PM Zé Loff  wrote:
> >
> > > This works for me:
> > >
> > >
> > > /etc/hostname.em0:
> > >
> > > inet autoconf
> > >
> > >
> > > /etc/resolv.conf:
> > >
> > > nameserver
> > >
> > >
> > > /etc/dhcpleased.conf:
> > >
> > > interface em0 {
> > > ignore dns
> > > }
> > >
> > >
> > My dhcpleased.conf is similar (interface urtwn0 ignore dns), but it does
> > not seem to work. resolvd just overwrites the resolv.conf with the ISP
> DNS.
> > If I disable resolvd and I leave only nameserver the unbound
> > works as expected.
> >
> > Now, my question is when ignore dns from dhcpleased.conf is considered?
> The
> > man page states "Ignore nameservers from leases on this interface" but
> > maybe I am not reading it correctly?
> Is that the exact contents of your dhcpleased.conf?  Reading the man
> page, it seems that the curly brackets are mandatory, and if I change my
> config to "interface em0 ignore dns" dhcpleased warns about the syntax
> error (and doesn't start).

Yes, at first I was ignoring the curly brackets, but I received no warning
and still got an IP, but after I have seen your configuration I made the
change. Did not help,

The thing is that maybe I do not understand corectly the new way. I thought
that by specifying in dhcpleased.conf that you what to ignore the DNS then
resolvd will leave the resolved.conf untouched. In my case it does not
happen, so I have to just disable resolvd.

Thank you for your time! I will just leave resolvd disabled and resolv.conf
with only in it.


Re: Dhcp client configuration in 7.0

2021-11-01 Thread Samarul Meu
dds comments to the lines it touches in resolv.conf, for
> example:
> nameserver # resolvd: iwm0
> Anyone who thinks the "ignore dns" option does not work could help to debug
> this with the following:
> * run "route -n monitor"
> * empty the dhcpleased.conf: mv /etc/dhcpleased.conf /etc/X.dhcpleased.conf
> * cat /etc/resolv.conf, copy the output into an email.
> * restart dhcpleased: doas /etc/rc.d/dhcpleased restart
> * copy the output of "route -n monitor" into the email
> * cat /etc/resolv.conf, copy the output into the email.
> then run dhcpleased with the configuration file:
> * run "route -n monitor"
> * mv /etc/X.dhcpleased.conf /etc/dhcpleased.conf
> * cat /etc/dhcpleased.conf and copy the output into the email
> * cat /etc/resolv.conf, copy the output into the email.
> * restart dhcpleased: doas /etc/rc.d/dhcpleased restart
> * copy the output of "route -n monitor" into the email
> * cat /etc/resolv.conf, copy the output into the email.
> send that email as a reply to this thread.
> Thanks,
> Benno
> > > On 30 Oct 2021, at 21:00, Sebastian Benoit 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > ???Z?? Loff( on 2021.10.29 18:30:29 +0100:
> > >>> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 03:37:56PM +0300, Samarul Meu wrote:
> > >>> Hello to you all!
> > >>>
> > >>> Prior to 7.0 I was using this line in /etc/dhclient.conf
> > >>> supersede domain-name-servers;
> > >>> so that I do not get the DNS from the ISP provider.
> > >>>
> > >>> I am using unbound to resolve my queries. With the new changes I can
> not
> > >>> get the same functionality.
> > >>>
> > >>> I tried to add this in /etc/dhcpleased.conf
> > >>> interface urtwn0 ignore dns
> > >>> where urtwn0 is my interface or disable resolvd.
> > >>>
> > >>> If resolvd is on I get my ISP DNS server, if not when unbound starts
> > >>> resolvd adds the ISP DNS server to resolv.conf.
> > >>>
> > >>> Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I have only
> > >>> on the resolv.conf file?
> > >>>
> > >>> Thank you!
> > >>
> > >> This works for me:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> /etc/hostname.em0:
> > >>
> > >> inet autoconf
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> /etc/resolv.conf:
> > >>
> > >> nameserver
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> /etc/dhcpleased.conf:
> > >>
> > >> interface em0 {
> > >> ignore dns
> > >> }
> > >
> > >
> > > If you never intend to use other nameservers on this system, you can
> also
> > > deactivate resolvd:
> > >
> > > rcctl stop resolvd
> > > rcctl disable resolvd
> > >
> > > and remove dhcpleased.conf again.
> > >
> > >
> >
> --

Re: dd: /dev/rsd1c: device not configured

2021-11-30 Thread Samarul Meu
mar., 30 nov. 2021, 15:39 Luca Ferrari  a scris:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to install 7.0 in a virtual box machine using full disk
> encryption, following
> . I've done it on
> real hardware without a problem, but I'm not understanding the error
> in the virtual box machine. In particular, I cannot copy random data
> on the disk before doing the effective encryption.
> This is what I do, after entering the shell at the very first prompt:
> # sysctl hw.disknames
> hw.disknames=wd0:,cd0:,rd0:7c72fe60b4e2338d
> # ls  /dev/rsd*c
> /dev/rsd0c
> Uhm, why is sd0 there and does not appear in the hw.disknames?
> However, I tried to configure the sd1 device:
> # cd /dev
> # sh MAKEDEV sd1
> # dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1m
> dd: /dev/rsd1c: device not configured
> # ls /dev/rsd1c
> /dev/rsd1c
> What am I missing here?
> Thnaks,
> Luca

Shouldn't you first configure wd0? Create a RAID partition and encrypt it
and then  attache it as sd0?

In the FAQ14 section that you mentioned consider sd0 as wd0 and sd1 as sd0.

Wrong opacity in picom

2021-12-25 Thread Samarul Meu
I am trying to customize my cwm using picom for some tweakings.
The problem is when I try to setup opacity for active and inactive windows.

This is my relevant config section:

inactive-opacity = .5;
inactive-opacity-override = false;
active-opacity = .9;
inactive-dim = 0.0;

I am using Xterm, but only the active windows behaves normally with .9
opacity, the inactive ones are just not transparent, like inactive-opacity
= 1. Is just like they act oppositely as they suppose to.

I even tried to use some rules I found on an arch wiki

opacity-rule = [
  "90:class_g = 'Xterm' && focused", "60:class_g = 'XTerm' &&

but nothing works.

I am using OpenBSD 7.0 stable.

Thank you for your help!

Re: Wrong opacity in picom

2021-12-25 Thread Samarul Meu
dum., 26 dec. 2021, 03:05 Erling Westenvik  a

> On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 08:32:28PM +0200, Samarul Meu wrote:
> > I am trying to customize my cwm using picom for some tweakings.
> > The problem is when I try to setup opacity for active and inactive
> windows.
> >
> > This is my relevant config section:
> >
> > inactive-opacity = .5;
> > inactive-opacity-override = false;
> > active-opacity = .9;
> > inactive-dim = 0.0;
> >
> > I am using Xterm, but only the active windows behaves normally with .9
> > opacity, the inactive ones are just not transparent, like
> inactive-opacity
> > = 1. Is just like they act oppositely as they suppose to.
> >
> > I even tried to use some rules I found on an arch wiki
> >
> > opacity-rule = [
> >   "90:class_g = 'Xterm' && focused", "60:class_g = 'XTerm' &&
>^^ ^^
> There's a capitalization discrepancy between the two rules. Try changing
> "Xterm" to "XTerm" for the first rule (or the other way around for the
> second, though "XTerm" should be correct -- at least that's what I have
> in my ~/.config/picom.conf).

Thank you for your help. It was my mistake when I copied the section here.
It did not help changing the case.

I started from scratch with only the above config and adding sections from
my original config and so I found the culprit

mark-ovredir-focused = true

I eliminated this and all works as expected.

On a side note do you know how to add gap in cwm between windows without
having a transparent border (my solution for the moment)?

> Regards,
> Erling
> > !focused"
> >  ];
> >
> > but nothing works.
> >
> > I am using OpenBSD 7.0 stable.
> >
> > Thank you for your help!

Can't generate tags using universal-ctags

2022-05-02 Thread Samarul Meu
I have a bunch of markdown files in which I have tags defined using "#",
something like #tagone #tagsomething.

In $HOME/.ctags.d/md.ctags I have this


But when I do "uctags -R ." I get no tags in the tags file.

With the same files, the same configuration in FreeBSD and Alpine Linux I
get the expected result.

Thank you!