Re: Wild card greytrapping setup in spamdb
Daniel Ouellet wrote: So, I would like to trapit everything that is not from these 5 emails. Beware that people make mistakes. Someone could just make a typing error in one of these 5 addresses and you end up blocking a legitimate mail server.. H.
Re: spamd extension
Graham Toal wrote: The only fix for this is a *major* redesign of spamd (or equivalently incorporating spamd's greylisting code into a spamfilter which *does* relay connections at the IP level to an MTA - which is actually what I'm working on at the moment) Why start from scratch ? There are enough seasoned, full featured MTA's around that will allow you to incorparate greylisting. And you get all the other stuff like STARTTLS, AUTH etc gratis. I'd either accept spamd's few limitiations or incorparate greylisting into a MTA. Just my thoughts. Hans
Strange output on cvsweb
Hi, I might be mistaken, but lists only a single file, whereas my local source tree has lot's of them. Does look strange Best regards, Hans