Re: Kylin

2009-05-18 Thread Fosforo
I don't believe this is the final version... probably something
running under Godson/Loongson ?

[]s Fosforo

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:08 PM, (private) HKS 
> 2009/5/18 Toma  Bod ar :
>> Common,you think that big western companies which have support from
>> western governments care about it?And please don't make white knight
>> from western civilization.Everywhere are pros and cons.What type of
>> copyright and intellectual property you think?Like Disney which have
>> stories based on older stories,but he has law from government on it
>> now so original makers has nothing and Disney takes all?And when end
>> of this copyright is near some "magic" happen in government and Disney
>> (and others) has next 20 or 50 years.Sounds very respectable for
>> copyright and intellectual property of original authors ;-)
>> Or maybe you think something like we have.When you create your own
>> song and sing it to people somewhere outside of your flat you must pay
>> to OSA(something like BSA terrorists,but local).WTH is that.Sounds
>> really like care about my copyright - I must pay for my own song ;-)
>> Informations are here for share and we can move forward thanks to
>> them.If some idiot have patent on double-click then what?One developer
>> must incorporated triple-click to his product,next four-click and so
>> on?Sounds like history - Earth is just pancake and everyone who want
>> to find another idea must use our idea or he will be killed and who
>> use our idea without our licence will be killed too.Really we need
>> those times back??
> For Christ's sake, get off your fucking high horse. My quip was in
> response to your implication that China chose a BSD license because it
> fit better with their intentions than GPL or similar. As if they gave
> a shit.
> -HKS
>> 2009/5/18 (private) HKS :
>>> 2009/5/17 Toma  Bod ar :
>>>> I know,that's why they choose BSD-style licenced OS ;-)
>>> Yes, because China's respect for copyright and intellectual property
>>> is legendary.
>>> -HKS
>>>> 2009/5/17 Cem Kayali :
>>>>> Do you really think Chineese governmnt make source public? Not all of
>>> course
>>>>> ;)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jesus Sanchez, 05/17/09 20:58:
>>>>>> TomC!E! BodE>C!r escribiC3:
>>>>>>> After quick search on web it looks like it's based on FreeBSD 5.3
>>>>>>> (initial version) with Windows like GUI.So it doesn't looks so secure
>>>>>>> now :-) But government agencies must have reason to receive money so
>>>>>>> why don't make "wave" about dangerous China with their new
>>>>>>> ultra-hyper-super secure system? Ofcourse that there can be
>>>>>>> interesting modifications.Maybe I will try it in Qemu :-)
>>>>>> the chinese government really feels so vulnerable against U.S.?
>>>>>> i mean, they say it like "the WWIII will begin soon and we need
>>>>>> to defend us on the cyberspace with our super-secure OS"
>>>>>> and after all they based it on FreeBSD? I'm a OpenBSD user and
>>>>>> I really feel that I've enought privacy, don't need a
>>>>>> super-secret-ultra-secure OS
>>>>>> nor to say "Made In China" xD
>>>>>>> Dne 17. kvD ten 2009 19:28 TomC!E! BodE>C!r 
>>>>>>> napsal(a):
>>>>>>>> Everyone can try it
>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>> 2009/5/17 Duncan Patton a Campbell :
>>>>>>>>> I just noticed this:
>>>>>>>>> about a "secure" os that's been under
>>>>>>>>> development in China since around 2k
>>>>>>>>> and is now being deployed by the Chinese
>>>>>>>>> Gov.
>>>>>>>>> Interestingly, it is built for a "hardened"
>>>>>>>>> CPU that, I'd guess, lacks many of the advanced
>>>>>>>>> "features" of iNTel architecture cpus.
>>>>>>>>> Anybody have any more info on this?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Dhu

Re: Why aren't you running -current?

2011-09-08 Thread Fosforo
> So, having at least some system where you run -current, preferably in
> conditions similar to production machines, is a good idea to make sure you
> don't run into nasty surprises. It also helps us *a lot* as developers to
> find out about problems very soon after we introduce them...

good point. i'm kindly new to openbsd, and using the -stable ; will
setup a VM to test the updates done in -current, and with luck
contribute back with code to the community of this great os.
Bcz sex is like hacking.. you get in, you get out, and you
hope you didn't leave something behind that can be traced
back to you..

On 8 September 2011 18:01, Marc Espie  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 01:56:55AM +0200, roberth wrote:
>> Seriously, why?
> Funnily enough, a lot of people interpreted that as
> "why aren't you running -current on all your machines ?"
> which is obviously a different question, with a legitimate different answer.
> Most specifically, development happens in -current. If things stop working,
> and you only run releases, you will only notice when you update to the next
> release...
> So, having at least some system where you run -current, preferably in
> conditions similar to production machines, is a good idea to make sure you
> don't run into nasty surprises. It also helps us *a lot* as developers to
> find out about problems very soon after we introduce them...

Re: avrdude

2011-09-21 Thread Fosforo
dont know if applies, if not, sorry. but i am using arduino, post here:
Bcz sex is like hacking.. you get in, you get out, and you
hope you didn't leave something behind that can be traced
back to you..

On 21 September 2011 10:10, igor denisov  wrote:
> Hello there,
> Some day I bought a programmer, circuit diagram is at
>, but I do not
> know what *duino to use to start it. When I issue a command of
> #avrdude -b9200 -P /dev/cuaU0 -c arduino -p m16 -t
> there is no response for a long time then I just do
> ctrl c
> May someone help?
> Thank you.
> Regards,