Re: How do you do "family remote support"?

2017-07-13 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 09:45:55AM +0100, Etienne wrote:
> On 13/07/17 09:36, Philippe wrote:
> > The best option to me was a reverse SSH. A script connect them
> > automatically to my server @home, opening a specific port so I can
> > connect to their computers.
> > 
> > It works, it's simple, they don't have to do anything, they even can go
> > anywhere I'll still be able to help them. You don't have to worry about
> > NAT and dynamic IP addresses anymore. :-)
> > 
> +1. And the script they run to start a reverse SSH session can also create a
> tunnel for VNC, and start x11vnc.

Many ways to do this:

1) I use iStat menus on the MacOS. The network icon can be configured
   to tell you what IP addresses your Mac is on. The disavantages are
   that iStat menus isn't free and I'll have to tell my family how to
   get their IP address which is simpler with iStat but not drop dead
   simple. Alternatives to this approach would be iTerm configured to
   launch an appropriate ssh session to my house by default.

2) When I did a lot of "family-support" with my father-in-law, I ran
   an OpenBSD box as his firewall/edge router. I had an IPSec VPN up
   between our houses all the time. The router used bootp via mac
   address rather than dhcp for family Mac's where I had to do support
   so I always knew where to VNC to. This was pretty simple for me
   because I use OpenBSD as my edge router and and OpenBSD <-->
   OpenBSD IPSec tunnel is pretty simple to setup. The disadvantages
   here are at this point you really own this network and if your
   family calls their ISP for support they will probably screw things
   up pretty badly. But I found OpenBSD on Soekris to be stable enough
   that this wasn't really a problem.

If forced into a situation where I had to do support without an IPSec
VPN via the NATed and LAN IP's I'd probably spend an afternoon writing
a python-tkinter program to display that information. Something really
simple like: Your Lan IP is: x.x.x.x / Your outside IP is: y.y.y.y and
then an exit button. Then I would enable VNC.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: FreeBSD daemon(8)-like command for OpenBSD

2020-01-29 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 09:46:10AM +, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> On 2020-01-27 19:13, Patrick Kristiansen wrote:
> > Is there something like the FreeBSD daemon(8) command for OpenBSD, which
> > can run a process in the background and restart it if it crashes?
> Of course init does this for getty but as others have pointed out, restarting
> daemons listening to the network during unexpected occurrences, like the 
> kernel
> killing it during exploitation is a terrible default. I hear it in GoLang all
> the time and it irks me. I am against panic handling in Go generally but 
> perhaps
> there will be some occasion where it may be of some use for semi-unexpected
> issues (perhaps hw redundancy, though generally that is better handled by 
> having
> redundant complete systems).
> You can always use monit from pkg/ports for anything you have decided is an
> exception but it is good that OpenBSD makes people stop and think and maybe 
> fix
> first.

I understand the security issues involved and I *completely* agree
with all who posted on them above.

Having said that, I'll add that the complete source code from the
FreeBSD daemon(8) program is on any FreeBSD system that has source
code package installed at:


free for you to grab. It should therefore be trivial to get FreeBSD's
daemon(8) onto your OpenBSD box by grabbing the source from a FreeBSD
box and building it on your OpenBSD system.

I would emphasize that this is only the best option if, you're most
comfortable with daemon(8) as opposed to something from OpenBSD's
pkg/ports tree, and you can build it from source. Otherwise you'd be
better off installing one of the many ports/packages designed to
manage and restart daemons mentioned above.


 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_       -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

OpenSMTPD/mail stuck in queue with incorrect relay

2015-11-21 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
Hi all,

I'm replacing a security appliance that was on OpenBSD 5.5 with the
new hotness on OpenBS 5.8. Everything is going smoothly except email.

The box is connected to a private network, it has no route to the

I'd like it to listen on localhost only and relay all mail to a host
running smtp on the private network.

I can see from the logs that opensmtpd has used DNS to find the MX
record for my domain and it trying to contact that
host directly. That's due to a mistake in my previous mail
configuration. /etc/mail/smtpd.conf now reads:

#   $OpenBSD: smtpd.conf,v 1.7 2014/03/12 18:21:34 tedu Exp $

listen on lo0

table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db

accept for local alias  deliver to mbox
accept from local for any \
relay via smtp:// as


New mail to works fine.

How to I tell smtpd to re-route massages currently in the queue to the
smarthost at


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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Re: OpenSMTPD/mail stuck in queue with incorrect relay

2015-11-22 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 07:06:51PM +0100, Denis Fondras wrote:
> > How to I tell smtpd to re-route massages currently in the queue to the
> > smarthost at
> >
> I haven't checked lately but it was not possible last time I asked.

Sucks to be me. At least I've got the routing problem fixed and I have
confirmation that mail is going to the right smarthost now. I'll
temporarily hook this into the front side network and attempt
delivery to clear the queue.

Thank you for the quick reply!


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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Re: NSD/Unbound clarifications

2015-11-24 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 12:24:53PM +0100, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've switched from Obsd 5.3 from Pfsense to try it. Now I want come back to
> Obsd. I prefer it.

Great choice.


> Now today I've nsd and unbound that I can use on my firewall.
> I don't need authoritative server, and I should use unbound.
> nsd and unbound have similar syntax and I reading from web I can resolve
> with each of them.
> Now I'm confused...who use? Correct me if I'm wrong:
> 1) I must use only nsd for authoritative server (internet exposed) for my
> ipotetic zone (I can use it in my lan for dns resolver?).
> 2) I can use only unbound for lan dns resolving/caching/validating with
> zones if not needed an authoritative domain.
> 3) I can use nsd for authoritative server (internet exposed) and for lan
> unbound as recursive/cache dns with the authoritative server.
> 4) I can use unbound as authoritative server and for recursing and other.
> 5) NSD is the best for authoritative and unbound for other things.

As others have said:

unbound is a recursive resolver that can forward dns queries
upstream. It can perform in a limited role as an authoritative server
using local-zone but the configuration there is cumbersome if you have
more than a handful of hosts.

nsd is an authoritative server that's flexible enough to easily
replace bind as your authoritative server if that what you need.

You can combine the forwarding capabilities of unbound with the
authoritative capabilities of nsd to do everything that bind did. I'm
assuming the advantage of this setup is that the combination of
unbound and nsd has a smaller footprint or is more secure or more than
likely not both. The configuration isn't that difficult but there are
some gotcha's.

In my example I needed to be authoritative for a domain so I
configured nsd to serve the domain. The man pages for nsd explained
this well and it's quite simple. The trick is to have nsd serve the
domain on localhost only and not on port 53.

Then I configured unbound to be a recursive resolver that forwarded
requests for "" to the local nsd. Here's the configuration
snippet. In my example the network is running at so I
forwarded two zones:



## This setting is critical. Without it unbound won't forward
## requests to nsd running on localhost.

do-not-query-localhost: no


name: ""

name: ""

## forward-zone:
##  name: "."   # use for ALL queries
## forward-addr:
## forward-addr:


If you can setup bind then you shouldn't have problems setting up and
testing nsd to serve forward and reverse for a domain. Configuring nsd
on a alternate port is pretty simple. The config snippet about
redirects unbound to the local nsd.

That's probably answers more than you wanted. But I could see this
combination of nsd and unbound being popular among people looking for
a lighter weight alternative to bind.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

I'm looking for a uwsgi port for use with nginx and django. Searching
the ports collection I don't find anything. I'd like to know if that's
not done because no one has needed it yet or because of some security
implication that I don't know about.

I'd prefer a port since I don't want to use two packaging systems, pkg
and pip. If I build a port I'd also eventually add a rc-script since
under the uwsgi model of the web the backend web process gets started

I can take an existing python port and create something which I would
gladly share with the project. But if uwsgi is excluding because of
security issues then building a port would be silly.

Thanks for any information,

  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: pf, anchors, and macros

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 01:37:52PM -0200, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
> Macros need to be present in each anchor file. Tables don't need to. I
> have a little script that copies all my macros after I edit /etc/pf.conf
> to the anchors. I use commented marks on /etc/pf.con to know where to
> begin copying and where to end. But you get the point.

I think it's always been this way. This may have changed but if you
specify filter conditions in your anchor definition the screening you
get is combination of the screen on the anchor from the base pf.conf
file and the filters specified in the anchor file itself. I use
anchors on FreeBSD which is using an older version of pf but I got
around the issue this way:

--- /etc/pf.conf ---
anchor imapd in on $ext_if from any to ($ext_if)
load anchor imapd from "/etc/pf-anchor-home/imapd.conf"

--- /etc/pf-anchor-home/imapd.conf -

imapd_ports="{ 143, 993 }"

pass in proto tcp to any port $imapd_ports keep state

That's a simple example. It would honestly be better without the
anchor since using the anchor divides the rule up into two places. I
do it that way because I can easily split firewalling up across two
puppet rules. As Giancarlo wrote, the anchor can use your tables. He
didn't mention that the anchor can define it's own macros. The net
result of this is:

 pass in on $ext_if \
 from any \
 to ($ext_if) port { 143, 993 } \
 keep state


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 07:19:25PM +, Pedro Tender wrote:
> Node.js modules have been removed also in favor of npm.
> I highly recommend virtualenv and pip to keep your system cleaner if not
> every other reason (package versions, incompatibilities, etc).
> Keep Python packages away from your system and into their own environment.

While I love pip and virtualenv in development, I don't understand the
advantage they offer over the system package manager on a production
machine. In addition, I feel that a reasonable uwsgi package would
include an rc-script to start your app automatically at system boot
time. [1] Combine all of this with puppet, git and some git-hook magic for
your custom bits and you end up with an easily managed system.

There's no doubt that all of this could be hand hacked but the way I
see it the less hand hacking on production machines, the better. It
might just be my style, but I feel that the less work I have to do on
a production system from the command line, the more reliable that
system will be.

[1] As an aside, my efforts might be better spent adding an rc script
to the current gunicorn package. But, if I'm correct uwsgi is written
in C so I expect it to be a little more performant. My project is
going to run on a Soekris Net5501 at the end of the day and the whole
reason I'm going here is because apache/mod_wsgi has horrible first
time startup costs serving django applications and tuning it is a bear. 


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 07:54:48PM +, Pedro Tender wrote:
> If you have multiple apps in production with different versions of packages
> that break compatibility then you'll be in a world of pain.

I do see that advantage.

> You also have supervisor to make it rc-able.

pip/virtualenv includes a supervisor or I have to write a script that
sets up virtualenv for startup and launches the app.

-- Chris

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Re: python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 09:16:05PM +0100, Kamil Cholewiński wrote:
> Everything boils down to whether you'd like to run more than one app on
> your box.
> > While I love pip and virtualenv in development, I don't understand the
> > advantage they offer over the system package manager on a production
> > machine.
> Easy: whenever you can't be bothered with proper containers. App X
> requires package foo version 1.2, app Y requires foo version 1.4.
> Docker solves this universally. You can also achieve a similar effect by
> building a chroot. virtualenv's advantage is it doesn't require root,
> and is (subjectively) easier to use.

I agree with this completely but I tend to be in the one VM per app
category which puts me solidly in the "one app per box" square. I like
what I've heard about Docker because it commercializes and
commoditizes the one app per box management philosophy.

[... snip ...]

> > In addition, I feel that a reasonable uwsgi package would include an
> > rc-script to start your app automatically at system boot time.
> I prefer to run my application servers with runit. Traditional RC
> scripts usually assume one package = one application instance. Usually
> that's a sane assumption (what would be your reason for running two
> instances of Apache?) but again, if you can't be bothered with
> containers, virtualenv+runit make it easy to just put app X in /home/x,
> app Y in /home/y, then run two uwsgi's.

I looked at runit but the documentation bills it as a replacement for
init which I find to be very heavyweight. Am I missing something about
runit, like a way to use it to manage a set of processes under init?

> You've mentioned Puppet. Also check out Ansible.

I would have said that I'm with Winston Churchill [1] on puppet but I have
to say that I'm not. Right now, puppet's what I know. I'm aware of
chef and I have seen Ansible in the space. If Ansible is the on that's
written in python I think I want to look at that one next.

Thank you very much,
-- Chris

[1] "Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of
Government except for all those other forms that have been tried
from time to time." -- Winston Churchill to the House of Commons -
11-Nov, 1947

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Re: python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 09:19:25PM +, Pedro Tender wrote:
>You have a port

Thanks for the tip, that's exactly what I'm looking for!! I also
wanted to say thanks for the input. I understand what you are saying
and when I run into version incompatiblity issues I usually run to:
Create a user that does this app, Create an environment for the app to
run it. It's just not where I'd like to be by default.

Thanks again for the tips!
-- Chris

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Re: a little help with ipsec

2015-12-13 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 03:53:46PM +0100, Marko Cupać wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Dec 2015 23:49:37 + (UTC)
> Stuart Henderson  wrote:
> > Neither isakmpd nor iked tracks DNS changes.
> This is good to know, thank you for the information.
> > On the central side use "passive" not "dynamic". Remove the "peer
> > $gw_branche" to set this for the 'default peer' (i.e. to avoid
> > matching on IP address).
> >

[ ...snip ]

> > It might be easier to get the basic setup working with psk first, but
> > when you have that up and running, see the PUBLIC KEY AUTHENTICATION
> > section in isakmpd(8) and get that setup, it is pretty simple to use
> > and much safer than psk.
> That was the idea from the beginning, didn't want to complicate further
> before having basic setup working.

You have things working as well as they can if you have a Dynamic IP
address for one endpoint. It's really too bad that ipsec is such a
black box in this area. You really have to deconstruct IPSec to
understand the mechanisms that it uses to identify a peer and choose a

When your ipsec.conf file specifies multiple stanzas corresponding to
different tunnels, the isakmpd or iked has to figure out which peer
it's talking to. Let's call this peer endpoint identification. It has
to do this so it can apply the correct stanza to the connecting
peer. It can identify a peer via IP address, FQDN from DNS, or via a
key or certificate. Alternatively your static side configuration can
specify a default and if the dynamic side only needs to present the
correct key, the static side can establish the tunnel. As someone
mentioned above, both isakmpd, and iked do a DNS lookup at program
startup and then never consult DNS again. The implication of "once at
startup DNS" is that using FQDN via DNS with a dynamic IP is always
going to be problematic.

You know that the tunnel parameters you have are setup correctly on
both sides because the tunnel works initially. If your dynamic side is
truly dynamic what's happening is this:

 The dynamic side tries to renegotiate because it's IP address

 The static side rejects the negotiation because it hasn't updated
 it's config to match the new state in DNS.

Moving to public keys will fix the renegotiation problem by using an
identification token that's independent of DNS.

-- Chris

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dpb build box performance suggestions.

2015-12-16 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm trying to dpb to maintain a small set of packages for a handfull
of OpenBSD boxes that I run. These boxes will all be single purpose
servers of some type or another. Many of them will run with limited
disk space and memory on Soekris hardware. What resources do I want on
my dpb/build box to make it fast?

My dpb/build box is a VMWare virtual machine on a host with SSD
storage. Tweaking the number of available CPU's, the memory, or the
type of storage is relatively simple further, I can split the task and
have a fast build VM and an install virtual machine which shares httpd
available storage via NFS.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

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Re: dpb build box performance suggestions.

2015-12-16 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 11:15:29PM +, Tati Chevron wrote:
> >Or both.  Drop VMWare on the floor NOW, if you need virtualisation use
> >generic QEMU/KVM in any recent Linux distribution of your choice and
> >plan to wipe it clean after you're done fiddling with it.  Yes, really
> >seriously remove the virtualisation for a build machine, go bare metal.
> >Try without hyperthreading for a comparison.  Before you notice and get
> >to complain you need VM for something just use the native OpenBSD
> >hypervisor.
> Our build machines both run on bare metal.  To be honest, once you've
> pulled the entire set of source distfiles for one release, you don't even
> need much in the way of connectivity to stay up to date.

Virtual is the only option but I'm not trying to mirror the entire ports
collection. I'm trying run a puppet/package server for a tiny fleet of
soekris boxen.

> From the way the OP described the setup, it does look like he intends to
> run the build machine remotely, as a VPS.  I wouldn't recommend using a
> VPS as a build machine, as you need CPU and RAM with little connectivity,
> which is the opposite of what most VPS providers will offer.  Our build
> machines are on-site, and we just send the resulting binary packages
> wherever they need to go.

It's not remote. It runs as one virtual server of two on a 2010
MacPro. My host is modest. It's a 2.8GHz Zeon with 24Gb of RAM and
0.5Tb of SSD. My ports list is equally modest. I generally run OpenBSD
as a server role. If I were to build an OpenBSD desktop, I would rely
on project's mirrors. There's a good argument to be made that me using
dpb is a fools errand but I like to rely on myself. My ports list is
equally modest at 24 ports right now. I expect it to grow but not by much.

> >>Also, be aware that some ports have a mass of unnecessary dependencies,
> >>and that tweaking this can reduce the build time substantially, especially
> >>if you are building the same packages repeatedly for some reason.
> >
> >Use a "virtual" axe ;-) virtually "axing" around.
> Really, have a look at the dependencies for ImageMagick, and ask yourself
> who really uses djvu, for example.  Removing it and ghostscript reduces
> the dependencies from:
> 5.8-release:
> # make print-build-depends

[ massive dependency list snipped... ]

Thank you!!! This hits the nail on the head. One of the twenty four
things I currently want is editors/emacs,gtk2. That wants ImageMagick... I
stopped the dpb build this morning at I=417 ports. As far as I'm
concerned that's off the chain. I'm trying to decide between figuring
out who the big players are in my dependency chain or just going with
editors/emacs,no_x11 and using tramp and or git when I want bells and
whistles emacs.  


 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: python uwsgi port/package

2015-12-22 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 07:22:27PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2015-12-02, Christopher Sean Hilton  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for any information,
> I made a start at a port, I was going to use it for something but it
> didn't happen in the end so I left it in openbsd-wip in case anyone
> wants to pick it up. The basics are there (though may need updating)
> and IIRC it did work, it'll want a bit of polish though - rc script,
> probably its own uid/gid, maybe a readme etc.


Thank you very much for your port of uwsgi. I got it going on my test
instance without much trouble a couple of weeks ago and I'm putting it
into production. If you are interested, I read the docs on the rc.d
system and came up with this:



. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr

pexp="${daemon} .*--master"

rc_cmd $1

## -

I kept with the emperor/vassals theme and created a directory:
/etc/uwsgi/vassals for configs and ran in master/emperor mode. To run
the script you'll want:

 uwsgi_flags="--daemonize --master --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals"

in your /etc/rc.conf.local

You'll also probably want to add a user or a few, perhaps one per
uwsgi service instance and create an ini file for each like this.

plugins = python
socket =
uid = service_user
gid = service_user
chdir = /var/www/htdocs/my_django_site/code
module = my_django_service.wsgi:application

Thanks again for your help. Without it things would have been much
more difficult.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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IPsec config with dynamic IP.

2016-02-18 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I have an IPSec VPN endpoint running on OpenBSD on a cable
modem. Technically it has a dynamic IP but in practice the IP only changes
about once every 3 ~ 5 years. I run ddclient on the OpenBSD box to
maintain the dns name of the box so I can find it and that's working

My ipsec configuration is base on certificates. Thus, my single point
of failure is DNS resolution. And my failure modality is that things
won't configure if DNS is unavailable. Specifically, my problem is
with startup of the ipsec infrastructure.

I get this error at startup:

 starting early daemons: syslogd pflogd ntpd isakmpd.
 no IP address found for
 /etc/ipsec.conf: 15: could not parse host specification
 no IP address found for
 /etc/ipsec.conf: 26: could not parse host specification
 no IP address found for
 /etc/ipsec.conf: 35: could not parse host specification
 ipsecctl: Syntax error in config file: ipsec rules not loaded
 starting RPC daemons:.
 savecore: no core dump
 checking quotas: done.
 clearing /tmp
 kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
 creating runtime link editor directory cache.
 preserving editor files.
 starting network daemons: sshd snmpd rtadvd smtpd.
 starting package daemons: squid isc_named netsnmpd.
 starting local daemons: cron.

Logging into the box and doing:

 # rcctl restart isakmpd
 # ipsecctl -F -f /etc/ipsec.conf

Makes everything good again. This leads to a few questions:

 My box cannot resolve the name "" until
 after isc_named is started which happens way late in the bootup
 process. I've noticed that the rcctl manpage mentions changing
 the startup order.

* Can I affect this change at all since isakmpd is a base
  system service and isc_named is in pkg_scripts?

 Just restarting isakmpd doesn't load /etc/ipsec.conf. Without a
 configuration, I'm not sure how useful isakmpd is.

* Would it be wise to just add cron job that fires at reboot
  and uses rcctl to reload isakmpd and then reloads the ipsec

As always, it's possible that I'm completely missing something
here. I'm always interested in better solutions.

Thank you very much,

  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: IPsec config with dynamic IP.

2016-02-19 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 11:36:04AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2016-02-18, Christopher Sean Hilton  wrote:
> >  My box cannot resolve the name "" until
> >  after isc_named is started which happens way late in the bootup
> That seems like a misconfiguration - apart from this issue, what if BIND
> crashes or you need to update it? can't you list another nameserver
> in resolv.conf?

I've always run servers that have bind with resolv.conf as:


so, as a dynamic configured ip on a cable modem, this server has:

 'supersede domain-name-servers;'

in /etc/dhclient.conf. But I've recently found that changing that from
supersede to prepend can be useful in other situations. I can do that
here also.

> You could run isakmpd/ipsecctl from rc.local which always runs after
> the main startup scripts. Otherwise you're into modifyong /etc/rc.

That's a good tip. There are pieces of it that I like better than my
solution of an @reboot cron job.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

How does isakmpd determine which config stanza to use?

2016-02-19 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I have an ipsec setup using certificate/ca based authentication. The
config looks like this:

#   $OpenBSD: ipsec.conf,v 1.5 2006/09/14 15:10:43 hshoexer Exp $



## -- Remote router 

ike passive esp from { $my_v4_ip, $my_v4_net } to { $remote_fqdn, 
$remote_v4_net } \
local $my_v4_ip peer $remote_fqdn \
main auth hmac-sha256 enc aes-128 group modp1024 lifetime 1800 \
quick auth hmac-sha256 enc aes-128 group none \
srcid $my_fqdn dstid $remote_fqdn

## -- Laptop(s) 

ike passive esp from { $my_v4_ip, $my_v4_net } to any \
local $my_v4_ip peer any \
main auth hmac-sha256 enc aes-128 group modp1024 lifetime 1800 \
quick auth hmac-sha256 enc aes-128 group none \
srcid $my_fqdn

I'm trying to configure for two kinds of tunnels. One to a small
soekris box that provides it's own network, and one for laptop(s) that
connect ad-hoc from a coffee shops or clients work sites.

The soekris box as a fqdn certificate. The laptops have user-fqdn
certs. My question is:

   * Am I right to assume that when connecting to isakmpd the soekris
 box will match to the "Remote router" stanza because it's trying
 to build a tunnel from "srcid <-> dstid" or is isakmpd using the
 "local <-> peer" to choose the stanza?

I ask the question to get a better understanding of how isakmpd choses
the configuration stanza in case I have to expand on this
config. Also, I find this a little tricky because both sides of the
tunnel are on dynamic IPs although one side changes very very rarely.

Another question I have is:

   * Would it be worth my while to move this config out of
 isakmpd/ikev1 into ike/ikev2?

With the soekris, I'm tunnelling IPv6 traffic over a gif v4/v6
tunnel. While this works, it's a tremendous kludge. And my ipv6 mtu
ends up being something like 1320 bytes after all the overhead from
UDP NAT-T and ESP overhead. I'd heard that ikev2 lowers the overhead
but if it's just in the negotiation exchange it may not be worth the


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Dhcpleased feature request.

2023-08-27 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
So, today I was attempting to replace dhcpleased with /sbin/dhclient
and long story short, I discovered that /sbin/dhclient has been nerfed
to just execl /sbin/dhcpleased. As documented the reason is you want
to smoke out whatever features people need from a dhcp client that
dhcpleased doesn't support. I'm writing to say that I'd be fine with
dhcpleased if I can set an option to ask the dhcp server for a
specific lease time. I know that the server need not honor my request
but the dhcp server that I'm using will honor a reasonable duration,
say a fraction of a day. The default lease length is 30 minutes.

I'm reading through the dhclient code now to see how it implements the
lease time option. If I'm capable, I'll send in a patch.

I want to say thank you for all the improvements in OpenBSD over the
years. I just upgraded my firewall from OpenBSD 7.0 to 7.3 and the
improvements are awesome.

Thanks again!


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Both serial and pc consoles on Super Micro A1SRi-2758F machine

2023-08-27 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I run my firewall on a SuperMicro A1SRi-2758F. On this hardware, I've
noticed that I seem to have the choice of either a PC console or a
serial console. If I ask for a serial console *on this hardware* I get
a console on uart:com0 and it works great but I don't have any PC/VGA
consoles. On the other hand, if I configure for a PC console, hoping
to just enable the serial port in /etc/ttys, I have a getty running
against the UART hardware but it can't use it as a console. Hitting
return in a cu window from my oob server doesn't get any output.

I can solve my problems in one of two ways. If I can boot with serial
consoles by setting them up in /etc/boot.conf and also have terminals
on the pc consoles, I'd be happy. I'd also be happy if I could figure
out how to configure the BIOS to make enable the serial port as just
a plain serial port. Super Micro seems to have other ideas and I
understand that this is *my* problem.

I'll tak any suggestions here.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: Both serial and pc consoles on Super Micro A1SRi-2758F machine

2023-08-28 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 07:41:19AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 08:40:44PM -0400, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

[ ...snip... ]

> > I can solve my problems in one of two ways. If I can boot with serial
> > consoles by setting them up in /etc/boot.conf and also have terminals
> > on the pc consoles, I'd be happy. I'd also be happy if I could figure
> > out how to configure the BIOS to make enable the serial port as just
> > a plain serial port. Super Micro seems to have other ideas and I
> > understand that this is *my* problem.
> > 
> > I'll tak any suggestions here.
> What did you put into /etc/ttys when using a VGA console?
>   -Otto

I've moved it to the serial console config. Admitting in advance that
I could be mistaken, I've posted the relevant files below. I annotated
the dmesg output with marks to show where the serial port is detected
and that the wsdisplay *does not attach* to the detected vga1
device. I think that if I could make the wsdisplay device attach then
my problem would be solved.

Thanks again

-- Chris

Attached output follows:

== /etc/boot.conf ==

stty com0 115200
set tty com0

== /etc/ttys ==

#   $OpenBSD: ttys,v 1.2 2008/01/09 17:39:42 miod Exp $
# name  getty   typestatus  comments
console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyC0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on  secure
ttyC1   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on  secure
ttyC2   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on  secure
ttyC3   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on  secure
ttyC4   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyC5   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on  secure
ttyC6   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyC7   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyC8   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyC9   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyCa   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
ttyCb   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   off secure
tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" unknown on  secure
tty01   "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" unknown on  secure
tty02   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off
tty03   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off
tty04   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off
tty05   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off
tty06   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off
tty07   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off

== dmesg.boot ==

 OpenBSD 7.3 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Tue Jul 25 08:20:26 MDT 2023
 real mem = 8541495296 (8145MB)
 avail mem = 8263225344 (7880MB)
 random: good seed from bootblocks
 mpath0 at root
 scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
 mainbus0 at root
 bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.8 @ 0x7f4d8000 (50 entries)
 bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "2.1" date 01/18/2018
 bios0: Supermicro A1SRi-2758F
 acpi0 at bios0: ACPI 5.0
 acpi0: sleep states S0 S5
 acpi0: wakeup devices PEX1(S0) PEX2(S0) PEX3(S0) PEX4(S0) EHC1(S0)
 acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
 acpimcfg0 at acpi0
 acpimcfg0: addr 0xe000, bus 0-255
 acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
 cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
 cpu0: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2400.37 MHz, 06-4d-08
 cpu0: 24KB 64b/line 6-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
 cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
 mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
 cpu0: apic clock running at 100MHz
 cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
 cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
 cpu1: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2400.66 MHz, 06-4d-08
 cpu1: 24KB 64b/line 6-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
 cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0


 cpu7 at mainbus0: apid 14 (application processor)
 cpu7: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2402.94 MHz, 06-4d-08

Re: Both serial and pc consoles on Super Micro A1SRi-2758F machine

2023-08-28 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 04:50:37PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 10:33:23AM -0400, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 07:41:19AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> > > On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 08:40:44PM -0400, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> > > 
> > 
> > [ ...snip... ]
> > 
> > > > I can solve my problems in one of two ways. If I can boot with serial
> > > > consoles by setting them up in /etc/boot.conf and also have terminals
> > > > on the pc consoles, I'd be happy. I'd also be happy if I could figure
> > > > out how to configure the BIOS to make enable the serial port as just
> > > > a plain serial port. Super Micro seems to have other ideas and I
> > > > understand that this is *my* problem.
> > > > 
> > > > I'll tak any suggestions here.
> > > 
> > > What did you put into /etc/ttys when using a VGA console?
> > > 
> > >   -Otto
> > > 
> > 
> > I've moved it to the serial console config. Admitting in advance that
> > I could be mistaken, I've posted the relevant files below. I annotated
> > the dmesg output with marks to show where the serial port is detected
> > and that the wsdisplay *does not attach* to the detected vga1
> > device. I think that if I could make the wsdisplay device attach then
> > my problem would be solved.
> Having wsdisplay(4) without being the under;ying device being marked
> as console is atypical. Don't know if it is possible at all. 

Here's part of a dmesg for a different OpenBSD machine that I run, also as a
packet filter. It has slightly different hardware but in this case,
wsdisplay attaches and I get 5 pc terminals as well as a serial console. 

=== dmesg output ===

 acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 2 (P0P8)
 acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus 3 (P0P9)
 acpipci0 at acpi0 PCI0: 0x0010 0x0011 0x
 acpicmos0 at acpi0
*>   com0 at acpi0 UAR1 addr 0x3f8/0x8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
*>   com0: console
 acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
 acpicpu0 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!)
 acpicpu1 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!)
 acpicpu2 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!)
 acpicpu3 at acpi0: C1(@1 halt!)
 ipmi at mainbus0 not configured
 pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
*>   pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Pineview DMI" rev 0x02
*>   inteldrm0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel Pineview Video" rev 0x02
*>   drm0 at inteldrm0
*>   intagp0 at inteldrm0
*>   agp0 at intagp0: aperture at 0xd000, size 0x1000
*>   inteldrm0: apic 4 int 16, PINEVIEW, gen 3
*>   "Intel Pineview Video" rev 0x02 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
 uhci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 4 int 16
 uhci1 at pci0 dev 26 function 1 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 4 int 21


 isa0 at pcib0
 isadma0 at isa0
 pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
 pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
 wskbd0 at pckbd0 mux 1
*>   vga0 at isa0 port 0x3b0/48 iomem 0xa/131072
*>   wsdisplay at vga0 not configured
 pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
 pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
 wskbd0 at pckbd0 mux 1
*>   vga0 at isa0 port 0x3b0/48 iomem 0xa/131072
*>   wsdisplay at vga0 not configured
 pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61


*>   inteldrm0: 1024x768, 32bpp
*>   wsdisplay0 at inteldrm0 mux 1
 pckbd_enable: command error
*>   wsdisplay0: screen 0-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)

In this case wsdisplay is attaching to the intel graphics card built
into the chipset. The motherboard here is a much older, much lower
performance Intel Atom D525.

On the target hardware, when /etc/boot.conf is missing or empty,
wsdisplay0 attaches to the vga[01]. As I said in my original post,
SuperMicro is doing something *fancy* with the serial port on this
motherboard to *enhance* the usefulness of the remote sessions on the
serial hardware. Whatever trick that they are pulling is not working
correctly. I've scoured the BIOS to find a configuration that make com1:
0x3f8/irq 4, just be a serial UART. I can't find it. I was hoping that
either there's a way to configure the kernel to attach vga1 to
wsdisplay through `boot -c` or that someone has experience with the
BIOS on these machines and has convinced the motherboard to remove the
*fancy sauce* attached to the serial ports.

Thank you again for your help Otto,

-- Chris

> > 
> > Thanks again
> > 
> > -- Chris
> > 
> > Attached output follows:
> > 
> > 
> > == /etc/boot.conf ==
> > 
> > stty com0 115200
> > set tty com0
> > 
> > 
> > == /etc/ttys ==
> > 
> > #
> > #

Re: Dhcpleased feature request.

2023-08-29 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 08:53:14AM -, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2023-08-28, Christopher Sean Hilton  wrote:
> > I'd be fine with
> > dhcpleased if I can set an option to ask the dhcp server for a
> > specific lease time. I know that the server need not honor my request
> > but the dhcp server that I'm using will honor a reasonable duration,
> > say a fraction of a day. The default lease length is 30 minutes.
> I do think this is a useful thing to be able to add to the request and
> probably is something that dhcpleased should have.
> > I'm reading through the dhclient code now to see how it implements the
> > lease time option. If I'm capable, I'll send in a patch.
> You probably won't find dhclient code to be particularly helpful in
> implementing this. In dhclient the set of all requested options is built up in
> one place, then written to the packet separately, and it's all dine in
> one process so it's just stored in memory. In dhcpleased the values
> for a fixed set of config options are passed through a message-passing
> framework between several processes and the request packet is built,
> using the options values if they were set but otherwise ignoring them.
> It's easiest to first hardcode the actual requested lease time and get
> the packet sending to work (a few lines of code in one function) before
> looking at making it configurable (not difficult, but requires changes
> in various pieces of code in different files).
> You would need to add to the request in dhcpleased/frontend.c's
> build_packet() function. See how the various options are appended to the
> buffer dhcp_packet by incrementing the pointer p and writing/copying to
> it. See how existing config options like hostname and client id are
> added (first byte is the option number using the relevant DHO_DHCP_xxx
> #define, followed by the number of bytes used to encode that option
> value, followed by the value).
> In this case it's DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME (numerically that's 51), and it's
> always 4 bytes and written as an unsigned integer (number of seconds).
> (
> Note the value must be in network byte order; htonl will be needed to
> convert from host byte order.
> To make it configurable in dhcpleased a bunch of 'plumbing' is needed,
> follow how an existing option like hostname is passed through from the
> config parser to the engine to where the request packets are actually
> built via messages sent through the imsg api. Nothing really tricky 
> but it's a bit of a pipeline of different pieces that need connecting
> and it's probably more encouraging to see your efforts show up in the
> transmitted packet before starting on that.
> You might find the graphical wireshark utility to be helpful in the
> initial stage of changing build-packet() as you can click on the decoded
> DHCP options in the request and see how they translate to bytes in the
> packet. Or tcpdump, but the concise output format used by the dhcp
> decoder isn't very obvious at first.

Stuart, Thanks for the tips. That will save me a bucket of time. I
have a couple of hours on the train this afternoon. I'll look into
things then.

Thanks again


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Soekris equivalent

2008-12-17 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
Is anyone aware of an equivalent for the Soekris Net 5501-70. I'm  
looking to prototype an OpenBSD border gateway that offers web proxy  
capabilities through
squid cache but squid is a bit of a memory hog and I'd like to have  
something with a Gig of RAM. Power footprint is a consideration which  
is why the Soekris is at the top of the list.

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   tildeChris --
email -- chris/at/vindaloo/ 
 "I'm on the outside looking inside, What do  
I see?
   Much confusion, disillution, all  
around me."
 -- Ian McDonald / Peter  

Split Horizon DNS issues....

2009-01-13 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm trying to track down a split horizon DNS issue. On initial startup  
everything works great. Internal hosts can resolve names against my  
complete zone and can resolve names for other internal hosts just  
fine. External hosts get the abbreviated views that I've setup. But  
after a period of time named stops responding to external host.  
Requests to it just time out. I'm running stock named on OpenBSD 4.3.  
I've attached my named.conf file to this message. Sorry about the Mime  

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   e: chris|at|vindaloo| 

   "The pattern juggler lifts his hand; The orchestra  
   As slowly turns the grinding wheel in the court of the crimson  
-- Ian McDonald / Peter  

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of named.conf-split-obsd]

Re: Split Horizon DNS issues w/named.conf

2009-01-13 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
Repost with conf file included:

I'm trying to track down a split horizon DNS issue. On initial startup  
everything works great. Internal hosts can resolve names against my  
complete zone and can resolve names for other internal hosts just  
fine. External hosts get the abbreviated views that I've setup. But  
after a period of time named stops responding to external host.  
Requests to it just time out. I'm running stock named on OpenBSD 4.3.  
I've attached my named.conf file to this message:

// $OpenBSD: named-dual.conf,v 1.6 2004/08/16 15:48:28 jakob Exp $
acl clients {;;

options {
version ""; // remove this to allow version queries

listen-on{ any; };
listen-on-v6 { any; };

logging {
category lame-servers { null; };

view "internal" {
match-clients { clients; };
match-recursive-only yes;

// Standard zones
zone "." {
type hint;
file "standard/root.hint";

zone "localhost" {
type master;
file "standard/localhost";
allow-transfer { localhost; };

zone "" {
type master;
file "standard/loopback";
allow-transfer { localhost; };

"" {
type master;
file "standard/";
allow-transfer { localhost; };

// Slave zones

zone "" IN {
type slave;
file "slave/";
check-names ignore;
masters {; };
allow-transfer { localhost;;; };

zone "" IN {
type slave;
file "slave/db.192.168.0";
masters {; };
allow-transfer { localhost;;; };

zone "" IN {
type slave;
file "slave/db.192.168.1";
masters {; };
allow-transfer { localhost;;; };

view "external" {
match-clients { "any"; };
recursion no;
additional-from-auth no;
additional-from-cache no;

// Master zones

zone "" {
type master;
file "master/";

// Local variables:
// mode: fundamental
// mode: font-lock
// tab-width: 4
// End:

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   chris-at-vindaloo-dot-com

"All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
 -- Rosa Parks

Isakmpd Cert question.

2017-02-07 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm using isakmpd to manage an ipsec VPN between OpenBSD 5.8 <-> OpenBSD
6.0. This also manages a VPN between Mac OS X/ IPsecuritas and OpenBSD 6.0.

The example describes a situation where you have one self signed root
certificate located in /etc/isakmpd/ca/root.crt and otherside::client.crt from 
other side which should be signed by root.crt. My situation is slightly
different. I have:


(signed by) /etc/isakmpd/ca/intermediate.crt

(signed by) /etc/isakmpd/ca/root.crt

But I'm having trouble getting this going. As I read the source code in
x509.c I can see that isakmpd is at least reading and hashing all the certs
in /etc/isakmpd/ca. Is there something special that I have to do to have it
chain intermediate.crt -> root.crt so it can use client.crt without having
to put client.crt into /etc/isakmpd/certs?

Thanks for all your help!

-- Chris

Isakmpd vs iked

2017-02-07 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
How hard is it to transition from an isakmpd managed IPsec VPN to iked
managment? I have a certificate based isakmpd solution that works. It
is mainly just a matter of rsyncing the directories and using a little
editor magic on the ipsec.conf file to create iked.conf?

Thanks in advance,

-- Chris

Re: Isakmpd Cert question.

2017-02-07 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 11:23:29AM -0500, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> I'm using isakmpd to manage an ipsec VPN between OpenBSD 5.8 <-> OpenBSD
> 6.0. This also manages a VPN between Mac OS X/ IPsecuritas and OpenBSD 6.0.

Some more information on this and possibly a real question:

Here's the logs from the OpenBSD 5.8 machine:

130142.003702 Cryp 40 x509_read_from_dir: reading certs from /etc/isakmpd/ca/
130142.004443 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
130142.004825 Default x509_read_from_dir: PEM_read_X509 failed for 
130142.004921 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
130142.006237 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
130142.007072 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
130142.008005 Cryp 50 x509_read_from_dir: X509_STORE_add_cert failed for 
130142.008133 Cryp 40 x509_read_from_dir: reading certs from /etc/isakmpd/certs/

The intermediate cert: .../ca/sign.crt is an x509 CA cert which is
signed by .../ca/root.crt yet X509_STORE_add_cert fails to add it to
the chain. I'm expecting sign.crt to be accepted because it's issued
by root.crt.

Q: Is X509_STORE_add_cert trying to build a chain or is it expecting a
list of self-signed root certificates?

-- Chris

Solved -- Was: Isakmpd Cert question.

2017-02-07 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 01:30:13PM -0500, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 11:23:29AM -0500, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> > I'm using isakmpd to manage an ipsec VPN between OpenBSD 5.8 <-> OpenBSD
> > 6.0. This also manages a VPN between Mac OS X/ IPsecuritas and OpenBSD 6.0.
> > 
> Some more information on this and possibly a real question:
> Here's the logs from the OpenBSD 5.8 machine:
> 130142.003702 Cryp 40 x509_read_from_dir: reading certs from /etc/isakmpd/ca/
> 130142.004443 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/
> 130142.004825 Default x509_read_from_dir: PEM_read_X509 failed for 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/
> 130142.004921 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/ca.crt
> 130142.006237 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/root.crt
> 130142.007072 Cryp 60 x509_read_from_dir: reading certificate 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/sign.crt
> 130142.008005 Cryp 50 x509_read_from_dir: X509_STORE_add_cert failed for 
> /etc/isakmpd/ca/sign.crt
> 130142.008133 Cryp 40 x509_read_from_dir: reading certs from 
> /etc/isakmpd/certs/

Looks like the ../ca/ca.crt and ../ca/sign.crt had the same
cert. isakmpd was rejecting both from it's internal CA as a duplicate
so there was no issuer for my peer certs. Removing the duplicate
solved the problem.

Thanks if you looked or even if you didn't

-- Chris

Policy question regarding OpenBSD -STABLE and ports.

2017-02-22 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm trying to use dpb to build a collection of ports that I use in my
shop. I took the following steps:

 Primed /usr/ports from .../OpenBSD/6.0/.../ports.tar.gz

 Used CVS to update ports from an anoncvs report to -rOPENBSD_6_0

 Ran dpb to build my short list of ports.

The issue that I have is that devel/leatherman is not compiling
because of a conflict with net/curl. A little digging around in CVSWeb
reveals that net/curl was updated in -rOPENBSD_6_0 and that
devel/leatherman received a patch to work against net/curl. But that
patch was backed out when devel/leatherman updated from version 0.7.4
to version 0.8.1.

It looks like devel/leatherman depends on net/curl; net/curl was
updated in both -STABLE and -CURRENT; devel/leatherman was only
updated in -CURRENT.

I'm assuming that my mistake was that I didn't run dpb to build ports
against the primed tree where I guess devel/leatherman would build
against the older net/curl. Is this correct?

Thanks in advance,



  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Gif tunnel / pf / queueing

2016-03-01 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I would like to apply queueing to packets traversing a gif tunnel. I'd
like to know what works better, Tagging outbound packets on the gif
interface and applying them to queues by tag when they leave on the
external interface? Or assigning packets to the queues directly when
they are on the gif interface?

If I understand things correctly queues work on interfaces. That leads
me to think that tagging for later queueing is the better approach.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

Re: Gif tunnel / pf / queueing

2016-03-02 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 10:46:08PM +1000, David Gwynne wrote:
> > On 2 Mar 2016, at 1:51 AM, Christopher Sean Hilton  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > I would like to apply queueing to packets traversing a gif tunnel. I'd
> > like to know what works better, Tagging outbound packets on the gif
> > interface and applying them to queues by tag when they leave on the
> > external interface? Or assigning packets to the queues directly when
> > they are on the gif interface?
> > 
> > If I understand things correctly queues work on interfaces. That leads
> > me to think that tagging for later queueing is the better approach.
> in this instance it shouldn't matter. however, if you have multiple
> outgoing interfaces the gif traffic can leave on, it's better to
> apply the policy on the gif interface.

I think I can re-phrase the question in a better way: I'm using gif0
to tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 from my local network via Hurricane Electric
to the internet. Since gif0 is a tunnelling interface all my outbound
traffic will ultimately traverse my external interface, ext_if, which
has a set of queues. I want my IPv6 traffic to be subject to queues on

My understanding is that queues are interface specific so I suspect
that doing this:

queue ob_root on $ext_if bandwidth 1000M qlimit 304
  queue ob_ext parent ob_root bandwidth 40M qlimit 48
queue ob_ext_priority parent ob_ext ...
queue ob_ext_ssh parent ob_ext ...
queue ob_ext_default parent ob_ext ... default
queue ob_ext_low parent ob_ext ...
  queue ob_local parent ob_root bandwidth 960M qlimit 256


## Example (1): Will this work?

pass out on gif0 proto tcp to any port 22 \
flags S/SA keep state \
queue (ob_ext_ssh, ob_ext_priority) prio (4, 5)

## Example (2): I expect this to work because tags are designed to be sticky

match out on gif0 proto { udp, tcp } to any port 53 \
flags S/SA keep state \


match out on $ext_if tagged OB_EXT_PRIORITY \
queue ob_ext_priority prio 5

I don't know what will happen with example (1). But I expect that
example (2) will work because tags are designed to be sticky.

This thread implies that at one time queues were not sticky:

The pf man page and later threads imply that queues have become sticky
but the man page only refers to the match keyword.

Is it the match keyword that makes queues sticky or did the change in
pf way back when, change them from non-sticky to sticky?


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Debugging queues on pf

2016-03-03 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm seeing something very strange when I try to debug queues on
pf. I'm simply trying to view queue activity on the net using either:

 # pfctl -vvsq


 # systat queue

I'm trying to assign all udp traffic from my iPad to a priority queue
with a ruleset in pf like this:


 match out on $ext_if inet proto { udp, icmp } \
 set queue ob_default set prio 3
 match out on $ext_if inet proto tcp \
 set queue (ob_default, ob_priorty) set prio (3, 4)
 match out on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } to any port 53 \
 set queue ob_priority set prio 5
 match out on $ext_if inet proto udp from  \
 set queue ob_priority set prio 5

When I start a video chat on the iPad to a friend I'm expecting
the packet and byte counts in the ob_priority queue shown with

# systat queue

to increase. But I didn't initially see that. When I first looked, the
packets in the default queue were increasing and that queue showed A
little less than 2Mbit/s of traffic. I found that consistant with my
video chat being carried on the ob_default queue. No amount of playing
with queueing in my ruleset seemed to fix that, including setting the
default queue to ob_priority and deleting any assignments to the
ob_default queue. In a fit of pique, I rebooted the box against the
"everything goes in the priority queue" config. After that I noticed
that now everything went into the priority queue. And nothing would
change that. I put the box back to the configuration that I thought
would work with both priority and default queues and it appears to
work now.

My question is:

 Is there some way besides rebooting the machine to get pf to
 recognize a change in the queuing and queueing assignment setup
 in /etc/pf.conf without rebooting the box?

I've tried:

 # pfctl -Frules -f/etc/pf.conf
 # pfctl -Fstate 
 # pfctl -Fall -f /etc/pf.conf
 # shutdown -r now

and the only thing that updated the queueing was the reboot.

Thanks for any help
-- Chris

Re: Debugging queues on pf

2016-03-04 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 08:00:11PM -0600, Lists wrote:
> pfctl -vvf /etc/pf.conf will reload the rules.
> Match rule with nat for the ext_if may not match because your
> internal ips are not seen on the ext_if.
> systat q to check usage. Every pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf clears the
> queue counters.
> I would match in on int_if from  to any.  This way the nat
> translation will assign the queue rule.

Thanks for your reply. Without putting words in your mouth:

 Queue's are now sticky (they weren't in the past);

I'll try:

 match in on $int_if \
 set queue default set prio 3

 match in on $int_if proto tcp \
 set queue (default, priority) set prio (3, 4)

 match in on $int_if proto udp from  \
 set queue (priority) set prio 4


 match out on $ext_if from $int_if:network \
 nat-to ($ext_if)

That won't be perfect because I do static-port nat for some things but
I think I can arrange it.

Thanks again!

  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

Re: how to submit bug report regarding pf queueing?

2016-03-09 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 03:38:30PM +0100, Marko Cupać wrote:
> Hi,

[ ...snip... ]

> So, what exactly do I need to do to submit bug report? Any outputs of
> any commands? Logs? I understand developers won't take my word for it,
> but I simply don't know how to prove it, except watching output of
> systat queues and monitoring queue bandwidth in real time.

You can use the sendbug(1) utility to report bugs to the project. As
far as bugs in queuing go, I think that it's going to be a hard report
to write well.


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: how to submit bug report regarding pf queueing?

2016-03-09 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 03:38:30PM +0100, Marko Cupać wrote:
> Hi,

[... snip ...]

I've also been trying to get help with queuing. Perhaps we can help
each other out.

I'm using queuing to alleviate bufferbloat and make my son's gaming
performance better. I'm on an asymetric cablemodem connection here in
the U.S. My download is 100M and my upload is 40M. I use a queue
definition similar to this:

 queue ext_iface on $ext_if bandwidth 1000M max 1000M qlimit 512
   queue download  parent ext_iface bandwidth 120M max 120M qlimit 128
   queue ext_extra parent ext_iface bandwidth 880M max 880M qlimit 384

 queue int_iface on $int_if bandwidth 1000M max 1000M qlimit 512
   queue upload   parent int_iface bandwidth  40M max  40M qlimit 48
   queue int_internal parent int_iface bandwidth 960M max 960M qlimit 464

I found several things. Firstly, I found that all queues seem to have
an implied parent queue that based on their interface with a bandwidth of
interface speed. Thus:

 queue download on $ext_if bandwith 120M default

really meant:

 queue download on $ext_if bandwidth 120M max 1000M default

hence my specification of the interface queue.

I'm trying to limit the bufferbloat so the depth of the queue is very
important. I chose values for qlimit that keep the amount of time that
a packet would traverse a queue down at the 0.015ms range:

 40Mbit/s / ( 8 bit/byte * 1500 byte/packet) * 0.015s = 50 packets

I used 48 because I'm keen on multiples of 16.

Have you tried anything like this?


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

Re: unbound eats up buffer space

2016-03-09 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 02:04:10PM +0100, Marko Cupać wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2016 12:24:59 +0100
> Otto Moerbeek  wrote:
> > Give unbound more file descriptors; put in login.conf:
> It's already there, by default on 5.8.
> > And do not forget to set the class of the user _unbound to unbound:
> It's already set by default on 5.8.
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2016 07:36:06 -0600
> Brian Conway  wrote:
> > Are you using pf queues? I most frequently see that happen when
> > there's no space left in a queue. `pfctl -v -s queue`
> That's probably it. I am going to try to create separate queue for dns
> traffic originating from the firewall.

I saw this on one of my machines. Correctly or incorrectly, I deduced
that it was caused by unbound losing the ability to send a packet on
its interface after a dhclient controlled interface state
transition. These transitions happened at dhcp lease renew time. I run
isc_bind behind a cablemodem and had the same issue there. Isc_bind
listens at each interface individually:

 $ netstat -an | grep "\.53 "
 tcp  0  0 *.*
 tcp  0  0   *.*
 udp  0  0 *.*
 udp  0  0   *.*

Rather than:

 $ netstat -an | grep "\.53 "
 tcp  0  0  *.53   *.*
 udp  0  0  *.53   *.*

For isc_bind at least, when dhclient renewed the ip address, the
listening socket at became invalid and the query socket
at couldn't send packets.



  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

Re: how to submit bug report regarding pf queueing?

2016-03-09 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 02:45:36PM -0700, Daniel Melameth wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Christopher Sean Hilton
>  wrote:
> > I'm using queuing to alleviate bufferbloat and make my son's gaming
> > performance better. I'm on an asymetric cablemodem connection here in
> > the U.S. My download is 100M and my upload is 40M. I use a queue
> > definition similar to this:
> >
> >  queue ext_iface on $ext_if bandwidth 1000M max 1000M qlimit 512
> This will mostly be a no op.  Your max MUST be at or below your real
> bandwidth (not interface bandwidth) and your child queues will need to
> reflect this accordingly.

For me that no-op line is a reminder of what you are working
with. It's also a reflection of a weird situation that I once tested

> > I'm trying to limit the bufferbloat so the depth of the queue is very
> > important. I chose values for qlimit that keep the amount of time that
> > a packet would traverse a queue down at the 0.015ms range:
> >
> >  40Mbit/s / ( 8 bit/byte * 1500 byte/packet) * 0.015s = 50 packets
> >
> > I used 48 because I'm keen on multiples of 16.
> This will be difficult to get right with pf.  Does the game always use
> 1500 byte packets?  Ultimately you'll want a small queue limit (expect
> to see more dropped packets).

That's just an example. In my case I derived the actual packet size
and queue depth by running "systat queue".

Thanks for the advice

  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Performance tuning PF.

2021-07-21 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I have a packet filtering bridge running on PF and OpenBSD 6.8. My
hardware is  a SuperMicro Atom D525 service with dual Intel Gigabit
Nics. I've added a second dual Intel card in a PCIe slot.

When I run iPerf across this bridge, I max out at about 550Mbit/s. I'm
running systat on the bridge. At peak load, I'm seeing 1500 ~ 1700
interrupts per second for each interface in the bridge via systat.

I'm noticing similar limitations from another OpenBSD 6.8 firewall
that I run. This is an Atom C2758 machine. And in this case, I'm
getting about 650 ~ 700 Mbit/s from the slightly faster hardware.

My questions are:

* Where should I be looking for the bottleneck on this problem?

* Is it possible with tuning to forward packets over this hardware
  at full gigabit speeds, ~950 Mbit/s?

Thanks for any help you can give,

-- Chris


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: Performance tuning PF.

2021-07-23 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 10:04:25AM -, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2021-07-22, Sebastian Benoit  wrote:

[ ...snip ]

> >
> > The IO paths of those Atoms are slow. Disk IO is also lacking.
> The D525, yes.
> The C2758 should cope with much more than 650-700Mb/s though maybe
> not with OpenBSD as-is, they're not as good as the Xeon D (especially
> single-threaded performance) but they are still pretty capable.
> If I was running into a performance wall with C2758 I'd add a NIC with
> a driver that already supports multiple queues (ix is probably most
> common, em doesn't have this yet) and see gow things go with the
> "forwarding in parallel" diffs over on tech@.

I'll upgrade the NIC in the C2758 and retest.

Thank you very much for your help.

-- Chris


 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: Performance tuning PF.

2021-07-23 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 08:24:25PM +0200, Sebastian Benoit wrote:
[ ...snip]

> If you can get the later generation Xeon-D machines with similar form
> factor. Much better hardware.

So, I'm running the Atom machines because of power concerns. I'm not
familiar with the Xeon-D line of processors. Is there any nod to power
consumption in their design? I'm familiar with LGA1150 Xeons. I use
these to run ESXi. I find that they offer a good balance of power
consumption against performance.

Again, thanks for any help you can provide,

-- Chris

 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: Performance tuning PF.

2021-07-23 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 11:19:35AM -0400, Chris Hilton wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 08:24:25PM +0200, Sebastian Benoit wrote:
> [ ...snip]
> > 
> > If you can get the later generation Xeon-D machines with similar form
> > factor. Much better hardware.
> > 
> So, I'm running the Atom machines because of power concerns. I'm not
> familiar with the Xeon-D line of processors. Is there any nod to power
> consumption in their design? I'm familiar with LGA1150 Xeons. I use
> these to run ESXi. I find that they offer a good balance of power
> consumption against performance.
> Again, thanks for any help you can provide,

Answering my own question, it looks like the Xeon D is intels newest
low power stuff. I'll look there.

-- Chris

 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Resolved - Was: Performance tuning PF.

2021-07-27 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 10:24:28AM -, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2021-07-23, Christopher Sean Hilton  wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 11:19:35AM -0400, Chris Hilton wrote:

[ ...snip... ]

> >
> > Answering my own question, it looks like the Xeon D is intels newest
> > low power stuff. I'll look there.
> Not particularly new, Xeon D 1500 series are from 2016 or so and still
> seem to be the range to go for if you care about good power use. Look
> at supermicro X10SDV (Xeon D 1500 series) or M11SDV (AMD EPYC). Sadly
> the M11SDV only has copper nics, X10SDV have decent ix(4) SFP+ plus
> some copper. (X10 is an older supermicro range, I'm not sure what the
> availability is like).
> supermicro, if you're reading, an EPYC board with a couple of SFP28
> onboard would be nice...
> Sample dmesg from one of the X10SDV models - em and ix are onboard,
> ixl is a card:
> OpenBSD 6.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #220: Thu Dec 10 20:03:29 MST 2020

[ ...snip ]

Thanks to everyone for the answers that they provided. Just a late
followup here. I thought through my testing rig and realized that it
was slightly flawed. I was originally using one of the Atoms as an
iperf endpoint. That obviously messed up the tests. I retested using a
pair of machine which I know can saturate a 1Gb/s connection. My
new test rig is a pair of MacBook Pro's with Thunderbolt Ethernet

* With just a GigE switch connecting the test machines, I measured a
  transfer rate of 942 Mb/s. The test program was iperf3.

* With OpenBSD 6.8 running a bridged configuration on an Intel Atom
  D525 with internal and external "em" nics, and filtering using pf.
  I measured a rate of 775 ~ 850 Mb/s. Again, the test program was

Testing the routed configuration on my Atom C2758 is a little more
difficult. I'll set that up next week. I expect that the transfer rate
through that combination will be a little lower since routing is more
difficult than bridging.

I am currently shopping Intel Xeon-D hardware. I plan to eventually
replace the D525 bridge with the C2758 running in a bridged
configuration and use new Xeon-D hardware for the router.

-- Chris


 __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

A pair of pf questions...

2008-03-31 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton


My  goal is to use OpenBSD to filter packets between my wireless  
segment and my DMZ. I've protected my wireless with WEP but in the  
long haul I'd like to be able to remove any authentication, WEP or WPA  
from the wireless segment. My first question is this:  This strategy  
seemed to make sense a couple of years ago. Is there a better way to  
go now?

If this is a reasonable way to go I have a question about how to  
filter packets with pf in a bridged environment. I'd like to use a  
bridge because it means the least amount of work for me with regard to  
providing services to the wireless network (dhcp etc). In my  
implementation I'm filtering at the interfaces. My machine has a quad  
tulip card:

   - de0 connects to the internet
   - de1 connects to and has an ip address for my DMZ
   - de2 connects to my wireless access point and has no ip
   - bridge0 consists of interfaces de1 and de2

In my configuration I seem to be leaking packets from the bridge into  
the kernel where they hit a keep state rule that allows their passage.  
e.g. my simplified ruleset reads:

block in all
block out all

pass out on de0 from $my_network to any port 5222 flags S/SA keep  

pass in on de1
pass out on de1

pass in on de2 proto tcp \
from $wireless_network \
to any port 993 flags S/SA keep state

When I test this I find that a client on the wireless network can go  
to Google Talk (tcp port 5222) and the rule that allowed passage is:

 pass in on de1

I'm obviously confused about the way packets pass through the bridge.

Any help would be appreciated. Please cc my address. I am subscribed  
to the list and I do read it but it's slightly easier. I will post my  
results to list for future Google searchers.

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   chris-at-vindaloo-dot-com

   "All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
-- Rosa Parks

Re: A pair of pf questions...

2008-03-31 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

On Mar 31, 2008, at 4:58 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:


Just a followup. I figured that I might have better luck with this  

 de0 - External interface to Internet
 de1 - Internal interface to DMZ
 de2 - No IP interface to DMZ
 de3 - No IP interface to wireless

 bridge0 (de3 <-> de2)

It works a little better. I'm able to screen packets going to my own  
network. But packets that come on in the wifi interface that are  
destined for the internet are getting natted before they go out onto  
the DMZ via de2. This causes them to be rejected when they again  
appear on de1 for having an invalid source address.

I'm really not understanding how packets pass through the filter. I  
would expect that packets wouldn't be natted until they appeared as an  
outbound packet on de0.

Any help...

Thanks again

-- Chris

Re: A pair of pf questions...

2008-03-31 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

On Mar 31, 2008, at 8:53 PM, Jon Radel wrote:

Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

On Mar 31, 2008, at 4:58 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:


Just a followup. I figured that I might have better luck with this

de0 - External interface to Internet
de1 - Internal interface to DMZ
de2 - No IP interface to DMZ
de3 - No IP interface to wireless

bridge0 (de3 <-> de2)

It works a little better. I'm able to screen packets going to my own
network. But packets that come on in the wifi interface that are
destined for the internet are getting natted before they go out  
onto the
DMZ via de2. This causes them to be rejected when they again appear  

de1 for having an invalid source address.

I'm really not understanding how packets pass through the filter. I
would expect that packets wouldn't be natted until they appeared as  

outbound packet on de0.

Any help...

Thanks again

-- Chris

You haven't shared any NAT statements from your config; rather hard to
guess what you might, or might not, be doing.

There's only the one:

 nat on $ext_if from $internal_net to any -> ($ext_if)

Chris Hilton   chris-at-vindaloo-dot-com

   "All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
-- Rosa Parks

OpenBSD 4.2 ipsecctl isakmpd netgear FVS114

2008-04-29 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton


I'm trying to connect a Netgear FVS114 to my OpenBSD 4.2 machine. I  
seem to be stuck getting the following three error lines when I use  
isakmpd -K -d

205022.882116 Default attribute_unacceptable: AUTHENTICATION_METHOD:  
got PRE_SHARED, expected RSA_SIG

205022.882456 Default message_negotiate_sa: no compatible proposal found
205022.882710 Default dropped message from port 500 due  
to notification type NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN

I'm assuming that the problem is that OpenBSD is insisting on using  
RSA_SIG for authentication and my Netgear box want to use PRE_SHARED  
keys. While I want to have RSA authentication in the long run it's  
quite a lot of steps and I'd like to have an intermediate  
configuration with pre shared keys.

How do I configure that in isakmpd?

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   chris-at-vindaloo-dot-com

   "All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
-- Rosa Parks

E450 stuff

2008-05-23 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton


I inherited an E450 from my old job. It booted Solaris just fine but I  
was never able to get any of (Free|Net|Open)BSD to install on it. I  
feel that this is probably more do to me than anything else. As time  
has passed it's become pretty obvious between the problems with the  
install and the cost for power to run, my chances of running this  
machine in my environment are NULL. I'd like to make just one more  
attempt at getting the machine running. But ultimately I will have it  
carted away.

This is what I have:

 Sun E450

  4 x 400 MHz UltraSparc II processors (Sun P/N 501-5446)
  4 x DC power regulator boards (Sun P/N 300-1322)
  4GB of RAM (16 x Sun P/N 501-4743)

 Spare E450 Mainboard
  2 x 300 MHz UltraSparc II processors (Sun P/N 501-4849)
  2 x DC power regulator boards (Sun P/N 300-1322)
  4GB of RAM (16 x Sun P/N 501-4743)

I'm going to spend an hour today working on this to see if I can get a  
working install but even if I do the whole things going to have to go  
away. If anyone is interested in any of this equipment please feel  
free to email or xmpp me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


-- Chris Hilton

Re: E450 stuff

2008-05-23 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

On May 23, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:


I inherited an E450 from my old job. It booted Solaris just fine but  
I was never able to get any of (Free|Net|Open)BSD to install on it.  
I feel that this is probably more do to me than anything else. As  
time has passed it's become pretty obvious between the problems with  
the install and the cost for power to run, my chances of running  
this machine in my environment are NULL. I'd like to make just one  
more attempt at getting the machine running. But ultimately I will  
have it carted away.

This is what I have:

Sun E450

 4 x 400 MHz UltraSparc II processors (Sun P/N 501-5446)
 4 x DC power regulator boards (Sun P/N 300-1322)
 4GB of RAM (16 x Sun P/N 501-4743)

Spare E450 Mainboard
 2 x 300 MHz UltraSparc II processors (Sun P/N 501-4849)
 2 x DC power regulator boards (Sun P/N 300-1322)
 4GB of RAM (16 x Sun P/N 501-4743)

I'm going to spend an hour today working on this to see if I can get  
a working install but even if I do the whole things going to have to  
go away. If anyone is interested in any of this equipment please  
feel free to email or xmpp me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I forgot to mention that I'm located in Southern CT, USA (roughly 80  
miles north of NYC on I-95)

-- Chris

Re: E450 stuff

2008-05-25 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 08:03:53AM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
> Johan SANCHEZ wrote:
> > On Fri, 23 May 2008 11:08:32 -0400
> > Christopher Sean Hilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 

[ snip ]

> > 
> > Can i ask what is the problem you are experiencing with this ?
> > what version of OBP are you using and what OBSD version did you
> > tried ?
> > 
> > Johan
> > 
> I do believe you will find OpenBSD will Just Work, and
> should spin up all four processors.
> I seem to recall there was some work done relatively recently on
> the sensors on an E450, and one usually has to be fully functional
> on a system before you worry much about the sensors. :)
> HOWEVER...  IF you have only worked with PCs, Sun systems are
> different.  Also, the average E450 has sucked a lot of dust through
> its CDROM drive, and functional SCSI CDROM drives are relatively
> rare in most people's spare parts pile.  Fortunately, Suns offer a
> lot of other options for bootstrapping the system, but none of the
> rest are something the average PC user has ever done before.
> But man, E450s are big.  But I'm sure you have noticed that. :)
> Nick.


My first crack at this box was probably 2 years ago, perhaps more. I
do know that the sparc64 MP code was reasonably new in NetBSD at the
time. I didn't really try to hard but OpenBSD (unknown version)
wouldn't boot and NetBSD (2.0, 2.1, 3.0) would all stall at various
places in the boot process. Since I couldn't get Stop-A to bring the
machine back to the OpenBoot prompt reliably I figured that it was a
bad mainboard. I requested another and received one with 2 300MHz
UltraSparc II processors. That's where I went wrong. I installed one
of the 400MHz processors onto the "new" mainboard and attempted to
boot and got nowhere.

I don't claim to be very versed in Sun hardware. If I can make it boot
off of the CD-ROM then I can generally make it work. I can netboot
Intel Machines with PXE ok. I hate floppy drives...

On the advice of a friend who knows Sun Hardware much better than I I
put the 2 300MHZ CPU's back on the second mainboard and the machine is
happily installing NetBSD 4.0 right now. It's still not recognizing
all the disk drives that I have in it but at least it installs now.

Once I can get it to install I'm happy because I don't like giving
away junk. Residential electricity in New England is currently $0.16 /
kWh which means that this machine would probably cost more than $30.00
/ month to run 24/7. It will never be a main line production machine
for me but after successfully installing NetBSD and OpenBSD on it I
can report that it works...

-- Chris

Chris Hilton chilton-at-vindaloo-dot-com

"All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
 -- Rosa Parks

dhcrelay question

2008-06-05 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm running OpenBSD as an IP less bridge between a DMZ and a protected  
internet. The protection comes from using a set of pf rules on the  
exterior interface of the bridge. My pf rules block all traffic on UDP/ 
67 and UDP/68 from traversing the bridge so I currently run two DHCP  
servers, one in the DMZ and one on the protected network. I'd like to  
run dhcrelay on the bridge and add some sort of token to dhcp requests  
coming from the DMZ (From new and test servers) so I a can  
differentiate them from dhcp requests on the protected network.  
Basically I'd like to hand out addresses from one IP range on the DMZ  
and from another IP range on the protected network.

I'd imagine that to start I'd want to configure dhcrelay to startup  
similar to:

 # dhcrelay -i ${dmz_if} ${prot_dhcp_server}

but how do I set this up to differentiate the requests from one another.

Has anyone done this before?

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   tildeChris --
email -- chris/at/vindaloo/ 
 "I'm on the outside looking inside, What do  
I see?
   Much confusion, disillution, all  
around me."
 -- Ian McDonald / Peter  

IPSec head check question.

2010-01-12 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I have isakmpd running quite well with certificates. I'm now trying to do
something that may or may not be simple.

I wish to establish two tunnels between my ipsec central server on a static IP
two dynamic points on the internet. The first case is an openbsd box which
wants to connect a remote lan. The second case is an openbsd laptop which just
needs remote access for itself.

I've done this in my ipsec.conf:



## Allow the remote box access


ike passive esp \
from { $my_fqdn $my_network } \
to { $remote_fqdn $remote_network } \
local $my_fqdn peer any \
srcid $my_fqdn dstid $remote_fqdn

## Allow the laptop access


ike passive esp \
from { $my_fqdn $my_network } \
to any \
local $my_fqdn peer any \
srcid $my_fqdn dstid $laptop_fqdn


I think that I've over-specified things because either configuration works if
they are alone  in the file but putting them both together results in an

There's more. If you choose to call me an idiot over this please do so in
private :-)...

This file works:


ike passive esp
from { $my_fqdn $my_network } to any \
local $my_fqdn peer any \
srcid $my_fqdn

I would like to believe that the reason it works is because my peers both have
signed certificate which verify as okay using the ca.crt that I've configured
in "/etc/isakmpd/ca". However if I'm wrong then I've just opened up my LAN to
attack from the entire internet. Which -D options do I need to set in isakmpd

 # isakmpd -Kd -D 3=10 -D 8=10

to see the identity of the peers and get confirmation that the reason that
negotiation was successful is because A the peer provided a certificate and B
the certificate verified with my CA?

-- Chris

   "There will be an answer, Let it be."

ipsec.conf ipsecctl isakmpd

2009-08-10 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

I have a couple of questions regarding setting up ipsec.

I've read the "4 minutes" page and modified the older setup to work  
with 2 OpenBSD 4.5 boxes. That's enough to get me going with an IPsec  
tunnel by IP addresses but one side of my connection is a consumer  
grade DSL line which wants to have it's address changed every 5  
minutes (sigh). I obviously need to setup ipsec with FQDN. I initially  
tried to do this with certificates but I couldn't get things to work  
so I've rolled back to using public keys and everything appears to be  

My question is this: When you use certficates does isakmpd still use


as the private key for the crypto negotiation or can that be changed.

-- Chris

Chris Hilton   tildeChris --
email -- chris/at/vindaloo/ 
 "I'm on the outside looking inside, What do  
I see?
   Much confusion, disillution, all  
around me."
 -- Ian McDonald / Peter  

Re: ipsec.conf ipsecctl isakmpd

2009-08-20 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

On Aug 10, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

I have a couple of questions regarding setting up ipsec.

I've read the "4 minutes" page and modified the older setup to work  
with 2 OpenBSD 4.5 boxes. That's enough to get me going with an  
IPsec tunnel by IP addresses but one side of my connection is a  
consumer grade DSL line which wants to have it's address changed  
every 5 minutes (sigh). I obviously need to setup ipsec with FQDN. I  
initially tried to do this with certificates but I couldn't get  
things to work so I've rolled back to using public keys and  
everything appears to be okay.

My question is this: When you use certficates does isakmpd still use


as the private key for the crypto negotiation or can that be changed.

Thanks for the followups. IT looks like local.key is the key if you  
don't use the local tag in your configuration as in:

ike passive esp from hisname.hisnet.histld to myname.mynet.mytld \
local my_identifier

Thanks again.
-- Chris

Chris Hilton   tildeChris --
email -- chris/at/vindaloo/ 
 "I'm on the outside looking inside, What do  
I see?
   Much confusion, disillution, all  
around me."
 -- Ian McDonald / Peter  

Thanks again!

2024-10-03 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I wanted to say thanks to the OpenBSD team. I use OpenBSD and pf to filter and 
traffic. I recently updated my home router to from OpenBSD 7.3 to OpenBSD 7.5 
and process
couldn't have been easier thanks to `syspatch` and `sysupgrade`. I noticed a 
post earlier
about hardware to filter and route at speeds greater than 100Mb/s. I've been 
able to do this
on OpenBSD for a while. I'm writing this not only because my upgrade when well 
but also
because I have the same question as the previous poster. I run OpenBSD 7.5 on 
low CPU power Intel hardware for routers. I favor Intel 1Gb/s NICs managed by 
the `em` driver but
in the market those are being replaced by other 2.5Gb/s NICs. I recently tried 
out a box
from Qotom with Intel I226V NICs managed by the `igc` driver. My initial 
experience was not
good but once I figured out that the issue was between the NIC and my switch, 
things got
much better.

Thank you again

-- Chris


  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

Re: OpenBSD IKEv2 VPN -- default split tunnel / some hosts full tunnel

2024-12-15 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 02:07:13PM +1000, David Gwynne wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 06:01:37PM -0400, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm trying to setup a pair of OpenBSD machines to handle their respective 
> > home networks and
> > create a IKEv2 VPN tunnel between them. If I call one side _home_ and one 
> > side _remote_ I
> > think that defines things. The main function of the tunnel is to allow 
> > stuff on the _remote_
> > network to access services in the _home_ network. As a second function, I 
> > want a handful of
> > hosts in the _remote_ network to consume the internet via the _home_ 
> > network's ISP. My
> > `iked.conf` files look like this:
> > 
> > [...snip...]
> the thing i think you're missing is that enc0 is not a real interface.
> it largely exists so you can see what the ipsec stack is doing with
> things like tcpdump via bpf. however, assigning an IP to it and
> expecting to be able to route over it is not supported, even if some of
> that appears to work.
> > [...snip...]
> ok. ive written this up before, so i'll paste it and tweak it here:
> For a packet going through an OpenBSD router, these are the main
> steps:
> 1. Packet is received by the incoming network interface
> 2. Packet is shown to BPF
> 3. PF processing for incoming packets
> 4. IP routing/stack processing
> 5. PF processing for outgoing packets
> 6. Packet is shown to BPF on outgoing interface
> 7. Transmission on the outgoing interface
> There are a couple of interesting things to note here.
> PF is run twice for packets going through a router/firewall. Once when
> the packet is received by a network interface and before the IP stack,
> and again when the packet leaves the IP stack and goes out to a network
> interface.

Thanks for this! It will help me to debug and fix the problem. If I have to, 
I'm assuming
that I can something like this

## Remote iked.conf

from $full-vpn-subnet to any \


And this?

## Home side pf.conf

match in on enc0 from  to ! nat to 


If that doesn't work, I've read the man page for the sec interface and that may 
help me out
with the problem that I have. Before I set this up I had figured out how to do a
split-tunnel VPN between OpenBSD and a MacOS client. I experimented and figured 
out how to
change that into a full-tunnel VPN. That solves my problem in a different way 
but this is
still interesting to me. I'd love to have a VPN setup remotely and to determine 
packets "leave my infrastructure" based on the address they get from the DHCP 

> [...snip...]
> Just to be clear, the source IP or the network interface a packet was
> received on does not affect the route lookup performed by the IP stack,
> it is only the destination IP address that is used. Also, packets in
> each direction of a connection are routed independently, meaning replies
> need to be routed correctly too.
> Generally, by the time pf gets to see a packet going out an interface,
> it is too late to affect where it's going because that decision has
> already been made by the route lookup in the IP stack.
> [...snip...]> 
> these steps ignore ipsec processing though. the ipsec policy database
> (SPD) is consulted between steps 4 and 5 above. if a packet matches the
> SPD, it's taken away from the stack processing, encrypted (and shown to
> bpf on enc0) and then injected back into the stack at step 4 so it can
> figure out where the encrypted packet is supposed to be routed to.
> the stuff above also ignores what pf can do to a packet. if pf rewrites
> or reroutes a packet in step 5, the packet is basically taken back
> to step 4 for a new route lookup, and then skips step 5 again.
> so what does this mean for what you're trying to achieve?
> firstly, if you want to send packets from hosts in the  table
> over the vpn, you need to do more than just change the source ip. as
> described above, the routing table sends packets somewhere based
> entirely on the destination address, which nat-to doesn't affect at all.
> it is possible that you could write ipsec config that will generate SPD
> entries that will take these packets and move them over the ipsec link.
> that config might look like this:
>  home_network=""
>  remote_network="" 
>  ikev2 passive esp \
>  from any to dynamic \

OpenBSD IKEv2 VPN -- default split tunnel / some hosts full tunnel

2024-12-12 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton

I'm trying to setup a pair of OpenBSD machines to handle their respective home 
networks and
create a IKEv2 VPN tunnel between them. If I call one side _home_ and one side 
_remote_ I
think that defines things. The main function of the tunnel is to allow stuff on 
the _remote_
network to access services in the _home_ network. As a second function, I want 
a handful of
hosts in the _remote_ network to consume the internet via the _home_ network's 
`iked.conf` files look like this:

## Home: (responder)


ikev2 passive esp \
from any to dynamic \
from $home_network to $remote_network \
config address \
config access-server

## ## Remote: (Initiator)
## ikev2 passive esp \
## from dynamic to any\
## from $remote_network to $home_network \
## ...
## request address any \
## iface enc0

I've shown both configs here. The _remote_ config is commented out. The 
`iked.conf` is vice-versa.

This gets the tunnel up and running. All works as I expect it to and when I do 

# traceroute -s

The traceroute goes over the VPN tunner first as I expect it to. I figured, 
that at this point it would be just a matter of some _pf_ magic to get a host 
on the remote
side NATted to tunnel address such that it's packets would traverse the tunnel 
and then
shuffle off to their designed destination. I've tried this:

## pf.conf


match out on $ext_if from !($ext_if) to any tag "USE-PLAIN-NAT"
match out on $vpn_if from  to any tag "USE-FULL-VPN"

match out on $ext_if tagged "USE-PLAIN-NAT" nat-to ($ext_if)


match out on $vpn_if tagged "USE-FULL-VPN" nat-to ($vpn_if)


But I get no joy. At best, the packets which should be tagged "USE-FULL-VPN" 
get natted and
emitted out of my "$ext_if". I'm clearly missing something.

I'm referencing these links in the web:


As my gotos but I'm clearly missing some which may be really obvious. As an 
aside, In a VPN
situation like this, how does the kernel make decisions about where the packets 



  __o  "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_   -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton[chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]