Re: [MlMt] Two issues after upgrading from 5937 to 6203

2024-12-30 Thread Toby Gee
I've fixed this for the next update. Something changed (possibly with 
a macOS update).

Thank you!

- I have an entry as follows in my custom.plist file:

"p" = ( "goToMailbox:", 

This jumps to the unread messages in my promotions folder in 5937, 
but it does nothing in 6203. The syntax looks a bit odd, and I no 
longer remember how I came to set this up!

You got the value by selecting the mailbox in MailMate and then use 
“Edit > Copy” (⌘C). Try pasting this value to your plist file to 
see if it might have changed for some reason.

Thanks - yes, it turns out that “promotions” has changed to 
“Promotions” in 6203, for some reason, and making that change fixes 


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Archiving email threads from an email window

2025-01-10 Thread Toby Gee
I’d like to have a keyboard shortcut that lets me archive a thread, 
both from the inbox, and from the email being open in its own window. 
The two things I’ve tried are:

"y" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#thread-id = ${#thread-id}", "archive:");

which doesn’t seem to reliably archive all the emails in a thread, and

  "y" = ("moveThreadToMailbox:", "archive");

which doesn’t archive an email in its own window, but does archive 
whole threads from the inbox view. Is there some other option that 
should work better?


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Two issues after upgrading from 5937 to 6203

2024-12-29 Thread Toby Gee
I’ve run into the following two problems after upgrading; when I 
downgrade to 5937, both are fine again.

- ⌘-click for links doesn’t work properly; it’s just doing the 
same thing as clicking. I usually have

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmOpenURLsInBackground YES

but whether or not I use this, click and ⌘-click are doing the same 
thing (either opening in the foreground or background depending on the 
value of MmOpenURLsInBackground).

- I have an entry as follows in my custom.plist file:

	"p" = ( "goToMailbox:", 

This jumps to the unread messages in my promotions folder in 5937, but 
it does nothing in 6203. The syntax looks a bit odd, and I no longer 
remember how I came to set this up!


mailmate mailing list