[MlMt] 5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

2023-10-01 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate
When I check for a new test build, I get this message:

> 5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

How did I end up on a version newer than the latest test version?

I'm used to receiving a new test build version a few times per month, but I've 
been getting only this message for the past couple months. Has there been no 
test versions after 5964?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] 5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

2023-10-02 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate

On 2 Oct 2023, at 7:57, John Cooper wrote:

When I check for a test release by holding the Option key down, I get 
the message “You are runnin 5964 which is the latest version 
available” under the headline “Up To Date.”

I get the same in the General settings window, but not from the MailMate 
→ Check for Test Build menu item.

Benny, I think this is a bug with the updates menu items. Here are the 
messages I see when checking for updates via all the methods:

## 1. General settings → Check Now

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

## 2. General settings → Check Now (holding *option*)

You are running 5964 which is the latest version available.

## 3. MailMate menu → Check for Update

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

## 4. MailMate menu → Check for Test Build (holding *option*)

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

#2 and #4 should display the same results, but they do not.

[Here is a screen 
showing these tests.


If I recall correctly, versions after 5964 are a branch that include 
major changes including a new vertical message list mode and aren't 
available via the in-app updater. Has this branch stabilized, and is it 
worth updating to it? Will it be available as a in-app updatable test 
build soon?

Thanks all,

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] From "XXX via mailmate"

2023-12-19 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate
On 19 Dec 2023, at 16:06, Bill Cole wrote:

> Mailman modifies the "From" header of messages sent from domains which would 
> otherwise be widely rejected […]
> I won't try to pick apart the precise details for this list. Perhaps Benny 
> can explain the specific rules.

Mailman checks the DMARC policy published to the DNS TXT records of the domain 
in the "From" header of the original message. If the policy is 'p=reject' or 
'p=quarantine', Mailman may modify the "From" header to use the list's email 
address or the server's hostname to prevent rejection due to DMARC, SPF, or 
DKIM checks.

It doesn't treat all senders the same because some people self-host their email 
domain and don't use DKIM or SPF.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Check for Test Build

2024-03-04 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate
I've also noticed that there is an inconsistency between the different 
ways to check for updates. Here are the messages I see when checking for 

## 1. Settings → Software Update → Check Now

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 6022.

## 2. Settings → Software Update → Check Now (holding *option*)

6016 is the latest version available. You have version 6022.

## 3. MailMate menu → Check for Update

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 6022.

## 4. MailMate menu → Check for Test Build (holding *option*)

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 6022.

#2 and #4 should display the same results, but they do not. I raised 
this issue in October 2023 but didn't get a response.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "X-Envelope-to" - should be more visble

2024-03-06 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate

On 6 Mar 2024, at 13:54, Michael Nietzold wrote:

There are 61k are in a Submailbox where I have condition: 
X-Envelope-To -> exists

= araound 85%

I'm guessing you might have been associated with a mail server that adds 
this header to your mail. In my experience it's rare: I have 
`X-Envelope-To` in only 174 out of 128,636 messages (0.13%).

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Check for Test Build

2024-03-06 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate
On 6 Mar 2024, at 12:16, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

> #2 and #4 display the same results
> 6016 is the latest version available. You have version 6024.
> I'm on 6016 and I can replicate the issue, for me #2 and #4 show different 
> results.
> My guess is that this small bug has been fixed in 6023 or 6024.

I updated to release 6024 and it did not fix the issue for me (I still see #2 
and #4 show different results).

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Pasting URL in Plain Text Mode

2024-07-01 Thread Quinn Comendant via mailmate
On 1 Jul 2024, at 6:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 1 Jul 2024, at 14:52, Carlos Moffat wrote:
> defaults write com.freron.MailMate 
> MmAlwaysPasteAsPlainTextInPlainTextMode -bool YES

Thanks Benny, this is also useful for me. (I think it should be the default.)

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