[MlMt] performance issue with a gmail account

2014-05-11 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho


i've been using mailmate for a little over a month now (love it).
i have three accounts, a "true" IMAP and two gmail ones.

one of the gmail accounts is old and have too many labels (mailboxes?) 
created over many years.
mailmate seems to dislike it, it needs several minutes to check this 
email account (activity viewer tells me it is going through all the 
several labels), and as it checks emails every 5 min it stays a large 
fraction of time checking this account.

is there a way to prevent mailmate to check through all the labels, 
while still checking inbox often?

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[MlMt] gmail folder's names

2014-06-06 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

i use two gmail accounts with mailmate (and a real IMAP account).

i noticed one of the google accounts have folders names as "usual", say 
[Gmail]/Archive, [Gmail]/Trash etc, but the other account (several years 
older) have folders like [Google Mail]/Archive, [Google Mail]/Trash etc.

anyone knows why?
it doesn't bother me, but i'm curious how it came to be like this, 
[Gmail] vs [Google Mail] folder names...

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[MlMt] return code 554 (expected 250)

2014-09-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

very weird problem...

in the last 35 hours or so every time i try to send emails *from* two 
specific accounts (out of 4 in total), i get the following message:

Unexpected return code 554 (expected 250):
“5.7.1 <164.Red-83-61-103.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net[]>: 
Client host rejected: Access denied”.

at first i thought the problem was at the smtp server (the two accounts 
use the same smtp server but different login). but after so many hours, 
i suspected of it and tried to send email from the same problematic 
account via ipad and i did manage! mail.app has the same problem as 
mailmate though, so it is a problem related to my laptop.

i swear the problem started out of the blue, i haven't changed 
anything... (that i can remember of).

any thoughts? i'm lost...

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] return code 554 (expected 250)

2014-09-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho
ah! the only thing i can think of is that this started happening since i 
arrived in Spain for a work meeting...

On 23 Sep 2014, at 2:54, Paula R. T. Coelho wrote:

very weird problem...

in the last 35 hours or so every time i try to send emails *from* two 
specific accounts (out of 4 in total), i get the following message:

Unexpected return code 554 (expected 250):
“5.7.1 <164.Red-83-61-103.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net[]>: 
Client host rejected: Access denied”.

at first i thought the problem was at the smtp server (the two 
accounts use the same smtp server but different login). but after so 
many hours, i suspected of it and tried to send email from the same 
problematic account via ipad and i did manage! mail.app has the same 
problem as mailmate though, so it is a problem related to my laptop.

i swear the problem started out of the blue, i haven't changed 
anything... (that i can remember of).

any thoughts? i'm lost...

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] return code 554 (expected 250)

2014-09-23 Thread Paula R T Coelho
wow bill... that opened a whole new world to me. thanks :)

1. This is just an unusual (and maybe unwise) configuration by your mail
> provider to absolutely reject mail from a network with a long history of
> sending spam, without making exceptions for authenticated customers. The
> only solutions in this case are to not use that network to send through
> that SMTP server or to persuade the provider to lift the ban.

​it is a university smtp server and i know that recently they have been
hacked. so it doesn't surprise me that they are enforcing strong unwise
rules..​. i'm only able to reply to the messages through their web
interface these days.

> 2. There is something which you can fix with your connection and/or
> authentication settings for that SMTP server. This can be a problem in both
> Mail and MailMate if you imported slightly bad account settings from Mail
> into MailMate. One issue that can go unnoticed is if your provider's SMTP
> server is accessible both over the standard SMTP port (25) and the mail
> submission port (587) with subtly different policy rules applied. The MacOS
> Internet Accounts subsystem by which Mail configures its accounts uses a
> procedure for quietly figuring out what port and SSL/TLS settings work with
> a particular server which has a history of incorrectly preferring port 25
> when in fact port 587 is a better choice. It is quite reasonable for a port
> 25 SMTP service to ban dynamic ranges outright if the provider also allows
> authenticated customers to submit mail using port 587. To fix that
> particular problem, you can explicitly change the account to explicitly use
> port 587. If your provider does not offer a 587 submission service, you'll
> simply get a failed connection and you can switch it back. I've also seen
> reports of Mail trying to send messages in a SMTP session even after it has
> failed to authenticate or to set up a SSL/TLS session to encrypt traffic
> but I don't think MailMate would ever do that, so I doubt the problem
> includes an authentication failure. It MAY be that neither program is
> attempting authentication because you don't have the account set to use it.
> That error could go unnoticed if this SMTP server is run by your usual
> connection provider, as it may not require authentication for IP address on
> their own network.

​i checked that out and i have port 587 set, with authentication but no SSL
(??? the IMAP login requires SSL though :-\), which is what the FAQ of my
university tells me to do.

> 3. It is possible that the network you are connecting to directly is
> hijacking your attempts to connect to an external SMTP server and imposing
> a proxy between your machine and the server which breaks your ability to
> send mail. This is often done with a goal of blocking abuse of networks
> that provide unrestricted access to random visitors, but some of the most
> common "transparent" proxy implementations (e.g. Cisco's PIX & ASA
> firewalls) mangle SMTP so badly that it is impossible to do secure mail
> submission through them.

​in this scenario, would make sense to have the gmail accounts working but
not my university smtp?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] return code 554 (expected 250)

2014-09-26 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho
in the end i didn't have time the for further tests. i'm already back 
home and everything is working as usual :).
good idea from david about the vpn, but i didn't test it either. next 
week i'll have a trip to france, let's see how that goes...

On 23 Sep 2014, at 21:30, Bill Cole wrote:

On 23 Sep 2014, at 17:45, Paula R T Coelho wrote:

wow bill... that opened a whole new world to me. thanks :)

You're quite welcome. I do aim for completeness...

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] moving (gmail) mailboxes between accounts

2014-11-20 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho
i'm using mailbox to move part of my mailboxes in a gmail account to 
another gmail account.

in some cases, i think that when there are mailboxes inside mailboxes 
(labels nested in labels, in gmail vocabulary), the top structure is 
copied to the new account, but it fails to move the messages, which 
remain in the first account. i then need to go to every "sub-label" 
individually to move messages.

any suggested work around? a batch move sort of?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] moving (gmail) mailboxes between accounts

2014-11-23 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

i'm using mailbox to move part of my mailboxes in a gmail account to 
another gmail account.

I assume you mean MailMate :-)

ups... right :)

any suggested work around? a batch move sort of?

It's been ages since I implemented this, but if I remember correctly 
then you can only move explicitly selected mailboxes, that is, you 
cannot move an unexpanded hierarchy of mailboxes. It's probably not 
the most tested functionality in MailMate, but I don't think I have 
any open bug reports.

indeed I had troubles when I tried to move unexpanded mailboxes. i 
managed to do everything i needed in the end, mixing MM and gmail 
features (included a major cleaning of more then a decade of 
non-sensical labels), changed gmail settings (there was a limit in the 
number of IMAP messages i wasn't aware of), MM at some point said it 
needed to resynchronise, etc. after 2-3 hours I had things reorganised.

but! i'm facing a problem now. i'm seeing duplicated messages in one 
(but not in the other!) gmail account, and when I try to access 
subscriptions to see if something there needs fixing, MM crashes. i 
tried with the mailbox online and offline, but both crash... ah, the 
gmail account which is behaving fine (without duplicates) i can see 
subscriptions all right. I'm on 4587, Mavericks.

any thoughts?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] moving (gmail) mailboxes between accounts

2014-11-23 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

but! i'm facing a problem now. i'm seeing duplicated messages in one 
(but not in the other!) gmail account, and when I try to access 
subscriptions to see if something there needs fixing, MM crashes. i 
tried with the mailbox online and offline, but both crash... ah, the 
gmail account which is behaving fine (without duplicates) i can see 
subscriptions all right. I'm on 4587, Mavericks.

update: apparently the duplicated messages was being caused by the 
"Important" label in Gmail. I turned it off in the server side and the 
duplications disappeared (i've no idea why, since I never use that label 
in the web interface or elsewhere).

I still can't access subscriptions for that account though. I've sent 
the crash log a while ago to mm-feedback.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] trello bundle?

2015-06-05 Thread Paula R T Coelho
> It's possible to create a card with email. it's really easy

​that is indeed what i currently do. but in my dream MM bundle, i'd be able
to ​set the card's board/list/due date/flags/... better then what i managed
so far with forwarding the email to my trello address.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] duplicate msgs in gmail, again

2015-07-14 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

hey there,

i’ve already fixed this before but i can’t find how.
new MM install on a new mac, build 5107. I have Experimental on, 
CONDSTORE on, and subscribed to the All Mail mailbox.
messages are duplicating, most of them “sent mail” and “all 
mail”. but some of them show duplicated even when they are in the same 
source Mailbox (they don’t show duplicated when i’m in Inbox, but 
show duplicated when I’m in All Messages).

how is it the fix again?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] duplicate msgs in gmail, again

2015-07-17 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

On 17 Jul 2015, at 11:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

new MM install on a new mac, build 5107. I have Experimental on, 
CONDSTORE on, and subscribed to the All Mail mailbox.
messages are duplicating, most of them “sent mail” and “all 
mail”. but some of them show duplicated even when they are in the 
same source Mailbox (they don’t show duplicated when i’m in 
Inbox, but show duplicated when I’m in All Messages).

how is it the fix again?

I think we'll have to debug off list if sent emails are duplicated in 
“All Mail”. You might previously have mapped some Gmail labels to 
MailMate tags which can remove some duplicates, but it doesn't sound 
like that is your problem.

thx benny, we sort this out off list then.
there is already the misbehaving messages to be found, we might target 
one thing at a time…

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Trouble connecting to iCloud (certificate validation)

2015-08-18 Thread Paula R T Coelho
​off-topic (of MM):​

> That's because the user in question is unwisely using an Avast "security"
> suite that installs its own trusted root CA certificate and proceeds to
> hijack all SSL traffic and proxy it using bogus certificates signed by the
> Avast CA. This is a truly terrible behavioral model for supposed "security"
> software but it is common in commercial AV. That user has effectively
> handed full control of his computer and everything it does to the Avast
> snake oil hucksters.

​oh, thanks for letting me know :).

i dislike solutions like avast, but recently safari has been infected and
spammed hundreds of contacts in less than 48h until i realized what was
going on.
​then i installed avast, hoping it would prevent that. ​
any advice
​ to put me in the line of "real" security​

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] search and accent letters

2015-09-30 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

hi there,

i’ve noted that when i search the messages by someone’s name, often 
the message i wanted is not found. but when i searched for email address 
(if i know it by heart), it does. i realised that happened because 
several of my collaborators have accented letters in their 

is there a way to search indicating that accents should be ignored? 
(meaning, if i type ‘stephane’ this sould be able to find 
‘stéphane’ as well)

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] limit the oldest message to be kept locally?

2016-09-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

hey there,

i use MM in three different computers, office, home and laptop. in the 
laptop i’d like to limit the amount of space used by defining that, 
say, only messages 2 years back in time should be kept locally.

i’m *almost* sure i’ve seen this option somewhere in time, as a 
hidden preference? but i didn’t find it in the online manual for 
hidden preferences. was I dreaming?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] duplicated messages

2016-10-04 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

i can’t reproduce the issue anymore  :-\

i just checked now that i have all mailbox type set the same way, 
likewise for the subscriptions, across 2 different installations of MM.

but because i had two laptops side-by-side to compare, i noticed one of 
the laptops is getting into loops talking to google that doesn’t show 
up in MM in laptop2. i’ll get some debug info and send you offlist.


On 3 Oct 2016, at 9:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Sep 2016, at 20:06, Paula Coelho wrote:

in one of my three installations of MM i’m having problem with 
message duplication: a message arrive in Inbox, it appears in Archive 
soon after with a different UID. Or I sent a message and Sent 
Messages have 2 identical messages with different ID. I believe this 
is one of those gmail imap quirks, but I can’t remember what was it 
that I did different that in only one of my MM the problem shows up.

any thoughts?

The Sent Messages issue might be because you have 2 mailboxes for sent 
messages? The default one and one created by MailMate. You can control 
which one MailMate uses by using the “Mailbox ▸ Mailbox Type” 
menu item.

The Archive issue is weird. Do you, perhaps, have a server side rule 
marking messages with the Archive label?

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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] tags vs keywords mess

2016-10-17 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

hi there,

i’ve tried to use tags for a while to organize the emails. it turns 
out it got way too clumsy and i gave up.

Mailbox “Tags exists” is empty now, though i honestly don’t 
remember if i properly “untag” the messages or only removed their 
mapping from Preferences Pane (likely the last).

what bothers me is that the keywords remained in the messages, and i 
find no way to remove them. i keep seeing the old unused tags in, e.g. 
choosing from the dropdown list in mailbox conditions. how do i remove 
the keywords? do i have to map them again to tags, one by one? any way 
to “batch remove” keywords?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] tags vs keywords mess

2016-10-24 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

I'm afraid not. With MailMate, you would need to recreate the tags 
before you disable them. The latter can be done in one go by selecting 
all relevant messages, hit `t`, and finally list all of the tags in 
the “Tags to be removed” text field.

ok. i’m in a organisation freak mood lately so i started the cleaning 

thanks Benny

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] how to find/clean duplicated messages

2018-05-09 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

hi there,

i used MM to move lots (thousands) of messages from one IMAP account to 
another. but i did a mistake, mislead by the `All Mail’ in a Gmail 
account, and I ended up with duplicated messages in the destination IMAP 
account (with different IDs, but same messages).

is there a way to use MM to locate and then clean the duplicates in 

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] moving between google accounts does not delete from source?

2018-07-02 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho


i’m using MM to move thousands of messages from one account to another 
(both google), with “Move to Mailbox…”.

the intention is to remove the messages from the source account, but the 
messages keep reappearing. Labels are removed, so they show up in All 

is this on purpose? or?


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] access to iCould without 2-factor authentication?

2018-07-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho


after a lot of recurrent problems with the Apple two-factor 
authentication on old devices (e.g. ATV2), I disabled it. but now MM 
can´t access the account anymore. I removed the Source and add it 
again, provided the user and passwd I use to login at iCloud website, 
but I keep getting : Server response: “A1 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] 
Authentication failed”. Command attempted: “A1 LOGIN 

Is there something I´m missing? Or Apple decided to only give IMAP 
access to those who have two-factor authentication on?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] moving between google accounts does not delete from source?

2018-07-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

Benny, Bill,

thanks for the replies. I´m following this up only now.
For the record…

I set the Gmail settings for:

- When I mark a message in IMAP as deleted: Auto-Expunge off - Wait for 
the client to update the server.

- When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible 
IMAP folder: Move the message to the Trash

which looked like the more reasonable ones.

I´m moving the messages using MM in smaller batches, and keeping the 
Gmail Trash open in the browser. I’m emptying it by hand from time to 
time. Sometimes there seems to be a time delay between MM Expunge and 
the messages appearing in Gmail Trash. Let´s see how that goes…


On 4 Jul 2018, at 17:54, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2 Jul 2018, at 11:50 (-0400), Paula R. T. Coelho wrote:


i’m using MM to move thousands of messages from one account to 
another (both google), with “Move to Mailbox…”.

the intention is to remove the messages from the source account, but 
the messages keep reappearing. Labels are removed, so they show up in 
All Mail.

is this on purpose? or?

This sounds like a known form of breakage at Google. It's related to 
their message de-duplication tricks and to the way they assemble "All 
Mail." I have not tested it, but it might work to first move a message 
to a non-GMail account, empty the trash and sync the GMail account, 
then move it to the other GMail account. That way, GMail will not 
continuously have a copy of that exact message to treat as the "real" 
one to which all other references point.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Currently Seeking Steadier Work: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole
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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] access to iCould without 2-factor authentication?

2018-07-22 Thread Paula R. T. Coelho

ah right. it’s either IMAP, or ATV2 working, not both.
thanks apple… :-\

On 22 Jul 2018, at 16:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Jul 2018, at 14:29, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

I thought Apple's 2FA was mandatory, but am not 100% sure.

Yes, iCloud IMAP only works with application specific passwords (it 
has been like this for the past year or so).

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mailmate mailing list