[MlMt] hide mailbox from Inbox

2014-09-23 Thread Lars Ippich

Hey folks

Quick question - is it possible to hide messages of a specific account's 
inbox from the general "Inbox"?
I have a work-related account that I only want to keep an eye on, but 
don't want to mess up my Inbox.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] unintentionally clicked-away notice about items in exchange account

2014-10-10 Thread Lars Ippich
Usually on every start of MailMate I get this nagging notice about some 
e-mails that are not really e-mails, because I have set up an exchange 
account and while I have un-subscribed most exchange folders, there are 
some items in the Trash for instance that don't behave like normal 

And that notice is fine, I always choose to temporarily ignore those 
specific messages (and think to myself I can procrastinate actually 
getting rid of them to fix the root of the issue for at least until the 
next start of MailMate ;) ).

Today, however, I was writing in another application while I had 
MailMate start and then this annoying thing happened where a new notice 
pops up and at the same time you're typing a text that contains spaces 
... so I accidentally hit the space bar on whatever the default option 
is in that notice window. I have no idea what I have actually hit, but 
it wasn't the "Temporarily ignore those messages" button for sure. How 
do I get the window back? Any place to reset that notice?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] unintentionally clicked-away notice about items in exchange account

2014-10-10 Thread Lars Ippich

On 10 Oct 2014, at 16:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I have no idea what I have actually hit, but it wasn't the 
"Temporarily ignore those messages" button for sure. How do I get the 
window back? Any place to reset that notice?

Quit MailMate and then look for `ignoreFailedUIDs` in this file:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/.../State.plist

You can just remove the line and the warning should return on restart.

Okay, that's a little weird. I can't seem to find that particular line 
in any folder below IMAP.

$ grep -r "ignoreFailedUIDs" *
MailMate and then look for `ignoreFailedUIDs` in this file:
mail%40lars-ippich...@ginger.fastspace.de/INBOX.mailbox/Messages/180620.eml:dir=3D"auto">Quit MailMate and then look for ignoreFailedUIDs

That only gives me this e-mail, but shouldn't there be more (= the plist 
After all, not a big thing, I'm just a bit confused as to what has 
happened here.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] unintentionally clicked-away notice about items in exchange account

2014-10-10 Thread Lars Ippich

On 10 Oct 2014, at 20:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Yes, that is strange. It should mean that MailMate does not hide any 
UID problems from you. Are you sure the problem still exists? You can 
use the Activity Viewer (⌥⌘0) to look for any lines prefixed with 

No, I am not, but the "problem" was very persistent in the past weeks 
and the prompt showed up every time I fired up MailMate, so I find it 
hard to believe that the "problem" actually went away the same second I 
clicked that unknown button. Or is there - that's the other thing I 
suspect - a button that gets rid of the messages altogether? I can't 
remember what the three options are in that prompt.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] unintentionally clicked-away notice about items in exchange account

2014-10-11 Thread Lars Ippich

On 11 Oct 2014, at 13:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

If you launch MailMate from the Terminal then you should see a warning 
every time MailMate automatically ignores something.

Tried that, did not show any errors related to this issue.
So, I'll leave it for now, maybe it did solve itself after all... Thanks 
for looking into it :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] default account hidden preference sometimes ignored

2014-10-14 Thread Lars Ippich

On 10 Oct 2014, at 1:01, Dr Gregory Jefferis wrote:

I tried using the hidden preference:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultAccount -string 

but i still get some emails using account1.com. One example I have 
noticed is clicking on a mailto url.

Kind of related question (I have not set the hidden preference 
Wouldn't it make sense to have mailto links within an e-mail to be using 
that particular account for sending?
For me, it defaults back to my default account, so that's adding 
confusion for instance for mailing list confirmation mails.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Thread view in addition to correspondance view ?

2014-10-30 Thread Lars Ippich

On 30 Oct 2014, at 20:12, Paula Coelho wrote:

hmm... whenever I select Inbox there is always a message selected.
i don't know how to accomplish the 2.

If there is a preselected message, press cmd ⌘ while clicking on it to 
deselect the message.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] filter today's mails // condition Date > Relative

2014-11-01 Thread Lars Ippich
I'm trying to filter out mails that have been received today to calm 
down my inbox a little.

  Date > Relative is not today
  Date > Relative is not 0 days ago

both don't seem to work. I would try to do "greater than 1 day" and 
filter the other way around, but I'm not given that option. Also I don't 
know how if something like "before midnight" or similar would be an 
option. ("1 day ago" would not. I want a cut off at midnight.)

Funny thing I just noticed:

  Date > Relative is "" (empty box)

seems to filter only today's mails. However,

  Date > Relative is not "" (empty box)

includes everything again. Any suggestions?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Archive shortcut

2014-12-08 Thread Lars Ippich
That shortcut works out of the box for me (32-bit). Do you have a folder set as 
Archive? It's a setting in the context menu of your server folders. 

> Am 08.12.2014 um 10:28 schrieb Jean-Pierre Gattuso :
> I am experimenting with the 64 bit version. All goes well except that I had a 
> shortcut which no longer works. In the 32-bits version, cmd-shift-M archived 
> the selected message(s) in an "Archive" folder. I am not sure whether it is a 
> bug in the 64-bit version or whether there was a setting in the 32-bits 
> version. I cannot remember. Could you help?
> Jean-Pierre
> Jean-Pierre Gattuso | http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/~gattuso
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] html parsing cuts off html link too late

2014-12-22 Thread Lars Ippich
Is the following intended? The link (which - presumably incorrectly - 
uses HTML within the plaintext section) is parsed as a clickable link 
including ">Linkcut off at the " sign?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] get/check mail manually ?

2015-01-15 Thread Lars Ippich
> Am 15.01.2015 um 10:02 schrieb Benny Kjær Nielsen :
>> On 14 Jan 2015, at 23:06, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> but it is not enough - thus moving to try check mail only 3 times a day - 
>> and without having mailmate tell me about more mails when doing work ;)
> I have various requests which could be described as a “Do not disturb” 
> feature, but I don't have anything like that for you yet. I guess I should 
> add to my notes that you would like an automated “Do not disturb” feature :-)

This is vaguely related to my earlier idea of setting up a mailbox with a rule 
that only shows messages that were received before today (which is currently 
not possible, as a "rolling" condition like "older than 24 hours" still has 
mails flooding in, just older ones, but there is no clear cut at which 
everything gets delivered at once). 
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Not wanting to see the number of tagged messages

2015-08-07 Thread Lars Ippich
Right click on the folder in the folder list and set "Displayed Count" 
as desired. Does that help?

On 8 Aug 2015, at 0:53, Paul Hoffman wrote:

Greetings. I'm starting to use tags more, and one thing that bugs me 
is the fact that the number of tagged messages appears on the Tagged 
folder. Note that this is the number of tagged messages, not unread 
tagged messages.

Is there a way to get rid of this number? I don't see anything in the 
mailbox definition that says "show the total number", but I could be 
missing something.

--Paul Hoffman
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Bundle/Command hot keys?

2015-08-07 Thread Lars Ippich

On 8 Aug 2015, at 0:23, Randall Meadows wrote:

And both of Evernote's commands, Add… and Add With Summary… both 
use ^⇧A, which DEVONthink Pro also uses for its Add… item.

Once you press ^⇧A, it shows a tooltip-like selection window. You then 
are presented with the different actions and can select by pressing the 
correspondent number key (1, 2, 3, ...) to invoke the desired command.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How do I search in the Junk folder?

2015-08-11 Thread Lars Ippich

On 12 Aug 2015, at 2:24, Paul Hoffman wrote:

Greetings. Unless I'm missing something, the search function purposely 
doesn't look in the Junk folder. There are times when I really want to 
do that, particularly as I train the system.

If you want to search the Junk folder, just go to the Junk folder, enter 
your search terms in the bar and then press ⌥ + Return to tell 
MailMate to stay in the current folder for this search instead of 
jumping to All Messages.

I think there was a low-level way to change what All Messages contained 
(currently it should be everything but Deleted Messages and Junk), but I 
cannot find that at the moment - maybe somebody else can help here.

A workaround could be to create a smart folder that contains all 
messages and then setting the search to use that folder by default. To 
do so, click the magnifying glass icon in the search box and select the 
folder under "Default Mailbox".

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] debugging send failure

2015-10-11 Thread Lars Ippich

On 11 Oct 2015, at 17:15, Sparky Doosan wrote:

MailMate shows my outbound message in an IMAP folder called "Sent 
Messages". I cannot find this on the server and the message was not 
delivered. I cannot determine (need more coffee?) whether this setup 
issue is a MailMate problem and if so, how to debug it.

Have you made sure that the correct Sent folder is set in MailMate? 
Navigate to the folder you want to use for sent messages under 
"Sources", right click it and select "Mailbox Type" -> "Sent Messages". 
That should teach MailMate to store your sent messages properly. Does 
that help?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] empty INBOX.txt on Desktop

2015-10-16 Thread Lars Ippich

On 16 Oct 2015, at 16:54, Anthony Townsend wrote:

any reason why MailMate keeps writing an empty 
MailMate_mail.webfaction.com_INBOX.txt (my smtp host) to the Desktop?

Just guessing, but this might be related to the following behaviour?

From: Benny Kjær Nielsen 
To: MailMate Users 
Subject: Re: [MlMt] Connection log files on the Desktop
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:45:45 +0200

On 12 Oct 2015, at 21:29, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

Recently, I've started seeing Mailmate connection log files dropped 
onto my Desktop, apparently one per mailbox that had a connection 


Any suggestions as to why they're on my desktop, and how to relocate 
them? [...]

It's a bug in the public release. At some point I was playing with an 
idea of automatically generating a log file when certain types of 
issues were encountered (typically server bugs). I accidentally left 
this code enabled and I didn't notice because my own server is 
apparently too stable to trigger these log files. (Ironically, the 
content of these log files isn't useful in most cases.)

The best you can do is to fetch the latest test release: Hold down ⌥ 
when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane. 
I'll probably have to make a new public release, but I'm not sure when 
that's going to happen (it's a school holiday this week in Denmark).

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Which folders should be excluded from client backup?

2015-10-17 Thread Lars Ippich

Hey folks

I'm doing regular online backups, so I'm trying to cut out anything 
that's not necessary, like cache files and/or folders - while still 
keeping general databases (like offline mails) in case the data on the 
server is lost and I need to restore from a local backup.

Which MailMate files/folders that are prone to regular updating / change 
would be safe to exclude from backup? For instance, within "Application 
Support", would it be safe to omit "Database.noindex" and still make 
sense to keep the "Messages" folder?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Emailing and Resizing Photos

2015-10-17 Thread Lars Ippich

On 17 Oct 2015, at 16:54, Muster Hans wrote:

Perhaps someone here has a more automated solution..,

There was a suggestion for something like that back earlier this year 
(see http://lists.freron.com/mailmate/2015-January/003756.html) or here:

On 30 Jan 2015, at 16:45, Allie Martin wrote:

I had created a script for this using Automator once.  Not for inline 
images but for another purpose.  What I ended up with was a service 
menu option to resize the image and save it in a particular format. It 
was a LOT quicker than opening the image in an editor and manually 
resizing each time. It could also do it with multiple images on the 
fly as well. I haven't used Automator in a while, so I don't even know 
if the workflow is exportable so that I could share it.

So, if you feel like it, you could look into using a third-party 
software to make this process automatic, like the mentioned Automator 
(https://help.apple.com/automator/mac/10.11/index.html?lang=en) or a 
third-party tool like "Alfred" (http://www.alfredapp.com).

On 2 Feb 2015, at 9:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Jan 2015, at 18:40, Esteban Umerez Argaia wrote:

That's why I think the best way would be to use the Markdown syntax 
and be able to resize the view of the inline image directly in the 
mail message. But I have no idea how to do that, of course.

In theory, I guess the conversion from Markdown to HTML could be 
manipulated to also resize the image, but it would be quite a hack.

Based on this thread I'll note some requirements for image/attachment 
manipulation with respect to being able to change the size of an image 
repeatedly including reverting to the original.

Or you can wait until Benny finds the time to implement something like 
this. I suggest you give Automator or another software a go that makes 
use of workflows: You specify the things you want to be done once, then 
the software remembers it and you only have to issue the command.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Syncing and copy settings between Macs?

2016-01-27 Thread Lars Ippich
> One question though: On machine A I have some custom keybindings that allows 
> me to quickly tag messages and they work just fine. Now I copied the 
> keybindings to machine B, defined the keywords and then tried to use the 
> keybindings (yes, I've restarted) but nothing seem to happen. Is there 
> something more that needs to be done to get this to work?

Did you remember to also active them in your settings on machine B?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] number of flagged from "all messages" in the menubar

2016-01-28 Thread Lars Ippich

On 28 Jan 2016, at 21:32, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

Right now I get with the default settings

a) the number of unread messages from INBOX (hurray!) (red dot) and
b) the number of the flagged messages **from INBOX** (green dot)(see 

Unfortunately I can only change the first (red dot) through the 

"Note: The current interface in the preferences pane can be misleading. 
The 4 radio buttons to the left are not used to configure the position 
of a single counter. They are used to configure 4 separate counters."

Simply select the counter you want to configure by using the 4 radio 
buttons on the left side :-)

mailmate mailing list