[MlMt] Ghost messages in Drafts folder
Every time I try to quit Mailmate (5950) i get the message in the attached .png file "Do you want to quit without sending You have 2 message(s) scheduled to be sent later. Next one is 7 month ago" Choices "Quit", "Send now" or "Cancel" There is nothing in any of my Drafts-folders I have seen this behaviour for app. a week What's going on? /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Ghost messages in Drafts folder
On 12 Mar 2023, at 20:06, John Cooper wrote: I don't know what's triggering the messages, but if you don't use the "Send Later" functionality, I would disable this kind of message: defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendLaterWarningEnabled -bool NO Thanks John this did the trick. And No, I am not using "Send later", and frankly it is not a feature I would expect in a mail-CLIENT. In my mind it only makes sense in a mail-SERVERs /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Change default folder for downloading attachments
Hi When right clicking on an attachment in Mailmate you can "Save Attachment" to a default folder (normally ~/Downloads) Are there anyway to change this default folder to something else than ~/Downloads? I know that there are "Save Attachment ...", but I would like to change the default behaviour. In most browsers there are settings for this. /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Mailmate will not sent messages
Hi Sometimes - mostly when forwarding and replying to messages - MailMate won't send the messages. They stays in the Drafts folder with "Pending submission" in the State column and "not available" in the Pending Submission column The behavior is seen on Google Apps accounts - most often on a paid one, but also on a free Google Apps account. Setting Send later to some time in the future does not work: When the Send Later time is reached the Pending submission column says "now" for about a minute and after that it starts to show when the message should have been send ("x minutes ago") It seems like it is the content of the forwarded/replied message that triggers this, but I am not sure, and can't find any pattern in this behavior. Where should I look to solve this problem /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate will not sent messages
Hi Benny You are quite right: content probably have no bearing on this problem. On of my accounts (The payed Google Apps Account) are totally unable to send - even simple new messages On 16 Dec 2013, at 10:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Check the SMTP settings of each account (File ▸ Edit IMAP Account…). It sounds like one of your accounts have missing or wrong SMTP settings. I have 2 Google Apps accounts, 2 ordinary Gmail accounts and 1 iCloud mail account and the all have pretty much the same account settings: - smtp-server: smtp.gmail.com (smtp.me.com for the iCloud account) - port 587 - require SSL set to ON I have tried to change port to 465 on my problem account, but that changed nothing You can also open the Activity Viewer (⌥⌘0) to follow the activity on the SMTP connections. Open it before trying to send a message. Maybe it can provide a hint. When trying to send from my problem account there is nothing going on in the activity window By the way: The messages in the local Drafts folder are not copied to server Drafts folder - should they be? (I have set up "Mailbox type" correctly) PS I am using Mailmate 1.7.1 (3880) - with "Experimental 2.0 Features" enabled /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate will not sent messages
On 16 Dec 2013, at 13:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Ok, let us take the discussion off-list since it probably does not have general interest. Start by sending me these files: ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Submission.plist Looking at Submission.plist with Quicklook revealed a misspelling: **smpt.gmail.com** Correcting that have solved the problem Sorry for the disturbance; only lesson to learn from this, I think, is that all troubleshooting should start with proofreading :-) /Karl Erik Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Quicklook pdf-files in Mailmate only shows thumbnail of pdf
Hi On Mailmate on my Mac at work quick look of a pdf file only shows a thumbnail, and some basic metadata about the file Quicklooking the same file in Finder and on my home Mac shows the full page of the pdf (on home computer both in Mailmate and Finder) I am running all the latest versions, both Mavericks and Mailmate Is this a Mailmate or an OSX "feature"? /Karl Erik Jessen Farum, Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Mailmate and Omnifocus 2 beta
Hi The "Omnifocus, Add with summary" command has stopped working with Omnifocus 2 Beta - Versions - Mailmate 1.7.2 (4199) - Omnifocus 2.0 test (v87 r208558) Steps to reproduce - When Omnifocus is not running - Select mail in Omnifocus - Selecet "Omnifocus, Add with summary" - Omnifocus are started, but after a little while the attached dialog are shown - Click "I'll Check" (only option!) - Now most of Omnifocus UI are blocked (as if a dialog are active, but not visible) - After restarting Omnifocus the selected mail are present twice in Inbox - The same behavior are observed when Omnifocus are running when "Omnifocus, Add with summary" are selected  I do not have the skills to dissect and debug Omnifocus bundle, so I hope and would be thankful if someone have the time and skills to do it By the way: Does the Omnifocus bundle make any assumptions about where Omnifocus are installed? Mine are installed in the ~-tree and not in the /Applications folder. Could that be (part) of the problem? /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate and Omnifocus 2 beta
I have tried to install Brett's bundled mentioned below, and it partly solved the problem - "Add with summary..." still hangs the Omnufocus UI (but without the dialog about not being able to find Omnifocus) - "Add..." works as expected The problems I have reported here in this thread started sometime during the last weekend, so I actually didn't expect Brett's bundle to solve the problems (as it was published on April 14th) - But it partly did /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark On 29 Apr 2014, at 10:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Brett Terpstra provided a fix [on this list](https://www.mail-archive.com/mailmate%40lists.freron.com/msg02420.html), but I haven't included his changes with MailMate yet. Since the existing fix (which is unnecessarily complicated) doesn't seem to work at all (at least not for you) then I'll make it a higher priority to use the fix from Brett. ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate and Omnifocus 2 beta
The solution in r4206 works for me - when OF2 are running When OF2 are NOT running, it is started and a blank QuickEntry window are shown, and OF2 UI (incl. QuickEntry window) are blocked - pretty much as in r4199 (although nothing is added to OF now). As i have OF2 running pretty much all the time this is no big deal - this is 98% solved form me /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark On 1 May 2014, at 14:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: (In my testing the only issue was that the Quick Entry window is not taken to the front if OmniFocus is not running — but I think this was the same before.) Let me know how it works for you — and if it works, you are welcome to update the omnigroup thread to spread the word. ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate and Omnifocus 2 beta
r4210 didn't change anything compared to r4206 Both leaves an empty quickentry dialog (screen dump attached), where buttons can be pressed, but nothing happens /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark  On 2 May 2014, at 0:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 1 May 2014, at 14:31, Karl Erik Jessen wrote: As i have OF2 running pretty much all the time this is no big deal - this is 98% solved form me I spent some time analyzing this issue, but I did not find out exactly what goes wrong. I cannot reproduce it using MailMate, but I could do it by calling OmniFocus from the Terminal. Some times when the script triggers OmniFocus to be launched then it fails with a `-1` error code. I've attempted a workaround where OmniFocus is explicitly opened before executing the script. Seems to work from the Terminal for me, but the problem might be some kind of race condition and therefore it might not work for you. Try the latest test release and let me know. Thanks in advance. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Mailmate and Omnifocus 2 beta
Everything works now with r4213 /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark On 2 May 2014, at 10:52, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 2 May 2014, at 9:45, Karl Erik Jessen wrote: r4210 didn't change anything compared to r4206 Both leaves an empty quickentry dialog (screen dump attached), where buttons can be pressed, but nothing happens Ok, it was also a bad way to fix it. Last attempt to fix this is available now (r4213). The script now detects if OmniFocus is already running. If not then I don't call the AppleScript command which appears to be triggering a bug(?) in OmniFocus 2. (Technical rant: I also had to change the script from plain text to a compiled AppleScript since apparently using `osascript` to compile triggers any target applications to be launched before executing the script — making the use of `'is running'` pointless. Sigh... At least this is also faster.) -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] The [Gmail]/Chats label in MailMate
Hi I have enabled the [Gmail]/Chats label in IMAP, and after restarting Mailmate about 3.700 items are in the [Gmail]/Chats, but sadly most om them has Subject="(No Subject)" and Date Received= "not available". Actually only less than 100 items has actual values in these fields. Is this Google doing "unstandardized tricks" or does MailMate have an issue here? /Karl Erik Jessen Farum Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Spotlight testing
Ran for about 7 min then terminated with this message: ``` libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::length_error: basic_string Abort trap: 6 ``` Using r5091 (custom location not checked), OS X 10.10.3 /Karl Erik Jessen Farum, Denmark On 27 Jun 2015, at 16:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Hi, I would appreciate if users of the latest test release (hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane) could verify that the Spotlight plugin in MailMate works for all their messages (in particular, does not crash). Enable Spotlight indexing in the General preferences pane and then paste the following in a Terminal window: mdimport -n -d1 -g /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/MailMateSpotlight.mdimporter ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Messages Note that this assumes MailMate is installed in `/Applications/`. (If you have other collections of emails then you can also apply the importer to them.) Thanks in advance. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Spotlight testing
Repeated with r5102: /Karl Erik Jessen Farum, Denmark Finished after a little less than ½ an hour with no special messages On 29 Jun 2015, at 8:36, Karl Erik Jessen wrote: Ran for about 7 min then terminated with this message: ``` libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::length_error: basic_string Abort trap: 6 ``` Using r5091 (custom location not checked), OS X 10.10.3 /Karl Erik Jessen Farum, Denmark On 27 Jun 2015, at 16:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Hi, I would appreciate if users of the latest test release (hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane) could verify that the Spotlight plugin in MailMate works for all their messages (in particular, does not crash). Enable Spotlight indexing in the General preferences pane and then paste the following in a Terminal window: mdimport -n -d1 -g /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/MailMateSpotlight.mdimporter ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Messages Note that this assumes MailMate is installed in `/Applications/`. (If you have other collections of emails then you can also apply the importer to them.) Thanks in advance. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Folders repeatedly being marked unavailable
I have a problem, (similar to the one described in the tread starting here: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailmate%40lists.freron.com/msg04306.htm)l with one of my Google Apps accounts, on one of my Macs (only!): Suddenly all folders in the account goes "unavailable", after a few (5-10 sec.) the account starts to sync, and the "unavailable" label disappears one folder at a time, Repeating every 1-2 minutes. The sync schedule for this account is every 10 minutes. Is there a way to identify the offending message? (Assuming that the theory from the above mentioned thread about a malformed message being the cause of the ever repeated sync) It may have (but I am not sure) started at the same time i set op some CloudHQ synchronizations. But these has ended now, and the problem is still there, so CloudHQ might just be a random coincidence. /Karl Erik Jessen Farum, Denmark ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Limiting Mailbox Scope to Current Account
+1 for the ability to restrict moving messages to only inside account FWIW: In mailclients for iOS it seems to be the normal behavior only to move messages **inside** accounts. I have tried between 5 or 10 and never seen the possibility to move messages between accounts. -- Karl Erik Jessen Farum DK On 16 Apr 2016, at 14:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 14 Apr 2016, at 23:14, Dave Smith wrote: I have four email accounts set up in MailMate (all Gmail), and many of them contain labels with the same or similar names. I've noticed that when I use the `Move to Mailbox…` feature, it allows me to move an email message to **ANY** mailbox/label…even if that label is in a different account. I find this confusing and I'm constantly adding messages to the wrong place. Is there a way to limit the scope of this feature to only allow messages to be moved into mailboxes associated with that account source? There's no way to do that, but it does make a lot of sense. Maybe even as default behavior (and an option to change it). I'll note it. Thanks. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate