[MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?
Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain settings, like Tag Preferences. Isn’t that what iCloud is supposed to do for mac apps? I’m not a mac developer, and I’m not an expert on all the data that an app like MailMate has to store, but I thought one of the cool things about iCloud is that it gives developers ways to share application settings and document seamlessly between machines? Cheers, Jody ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?
On 30 May 2017, at 22:32, Jody Klymak wrote: Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain settings, like Tag Preferences. Isn’t that what iCloud is supposed to do for mac apps? I’m not a mac developer, and I’m not an expert on all the data that an app like MailMate has to store, but I thought one of the cool things about iCloud is that it gives developers ways to share application settings and document seamlessly between machines? as in https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/iCloudDesignGuide/Chapters/DesigningForKey-ValueDataIniCloud.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012094-CH7-SW1 … of course the developer still has to do something sensible (and presumably hard) if someone was offline and made changes. Cheers, Jody ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?
On 31 May 2017, at 10:08, Robert Brenstein wrote: Some users use iCloud, some don’t. Some use Dropbox, some don’t. Some use NextCloud, some don’t. The list goes on…The point is that using cloud space for syncing is not that trivial since different users will want their favorite cloud space supported as it was already discussed on this list. Personally, I think that we would be better of using server-based approach, either controlled centrally by Benny or using our own service providers (using IMAP technology as the base, for example). The advantage of iCloud is that it is a system-supported synchronization solution that has a well-defined API. I also believe that storing keys-value pairs just defaults to local storage if iCloud isn’t available and/or not selected by the user, and hence is no different than an app that only stores preferences locally. Its *not* the same solution as saving *.plist files to a program-defined database on an arbitrary server like Dropbox because Dropbox has no easy programatic way to warn a local version of the program not to write a preference because a copy already exists that was modified on another device. Conversely, iCloud has a whole API for that. My guess would be that the biggest drawback for MailMate would be the lack of transparency for various *.plist files that now get edited by hand by the users. I also don’t know how complete or easy-to-use the iCloud API is - maybe there are design decisions that make it not worth the syncability for MailMate. But I just wanted to re-iterate that its not the same thing as having the existing *.plist files stored on your iCloud Drive and somehow magically getting them to sync. Cheers, Jody On 31 May 2017, at 17:56, Jody Klymak wrote: On 30 May 2017, at 22:32, Jody Klymak wrote: Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain settings, like Tag Preferences. Isn’t that what iCloud is supposed to do for mac apps? I’m not a mac developer, and I’m not an expert on all the data that an app like MailMate has to store, but I thought one of the cool things about iCloud is that it gives developers ways to share application settings and document seamlessly between machines? as in https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/iCloudDesignGuide/Chapters/DesigningForKey-ValueDataIniCloud.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012094-CH7-SW1 … of course the developer still has to do something sensible (and presumably hard) if someone was offline and made changes. Cheers, Jody ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate -- Jody Klymak, Editor, *J. Phys. Ocean* http://www.editorialmanager.com/amsjpo/ http://web.uvic.ca/~jklymak/___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?
On 2 Jun 2017, at 1:00, David Ledger wrote: On the other hand, iCloud is there or not there at Apple’s whim. I had everything syncing using MobileMe (or whatever it was called), then they just removed it. I don’t use iCloud at all because I don’t want to become reliant on it as I did before. Dropbox makes money out of their extended services and so should continue. They could drop their free services that so many of us use, but the bad press they would get if they did so would impact them hard. Fair enough, but I’d argue iCloud is far more integrated w/ their operating system now than MobileMe ever was. All their native apps use iCloud as a data storage mechanism, and it works quite well in my experience. Cheers, Jody David ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
Re: [MlMt] Yearly Archive Folder
On 5 Jun 2017, at 2:35, Tobias Matthaeus wrote: I am moving my mails to the archive via the Archive function. But in the meanwhile this folders are very big. Is there any chance to create automatically an yearly archive folder? Like some other mail clients it does? You can add a rule to the Archive folder to move emails to a different folder based on date. Does that do what you want? Cheers, Jody___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate