[MlMt] How to reopen a ticket?

2014-01-22 Thread Ingo Lantschner

just have seen that a ticket to which I amended something is still 
closed (instead of 'open', or 'reopened').


How can I reopen an ticket?

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How to reopen a ticket?

2014-01-23 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 23 Jan 2014, at 9:57, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I’m notified about all ticket updates (and I’ll reopen if 
appropriate). I haven’t reacted to the one above yet, but there is 
no other excuse than that I still have a rather large backlog of 
unhandled emails. 

I see - thanks for your reply!

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New user asks: What is best feature?

2014-02-11 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 6 Feb 2014, at 22:23, 1611mac wrote:

To ALL who have replied to my request, thanks much.  I've gotten some 
really nice tips and comments already.

Thanks from me too for the many fine tipps!

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Rules to archive mail? (How to trigger rule-processing?)

2014-02-12 Thread Ingo Lantschner

I just created a rule, that mails whose date is not within the last 120 
days should be moved to an other servers mailbox (a local IMAP-server). 
But nothing happend - even after restarting MailMate.

When/how are rules triggerd?

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Rules to archive mail? (How to trigger rule-processing?)

2014-02-21 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 14 Feb 2014, at 17:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

And that’s what I did. The latest test release should have working 
date based smart mailboxes (if my changes work as expected). I’ve 
also expanded the condition options to include hours and even minutes 
(seconds seemed to be taking it too far). This also fixes some other 
date-related bugs, e.g., if any mailboxes were based on a mailbox 
using date-conditions.
Important note: This only works with rules if you create a separate 
smart mailbox matching the messages you want to move (the rule of this 
mailbox is then just the move-action). Since you move the messages 
then this mailbox is always going to be empty, but this is how it 
works now. 

Hi Benny,
thanks for the update! The moving works, if I select all Messages in the 
Smart Mailbox and click on Mailbox —> Apply Rules. But the Smart 
Mailbox still shows all of the messages - strange ?!

This is what I did:

I created a Smart Mailbox with the condition of not within the last 90 
days and Mailboxes Any *Ingo Lantschner* (different from the Archive 
Mailbox!). This Smart Mailbox was filled immediately after creation with 
the expected messages. Then I added a rule to that Smart Mailbox with a 
similar condition and an action of moving to an other mailbox.

Nothing happens. Mailbox —> Apply Rules moved the messages from *Ingo 
Lantschner* to *Archive*. But they are still visible in the Smart 

Any idea whey they are still visible?

Is there a way to move the messages lets say once a day, or if I open 

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-02 Thread Ingo Lantschner

I often have e-mails containing e.g. file-names with underscores inside 
of the name.



This renders to **check_netapp_pro.pl** and **id_rsa_rocks.pub** if not 
explicitly marked as code.

I know that this is how the original markdown works, but I also see that 
many flavors changed that behavior to ignore underscores (and stars) 
**inside** of words.

Can we have that in MailMate too?

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-03 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 3 Apr 2014, at 16:04, Bjørn Bulthuis wrote:

If you use backticks around these strings, the underscore is 
automatically escaped

That's true, and sometimes the preferred way as words containing 
underscores are often code or file-names. But it's getting very 
cumbersome if you are citing some-ones e-mail where the cited text 
contains several underscores inside. And there are still enough 
situations, where you would like to have two underscores inside of a 
normal word.

So I would still prefer to leave in-word underscores unprocessed.

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-07 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 3 Apr 2014, at 16:20, Brad Knowles wrote:

So I would still prefer to leave in-word underscores unprocessed.

You mean like Github-flavored Markdown?

Yes, although I do not use Github-flavored Markdown, but I have read 
about it there.

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-07 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 7 Apr 2014, at 14:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Apr 2014, at 21:26, Brad Knowles wrote:

It will be interesting to see how Benny balances these requirements.  

I certainly appreciate the various “use cases” described in this 
thread. I'll keep them in mind when revisiting this issue (which I 
regularly do in the hope of some kind of eureka moment).

A somehow related requirement: *Disable Markdown for cited text.* Most 
useful would be to have this option offered, when MailMate detects 
Markdown in cited text and offers now to disable markdown at all. Here I 
would appreciated this as an alternative.

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Flags/tags/colours.

2014-04-28 Thread Ingo Lantschner

On 16 Apr 2014, at 9:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

This means that if you hit ⇧F and then follow it by a number (1-7) 
then you can set the color of the flag (0 removes the flag).

Interesting - thanks! Can this be used to associate selected key-words 
with colored flags?

Somehow related: Do you think the tagging-system of MailMate can be 
integrated with the tagging from OS X (which started with 

Kind regards, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Handling Multiple Identities

2014-06-12 Thread Ingo Lantschner

Having read this [blog post about handling multiple identities][1] I 
would ask for the following change:

If an Mailbox is offline, the from-address from that mailbox should 
**not** be used - at least not as default - when composing new messages, 
forwarding messages and even replying, should at least pop up a warning, 
that I am sending from an offline-mialbox.

Why? As described in the above blog-post, if a growing company uses 
different IMAP-accounts for different roles (sales and office e.g.) it 
may happen, that one person temporarily works with both mailboxes 
(holiday of the other person, ...). When switching back to normal 
operation by setting the other mailbox to offline, Mailmate remembers 
the last used from-address or by some other way the default for from is 
an offline-mailbox now, which results in numerous confusions.

For us this change would be really important.

Thanks and kind regards, Ingo

[1]: http://blog.freron.com/2013/handling-multiple-identities/

Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Want a simple IMAP server to run locally... every proposed method is too complicated for my little brain... any help out there?

2014-07-13 Thread Ingo Lantschner

Am 13.07.2014 um 17:35 schrieb Richard I Cook MD :

> It seems that I need a local IMAP server. It need not communicate with the 
> outside world, just work inside my own user space. Theonly use of this server 
> will be to provide MailMate with a way to 'see' the offline mail.

OS X Server from Appstore. Also it sounds as a bit of overkill, it's easy to 
install and configure. Personally I had the impression, that the start-up and 
shutdown of the system got a bit slower.

Beside if that, it works just fine.

Kind regards, Ingo 

Ingo Lantschner
1060 Vienna-Austria
Mobil +43-664-143 84 18

mailmate mailing list