[MlMt] Send and copy as link

2022-05-11 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

I'm trying to create a "Send and then copy as link" shortcut in Mailmate.

I'm my keybindings I have

"^@l" = (send:, copyAsLink:);

While the message is sent, I don't get a link in my clipboard.

Am I trying to do something that's impossible?


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Look for gpg command in /opt/homebrew/bin

2022-08-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


Is there a way to tell Mailmate to look into `/opt/homebrew/bin` for 
gpg, instead of relying on `/usr/local/bin`?

`brew` on Apple-silicon Macs installs in the former location.

A symlink doesn't work.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Look for gpg command in /opt/homebrew/bin

2022-08-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


I did search for gpg M1, but apparently it wasn't the right term :)

But when I do that, I get

Command	/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --no-tty --compliance 
"openpgp" --status-fd 2 --textmode --armor --local-user 
"" --detach-sign
Output	[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED 77ED9FA059BCC4F6257775A79D3D91B3A1B5B10A 

[GNUPG:] PINENTRY_LAUNCHED 8944 curses 1.2.0 - - - - 502/20 0
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[GNUPG:] FAILURE sign 83918950
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Which is a bit strange, as the config files are the same (if I use the 
Intel-gpg / brew installation, everything's fine).

Do you know how I might fix it?

On 3 Aug 2022, at 11:00, Philip Paeps wrote:

On 2022-08-03 16:02:33 (+0800), Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
Is there a way to tell Mailmate to look into `/opt/homebrew/bin` for 
gpg, instead of relying on `/usr/local/bin`?

This worked for me:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate environmentVariables -array '{ 
enabled = :true;  name = "MM_GPG"; value = "/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg"; }'


Found in the mailing list archives. :)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Look for gpg command in /opt/homebrew/bin

2022-08-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

Nevermind! I uninstalled the gpg suite, and I'm back on track :)

On 3 Aug 2022, at 12:37, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:


I did search for gpg M1, but apparently it wasn't the right term :)

But when I do that, I get

Command	/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --no-tty 
--compliance "openpgp" --status-fd 2 --textmode --armor --local-user 
"" --detach-sign
77ED9FA059BCC4F6257775A79D3D91B3A1B5B10A 2

[GNUPG:] PINENTRY_LAUNCHED 8944 curses 1.2.0 - - - - 502/20 0
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[GNUPG:] FAILURE sign 83918950
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Which is a bit strange, as the config files are the same (if I use the 
Intel-gpg / brew installation, everything's fine).

Do you know how I might fix it?

On 3 Aug 2022, at 11:00, Philip Paeps wrote:

On 2022-08-03 16:02:33 (+0800), Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
Is there a way to tell Mailmate to look into `/opt/homebrew/bin` for 
gpg, instead of relying on `/usr/local/bin`?

This worked for me:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate environmentVariables -array '{ 
enabled = :true;  name = "MM_GPG"; value = "/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg"; 


Found in the mailing list archives. :)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
mailmate mailing list

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[MlMt] Remove elements from emails

2022-10-13 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


Our IT admins added those pesky warnings to all emails incoming from 
outside the companies.

The HTML injected looks like


External Warning: This email is from
… - if this email address is unfamiliar, do not click links and
 do report via the Report Suspicious button in Outlook.


It thought of getting rid of this through CSS, by adding

span[style*="0075CF"] { visibility: hidden}

Updating the MmDefaultCSS variable in `com.freron.Mailmate` or putting 
that same line in `~/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Resources/css/stylesheet.css` didn’t produce the 
required effect so I'm a bit puzzled.

What could I try next?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Pasting text results in image - how to fix?

2023-01-26 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 26 Jan 2023, at 12:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Jan 2023, at 0:42, Scott wrote:

It'll only happen if the application putting it on the pasteboard 
added an image as well as text. I don't really know why any app would 
do that if it's really only text. (MailMate does not have any text to 
image conversion.)

That said, I recall changing something related to Office apps (at 
least Excel and Word), but I'm not sure it works in other cases. 
Please try and see if the latest beta behaves differently (r5937). If 
not, I'll revisit the issue (right now, I've forgotten the details :) 

Excel works indeed and you get a nice Markdown table. Pasting from 
Numbers (= Excel made by Apple) results in an image indeed.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Failed to parse MODSEQ value

2023-11-24 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


I'm using IMAP from Zoho.

In the last couple of days, I've been getting tons of modals saying 
Mailmate "Failed to parse MODSEQ value".

I have 3 options: Try Later, Take Mailbox Offline, Retry.

The errors keep on coming for messages in all different IMAP folders.

On the Activity Viewer, I see hundreds of messages like

19:19:50 S: * 3182 FETCH (MODSEQ (166540238020001) UID 3741)

Does anyone have clues on what to do in these cases?


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] SmartyPants

2013-11-23 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

> On 23/nov/2013, at 18:01, "Erik Mueller-Harder"  wrote:
> Brett Terpstra just wrote:
> If not, I think that would be an ideal addition. Half the point of writing 
> emails in Markdown for me is to have all the punctuation come out correctly 
> without having to think about it... (<- that should be an elipsis :) ).
> Oooh, yes!
> +1
> — Ð

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Resend-Help with a script to create an event from an email

2013-12-07 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
+1000 for this one!

Sent from my iPad

> On 06 Dec 2013, at 10:16, "Benny Kjær Nielsen"  wrote:
> On 6 Dec 2013, at 9:01, Torsten Grust wrote:
> I too use BusyCal and would love to create calendar entries from with 
> MailMate.
> However, as fas as I can tell (I do hope somebody proves me wrong), BusyCal
> does not have an AppleScript dictionary, effectively rendering it 
> non-scriptable.
> That's a siginifcant obstacle to a tight integration with MailMate (with any
> other application, for that matter).
> Busycal has an alternative to using AppleScript based on a custom URL scheme 
> (similar to what is often done on iOS and what MailMate does for the mailto: 
> URL scheme): https://support.busymac.com/blog/23829-busycal-url-handler
> This can actually be a good thing since it's probably faster than using 
> AppleScript when launching a command from within MailMate.
> Now, I'm not sure exactly how you want this to work, but it's certainly 
> possible to create a command which based on the currently selected message 
> (or selected text in the message) can create an event in 
> BusyCal/iCal/Fantastical (3 more bundles to be created). The main problem, of 
> course, is to convert text to event data. I could perhaps implement a feature 
> where MailMate can be told to analyze the message (or selected text) with the 
> data detectors in Mac OS X (10.7+) before calling the external script. This 
> could help find dates, addresses, and phone numbers I believe. (Making no 
> promises, just thinking out loud.)
> -- 
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] HTML Signatures

2013-12-18 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

> From: mailingl...@freron.com
> To: mailmate@lists.freron.com
> Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 00:51:34 +0100
> Subject: Re: [MlMt] HTML Signatures
> On 17 Dec 2013, at 19:20, Pedro Lobo wrote:
> > Yeah, that was my first thought and therefore tried it. Either I did 
> > something wrong or MM doesn't support it. It simply renders html as 
> > plain text, i.e. I had html code all over my signature. If it's not 
> > possible I'll find some way around or a compromise, but thought I'd 
> > ask more experienced users.
> MailMate does not allow HTML in Markdown text. HTML signatures is a 
> common request (always because of company policy) and I'll have to find 
> some kind of solution.
+1. I would also love that.
> (The problem with HTML is that I also need to generate a plain text body 
> part which, ideally, should not contain HTML.)

Well, if I could specify two signatures in one: the first for the HTML body 
part, the second for the plain text body part.
Giovanni  ___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate Message Volume

2014-01-09 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

> On 09 Jan 2014, at 22:19, "Alasdair Muckart"  wrote:
>> On 10 Jan 2014, at 9:55, Kee Hinckley wrote:
>>> On 9 Jan 2014, at 14:51, Andrew Melton wrote:
>>> Are there any numbers available regarding the number of messages in
>>> mailmate and the effect on performance?  I know it will depend on a
>>> multitude of factors, but is there any hard/soft limit on how many messages
>>> can be kept in the Inbox or All Mail?
>> Well, as a datapoint, I have 175,000 messages in my All Mail and around 
>> 5,000 in my inboxes.
> 210k in All Mail and 3k in Inbox here. Search is noticeably laggy on my 3013 
> Macbook Pro, but everything works.

Uh, if it's laggy on your 3013 MacBook Pro, I can't imagine performance in mine 
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline:" );

2014-01-10 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

Hi there,

I'm using the following keyboard shortcut in Mailmate

( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline:" );

to go back to the main view (so that I can scroll messages with the 
arrows). However it seems that, since a couple of days, this is not 
working anymore (Mailmate 3905).

Is there something I did wrong? All my other shortcuts work.

For reference, the whole keybinding file is

// Custom key bindings.

// Combo keys
"g" = {
"u" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline:" );
"j" = ( "markAsNotJunk:");
"c" = ( "showThread:", "showCorrespondence:" );
// bold selection
"@b" = (selectWord:, setMark:, swapWithMark:, deleteToMark:, 
insertText:, "**", yank:, insertText:, " ", moveLeft:, insertText:, 
"**", moveRight:, deleteBackward:);

// italicize selection
"@i" = (selectWord:, setMark:, swapWithMark:, deleteToMark:, 
insertText:, "*", yank:, insertText:, " ", moveLeft:, insertText:, "*", 
moveRight:, deleteBackward:);




mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline:" );

2014-01-13 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

> On 10/gen/2014, at 14:09, "Benny Kjær Nielsen"  wrote:
> On 10 Jan 2014, at 14:04, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
> ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline:" );
> Is there something I did wrong? All my other shortcuts work.
> Remove the : from “mainOutline:”. You must have accidentally inserted it.
> -- 
> Benny

Thanks, that fixed it!

> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Show Signatures keybinding not working anymore

2014-01-13 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


⌃⌘S is not working when on the composer window. If I click on Format 
-> Show Signatures, it works. Last Mailmate version 3932, Mavericks.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Show Signatures keybinding not working anymore

2014-01-14 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Jan 2014, at 14:59, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Jan 2014, at 16:35, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

⌃⌘S is not working when on the composer window. If I click on 
Format -> Show Signatures, it works. Last Mailmate version 3932, 

I cannot reproduce this problem. Maybe you have created a custom key 
binding for this shortcut? (I believe that would block it in the 
composer even if it is a key binding that does not make sense in the 

mailmate mailing list

Keybindings are gmail + this custom file. I don't see anything that 
could stop that from working.

// Custom key bindings.

// Combo keys
"g" = {
"u" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline" );
"j" = ( "markAsNotJunk");
"c" = ( "showThread:", "showCorrespondence" );
// bold selection
"@b" = (selectWord:, setMark:, swapWithMark:, deleteToMark:, 
insertText:, "**", yank:, insertText:, " ", moveLeft:, insertText:, 
"**", moveRight:, deleteBackward:);

// italicize selection
"@i" = (selectWord:, setMark:, swapWithMark:, deleteToMark:, 
insertText:, "*", yank:, insertText:, " ", moveLeft:, insertText:, "*", 
moveRight:, deleteBackward:);


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Show Signatures keybinding not working anymore

2014-01-14 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Jan 2014, at 15:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 14 Jan 2014, at 15:07, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

On 14 Jan 2014, at 14:59, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Jan 2014, at 16:35, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

⌃⌘S is not working when on the composer window. If I click on 
Format -> Show Signatures, it works. Last Mailmate version 3932, 

I cannot reproduce this problem. Maybe you have created a custom key 
binding for this shortcut? (I believe that would block it in the 
composer even if it is a key binding that does not make sense in the 

Keybindings are gmail + this custom file. I don't see anything that 
could stop that from working.

Yes, that looks fine.

Do you have another machine with MailMate installed on which you can 
also reproduce this issue?

Does anyone else have this problem? (Only respond if you *do* have the 
same problem and *one* response is enough to determine that this is 
not only a problem for Giovanni.)

mailmate mailing list

Ah, this is curious.

If I do ⌃⌘M (for markdown), it always work, with left and right 
control keys. But ⌃⌘S, only works using right control key!!

Next thing, I've added the shortcut ⌃⌘S through the Keyboard 
preference panes (in System Preferences). And now it works with both 
control keys!

So I guess you wired something wrong there.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Show Signatures keybinding not working anymore

2014-01-14 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Jan 2014, at 15:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 14 Jan 2014, at 15:34, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

If I do ⌃⌘M (for markdown), it always work, with left and right 
control keys. But ⌃⌘S, only works using right control key!!

Next thing, I've added the shortcut ⌃⌘S through the Keyboard 
preference panes (in System Preferences). And now it works with both 
control keys!

So I guess you wired something wrong there.

Any combination of keys to trigger ⌃⌘S works for me. In code I 
don't even know how to handle left and right control key separately. 
There is nothing special about the “Show Signatures” menu item and 
how it's shortcut is defined. It's very strange...

mailmate mailing list

Let's just sum it up.

If I use the internal keyboard, everything's fine.

If I use the external keyboard, ⌃⌘S does not work with the left 
control, ⌃⌘M and ⌃⌘H work with both controls.

If I add a shortcut in the keyboard preference pane, as in the picture 
[here](http://tinypic.com/r/307rhj8/5), everything works with both 

It's fine for me as a solution, but I guess it leaves you with a strange 
taste in the mouth :)


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Show Signatures keybinding not working anymore

2014-01-14 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Jan 2014, at 15:52, Steve Lianoglou wrote:

Hi Giovanni,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Giovanni Lanzani 


Ah, this is curious.

If I do ⌃⌘M (for markdown), it always work, with left and right 

keys. But ⌃⌘S, only works using right control key!!

Out of curiosity:

* are you using a non-apple external keyboard?

* have you messed around with the Modifier Key map (via System
Preferenes > Keyboard > Modifier Keys ...)

Yes and yes.___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Remove previously emailed contacts

2014-01-22 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Jan 2014, at 18:23, Joshua Kehn wrote:

[autocompletion based on Sent Messages]

That's at least a dozen emails all of which are relatively 

I've considered introducing an IMAP keyword to “blacklist” 
recipient email addresses in Sent Messages, but I haven't done that 
yet (since this would ensure that the information is synchronized with 
the IMAP server). I couldn't decide what to use as the name of the 

If you do not need email completion based on Sent Messages then you 
can use the hidden preference 
to point MailMate at a mailbox with no messages. MailMate is still 
going to use Contacts (Address Book).

Currently, the only other alternative is to move the messages out of 
the Sent Messages mailbox.

mailmate mailing list

And how do you make it rebuild the database (from which it reads the 
completion addresses)?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] tape a

2014-02-17 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 8 Feb 2014, at 19:23, Fabian Blechschmidt wrote:

I can confirm this.

all letters take one second until the list is there, but typing A 
takes 2-4 times until the list is there and I can type further. The 
letters are saved and added, after the freezer input field is 
responsible again.

Best regards

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Use a different gpg2 program

2014-03-05 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

Hi there,

I kind of managed to have Mailmate recognise gpg2 installed via homebrew 
(via `ln -s`). Through gpg-agent and pinentry I was able to have OSX 
remember my pub/private key passphrase. But there's still a (hopefully 
last) problem: Mailmate still can't sign email giving me the

Signing or encryption failed for unknown reasons

error. Any thoughts? I expect this to be hard to track down due to the 
uncommon setup, so feel free to just ignore me :)

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mailmate now supports html signatures

2014-03-06 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
Hurrah to Benny!

Giovanni Lanzani
Data Whisperer @ godatadriven.com
+31 6 5120 6163___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Use a different gpg2 program

2014-03-06 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 6 Mar 2014, at 14:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Mar 2014, at 7:20, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

I kind of managed to have Mailmate recognise gpg2 installed via 
homebrew (via `ln -s`). Through gpg-agent and pinentry I was able to 
have OSX remember my pub/private key passphrase. But there's still a 
(hopefully last) problem: Mailmate still can't sign email giving me 

Signing or encryption failed for unknown reasons

error. Any thoughts? I expect this to be hard to track down due to 
the uncommon setup, so feel free to just ignore me :)

Enable this:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES

And run MailMate like this from the Terminal:


Then you might get some additional information. I don't really know if 
anyone has successfully used anything but the GPGTools variant of 

mailmate mailing list

It hangs like this and I need to kill it.

	 gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --no-tty --openpgp --status-fd 2 
--digest-algo SHA1 --textmode --armor --detach-sign --local-user 
	 Input string (4529): "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n 
text/plain; charse..."

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Use a different gpg2 program

2014-03-06 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 6 Mar 2014, at 15:15, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

Enable this:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES

And run MailMate like this from the Terminal:


Then you might get some additional information. I don't really know 
if anyone has successfully used anything but the GPGTools variant of 

It hangs like this and I need to kill it.

	 gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --no-tty --openpgp --status-fd 2 
--digest-algo SHA1 --textmode --armor --detach-sign --local-user 
	 Input string (4529): "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n 
text/plain; charse..."

I gave up and installed the GPG suite. Works like a charm now :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate now supports html signatures

2014-03-07 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
On 7 Mar 2014, at 14:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> Speaking of test builds, I have just uploaded a new test build with a GUI for 
> the HTML signature feature.
> Note to those of you manually editing the `Signatures.plist`: You have to use 
> the GUI to re-enable the HTML signature since it'll now be disabled by 
> default.

Works like a charm (see below).

Giovanni Lanzani
Data Whisperer @ godatadriven.com
+31 6 5120 6163

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Reply (all) to messages with code blocks

2014-04-24 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
Hi all, 

when I reply to a message that has code blocks, like

This is the body of the message with

a code block
with two lines

up to here


what I get is in the new window is

> This is the body of the message with
> ```
> a code block
> with two lines
> ```
> up to here

i.e. there is a blank line between the lines in the code block. You can 
probably see it for yourself by replying to this message (although there are 
two code blocks in this message, so I don't really know).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Syntax Highlighting in Composer

2014-05-31 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 30 May 2014, at 22:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 29 May 2014, at 16:17, Pedro Lobo wrote:

I can't seem to recall (nor find in the archives) if this topic has 
been brought up before.

Essentially I'd like to know if MM supports Syntax Highlighting or if 
it's a planned feature for V2.

It's not supported, but it would be a nice feature. I've looked into 
it in the past, but it's unfortunately not easily implemented. The 
same goes for formatted math expressions which would also be a great 
feature. Some day.

mailmate mailing list

Bundling Pygments maybe?___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] I don't expect support soon, but, heads up. (Yosemite)

2014-06-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

3)  Other UI changes actually look pretty nice inside of MailMate.  I 
liked the look!

Great! I do win a little bit by mostly using standard boring GUI 
components :-)

(But I guess the application icon looks very much out of place.)

It already looked out of place on retina Macs :)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Secondary Sort

2014-08-04 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
Hi all,

Can we have secondary sort (by date) when we order the emails by *Subject*?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Secondary Sort

2014-08-06 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 6 Aug 2014, at 15:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 4 Aug 2014, at 11:05, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

Can we have secondary sort (by date) when we order the emails by 

This is how it is supposed to work if you first click on the Date 
column header and then on the Subject column header. (I haven't 
actually verified this works, but this is how I originally implemented 
it if I remember correctly.)

mailmate mailing list

AH, thanks! It seems that is working, from my preliminary tests :)

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Keybase integration

2014-10-09 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
Any chances of integrating Mailmate with [Keybase.io](https://keybase.io)?___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] suggestion - search buttons

2015-01-29 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:47, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

But anyway, once we get the cool Google like search field where I can 
type "from:foo AND to:bar", then this point will be a moot point...

Oh man, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to have a search interface 
like this, using the various key-words from the drop downs instead of 
the dropdown.

"from:*.domain.com before:01-12-2014 after:17-03-2013 NOT 
(subject:"Invoice*" OR from:landl...@evil.com)"

Implicit "and" between operations, etc etc.

Oh yes.  $50?  $100?  $250?  The way I use MailMate, likely the 





would that be difficult to implement? Sounds like it could become an 
in-app purchase :)

At least for Scott and me.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Should I remove gmail labels completely ?

2015-04-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 3 Apr 2015, at 13:01, Olivier Martin wrote:

Hello there,

The question must have been asked a thousand times : it's about gmail 
and labels...

As I understand it, they are mostly an IMAP hack and break many many 
clients. So... I should probably remove them, but I have like 8 years 
of labelling history so it's kind of a harsh decision to make. I could 
create Smart mailboxes I guess but I like the idea of organising my 
mails with them.

I'm curious how you guys deal with gmail, no labels **at all** ?

mailmate mailing list

I just treat them as folders: they can be nested, but that's it (i.e. no 
multiple labels per message).___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Should I remove gmail labels completely ?

2015-04-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 3 Apr 2015, at 14:58, Olivier Martin wrote:

I have many rules adding labels automatically, thus a message sent to 
a mailing list will be duplicated between the inbox and all the 
recipient lists.

So you keep the gmail labels by adding them manullay ?

Well, I keep all those stuff out of my Inbox, and read them through the 
Unread smart folder whenever I feel like it.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Should I remove gmail labels completely ?

2015-04-03 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

> On 03/apr/2015, at 14:58, Olivier Martin  wrote:
> I have many rules adding labels automatically, thus a message sent to a 
> mailing list will be duplicated between the inbox and all the recipient lists.
> So you keep the gmail labels by adding them manullay ?

I thought I replied, but apparently I didn't. So here I go again. 

Basically everything that has a rule, hence a label, doesn't get in my inbox. I 
read it using the "Unread" smart folder, once every something. 


mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Use GPG from Homebrew?

2015-09-02 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 1 Sep 2015, at 21:50, Kai Großjohann wrote:


is it possible to have MailMate use GPG from Homebrew?  Right now, 
Homebrew complains it can't update GPG because there is a non-Homebrew 
link in `/usr/local/bin`...



I would really love *not* having to have the GPG suite installed.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-16 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Oct 2017, at 1:26, Jonas Kemper wrote:

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to wrap my head around how RSVPing to calendar invites 
works. I appreciate how easy this is for example in gmail/outlook.

Now, my situation might be a little bit specific. I have no offline 
calendar configured whatsoever. This means, that I don't care that the 
calendar event sent is important in a calendar. I just want to RSVP to 
the invite. As far as I have understood the standard at this point, 
this should basically just be another email reply with another .ics 
file attached. I might be wrong about this though.

Has anybody dealt with this before? My ideal scenario would be control 
elements to respond with "yes/no/maybe" in Mailmate whenever a meeting 
invite comes in.

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I'd also love this. There's also some duplication going on.

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Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-16 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 16 Oct 2017, at 12:01, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Does any other mail client provide such a functionality? I thought it 
was the calendar programs that did it. I wonder, though, whether you 
can fake it through a bundle.

Outlook? :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-17 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 17 Oct 2017, at 22:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 14 Oct 2017, at 1:26, Jonas Kemper wrote:

Has anybody dealt with this before? My ideal scenario would be 
control elements to respond with "yes/no/maybe" in Mailmate whenever 
a meeting invite comes in.

It seems you got a couple of somewhat promising replies. I cannot 
offer to look into the RFCs and what exactly needs to be done to make 
this work, but if someone does this part of the work then I promise to 
help making it into a bundle including adding any features needed to 
do that.

Benny, I'm willing to give it a try. A couple of questions before 

- How does the bundle call the script? What kind of information would be 
available and how are they passed? In particular I would need:

  - the email account this was sent to/the account that received it;
  - the attachment (i.e. the invite);
  - the status
  - optionally a remark.
- And how does mailmate parse the reply? For example the invite needs to 
be encoded in base64.
- Is there a preference for programming languages? I'm mostly familiar 
with Python.

You can all have a look 
for a minimal Python implementation.

Replying is much easier though: you just need to change the content of 
one line of the invite (assuming no notes are added).



mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-17 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

So as far as I can see, I'm left with this

On 17 Oct 2017, at 23:18, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

- And how does mailmate parse the reply? For example the invite needs 
to be encoded in base64.

From your blog post I see that in 2014 only discard or action were 
supported. Is that still the case Benny?

Because otherwise there's not much this script can do, unless we defer 
sending the actual email to the script (which is still possible and easy 
in Python, but all the various user/password/server/port should be 
passed along as well).



mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-18 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 18 Oct 2017, at 0:11, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

- And how does mailmate parse the reply? For example the invite 
needs to be encoded in base64.

From your blog post I see that in 2014 only discard or action were 
supported. Is that still the case Benny?

Because otherwise there's not much this script can do, unless we 
defer sending the actual email to the script (which is still possible 
and easy in Python, but all the various user/password/server/port 
should be passed along as well).

are you looking for how to send back a reply ?

does this help: 


But I'm curious about the multimime (ical + html) message that needs go 
back with the body of the calendar invite base64 encoded.

Is there a way to get user/password/server/port from the environment 
variables that Mailmate sets?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] RSVP/respond to ical/.ics calendar invite?

2017-10-19 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

Hi Benny,

Thanks for detailed answers. I've added some comments below.

On 18 Oct 2017, at 19:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Hi Giovanni,

you already got some replies. I'll try to fill the gaps.

On 17 Oct 2017, at 23:18, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

  - the status

What kind of status?

You don't do many meetings, do you? :) It's accepted, rejected, maybe

  - optionally a remark.


When replying to a meeting you can add a remark such as: "I'll be 
available only for the first part of the meeting". The remark and the 
status should come, either as env variables or via stdin, from Mailmate 
I guess. Is that even possible? Remark is not a priority (I guess).

You can all have a look 
for a minimal Python implementation.

Replying is much easier though: you just need to change the content 
of one line of the invite (assuming no notes are added).

I'm going to try to ignore having to understand the details of the 
calendar format and what can be done with invites. I'll just note that 
hopefully MailMate can make this a bit simpler by taking care of 
constructing the MIME message.

Maybe I should just let you know when the attachments features 
described above are available? :)

Do you think they would be sufficient? Or do you need more detailed 
control of the construction of the MIME message?

I don't know :)

Looking at the raw message of an invite, it looks like this. From Python 
I could just supply the base64 encoded content. If Mailmate would handle 
the rest: that'd be swell! :)



From: Giovanni Lanzani 
To: xx 
Subject: xx
Thread-Topic: xx
Thread-Index: AdNH4ORC21n0rFd3Tyyx4cw7nfpI8AAAWUX13KM=
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:31:35 +0200

Content-Language: en-US
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL: -1
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-RecordReviewCfmType: 0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REPLY
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Here the the base64 encoded ics should be present

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Move down/up in move to mailbox keybindings

2017-10-31 Thread Giovanni Lanzani


I’d like to bind ⌃ J en ⌃ K to down and up arrow in the Move to 
Mailbox windows. Does someone have any pointers on how to achieve this?



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[MlMt] Alternative to Macvim bundle, to use with Vimr

2017-10-31 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
I’ve made an alternative version of the Macvim Bundle, that can be 
used with [Vimr].

Vimr has built in Markdown preview, so it's much easier to use (the 
previous bundle relies on

Marked to be present).

The only "quirk" is that it requires the `vimr` executable to be in 

Everything can stay similar (equal?) to the Macvim bundle except the 
`edit` file that should look

like this


# edit: backend script of the MailMate Vimr bundle, used to invoke vimr
# Original author: Giovanni Lanzani 



osascript -e 'tell app "MailMate" to activate'

Benny, can you let me know if there is more work to do on my side to 
include this bundle in




[Vimr]: http://vimr.org
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Move down/up in move to mailbox keybindings

2017-11-02 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

No, I’m referring to moving in the dialog you get when hitting ⌘ T

On 2 Nov 2017, at 15:18, Seth Hall wrote:

Not sure exactly what you mean, by my keybindings use shift-j and 
shift-k to move between mailboxes..



On 31 Oct 2017, at 15:27, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:


I’d like to bind ⌃ J en ⌃ K to down and up arrow in the Move to 
Mailbox windows. Does someone have any pointers on how to achieve 



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Seth Hall * Corelight, Inc * www.corelight.com
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Re: [MlMt] Alternative to Macvim bundle, to use with Vimr

2017-11-02 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 2 Nov 2017, at 16:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Oct 2017, at 21:03, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
Vimr has built in Markdown preview, so it's much easier to use (the 
previous bundle relies on

Marked to be present).

The only "quirk" is that it requires the `vimr` executable to be in 

Is this some kind of default install location when installing vimr?

Otherwise, it would be better if it worked without the user having to 
do anything (other than install vimr).

Here’s the thing: in vimr you need to tell vimr where to save that 
executable. I’ve put it in `~/.local/bin` as is already is in my 
`$PATH`. But I don’t think we can assume everybody does that.

They *should* however put it in their `$PATH`. How does Mailmate decide 
what `$PATH` is? Does it look a the `.bashrc`/`profile` of the user?

Benny, can you let me know if there is more work to do on my side to 
include this bundle in


If you send me the bundle then I can make it part of the default set 
available for installing in MailMate.

Great. I will as soon as we settle the above :)___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mojave and Dark Mode

2018-10-02 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

Sorry to spam anyone, but yes please!

On 2 Oct 2018, at 0:17, Mark Derricutt wrote:


Is there any way of getting Mailmate to strip any colour css elements 
from HTML email at all?

Using Mojave with dark mode and I'm noticing a lot of emails rather 
annoyingly have inline CSS setting font colour to black/dark greys, 
which really suck :)

I see there's a new dark CSS file I can override to tweak settings, 
but that doesn't help with inline CSS :(


"The ease with which a change can be implemented has no relevance at 
all to whether it is the right change for the (Java) Platform for all 
time." — Mark Reinhold.

Mark Derricutt
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Re: [MlMt] PSA: Mobile app that's compatible with many MailMate features.

2018-11-14 Thread Giovanni Lanzani

On 14 Nov 2018, at 22:05, davecc wrote:

Why are so many app developers reluctant to post the costs alongside 
the benefits on the FAQ or other information pages?

What does the annual subscription cost?



See [here](https://itunes.apple.com/app/id808514898) (scroll down to 
in-app purchases).___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar-hack for MailMate

2019-02-28 Thread Giovanni Lanzani
On 22 Feb 2019, at 23:22, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

> I copied the file so I have this:
> ```
> $ ls ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts
> Mailboxes
> headersFormatting.plist
> ```
> but after restarting nothing seem to happen

Same here.___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Remove email-server-inserted warnings

2025-01-31 Thread Giovanni Lanzani via mailmate

Hi all,

I saw this in the release notes but I couldn't find a way to turn it on.

New: Experimental feature to automatically remove 
email-server-inserted warnings like “External Message: Use 
Caution” when replying.

Any pointers?

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