[MlMt] "Delete" key won't delete messages from browser

2022-03-14 Thread Dave Carpenter
I don’t know when it changed, but now when I highlight a message in the message 
browser and press Delete, nothing happens.

I can create or edit a message and the Delete key works to delete text 
(“backspace delete”).

Any idea what I’m not seeing?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "Delete" key won't delete messages from browser

2022-03-16 Thread Dave Carpenter
My “Inbox” (composite of all account inboxes) allows me to delete a message 
from it. I highlight the message and press Delete and it disappears from the 
Browser and appears in the Deleted Messages mailbox. This is the behavior that 
has been since… I don’t know when.

But that one time it did not. Deleting messages using the Delete key now works. 
Don’t know what changed…


> On 14 Mar 2022, at 22:51, Dave Carpenter wrote:
>> I don’t know when it changed, but now when I highlight a message in the 
>> message browser and press Delete, nothing happens.
> Which mailbox are you viewing? Note that some mailboxes (like the ones under 
> Sources) show emails in all mailboxes of each account. This means that 
> deleting a message just means that it's moved to a different mailbox and it 
> will seem like nothing happens (in retrospect, this was not a good design 
> decision).
> You can always enable the “Source Mailbox” column in the message list to know 
> the exact IMAP location of a given message.
> -- 
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Yahoo's spam filter quit

2022-06-28 Thread Dave Carpenter
My yahoo account would filter the worst spam messages into the Junk mailbox 
which would appear in MM’s Junk mailbox, making it a simple, quick process to 
scan the headers and delete them all.

Last week this stopped happening. Now they all appear in the main MM Inbox. 
Which means I have to scan through my Inbox and move them to the Trash.

Anyone else experience this recent change? Any idea why this happened?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Draft messages are not editable

2022-10-12 Thread Dave Carpenter

I’m running v5852.
- - -
Hello all,
When I save a draft message, it appears in the Drafts directory. When I 
open that message it is not editable, nor is the Send icon visible. 
It’s like it is a Received message. I can right-click and choose 
“Edit as New Message…” and then it is both editable and sendable.

But this is not the design, is it? Am I the only one that sees this MlMt 

When I check for updates, I’m told I’m up-to-date.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Import Image

2022-10-15 Thread Dave Carpenter

I running v5918
- - -
In a composer window I place the cursor at my desired location and 
right-click, choose “Import Image”. Nothing happens.

Am I using this option correctly? Should I have done something first?

How to import an image?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Insert photo in-line in an email message?

2022-10-20 Thread Dave Carpenter
Is it possible to insert a photo between 2 paragraphs in an email message? The 
only way I see to add a photo is via attachments.

MailMate v5918
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Insert photo in-line in an email message?

2022-10-20 Thread Dave Carpenter
>>> Is it possible to insert a photo between 2 paragraphs in an email message? 
>>> The only way I see to add a photo is via attachments.

>> Drag and drop, or copy and paste.

> Yes, but I’d like to add that this only works in markdown mode (and thus, 
> when sending a HTML message). Plain text messages do not allow embedded 
> images within the text.
> Kind regards,
> Tobias Jung

Thank you for that distinction Tobias. I’ve only ever sent plain text messages.

A general question: is there a down-side to sending HTML mail? Do some 
businesses decline to receive HTML mail? Or is to quite common? I just don’t 
want to send HTML if suddenly I discover that some corporate servers are 
rejecting it on policy.

Thanks again,
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] 2-panel interface?

2023-07-09 Thread Dave Carpenter
How do I get back the ability to pull up from the bottom of the window 
in which I’m composing a message in order to see the “real” format 
view? Until recently there was alway a margin at the bottom where a dot 
was always located that I could grab and drag up. No more. And I looked 
through the menus for the multiple-pane options… I must be missing 

MailMate 1.13.2 (5673)
macOS 10.15.7 Catalina
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Never mind! (was: 2-panel interface?)

2023-07-09 Thread Dave Carpenter

View: Layout

But how do I get the 2-panel view to remain without selecting it from 
the menu each time?


How do I get back the ability to pull up from the bottom of the window 
in which I’m composing a message in order to see the “real” format 
view? Until recently there was alway a margin at the bottom where a dot 
was always located that I could grab and drag up. No more. And I looked 
through the menus for the multiple-pane options… I must be missing 

MailMate 1.13.2 (5673)
macOS 10.15.7 Catalina
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Message preview won't stay turned off

2021-05-28 Thread Dave Carpenter
Guys n’ gals,
I don’t want preview. It stays disabled for awhile, then it’s there to the 
right of the new email I’m creating. I go to View>Layout and this is what I 
see. The “Preview” item is never checkmarked, only the “Preview at right”, 
which won’t un-check. Only the “Preview” item (which is never checked) 
responds: when I click on it, the preview goes away.

Am I the only one experiencing this?


![](cid:B921A6A9-E149-416B-B2E5-104F1B115EDE@gmail.com "Screen Shot 2021-05-28 
at 11.21.39 PM.png")
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Gmail messages marked "Important"?

2021-06-08 Thread Dave Carpenter
I traced the duplicate messages appearing in smart mailboxes. With the very 
helpful “Go to source” feature in the contextual menu (right click on any 
message), I see that these are from a Gmail mailbox called “Important”. 
Apparently Gmail is marking many of my incoming messages with the “Important” 
label because, as Gmail so helpfully explains in its web interface Settings, 
“You read messages from this group [one of my mail lists] often”. Sheesh!

The Gmail web interface Settings page gives you control, ostensibly, over this 
setting. You can turn off this label and disable the AI “we’ll decide what is 
Important for you!” setting.

Steps to do this via your Gmail web interface:

But when I look in MM into the mailbox Source>Gmail>Important, there are still 
many many messages there (as there still are in the Important mailbox in the 
Gmail web interface).

And, importantly (no play on words intended), I do not know why MM allows 
these—showing up as duplicates—into some of my smart mailboxes.

How to eliminate the Important stigma from all my messages?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] no longer able to send Yahoo! IMAP emails

2021-06-18 Thread Dave Carpenter

On 15 Jun 2021, at 13:16, Bill Cole wrote:

> On 2021-06-15 at 15:10:26 UTC-0400 (Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:10:26 -0500)
> Edward Thome 
> is rumored to have said:
>> Yahoo has Pop accounts for free but the IMAP will only work temporarily on 
>> the same address before failing.  You have to pay Yahoo for their IMAP 
>> accounts.
> This is untrue. I have never paid a dime top Yahoo but have 2 fully 
> functional YAHOO IMAP accounts.

Can also confirm I have multiple Yahoo IMAP accounts and have never paid a cent.

I do keep getting “offers” from Yahoo regularly saying something like “We see 
you have not yet upgraded to ‘premium’ (I forget what they call their paid 
service exactly)” and that my free accounts will expire soon, which they never 
have. I just delete the advertisement messages.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Delete key no longer removes mail

2021-11-25 Thread Dave Carpenter
Not so long ago, highlighting a message listed in MM mail browser and pressing 
the Delete key would place the message in the Deleted Messages folder. No 

The Delete key works as expected outside the MM browser: when editing text it 
removes text, etc.

I don’t recall making any changes to MM, nor updating MM.

Am I missing something obvious?


MailMate Version 1.14 (5819)
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Delete key no longer removes mail

2021-11-25 Thread Dave Carpenter

EDIT: MailMate calls this not a Message Browser, but a Message Viewer.
- - -
Not so long ago, highlighting a message listed in MM mail browser and 
pressing the Delete key would place the message in the Deleted Messages 
folder. No longer.

The Delete key works as expected outside the MM browser: when editing 
text it removes text, etc.

I don’t recall making any changes to MM, nor updating MM.

Am I missing something obvious?


MailMate Version 1.14 (5819)___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Delete key no longer removes mail

2021-11-26 Thread Dave Carpenter
And not this morning the Delete key works as it used to: highlighting a message 
and pressing Delete moves it to Deleted Messages.

Can anyone say what is responsible for this is “off again, on again” behavior?



Not so long ago, highlighting a message listed in MM message viewer and 
pressing the Delete key would place the message in the Deleted Messages folder. 
No longer.

The Delete key works as expected outside the MM viewer: when editing text it 
removes text, etc.

I don’t recall making any changes to MM, nor updating MM.

Am I missing something obvious?


MailMate Version 1.14 (5819)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Delete key no longer removes mail

2021-11-26 Thread Dave Carpenter
And *now* this morning…
- - - 
And not this morning the Delete key works as it used to: highlighting a 
message and pressing Delete moves it to Deleted Messages.

Can anyone say what is responsible for this “off again, on again” behavior?



Not so long ago, highlighting a message listed in MM message viewer and 
pressing the Delete key would place the message in the Deleted Messages folder. 
No longer.

The Delete key works as expected outside the MM viewer: when editing text it 
removes text, etc.

I don’t recall making any changes to MM, nor updating MM.

Am I missing something obvious?


MailMate Version 1.14 (5819)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Server error

2022-01-28 Thread Dave Carpenter
I am getting “IMAP problem for Yahoo Account” notices popping up at 
regular, frequent intervals:

- - -
MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “D1 NO 
[LIMIT] CAPABILITY Rate limit hit.”. Command attempted: “D1 
Mailbox: “Blocked Mail”. <— This mailbox differs with each error 

- - -
I know that some email services won’t accept mail from a Yahoo 
account. Does this have something to do with that?

What to do?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Server error

2022-01-28 Thread Dave Carpenter
I am getting “IMAP problem for Yahoo Account” notices popping up at 
regular, frequent intervals:

- - -
MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “D1 NO 
[LIMIT] CAPABILITY Rate limit hit.”. Command attempted: “D1 
Mailbox: “Blocked Mail”. <— This mailbox differs with each error 
pop-up: “Sent”, “Bulk Mail”, etc.

- - -
I know that some email services won’t accept mail from a Yahoo 
account. Does this have something to do with that?

What to do?

mailmate mailing list