Re: [MlMt] New Test Build (5929)

2022-12-08 Thread Angelo Machils

On 8 Dec 2022, at 19:22, Dan Pritts wrote:

> Is there an easy method to grab the latest beta? I'm on 5913, As Michael says 
> 5918 is a beta and newer than what I'm running. Option-click allows me to go 
> to 5930.

In the settings, under ‘Software Update’, you can set MM to ‘Watch for:’ Beta 

With regards,

Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Office365 not working anymore

2023-11-18 Thread Angelo Machils


On 17 Nov 2023, at 18:55, Alex Abdo wrote:

I’m writing to see if anyone has advice for how to troubleshoot 
Mailmate’s compatibility with Office365.

I had this happen in the past several times. Office365 (cloud) would 
work fine and then stop working suddenly. The only thing I found that 
would work was to completely remove the account in MailMate. Also, I had 
to remove the key(s) in the Apple Keychain application. Then I set it up 
again and it kept working (for a while).

With regards,

Angelo Machils___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Office365 not working anymore

2023-11-20 Thread Angelo Machils


On 20 Nov 2023, at 18:49, Alex Abdo wrote:

Angelo, thank you so much for the suggestion. I gave that a try but 
still ended up with the same issue. Here is the log from the activity 

It’s been quite a while since I used a Outlook/Office365 account with 
MailMate, but besides removing the account and the keys, I *seem* to 
remember that I also had to remove the ‘connected’ application from 
the Outlook/Office365 settings for MailMate. But as you’ve not even 
succeeded in connecting once since the move from the self-hosted 
Exchange to Office365, I doubt it’s there. I think Raza is correct in 
assuming that they’ve just blocked access except certain mail clients.
I’m guessing they won’t let you create an ‘app password’ in the 
Office365 settings?

With regards,

Angelo Machils___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] double sent mail

2018-02-04 Thread Angelo Machils


When I sent an email through my Hotmail account, it turns out that on 
the server for every sent mail, there is a second copy. MailMate 
doesn’t show this second copy in the Sent folder, but I just found out 
that on the web-app for, every sent mail has a second copy.

Can I change this behaviour somewhere?


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] double sent mail

2018-02-04 Thread Angelo Machils

No, it's on the server that I see the second copy of the sent email. A
little later it also shows up in MailMate.

I can't find any setting in to that effect, and even if there
were such a setting, it would be not of a lot of use. Because when I have
to use the webmail, the sent mail would not be saved. Isn't there a
settings in MailMate where I can turn off saving sent mails per account?


Angelo Machils

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Benny Kjær Nielsen 

> On 4 Feb 2018, at 9:43, Angelo Machils wrote:
> When I sent an email through my Hotmail account, it turns out that on the
>> server for every sent mail, there is a second copy. MailMate doesn’t show
>> this second copy in the Sent folder, but I just found out that on the
>> web-app for, every sent mail has a second copy.
>> Can I change this behaviour somewhere?
> If it's because the server saves a copy in the mailbox for sent messages
> then there might be a server setting to prevent this.
> Since you cannot see both copies in webmail then I also suspect that there
> is a synchronization issue. Check that the mailbox for sent messages is
> online when you look at it under SOURCES in the mailbox list. (It's not
> online if it's greyed out.)
> --
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Preserving tags

2018-02-12 Thread Angelo Machils


Just remember that dovecot is only part of the equation, you also need 
to configure stuff like postfix (or exim), spamassassin etc. On *nix, 
there is a package called iredmail that makes installing (and 
configuring) a lot easier. Perhaps you could also look at something like 
Zimbra, very easy to install and maintain and there are hosted versions 
out there. Zimbra supports tags, although I have no experience in how 
far they are compatible with mailmate. You could test with zmailcloud, 
this is one of the hosted Zimbra installs and they offer a free trail.


Angelo Machils

On 13 Feb 2018, at 9:11, Rick Holzgrafe wrote:

You’re the second person to suggest running a local Dovecot server. 
One of the bits of good news in all this was that I was looking 
forward to letting experts worry about the server stuff. I’m not an 
expert, and maintaining our own server has been a nightmare. So I’m 
a bit allergic to the notion of continuing to run even a limited 

But y’all are saying it’s “fairly simple”, and Fredrik Jonsson 
has contributed a web page he wrote that explains how to do it in 
detail. So thanks to you both, and I will definitely keep it in mind!

On 12 Feb 2018, at 23:05, Bill Cole wrote:

On 12 Feb 2018, at 18:16, Rick Holzgrafe wrote:

Is there any way to preserve not just the mail, but also the tags 
that we have applied in Mailmate? I have explored the Application 
Support > Mailmate folder, but as far as I can tell the tag info is 
not stored there, except for a handy list of all the tag names.

The tags are stored on the server as IMAP "keywords" a.k.a. "flags."

This is a standard part of the IMAP protocol, but support for 
user-defined keywords/flags is sparse. MacOS X Server uses Dovecot as 
its IMAP server and so supports an arbitrary collection of keywords. 
Many email service providers (e.g. Microsoft) have IMAP keyword 
support so limited that it might as well not exist. Others (e.g. 
Google) conflate flags/keywords and folder names, so massive 
weirdness can occur.

BOTTOM LINE: You cannot count on a mailbox storage & access provider 
to support existing MailMate tags. If they use Dovecot, Cyrus, or 
Courier, you may be able to just drag messages across and let MM do 
the work. Otherwise? Who knows.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: It's fairly simple to yank the mailboxes out of 
the MacOS X Server mailstore and drop them into a MacPorts (or 
Homebrew or handmade) installation of Dovecot.

mailmate mailing list

— Rick Holzgrafe

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] double sent mail

2018-02-21 Thread Angelo Machils


I can’t seem to find such an option in Office365/Outlook (web) 
anywhere. I have also a business account on Office365 through my work, 
and strangely enough, there this doesn’t happen?!


Angelo Machils

On 20 Feb 2018, at 11:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 5 Feb 2018, at 7:48, Angelo Machils wrote:

Sorry about the late response.

No, it's on the server that I see the second copy of the sent email. 
A little later it also shows up in MailMate.

Ok, that does sound like Outlook is saving emails sent with SMTP.

I can't find any setting in to that effect, and even if 
there were such a setting, it would be not of a lot of use. Because 
when I have to use the webmail, the sent mail would not be saved.

No, the setting I'm looking for is something like: “Don't save 
copies in IMAP account when email clients use SMTP.” Most often, 
SMTP and IMAP are completely separate things and this wouldn't be an 
issue at all. It is the client's responsibility to save sent messages. 
Some email servers are now “smarter”, but it's badly standardized 
and not quite clear how an email client should behave. Since Gmail 
does this then one could argue that it's now the norm, but I don't 
consider Gmail standard in any way ;-)

(What webmail does is irrelevant since webmail is its own client and 
it should naturally always save sent messages.)

Technically, I believe the underlying bandwidth optimization problem 
is better solved by [this RFC](, 
but MailMate doesn't support this extension and I'm actually not sure 
if or how many SMTP servers support it.

Isn't there a settings in MailMate where I can turn off saving sent 
mails per account?

No, and it's partly because I'm unsure how to implement it without 
risking losing sent messages. I would prefer a solution which ensures 
that MailMate doesn't delete it until it has found and downloaded the 
copy saved by the server. This includes verifying that it's an 
identical copy, for example, Gmail some times rewrites headers and 
I'll be blamed for that if MailMate doesn't somehow record what it 
really sent.

In other words, I would prefer a feature like “Detect and delete 
duplicates” (for Sent Messages) rather than “Don't save sent 
messages”, but in practice the first is just a safer variant of the 

But the answer is still: No, MailMate does not currently have the 
feature you are looking for.


On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Benny Kjær Nielsen 


On 4 Feb 2018, at 9:43, Angelo Machils wrote:

When I sent an email through my Hotmail account, it turns out that 
on the
server for every sent mail, there is a second copy. MailMate 
doesn’t show
this second copy in the Sent folder, but I just found out that on 

web-app for, every sent mail has a second copy.

Can I change this behaviour somewhere?

If it's because the server saves a copy in the mailbox for sent 

then there might be a server setting to prevent this.

Since you cannot see both copies in webmail then I also suspect that 
is a synchronization issue. Check that the mailbox for sent messages 
online when you look at it under SOURCES in the mailbox list. (It's 

online if it's greyed out.)

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] 'New Message' not possible

2018-02-24 Thread Angelo Machils

I’ve noticed this before, but now it happened again: I just opened my MacBook 
Air and MailMate was still running. But the ‘New Message’ icon as well as the 
menu item are greyed out. Restarting MailMate or even the system does not work 
in this case. The previous time(s) I had to reinstall MailMate?!

I’m running the latest stable version r5443……


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] recentsd used by MailMate?

2018-03-12 Thread Angelo Machils


Even though I don’t use Apple Mail (it’s not even configured), I 
notice that recentsd is started and using a lot of memory if the system 
has been on for some time (between 2 and 2.5Gb.). The only thing I can 
find, are some older reports of this being a problem with older versions 
of Mail, but I don’t even start/use this. Does MailMate use recentsd 
as well?

I’m running the latest (beta) build, 5461.


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] recentsd used by MailMate?

2018-03-14 Thread Angelo Machils


On 13 Mar 2018, at 8:58, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

On 13 Mar 2018, at 7:09, Angelo Machils wrote:

Even though I don’t use Apple Mail (it’s not even configured), I 
notice that recentsd is started and using a lot of memory if the 
system has been on for some time (between 2 and 2.5Gb.). The only 
thing I can find, are some older reports of this being a problem with 
older versions of Mail, but I don’t even start/use this. Does 
MailMate use recentsd as well?

The first thing I saw was that this was caused by a Safari bug

I don’t use Safari either. But what I find is that it’s related to 
Mail ‘constantly asking recentsd for recent contacts’, but since I 
don’t use Mail, the question is if MailMate uses this daemon as well?


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] G Suite/Gmail namespace

2018-05-11 Thread Angelo Machils


I have a G Suite and an old Gmail account and I would see all the 
folders (well, labels) in one row in the sources list (so not some 
folders as subfolders from either [Gmail] or [Google Mail]). I have 
looked at, the IMAP 
namespaces section and entered “namespaceResponse = "((\"[Google 
Mail]\" \"/\")) NIL NIL”;” in the sources.plist and now all the 
folders are neatly in a single column, but it still shows the [Google 
Mail] as a folder in the list. Usually, with other clients, if one 
configures the IMAP namespace, the namespace itself disappears in the 

Anyone any idea how I should configure it correctly in MM?



Angelo Machils___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] font issue after upgrade to Mojave

2018-09-30 Thread Angelo Machils


Perhaps this has been mentioned on the list before, but I just upgraded 
my system to Mojave this morning and now I’ve noticed that the name of 
the folder has shifted upwards. A screenshot can be found at:

With regards,

Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Count offset?

2018-10-01 Thread Angelo Machils

I think this is because the text has gone up higher than pre-Mojave.


Angelo Machils

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 6:03 AM, Steven M. Bellovin 

> Is it my imagination, or are the Unseen counters a bit lower? This is 2.0
> build 6121 on Mojave. I haven't done anything to configure the look of this.
> --Steve Bellovin,
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] font issue after upgrade to Mojave

2018-10-02 Thread Angelo Machils

Thank you, that seems to fix the font issue in the folder list. But in the
email list the text seems to be a bit too low positioned now.


Angelo Machils

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 4:49 PM, Benny Kjær Nielsen 

> On 1 Oct 2018, at 3:05, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> On 30 Sep 2018, at 8:52, Angelo Machils wrote:
>> Perhaps this has been mentioned on the list before, but I just upgraded
>>> my system to Mojave this morning and now I’ve noticed that the name of the
>>> folder has shifted upwards. A screenshot can be found at:
>>> I've seen the same thing.
> See my earlier reply on the mailing list about r5530:
> I wasn't really ready for Apple releasing Mojave :-) It works, but I
> continue to work on fixing various (mostly) visual issues.
> --
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Tags/Gmail label per account

2019-07-08 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


I have several Gmail/GSuite accounts defined in MM and some labels 
(ToDo, Waiting, etc.) are present in multiple accounts. I would like to 
create tags that are linked to these labels, but _per_ account. So a 
tag, let’s say ‘todo a’ that links to the todo label in account a 
and another tag ‘todo b’ that is linked to the todo label in account 

Is this possible and if so, how?


Angelo Machils___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] MailMate slowness?!

2019-10-11 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


After a while of not using a Mac, I just got a secondhand MB Air (2015) 
and of course installed MailMate. I have had a (very) similar machine 
before, but I can’t really remember if MailMate was so slow on that as 
well. For example, if I click the reply button or type COM-R, it takes 
about 3-4 seconds for the window to show, sometimes I even see the 
spinning ball. 3-4 Seconds don’t seem that long but with the stock 
Mail application, the window appears instantly.
Also, when typing with MD preview, I actually type faster than the 
characters appear on the screen, also in the text window. Something I 
haven’t seen since the days of a serial terminal :) None of my other 
applications seems so slow/sluggish.

I understand my system is far from being a powerhouse, but I never 
considered MM to be a ‘heavy’ application.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate slowness?!

2019-10-14 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


On 14 Oct 2019, at 16:40, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

On 12 Oct 2019, at 10:57, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

Angelo Machils via mailmate 2019-10-12 8:20 wrote:

I just got a secondhand MB Air (2015) and of course installed 
MailMate. I have had a (very) similar machine before, but I can’t 
really remember if MailMate was so slow on that as well.
I have a very similar setup except mine's an early 2013 MBP, and I 
have also noticed some slowness ever since I upgraded from El Capitan 
to Mojave.  The first time I launched MailMate after the OS upgrade, I 
saw spinning beachballs at startup and the first few times I opened 
smart mailboxes, but since then it's settled into being poky but not 

I assumed it was because I'm storing just over 283,200 messages in 
total, but based on this thread, maybe there's more to it than that.  
I see the most slowness in rendering the message view as I navigate 
from message to message in my main smartbox, and in opening the reply 
window for any message with more than a couple of layers of nested 
quotes (people at work just will not give up the top-reply format).

My email number is nowhere near such an amount (about 2000 in total 
across 3 different G Suite/Gmail accounts). I have set everything now to 
‘plain text’, so no MD preview and the reply just plain text, but 
alas, no change. Even without the preview, I type faster than I’m 
seeing the characters appear. It’s also not like the message I’m 
replying to is so large. It’s not like it’s unworkable, but it’s 
also far from pleasant :)
Updating to the latest beta release (5656) from the latest stable (5655 
I think) also doesn’t change anything.


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate slowness?!

2019-10-14 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


On 14 Oct 2019, at 17:29, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Have you tried going back to previous public release?

I think 5655 (1.13) is/was the latest stable/public release and I 
installed that first and noticed the lagginess/slowness. This was on 
Mojave. Then I upgraded to Catalina, still the same issue. Complete 
fresh install of Catalina and still the same.
Only as a (final) test, I tried the latest beta release. So I can’t 
really see what going back would accomplish. Or do you mean the version 
before 5655 (1.13)? That would be 1.12.5 and according to the site, that 
one is not supported.


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate slowness?!

2019-10-14 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


On 14 Oct 2019, at 16:54, Angelo Machils wrote:

I just got a secondhand MB Air (2015) and of course installed 
MailMate. I have had a (very) similar machine before, but I can’t 
really remember if MailMate was so slow on that as well.
I have a very similar setup except mine's an early 2013 MBP, and I 
have also noticed some slowness ever since I upgraded from El Capitan 
to Mojave.  The first time I launched MailMate after the OS upgrade, 
I saw spinning beachballs at startup and the first few times I opened 
smart mailboxes, but since then it's settled into being poky but not 

I assumed it was because I'm storing just over 283,200 messages in 
total, but based on this thread, maybe there's more to it than that.  
I see the most slowness in rendering the message view as I navigate 
from message to message in my main smartbox, and in opening the reply 
window for any message with more than a couple of layers of nested 
quotes (people at work just will not give up the top-reply format).

My email number is nowhere near such an amount (about 2000 in total 
across 3 different G Suite/Gmail accounts). I have set everything now 
to ‘plain text’, so no MD preview and the reply just plain text, 
but alas, no change. Even without the preview, I type faster than 
I’m seeing the characters appear. It’s also not like the message 
I’m replying to is so large. It’s not like it’s unworkable, but 
it’s also far from pleasant :)
Updating to the latest beta release (5656) from the latest stable 
(5655 I think) also doesn’t change anything.

It seems to be linked to HTML/MD support. I found a few more settings, 
disabling all HTML/MD/preview support and then everything I noticed as 
lagging/slow is now ‘snappy’. Not ideal, but at least more useable. 
Let’s hope this gets fixed soon :)


Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New release

2020-01-21 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate
H, seems to be divided, because I actually really like the new 
‘look’ :)

With regards,

Angelo Machils

On 22 Jan 2020, at 0:01, Shoshanna Green wrote:

I too dislike the new images (too large, as well as too gray), and am 
glad of the option to disable that part of the update!

On 16 Jan 2020, at 16:54, Sherif Soliman wrote:

I really like the new images :)

But if you don't, the setting to disable them is mentioned in the 
part you quoted. Just quit MailMate, run

`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxImagesEnabled -bool NO`

and you'll get the old images back.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 10:29 AM, Charlie Clark wrote:

Hi everyone,

it looks like Benny has been busy this week with a slew of new
pre-releases. In r5676 from 2020-01-20 this caught my eye:

Changed: New mailbox images now enabled by default (can be disabled
using MmMailboxImagesEnabled).

Are the new mailbox images the horrible grey things? It feels like 

interface has gone colour blind!

As this is a pre-release, I assume it's a work-in-progress and that
"normal service will soon be resumed".


Charlie Clark
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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Shoshanna Green
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Re: [MlMt] Full-Screen mode when Composing Email (either new or reply)

2020-02-04 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


If you want to do this with the keyboard, you could try Keyboard 
Maestro. I’m sure there are other applications as well with this 

With regards,

Angelo Machils

On 5 Feb 2020, at 5:31, TJ Luoma wrote:

Well, shuck my corn.

I've never used full-screen and split screen in macOS before, and
totally forgot about the latter. Wish there was a way to do it with
just the keyboard… it's awkward for me to do it with the touchpad… 

it's better than nothing. (There's a "Tile Window to Left Side of
Screen" or Right Side which is not for full-screen/split screen, but
they _could_ do something similar. Maybe someday.)

Thanks Bill and Guillaume!


On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:40 PM Bill Cole

OR, if you are already in  full-screen (so the reply opens as a new
tab,) you can drag the tab to the top of the display and drop it on 

MailMate screen, which will split.

On 4 Feb 2020, at 21:14, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

Dear Tj,

   Actually, macOS has a split view on full screen (if you are on
El Capitan or above). To do what you want, I would do:

1. Open the message that you want to reply in a new window: File >
Open Message [CMD+O]

2. Reply to this message: Message > Reply… (or Forward, 

3. Now, using your cursor, click on the green circle without 

(hold click) for about a second. Then you will see a blue rectangle
appearing behind that divides the screen in 2. Move your window to 

side of the screen that you want it to appear. This would push your
window in full screen but taking half of the screen space.

4. Then, on the other side, you will see multiple windows. Select 

window that corresponds to your open message. This will push it in
full screen to this side, so you will have both side by side.

You can see [here]( for an
overview of the feature from Apple.

I'm on Mojave, I think on Catalina a little popup will appear 

of the blue rectangle to place the window, but they do basically the
same thing.

Hope this help!



On 4 Feb 2020, at 19:13, TJ Luoma wrote:

I have been using full-screen mode more lately on my MacBook Air,
which led me to wonder if it is possible do something in Mailmate
which I would very much like, but I'm not sure if it can be done 

any practical sense of the word).

When I am replying to an email, I like to have the compose window 

the right half of the screen, and the original message on the left
half of the screen. That way I can easily refer to things as 

Of course in full-screen mode, I get the compose window in
full-screen, and I'm not sure there's any practical way around 
As far as I know, macOS does not have the same kind of "split 

that iPads have.

But I thought I'd mention it, just in case there _is_ a way to do
which I had not discovered.


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Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
Not For Hire (currently)
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[MlMt] Weird issue when replying to a message that was sent to multiple people

2020-04-22 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


I’ve noticed that when I’m replying to an email that was sent to 
multiple people, my sender address has become that one of the sender of 
the mail I’m replying to and the ‘to’ address is not the sender, 
but the ‘to’ address from the original mail. The sender is _not_ in 
the cc list either….. So in fact I’m not replying to the sender, but 
to the original recipient and my address has become that of the original 

I’m on version 1.13.1 (5684), but I have seen this happen in other 
versions as well.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Weird issue when replying to a message that was sent to multiple people

2020-04-22 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


Yes, that setting was on. I’ve turned it off and will see what 
happens. Thank you!



On 22 Apr 2020, at 17:14, Sam Hathaway wrote:


By any chance, do you have an address pattern set up in IMAP Account 
Settings that matches the address of the sender of the message 
you’re replying to? That would probably cause the behavior you’re 


On 22 Apr 2020, at 6:41, Angelo Machils via mailmate wrote:


I’ve noticed that when I’m replying to an email that was sent to 
multiple people, my sender address has become that one of the sender 
of the mail I’m replying to and the ‘to’ address is not the 
sender, but the ‘to’ address from the original mail. The sender 
is _not_ in the cc list either….. So in fact I’m not replying to 
the sender, but to the original recipient and my address has become 
that of the original sender.

I’m on version 1.13.1 (5684), but I have seen this happen in other 
versions as well.


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Problem getting custom shortcuts to work, I'm missing something

2020-04-29 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


I think you should remove the first and last curly bracket.



On 29 Apr 2020, at 10:26, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

I have this setup

"m" = {
"a" = ("toggleTag:", "Aktuellt" );
"k" = ("toggleTag:", "Kanske");

in the file


I've also enabled "Custom Key Bindings" and entered "jem" in the 
field. The keywords are defined in the preferences with the IMAP 
Keyword spelled as above.

I've restarted Mailmate but typing "ma" when having a email selected 
doesn't do anything ... so I've made some kind of error. Can anyone 
see what?

= jem
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Export and save

2020-06-01 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate


You could copy/move them to another (IMAP) server or look at archiving 
solutions like EagleFiler or DEVONthink.



On 1 Jun 2020, at 17:52, aisrael wrote:

I know this has been treated repeatedly, but I can’t seem to find 
the relevant information : if my emails are deleted from the server 
(when I retire for example), how can I save all my mailboxes/emails 
locally (or on a server) in a searchable form, that would include the 

I seem to remember there were commercial apps that can do that, but I 
don’t find the right info.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Screen flickering in dark mode

2022-03-02 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate

Is it just me or is the screen flickering in dark mode, worse again with the 
latest build (5875)?

With regards,

Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flickering in dark mode

2022-03-03 Thread Angelo Machils via mailmate

On 3 Mar 2022, at 16:40, Jon wrote:

> On occasion, I have been seeing the flickering due to the renderer flipping 
> rapidly between different text word wrap. This is as if it cannot decide 
> exactly where to word wrap the message.  This only happens in side-by-side 
> layouts.  In those layouts I have the rendered text on the right.
> Changing the width of the window so the word wrap settles seems to make it 
> stop.  Is this the behavior your are seeing?
> On Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:56:13 +0200 Angelo Machils via mailmate 
>  wrote:
>> Is it just me or is the screen flickering in dark mode, worse again with the 
>> latest build (5875)?

No, in my case (and others have reported this as well in the past), that when 
viewing e-mails in text & dark mode, there is a flickering when switching 
between e-mails. For some (test) releases it was much better, but I have the 
idea that with the last release, it’s as bad as it was before.

With regards,

Angelo Machils
mailmate mailing list