Re: [MlMt] r5971 Update

2023-08-25 Thread Henry Seiden
Based on all reports, I’m on 5970 and happy. Will continue with the 
version that works for me reliably with crashing or other anomalies. 
Happy to test a new version or “Test Build” when released, and in 
new beta OS’s and report back.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 25 Aug 2023, at 1:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Aug 2023, at 23:54, Scott wrote:

Just a heads up - I'm one of the people who has extremely regular 
crashes and 5974 crashes every time I try to send email, without 

I've removed the upload until I've had a chance to review the 
issue(s). I'll never learn not to upload and then go to bed :)

(Obviously, sending works for me.)

Data sent along, Benny, but, just wanted to let others know.

Thanks for that!!

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Re: [MlMt] r5971 Update

2023-08-25 Thread Steve Mayer via mailmate
I’m having no issues with 5974 (didn’t have any with 5971 though).  
Just letting you know.

Steve Mayer

On 24 Aug 2023, at 23:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Aug 2023, at 23:54, Scott wrote:

Just a heads up - I'm one of the people who has extremely regular 
crashes and 5974 crashes every time I try to send email, without 

I've removed the upload until I've had a chance to review the 
issue(s). I'll never learn not to upload and then go to bed :)

(Obviously, sending works for me.)

Data sent along, Benny, but, just wanted to let others know.

Thanks for that!!

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[MlMt] Fwd: r5971 Update

2023-08-25 Thread Edward Thome

I’m having no issues with 5974 (didn’t have any with 5971 though). 
 Just letting you know.

Steve Mayer

Same here. No issues with either r5971 or r5974.
I think that r5974 might be more spry than r5974.

All the best to you all.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] r5975 Experimental option Update

2023-08-25 Thread Henry Seiden

Hi All,

I found the experimental version noted by Benny on the download site. 
Just for fun, trying it out to see if the version works without errors 
or crashes in Sonoma Beta 6 (latest available).

BTW, v5904 no longer exists but 5901 does.

Hesitant to give out the link publicly to download experimental 
versions, If you already have and play with experimental versions, then 
you know the base link, just replace whatever version you have on the 
web address with 5975 and you’re there to the download. Bon Chance.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 24 Aug 2023, at 15:08, Matt wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Is there a reason why r5971 is not available through the standard 
option-click on "Check Now" for test/alpha releases?

I took a look at the update archives, and it looks like the 
"MailMateTest.tbz" build hasn't been updated since r5964:

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Re: [MlMt] r5975 Experimental option Update[first look]

2023-08-25 Thread Henry Seiden

Hello All,

First look at experimental version 5975 updated from 5970 (changing no 
settings) and using the correspondence view, 3 pane display. So far (1 
hour of use):
* No issues crashing (cause of concern to others, but I never 
experienced in Ventura or Sonoma OS).
* Still have a previously report column issue with the message layout 
where the date column is compressed too small by defalkt and has trouble 
being widened since it’s the rightmost column. I have to drag it 
around a lot to get it to even display a date. The truncating operation 
of that column CUTS OFF the date portion completely, so dragging the 
column is a multi-step process. If Benny wants a video of it, I can do. 
It’s been like this a long time and I suspect it goes back too the 
latest beta depending on settings.
* No problem composing messages in my current settings migrated as 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 25 Aug 2023, at 10:10, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hi All,

I found the experimental version noted by Benny on the download site. 
Just for fun, trying it out to see if the version works without errors 
or crashes in Sonoma Beta 6 (latest available).

BTW, v5904 no longer exists but 5901 does.

Hesitant to give out the link publicly to download experimental 
versions, If you already have and play with experimental versions, 
then you know the base link, just replace whatever version you have on 
the web address with 5975 and you’re there to the download. Bon 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 24 Aug 2023, at 15:08, Matt wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Is there a reason why r5971 is not available through the standard 
option-click on "Check Now" for test/alpha releases?

I took a look at the update archives, and it looks like the 
"MailMateTest.tbz" build hasn't been updated since r5964:

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Re: [MlMt] r5975 Experimental option Update, screen shot of Version History

2023-08-25 Thread Henry Seiden
Version works fine with no crashing for me, all other aspects seem the 
same as Sonoma Beta results, this test on MacOS Release 13.5.1 Ventura 
for about a hour.

Here’s a [screenshot to the most current Version History 
showing only through v 5970.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 25 Aug 2023, at 10:10, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hi All,

I found the experimental version noted by Benny on the download site. 
Just for fun, trying it out to see if the version works without errors 
or crashes in Sonoma Beta 6 (latest available).

BTW, v5904 no longer exists but 5901 does.

Hesitant to give out the link publicly to download experimental 
versions, If you already have and play with experimental versions, 
then you know the base link, just replace whatever version you have on 
the web address with 5975 and you’re there to the download. Bon 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 24 Aug 2023, at 15:08, Matt wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Is there a reason why r5971 is not available through the standard 
option-click on "Check Now" for test/alpha releases?

I took a look at the update archives, and it looks like the 
"MailMateTest.tbz" build hasn't been updated since r5964:

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Re: [MlMt] r5975 Experimental option Update[first look]

2023-08-25 Thread Scott
G'day all,

> First look at experimental version 5975 updated from 5970 (changing no 
> settings) and using the correspondence view, 3 pane display. So far (1 hour 
> of use):
> * No issues crashing (cause of concern to others, but I never experienced in 
> Ventura or Sonoma OS).

I should probably have elaborated as to what's triggering the crashes for me -- 
Benny and I have been talking about it for a bit, and I think he's well on the 
way to solving it, but, just in case someone else reads this and can benefit, 
here's what I do that may be different enough to trigger issues.

I have several IMAP accounts that for Synchronisation Schedule are set to 
"Connected" (but, I've also set this to 30 minutes to try to make the crashing 
less frequent, kinda-sorta worked, but, not always).

I'm running my own IMAP server (Dovecot), and I use Sieve and dozens of Sieve 
rules quite heavily.  This means that my incoming email is filtered into loads 
of mailboxes automatically.

Tags (IMAP keywords/flags) are also something I make significant use of.

Within MailMate, I have a number of Smart Mailboxes, such as ones to show me 
unread messages in mailboxes where Sieve has sorted mail, and a few other 
special conditions (like Smart Mailboxes for unread messages with a certain 
text/body of email match), and of course, Smart Mailboxes for certain Tags.

The (frustratingly repeatable) crashes for me always occur when I'm viewing a 
mailbox which is the target for these Sieve rules.

Crashes would typically take place when the message view was updated (from my 
point of view, such as when a Synchronise takes place, which would update the 
view list), or, when I deleted a message (which would move it to the Trash and 
update the view of the folder, or a few other similar conditions, such as 
sending a reply to a message in one of the folders in question.

From memory, I don't think crashes ever took place when I was simply using my 
INBOX, or any folder which was not receiving Sieve controlled background 

I'm happy to report that Version 1.14 (5975) has been extremely stable so far, 
with only one crash (again, whilst a Sieve updated folder was being shown) in 
the last day.  Ahh.

For most people I don't think the crashes would have taken place, and poor 
Benny was having a devil of a time reproducing it.  Thankfully, it was very 
reproducible here, so, I think that's why 5975 seems so much happier.  Fingers 


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