Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut for "Download images"?

2022-11-06 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 6 Nov 2022, at 2:40, leo wrote:

I block external images by default, but sometimes I download them via 
the _Download_ button in the message:

Is there a keyboard shortcut for this?

There are currently no menu items. It's on my todo. (I've also 
considered using ⌘L and ⌥⌘L as default shortcuts. Alternatively, 
no default shortcuts.)

Or can I bind one to "Download images"?

There used to be `loadImagesOnce:` for key bindings, but the new message 
view has two levels of blocking. I'll be adding something like the 
following to the manual pages:

Selector |  Action
`downloadResources:` | Allow the external resources/images of the 
currently displayed message to be downloaded once (potentially allowing 
`downloadAllResources:` | Works like `downloadResources:`, but this will 
also include any strictly blocked resources

These key bindings should work in recent test releases and would have 
the same functionality as any future menu items.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Latest normal release?

2022-11-06 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 6 Nov 2022, at 2:47, leo wrote:

I just checked whether there’s a new release of MailMate.

I am on Rev 5853 which is from last year; there is a beta release 5926 
out which is from this year.

Technically, that's a test release. The current beta is r5918. There are 
3 types of releases: Public, beta, and test. Only public and beta are 
automatically detected/downloaded.

However when I check for „Normal releases“ MailMate tells me that 
I am even my version from 2021 is still _ahead_ of the Normal 

The most recent public release is r5673.

Why is MailMate very actively developed, but there are non new stable 

Short answer: I very much prefer to spend time developing MailMate.

Long and not very useful answer:

That's a very good question, but I don't really have a good answer. I'm 
to blame for this (as with all things related to MailMate). The starting 
point was major changes to the message view of MailMate which then 
cascaded into other parts of MailMate eventually making it very hard to 
make updates which would not break existing features for some users.

In general, I think the delay of public releases is mainly caused by how 
I generally (and not intentionally) prioritize my time:

1. Develop MailMate (fun).
2. Handle feedback about IMAP/SMTP server issues (not fun).
3. Handle feedback related to macOS updates (can be fun but surprisingly 
time consuming).

4. Answer/handle feedback about MailMate (somewhat fun).
5. Keep homepage/server/store up to date (rarely fun).
6. Make new public releases (rarely fun).
7. Market MailMate (never fun).
8. Make money (necessary).

Somehow there's always a few more things which need to be done before 
making a public release. That said, I will of course do my best to get a 
new public release out soon (r5673 is ridicously old), but at the same 
time I will also have to think about how to develop MailMate going 
forward (which includes how to make money). History shows that I much 
prefer incremental updates which rules out making money on major 
upgrades. (Note: I'm extremely happy for the support of the MailMate 
patrons without which MailMate would definitely no longer be developed 
at all.)

Note that there's no universally right or wrong way to do these things 
since any approach will have to be what works for me.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Latest normal release?

2022-11-06 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 6 Nov 2022, at 4:05, Sam Birch wrote:

> My guess would be that Benny has very high standards for stable releases?

I don't think my standards are very high, but on recent macOS releases I'm 
pretty sure the recent releases are much more stable for most users than the 
public release :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Stop doubleclick from opening mailbox?

2022-11-06 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 4 Nov 2022, at 16:33, Tracy Valleau wrote:

I looked, but can't find it. I'd like to stop double-clicking on a 
mailbox from performing "Edit mailbox..."

Can that be done?

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxDoubleClickDisabled -bool 

I'll consider making this default behavior, but then I think there 
should at least be a default key binding to edit a mailbox. It's a bit 
like the Inspector in many apps (⌘I), but that one is already used by 
the composer window.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Setting a default zoom

2022-11-06 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 4 Nov 2022, at 0:34, Rob Russell wrote:

> However, I must have missed the memo about how to make this the default or 
> persistent between messages.

This is intended for temporarily zooming.

> Or am I looking at this the wrong way?

For plain text messages, you can set a default (larger) font to be used, but 
you might just want to set a larger minimum font size in the Viewer preferences 
pane since this works for all emails (including HTML).

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Latest normal release?

2022-11-06 Thread John Cooper
Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote (at 4:42 AM on Sunday, November 6, 2022):

> at the same time I will also have to think about how to develop MailMate 
> going forward (which includes how to make money).

One thing you might think about is that regardless of how much the product has 
actually changed, a major version number increase generates publicity in the 
form of articles on tech sites, blogs, and the few remaining magazines. And the 
articles spark interest that leads to downloads that lead to registrations.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Setting a default zoom

2022-11-06 Thread Joseph P. Hillenburg
I agree - the changes are substantial enough that the current versions should 
perhaps be considered 2.0 Beta.


On 6 Nov 2022, at 6:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 4 Nov 2022, at 0:34, Rob Russell wrote:
>> However, I must have missed the memo about how to make this the default or 
>> persistent between messages.
> This is intended for temporarily zooming.
>> Or am I looking at this the wrong way?
> For plain text messages, you can set a default (larger) font to be used, but 
> you might just want to set a larger minimum font size in the Viewer 
> preferences pane since this works for all emails (including HTML).
> -- 
> Benny

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Stop doubleclick from opening mailbox? (Benny Kjær Nielsen),

2022-11-06 Thread Tracy Valleau

Thanks, Benny. Greatly appreciated...

...and FWIW, now I'm a patron   :-)


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mailmate Digest, Vol 140, Issue 6

2022-11-06 Thread Chaim Kram
This works great, thanks Benny!

Chaim Kram

On 6 Nov 2022, at 14:56, wrote:

> Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2022 12:33:23 +0100
> From: Benny Kjær Nielsen 
> To: MailMate Users 
> Subject: Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut for "Download images"?
> On 6 Nov 2022, at 2:40, leo wrote:
>> Or can I bind one to "Download images"?
> There used to be `loadImagesOnce:` for key bindings, but the new message
> view has two levels of blocking. I'll be adding something like the
> following to the manual pages:
> Selector |  Action
> -|
> `downloadResources:` | Allow the external resources/images of the
> currently displayed message to be downloaded once (potentially allowing
> tracking)
> `downloadAllResources:` | Works like `downloadResources:`, but this will
> also include any strictly blocked resources
> These key bindings should work in recent test releases and would have
> the same functionality as any future menu items.
> -- 
> Benny
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut for "Download images"?

2022-11-06 Thread leo
On Sun, 6 Nov 2022, at 10:33 PM, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> There used to be `loadImagesOnce:` for key bindings, but the new message view 
> has two levels of blocking. I'll be adding something like the following to 
> the manual pages:
> Selector
> Action
> `downloadResources:`
> Allow the external resources/images of the currently displayed message to be 
> downloaded once (potentially allowing tracking)
> `downloadAllResources:`
> Works like `downloadResources:`, but this will also include any strictly 
> blocked resources
> These key bindings should work in recent test releases and would have the 
> same functionality as any future menu items.

Thanks Benny. I will try this (when I have updated to the new version).

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Latest normal release?

2022-11-06 Thread leo
On 6 Nov 2022, at 23:42, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> Long and not very useful answer:
> [...]
> In general, I think the delay of public releases is mainly caused by how I 
> generally (and not intentionally) prioritize my time:
> [...]
> Somehow there's always a few more things which need to be done before making 
> a public release. That said, I will of course do my best to get a new public 
> release out soon
> [...]

Thanks for the very detailed, very honest and very understandable answer, Benny!

I guess I’ll just go with more recent test releases then.

Happy mailing!
mailmate mailing list