Re: [MlMt] Finer control of blacklist

2022-10-23 Thread Mike Brasch

On 21 Oct 2022, at 1:45, Henry Seiden wrote:

I’m (un)lucky enough to have to filter many forms of junk mail 
including traditional spam, among several accounts. Four out of eight 
accounts have much more spam and much more activity, so I think that 
the more active with good (non spam mail) an account/source us the 
more junk you’ll get.

If it is an option, maybe this is an option:

I have some (lower traffic) mail addresses at different providers (I 
want to phase them out). Each of them will be directly redirected to my 
main (Fastmail) account. I also completley switched off all filters and 
spam filtering.

At Fastmail I have set up an "Identity". When I send an message (new or 
as an reply) via one of my secondary adresses, Fastmail will send them 
to the other providers SMTP and from here it will go to the receiver. 
For the other one, it looks like a conversion with your secondary 
accound. In the mail header one can see the indirection.

Filtering and Spam-Filtering (with strongest settings) is completely 
done by Fastmail. I have absolutely no problems with spam. It works 
perfectly for me.

I don't know which providers also have the "identity" feature. Gmail has 

Best Regards
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Finer control of blacklist

2022-10-23 Thread Henry Seiden


To your point MacOS has a similar idea in their settings but only for 
their iCloud accounts.

It’s operating at the system level in MacOS, in “Hide My Email” 
settings. It establishes an alternate address (redirecting to that 
alternate address) for specific senders to specific iCloud email 
accounts. Since it doesn’t directly involve an app it should work 
automatically as well in MailMate.

It may also work stand alone in iOS.

BTW, I consider spam any incoming email I specifically did not request 
or agree to receive. That broad definition, encompassing things like 
accounts that don’t process unsubscribe, is far too broad to qualify 
in Fastmail, I suspect.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 23 Oct 2022, at 3:31, Mike Brasch wrote:

At Fastmail I have set up an "Identity". When I send an message (new 
or as an reply) via one of my secondary adresses, Fastmail will send 
them to the other providers SMTP and from here it will go to the 
receiver. For the other one, it looks like a conversion with your 
secondary accound. In the mail header one can see the indirection.

Filtering and Spam-Filtering (with strongest settings) is completely 
done by Fastmail. I have absolutely no problems with spam. It works 
perfectly for me.___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Finer control of blacklist

2022-10-23 Thread Mike Brasch

On 23 Oct 2022, at 14:03, Henry Seiden wrote:


To your point MacOS has a similar idea in their settings but only for 
their iCloud accounts.

It’s operating at the system level in MacOS, in “Hide My Email” 
settings. It establishes an alternate address (redirecting to that 
alternate address) for specific senders to specific iCloud email 

Fastmail has with "Masked Email" a similar feature. 1Password has 
support for this feature. I don't know if other SW is supporting it.

BTW, I consider spam any incoming email I specifically did not request 
or agree to receive.
This is an unusual definition of spam. With this attidude, you will 
probably have not much success. It es difficould enough to detect "real" 
spam. How should it work with "perseived" spam? :)

At Fastmail one can give an folder a ham-or-spam-hint to tell the spam 
filter in which category their contant is. The spam filter looks dayly 
through all folders to train itself. This works really good. I have no 
Idea, if this will work with your attidude. Maybe I will then tend to be 
hypersensitive. But maybe it will do what you want.

That broad definition, encompassing things like accounts that don’t 
process unsubscribe, is far too broad to qualify in Fastmail, I 

I don't understand this. :)

Best Regards
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Finer control of blacklist

2022-10-23 Thread Henry Seiden


It was just a comment. I am VERY happy with SpamSieve. It does exactly 
what I want locally without further cost, extra work, expense or added 
accounts. And I can easily re-define my admittedly broad definition 
anytime I want, across all accounts or differently across each, the way 
it’s set up for me.

SpamSieve is script-based. It also keeps great stats on how it’s doing 

As to my previous example, many subscriptions that I previously had 
subscribed to do have an option to “opt out” of receiving further 
email. However, in my experience it doesn’t work (on purpose?) or it 
resubscribes in a short time to something else, hence the more apt term 
for that is junk mail.

The other nice thing about having the spam/junk/unwanted mail filtering 
locally on a separate desktop server-like environment is that my 
laptop/desktop main machine (MBP 18,3) is unencumbered by mail filtering 
especially when away from home/office or otherwise disconnected from the 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom

On 23 Oct 2022, at 9:26, Mike Brasch wrote:

That broad definition, encompassing things like accounts that don’t 
process unsubscribe, is far too broad to qualify in Fastmail, I 

I don't understand this. :)___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Block some adresses from "smart guess"

2022-10-23 Thread Alexandre Takacs


On 21 Oct 2022, at 4:23, Glenn Parker wrote:

Once you have entered the email address and it is in a blue bubble, 
there is a little “v” at the far right of the address that will 
activate a pull-down menu. One of the menu options is to “Add 
[address] to Blacklist”, which will prevent the auto-complete from 
using it in the future.

Thanks for pointing out this feature -  never noticed :)___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Gmail: Copying message to folder moves it instead?

2022-10-23 Thread Tariq Magdon-Ismail

With one Gmail account, when I copy a message from one folder to another (using 
Option+Drag&drop), the message is moved to the destination folder instead. This 
happens 99% of the time, but there is a small fraction of messages where they 
get copied over (as expected) instead. The behavior seems to be associated with 
a particular message — i.e. if a message exhibits "copy" or "move" behavior it 
will continue to do so, and I haven't been able to discern a pattern for how 
messages will behave.

I didn't notice this behavior on a second Gmail account I had and messages were 
copied as expected. Comparing the settings of the two accounts I noticed that 
this second account had IMAP access disabled while the first, the misbehaving 
one, had IMAP access enabled. Turning off IMAP access fixed the issue.

Is this expected?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Gmail: Copying message to folder moves it instead?

2022-10-23 Thread Tariq Magdon-Ismail
> Turning off IMAP access fixed the issue.

Scratch that. The IMAP setting didn't help.


On 23 Oct 2022, at 14:56, Tariq Magdon-Ismail wrote:

> Hi,
> With one Gmail account, when I copy a message from one folder to another 
> (using Option+Drag&drop), the message is moved to the destination folder 
> instead. This happens 99% of the time, but there is a small fraction of 
> messages where they get copied over (as expected) instead. The behavior seems 
> to be associated with a particular message — i.e. if a message exhibits 
> "copy" or "move" behavior it will continue to do so, and I haven't been able 
> to discern a pattern for how messages will behave.
> I didn't notice this behavior on a second Gmail account I had and messages 
> were copied as expected. Comparing the settings of the two accounts I noticed 
> that this second account had IMAP access disabled while the first, the 
> misbehaving one, had IMAP access enabled. Turning off IMAP access fixed the 
> issue.
> Is this expected?
> Regards
> -Tariq
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Precedence of message list colors

2022-10-23 Thread Tariq Magdon-Ismail

When setting colors via the "Use Color in Message List" mailbox option, I was 
wondering what the precedence is. For example, I have set the color for my 
Gmail "account" under Sources to green so that I can distinguish its messages 
from the other accounts. I also have a "To Me" Smart Mailbox for all messages 
that are addressed "To" me, and I've set the message list color to blue. I have 
yet another "VIP" Smart Mailbox for particular senders with the color set to 

When I look at the messages in the "Inbox" things look as I would expect:
- All Gmail messages are green
- Of those, ones addressed to me are blue
- And the ones from VIP senders are orange.

In a "unified" smart mailbox, how does MailMate determine the coloring of a 
message when the message is contained in two other mailboxes with conflicting 

Thanks in advance,
mailmate mailing list