[MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Ben Lee-Cohen
Hi, I’ve got ~600k messages across two accounts, and performing a “simple” 
search (e.g. using search bar, typing “mailmate”, hitting enter) takes about 
~10-20 seconds to get results. Is there anything I can do to improve that 
initial time to results short of deleting a bunch of old email?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Raza Rizvi
On 3 May 2022, at 14:27, Ben Lee-Cohen wrote:

> Hi, I’ve got ~600k messages across two accounts, and performing a “simple” 
> search (e.g. using search bar, typing “mailmate”, hitting enter) takes about 
> ~10-20 seconds to get results. Is there anything I can do to improve that 
> initial time to results short of deleting a bunch of old email?

I always thought the search was actually on your local copy of all the mail 
account files, so therefore is as fast/slow as your access to CPU and Disk.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Ben Lee-Cohen
I believe that is the case, but I’ve got 32GB of ram and SSD storage on a 3.2 
GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 — I’m not sure how I can improve the local hardware 
side of things (unless M1 performance is dramatically better, in which case…).

On 3 May 2022, at 10:51, Raza Rizvi wrote:

> On 3 May 2022, at 14:27, Ben Lee-Cohen wrote:
>> Hi, I’ve got ~600k messages across two accounts, and performing a “simple” 
>> search (e.g. using search bar, typing “mailmate”, hitting enter) takes about 
>> ~10-20 seconds to get results. Is there anything I can do to improve that 
>> initial time to results short of deleting a bunch of old email?
> I always thought the search was actually on your local copy of all the mail 
> account files, so therefore is as fast/slow as your access to CPU and Disk.
> Raza
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Robert Wall
>>> Hi, I’ve got ~600k messages across two accounts, and performing a “simple” 
>>> search (e.g. using search bar, typing “mailmate”, hitting enter) takes 
>>> about ~10-20 seconds to get results. Is there anything I can do to improve 
>>> that initial time to results short of deleting a bunch of old email?
>> I always thought the search was actually on your local copy of all the mail 
>> account files, so therefore is as fast/slow as your access to CPU and Disk.

The fact that MailMate stores messages as individual files adds considerable 
overhead to any file operations - including search - assuming there's no index 
that can assist.

Try zipping up a 100 MB file, then try zipping up that same 100 MB when it's 
composed of 100,000 tiny files. Or copying those two file sets to a flash 
drive. You'll see the sort of thing I'm talking about. :)

Not a knock on MailMate in any way. I can't think of any .eml based mail client 
that could do the job any better.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Fredrik Jonsson
Ben Lee-Cohen 2022-05-03 15:27 wrote:

> I’ve got ~600k messages across two accounts, and performing a “simple” search 
> (e.g. using search bar, typing “mailmate”, hitting enter) takes about ~10-20 
> seconds to get results. Is there anything I can do to improve that initial 
> time to results short of deleting a bunch of old email?

I have 100k+ messages, so a lot less that you. When I search it takes less than 
a second on my iMac (Core i5, 40 GB RAM, SSD).

Do you always have to search all 900k+ messages? Maybe a subset, like the 
latest year or something, can do most of the time? That would speed things up.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Improving search performance?

2022-05-03 Thread Patrik Fältström via mailmate
On 3 May 2022, at 17:00, Ben Lee-Cohen wrote:

> I believe that is the case, but I’ve got 32GB of ram and SSD storage on a 3.2 
> GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 — I’m not sure how I can improve the local hardware 
> side of things (unless M1 performance is dramatically better, in which case…).

Move old mail to some archive mailbox or account.

Create a virtual mailbox with "everything except the old mail".

Have default search be in that virtual mailbox.

Then you can if you want to move manually the search to be in "All messages" 
after the search first completed in the smaller set of messages.

I have that with "all messages last year" which is a fast search, while search 
in all messages (which for me is 3.2 million messages) is much slower.


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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Problems with search field in 5894

2022-05-03 Thread Patrik Fältström via mailmate
When I enter more than one search expression in the box in the top right (see 
attached) nothing happens, when I enter one, the search works.

This works:

(f freron)

This does NOT work:

(f freron) paf

I can enter one, press "Details" and via the "plus" add a 2nd expression.

Anyone else see this problem, or is this me?

Version 1.14 (5894)


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