Re: [MlMt] Attachments list to bottom?
I didn’t see a reply to Quinn’s question so is there a solution to this? I’m using version 5852. Thanks, John On 28 Mar 2022, at 23:04, Quinn Comendant wrote: Is there a way to move the list of attachments to the bottom when viewing messages? Sometimes, the list of attachments is very long ([an extreme example]( I tried this, but it didn't have any affect: defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmShowAttachmentsFirst -bool NO Thanks, Quinn___ mailmate mailing list mailmate mailing list
[MlMt] Mailbox in non threaded view by default
Hello I’am having an issue by which MM (5887) would very often (but not systematically) show my mailboxes in threaded view when I click to switch from one to an other mailbox. The previous state (almost always not threaded) is not preserved and I almost aways end up into threaded view (never the other way round). Not a huge issue (as I can simply use the shift-opt-T shortcut) but still irritating. Is there a way to set the default view and /or to have MM not loose the current setting ? ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Attachments list to bottom?
On 21 Apr 2022, at 14:36, John Hughes via mailmate wrote: > I didn’t see a reply to Quinn’s question so is there a solution to this? I’m > using version 5852. I don't think so. Ideally, we need something a bit like the "tray" used when adding attachments and this should be expandable/collapsible. But I think this kind of UI candy tends to be quite tricky. Maybe someone could mock up a design? Charlie -- Charlie Clark Sengelsweg 34 Düsseldorf D- 40489 Tel: +49-203-746000 Mobile: +49-178-782-6226 ___ mailmate mailing list
[MlMt] Is there a way to schedule rules running in MailMate?
TL;DR - I'd like to be able to fire off the mail rules for a given folder once per day. Longer explanation: I have a server that sends me status emails. A *lot* of status emails. And I need to receive these status emails not because I want to read every single one, but because if something goes sideways I need to be able to poke through the messages for clues / hints. I don't need to keep these messages longer than a couple of weeks - 30 days max. And I have other situations where I'll get 3 or 4 messages for the same thing. Amazon order placed, Amazon order shipped, Amazon order delayed, Amazon order delivered being a good example. I only need to keep the last one. So I have some existing rules that I can fire off manually which will look for stuff with certain subject lines / senders that's older than 30 days or so, and clean those up - but I still have to run them manually. I'm more than happy to use cron, launchd, or some sort of system automation to tell MailMate to do this if that's what's required. Or if there's a way in the software itself, that would be wonderful as well. Any thoughts? - - - - - Robert Wall ___ mailmate mailing list