[MlMt] Automatic fill bcc field on external mails

2022-02-11 Thread Ulrik Gammelby
Hi there,

This is probably a feature request - but perhaps I just overlook some
existing feature(s) to accomplish what I want: I would like to pre-populate
the bcc: field with a specific static address for all messages that do not
include a few specific domains in the to: field. This is to track
communication in our CRM system for most non-internal emails.

A related request: My "Correspondence" view is quite useless as it just
seems to list most messages from my inbox/sent items folder - I suspect the
fact that most outgoing messages share the same bcc recipient could be the
cause of trouble. If so, it would be good if you could configure that a
specific recipient (like the bcc recipient used for our CRM system) should
be ignored when linking different messages together.

Thanks in advance for clarifying if the above is already possible or if it
could be a reasonable feature request!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automatic fill bcc field on external mails

2022-02-11 Thread Michael Jochims via mailmate
Hi Ulrik,

have a look at the hidden preferences


and search for MmDefaultBccHeader

Not sure wether this will be enough to fill your needs but it might help.


Michael Jochims

On 2022-02-11 at 11:35:08 UTC+0100
Ulrik Gammelby 

> Hi there,
> This is probably a feature request - but perhaps I just overlook some
> existing feature(s) to accomplish what I want: I would like to pre-populate
> the bcc: field with a specific static address for all messages that do not
> include a few specific domains in the to: field. This is to track
> communication in our CRM system for most non-internal emails.
> A related request: My "Correspondence" view is quite useless as it just
> seems to list most messages from my inbox/sent items folder - I suspect the
> fact that most outgoing messages share the same bcc recipient could be the
> cause of trouble. If so, it would be good if you could configure that a
> specific recipient (like the bcc recipient used for our CRM system) should
> be ignored when linking different messages together.
> Thanks in advance for clarifying if the above is already possible or if it
> could be a reasonable feature request!
> Ulrik
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automatic fill bcc field on external mails

2022-02-11 Thread Ulrik Gammelby
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your input! Ideally the bcc recipient would be added
automatically for just the relevant recipients as per some filter config
(to not clutter the CRM system) - but I will try this option to add it to
every message and try to remember to remove for non-relevant recipients
(and see if this workflow is less painful than trying to remember the other
way round :-)).


On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 3:13 PM Michael Jochims via mailmate <
mailmate@lists.freron.com> wrote:

> Hi Ulrik,
> have a look at the hidden preferences
> https://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences
> and search for MmDefaultBccHeader
> Not sure wether this will be enough to fill your needs but it might help.
> Greetings,
> Michael Jochims
> On 2022-02-11 at 11:35:08 UTC+0100
> Ulrik Gammelby 
> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > This is probably a feature request - but perhaps I just overlook some
> > existing feature(s) to accomplish what I want: I would like to
> pre-populate
> > the bcc: field with a specific static address for all messages that do
> not
> > include a few specific domains in the to: field. This is to track
> > communication in our CRM system for most non-internal emails.
> >
> > A related request: My "Correspondence" view is quite useless as it just
> > seems to list most messages from my inbox/sent items folder - I suspect
> the
> > fact that most outgoing messages share the same bcc recipient could be
> the
> > cause of trouble. If so, it would be good if you could configure that a
> > specific recipient (like the bcc recipient used for our CRM system)
> should
> > be ignored when linking different messages together.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for clarifying if the above is already possible or if
> it
> > could be a reasonable feature request!
> >
> > Ulrik
> > ___
> > mailmate mailing list
> > mailmate@lists.freron.com
> > https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] unsubscribe link detection?

2022-02-11 Thread Eric Sharakan
Hi, I know at some point MailMate would detect emails from mailing lists, and 
even offer a quick way to unsubscribe if it found a "List-Unsubscribe" header 
in the email.

Did this feature go away, or did I perhaps change a setting such that this 
doesn't happen anymore?

I'm running r5869.


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] 'Date Received' in 5869

2022-02-11 Thread Randall Gellens
Now that I’m on MacOS 12.2, I updated MailMate to 5869. The ‘Date 
Received’ column sometimes shows the time and sometimes not, even for 
messages received today. Messages showing the time and not are 
interspersed. Is this a preference? I’d prefer the time always, at 
least for messages today or last few days.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] 'Date Received' in 5869

2022-02-11 Thread Pete Resnick via mailmate

On 10 Feb 2022, at 20:24, Randall Gellens wrote:

Now that I’m on MacOS 12.2, I updated MailMate to 5869. The ‘Date 
Received’ column sometimes shows the time and sometimes not, even 
for messages received today. Messages showing the time and not are 
interspersed. Is this a preference? I’d prefer the time always, at 
least for messages today or last few days.

I make a bet all of those times are after 10am or 10pm: There's simply 
not enough room in the column. Make it wider.

Pete Resnick https://www.episteme.net/
All connections to the world are tenuous at best
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] 'Date Received' in 5869

2022-02-11 Thread Randall Gellens

On 11 Feb 2022, at 11:05, Pete Resnick via mailmate wrote:

On 10 Feb 2022, at 20:24, Randall Gellens wrote:

Now that I’m on MacOS 12.2, I updated MailMate to 5869. The ‘Date 
Received’ column sometimes shows the time and sometimes not, even 
for messages received today. Messages showing the time and not are 
interspersed. Is this a preference? I’d prefer the time always, at 
least for messages today or last few days.

I make a bet all of those times are after 10am or 10pm: There's simply 
not enough room in the column. Make it wider.

Making the column wider fixed it. Thanks, Pete.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Thread-Id

2022-02-11 Thread leo
Hi all

MailMate offers me the field „Thread-Id`“ for mailing list thread related 
filtering. This works well.

However I would like to convert some of my mailing list logic from the client 
(MailMate) to the mail server (via a sieve script). But in the raw message of, 
let’s say, the MailMate mailing list I cannot find a header `thread-id` or 

What mail header does the Thread-Id field use?

Many thanks,
mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list