Re: [MlMt] Disabling auto-switching of sender From: address?

2021-09-10 Thread Charlie Clark
On 10 Sep 2021, at 0:08, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> I learned (trained myself) to first enter TO and then adjust FROM if needed. 
> I actually like the fact that MM adjust the FROM based on the TO. In my case, 
> it gets it right most of the time and I have a dozen FROM addresses, each for 
> a different purpose. It seems that last used FROM for a given TO is usually 
> given a preference.

Generally works for me, too. I think the bigger problem is sending to contacts 
with multiple addresses: I keep including SWMBO's private e-mail address in 
some business correspondence.

But I think you can disable the behaviour in the settings: New Messsage: 
Default Account.


Charlie Clark
Waldlehne 23
D- 40489
Tel: +49-203-746000
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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Re: [MlMt] Where is send later email?

2021-09-10 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

there is a Outbound folder that has all unsent.


I consistently get a message when I want to quit MM that I have one 
message waiting to be sent. I can’t find it. It’s not in drafts. 
Where is it? How do I get rid of the message?  I could simply send it 
- but not knowing what it is and that it is 7 months old I’m leery 
of doing that.

Thanks for help.
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Re: [MlMt] Suprious junk mail

2021-09-10 Thread Justin Mallone
On 6 Sep 2021, at 12:14, Justin Mallone wrote:

> On 6 Sep 2021, at 12:04, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> On 6 Sep 2021, at 16:19, Justin Mallone wrote:
>>> On Sep 6, 2021, at 9:55 AM, James Coffey  wrote:
 All of a sudden messages are showing up in my junk email folder, stating 
 they are not marked as junk but in folder. As they are real messages from 
 work I am wondering how to fix this.
>>> I've been having a similar issue where legitimate messages seem to be 
>>> appearing in the Deleted Messages folder on only one of two computers I 
>>> have MailMate installed on (an M1 MacBook Air).
>>> I have been trying to figure this out for a few days but haven't been able 
>>> to put it together yet.
>> I had such funky things when multiple devices were allowed to deal with 
>> spam. They went away once I restricted spam handling to MM on my main 
>> computer, which I train carefully and maintain white and black lists 
>> accordingly. The only side effect is that I see some spam when I check 
>> emails on other devices before main MM handles them.
> Something related to spam handling was my first guess as to what might be 
> going on. I have Spamsieve off in MailMate on both computers, though.

I figured it out:

I have gmail forwarding emails to my fastmail account and deleting them on the 
gmail side, hence the deleted messages. And I wasn’t subscribed to all the 
folders of the gmail account on one of my Macs, hence the deleted messages only 
appearing on one computer.

Email can be pretty complicated!

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