Re: [MlMt] Shortcut for "Recent Searches" in Toolbar Search

2020-01-09 Thread Martin Guddat

Dear all,

awesome! Thanks not only for your findings ("CMD-Down works for me") but
also for the analysis and the workaround (changing the defaults in

I had tried CMD-Down (it was one the "natural combinations) but, got the
"next message" result. I changed the settings now and yet it works!

Thank to all very much, especially to Guillaume for handing it on a
silver platter!



On 8 Jan 2020, at 19:40, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

Just to comment on my work around so no one search too much… I don't
think it's possible to change the menubar shortcuts from a MailMate
custom keybinding file, you need to use the standard macOS way using
the Keyboard Shortcuts tab in the Keyboard Pane of the System

Go to the "App Shortcuts" list and add a new item with MailMate as the
application and "Next Message" as the Menu Title and a new shortcut
for this action that you like that don't interfere with any other.

Then you should be able to pop the drop-down menu using CMD+Down in
the search field


On 8 Jan 2020, at 13:28, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

Hi all,

   Yes, it seems the default "Next Message" shortcut interfere
with macOS's default shortcut to pop the Search Field drop-down menu.
A workaround is to change the MailMate shortcut used for the "Next
Message" menubar item to something else to free the CMD+Down



On 8 Jan 2020, at 13:20, Alain Israel wrote:

it also takes me to the next message. Weird….


On 8 Jan 2020, at 19:19, Bill Cole wrote:

On 7 Jan 2020, at 18:54, Williper Larnloge wrote:

On 6 Jan 2020, at 15:59, Bill Cole wrote:

CMD-Down when the search box is active works for me

That takes me to the next message.

Even when the search box is active? i.e. when it has a blinking
cursor in it.

Odd. If I do Cmd-Opt-F then Cmd-Down I get the recent list.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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Re: [MlMt] Activate MM through shortcut by opening it again doesn't work

2020-01-09 Thread Robert M. Münch
On 8 Jan 2020, at 14:57, Bill Cole wrote:

> Is it possible that you have MM installed in 2 places?

Gotcha! I’m using the beta-version which lives in ~/Applications whereas the 
last official release lives in /Applications.

Thanks, I didn’t remember…


Robert M. Münch

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Re: [MlMt] Activate MM through shortcut by opening it again doesn't work

2020-01-09 Thread Billy Youdelman

Bill Cole wrote, quoting Robert M. Münch:

I use Stream Deck (physical shortcut deck) which allows to start an 
application. Most OSX apps can be activated by opening them again if 
they already run.

MM isn’t activated, instead it behaves strange in that it looks 
like a 2nd instance is launched but terminated after a short time.

Is it possible that you have MM installed in 2 places?

Rather than saying installed, I would say another executable image 
anywhere in the filesystem, and I do mean anywhere.

I have found that if I leave full-image backups (e.g. CarbonCopy 
Cloner or SuperDuper) mounted permanently, macOS Launch Services can 
get confused about which copy of  an app is the right one to use. This 
can result in the behavior you describe.

Yes, correct.  Rebuilding LaunchServices will fix this for a while, but 
not very long.  Things in unmounted disk images are not a problem, nor 
are things in compressed (zipped) files.

Similarly, if you have an operating system installer anywhere in the 
filesystem, and you try to download an updated copy, that will not get 
saved to a separate file, your existing old installer will be 
overwritten with the new one's data.

I will refrain from opining on all this, other than to say I am not 
happy with it, at all.

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