[MlMt] Customize reply marker / tag / text
Hi, you all know subject lines like „re: re: re: re: ….“ Good mailer just have one „RE:“ or whatever. However, is it possible to configure what is used as reply marker? I would like to have „RE-X“ where X is a counter for the number of replies. And is there a way to remove those reply marker trails and replace them with a single reply marker? -- Robert M. Münch signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Size of the MailMate Process
Hi, The MailMate process is for me allocating quite some memory... $ ps auxgwwwm | head -2 USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZRSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND paf 1499 1.3 6.6 26696064 1109308 ?? S23Nov18 356:29.19 /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/MacOS/MailMate See also attached image. 6.05G my Mac claims...where Mac handle 16G for the normal macs. With Chrome also eating memory, there is quite some squeeze. Is this something on the list of "things to have a look at"? Patrik signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] Email link not working
When I enter an email link like x...@domain.com into a MailMate message I am composing, it usually shows up as a useful clickable link in the Preview window, but NOT in the actual sent message as viewed in Sent Messages or in a bcc. Email links used to work properly. Has anyone else noticed this recently? I'm using MM v. 5568. Harvey Leff Portland, Oregon USA ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
[MlMt] “Identity” shorthand header
Greetings! I’m attempting to use submailboxes based on my own user names. For example, the e-mail address for my account at Amazon is `ama...@pub.example.tld` and for SpaceWeather is `spaceweat...@pub.example.tld`. If I have messages for both in one folder, I’d like to see: ``` Folder - amazon - spaceweather ``` If I set up the submailboxes with unique values of **To » Identity > User > No Specifier**, this works fine. But now if I write *to* Amazon from the same address, of course, I’m also getting a submailbox for the username at Amazon that I write to (say, `xy...@amazon.com` adds an `xyzzy` submailbox). Am I misunderstanding how “Identities” work? I’m using a wildcard in the Address Patterns for the account that looks like `.*@pub\.example\.tld` in order to let MailMate know what addresses are mine. I would think that would pick up my own `ama...@pub.example.tld` but not `xy...@amazon.com` at all. And actually, to test, I dropped a completely unrelated e-mail message into the box — and I get a new submailbox for the recipient of that message, too, so it looks to me like the “Identity” shorthand isn’t working properly, rather than that my regex is off. Of course, it’s regex — so I may well be wrong! Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a bug here? Thanks, — Erik -- · [Erik Mueller-Harder](http://erikmh.org/) *Media-terrestrial* Mapmaker [Vermont Softworks](http://vermontsoftworks.com/) ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate