Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add
On 22 Feb 2017, at 16:18, wrote: On 21 Feb 2017, at 17:40, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: What you probably need is some feature to place sent messages elsewhere (and probably also drafts), but such a feature currently does not exist. He could edit /[user directory]/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Sources.plist in order to have drafts and sent messages from one account stored in the respective folders of another account and then unsubscribe from the Sent and Drafts folders of the first account. Works fine here. That way, you can subscribe from all folders (except for the [Gmail] folder if it is a GMail-Account). Not exactly what he asked for (i.e., no auto-subscription in the first place) but maybe a good enough solution. Just for the record, this is not officially supported :-) In fact, I'm not even sure it'll work since I've never tried it. Ticket #1679 is kind of related to this and goes a little further: Hopefully I'll get to that one eventually. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Google Delegate Users
On 22 Feb 2017, at 17:40, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: Sender: From: A feature request for future versions might be to have a preference to display that field. There's nothing built-in by default to do this. It's possible to provide your own [formatting file]( for the headers section, but you cannot add logic like “if sender is not equal to from”. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
On 22 Feb 2017, at 19:04, Alain Israel wrote: When I arrived this morning, I got the following message (below), and all my mailboxes were offline. I pressed « always resynchronize » and everything resumed, albeit quite slowly. Is this diagnostic of something specific (it is the first time it occurs in about a year)? The UIDVALIDITY value for an IMAP mailbox is what an email client uses to determine if a mailbox is still the same mailbox. The name is not sufficient, because another email client might have deleted a mailbox and then created a new one with the same name. This could lead to an incorrect mapping between local emails and server emails. Therefore, a changed UIDVALIDITY value for a mailbox signals that the email client should forget everything about the mailbox and re-synchronize it. It's the only safe option. I cannot tell you why this happened, but if it happens on a regular basis then we can debug to make sure that MailMate does not behave incorrectly (I doubt it since if it did then it would likely happen very often). Some IMAP servers are pretty buggy regarding the UIDVALIDITY value, but there's not much MailMate can do about that. Resynchronize - Always Resynchronize - Retry The “Always Resynchronize” button was implemented to help out with such buggy servers. I won't recommend using it in general and the setting is forgotten as soon as MailMate is relaunched. (One could imagine a server which deletes certain empty IMAP mailboxes. This could trigger new UIDVALIDITY values on a regular basis, but in this case it's not really doing any harm.) -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited
On 22 Feb 2017, at 23:05, Sam Hathaway wrote: A while ago I posted asking if there was a way to tell MailMate to load remote content only from specific domains. The rationale here is that, since sender addresses can be easily spoofed, allowing remote content loading based on sender address is not really effective at preventing tracking. Nevertheless, this is what most users request. I'm considering to build in a white-listing feature based on the email address, but I'll then combine it with a requirement for some other headers to also match, e.g., the `X-Mailer` header. This part could be optional. (The latest test release includes blacklisting addresses for the completion of email addresses in the composer. This is kind of similar which is why I've been considering how to improve image blocking again.) By allowing loads by source domain, we can effectively control where potential tracking data ends up. (This is one of the few features I miss from Thunderbird.) Folks suggested that I try using Little Snitch to do this, and so I did. Turns out, Little Snitch is too intrusive when used this way, as it asks about each domain in turn, and I have to allow or deny each one. (And there are *lots* of domains referenced in your average HTML email!) Thunderbird, in the other hand, uses a popup menu which lists each domain and allows the user to select which they would like to allow content from. But it's still the same number of domains. If I understand correctly, you're just not forced to make a decision about every one of them. I've always wanted the image-blocking feature to also allow the user to see exactly what was blocked. If some kind of popup menu is implemented then it wouldn't be far from an implementation similar to Thunderbird. No promises though. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Re-appearing messages
On 23 Feb 2017, at 7:34, Jim McCarty wrote: The problem I keep encountering is some time after I delete messages while viewing through smart mailboxes, they will sometimes reappear. Most of the time they reappear with their read status reset, though some remain marked as read (though I haven’t tried to figure out the pattern). I have many smart mailboxes, some are setup to roughly mimic Gmail’s inbox categorization others look at tags or subject patterns. Some of the email is in the inbox, some in [Gmail]/Archive or maybe in a Gmail "label" that hasn't been converted yet. The only way I’ve found to keep them from coming back once they’ve started is to delete them and then choose to sync the entire account. However, I recently discovered a whole raft of emails I had deleted reappear in my smart mailbox (all living in [Gmail]/Archive) but all marked as read, whereas before, most of them would reappear marked as unread). I can't really tell you if it only happens on one computer but not the other (I'll pay closer attention in the future), though I can tell you the one I noticed this behavior on today was running v1.9.6 (5347), the other is running v2.0BETA (6072). Oh, and both were probably running at the same time, one at home sitting idle, the other with me at work (running v1.9.6). I guess it's likely that it is somehow related to the two running installs of MailMate. Do you have rules moving these emails on both machines? (This could result in a race-condition.) -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
OK, thank you. I did not happen since last time. To put the mailboxes online again, does it make a difference if I press Resynchronize, or Always resynchronize? (Retry did not do any good). Alain On 23 Feb 2017, at 15:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 22 Feb 2017, at 19:04, Alain Israel wrote: When I arrived this morning, I got the following message (below), and all my mailboxes were offline. I pressed « always resynchronize » and everything resumed, albeit quite slowly. Is this diagnostic of something specific (it is the first time it occurs in about a year)? The UIDVALIDITY value for an IMAP mailbox is what an email client uses to determine if a mailbox is still the same mailbox. The name is not sufficient, because another email client might have deleted a mailbox and then created a new one with the same name. This could lead to an incorrect mapping between local emails and server emails. Therefore, a changed UIDVALIDITY value for a mailbox signals that the email client should forget everything about the mailbox and re-synchronize it. It's the only safe option. I cannot tell you why this happened, but if it happens on a regular basis then we can debug to make sure that MailMate does not behave incorrectly (I doubt it since if it did then it would likely happen very often). Some IMAP servers are pretty buggy regarding the UIDVALIDITY value, but there's not much MailMate can do about that. Resynchronize - Always Resynchronize - Retry The “Always Resynchronize” button was implemented to help out with such buggy servers. I won't recommend using it in general and the setting is forgotten as soon as MailMate is relaunched. (One could imagine a server which deletes certain empty IMAP mailboxes. This could trigger new UIDVALIDITY values on a regular basis, but in this case it's not really doing any harm.) -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list ___ mailmate mailing list
On 23 Feb 2017, at 15:56, Alain Israel wrote: OK, thank you. I did not happen since last time. To put the mailboxes online again, does it make a difference if I press Resynchronize, or Always resynchronize? (Retry did not do any good). That only makes a difference if the `UIDVALIDITY` changes again which appears to happen rarely for you. -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited
On 23 Feb 2017, at 6:31 AM PST, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: But it's still the same number of domains. If I understand correctly, you're just not forced to make a decision about every one of them. Yes, that's right. With Little Snitch, the workflow is: - I'd like to see some of these images. - Hm, do I click "Load Once"? I have no idea how many questions Little Snitch will make me answer. - OK, let's do it! - [Answer like a dozen allow/deny questions] - Damn, I guessed wrong and denied a domain that had an image I needed. - [Go to Little Snitch preferences and change settings] With Thunderbird, it went like this: - I'd like to see some of these images. - Let's look at the list of domains… - Oh, these couple domains look like they probably have the images I like. [click, click] - No? Let's try this other one. [click] - OK! Good enough. I've always wanted the image-blocking feature to also allow the user to see exactly what was blocked. If some kind of popup menu is implemented then it wouldn't be far from an implementation similar to Thunderbird. That would be fantastic. No promises though. Of course. Thanks for considering it! -sam ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Re-appearing messages
On 23 Feb 2017, at 6:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 23 Feb 2017, at 7:34, Jim McCarty wrote: The problem I keep encountering is some time after I delete messages while viewing through smart mailboxes, they will sometimes reappear. Most of the time they reappear with their read status reset, though some remain marked as read (though I haven’t tried to figure out the pattern). I have many smart mailboxes, some are setup to roughly mimic Gmail’s inbox categorization others look at tags or subject patterns. Some of the email is in the inbox, some in [Gmail]/Archive or maybe in a Gmail "label" that hasn't been converted yet. The only way I’ve found to keep them from coming back once they’ve started is to delete them and then choose to sync the entire account. However, I recently discovered a whole raft of emails I had deleted reappear in my smart mailbox (all living in [Gmail]/Archive) but all marked as read, whereas before, most of them would reappear marked as unread). I can't really tell you if it only happens on one computer but not the other (I'll pay closer attention in the future), though I can tell you the one I noticed this behavior on today was running v1.9.6 (5347), the other is running v2.0BETA (6072). Oh, and both were probably running at the same time, one at home sitting idle, the other with me at work (running v1.9.6). I guess it's likely that it is somehow related to the two running installs of MailMate. Do you have rules moving these emails on both machines? (This could result in a race-condition.) There are probably some rules that move messages running on both machines, I'll check into that. However, none of the rules move a message out of Deleted Message back to the inbox. Thanks for the ideas... I'll report back after I've had a bit of time to evaluate changes to my rules. Jim -- Benny ___ mailmate mailing list ___ mailmate mailing list
[MlMt] What is happening
Hi Benny, Just started using Little Snitch again after a long hiatus and noticed something odd running 2.0 beta builds; launching the app doesn’t run MailMate from the bundle, it’s running from a path similar to `/private/var/folders/p6/_crvbkp56l3dsmhm8ll79w_hgn/T/AppTranslocation/225B9D5C-3FAE-4239-AA9A-EB4DCFB4A4E3/d/`. I can approve rules for outgoing connections, but they become invalid after quitting the app because the binary no longer exists at that path. I also notice that trying to pin MailMate in the dock and launching from there spawns what looks like another instance of MailMate (a different MailMate icon appears in the Dock). Is something wonky on my machine? Thanks, Jim___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited
On 23 Feb 2017, at 19:11, Sam Hathaway wrote: - I'd like to see some of these images. - Hm, do I click "Load Once"? I have no idea how many questions Little Snitch will make me answer. - OK, let's do it! - [Answer like a dozen allow/deny questions] - Damn, I guessed wrong and denied a domain that had an image I needed. - [Go to Little Snitch preferences and change settings] Hmmm, here I would (and do) click "forever" and select allow/deny for the various domains. In the beginning Little Snitch will ask a lot but after a while most of the links already have a rule. Alternatively you open LS and define a rule that blocks most stuff and the add some exceptions to that rule (I think that works). = jem ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited
On 23 Feb 2017, at 11:48 PM PST, Jan Erik Moström wrote: On 23 Feb 2017, at 19:11, Sam Hathaway wrote: - I'd like to see some of these images. - Hm, do I click "Load Once"? I have no idea how many questions Little Snitch will make me answer. - OK, let's do it! - [Answer like a dozen allow/deny questions] - Damn, I guessed wrong and denied a domain that had an image I needed. - [Go to Little Snitch preferences and change settings] Hmmm, here I would (and do) click "forever" and select allow/deny for the various domains. In the beginning Little Snitch will ask a lot but after a while most of the links already have a rule. Alternatively you open LS and define a rule that blocks most stuff and the add some exceptions to that rule (I think that works). Yes, I was clicking "forever" as well, but didn't have the patience to get past that initial period where there were many new domains to classify. -sam ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] What is happening
On 24 Feb 2017, at 0:23 MST, Jim McCarty wrote: Just started using Little Snitch again after a long hiatus and noticed something odd running 2.0 beta builds; launching the app doesn’t run MailMate from the bundle, it’s running from a path similar to `/private/var/folders/p6/_crvbkp56l3dsmhm8ll79w_hgn/T/AppTranslocation/225B9D5C-3FAE-4239-AA9A-EB4DCFB4A4E3/d/`. I can approve rules for outgoing connections, but they become invalid after quitting the app because the binary no longer exists at that path. I also notice that trying to pin MailMate in the dock and launching from there spawns what looks like another instance of MailMate (a different MailMate icon appears in the Dock). Is something wonky on my machine? Yeah - it's running OS 10.12... You may fix this nonsense by clearing the program's quarantine attribute. xattr -d -r /Applications/ ビリー ヨーデルマん +1 310 839 7673 http://MIX.ORG/ ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited
On 24 Feb 2017, at 8:50, Sam Hathaway wrote: Yes, I was clicking "forever" as well, but didn't have the patience to get past that initial period where there were many new domains to classify. OK (when I was using Mail this was how I handled this) = jem ___ mailmate mailing list
Re: [MlMt] What is happening
On 24 Feb 2017, at 8:23, Jim McCarty wrote: > Just started using Little Snitch again after a long hiatus and noticed > something odd running 2.0 beta builds; launching the app doesn’t run MailMate > from the bundle, it’s running from a path similar to > `/private/var/folders/p6/_crvbkp56l3dsmhm8ll79w_hgn/T/AppTranslocation/225B9D5C-3FAE-4239-AA9A-EB4DCFB4A4E3/d/`. > I can approve rules for outgoing connections, but they become invalid after > quitting the app because the binary no longer exists at that path. > > I also notice that trying to pin MailMate in the dock and launching from > there spawns what looks like another instance of MailMate (a different > MailMate icon appears in the Dock). > > Is something wonky on my machine? Hi, I think that's Appel's sandboxing where apps are run from random paths. LS should handle this, I'm using it too and don't see this effect for any apps. But I'm not using MM 2 beta. -- Robert M. Münch, CEO M: +41 79 65 11 49 6 Saphirion AG smarter | better | faster signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ mailmate mailing list