My right Command key does not work

2015-07-19 Thread Tom Frank
For the last two days, my right Command key does not work as a Command key. The 
left one works. Right Command Key Q does not quit an application.  Quick nav is 
turn off and Keyboard help says its a Command key. Any ideas?
I just tried sending this message with the standard Command Shift D combination 
and nothing happened. It will go fine with the left Command Shift D combination.

Tom Frank

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Moving to the next cell in Numbers

2015-10-02 Thread Tom Frank
How do I finish entering data into a Numbers field and move to the next cell? 
This is a very simple operation but I have not been able to figure it out. 
“Enter” kicks me out of the entire table.

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Update to 10.11.1 fixed mail crashing

2015-10-24 Thread Tom Frank
Mail would open then “quit unexpectedly.” In frustration I checked if there 
were any updates, and yes, there was one to 10.11.1 that fixed the problems. I 
recommend that everyone updates.
Tom Frank

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Logic or Sibelius for music notation

2013-12-21 Thread Tom Frank
I have some usable vision and have ZoomText installed on my I-Mac. Sibelius 
menus and the like can be used with VO, but not key signatures and many other 
features. Is Logic any better. Could I use Logic with VO and ZoomText? Anyone 
out there have any other ideas for music notation software. 

I know this question has been asked before, but I'm hoping there have been some 
new options for those of us who want to write music and are not braille 
Tom Frank

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Re: Anybody know how to turn off the sound's in voice over in iOS?

2014-08-13 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Jerry,
You can turn the sound volume under Sounds in Settings down to zero. Then three 
finger double tap to turn off voice over speech. that should shut up your I 
Tom Frank

On Aug 13, 2014, at 8:44 PM, Doug Lawlor  wrote:

> Hello list,
> The subject says it all. I am using a braille display and I would like the 
> phone to be completely silent when using the braille display. How do I go 
> about turning off the sounds that seem to emanate from the phone while using 
> the braille display?
> Sent from my iPhone
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Speaking rate is too high.

2014-09-20 Thread Tom Frank
Since updating to Mavericks, I have two separate speech rates. The default  
rate that i can adjust with Command Option Control and up or down arrows.  How 
do I access the non default speech rate.  It's the rate I'm hearing now while 
typing this message.

Tom Frank

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Re: Visual input concerning screen brightness.

2011-06-09 Thread Tom Frank
Hi all,
Even at zero percent the screen is too bright for me to see maps on Google . Is 
there any way to dial down the brightness even further? It may be limited 
because screens are now LEDs and not CRTs. 
Tom Frank

On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Why not just leave it at 0%, and then when a person needs to see the screen, 
> just press function F2 to brighten to the persons desired level.  Then, just 
> press Function F1 to lower brightness back to 0%?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Jun 8, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>> Hi again all,
>> For those of you who choose to dial your brightness down on your Mac, but 
>> who choose to have it bright enough to be able to be adequately viewed, 
>> should you need it via sighted assistance, I'm told it's still perfectly 
>> fine at 10 to 15% brightness. Just thought I'd share that observation with 
>> the list.
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Re: Visual input concerning screen brightness.

2011-06-10 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Esther,,

I have an I Mac with a normal Apple wireless keyboard. Whether I'm in the 
Display control panel and turn the brightness to zero, or move up and down the 
brightness scale with F14 and F15, nothing seems to happen. 

The screen curtain works fine turning my screen totally dark. 

There is no sensor on the I Mac so, I assume, there is no automatic brightness 
selection option.

Any ideas? 

Tom Frank

On Jun 10, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi John and Tom,
> Are you sure that you're using the appropriate keyboard shortcut?  On my 
> Macbook Pro, where I have checked the box for "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as 
> standard function keys" on the "Keyboard" tab of the "Keyboard" menu under 
> "System Preferences", using the Fn+F1 key to lower the display to where it 
> says keyboard brightness is "0 per cent" has the same effect as turning my 
> screen curtain on, according to other users.  This also checks out if I try 
> to use the iPhone "Light Detector" app; I get no sound when the iPhone is 
> pointed to my laptop screen when the display brightness reported by VoiceOver 
> is "0 per cent" -- same as with my screen curtain turned on.  As soon as I 
> start to raise my screen brightness with Fn+F2 the "Light Detector" app on 
> the iPhone picks it up.  Of course, if I don't press the Fn key along with 
> the F1 or F2 key, nothing happens to the brightness adjustment with the above 
> settings.
> Are you using external displays like with an iMac? Also, what setting do you 
> use when you check your "Displays" menu under System Preferences?  Under the 
> Display tab is the box for "Automatically adjust brightness as ambient light 
> changes" checked or unchecked?  When you interact with the slider and push it 
> all the way down to 0 does your screen go dark? 
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jun 10, 2011, at 15:40, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>> Wow! I quite aggree with your need to dim the screen even further than it 
>> currently allows. I've resorted to the screen curtain (shift vo f11), though 
>> that's not really the answer.
>> Thanks for sharing.
>> John S
>> On Jun 9, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Even at zero percent the screen is too bright for me to see maps on Google . 
>> Is there any way to dial down the brightness even further? It may be limited 
>> because screens are now LEDs and not CRTs. 
>> Tom Frank
>> On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Why not just leave it at 0%, and then when a person needs to see the 
>>> screen, just press function F2 to brighten to the persons desired level.  
>>> Then, just press Function F1 to lower brightness back to 0%?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Jun 8, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>>>> Hi again all,
>>>> For those of you who choose to dial your brightness down on your Mac, but 
>>>> who choose to have it bright enough to be able to be adequately viewed, 
>>>> should you need it via sighted assistance, I'm told it's still perfectly 
>>>> fine at 10 to 15% brightness. Just thought I'd share that observation with 
>>>> the list.
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Re: Visual input concerning screen brightness.

2011-06-11 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Esther,
I downloaded, and it loaded itself, Brightness Control. 

So far, it works perfectly. I can finally reduce the brightness of my I Mac. 
Thanks a  bunch. There is also an app in the app store, I forget it's name, for 
$2.95 that has a 4.5 rating. I'll stick to the freebee for now. 
Tom Frank

On Jun 11, 2011, at 12:20 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Dan, Tom, Ricardo, and Others,
> OK, here's the results about iMac screen brightness for all the inquiring 
> minds that want to know.  Apparently, the level of screen brightness is, 
> indeed, characteristic of the iMac backlight, and not a property of Macbooks. 
>  I did some Google searching, and the first item I turned up was a program to 
> dim Mac monitors.  There are apparently a bunch of these, but here's the 
> first one I found, which is a free program named "Brightness Control" with 
> the subtitle "Dim your monitor easily":
> That's the macupdate page for the program, and what's interesting is that 
> there are other, similar programs to dim iMac monitors.  However, one of the 
> comments claims that although the program dims the pixels on the screen, it 
> doesn't turn off the backlight, so the amount of energy being used is the 
> same -- as though you had the screen curtain on.  Also, apparently the color 
> balance gets thrown off when the program is run.  This still might be useful 
> to Tom.
> The other interesting page was from a page by "Midwestern Mac, LLC", and it's 
> a blog post titled "How to Save 20 Watts while Running an iMac (or another 
> Mac)":
> You can read it with Safari reader (Command-Shift-R on the page to read the 
> article text without distracting links).  The quick summary is that the 
> blogger tested his 2008 iMac connected to a UPS that also monitored the power 
> usage of connected devices.  Even with the display set to lowest brightness, 
> the computer used about the same amount of power as a 77 watt light bulb.  
> Turning the screen of the iMac off dropped that to 30 watts, and putting the 
> computer to sleep took that down to 4 watts.  But because the backlight on 
> the monitor was always on, as long as the screen was turned on, it continued 
> to use a good deal of power.  My guess is that they can't afford to sustain 
> that kind of power consumption on laptops because they're often run on 
> battery power.  Anyway, here's an excerpted quote from the blog article 
> giving the stats.  You can read more details about the experiment using the 
> link that I gave above:
> Detailed stats, for those so inclined:
>   • Computer on, running a bunch of processes, full brightness = 125 Watts
>   • Computer on, highest brightness = 100 Watts
>   • Computer on, lowest brightness = 77 Watts
>   • Screen turned off (press Shift + Control + Eject) = 30 Watts
>   • Computer sleeping = 4 Watts average
>   • Computer off = 0 Watts
> Very interesting, since it explains that all these iMac monitors don't really 
> get down to 0 light level when you decrease brightness.  It also means that 
> even if you dim the screen pixels even further, by using a program like the 
> one I mentioned at the start of this post, you're still using power that will 
> show up in your electricity bill.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jun 10, 2011, at 17:24, Dan wrote:
>> Another comment regarding screen curtain on my 27 inch iMac late 2010. Both 
>> my wife and son said that when the screen curtain is on, the screen is still 
>> lit and there is a cursor on the screen. Again, this is a brightness setting 
>> of 0.
>> HTH.
>> Dan
>> On Jun 10, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Dan and Others,
>>> I've never checked display brightness with an iMac screen.  On all the Mac 
>>> laptop screens I've used, setting screen brightness to 0 seems to have the 
>>> same effect as turning on the screen curtain.  That's why I asked whether 
>>> this was an iMac and what the display settings were in terms of automatic 
>>> adjustment under System Preferences.  I'd be really surprised if a laptop 
>>> user said the screen stayed bright a 0 level display brightness setting.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Jun 10, 2011, at 16:52, Dan wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> When the screen brightness is

Re: Zoom text for Mac

2013-02-07 Thread Tom Frank
I downloaded Zoomtext successfully last night and took it for a short spin. It 
seems to work quite well.  I went to the products link on the AI Squared 
website and found the Mac download link there. I had to enter my name, email 
and a few other details and it then downloaded the file to my download folder. 
The process was quite painless.

On Feb 7, 2013, at 12:26 PM, "Emilio S. Hernandez" 

> Hey everyone,
> I have recently tried to download the demo for Zoom text.
> I went to the developer website, which was provided as a link in the Applevis 
> News feed I am subscribed to.
> Upon entering in my information, I was taken to a page where I could download 
> a trial version. I was not able to find a Mac specific download file. 
> Everything pointed me to Windows only.
> Would anyone know what I have not done correctly? Would anyone be willing to 
> guide me in the direction I need to go in order to download this demo?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> Sent from Emilio's  iPhone
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Re: Zoom text for Mac

2013-02-08 Thread Tom Frank
ZoomText is not a screen reader, and as there questions and answers state, they 
have no interest in making a screen reader for the Mac.

AI squared only makes products for low vision users. Their Windows products 
include some text to speech features, but, no matter what, you need some vision 
to navigate.
 although Voice Over is fantastic, Apple has not done a very good job on Screen 
magnification software. Therefore, I believe there is a definite void for third 
party developers to fill. 

Frank Tom

On Feb 8, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Pam Francis  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I also downloaded the file. It seems to work, yet needsa little work with 
> reference to its layout. Not sure how I feel about 3rd party developers 
> getting in to the mac OS with referenced to Apple seems to do an admirable 
> job thus far. I am afraid if 3rd party developers are allowed in to their 
> API, it will be the death of mac accessibility as we know it. We will be 
> expected to pay outrageous prices for screen readers as has been the norm on 
> the windows side.accessibility. 
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Tom Frank  wrote:
>> I downloaded Zoomtext successfully last night and took it for a short spin. 
>> It seems to work quite well.  I went to the products link on the AI Squared 
>> website and found the Mac download link there. I had to enter my name, email 
>> and a few other details and it then downloaded the file to my download 
>> folder. The process was quite painless.
>> Tom
>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 12:26 PM, "Emilio S. Hernandez" 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> I have recently tried to download the demo for Zoom text.
>>> I went to the developer website, which was provided as a link in the 
>>> Applevis News feed I am subscribed to.
>>> Upon entering in my information, I was taken to a page where I could 
>>> download a trial version. I was not able to find a Mac specific download 
>>> file. Everything pointed me to Windows only.
>>> Would anyone know what I have not done correctly? Would anyone be willing 
>>> to guide me in the direction I need to go in order to download this demo?
>>> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
>>> Sent from Emilio's  iPhone
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Re: Zoom text for Mac

2013-02-11 Thread Tom Frank
The demo is free, so just download it and try it out for yourself.

I find the Mac 'zoom to be a minimal magnification program. It does little to 
smooth out the jaggies and there are few color enhancements. 

'zoom Text lets you change cursors, pointer, colors, small and large 
magnification levels, finders, and a bunch more. 

If the built in Mac magnification works for you, great. It doesn't for me.  
Remember that someone can't just say, gee, they have a great feature; let's 
borrow it. There are copyright and trademark laws. 

Apple has never made a great magnification program and I don't think they ever 

When I could see better, CloseView was all I needed. But now, I need a more 
sophisticated program with a lot more features. 

I must admit that ZoomText is a bit pricy, but AI Squared does have to make a 
profit and we're not talking millions of potential customers.

Bottom line, it's better than what Apple has to offer, If it meets your needs, 
buy it. And, if it doesn't, then just try out the demo and leave it at that. 


On Feb 10, 2013, at 12:59 AM, Pete Nalda  wrote:

> I'm going to play the cynic here, and ask, just what does ZoomText offer that 
> Zoom does not?  I'll be happy to read somewhere, but WILL NOT install a demo 
> without answers first, as I too, am fully satisfied with Zoom, and it's 
> ability to work in conjunction with VoiceOver.  Jmo. 
> Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
> Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
> Http://
> Http://
> Http://
> Twitter @lpnalda
> On Feb 9, 2013, at 5:42 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:
>> Hi  
>> I hope my comments werenot construed as being ungrateful. I am primarily a 
>> voiceover user, though do have the vision to use screen magnification to 
>> find elements on the screen voiceover doesn't seem to want to read. I have 
>> found Apple's own screen magnification to work quite nicely. I did look at 
>> the app. Fortunately, it will also run with voiceover running. I hope Apple 
>> can take take some ideas from a couple of features with zoom text. At times, 
>> it is helpful to have different color combinations. Yes, I do contact 
>> with suggestions.all,  
>> On Feb 8, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> Considering that Apple continues to score record breaking profits with its 
>>> product line, cost cutting  is not likely a major issue just now.
>>> still have people broached the screen maganification factor with apple 
>>> accessibility directly?
>>> I honestly figured that it already existed in some form.
>>> Those I know who use zoom text for windows use its screen readability too, 
>>> so I tend to doubt they could simply come in without following the 
>>> developer root Apple requires for mac work.
>>> Just a guess though.
>>> Karen
>>> On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks for your kind response. I understand Zim text is not a screen 
>>>> reader per se. I use a combination of speech and screen magnification. My 
>>>> concern is with the idea that Apple would allow someone else into their 
>>>> API therefore allowing a third-party vendor to take over their 
>>>> accessibility for which they have done quite well. As a friend of mine 
>>>> stated earlier today, everyone is looking to cut costs somewhere. 
>>>> Conceivably Apple could be looking at excess ability as a Means of 
>>>> attempting to cut costs of their product. I pray that is not the case. Be 
>>>> at screen magnification or speech, I certainly do not want to go back to 
>>>> the world of SMA agreements with third-party vendors. If AI squared can 
>>>> make a product that is an adjunct to what Apple offers rather than a 
>>>> direct competitor, I have no problem. However if it is the first step of 
>>>> taking over accessibility in one form or another I have an issue.
>>>> Pam Francis
>>>> On Feb 8, 2013, at 5:20 PM, Tom Frank  wrote:
>>>> ZoomText is not a screen reader, and as there questions and answers state, 
>>>> they have no interest in making a screen reader for the Mac.
>>>> AI squared only makes products for low vision users. Their Windows 
>>>> products include some text to speech features, but, no matter what, you 
>>>> need some vision to navigate.

Speech rate gone wild

2014-11-21 Thread Tom Frank
Since updating to Yosemite, I have two speech rates. I can change the speech 
rate in menus and controls with the standard Command Shift Control, up and down 
arrow combination.
 However, when VO reads text, like what I am typing now, it is read at a faster 
rate that I cannot, for the life of me, find a way to slow down. what am I 
missing?Tom Frank

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Re: Speech rate gone wild

2014-11-22 Thread Tom Frank
I took your advice and unchecked the voices option button. But, no matter what 
I did, it rechecked itself on restart. I finally reset all VO options to 
default and it seems to have fixed the problem. 
Tom Frank

> On Nov 21, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It sounds like you've set up a separate profile for your keyboard voice. Open 
> the VO Utility, go to the Speech category, and choose the Voices tab. See if 
> the "additional voice options" box is checked; if it is, look in the 
> subsequent options to see if you have something else set that you didn't know 
> about.
>> On Nov 21, 2014, at 7:37 PM, Tom Frank > <>> wrote:
>> Since updating to Yosemite, I have two speech rates. I can change the speech 
>> rate in menus and controls with the standard Command Shift Control, up and 
>> down arrow combination.
>>  However, when VO reads text, like what I am typing now, it is read at a 
>> faster rate that I cannot, for the life of me, find a way to slow down. what 
>> am I missing?Tom Frank
>> <>
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Is the list down?

2013-02-24 Thread Tom Frank
I'm not getting any messages from this list serve or my VIPhone list. Are they 
down or is it me? 
Tom Frank

On Jan 17, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Part 3 of my audio tutorial on Garageband is up.  You can listen at
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
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Re: Zoomtezt for mac

2013-03-12 Thread Tom Frank
I bought it at it's full price and really like it. The smoothing and brightness 
controls are much better than what comes with the Mac. 
Try it. There's a free trial version so you can't go wrong.
Tom Frank

On Mar 12, 2013, at 9:07 PM, N2KPV  wrote:

> Hi ,  has anyone tried  zoomtext for mac ? I saw that it was on sale this 
> week for $99. I was wondering if it is worth trying.
> Thanks , Ben
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Ricardo walker's garage band demos

2013-03-25 Thread Tom Frank
Where is the link to Ricardo's tutorials. I cannot find his garage band demos 

Tom Frank

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How is VO in Logic with step time?

2013-04-20 Thread Tom Frank
Does Logic's step time entry work well with Voice Over?  I want to write down 
my compositions, but, since moving completely away from Windows, I haven't 
found any music notation software that works with the Mac. 
Tom Frank

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Does anyone use Logic for music creation?

2013-04-22 Thread Tom Frank
Is there anyone out there who uses Logic on the Mac?  Before I shell out $199 I 
want to make sure it is VO friendly. For that price, it better be a love affair 
and not just friendly.
Tom Frank

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Re: Windows 8 and boot camp

2013-05-25 Thread Tom Frank
Hello there,
The latest upgrade allows Windows 8 installation.

Windows 8 works with its limited screen reader but I haven't played around with 
it very much. 
Tom Frank

On May 22, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> Has anyone done a boot camp install with Windows 8?  I have several 
> questions, perhaps for off list?  Thanks.
> Bill
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Re: Windows 8 and boot camp

2013-05-25 Thread Tom Frank
My  wife did the installation. I didn't even try so I don't know if it can be 
installed without sight.

Tom Frank

On May 24, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Thanks.
> Were you able to complete the install yourself or did you need sighted help?
> On May 23, 2013, at 4:32 AM, Oriol Gómez  wrote:
>> I'm using windows 8 with bootcamp right now and it definitely works... :D
>> On 5/22/13, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Actually, an Apple representative just told me it was, and he gave me a FAQ
>>> for installing it.
>>> US
>>> Q from my iPhone
>>> On May 22, 2013, at 10:55 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
>>>> If I'm not mistaken, only windows 7 is currently supported via bootcamp.
>>>> - Original Message - From: "Bill Holton" 
>>>> To: 
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 10:29 AM
>>>> Subject: Windows 8 and boot camp
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> Has anyone done a boot camp install with Windows 8?  I have several
>>>>> questions, perhaps for off list?  Thanks.
>>>>> Bill
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Re: I cannot get gmail pop mail service to work

2010-11-15 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
My son the computer engineer helped me yesterday. He had to clear out all of my 
preferences because they had become corrupted.

Make sure you have Mail also set up to receive POP mail. 

I originally had Gmail set up as an IMAP acount and it gave me nothing but 

Bottom line; it sounds like your problem may be with Mail and not with GMail.

Good luck.
On Nov 15, 2010, at 5:12 PM, Christina wrote:

> I don't know what I am doing wrong but I am trying to add a gmail account to 
> apple mail and it just won't work.  I have followed all the steps to the best 
> of my ability and I just cannot get it to work.  The closest I've come is 
> getting an error message saying that cannot be verified and may 
> be a security risk if I continue.  Those are not the exact words but it's the 
> general idea.  Are there any ideas as to what is going on.  I've read 
> everything I could on the gmail website to see why I've gotten this error 
> message and also as to why this is not working at all.  I currently have a 
> pop gmail account working in apple mail and I've tried using similar settings 
> for the new gmail address but I cannot get it to work.  On the gmail side I 
> did enable pop mail so that isn't the problem.  Someone else set up the first 
> gmail account for me but I just cannot seem to figure out how to set up the 
> second account on my own.
> Thanks for any hints,
> Christina
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Re: I cannot get gmail pop mail service to work

2010-11-15 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there all,

POP is Post Office protocol. It simply downloads all of your new messages to 
your computer for you to read.

IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol. Your messages, folders, filters, and 
the like can reside on the server and your computer syncs to them. The 
advantage, is, so I am told, is that you can access your account from work, 
home, or anywhere else and everything syncs. 

The problem I found that VO keeps saying, Mail is busy and it takes time to 
sync when you delte, move, or do anything with your mail.

POP is simpler and is easier to manage as far as I'm concerned.

Tom Frank 
On Nov 15, 2010, at 6:07 PM, Christina wrote:

> I do not have any understanding as to the difference between the two of them. 
>  I do not know what pop is or what imap is.  However, I was going by the 
> example of what someone had set up for me on another gmail account.  
> On Nov 15, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, why did you decide to go with pop3, as opposed to imap? 
>> There might be a good reason to do so, but I can't think of one.
>> -Joshua
>> On Nov 15, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Christina wrote:
>>> I don't know what I am doing wrong but I am trying to add a gmail account 
>>> to apple mail and it just won't work.  I have followed all the steps to the 
>>> best of my ability and I just cannot get it to work.  The closest I've come 
>>> is getting an error message saying that cannot be verified 
>>> and may be a security risk if I continue.  Those are not the exact words 
>>> but it's the general idea.  Are there any ideas as to what is going on.  
>>> I've read everything I could on the gmail website to see why I've gotten 
>>> this error message and also as to why this is not working at all.  I 
>>> currently have a pop gmail account working in apple mail and I've tried 
>>> using similar settings for the new gmail address but I cannot get it to 
>>> work.  On the gmail side I did enable pop mail so that isn't the problem.  
>>> Someone else set up the first gmail account for me but I just cannot seem 
>>> to figure out how to set up the second account on my own.
>>> Thanks for any hints,
>>> Christina
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How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-27 Thread Tom Frank
I see no way of decreasing margin withs in TextEdit. I want my left and right 
margins set at 0.5 inches. Any ideas? I print my choir music in 60 point or 
larger sizes and want to get more than two works on a line.
Tom Frank

On Nov 26, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> That feature no longer works, remove that account and create a jabber account.
> To use jabber your facebook account will need a username, you can assign one 
> in facebook preferences.
> Then log into facebook via your jabber account on Adium, your username would 
> be your account name and you need to add 
> to the server field which you can find under the options tab.
> Chris 
> On 26 Nov 2010, at 22:27, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I read with interest lots of posts on Facebook and Adium. I found that when 
>> I connected my Facebook account, the contacts who were on chat would show 
>> up. Now they are not showing up and Adium is reporting the account is 
>> connected. Any suggestions or ideas? THank you in advance for all your help.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-27 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Mark,
Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom paper 
sizes but the margins are still one inch all around. 

I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and 
Tom Frank

On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Under the File menu is Page Setup, or command shift P is the keyboard 
> shortcut.  There, you can change paper size (including, much to my joy, 
> envelopes!).  Will that do what you want?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-29 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust left 
and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the margins. 

If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed instructions 
on how to do it 
Tom Frank

On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
> On 27/11/2010, Tom Frank  wrote:
>> Hi there Mark,
>> Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom
>> paper sizes but the margins are still one inch all around.
>> I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and
>> whistles.
>> Tom Frank
>> On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Under the File menu is Page Setup, or command shift P is the keyboard
>>> shortcut.  There, you can change paper size (including, much to my joy,
>>> envelopes!).  Will that do what you want?
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-30 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Esther,
I can do everything but move the left margin to the right less than one inch 
and the right margin to the right less than for a one inch margin. I tried 
creating a document in pages the way I want it, then saved it and then tried to 
open it in TextEdit to check out the margins; I could not save the document in 
Pages as a rich text document and when I tried to open it in TextEdit it would 
only open as a PDA thumbnail..  

I am thinking that TextEdit just won't let me create margins that are less than 
one inch from the sides or top or bottom.   
Tom Frank

On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Tom, Steve, Jonathan, and Mark,
> Steve's correct that you can set the left and right margins in TextEdit (in 
> Rich Text Mode) by interacting with the head indent ruler marker and tail 
> indent ruler marker and moving them to the desired positions.  As a general 
> comment, you can save any changes that you make as a customized style.
> To save this as a style file, interact with the Styles popup button in the 
> ruler and select "Other". Then press the "Add to favorites" button and supply 
> a name for the style. You can also check any of the boxes for "Include the 
> ruler as part of the style" or "include the font as part of the style".  If 
> you set up the spacing popup button to be double spaced, I think that also 
> gets saved.  Then, if you ever want to create a document in this style, when 
> you open a new TextEdit document, start by navigating to the Styles popup 
> button, press VO+Space, and select the style you saved before starting to 
> input your text.
> Incidentally, a good way to figure out how these features work is to open a 
> rich text format document with the settings you want, and examine the ruler 
> marker spacings.  You could also save it directly as a style file, with the 
> option of choosing a specific text font (which might not carry over from your 
> original document).  To see an example of how this worked out for figuring 
> out tabs, you can read the archived post from the old list, on "Inserting 
> Tabs in TextEdit with VoiceOver":
> Use Control+N to read down the next post in the thread in Safari, and 
> Control+P to read previous posts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 23:43, Steve Griffiths wrote:
>> I think I've managed to do this. Here are the steps I went through; you may 
>> of course be set to inches rather then centimetres.
>> Select everything in the document with Cmd-A.
>> VO-left arrow to the ruler and interact with it.
>> VO-right arrow to "0.00 centimetres head indent ruler marker" and interact 
>> with it.
>> VO-right arrow to change it by 0.1 centimetres, or VO-Shift-right arrow to 
>> change it by 0.01 centimetres.
>> When I've got that where I want it, stop interacting with it.
>> VO-left arrow to "0.00 centimetres first line indent ruler marker".
>> Change that to the same distance as the first ruler marker.
>> VO-right arrow past all the "left tab stops" to "31.75 centimetres tail 
>> indent ruler marker".
>> Interact with it and move it to the left.
>> Does that work for you? And do what you want?
>> I don't know how to set this as the default.
>> Steve
>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 22:23, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust 
>>> left and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the 
>>> margins.
>>> If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed 
>>> instructions on how to do it
>>> Tom Frank
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>>>> I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
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Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread Tom Frank

I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a table.  
It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?

Tom Frank

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Blue tooth headset

2009-06-03 Thread Tom Frank

I bought a Sony DRVT 50 Stereo headset to use with my Mac. I figured I  
could keep my I Mac upstairs and use my wireless keyboard and headset  
downstairs. It works fine except for a minor problem. Voice Over seems  
to say everything twice and then goes silent.

I can listen to a song from I Tunes fine. It only seems to be a  
problem with VoiceOver. Any ideas?
Tom Frank

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Re: smart mailbox question

2009-07-08 Thread Tom Frank

Hi there,
Try making several rules in one. I have all of the MacVisionary emails  
go into one mailbox; IPhones into another and another for my Motorola  
Cell phone list serve.

When you make a rule, choose "Subject contains" and then pick  
something that usually appears in the subject. Then add  a From field  
with different criteria. The combination usually works. It sometimes  
takes me three or four tries before I get all of the emails into the  
right mailbox.  b
Tom Frank

On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

> Also, I tried just making a rule for putting everything list-related
> in a separate regular mailbox, and nothing went there, either.  Am I
> doomed to have a clogged inbox?
>   Eliza
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 4:58 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ok, call me stupid if you want, but i've never gotten the hang of
>> everything "smart" on the Mac. When you create a "smart" mailbox, you
>> are given a lot of criteria for what should be shown in that mailbox,
>> right? If so, there shouldn't be any need for also making a rule with
>> the same searching criteria to filter mails to a smart mail box that
>> also has these rules, right? Or what am i missing here?
>> I have also tried to make smart mailboxes for everything mac related,
>> but my rules aren't good enough apparently because nothing comes
>> through as it should. Either nothing goes in the smart box, or too
>> much unrelated goes there, so i've given up this smart thing
>> alltogether, for me, it just doesn't work.
>> /Krister
>> 7 jul 2009 kl. 21.29 skrev Simon Cavendish:
>>> Dear Eliza,
>>> You set rules under Mail preferences which you access  either  
>>> through
>>> the menu bar under Mail, or by using the shortcut key command+comma.
>>> Then by interacting with the toolbar you can choose rules. In there,
>>> provided you have already created a mailbox to which you have given
>>> the names, you can set up the rule, like for isntance, if a mail
>>> comes
>>> from the address in To field, move it to the mailbox name. Hope this
>>> helps. With best wishes, Simon
>>> On 7 Jul 2009, at 20:18, Eliza Cooper wrote:
>>>> Hi James,
>>>>Where can I find instructions for setting up rules?
>>>> On Jul 7, 2009, at 2:56 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>>>> Hi Eliza,
>>>>> I had the same issue. I got around this by just creating a normal
>>>>> mailbox
>>>>> and once I set up the rules all the messages went to the correct
>>>>> mailbox
>>>>> without any trouble. I hope this helps.
>>>>> Take care
>>>>> James
>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>> From: "Eliza Cooper" 
>>>>> To: "macvisionaries" 
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:53 PM
>>>>> Subject: smart mailbox question
>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>> I created a smart mailbox for all of the messages in this list,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> apparently I'm not understanding something correctly.  Once you
>>>>>> create
>>>>>> the mailbox and specify which messages should go there, shouldn't
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> future messages go there?  The are not doing so.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Eliza
> >

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Re: smart mailbox question

2009-07-09 Thread Tom Frank

The easiest way to move items to a mailbox is to create a rule. Just  
remember that you can enter more than one criteria per rule. For  
example, I have a MacVisionary rule that moves everything from this  
list serve into a MacVisionary mailbox. The first criteria is: Subject  
contains MacVisionary. The I added From Contains Macvisionary.  This  
system also works for my I Phone list. I had to add From and then  
Subject and the Message contains IPhone before I caught all of the  
incoming mail and routed them to the correct mailbox. And if first you  
don't succeed, go back and modify your rule until you get it right.


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Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Tom Frank

In defense of NLS, they must follow strict copyright laws.  I have no  
complaints since they also distribute a free player to every user. And  
if someone wants a more portable uit, there's also the Stream.  I also  
believe other third party manufacturers will be jumping in the fray  
once the new books are released.
Tom Frank

On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi there,
> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
> able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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Re: Ripping cps with Amadeus?

2011-09-10 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
Yes it does, and it does it very well. After trying to use ITunes with no 
success, I broke down and actually read the Amadeus manual. It's around page 52 
where it explains how to convert tapes and records to CD.

First, place and name markers where you want different tracks. Don't forget to 
put a marker at the very beginning of the file.
Then, if it's a two track stereo recording, go the sounds menu and flatten the 
Then go back to the sounds menu and Burn the file to a CD. The option is almost 
at the bottom of the Sounds menue.  Amadeus can automatically put a two second 
blank spot before every track.

Also, the recommendation is that you do all of your editing in the Amadeus 
format  which is true CD quality.

Happy recording.
Tom Frank

On Sep 10, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Hi. Will Amadeus also rip cds as well as everything else it does?
> I'm beginning to think that I don't want to do this through iTunes as it 
> appears to add everything opened with it to the library and I wouldn't want a 
> bunch of audio tutorials or books added to my library unless I specifically 
> decided to put it there.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Ripping cps with Amadeus?

2011-09-11 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there again,
I'm not sure if you can rip the track directly, but it's worth a try. Amadeus 
should be able to import the entire CD and then copy it to another CD. I'm sure 
there is a simpler program for doing this directly, but Amadeus will give you 
the option of saving individual traqcks, and saving them in a variety of 
formats, including MP3. The manual gives a pretty good explanation of various 
file types and the pros and cons of each. 
Tom Frank

On Sep 11, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Thanks. Can Amadeus rip tracks from a cd and create mp3 files?
> I'm concerned about doing this with iTunes as every time I open an mp3 with 
> iTunes, it thinks it should add it to my music library so that I then have to 
> go in and remove them.
> Very odd since I never saw this behavior in windows.
> If Amadeus can't rip mp3 files from a cd, what would I use other than iTunes?
> As an example: I have the bar code reader from AT guys. There is a cd with a 
> tutorial. 
> If I rip the tracks from the cd or even open the resulting mp3 file with 
> iTunes, it's going to add that mp3 to my music library for some reason.
> So, I want to create an mp3 file off of the cd so I can then transfer that to 
> my book sense for listening.
> Can Amadeus rip those tracks from the cd; or do I need to look for some other 
> program?
> On Sep 10, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Yes it does, and it does it very well. After trying to use ITunes with no 
>> success, I broke down and actually read the Amadeus manual. It's around page 
>> 52 where it explains how to convert tapes and records to CD.
>> First, place and name markers where you want different tracks. Don't forget 
>> to put a marker at the very beginning of the file.
>> Then, if it's a two track stereo recording, go the sounds menu and flatten 
>> the file. 
>> Then go back to the sounds menu and Burn the file to a CD. The option is 
>> almost at the bottom of the Sounds menue.  Amadeus can automatically put a 
>> two second blank spot before every track.
>> Also, the recommendation is that you do all of your editing in the Amadeus 
>> format  which is true CD quality.
>> Happy recording.
>> Tom Frank
>> On Sep 10, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Hi. Will Amadeus also rip cds as well as everything else it does?
>>> I'm beginning to think that I don't want to do this through iTunes as it 
>>> appears to add everything opened with it to the library and I wouldn't want 
>>> a bunch of audio tutorials or books added to my library unless I 
>>> specifically decided to put it there.
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: bookport plus software on the mac

2011-09-17 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
I have the BP softwarte installed on my Mac but I don't like it very well. I 
find it easier to just copy and paste files from my desktop into the BP, like 
books from the NLS library.
Tom Frank

On Sep 16, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> i was wondering if anyone has used the bookport plus software on the mac. i 
> have it installed. but am not entirely sure i am working it right. any help 
> would be appreciated.
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Re: Navigation in Mail Change with Lion 10.7.2

2011-10-14 Thread Tom Frank
Hi all,
I had the tab problem and found a solution before reading this thread. Try 
pressing tab twice. The second one is a charm. Shift tab once brings you back 
just like before. 
Tom Frank

On Oct 14, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> I just noticed that in classic layout the tab key works just as it did in 
> 10.7.1.  Interesting.  I wrote accessibility about this and will be 
> interested to hear their reply.  I think I'll use classic layout for now.
> On Oct 13, 2011, at 9:26 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> The problem with using the VO+J command, Alex, as far as I am concerned, is
>> that it, in many cases, causes you to automatically interact with the text
>> of the message; if this is all you wish to do then fine; but, if you merely
>> want to hear the contents of the message then quickly skim other messages in
>> the thread, you need to stop interacting with the current message no less
>> then twice.  Too many unnecessary keystrokes in my and several others'
>> opinion. 
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
>> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 3:36 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Navigation in Mail Change with Lion 10.7.2
>> Tab doesn't work for me either, but I thought I was too tired and was
>> doing something wrong. However, the vo-j keystroke mentioned a few
>> days ago works perfectly for me, and does not even read out that
>> maddening table/root cell information that tabbing would!
>> On 10/13/11, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Guys.
>>> dI just found out by accident that return also works to get a message to
>>> read these days. I used to do that in Windows, so I got desperate and
>> tried
>>> it. It worked.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Oct 13, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Brett C. wrote:
>>>> I've noticed that tab no longer works to move to the messages in a thread
>>>> as well.
>>>> Brett C.
>>>> On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>>> I found this out accidentally, so I don't know if it's documented
>>>>> anywhere. If you're using the preview pane, and you want to navigate
>> from
>>>>> mailbox list to message list to message content, use control-tab. At
>>>>> least as far as I'm concerned, tab doesn't work anymore for that
>> purpose.
>>>>> I'm thinking this could have something to do with Mail using Webkit.
>> Just
>>>>> a guess, though.
>>>>> HTh,
>>>>> Teresa
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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>> &q

Re: downloading from the BARD site

2011-10-22 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
I learned by my mistakes. Just be patient. For a large book, it might take a 
few minutes to expand, but, it will be done automatically.

You will first notice  your book in the download folder as a zip file. Go have 
a cup of tea or something. Come back and it will be an uncompressed DAISY book 
folder. Copy the file.  Go to the finder, find your drive's icon, open it, and 
paste in the book. I hit escape first just to make sure I don't have any other 
files selected in the drive's folder.
If you interact with the progress alert, you can listen to the number of books 
remaining to be pasted. Remember, Daisy books actually are a number of files 
kept in a common folder.
Tom Frank

On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:59 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> thanks so much.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:49 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> They are unzipped automatically.  Just copy and paste to your sd card or 
>> whatever.
>> On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> I know how to get a book downloaded to my downloads folder from the BARD 
>>> site.  My question is how do I unzip the file.  I'm using snow leopard and 
>>> using the finder.
>>> Thanks for all your help in advance.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I 
>>>> got my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
>>>> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small issue 
>>>> with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
>>>> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts lots 
>>>> of text on the screen. Some times then I see that
>>>> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new 
>>>> event on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
>>>> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings trying 
>>>> to find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
>>>> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
>>>> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
>>>> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
>>>> when needed?
>>>> Any help is much appreciated.
>>>> Johanna
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Re: putting books from BARD to cartridge

2011-10-26 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
The icon labeled untitled is probably the right one. It should be under your 
Hard Drive icon. You also know it it's the right one when you unplug it; your 
Mac will complain that you didn't eject it properly.

Open it with Command O and check out the folder. I get rid of unwanted files 
mby the context menu, VO Shift M. I go down and select Move to trash.  I then 
copy and paste the BARD books from my downloads file to the cartridge folder. 

Good listening.

Tom Frank

On Oct 25, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> I found something that says untitled but it doesn't have anything in it and I 
> know I have stuff in my cartridge.  What do I do now?
> I want to delete the stuff in my folder that was in it and put my new stuff 
> in my cartridge.
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 25, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Jennifer. 
>> I usually find my carridge on the desktop. Sometimes I have to do VO right 
>> arrow or Vo left arrow to get to it. You probably know what to do with it 
>> after that, but if not, you need VO space to get into the cartridge. It may 
>> say something like no title or something weird you don't recognize. It won't 
>> say cartridge or something like that. I haven't tried to see if it can be 
>> renamed. I have thought about it. 
>> Regards,
>> Bigi
>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I downloaded a book from the BARD sight and would like to copy it to my 
>>> cartridge so I can play it on my book player.  How do I get my Mac Mini to 
>>> knowledge  the cartridge.  I plugged it into the computer and so far there 
>>> is no acknowledgment that the computer sees it.
>>> Can anyone help and tell me where in the finder I would find it.  Thanks so 
>>> much.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is there a command for this?  I've looked, but can't seem to find one.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Donna
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Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-07 Thread Tom Frank

Tom Frank
Hello all,
I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that allows 
you to turn VO on and off easily. 

I can't find it. Any hints?

On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Francisco,
> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM content 
> with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another DRM scheme.  
> Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone User Guide and 
> other free books, are available without DRM, and can be read.  Also, the 
> books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public domain have no DRM, and 
> can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that you buy through iBooks 
> cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually a 
> utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
> transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was not 
> designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed as the 
> major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets outside of the 
> United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one reason why there 
> are no new developments.  I was surprised when they released Stanza 3.0 in 
> June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually possible to use Stanza with 
> VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find it disconcerting, because the 
> application reads to the end of each chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  
> However, it is usable, and supported bookmarking and search functions before 
> iBooks had these features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, 
> the iBook app is a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks store 
>> or in other store and read it
>> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
>>> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod or 
>>> ipad.
>>> Vítor Oliveira
>>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>>>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>>>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>>>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this application 
>>>> doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>>>> Nektarios.
>>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>>> Hello Nektarios,
>>>>> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just navigating 
>>>>> to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to page down on 
>>>>> my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover graphic. You do 
>>>>> have to read by page, but you can just press the right arrow key to do 
>>>>> this for successive pages, and you can make the font size small if you 
>>>>> want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital Editions Preview 
>>>>> supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks.  It will work for 
>>>>> reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the Adobe ADE version of DRM, 
>>>>> which includes books you can buy from Kobo Books and OverDrive ePub books 
>>>>> that can be borrowed by download through public libraries in the U.S., 
>>>>> Canada, Australia, the U.K. and some other countries.
>>>>> An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you don't 
>>>>> want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard (VO-Shift-C) and 
>>>>> paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The Express version of 
>>>>> iText is free, and available from the Mac's App Store.
>>>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>>>> Esther
>>>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Nektarios,
>>>>>> If you just go to next page, it will read automatically, but if you want 
>>>>>> to look at the text closely, or read with a Braille display, then 

Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Frank
I sent the initial post asking for help.

My wife updated the software last nigh and I checked it today and my Apple TV 
has the latest software. VO can be turned on and off from the Settings, 
general, Accessibility menu, but still no triple click. Any more suggestions?
Tom Frank

On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have 
> to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom 
> right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
> Scott Rumery
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> It's only available in the setup screen.
>> Les
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Tom Frank
>>> Hello all,
>>> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
>>> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
>>> I can't find it. Any hints?
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>> Hello Francisco,
>>>> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
>>>> content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
>>>> DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
>>>> User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
>>>> read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
>>>> domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that 
>>>> you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
>>>> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually 
>>>> a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
>>>> transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was 
>>>> not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed 
>>>> as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets 
>>>> outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one 
>>>> reason why there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they 
>>>> released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually 
>>>> possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find 
>>>> it disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of each 
>>>> chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and 
>>>> supported bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these 
>>>> features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app is 
>>>> a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
>>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>>> Esther
>>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>>>>> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
>>>>> store or in other store and read it
>>>>> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>>>>>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
>>>>>> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
>>>>>> or ipad.
>>>>>> Vítor Oliveira
>>>>>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>>>>>>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>>>>>>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>>>>>>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
>>>>>>> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>>>>>>> Nektarios.
>>>>>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Nektarios,
>>>>>>>> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
>>>>>>>> navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
>>>>>>>> page dow

Re: Bluetooth Keyboards

2017-08-16 Thread Tom Frank
I’m not certain about your keyboard, but try normal VO commands such as VO 
spacebar two times for a double click. When I forget some of the commands, I 
just keep my phone next to the keyboard and I can always reach over and do a 
two finger double tap.  WWW; what Works Works.

Tom Frank

> On Aug 16, 2017, at 8:59 AM, Harry Bell  wrote:
> I have been using my Rii mini Bluetooth keyboard (the one about the size of 
> an iPhone 5s) for a few days now and it is certainly a cheap and handy way to 
> navigate my iPhone on the hoof! I had never seen it till this week, so I'm 
> unsure whether they've changed it or not. Below is a copy of their Quick 
> Start Guide. The only keyboard shortcut I haven't worked out is the 
> equivalent of a two finger double tap (for interacting with Facebook 
> stories), so if anyone can tell me, I'd be grateful! 
> Anyhow, here is the quick user guide (my sighted wife has stuck cut down 
> orange locator dots on certain vital keys to help me find where I am on the 
> keyboard!) :
> Rll Mini Bluetooth Quick Start Guide Go Back to the Online Store Keyboard 
> Description Place the keyboard in front of you on a flat surface, with the 
> keys facing up, and the spacebar closest to you. In this position, a Mini USB 
> port and a two-position power switch can be found on the left edge of the 
> keyboard. Keys are slightly rounded for easy typing, and contain tactile 
> markings on the letters F and J. When connected to the port on the left side, 
> the included USB cable is used to charge the keyboard's internal battery. 
> Charging takes approximately three hours via computer, or a standard USB AC 
> wall adapter.. A complete charge lasts up to 50 hours, and the power switch 
> on the left side can be used to turn the keyboard off when not in use to 
> preserve battery life. The power switch is located behind the USB port on the 
> left edge of the keyboard. Sliding it away from you, toward the back of the 
> keyboard turns the power on, while sliding it toward you turns power off. Key 
> descriptions 
> <> Page 1 of 4
> The top row of the keyboard contains a row of function keys which are also 
> used to perform simultaneous media functions on many devices. They are listed 
> as follows, from left to right: Backlight Home Command Mute Volume down 
> Volume up Previous track Play/pause Next track Backspace/Delete The second 
> row contains an Escape key on the far left, followed by numbers 1 through 0. 
> Many symbols and some punctuation marks can be written by using the shift key 
> along with the numeric keys found in this row. The third row contains a Tab 
> key, followed by letters Q through P Row four begins with a capslock key, the 
> letters A through L, followed by semi-colon, and apostrophe, (which can also 
> produce different symbols when pressed in conjunction with the shift or 
> function key). Row five contains the Shift key to the left of the letter Z, 
> and a Slash key to the right of the letter M, followed by Up-Arrow, and 
> Enter. The bottom row begins with a long Function key, followed by Control, 
> Option, equals, dash. Space, Down-Arrow, Left-Arrow, 
> <> Page 2 of 4
> and Right-arrow The Function key can be used to type some additional 
> punctuation when pressed in conjunction with some letters and symbols on the 
> keyboard. A few, frequently-used keyboard shortcuts are: Function plus Slash 
> = Period Function plus M = Comma Shift plus Slash = Question Shift plus 
> Semi-Colon = Colon Shift plus Apostrophe = Quote Notes on keyboard usage with 
> iOS It is recommended that users become familiar with the keyboard in the 
> Voiceover Practice Area, found on all iOS devices under settings, General, 
> Accessibility, Voiceover. Pairing Instructions To pair the keyboard, make 
> sure Bluetooth is turned on and that your device is ready to pair. (On the 
> iPhone, navigate to settings general, Bluetooth, turn it on and wait for the 
> keyboard to be detected as "Macro Keyboard". Slide the keyboard's power 
> switch to on, then press the large, round pairing button located on the 
> under-side of the keyboard and hold it for one second. When the keyboard is 
> detected, navigate to "Macro Keyboard" and double-tap. You will be prompted 
> to enter a provided, four digit pin code, and press enter. Because the 
> command and option keys are so far apart, and because the keyboard at times 
> has problems when holding down 
> <> Page 3 of 4

Re: Performing A Mouse Click in High Sierra Now Working As Expected

2017-11-14 Thread Tom Frank
I have only one problem with your directions. I am running 10.13.1 and there is 
no “mouse pointer follows keyboard cursor.” I cannot get to the correct 
insertion point to edit my text in both mail and text edit. Also, I forget, 
where do I set VO to speak like JAWS? Thanks.

> On Nov 12, 2017, at 3:21 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Regarding the VoiceOver mouse-click command, I just went into the VoiceOver
> utility and did the following which seems to have resolved the mouse
> clicking issue, for me.
> 1.
> Open the VoiceOver Utility.
> 2.
> Select Navigation, from the Utility Category table.  
> 3.
> Set, Initial Position of VoiceOver Cursor, to Keyboard Focus Item.
> 4.
> Set, Grouping Behavior, to Standard.
> 5.
> Place a check in the Synchronize Keyboard Focus and VoiceOver Cursor,
> checkbox.
> 6.
> Set, Mouse Pointer to, Follows Keyboard Focus.
> After doing this, everything on my computer is working as expected.
> Give it a try and let us know what happens.
> Mark
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
> can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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Re: Performing A Mouse Click in High Sierra Now Working As Expected

2017-11-14 Thread Tom Frank
JAWS always speaks the letter to the right of the cursor. VO speaks the letter 
you just arrowed over, either to the left or to the rights. 

> On Nov 14, 2017, at 4:38 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>   Probably should be Follow Voiceover cursor.
>   Speak like Jaws? Explain?
> From E.T.'s Keyboard. . .
>  "God for you is where you sweep away all the
>  mysteries of the world, all the challenges to
>  our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off
>  and say God did it." --Carl Sagan
> E-mail:
> On 11/14/2017 1:27 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have only one problem with your directions. I am running 10.13.1 and there 
>> is no “mouse pointer follows keyboard cursor.” I cannot get to the correct 
>> insertion point to edit my text in both mail and text edit. Also, I forget, 
>> where do I set VO to speak like JAWS? Thanks.
>>> On Nov 12, 2017, at 3:21 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Regarding the VoiceOver mouse-click command, I just went into the VoiceOver
>>> utility and did the following which seems to have resolved the mouse
>>> clicking issue, for me.
>>> 1.
>>> Open the VoiceOver Utility.
>>> 2.
>>> Select Navigation, from the Utility Category table.
>>> 3.
>>> Set, Initial Position of VoiceOver Cursor, to Keyboard Focus Item.
>>> 4.
>>> Set, Grouping Behavior, to Standard.
>>> 5.
>>> Place a check in the Synchronize Keyboard Focus and VoiceOver Cursor,
>>> checkbox.
>>> 6.
>>> Set, Mouse Pointer to, Follows Keyboard Focus.
>>> After doing this, everything on my computer is working as expected.
>>> Give it a try and let us know what happens.
>>> Mark
>>> -- 
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: 
>>> and your owner is Cara Quinn - 
>>> you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
> can reach Cara at
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Re: Apple Watch and Touch Typing

2017-12-29 Thread Tom Frank

> In the watch app on your phone, go to settings, general, about, and go to the 
> very end and open the user guide. There is no touch typing on the watch that 
> I know of but there is a scrible option that I have not used. I always use 
> Seri by holding in the crwn and dictating text. Good luck.On Dec 27, 2017, at 
> 12:04 PM, Jeff Berwick  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I received an Apple Watch for Christmas and have gone through the setup 
> process.  It is the Series 3 with cellular.
> I have enabled the passcode feature for after I remove the watch, but wonder 
> if there is a way to change the typing to touch typing.  
> I have searched the settings on the Watch and iPhone and the internet, but 
> haven’t found anything.  
> Is the Apple Watch capable of touch typing, or do I have to select a 
> digit/letter and then double tap?
> Thx,
> Jeff
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Re: musical typing i Garageband?

2017-12-29 Thread Tom Frank

> Which version of GB are you using. I had 6.05 on my Mac and had to delte it 
> to download version 10. Keyboard typing in version 10 is Command k; not 
> command shift k as it was in earlier versions.On Dec 27, 2017, at 3:15 AM, 
> masood B  wrote:
> I have the same problem and I have another problem with GB that my sound 
> library doesn't work. please help me thanks
> On Friday, November 9, 2012 at 6:36:49 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi, 
> are you sure the track isn't muted or locked and muted for that matter? 
> Ricardo Walker 
> Twitter:@apple2thecore 
> On Nov 9, 2012, at 7:40 AM, Alex Hall  wrote: 
> > I did use cmd-k at first, but realized my mistake and used cmd-shift-k from 
> > then on. Still, nothing happened. Chris, musical typing is a way to use 
> > your keyboard as a musical keyboard. You only have one octave at a time, 
> > but it lets you put together simple melodies or progressions. You can also 
> > put custom sound effects into the keyboard so you can have it make whatever 
> > sounds you want, and you can select plenty of other instruments than just a 
> > piano, from guitars to drums. It's a great feature, I just can't get it to 
> > actually work. 
> > On Nov 9, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Chris  wrote: 
> > 
> >> What's musical typing? 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Christopher Hallsworth 
> >> 
> >> On 09/11/2012 07:24, Gavin Grundlingh wrote: 
> >>> Hi Alex, 
> >>> 
> >>> Which keystroke are you using to turn on musical typing? From what you 
> >>> described, it sounds like you brought up the keyboard window instead of 
> >>> turning on musical typing. Command-K shows or hides the keyboard window, 
> >>> while Command-Shift-K toggles musical typing. Hope this helps. 
> >>> 
> >>> Regards, 
> >>> 
> >>> Gavin Grundlingh 
> >>> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191 
> >>> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466 
> >>> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792 
> >>> Email: 
> >>> Secondary Email: 
> >>> Skype: Batworx 
> >>> Facebook: 
> >>> Twitter: 
> >>> 
> >>> On 08 Nov 2012, at 6:03 PM, Alex Hall  wrote: 
> >>> 
>  Hi all, 
>  I've turned on musical typing in Garageband, but nothing happens when I 
>  press keys, even with vo off. I have a dialog with octave up/down 
>  buttons and an empty scroll area, but that's it. I created a new project 
>  and added a track to it, though as I selected piano in the first place I 
>  now have two piano tracks. What am i missing to get this working right? 
>  Thanks. 
>  Have a great day, 
>  Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 
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> >> 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Have a great day, 
> > Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Re: Mail composing issue

2018-01-13 Thread Tom Frank

> Yes. This is a big bug. Apple is aware of the problem but haven’t fixed it 
> yet.On Jan 12, 2018, at 8:56 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
Please note there is a grammatical error in the above statement but, with this 
bug, I cannot correct it. The only way aroung this is to type something in text 
edit and then copy and paste it into your email.
> Hi listers,
>   When composing emails I have a strange problem when trying to edit a 
> message.
>   When I go back into a message to change something I can’t hear the 
> change.  It is like nothing happened.  Then when I turn off voice over and 
> turn it on again, my changes can be heard.  This makes using mail very 
> difficult on my mac.
>   Anyone else having this problem?  Any tips on what I can do to fix it?
> Thanks.
> Eric Caron 
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Fixing an annoying mail problem

2010-12-22 Thread Tom Frank
Hello all,
My Mail has been sluggish for me for months. I finally, I hope, found the 
problem and fixed it.

each time I used the Command Option N command to go to the inbox, mail opened 
the inbox in a new window. I checked the Windows menu item and found out that I 
had over thirty inbox windows open. It seems that every time I created a new 
inbox window, mail kept it.

I went to the inbox and closed, Command W, all but one inbox window, and 
behold, mail is its old perky self again.  It has also fixed the, "mail busy" 
issue every time I deleted an email. It didn't like updating thirty plus 

So, check your Windows menu every once in a while to check what's open. 
Tom Frank

On Dec 21, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently, after the upgrade, I noticed a curious sound output issue 
> happening.  I work on one file using Izotope RX Version 2.0 and finish it up. 
>  Then, I close it and open a second file to work on.  If I do this using my 
> built in Speakers, I get just up to the noise reduction feature and suddenly, 
> the output driver seems to act up.  I don't yet know if this happens with 
> headphones plugged in or not.  Anybody else notice this weird behavior?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
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Re: Fixing an annoying mail problem

2010-12-23 Thread Tom Frank
You are right; Command 1 is a better option.  
To check what Windows are open in an application, go to the Windows menu and 
arrow down. I did notice some other folks had problems with the Mail Busy alert 
all of the time so that's why I posted my solution.

It may have also been the reason I was having so much trouble with IMAP. I'm 
not having any problems since I switched back to POP.

Thanks everyone for the additional help.

Have a great Christmas and holiday season.
Tom Frank

On Dec 23, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Interesting.  I always use command 1 and that takes me back to the inbox.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 22, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Tom:
> So how do you check what's open?  
> Carolyn H
> On Dec 22, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> My Mail has been sluggish for me for months. I finally, I hope, found the 
>> problem and fixed it.
>> each time I used the Command Option N command to go to the inbox, mail 
>> opened the inbox in a new window. I checked the Windows menu item and found 
>> out that I had over thirty inbox windows open. It seems that every time I 
>> created a new inbox window, mail kept it.
>> I went to the inbox and closed, Command W, all but one inbox window, and 
>> behold, mail is its old perky self again.  It has also fixed the, "mail 
>> busy" issue every time I deleted an email. It didn't like updating thirty 
>> plus windows.
>> So, check your Windows menu every once in a while to check what's open. 
>> Tom Frank
>> On Dec 21, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently, after the upgrade, I noticed a curious sound output issue 
>>> happening.  I work on one file using Izotope RX Version 2.0 and finish it 
>>> up.  Then, I close it and open a second file to work on.  If I do this 
>>> using my built in Speakers, I get just up to the noise reduction feature 
>>> and suddenly, the output driver seems to act up.  I don't yet know if this 
>>> happens with headphones plugged in or not.  Anybody else notice this weird 
>>> behavior?
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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Re: apple mail question

2010-12-25 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Ricardo,
It should work whether or not you interact with  your mail messages.

I have found that whenever I can't get VO to do what it should do, I turn it 
off with Command F5 and then  back on again. That somtimes fixes the problem. 

By the way; Merry Christmas to you Ricardo and everyone else on the list.  I 
gave my wife an I Pad for Christmas so I won't see her for a couple of weeks 
until the novelty wears off.   
Tom Frank

On Dec 25, 2010, at 3:21 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> This is what I do.
> For what ever reason, option up/down arrow doesn't work for me in mail.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Dec 24, 2010, at 6:04 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Or, you can play finger twister and press FN/control/option/shift/left arrow 
>> to go to the top and FN/control/option/shift/right arrow to go to the 
>> bottom.  This also works for going to top of web pages or bottom or web 
>> pages.
>> On Dec 24, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Denise!
>>> All you have to do with a keyboard that is!
>>> Just hold down the option key and then press up arrow  or down arrow to go 
>>> top to bottom!
>>> PS  it might make the bonk sound but do not let that stop you it works!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 24 Dec 2010, at 22:33, denise avant wrote:
>>>> hello all,
>>>> can someone explain how to move to the very top of the list of e-mails in 
>>>> the various boxes, e.g. if i am on e-mail 23 of 100 then how can i jump to 
>>>> number 1. thanks.
>>>> -- 
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>>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
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Olympus DS 40 to Mac Help

2011-02-02 Thread Tom Frank
Hello all,
I have an Olympus DS 40 recorder/player that I use all of the time for 
recording choir practice sessions and other audio.

The Mac software that came with the player does not work with Voice Over, nor 
can my wife get it to work at all. She downloaded Flip for Mac and I can now 
play the files using Quick time. However, I can not save them.

Also, when I used Quick Time to record the audio output from my player and then 
saved them to my mac, I cannot open them, and therefore, cannot edit them, in 
Garage Band.

Does anyone out there use and Olympus recorder, and if so. how do you get the 
files to your mac?

The Olympus is great in that it is totally accessible with voice navigation and 
it's small size and high quality sound make it an awesome player.

But, where do I go from here.

Thanks for any ideas. 
Tom Frank

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Re: Olympus DS 40 to Mac Help

2011-02-02 Thread Tom Frank
Hi all who responded,
Thanks; I downloaded Amadeus Pro and have been able to open and save files from 
my Olympus DS player.   It was worth the $40 it cost knowing that the 
recordings of my choir's trip to England this fall can now be opened, saved and 
burned to disk. 

Again, thanks for your advice.
Tom Frank

On Feb 2, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I actually use amadeus pro to convert them from wma to mp3, or I just record 
> in mp3 192kbps at 44.1khz..
> S
> On Feb 2, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have an Olympus DS 40 recorder/player that I use all of the time for 
>> recording choir practice sessions and other audio.
>> The Mac software that came with the player does not work with Voice Over, 
>> nor can my wife get it to work at all. She downloaded Flip for Mac and I can 
>> now play the files using Quick time. However, I can not save them.
>> Also, when I used Quick Time to record the audio output from my player and 
>> then saved them to my mac, I cannot open them, and therefore, cannot edit 
>> them, in Garage Band.
>> Does anyone out there use and Olympus recorder, and if so. how do you get 
>> the files to your mac?
>> The Olympus is great in that it is totally accessible with voice navigation 
>> and it's small size and high quality sound make it an awesome player.
>> But, where do I go from here.
>> Thanks for any ideas. 
>> Tom Frank
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Re: GPS Apps

2011-02-12 Thread Tom Frank
Hello Kawal,
Remember to double tap every time Navigon puts you into a new edit field. That 
means the city, street and number. It's kind of annoying but that's VO as far 
as I know it.
Tom Frank

On Feb 12, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi Geoff.
> I don't know if you are using Navigon a lot, but I do have problems with it 
> in that if I try and search for an address by putting in all the relevant 
> information, it won't accept the details as sometimes Voice Over won't go 
> into the edit boxes.  Have you or anyone else had that problem?  I'm still 
> using GEO.  I just wish Navigon spoke where you were automatically as you 
> have to do a lot of flicking whereas GEO just tells you where you are which I 
> find very important if I'm travelling independently on the busses.  If I 
> could get Navigon to accept my information then I'd be OK with it.
> Kawal. 
> On 12 Feb 2011, at 06:57, Scott Granados wrote:
>> This is a great pointer!
>> Really, thank you I'm going to give this a shot.
>> I recently regained my interest in GPS because I'm up in San Francisco so 
>> frequently now and there is very solid public transportation up there.  I 
>> generally cheat and take cabs or have my assistant come up for big projects 
>> but I'm trying to expand my boundaries.  Pushing one's limits and all that 
>> sort of thing.
>> I'm interested in anything on this topic so I hope it continues.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On Feb 11, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Greetings Scott G,
>>> Since you mentioned business location I thought I'd mention the $3.00 app 
>>> named "WhereTo?" by future tap.  It has a list of categories and results 
>>> which IMHO absolutely puts geo to shame and more over, the business can be 
>>> seamlessly passed to either Navigon, TomTom or the built in "maps" app 
>>> where it launches the preferred "helper app" and sets  the desired POI as 
>>> the destination
>>> I can't speak for Garmet or TomTom, but IMHO the POI location feature in 
>>> Navigon is okay, but you can only get so many pois into a 1.6 GB app.
>>> The URL for WhereTo? in the US app store is: 
>>> Best regards.
>>> Geoff
>>> On Feb 11, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>>> Scott,
>>>> I have not had sufficient experience to comment on Garmin. I find that of 
>>>> the few I have tried including Navigon will get you pretty close, within 
>>>> 30 feet. I have seen the interface and liked it a lot and I would like to 
>>>> have someone comment on POIs and if it speaks while in "walking" mode. My 
>>>> conversation with Garmin was it did not, but I suspect the person I spoke 
>>>> to did not understand what I was asking and was not willing to check it 
>>>> out. Of course not having an actual route to walk, I suspect a lack of a 
>>>> simulation mode might be the problem in that case.
>>>> Sorry I can't provide more info.
>>>> Scott
>>>> On Feb 11, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>> Scott, could you speak more about the Garmin app and it's features as 
>>>>> they relate to a blind user?
>>>>> How is it for walking routes?  What sort of features are available.
>>>>> I've used Geo does it have a lot of the business locating features etc?  
>>>>> How about the walking maps?  Do they tend to put you in the middle of 
>>>>> parking lots or do they calculate a little to at least put you on the 
>>>>> sidewalk in front of the building?
>>>>>   In general, how's the accuracy of the GPS receiver?  I hear it's not 
>>>>> that great from a sited engineer friend of mine.  He designs GPS 
>>>>> receivers though so he might be picky.  How well do you find it works?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Feb 11, 2011, at 2:46 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>>>>> Robert,

Numeric keypad not working

2011-03-07 Thread Tom Frank
I have an Apple wireless keypad where the numeric keypad is not working.

I have numpad commander off, have pressed the numlock key, and checked the 
Apple help file which recommends to check that Mouse Keys are not turned on. 
Mouse Keys are off.

Is there anything else I should try?


Tom Frank

On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:16 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi,
> thanks. i had tried it and the file did not open which was why i thought i 
> was suppose to use quick look attachment. but i can give your way another try 
> because these are word docs.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>> Dear Denise,
>> I am totally blind now, so I don't have any use for the quick look button in 
>> mail.  According to the Mail Help topic it is used to view images or a slide 
>> show.  Well if it is a slide show or image  VoiceOver is not going to be 
>> able to read it.  It is possible that if the images have captions then 
>> VoiceOver may be able to read them, but I cannot help  with that.
>> If the attachment is a MicroSoft Word file it should end with a .doc file 
>> type.  If you click on it with the spacebar it should open in TextEdit and 
>> you should be able to read the file.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Sincerely Yours,
>> robert Nelson
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i have an e-mail with a couple of word files attached. but vo also says its 
>>> an attached image. when i do a quick look attachment, and try to open one 
>>> of them, nothing seems to happen. all i hear is html. can someone tell me 
>>> what's going on? thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: reading attachments in mail

2011-03-07 Thread Tom Frank
Actually, the Quick Look function is figurative. Voice OVer works fine. 
Sometimes you have to select the previous document and then interact with the 
HTML file to read the document.  Use Command Y to open the Quick Look file and 
then play around to make it work. 
Tom Frank

On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:16 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi,
> thanks. i had tried it and the file did not open which was why i thought i 
> was suppose to use quick look attachment. but i can give your way another try 
> because these are word docs.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>> Dear Denise,
>> I am totally blind now, so I don't have any use for the quick look button in 
>> mail.  According to the Mail Help topic it is used to view images or a slide 
>> show.  Well if it is a slide show or image  VoiceOver is not going to be 
>> able to read it.  It is possible that if the images have captions then 
>> VoiceOver may be able to read them, but I cannot help  with that.
>> If the attachment is a MicroSoft Word file it should end with a .doc file 
>> type.  If you click on it with the spacebar it should open in TextEdit and 
>> you should be able to read the file.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Sincerely Yours,
>> robert Nelson
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i have an e-mail with a couple of word files attached. but vo also says its 
>>> an attached image. when i do a quick look attachment, and try to open one 
>>> of them, nothing seems to happen. all i hear is html. can someone tell me 
>>> what's going on? thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: Looktel Money Reader for iPhone

2011-03-08 Thread Tom Frank
Hello all,
I thought it was broken because there aren't any buttons to double tap, or 
anything. I moved it toward the bill and it said 10 dollars.  It reads bills 
upside down, front or back and even vertically.  What an app!

Tom Frank

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Converting MP3 to CDA format

2011-05-16 Thread Tom Frank
Hi music folks,
's a good program to convert MP3 or Wave files to standard cda format so an old 
fashioned CD player will play the music. I have Amadeus and Garage Band but am 
not sure of the exact format I should use. 

Tom Frank

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Editing problem with Apple mail still exists

2018-11-13 Thread Tom Frank
Good morning,
I still cannot make corrections easily on my 2012 27 inch I Mac with Apple 
Mail. Today, I did find a work around. When correcting and  error, I interact 
with the text and move to where I want to make the correction. I delete errors 
and add new text. However, VO will not read the new text. I have to turn off VO 
and then turn it back on again. I reported the original bug to apple months 
ago. today when I called Apple support they said engineers are still working on 
the problem. the tech said he would escalate my report to the engineers. Let’s 
see what happens.

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