RE: office

2010-08-02 Thread RATTRAY J.

I like Keynote for presentations - once you get your head round the
navigation it is fairly quick and easy and works well - it will also
convert Poerpoint files with ease so if you get files in different
formats it works - you get the slides and speakers notes without having
to cycle through different pains - you simply navigate across the screen
-more intuative than ppt with Jaws.

For simple word processing text edit works - other people use open
office and can suggest other things - I am also using pages (iwork) and
now that I have my head round the navigation I am liking it.

Hope this helps


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rafaela Freundt
Sent: 02 August 2010 07:33
Subject: office

hi everyone

I'm new to the mac and voice over, and I'm wondering which programs work
better for word processing and viewing slide shows. I do need to use
them a lot in school, reading text documents and creating new ones, and
also reading the slide show presentations my teachers give me. so I was
wondering if I should purchase Apple's iWorks, or use open office, or
maybe anyone has another suggestion.

thanks so much


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RE: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-21 Thread RATTRAY J.

I DO have one and really like it in general - it gets rid of the need to
have a separate note taker because of its portability - it is very
robust inspite of its size.

The limitation I find is memory space - I can't keep all my files and
itunes stuff on it - I did get one when they first came out however, and
apple may have increased memory capacity.

I use it with an external hard drive  and it works great


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Hooper
Sent: 21 October 2010 03:50
Subject: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

Its Apple, thought Id pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such
other than novelty and portability? Personaly, I would be worried about
it breaking, etc.


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RE: keynote

2010-10-30 Thread RATTRAY J.

Have you tried playing the show and reading it that way - I do use
keynote both to prepare work and show presentations. I don't find it too
bad and like it better than ppt now.

If you look on the view menu and see what view you have enabled that
might help to.

The other thing is when I first used the play function in keynote lots
of things appeared on the display that I did not want - if you select
custom display and then get rid of everything but current slide it helps
too - I am rushing off now as meeting friends for dinner - could
probably do some better help advice with actual instructions etc later
if that would ghelp

I guess for now the message is it does work well once you sort a few
things out - would also be happy to discuss this off list if you want 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rafaela Freundt
Sent: 28 October 2010 21:51
Subject: keynote

Hi folks,
I was wandering if any of you uses keynote, and how accessible it is.
Numbers and pages work great for me, but when I want to view a
presentation (for example a power point one that someone has sent me) it
is complicated. I first interact with the layout area and interact with
the slide and then with the text to read it, and sometimes vo doesn't
read all of it. Then i have to stop interacting with all of that and
interact with the scroll area an then the slides table to change the
slide and go back to read it.
Do you know if there is an easier way of accomplishing reading a
Also, is it easy to create one?
Thank you for your help,

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RE: keynote

2010-11-19 Thread RATTRAY J.

I use it and whilst not an expert am getting their - not sure how good I
am at doing tutorials but perhaps we could give it a go - would you find
it easier to discuss particular needs or do you just want general


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nancy Badger
Sent: 09 November 2010 23:59
Subject: keynote

Has anyone learned how to use keynote with vo?  I would appreciate any
info you have.  

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RE: Free Mac 10.6 tutorial

2010-12-03 Thread RATTRAY J.
Could you send me a copy please

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alfredo
Sent: 27 November 2010 12:49
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Free Mac 10.6 tutorial

Back then on June I got a Mac Laptop and created a tutorial, about 55
pages and have turn it into a pdf file anyone can request from me.  If
anyone is interested in the tutorial, which is designed for new Mac OS
10.6 with Voice Over users, feel free to email me.
Alfredo Holguin

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RE: Bringing Alison On Board My MacBookPro

2010-05-04 Thread RATTRAY J.

I have a similar problem having bought one of these voice but not been
able to use it any help welcome

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of marie Howarth
Sent: 04 May 2010 13:56
Subject: Re: Bringing Alison On Board My MacBookPro

I'm really confused. Even apple endorse them on the voice over indepth
page. I've installed them, they're sitting in system prefs but not
showing up in voice over whatsoever and they don't work in system voice
either. I can see them but it also tells me every time I hit cepstral in
system prefs, that it needs to relaunch system prefs to view cepstral.
Anyone know the email to this company. I'd like to buy them but only if
they work.

On 4 May 2010, at 13:53, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:


My installation shows they're installed today, and I've had them
for a bit. They don't show up in Speech preferences, either, but it says
"28" in the table which I will assume is 28 days until they run out?

As far as I know, there should be nothing to consider when
installing voices compatible with VoiceOver. They should in theory just
work, but that's not the case.


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On May 4, 2010, at 2:35 PM, marie Howarth wrote:

Hi mark,
I've installed Alison and callie as trial versions and
also cannot get them to show up in voice over. Hope someone has a tip
here. I do like having the alternatives and the choice to buy single

On 4 May 2010, at 11:34, M. Taylor wrote:


Hello Marie,




Click Here   to go to the
Cepstral  site.






-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of marie Howarth
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:11 AM
Subject: Re: Bringing Alison On Board My


Do you have the link for the trial Mark?


On 4 May 2010, at 11:00, M. Taylor wrote:


> Hello Everyone, 


> In my endeavor to bring a fine female voice to
my forlorn MacBookPro, I

> downloaded a trial version of Alison, by
Cepstral Voices.  As probably all

> of you know, Cepstral is the company that
developed our beloved Apple Alex.

> Alison is an absolutely lovely voice.


> Now, I installed the trial version and, for
the life of me, cannot get her

> to appear in the VoiceOver Utility despite
reading the documentation that

> states that she is completely compatible with
Snow Leopard.  


> All I can seem to accomplish is to find her in
System Preferences and only

> then can I play a sample of her voice.  


> Cepstral states that the trial version should
work fine even without

> purchasing a license, for a while.  I have no
problem purchasing a license

> but I want to make sure that she is going to
work with my system.


> Any advice will be greatly appreciated.  


> Thank you all in advance,


> Mark  




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RE: Experience

2010-05-11 Thread RATTRAY J.

I am really confused by this - I use audible all the time with the Mac
and have not had the problem you are describing. Generally you don't
need to install any softwere to get audible to work with the Mac - you
do with Windows but not Mac.

The only thing I can suggest you try is going to your download
preferences and seeing what they look like. I typically have my stuff
download directly into itunes so I can put them on my ipod - I seem to
remember that back in the day when I set it up that I had to tell it
that I wanted it to do this so perhaps download preferences - found in
the my acccount pages might be the best place to start.

If you don't have any luck let me know and maybe I can suggest something

Good luck


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
Sent: 11 May 2010 13:15
Subject: Experience

Hello all:
I recently bought an Audible book using the Mac.  Imagine my surprise
when I clicked the purchase button, the book immediately started
downloading.  I thought, this is excellent.  However, when the four
parts of the title had finished downloading, and I managed to copy them
to a thumb drive, I discovered that the file extensions were not
correct.  I then discovered that I couldn't play the files on my Stream.
There must be something I'm missing here.  Should I have installed the
Audible Manager software before doing this?  Any help would be greatly


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RE: Experience

2010-05-11 Thread RATTRAY J.

I dohn't think so but would have to check - I thought it allowed playing


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
Sent: 11 May 2010 13:28
Subject: Re: Experience

Does the Mac limit where you can play the files? In other words, if you
download an audible book using the Mac, will the resulting files only
play using iTunes?
- Original Message -
From: "RATTRAY J." 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:20 AM
Subject: RE: Experience


I am really confused by this - I use audible all the time with the Mac
and have not had the problem you are describing. Generally you don't
need to install any softwere to get audible to work with the Mac - you
do with Windows but not Mac.

The only thing I can suggest you try is going to your download
preferences and seeing what they look like. I typically have my stuff
download directly into itunes so I can put them on my ipod - I seem to
remember that back in the day when I set it up that I had to tell it
that I wanted it to do this so perhaps download preferences - found in
the my acccount pages might be the best place to start.

If you don't have any luck let me know and maybe I can suggest something

Good luck


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
Sent: 11 May 2010 13:15
Subject: Experience

Hello all:
I recently bought an Audible book using the Mac.  Imagine my surprise
when I clicked the purchase button, the book immediately started
downloading.  I thought, this is excellent.  However, when the four
parts of the title had finished downloading, and I managed to copy them
to a thumb drive, I discovered that the file extensions were not
correct.  I then discovered that I couldn't play the files on my Stream.
There must be something I'm missing here.  Should I have installed the
Audible Manager software before doing this?  Any help would be greatly

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RE: Thinking of creating a Mac OX 10.6 tutorial, any suggestions?

2010-06-02 Thread RATTRAY J.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alfredo
Sent: 02 June 2010 06:01
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Thinking of creating a Mac OX 10.6 tutorial, any suggestions?

I am currently just going to college, employment is pretty bad, so I am
thinking of creating a tutorial that will guide you step by step, on how
to do routine and more complicated task with voice over in the mac.  For
example, several posters have had teh question on how to get the time on
their computer, as well as the percentage amount left on their battery
life.  I would put this like th efollowing.
Step 1 Do this
Step 2 Do this
Step 3 Do this

You guys get the picture right, in betweent he steps I would sometimes,
but not always, so as too not bore the user out, where they are or what
they are doing or any other use ful info.  I would like to do several
sections of the OS operating system, including, but not limited to:
File syste, whic includes creating and deleting as well as renaming and
moving folders, amond other navigation tasks.
Safari browser, how to use book marks, navigate to links, tables, access
websites, etc.
Itunes, how to create playlist, burn disk, place music and videos to be
sync to Ipod.
SuperDuper, I heard this software lets you boot the system froma USB
drive, and I think for backup purposes, this is essential, and all
should be aware, and be guided on how to use the program.
TextEdit, will also be covered.
OS settings, such as logging into a wireless routers, setting
preferences, such as keyboard,a nd voice over among other will be
Any software suggestions will be considered.
I will take 2 motnhs to complete this project, it will start in about
3 weeks, and will dedictae about 4 hours per day, during these 2 months.
The structure of the book will go by  basic guidance, or tutoring, like
how to navigate the file system, then it will go into programs.  I will
use Mac OS 10.6 latest patch and will implement, gestures navigation as
well as keyboard only nanigation.  It will be like, someone ask a
question, such as, How to I see the time?
Step 1
step 3
  * you should be hrer/you are doing this, etc.
step 3, you are there.

Any and all suggestions will be welcome.  I am doing this becuase I have
nothing to do a and somebody in the forums stated that a walk through
like tutorial would have been great to supplement the apple voice over


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RE: Pages09

2010-06-28 Thread RATTRAY J.

Are you planning a user guide for iworks? If so will it be commerically
available? I would love such a guide as would like to use pages etc more


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: 28 June 2010 11:38
Subject: Re: Pages09

Hello Paul,

On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Paul wrote:
>  I like to create agendas for meetings. In addition, I like to write 
> legal documents with outlined numbering like 1. 1.1 1.1.1 2.0
> 2.1 2.2. etc.
Pages will take care of paragraph numbering of that kind.

> I also like to use tables in my documents and to write letters and 
> memos.
Tables are tricky. You have to use Numbers to create them if you can't
see and have to use VoiceOver. VoiceOver can't see tables in Pages
documents. However, if there's an existing table in a Pages document,
you can copy it into a Numbers document and read it, modify it, etc
there, then copy it back again. Messy, but doable.

> Finally, I like to create address lists that I can translate into 
> Braille. In these situations I would like to use mail merge 
> facilities.
Sorry. I haven't done this myself but it should be possible. I have to
spend time this summer on creating a user guide for VO users of iWork09.

> Finally, are their more templates available for pages09 that are not 
> in the template chooser?
I don't think so, but you can create your own.

> Do you also use numbers?
Yes, but I haven't done anything complex with it.

I've also used Keynote when translating PowerPoint documents.

I would say that iWork09 is 95% accessible with VoiceOver.



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RE: Pages09

2010-06-28 Thread RATTRAY J.

I for one would be happy to pay as it would really help me make the
final shift away from windows to Mac for everything that I do which is
what I want - I dislike using two systems.

Good luck with the task - would offer to help but my french is not good
enough to do a translation!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: 28 June 2010 14:08
Subject: Re: Pages09

Hello Julie,

I'm hoping to produce a user guide for iWork09, but it all depends on
time. Part of it is already done, but it's in French as France is where
I live and teach VoiceOver.

I'll let the list know when the guide is available and I think we will
have to charge a small fee for it.



On Jun 28, 2010, at 1:00 PM, RATTRAY J. wrote:

> Hi,
> Are you planning a user guide for iworks? If so will it be 
> commerically available? I would love such a guide as would like to use

> pages etc more
> Julie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: 28 June 2010 11:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: Pages09
> Hello Paul,
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Paul wrote:
>> I like to create agendas for meetings. In addition, I like to write 
>> legal documents with outlined numbering like 1. 1.1 1.1.1 2.0
>> 2.1 2.2. etc.
> Pages will take care of paragraph numbering of that kind.
>> I also like to use tables in my documents and to write letters and 
>> memos.
> Tables are tricky. You have to use Numbers to create them if you can't

> see and have to use VoiceOver. VoiceOver can't see tables in Pages 
> documents. However, if there's an existing table in a Pages document, 
> you can copy it into a Numbers document and read it, modify it, etc 
> there, then copy it back again. Messy, but doable.
>> Finally, I like to create address lists that I can translate into 
>> Braille. In these situations I would like to use mail merge 
>> facilities.
> Sorry. I haven't done this myself but it should be possible. I have to

> spend time this summer on creating a user guide for VO users of
>> Finally, are their more templates available for pages09 that are not 
>> in the template chooser?
> I don't think so, but you can create your own.
>> Do you also use numbers?
> Yes, but I haven't done anything complex with it.
> I've also used Keynote when translating PowerPoint documents.
> I would say that iWork09 is 95% accessible with VoiceOver.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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RE: creating presentations in keynote

2011-04-26 Thread RATTRAY J.

Is it making the noise because you have the font size to large and so
you have reached the limit of what can be seen on the screen - I always
assumed that was why it made the noise when I am working with Keynote.
Generally not experienced problems reviewing my slides so can't help
with that one at the moment.

Julie osie

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg Aikens
Sent: 19 April 2011 21:29
Subject: creating presentations in keynote

Hello all,
I am attempting to make my first presentation in keynote and I have a
question.  When I am editing a slide, after typing one or two lines of
text, my mac makes the noise that it makes when I type onto the next
page in Pages.  It does this continuously as long as I type or move
around through the text.  Navigating back through what I have written is
also difficult since the VO commands don't seem to work correctly.  Are
there any settings I can change to make this easier?  

Any thoughts are appreciated.  


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RE: creating presentations in keynote

2011-04-26 Thread RATTRAY J.

Another tip - might be useless but if you are using the notes pages in
keynote for speakers notes remember to stop interacting with slide and
then with the scroll area so you can navigate to the notes - having used
both ppt and keynote I like keynote better it just takes a little time
to get used to if you are used to ppt.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg Aikens
Sent: 26 April 2011 15:12
Subject: Re: creating presentations in keynote

Yes, that is what was happening.  I found an option in the inspector to
automatically shrink the font to fit the slide.  This was very helpful.

On Apr 26, 2011, at 9:03 AM, RATTRAY J. wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it making the noise because you have the font size to large and so
> you have reached the limit of what can be seen on the screen - I
> assumed that was why it made the noise when I am working with Keynote.
> Generally not experienced problems reviewing my slides so can't help
> with that one at the moment.
> Julie osie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Greg Aikens
> Sent: 19 April 2011 21:29
> To:
> Subject: creating presentations in keynote
> Hello all,
> I am attempting to make my first presentation in keynote and I have a
> question.  When I am editing a slide, after typing one or two lines of
> text, my mac makes the noise that it makes when I type onto the next
> page in Pages.  It does this continuously as long as I type or move
> around through the text.  Navigating back through what I have written
> also difficult since the VO commands don't seem to work correctly.
> there any settings I can change to make this easier?  
> Any thoughts are appreciated.  
> -Greg
> -- 
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RE: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread RATTRAY J.

Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you have
a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not think
I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts

Hey Scott,

Here's the link...

On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
>   Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In
> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: IPad II thoughts
> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
impressive. I
> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
disappointed in
> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
the back
> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
> Kev
> -- 
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RE: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread RATTRAY J.

Thanks for this - would you suggest an ipad rather than other portables?
I was thinking about things like the use of email etc on the go what are
the key problems you have with the ipad - if any?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cheree
Sent: 06 May 2011 13:38
Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts

Cheree Heppe here:
When I searched for:
in case keyboard ipad
I got some fascinating offerings.
To my knowledge, Apple has not created its own in case keyboard.  There
are numerous third party selections.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/05/2011, at 5:08 AM, "RATTRAY J." 

> Hi,
> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you
> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not
> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
> Julie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
> Hey Scott,
> Here's the link...
> Kev
> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> the
>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> ipad.
>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> except
>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.
> any
>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> experience
>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> the
>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
> impressive. I
>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
> disappointed in
>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
> the back
>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> from
>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> The
>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> protection
>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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RE: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-07 Thread RATTRAY J.

Thanks this is really helpful what kind of keyboard do you use - I am
really considering an IPad but would want the keyboard so would be great
to know what kinds others use so i can get something that is easy to
pair and reliable


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: 06 May 2011 15:48
Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts

Another advantage to a bluetooth keyboard over the touchscreen is that
you don't have to wait to hear each letter as you type it. Even though
the IPad screen is much easier to type on in a manner that at least
resembles "real typing" I find it still a lot slower than a real
keyboard, because I do have to hear every letter to make sure I didn't
mess up. I don't do that with regular keyboards; in fact, I find typing
echo generally distracting under normal, non-touchscreen circumstances.


Mary Otten

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