Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-26 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi Eric.  I know  lot of people who cannot afford Imac but can afford a 
windows.  A lot of blind people I know have window eyes or jaws.  Some of them 
get used ones and others can get them by putting so much money down a month.  
You might have to go by way of windows for now which I understand is just as 
good only different.
On Mar 26, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> yep I completely agree with you and understand your plite.
> I was forced to close down the project due to two major factors. Lack of 
> support regarding supply of equipment and a poorly run charities commission 
> stating different rulings and then telling me that my project does not 
> warrant Commission status, thus failing to grant registered numbers, etc.
> This project has helped a very small number of users (8 in all) and it's left 
> me in a very serious situation which I've now resolved.
> The problem also exists wherever you are in the world. Funding for accessible 
> equipment for the blind is non existant. Why? well from my years of 
> experience in this matter, various charities set up conflicting guidelines 
> and rulings which do not help the individual in need of the support. For over 
> 12 years since I lost my sight completely, I had to apply for various grants. 
> within 10 years, every grant (500+ in total) were rejected, all because of 
> different factors by their own rulings, offerings of £100 to £250 towards a 
> product and then not being able to apply to X amount of other charities 
> (connected to the associated charity in question) due to ridiculous clauses.
> I use my iphone 3GS and macbook pro. the only reason I have these is through 
> having to sell everything I owned including my old music gear from years ago 
> to raise the funds for the kit needed, from there it's been a thing of taking 
> on a few projects to raise cash for equipment I still have to rely on.
> internationally, we need to change the system and yes APPLE needs to help us 
> out on this. They have developed products which openly and directly support 
> blind and disabled users and yet we have to pay an absolute premium, as 
> rightly said here, over 85% of blind people in the USA are out of work and 
> cannot afford the equipment and services needed, the same here in the UK even 
> though disability living allowance and other components aren't enough to 
> cover costs of equipment. You're lucky if you get into a university to 
> receive grants for equipment you need. In my case, through my education, the 
> equipment I had to use failed me all the time, the wrong software, wrong 
> hardware and operating systems which by their own admission were poorly 
> managed and had huge issues. hence me taking on the matters in person and 
> resolving them. a battle I don't want to entertain ever again.
> It's at this point where we as a nation of blind and visually impaired people 
> make a stand and a change for the better.
> lew
> On 26 Mar 2012, at 10:22, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I really wish there was a financing program for the blind when it comes to 
>> mac hardware (laptops, desktops, iPad, iPhone). given that I (and a great 
>> many others) am living on a disability income (more than 85% of the blind in 
>> the US are), I find it nearly impossible to save up for any equipment. Hell, 
>> I had to make my own Hackintosh and load it with a store purchased copy of 
>> snow leopard. It cost me $30 for the OS and about $400 to assemble the 
>> machine. at minimum, I would have to spend nearly twice that much for a 
>> comparably equipped mac mini and almost $1500 or more for a reasonably 
>> powerful macbook pro/air. given that I have to spend my money on 
>> medications, rent and food, there is no way I can even save up for one at 
>> all. 
>> there used to be a "free macs for the blind" charity in Great Britain, but 
>> the person running that organization was forced to give it up as there were 
>> too many problems involved. We need something like that here in North 
>> America, but I just don't see that happening. I tried to query Apple about 
>> doing something like this and was given the polite brush off (thats nice 
>> kid, here is a soda. now go over in the corner.). hell, they have $115 
>> Billion in CASH laying around they are not using. they could earn themselves 
>> a lot of good publicity if they offered some macs to the blind at a vastly 
>> discounted rate. it would also give them an in to a market they don't 
>> currently have. 
>> anyway, time for me to climb down off the soapbox.
>> -eric
>> On Mar 26, 2012, at 1:38 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>>> one thing that I can note that is not seeming to be mentioned is the fact 
>>> that there ar certain Apps which are not available on iPhone / iPod Touch, 
>>> yet, that are found on the iPad.
>>> The iPad from my prespective is purely for consumption, and I use it for 
>>> news papers, which 4 of which a

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-28 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi Eric.  I have been listening to your situasionand I know you don't want to 
go by way of windows so I have another suggestion.  I have some friends who 
live in Texas and they say that the job oppurtunities for computer users are 
endless and not only that but  you can have a lot of help there in buying 
computers and learning them as well.  I know that isn't where you live but it 
might be something to look in to.  They get a lot of help there and schooling 
is free if you wanted to do that.  
On Mar 28, 2012, at 5:16 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> that financing comes with a hitch: one cannot be on a debt management plan 
> when applying. that is where I am now. any application that gets approved 
> will through the 3 years of work trying to pay off a credit card. 
> -eric
> On Mar 27, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> You can get Apple products for 0 interest for 12 months if you apply for 
>> their credit card.
>> On Mar 26, 2012, at 11:07 PM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>>> Hi Eric.  I know  lot of people who cannot afford Imac but can afford a 
>>> windows.  A lot of blind people I know have window eyes or jaws.  Some of 
>>> them get used ones and others can get them by putting so much money down a 
>>> month.  You might have to go by way of windows for now which I understand 
>>> is just as good only different.
>>> On Mar 26, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>> yep I completely agree with you and understand your plite.
>>>> I was forced to close down the project due to two major factors. Lack of 
>>>> support regarding supply of equipment and a poorly run charities 
>>>> commission stating different rulings and then telling me that my project 
>>>> does not warrant Commission status, thus failing to grant registered 
>>>> numbers, etc.
>>>> This project has helped a very small number of users (8 in all) and it's 
>>>> left me in a very serious situation which I've now resolved.
>>>> The problem also exists wherever you are in the world. Funding for 
>>>> accessible equipment for the blind is non existant. Why? well from my 
>>>> years of experience in this matter, various charities set up conflicting 
>>>> guidelines and rulings which do not help the individual in need of the 
>>>> support. For over 12 years since I lost my sight completely, I had to 
>>>> apply for various grants. within 10 years, every grant (500+ in total) 
>>>> were rejected, all because of different factors by their own rulings, 
>>>> offerings of £100 to £250 towards a product and then not being able to 
>>>> apply to X amount of other charities (connected to the associated charity 
>>>> in question) due to ridiculous clauses.
>>>> I use my iphone 3GS and macbook pro. the only reason I have these is 
>>>> through having to sell everything I owned including my old music gear from 
>>>> years ago to raise the funds for the kit needed, from there it's been a 
>>>> thing of taking on a few projects to raise cash for equipment I still have 
>>>> to rely on.
>>>> internationally, we need to change the system and yes APPLE needs to help 
>>>> us out on this. They have developed products which openly and directly 
>>>> support blind and disabled users and yet we have to pay an absolute 
>>>> premium, as rightly said here, over 85% of blind people in the USA are out 
>>>> of work and cannot afford the equipment and services needed, the same here 
>>>> in the UK even though disability living allowance and other components 
>>>> aren't enough to cover costs of equipment. You're lucky if you get into a 
>>>> university to receive grants for equipment you need. In my case, through 
>>>> my education, the equipment I had to use failed me all the time, the wrong 
>>>> software, wrong hardware and operating systems which by their own 
>>>> admission were poorly managed and had huge issues. hence me taking on the 
>>>> matters in person and resolving them. a battle I don't want to entertain 
>>>> ever again.
>>>> It's at this point where we as a nation of blind and visually impaired 
>>>> people make a stand and a change for the better.
>>>> lew
>>>> On 26 Mar 2012, at 10:22, Eric Oyen wrote:

Re: Material for showing Apple accessibility solutions

2012-04-06 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi. I am a new mac user and have been doing this for about six months now.  I 
have two questions.  Is there a work book out there for begining mac users.  A 
friend of mine has downloaded some papers off of the computer which have helped 
some but I think we need something that goes in to more detail.  ARe there any 
suggestions?  Also, is there a way I can get my computer to do automatic 
updates so I don't have to do them.  Thanks.   
On Apr 6, 2012, at 2:02 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Daniela, first off, a big congratulations to you!
> Have you thought of contacting Apple accessibility? Perhaps they may actually 
> have some of their own documents or material from their own site prepared 
> into a presentational format that they'd be willing to share with you. -It 
> may be a longshot but I personally think it's certainly worth a try. Yes?…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> On Apr 3, 2012, at 10:01 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have just received an invitation from a very important an mexican 
> institution to give a talk on Apple's accessibility solutions. I know what I 
> would like to say, but I am missing support materials, like keynotes, videos, 
> etc which can help to illustrate my talk.
> The conference will be held in Mexico on may 3 and I have not support from a 
> sighted person who can help me to prepare keynote that looks well. So, mi 
> question is that if you know something or have any materials about this topic 
> that could be of help? Thank you very much for your help!
>  EN TWITTER: @macneticos
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workbook for beginning mac users and updates

2012-04-06 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  I am a new Mac user and have been at this for six months.  I was wondering 
if anyone out there knows of a work book that could go in to more detail.  A 
friend of mine downloaded some papers off from the computer but I think we need 
something with more detail.  Also I was wondering if anyone knows how to get 
the computer to do automatic updates so that I don't have to.  Thanks.

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-06 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an Ipad. 
 They have to be a mac user of some kind.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install 
> Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max 
> -- 
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-06 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi Max.  I never use a headset.  You just ttalk to the person through the 
screen and they talk to you through the screen.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> hello;  you explained it much better than the help section did.  i know a 
> couple of my nephews have an i device.  guess i when i update my signature 
> I'll have to add a FaceTime and a Skype handle.  I'm mainly doing it for 
> business as selling amusement rides is a global task.  I'm looking forward to 
> it.  next question, do i need a headset or can i use the built in microphone? 
>  thanks again, max 
> On Apr 6, 2012, at 9:48 PM, Chantelle Griffiths wrote:
>> Hi Max, 
>> The person you are planning to face time with needs to either have an 
>> iDevice that supports it, such as an iPhone, iPad 2/latest generation or an 
>> iPod Touch with the front facing camera, or have the Face Time software on 
>> their Mac. The interface itself is accessible - I face time my dad who lives 
>> in another country all the time and I've never experienced problems with 
>> accessibility. The main differences between Face Time and Skype are that 
>> Face Time is restricted to Apple devices and it's a video calling app. Skype 
>> is able to do both and, of course, has the other features such as the 
>> ability to call regular phones and mobiles, and supports straight audio 
>> calls as well as video. My dad likes Face Time because he is able to see me 
>> on-screen, but we have the data and the devices to easily support it. 
>> Hope that helps. 
>> Cheers,
>> Chantelle 
>> On 07/04/2012, at 12:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
>>> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
>>> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
>>> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install 
>>> Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max 
>>> -- 
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Re: workbook for beginning mac users and updates

2012-04-07 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Thank you for the information.  I have started listening to some of this 
first one and will continue on with it.  Thank you.  
On Apr 7, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Pam,
> I got started by listening to Mike Arrigo's podcasts on blind cool tech. They 
> have been very very helpful and informative. and then 
> search for Mike Arrigo, or just Arrigo. Ay r r i g o.
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 3:43 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> Hi.  I am a new Mac user and have been at this for six months.  I was 
>> wondering if anyone out there knows of a work book that could go in to more 
>> detail.  A friend of mine downloaded some papers off from the computer but I 
>> think we need something with more detail.  Also I was wondering if anyone 
>> knows how to get the computer to do automatic updates so that I don't have 
>> to.  Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: 5:1 sound output on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi The way I make mmy computer surround sounds is that I have an audio cable 
hooked in from the back of the computer and the other end is hooked up to the 
exilary output in the stereo. Hope that helps.
On Apr 9, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I am cross posting this to 2 groups that have some of the best experts for 
> macs around (and also deal with the blind).
> what i am looking for is this: I woold like to be able to have 5:1 or higher 
> surround sound output from my mac (either via firewater or USB device) and 
> haven't had a lot of luck finding anything. can any of you suggest a 
> manufacturer or some place that has this hardware and also... does anyone 
> have any experience setting up such devices. I would like to be able to use 
> my Mac as part of a home theater system and this is the last stumbling block.
> thanks.
> -eric
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Re: VoiceOver practice mode

2012-04-16 Thread Pam Mathers
If you mean hwlp knowing what the command keys are it would be vok.  Then 
youwould press vo and a letter and it tells you what it does.
On Apr 15, 2012, at 10:00 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

> Hey all,
> I thought I remembered hearing awhile back that there is a VoiceOver
> practice mode on the Mac. If so, how does it work exactly? Thanks!
> -Marc
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2012-04-18 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Right now I have an audio cable hooked up to the headphone jack of the 
computer and the other end hooked in to the exilary output in my stereo so that 
the sound comes through the stereo speaker.  The stereo only has two speakers 
so if I wanted more of a surround sound, would I beable to buy two extra 
speakers and hook them in to the back of the computer and hear those at the 
same time I'm hearing the stereo ones.  Thanks.

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Re: speakers

2012-04-20 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I have checked in to the prices of these 
things and a system like that is a bit out of my price range right now.  Is 
there a way I could just get two extra speakers and plug them in to the back of 
my computer and listen to those and the ones that I have hooked up to the 
stereo at the same time.  Thanks.
On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Right, the analog output of your mac is just left/right or a blended version 
> of the 5.1 surround if you're playing a DVD. To get the six separate sound 
> channels out you have to use the digital output of your Mac and run that to 
> the digital input of a home theater receiver. The digital output is actually 
> the same jack but you have to use an optical cable instead of a headphone 
> jack cable. The Mac will sense which kind of cable is plugged in and turn on 
> the optical transmitter in the headphone jack when you plug in the right 
> cable. The end of the cable is called a "Mini TOSLink" or somesuch. On the 
> receiver there will be an optical input that is kind of square. Its the usual 
> one that's been used to connect standalone DVD players to receivers for many 
> years. Once you've got that up and have your receiver set to take input from 
> that optical digital connection it should give you six channel output. Most 
> receivers will have six sets of 'bannana plugs' to hook up six separate 
> speakers although some will just give you five and another plug to hook up a 
> standalone subwoofer. There are some newer ones now that also do wireless 
> connections to powered rear speakers so there isn't so much wire running 
> around.
> Anyway, hope that helps you get your Mac all hooked up for sound.
> CB
> On 4/19/12 6:46 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> That would not be true surround sound. You have to have audio hardware to 
>> send the sound to separate channels to create the "surround sound" effect.
>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 12:57 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>>> Hi.  Right now I have an audio cable hooked up to the headphone jack of the 
>>> computer and the other end hooked in to the exilary output in my stereo so 
>>> that the sound comes through the stereo speaker.  The stereo only has two 
>>> speakers so if I wanted more of a surround sound, would I beable to buy two 
>>> extra speakers and hook them in to the back of the computer and hear those 
>>> at the same time I'm hearing the stereo ones.  Thanks.
>>> -- 
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verbosity level

2012-04-27 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  I have a question about verbosity levels.  When you turn a music channel 
up to onehundred percent verbosity level, what does that mean?  Thanks.

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2012-04-28 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  I have been reading through a lot of these and understand a lot of the 
frustration that is out there.   i know for myself it is very irritating that 
ovens and microwaves are now all button oriented instead of knobs and I hate 
that because I have to rely on a sighted person to put tape on the buttons so I 
know where they are since you cannot feel them by touch.  I long for the days 
when they used knobs instead of this new way of doing things because it does 
feel like they are taking away some of the independence that we did have 
although I'm sure they are not thinking of it in that way.  It's just becoming 
a more digital world now.  And at stores in the checkout lines they have these 
computer cashregester that you do yourself that only the sighted can use.  I 
know they still have it the old fashioned way but it they someday decide to go 
all do it yourself that will be another thing that the blind will have to deal 
with and work around.  ANd whoever said you cannot shop withouth sighted 
assistance was absolutely right.  Most products you can't tell one from another 
because there are some many different brands of cereal and hotdogs and sausages 
and so on that you need someone sighted to read you the labels.  There are some 
things that have made it better for us like the Mac computer and other talking 
devices that have helped us and then there are the minuses that I've just 
listed.  I guess maybe we have to realize that right now we just may have to 
put up with having to ask for help with certain things until someone invents 
something to help us with the things we can't do right now even though it is a 
huge pain in the butt sometimes.  Especially when you know that all sighted 
people have to do is push a button or read a label and you can't do it.  There 
are certain webb pages that voiceover will not read but a sighted person could 
click on to it and read what I cannot and it is very annoying because I want to 
beable to do the same things they are and why can't I.  I am happy with the 
things I can do and just try to work hard to excel at those and the things I 
can't, I havae to accept help for right now.  Hopefully, that will change 

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undimmed item

2012-05-02 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  I have a question.  How do you undim an item.  Somehow or other, whenever 
I go to safari, it will let me type in the webb address, but when I press 
enter, it will not allow me to enterin to anything.  When I press the foreward 
button and back button it says that both items are dimmed. I think that is why 
I can't get in to any webb pages on safari, no matter which one I go to.  Does 
anyone know how to fix the problem.  Thanks.

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Re: undimmed item

2012-05-02 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Yes I had tried all of those things and they didn't work but the problem 
has been solved.  I think it had something to do with usent E. mails and it was 
affecting safari too.  Thanks.
On May 2, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Pam.
> Have you tried getting rid of all your windows in Safari with command W or 
> killing off the history and then quitting Safari and starting over? You might 
> also try shutting down your computer, and closing all the windows when you 
> shut down. That's the only things I can think of at the moment.
> Eugenia Firth
> On May 2, 2012, at 8:25 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> Hi.  I have a question.  How do you undim an item.  Somehow or other, 
>> whenever I go to safari, it will let me type in the webb address, but when I 
>> press enter, it will not allow me to enterin to anything.  When I press the 
>> foreward button and back button it says that both items are dimmed. I think 
>> that is why I can't get in to any webb pages on safari, no matter which one 
>> I go to.  Does anyone know how to fix the problem.  Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Just about to give up!

2012-05-02 Thread Pam Mathers
Hey don't give up.  I know how you feel.  I am very new at the Imac and when I 
read what some of these people are doing and the knowlege that everyone has, it 
makes my head spin.  I have a snow leopard so I can't help you with the E. mail 
problem but I can tell you that I have been so frustrated with several other 
things that i have felt like giving up but I'm glad I didn't.  I know there 
will be other frustrations in the future for me, plenty of them but it will be 
worth it if you can just hang in.
On May 3, 2012, at 12:05 AM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Okay, for the past week I've been writing about mail issues from out of town. 
> I'm still puzzled about the mailboxes and messages tables because they don't 
> behave like some of you describe. But now that I came home, the good old Mail 
> problem reappeared again. I can once again receive mail, but not send. I know 
> this is a mail bug because I've now visited two different genious bars and 
> they said they know of many people who have changed their email from whatever 
> it was to a G mail account so it won't keep losing track of itself. I'm tired 
> of recreating accounts and struggling to read subject lines for mail. I'm 
> about ready to put this thing away until an update comes out. I so want it to 
> work but I'm really frustrated. I don't think the losing track of my account 
> server is related to VoiceOver at all, but the other stuff is, for sure.
> I feel so stupid when I read this list and see how much some of you are 
> doing, yet I can't seem to get the basics out of my way so I can enjoy the 
> more complex stuff. Okay, I did get Drop box to work. I found out that the 
> Braille Sense OnHand is supposed to work with Macs once Mountain Lion comes 
> out. I don't know. Is it not my time? I just wanted to write and see if 
> there's anyone out there who understands where I'm at right now. I learned 
> Dos. I'm quite good at Windows. I didn't have any trouble learning the 
> iPhone. So why is Lion driving me absolutely insane? Thanks so much.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
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Re: Facebook help

2012-05-16 Thread Pam Mathers
On the mac what I do is I go to headers and then go down the list of friends.  
When I want to hear one, I press enter and arrow right through it.  Hope that 
On May 16, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Can anyone give me tips on navigating facebook?
> I've tried the mobile site and the desktop site and menu tab.
> I just don't get it on the mac.Things just aren't making since to me.
> On May 16, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Efi stands for extensable firmware interface. It's sort of the equivilent of 
>> a PC's bios.
>> On May 16, 2012, at 3:42 AM, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>> Hi all, since having my Mac Book Pro from mid-December of last year there 
>>> have been a couple of Fermware updates for my system which I went ahead and 
>>> installed but I just had a general question. I have noticed that they say 
>>> ESI before saying the update. I was just wondering what that stood for. 
>>> Nothing like curiosity! LOL   
>>> Thanks 
>>> Daniel
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Re: Facebook help

2012-05-17 Thread Pam Mathers
I use a wireless desk top.
On May 17, 2012, at 8:18 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Which site are you using?
> Desktop or Mobile.
> On May 16, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> On the mac what I do is I go to headers and then go down the list of 
>> friends.  When I want to hear one, I press enter and arrow right through it. 
>>  Hope that helps.
>> On May 16, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Can anyone give me tips on navigating facebook?
>>> I've tried the mobile site and the desktop site and menu tab.
>>> I just don't get it on the mac.Things just aren't making since to me.
>>> On May 16, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>>> Efi stands for extensable firmware interface. It's sort of the equivilent 
>>>> of a PC's bios.
>>>> On May 16, 2012, at 3:42 AM, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>>>> Hi all, since having my Mac Book Pro from mid-December of last year there 
>>>>> have been a couple of Fermware updates for my system which I went ahead 
>>>>> and installed but I just had a general question. I have noticed that they 
>>>>> say ESI before saying the update. I was just wondering what that stood 
>>>>> for. Nothing like curiosity! LOL   
>>>>> Thanks 
>>>>> Daniel
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Re: biding obsolete keys on a full-sized keyboard

2012-05-17 Thread Pam Mathers
Go to the menu bar and arrow down and you can find the sleep command and force 
quit.  I don't know about the other ones. 
On May 17, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Specifically, I am running Snow Leopard and have just purchased a full-sized 
> keyboard for my MBP15.  I want to bind functions like sleep or turn-off to 
> the Print Screen, Scroll Lock and ... whatever that other key that no one 
> ever uses.  Can this be done?  And what the *HECK!* is that key called! *SMH* 
> :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: why can't Textedit serve as a replacement for MS Word?

2012-08-04 Thread Pam Mathers
On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> Thanks for the info, this is really to bad!  My wife does lots of charts and 
> that sort of stuff, sounds like shaky ground to me.
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> When converting files from MS Word to Pages, there are problems with the 
>> positioning of text boxes, the text within shapes, borders around paragraphs 
>> and some fonts that are not available in Pages. There are even some fonts 
>> that are not available in Word for Mac but are in Word for Windows.
>> As you so rightly say, there are virtually no problems converting from Pages 
>> to MS Word, all the formatting is retained.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 30 Jul 2012, at 05:37, Dan Roy wrote:
>>> I would love to get rid of office, I absolutely hate it.  However, most of 
>>> the working world is using it.  My wife has to use it every day. She wants 
>>> to work from home and is afraid of incompadabilities between office and 
>>> IWorks,  I thought the files could be interchanged without a problem, but, 
>>> from reading a lot of posts on this list, I am finding out otherwise.
>>> Oh, stupid me, I assumed if she was using pages and saved the file as an 
>>> Office 2007 or whatever, that it would be ok, but, if she starts out 
>>> working in office, then, opens it in pages and goes to save it back to 
>>> office, I take it that's ware the problem lies.
>>> I am glad to know this, she would have killed me for recommending she do 
>>> that.  She would then be forced to go out and buy Office for the Mac.  Yes, 
>>> she is fully sighted.
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Re: Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!

2012-08-25 Thread Pam Mathers
I have been having problems with sending E. mails too.  It is an apple problem. 
 Sometimes when I send mail, the messages will show up with no words, even 
though i put words in them and sometimes they just won't show up at all.  
Apparently, the problem has been solved but yes, it has been very frustrating.
On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:04 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> If it comes to it, you could always send from in safari.
> Make sure to find and click the "basic html" link or you'll not have
> much luck with the page, but once you are on basic html it is easy to
> use. I know it does not solve your problem, but at least there's no
> rebooting.
> On 8/24/12, Veronica Elsea  wrote:
>> Yes, yes, yes I am certain of my settings. I save the message to drafts
>> and use a windows computer to send with the same settings. Sometimes I
>> reboot the Mac and then it sends. The Mac is inconsistant and has been
>> all along. I went to one apple store when I was visiting someone in
>> Kansas City and was told that they were noticing everyone from their
>> local cable company having trouble so they just set everyone up with a G
>> mail account. It's an apple problem, not mine. I have redone this
>> account way too many times and will not do that any more because it's
>> pointless. There's a bug somewhere and it's just frustrating because I
>> can't count on it. It's a pain to have to reboot right in the midst of
>> just sending a quick message. Like I said, frustrating!
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On 8/24/2012 9:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
>>> Lion or Mountain Lion.  I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
>>> SMTP to send.  The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
>>> hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
>>> the send with Command-Shift-D and not hear the sound; makes me wonder
>>> if the message didn't get sent but yet no errors popped up either.  I
>>> just chock those up to flukes or something.
>>> On 8/24/12, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Are you certain of your settings? Sometimes, an isp will change port
 numbers or security settings and you may miss the memo, which can
 cause previous settings to stop working. I know this isn't quite the
 problem you are having, but it's all I can think of. Tripple check
 your pop and smtp ports, security, authentication, and even username
 settings (that is, does the username need to be just the first part of
 your address or the whole thing). Hope this helps somewhat. For what
 it's worth, I use gmail via imap and have no trouble at all.
 On 8/24/12, christopher hallsworth  wrote:
> I can't say I am. I use Gmail via Pop. I also use my ISp's own e-mail
> service via Pop3. All are working great so far. This is under Lion.
> On 24 Aug 2012, at 05:11, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I can't believe this issue is back. I'm so not happy right now. When I
>> first got this Macbook air, I was using pop mail. I had a ton of
>> trouble
>> sending mail. It would come up and tell me it couldn't use the current
>> sender. Everything pointed to a bug in apple mail that they said they
>> couldn't duplicate consistantly enough to fix. The fix was to change
>> to
>> imap. So I put the macbook awy till I learned about imap and made the
>> switch. It worked great for awhile. And now tonight, it's back to not
>> being able to send again. I actually had to save my last message in
>> drafts
>> and go to my windows computer in order to send it. I know it's not a
>> problem with my provider or my settings because I went through this
>> way
>> too many times. How can I count on this thing for email use when I'm
>> traveling if this old buggaboo is back? It makes me very sad in a way.
>> Is
>> anyone else here having this experience. Thanks a bunch.
>> Veronica
>> --
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club
>> at:
>>Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
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