Re: Apple TV and Voiceover and how does it work?

2012-09-11 Thread Nic Parsons
No, you can't use an Apple TV without a regular TV. The Apple TV is just a 
little box that connects to your regular TV by HDMI kable.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 8:52:24 AM UTC+10, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> I have a question. Can you use an apple tv without a regular tv. 
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 5:25 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: 
> > Hi there 
> > I have no site, and I have a AppleTV. I guess you could say sort of, 
> that it's like iTunes for your TV. You can get Netflix, movies, watch 
> YouTube, and I can't remember what else. 
> > It's got the same voice like the iPhone. It has a little remote. There's 
> not many controls, and it can take you like five minutes to learn it, 
> especially if you have an iPhone or an iPad already. 
> > I'm not sure what else to tell you, so ask specific questions if you 
> need more. 
> > Gigi 
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone 
> > 
> > On Sep 10, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Andrew Lamanche 
> > > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> >> Dear Listers, 
> >> 
> >> I'm trying to learn as much as possible about Apple TV. Has anyone got 
> any experience of it on the list, especially anyone who's got no sight at 
> all? How does it work? I have a number of films/tv programmes which `i'd 
> like to watch/listen to with sighted friends on an ordinary TV screen. Is 
> it possible? What else is Apple TV for? I've gathered from searching 
> through some of the posts on the list that Apple TV has Voiceover access 
> but I don't quite understand how it works. What are the benefits of Apple 
> TV? 
> >> 
> >> If anyone could contact me and share, feel free to do so outside the 
> list. I'm aware that maybe this is not the right topic to discuss on the 
> list. 
> >> 
> >> With best wishes 
> >> 
> >> Andrew 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> > 
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> . Among other things it allows you to stream iTunes content to your TV 
> from either the iCloud or a Mac, iPod, iPHone or iPad. You can, for 
> example, rent movies from the iTunes store directly from the Apple TV, or 
> air play your music from your iPHone through your TV. But you do need a 
> regular TV to connect the Apple TV to.


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Re: DJ software anyone?

2012-09-11 Thread Nic Parsons

I'm not sure what software you're talking about. If you're referring to the 
iTunes DJ, then it can be found in iTunes. If it's not listed in the 
sources pannel, you can turn it on in the preferences for iTunes. But 
please not this is perhaps not DJ software as you imagine. It basically 
just creates a never ending play list to which iTunes continuly adds random 
tracks. You can add tracks yourself, and you can allow anyone on your 
network to add tracks and vote on existing ones with the iTuens DJ Party 
function. If you google for iTunes DJ I'm sure you'll find a host of 
resources. I ddi.

On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:08:24 AM UTC+10, Timothy Clark Music 
> you can get it by downloading it off of torrents.  
>  also, it as far as i know yes needs iTunes. 
>  if you wish you can add me on Skype and i can send you DJ. 
>  it's got a key and everything. 
>  or you can go and get it like i said off of torrents. 
>  my Skype id is djtimothy1 
>  oh, i should point out that i do not enforce
>  the stilling of anyones antalectsual property. 
> Timothy 
>   Your Friend in the music industry 
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Would anybody on here using the DJ software for the Mac fill me in a 
> little on where to get and how to use it?  Is it dependent on the iTunes 
> Library, or can it be used otherwise?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: activating bookmarks

2012-09-11 Thread Nic Parsons
As far as I know there are two main ways to access your bookmarks in 
Safari. One way is from the Bookmarks menu in the menu bar. You can get 
there by pressing VO M to get into the menu bar and then press B to take 
you to bookmarks. Press VO Space to open the Bookmarks menu and then 
navigate through the menu normally with VO and arrow keys. You can then 
select any of these bookmarks normally with VO Space and it will take you 
to the webpage. The other way to accesss bookmarks is within the normal 
Safari interface, where the bookmarks are presented in tables. Tis I 
suspect is where you are having your troubles. If you access bookmarks 
here, pressing return or VO Space will not activate the bookmark link. To 
go to the webpage you will need to navigate to the relevant bookmark, then 
acccess the context menu by pressing VO SHIFT M, and then choose open. You 
should probably put most of your bookmarks in teh bookmarks menu, not the 
bookmarks bar. Save the bookmarks bar for a fewe favourite bookmarks. You 
can then access these bookmarks in the bookmarks bar by using the short cut 
keys CMND + numbers 1 through 9.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:27:04 AM UTC+10, agent086b wrote:
> Hi all, 
> now for my next problem. When i migrated some settings from the PC some 
> of my bookmarks went to the bookmarks bar and some went in to a 
> bookmarks list. I can get the bookmarks bar to connect me with the sites 
> there but I can not get the bookmarks list to let me go to a site. 
> I can see the sites I wish to go to but I can not get them to work. 
> How can I move these folders to the bookmarks bar and or click on those 
> links? 
> Thanks once again for the help. 
> Max. 

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Re: DJ software anyone?

2012-09-12 Thread Nic Parsons


I too once felt like that. Back on my Windows machine, I had all my music 
and audiobooks organised into folders in Windows explorer just the way I 
liked them. I would just play them from Windows explorer.

But I got over that.

I had to switch to iTunes mainly in order to sync with my iPod and iPhone. 
But I’m glad I did.

It’s been an involved an on-going process. It could’ve been a lot less 
painful if I knew then what I knew now.

However, I reckon you should probably make the effort and get into iTunes. 
It has all those cross fading and play list features you’re looking for, 
plus a whole lot more. It’s really very good once you set it up properly 
(i.e. tag all your media) and learn to use it.

I think the main things you need to get used to are:

1. Once you’ve tagged your media sufficiently, you don’t need to worry how 
the files are organised in Finder. Because you’ll just access them through 
iTuens. Even if things aren’t tagged perfectly, the search function is 
fairly robust and you should be able to find most of your music. The 
tagging can be a tedious process, but it will allow you to do some pretty 
cool things with smart play lists etc once you’re done.

2. If you really want to keep your media files in your own file/folder 
arrangement, it can be done. The settings can be found in the advanced 
panel of the iTunes preferences. It should’ve make iTunes crash.

If you do decide to move your media into iTunes, I’d suggest reading the 
host of articles on iTunes on the MacWorld website, or even downloading the 
Take Control of iTunes book from



On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:36:27 AM UTC+10, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Would anybody on here using the DJ software for the Mac fill me in a 
> little on where to get and how to use it?  Is it dependant on the ITunes 
> Library, or can it be used otherwise?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray

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Re: reminders app?

2012-09-12 Thread Nic Parsons


Yes, I now use Reminders regularly. I used to just use a text document in 
text edit which I would sync with Dropbox, but now I prefer to use 
Reminders. The new lists feature is great.

For a tutorial on how to use Reminders with Voice Over and a demonstration 
of how it can be used, check out David Woodbridge’s Reminders App tutorial 
which can be found here:



On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 1:32:48 PM UTC+10, Alex wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I'm curious: does anyone actually use reminders? I tried once, but the 
> layout seemed pretty cluttered from vo's perspective; it seems like it 
> owuld be more work to launch the app, slog through the interface to get to 
> a reminder, and check it, then to just write something down in textedit and 
> leave it open. I know reminders sync to iOS, but still... has anyone made 
> successful use of this app? If so, how? 
> Have a great day, 
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 

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Re: embedded mail attachments causing problems with vo?

2012-09-14 Thread Nic Parsons
I've also had this same problem. I have it regularly actually. I'd also 
appreciate any tips from people.

On Friday, September 14, 2012 8:31:58 AM UTC+10, Alex wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I thought it was a one-time thing, but I no longer think so. I sent an 
> email just now with a file attached. Once I attached the file I wanted to 
> write more, but vo froze up. Once I got it talking again, I had to interact 
> with the text all over again, then mess around with it some more as it 
> stopped speaking a second time. Oddly, it seemed okay outside of the 
> message window, but inside it refused to do much of anything until it 
> suddenly started working again. I have no idea what happened, but I found 
> this once before with an attached file. So, two questions: can I stop it 
> from doing this and, secondarily, can I have a more classic attachments 
> view, where I can see a list of attached files instead of having them embed 
> themselves? I understand it might be nice for pictures, but for other file 
> formats it is just annoying. Thanks. 
> Have a great day, 
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 

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Re: how to read in bokle?

2012-09-14 Thread Nic Parsons


If you found that table, that’s a start. The table is the table of 
contents. You can interact with it using VO SHIFT DOWN ARROW. YOu can then 
navigate within this table to select the book you want to read, and even 
the chapter within that book you wish to read. I’ve actually had 
difficulties navigating this table when I have added multiple books, but 
I’ve found work arounds. But perhaps that is a topic for another thread.

Anyway, once you’ve selected the book/chapter you wish to read, you can 
interact with the corresponding HTML area by pressing VO J. Alternatively 
you can stop interacting with the table by pressing VO SHIFT UP ARROW, move 
right two spaces with VO RIGHT ARROW, then interact with the HTML area 
using VO SHIFT DOWN ARROW. YOu should then be able to navigate the text of 
the book with your normal HTML navigation commands, including quickNav and 
my favourite the two finger swipe down on the track pad to read 
continuously from the VO curser.

If you still have trouble please try to provide more information about the 
problem you are having.

Best of luck and happy reading!


On Friday, September 14, 2012 8:01:36 AM UTC+10, Ewoud wrote:
> Hi dear all, 
> i tryed my best, but can not find how to actualy read a book after opening 
> it in bookle. 
> i hear it is selected and that i am in a tabel, but firther no action what 
> so ever. 
> I ve been told that bookle is accesible with VO, so i hope the fault is 
> mine. 
> can anyone in more then one word explain to me, how to read and use 
> bookle? 
> I disire to read lee child's newest novel. 
> thx, 
> Egbert 

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Re: Replying to Posts on this Forum

2012-09-15 Thread Nic Parsons

Hi Gigi and Teresa,

Thanks for replying!

I am using the Apple Mail client and receiving the digest version of the 
posts. I’m using this for reading the posts which works fine.

My problem is with replying. How do you reply from Mail? If you simply 
reply to the digest email, how does it know which thread you are replying 
to? Do you need to write something specific in the subject field?

Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.


On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:51:49 AM UTC+10, Nic Parsons wrote:
> Hi, 
> How do people reply to posts on this forum? 
> Currently I click on the subject of the relevant post and open it in 
> Safari. I then click the post reply button. However, the edit field to post 
> my reply doesn't work well. VO doesn't read back what I've typed. So I 
> compose my reply in text edit and then copy and paste it into the edit 
> field. 
> Is there a simpler method? 
> Thanks, 
> Nic

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Re: DJ software anyone?

2012-09-15 Thread Nic Parsons

If such a program existed I’d be really upset because it would have saved 
me so much time and effort when switching to using iTunes.

IN Windows 7 you can, however, add some limited tags to music files in 
Windows Explorer. It’s limited to artist, title and genre, but this would 
be the main tags you’d want to use to keep your music organised when you 
import it into iTunes. This process of tagging in Windows Explorer is a 
little tricky from an accessibility stand point (at least with JAWS), but 
it’s doable.

The other app you may be interested in is Song Genie, which will help tag 
your music once it is in iTunes.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:36:27 AM UTC+10, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Would anybody on here using the DJ software for the Mac fill me in a 
> little on where to get and how to use it?  Is it dependant on the ITunes 
> Library, or can it be used otherwise?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray

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Re: how to read in bokle?

2012-09-15 Thread Nic Parsons
Hi Alex,
It's called Bookle, spelled B, O, O, K, L, E. It's spelled incorrectly in 
the subject of this thread. It's available in the Mac app store.

On Friday, September 14, 2012 8:01:36 AM UTC+10, Ewoud wrote:
> Hi dear all, 
> i tryed my best, but can not find how to actualy read a book after opening 
> it in bookle. 
> i hear it is selected and that i am in a tabel, but firther no action what 
> so ever. 
> I ve been told that bookle is accesible with VO, so i hope the fault is 
> mine. 
> can anyone in more then one word explain to me, how to read and use 
> bookle? 
> I disire to read lee child's newest novel. 
> thx, 
> Egbert 

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Re: Replying to Posts on this Forum

2012-09-15 Thread Nic Parsons
Thanks Risette and Timothy for your help.
Can you just reply like that (hitting CMND R) from a digest email? Does the 
reply get placed in the correct thread?

On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:51:49 AM UTC+10, Nic Parsons wrote:
> Hi, 
> How do people reply to posts on this forum? 
> Currently I click on the subject of the relevant post and open it in 
> Safari. I then click the post reply button. However, the edit field to post 
> my reply doesn't work well. VO doesn't read back what I've typed. So I 
> compose my reply in text edit and then copy and paste it into the edit 
> field. 
> Is there a simpler method? 
> Thanks, 
> Nic

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