Status Report Question

2012-03-08 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Listers,
I read somewhere about a way to get this program to update the feeds list. Can 
someone refresh my memory on this? I installed the ios app and it got all the 
feeds the first time but doesn't seem to update. Thanks.

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Re: Status Report Question

2012-03-09 Thread Marc Sutton
I assume that you mean flick down with the same finger that is holding. This 
does not seem to work for me. I have tried flicking down a short distance and 
also to the bottom of the screen. Any finetuning tips?

On Mar 9, 2012, at 5:04 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Double tap and hold on the first status, then while holding flick down. Then 
> release.
> Christopher H
> On 09/03/2012 04:33, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi Listers,
>> I read somewhere about a way to get this program to update the feeds list. 
>> Can someone refresh my memory on this? I installed the ios app and it got 
>> all the feeds the first time but doesn't seem to update. Thanks.
>> Marc
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Re: Status Report Question

2012-03-09 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks. Got it to work. I was clicking and holding on the item at the top 
called status, not the first item in the status list. Too bad there isn't a 
setting to have it update on a regular interval. Perhaps that saves battery 
power though.

On Mar 9, 2012, at 11:46 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> I assume you will be using the same finger you are holding to flick down. 
> Admittedly this doesn't work reliably for me either, but apparently this is 
> the way to do it.
> Christopher H
> On 09/03/2012 14:38, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> I assume that you mean flick down with the same finger that is holding. This 
>> does not seem to work for me. I have tried flicking down a short distance 
>> and also to the bottom of the screen. Any finetuning tips?
>> On Mar 9, 2012, at 5:04 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Double tap and hold on the first status, then while holding flick down. 
>>> Then release.
>>> Christopher H
>>> On 09/03/2012 04:33, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> Hi Listers,
>>>> I read somewhere about a way to get this program to update the feeds list. 
>>>> Can someone refresh my memory on this? I installed the ios app and it got 
>>>> all the feeds the first time but doesn't seem to update. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
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Muting Skype or Phone Call

2012-03-13 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Listers,
Does anyone know if there is a way to mute a skype call so that you can be on a 
conference call and not disrupt things with your own background noise. Or, for 
that matter, a phone call. I haven't noticed a mute button but perhaps I 
haven't searched enough. Or maybe there is a gesture that I don't know about. 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Using your air in public.

2012-03-14 Thread Marc Sutton
I am wondering what you use for data encryption. That's more my concern. If 
someone swipes my mba then they have a lot of data. Are there vo friendly 
encryption programs out there?

On Mar 14, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Emrah wrote:

> Wow!
> More than the hardware, I am concerned about the data, so my hard drive is 
> fully encrypted.
> I don't know if you are being too paranoid or not. I just think that your MBA 
> will feel very upset if you don't use it in public. :)
> You need some guts to steal a laptop like that. I must be lucky or something, 
> but I tend to trust my environment quite a bit. I live in NYC.
> I have heard about people getting their iPhone stollen while talking on the 
> phone with it. Must be so funny to watch… Sorry if it happened to you guys.
> Anyway, if you are too concerned, try to see if you can have it insured. I 
> use it all the time in cars, restaurants, jumping from meetings to meetings, 
> on the plane, train and even once from the privacy of my bathroom. O O :)
> Cheers!
> On Mar 14, 2012, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi Viviana.
>> I think you're being cautious if you have a concern. I think paranoid is 
>> when you just won't get your Mac Air out because you're afraid unreasonably.
>> My sighted brother had a laptop stolen from him because two guys worked 
>> together. One distracted him and pretended to be hurt; when he put his 
>> laptop down and went to help, the other guy took his laptop. He never did 
>> get it back as far as I know. 
>> I don't have an Air, but I do have a MacBook Pro. I have a case for it that 
>> I got from Apple, and when I carry it around, I never leave it in the car or 
>> anywhere else. Also, I put my arm through its strap all the time. When I go 
>> into a restaurant, I try to choose a booth, partly to accommodate my dog, 
>> but partly so I can put my computer case right up next to me. I put it and 
>> my purse together, so I am unlikely to leave the both of them. Also, a booth 
>> is more secure because a person would really have to work to get to your 
>> computer. I'd rather make it hard for them if they are going to get it. 
>> If there is not a booth, after getting my dog in place, I tuck my computer 
>> case and purse as close under my feet as possible. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 14, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> i think you misunderstood me.  yes, i have a case for my air and, i also 
>>> carry it in a backpack.  what is my concern is having it stolen right out 
>>> of my hands.  say, for example, that i am sitting outside at a coffee shop 
>>> and typing away on the computer with my earbuds in and someone just takes 
>>> the machine and runs off with it.  this is my concern.  even if i have my 
>>> hands on it they can still grab it and run.
>>> are others afraid of such happening?  am i being to paranoid?  what do 
>>> sighted folks do with their expensive machines?  do they just use them and 
>>> not worry about it?  
>>> i am off to check out these links now.  thanks a lot.
>>> Vivianna
>>> On Mar 14, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 I bought a backpack so when I'm not using my MacBook I just pop it in 
 there. If I usually sling it over one shoulder but if I need both hands I 
 can put it on all the way. In other words, I don't lock it down, I keep 
 the laptop with me. If you must lock it then you might want one of these:
 where you attach a rigid case to the MacBook Air and that case has a 
 standard lock slot. You could also check into iAlertU which uses the 
 MacBook's motion sensors to trigger an alarm and notify you on your iPhone 
 On 3/14/12 3:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I personally just put my macbook in my book bag when I travel.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 14, 2012, at 3:45 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> so, i went out and bought myself this super cool, super fast macbook 
>> air.  now, the reason that i bought this fine machine is because of it's 
>> small size and portability.  well, now that spring is here, i am wanting 
>> to take it out with me to coffee shops etc.  i live in a city and am 
>> concerned about the safety of using such a machine in an outdoor public 
>> setting.  i went to the mac online store and looked up the kensington 
>> lock and, alas, it does not work with the air.
>> so, here's my question to you all.
>> do you all take your portable machines out with you?  and, if you do, 
>> what sort of security measures, if any, do you take?  have any of you 
>> had problems with having your computers stolen? and, if so,

Enabling Chromevox

2012-03-16 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi List,
I installed the Chromevox extension in Google Chrome. I didn't notice any 
particular behavior different than before. Does someone know how to enable the 
extension? I want to try and use it without vo. In particular, to see how well 
it works with google docs, calendar, etc. And supposedly it works better than 
if you are using voiceover. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: Enabling Chromevox

2012-03-16 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Teresa,
It seems that chromevox is speaking now. But when i get to extensions and tab 
through there is no mention of chromevox. When i turn voiceover on all i hear 
is it saying "extensions" but it won't read any text. And I never did hear 
anything about a tutorial or gallery or anything like that. Are there hromevox 
commands other than tab that get it to speak certain detail? A command for 
increasing the speech rate? Thanks.

On Mar 16, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Marc,
> Open Google Chrome with VO on and go to preferences with command-comma. In 
> the list of tabs, go to Extensions. Tab through and see if Chromevox is 
> listed there. If it is, there is a checkbox to enable or disable it. Once you 
> enable it, turn VO off.
> If it isn't listed, go to the link that says, "view gallery" and search for 
> it. Once you find it, there will be an "add to Chrome" button. Do this, and 
> wait a few minutes. It should start self-voicing and offering links to 
> tutorials, etc.
> I just played with it, and Chromevox now works with Chrome preferences, which 
> is a giant improvement. I may play with it some more now because of this 
> important development.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
> On Mar 16, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I installed the Chromevox extension in Google Chrome. I didn't notice any 
>> particular behavior different than before. Does someone know how to enable 
>> the extension? I want to try and use it without vo. In particular, to see 
>> how well it works with google docs, calendar, etc. And supposedly it works 
>> better than if you are using voiceover. Any help would be appreciated. 
>> Thanks.
>> Marc
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Re: Enabling Chromevox

2012-03-16 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks Teresa. My vo right combination just keeps saying preferences extensions 
and will go no further. I will play with it some more. Even when i interact 
with that i get the same response. Interesting. Thanks.

On Mar 16, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Marc,
> With VO, use VO-RIGHT to a:ess the extension properties. With Chromevox 
> speaking, however, you can just turn VO off.
> You can access a quick key commands list by pressing command-control-period. 
> Command-control is the key modifier sequence for Chromevox, also called 
> ChVox. So the help list is ChVox-period, and the interactive tutorial is 
> ChVox-H. You can navigate through content with ChVox arrows.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Mar 16, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi Teresa,
>> It seems that chromevox is speaking now. But when i get to extensions and 
>> tab through there is no mention of chromevox. When i turn voiceover on all i 
>> hear is it saying "extensions" but it won't read any text. And I never did 
>> hear anything about a tutorial or gallery or anything like that. Are there 
>> hromevox commands other than tab that get it to speak certain detail? A 
>> command for increasing the speech rate? Thanks.
>> Marc
>> On Mar 16, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Marc,
>>> Open Google Chrome with VO on and go to preferences with command-comma. In 
>>> the list of tabs, go to Extensions. Tab through and see if Chromevox is 
>>> listed there. If it is, there is a checkbox to enable or disable it. Once 
>>> you enable it, turn VO off.
>>> If it isn't listed, go to the link that says, "view gallery" and search for 
>>> it. Once you find it, there will be an "add to Chrome" button. Do this, and 
>>> wait a few minutes. It should start self-voicing and offering links to 
>>> tutorials, etc.
>>> I just played with it, and Chromevox now works with Chrome preferences, 
>>> which is a giant improvement. I may play with it some more now because of 
>>> this important development.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>>> On Mar 16, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> Hi List,
>>>> I installed the Chromevox extension in Google Chrome. I didn't notice any 
>>>> particular behavior different than before. Does someone know how to enable 
>>>> the extension? I want to try and use it without vo. In particular, to see 
>>>> how well it works with google docs, calendar, etc. And supposedly it works 
>>>> better than if you are using voiceover. Any help would be appreciated. 
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Marc
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Mirroring a Folder

2012-04-11 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi List,
Has anyone had VoiceOver success with software to mirror a folder to a 
harddrive or the reverse? I want to keep my music folder backed up to an 
external disc. I have tried File Sync to no avail. Would love to hear people's 
recommendations. Thanks.

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Re: Mirroring a Folder

2012-04-12 Thread Marc Sutton
This is really helpful. I noticed in the article that it talks about dragging 
the origin and destination paths into the terminal window. Does this work with 
VO? Thanks.

On Apr 12, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I used to do this for my itunes folder with rsync in the terminal but then I 
> got tired or it and just copied my whole folder over to the external drive. 
> There is an article on doing this with rsync here:
> Nice thing with rsync is it just copies over whatever is newer so after the 
> first round it doesn't take nearly as long. rsync is also network aware so 
> you could copy stuff to a volume on any other computer that supports rsync, 
> which would be any recent OSX machine.
> Could you also accomplish this just with Time Machine?
> CB
> On 4/11/12 5:49 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> Has anyone had VoiceOver success with software to mirror a folder to a 
>> harddrive or the reverse? I want to keep my music folder backed up to an 
>> external disc. I have tried File Sync to no avail. Would love to hear 
>> people's recommendations. Thanks.
>> Marc

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Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-17 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Listers,
I use and enjoy Downcast on ios. Does anyone have recommendations for podcast 
apps on the Mac? Hopefully one that will allow speeding up of playback. Thanks.

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Re: Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Esther,
Thank you for this tip. I downloaded an opml file of my podcast subscriptions 
into itunes. Do you know if they can be sorted into folders instead of one long 
list? Can you point me to a resource on how to build this apple script file? 
Thanks much.

On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I use a couple of AppleScripts to speed up playback of tracks selected
> in iTunes and return to normal speed. iTunes itself doesn't support
> variable speed playback, but QuickTime Player, which it uses, does. So
> the scripts just pass the current position in the track to QuickTime
> Player, with the speed boost, and then back to iTunes at normal speed,
> so the track position can be kept.  I've used this method for several
> years. However, it's the older version of QuickTime, which is now
> dubbed "QuickTime 7", that has the easy access to A/V controls of
> pitch, speed, etc. that was used for the scripts, and while this still
> works (and provides different playback options -- all accessible
> through the GUI with VoiceOver), it's no longer included by default
> with operating system distributions starting with Lion; you have to
> download it separately.
> If you're interested, I posted instructions on the Mac-access list
> earlier this year, and you can read the post in the mail archives:
> Speeding up podcasts on the Mac:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 17, 2:54 pm, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
>> I don't have a recommendation at the moment but I think I saw some reference 
>> in the twitter stream from down cast. He mentioned that he was working on a 
>> Mac app. I'll be very happy if so.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 18/08/2012, at 5:52, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi Listers,
>> I use and enjoy Downcast on ios. Does anyone have recommendations for 
>> podcast apps on the Mac? Hopefully one that will allow speeding up of 
>> playback. Thanks.
>> Marc
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Re: Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Again Esther,
I found your apple script instructions further down the archive webpage. Thanks 
for the detail and I am now putting it all together.

On Aug 18, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> Thank you for this tip. I downloaded an opml file of my podcast subscriptions 
> into itunes. Do you know if they can be sorted into folders instead of one 
> long list? Can you point me to a resource on how to build this apple script 
> file? Thanks much.
> Marc
> On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Esther  wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I use a couple of AppleScripts to speed up playback of tracks selected
>> in iTunes and return to normal speed. iTunes itself doesn't support
>> variable speed playback, but QuickTime Player, which it uses, does. So
>> the scripts just pass the current position in the track to QuickTime
>> Player, with the speed boost, and then back to iTunes at normal speed,
>> so the track position can be kept.  I've used this method for several
>> years. However, it's the older version of QuickTime, which is now
>> dubbed "QuickTime 7", that has the easy access to A/V controls of
>> pitch, speed, etc. that was used for the scripts, and while this still
>> works (and provides different playback options -- all accessible
>> through the GUI with VoiceOver), it's no longer included by default
>> with operating system distributions starting with Lion; you have to
>> download it separately.
>> If you're interested, I posted instructions on the Mac-access list
>> earlier this year, and you can read the post in the mail archives:
>> Speeding up podcasts on the Mac:
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Aug 17, 2:54 pm, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
>>> I don't have a recommendation at the moment but I think I saw some 
>>> reference in the twitter stream from down cast. He mentioned that he was 
>>> working on a Mac app. I'll be very happy if so.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 18/08/2012, at 5:52, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>> Hi Listers,
>>> I use and enjoy Downcast on ios. Does anyone have recommendations for 
>>> podcast apps on the Mac? Hopefully one that will allow speeding up of 
>>> playback. Thanks.
>>> Marc
>>> --
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Re: Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
And it works great. I noticed that Quicktime stays open when the "return to 
normal spped" script is launched, so you have to go back to itunes to pause 
speech. Is this the behavior designed in the script, or is something amuck?

On Aug 18, 2012, at 11:22 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:

> Hi Again Esther,
> I found your apple script instructions further down the archive webpage. 
> Thanks for the detail and I am now putting it all together.
> Marc
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> Thank you for this tip. I downloaded an opml file of my podcast 
>> subscriptions into itunes. Do you know if they can be sorted into folders 
>> instead of one long list? Can you point me to a resource on how to build 
>> this apple script file? Thanks much.
>> Marc
>> On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> I use a couple of AppleScripts to speed up playback of tracks selected
>>> in iTunes and return to normal speed. iTunes itself doesn't support
>>> variable speed playback, but QuickTime Player, which it uses, does. So
>>> the scripts just pass the current position in the track to QuickTime
>>> Player, with the speed boost, and then back to iTunes at normal speed,
>>> so the track position can be kept.  I've used this method for several
>>> years. However, it's the older version of QuickTime, which is now
>>> dubbed "QuickTime 7", that has the easy access to A/V controls of
>>> pitch, speed, etc. that was used for the scripts, and while this still
>>> works (and provides different playback options -- all accessible
>>> through the GUI with VoiceOver), it's no longer included by default
>>> with operating system distributions starting with Lion; you have to
>>> download it separately.
>>> If you're interested, I posted instructions on the Mac-access list
>>> earlier this year, and you can read the post in the mail archives:
>>> Speeding up podcasts on the Mac:
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Aug 17, 2:54 pm, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
>>>> I don't have a recommendation at the moment but I think I saw some 
>>>> reference in the twitter stream from down cast. He mentioned that he was 
>>>> working on a Mac app. I'll be very happy if so.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 18/08/2012, at 5:52, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hi Listers,
>>>> I use and enjoy Downcast on ios. Does anyone have recommendations for 
>>>> podcast apps on the Mac? Hopefully one that will allow speeding up of 
>>>> playback. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
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Re: Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Esther,
Yes, it took me a while to tackle these scripts but it's not hard once you 
follow the good instructions that you provide. I will move them to the itunes 
folder and see what happens next. I assume you can assign a keyboard shortcut 
for these. Wondering where that might be done. Perhaps under system 
prefs/keyboard? Thanks.

On Aug 18, 2012, at 4:25 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> There's probably a better way to amend the AppleScripts, but not switching 
> back to iTunes just reflects usage, I think. Originally when I used these 
> AppleScripts, I loaded them into the iTunes AppleScript menu instead of the 
> general AppleScript menu for the System.  Specifically, instead of putting 
> the AppleScripts into the folder on my account:
> ~/Library/Scripts/
> I put them into the folder:
> ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts
> And I had to create the Scripts folder the first time I added an AppleScript 
> under iTunes to the Library folder under my account.
> The difference is that when you add scripts under a specific application, you 
> access the scripts menu in the menu bar of that application, while when you 
> add them to the general Library/Scripts folder you access them from the 
> services menu bar (VO-M-M or Control-F8, instead of VO-M or Control-F2), and 
> you can navigate to that menu from any application.  
> I used to run these from iTunes, but some people like to use other 
> applications on their computer while listening to podcasts, iTunes U content, 
> or movies. So I switched the instructions to loading the AppleScripts to the 
> general scripts folder.  That way, you don't have to be in iTunes to start 
> and stop the podcast.   
> I think that if you load these and use them under iTunes, using the Scripts 
> menu just before the "Help" menu on the iTunes menu bar (e.g., VO-M  then 
> VO-Left arrow twice to the menu), and return to normal speed from there, your 
> focus returns to iTunes.
> By the way, I realized that I sent you these AppleScripts off list as email 
> attachments about half a year ago!  And slightly off topic,  I didn't realize 
> your recent viphone "Where To?" app use question was for the iPhone, because 
> the  new "pop up" menu design to email destinations only showed up in the 
> latest update -- it wasn't present in the version I have on my iPhone.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 12:24, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> And it works great. I noticed that Quicktime stays open when the "return to 
>> normal spped" script is launched, so you have to go back to itunes to pause 
>> speech. Is this the behavior designed in the script, or is something amuck?
>> Marc
>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 11:22 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>> Hi Again Esther,
>>> I found your apple script instructions further down the archive webpage. 
>>> Thanks for the detail and I am now putting it all together.
>>> Marc
>>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hi Esther,
>>>> Thank you for this tip. I downloaded an opml file of my podcast 
>>>> subscriptions into itunes. Do you know if they can be sorted into folders 
>>>> instead of one long list? Can you point me to a resource on how to build 
>>>> this apple script file? Thanks much.
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> I use a couple of AppleScripts to speed up playback of tracks selected
>>>>> in iTunes and return to normal speed. iTunes itself doesn't support
>>>>> variable speed playback, but QuickTime Player, which it uses, does. So
>>>>> the scripts just pass the current position in the track to QuickTime
>>>>> Player, with the speed boost, and then back to iTunes at normal speed,
>>>>> so the track position can be kept.  I've used this method for several
>>>>> years. However, it's the older version of QuickTime, which is now
>>>>> dubbed "QuickTime 7", that has the easy access to A/V controls of
>>>>> pitch, speed, etc. that was used for the scripts, and while this still
>>>>> works (and provides different playback options -- all accessible
>>>>> through the GUI with VoiceOver), it's no longer included by default
>>>>> with operating system distributions starting with Lion; you have to
>>>>> download it separately.
>>>>> If you

Audio in Safari

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi List,
It seems that now under Mountain LIon I don't have audio playback of youtube 
videos and other misc. audio. It may be flash related. Any ideas? I tried to 
install flash but can't seem to select the install button. Perhaps i am barking 
up the wrong tree but thought i'd try flash. Any suggestions. Thanks.

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Re: Audio in Safari

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
I was able to tab to the install button, but pressing enter or doing vo shift 
space didn't activate the button. Or vo space for that matter. I just heard the 
system bonk sound for no go.

On Aug 18, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Kimberly thurman  wrote:

> Try tabbing through the  installation interface for Flash.  This may allow 
> you to  find the install button.
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> It seems that now under Mountain LIon I don't have audio playback of youtube 
>> videos and other misc. audio. It may be flash related. Any ideas? I tried to 
>> install flash but can't seem to select the install button. Perhaps i am 
>> barking up the wrong tree but thought i'd try flash. Any suggestions. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Re: Audio in Safari

2012-08-18 Thread Marc Sutton
I got it to work with the help of a sighted mouse user. Now audio has returned 
to Safari. 

On Aug 18, 2012, at 6:41 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was able to tab to the install button, but pressing enter or doing vo shift 
> space didn't activate the button. Or vo space for that matter. I just heard 
> the system bonk sound for no go.
> Marc
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Kimberly thurman  wrote:
>> Try tabbing through the  installation interface for Flash.  This may allow 
>> you to  find the install button.
>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> It seems that now under Mountain LIon I don't have audio playback of 
>>> youtube videos and other misc. audio. It may be flash related. Any ideas? I 
>>> tried to install flash but can't seem to select the install button. Perhaps 
>>> i am barking up the wrong tree but thought i'd try flash. Any suggestions. 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Marc
>>> -- 
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2012-01-02 Thread Marc Sutton
I was wondering how people read rss. Safari or some other desktop reader. Any 
experiences with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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VO New Window Silence

2012-01-02 Thread Marc Sutton
I am using a program called Decibel. It is an alternative to Itunes. Whenever a 
new song plays i get a Voiceover message saying that a new window has opened. 
Does anyone know how to silence such announcements? I tried the activities 
chooser but that didn't seem to work. Thanks.

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2012-01-02 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Teresa,
Thanks for that tip. It doesn't appear that you can import feeds into either 
program. I have a bunch of them in an opml file that i would like to view on 
the mac. I will see if there are any solutions to this. The Mac Mail 
implementation of rss does look pretty good though.
Cheers, Marc
On Jan 2, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Marc,
> I actually use Mail to do this. When you use Safari to go to an XML page, 
> there are buttons for subscribing via Safari or mail. When you subscribe, a 
> mailbox for each feed is created automatically.
> HTH, Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering how people read rss. Safari or some other desktop reader. 
>> Any experiences with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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2012-01-02 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Traci,
Thanks for that recommendation. It seems to work with Voiceover, although a few 
buttons need labeling. The .opml file imported successfully and kept my folder 
hierarchy. Looks like a great program for the job.

On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:46 PM, Traci wrote:

> Hello Marc,
> Vienna was recommended to me for rss and the Mac.  Unfortunately, I can't 
> give you much guidance on it, because I haven't explored the app much.  I 
> downloaded it early on with my Mac, and haven't revisited it.
> Good luck,
> Traci
> PS. I believe you will be able to import your OPML file.
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> On Jan 2, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi Teresa,
>> Thanks for that tip. It doesn't appear that you can import feeds into either 
>> program. I have a bunch of them in an opml file that i would like to view on 
>> the mac. I will see if there are any solutions to this. The Mac Mail 
>> implementation of rss does look pretty good though.
>> Cheers, Marc
>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Marc,
>>> I actually use Mail to do this. When you use Safari to go to an XML page, 
>>> there are buttons for subscribing via Safari or mail. When you subscribe, a 
>>> mailbox for each feed is created automatically.
>>> HTH, Teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering how people read rss. Safari or some other desktop reader. 
>>>> Any experiences with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
>>>> -- 
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2012-01-05 Thread Marc Sutton
I find that 
there are parts of Google Reader that aren't accessible with voiceover such as 
the settings. Any tricks on that? Thanks.
On Jan 3, 2012, at 2:08 AM, Deamon David wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I
> 'm using Google Reader (
> Then I can read my RSS'es on all my devices (have lots of computers,
> phones and so on).
> You can also look at the mobile version of the GReader. Just add an
> "m" after the last "/".
> -David
> On 3 Jan, 07:10, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi Traci,
>> Thanks for that recommendation. It seems to work with Voiceover, although a 
>> few buttons need labeling. The .opml file imported successfully and kept my 
>> folder hierarchy. Looks like a great program for the job.
>> Marc
>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:46 PM, Traci wrote:
>>> Hello Marc,
>>> Vienna was recommended to me for rss and the Mac.  Unfortunately, I can't 
>>> give you much guidance on it, because I haven't explored the app much.  I 
>>> downloaded it early on with my Mac, and haven't revisited it.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Traci
>>> PS. I believe you will be able to import your OPML file.
>>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
>>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> Hi Teresa,
>>>> Thanks for that tip. It doesn't appear that you can import feeds into 
>>>> either program. I have a bunch of them in an opml file that i would like 
>>>> to view on the mac. I will see if there are any solutions to this. The Mac 
>>>> Mail implementation of rss does look pretty good though.
>>>> Cheers, Marc
>>>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Marc,
>>>>> I actually use Mail to do this. When you use Safari to go to an XML page, 
>>>>> there are buttons for subscribing via Safari or mail. When you subscribe, 
>>>>> a mailbox for each feed is created automatically.
>>>>> HTH, Teresa
>>>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>>>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I was wondering how people read rss. Safari or some other desktop 
>>>>>> reader. Any experiences with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> --
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Navigating Lists

2012-01-05 Thread Marc Sutton
Hello Listers,
There was a topic about switching from Windows to the Mac. A related question I 
have is, what is the keyboard shortcut in Lion for moving to the top or bottom 
of a list. As in, you have a list of files and want to jump to either the 
beginning or end of that list. For that matter, how about navigating to the top 
or bottom of a Safari page. Thanks.

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Audio Editing Software

2012-01-11 Thread Marc Sutton
I was wondering what accessible software people use with Voiceover to edit 
audio files. Does Audacity work with VO? Or do people recommend others. I have 
used Studio Recorder on the PC side. I just need to do a little editing of .wav 
files. Thanks.

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2012-01-17 Thread Marc Sutton
How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via an app. I 
tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be accessible. Thanks.

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Re: Pandora

2012-01-17 Thread Marc Sutton
I went to their website and it requires flash to be installed. I noticed that 
the installation doesn't seem to work with Voiceover. Any tips?

On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> I use Pandora on my iPhone with no trouble. I have never used it on the Mac.
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via an 
>> app. I tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be accessible. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Re: Pandora

2012-01-17 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks. I tried to get the help tags and got the message that there were none. 
I am using Lion. Interesting.

On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:16 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> I use an app called PianoPub. It's very good, just buttons need labeling, but 
> that is easy to do, since they all have help tags. 
> Brianna 
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> I went to their website and it requires flash to be installed. I noticed 
>> that the installation doesn't seem to work with Voiceover. Any tips?
>> Marc
>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> I use Pandora on my iPhone with no trouble. I have never used it on the Mac.
>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via an 
>>>> app. I tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be accessible. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
>>>> -- 
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Re: Pandora

2012-01-19 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Krystin,
I didn't find a way in the pianopub app to change stations. Do you know how to 
do this? Thanks.

On Jan 18, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Kristyn Leigh wrote:

> First you have to create an account before any of the apps will work. I used 
> Safari on my iPhone to create mine using VoiceOver. I use the iPhone app and 
> the Piano Pub ap for the Mac. My only disappointment is that the Apple remote 
> no longer works with Piano Pub on my Mac running Lion. 
> Kristyn 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:16 PM, brianna Snyder  wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I use an app called PianoPub. It's very good, just buttons need labeling, 
>> but that is easy to do, since they all have help tags. 
>> Brianna 
>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>> I went to their website and it requires flash to be installed. I noticed 
>>> that the installation doesn't seem to work with Voiceover. Any tips?
>>> Marc
>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>>> I use Pandora on my iPhone with no trouble. I have never used it on the 
>>>> Mac.
>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via an 
>>>>> app. I tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be accessible. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Marc
>>>>> -- 
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Re: Pandora

2012-01-22 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks. That works great.

On Jan 21, 2012, at 3:02 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> I have. You just need to go to the station in the table, turn off your 
> trackpad commander, and double-click with that, when you've made sure your 
> cursor is on the station. 
> Brianna 
> On Jan 21, 2012, at 2:03 PM, marc wrote:
>> Hi Briana,
>> Thanks for your recommendation. Have you found a way in pianopub to change 
>> stations? Selecting the station in the table doesn't seem to work. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:16 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> I use an app called PianoPub. It's very good, just buttons need labeling, 
>>> but that is easy to do, since they all have help tags. 
>>> Brianna 
>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>> I went to their website and it requires flash to be installed. I noticed 
>>>> that the installation doesn't seem to work with Voiceover. Any tips?
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>>>> I use Pandora on my iPhone with no trouble. I have never used it on the 
>>>>> Mac.
>>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via an 
>>>>>> app. I tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be accessible. 
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> -- 
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Re: Pandora

2012-01-23 Thread Marc Sutton
Do you have to do this if your setting in voiceover navigation settings is to 
have the mouse pointer follow the vo cursor?
On Jan 22, 2012, at 8:02 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You have to press VO command F5 to move the mouse cursor to the voiceover 
> cursor once your on the station in the table.   
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 22, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> This is a great app, but I'm not able to change stations, here's what I'm 
>> doing.
>> 1. move to the table,
>> 2. interact with it
>> 3. vo down arrow to the one I want to listen to, then turn track commander 
>> off,
>> 4. press on the track pad twice, it does make the click sound.
>> Help?? 
>> Thanks muchly in advance.
>> On Jan 22, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>> Thanks. That works great.
>>> Marc
>>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 3:02 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:
>>>> Hi, 
>>>> I have. You just need to go to the station in the table, turn off your 
>>>> trackpad commander, and double-click with that, when you've made sure your 
>>>> cursor is on the station. 
>>>> Brianna 
>>>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 2:03 PM, marc wrote:
>>>>> Hi Briana,
>>>>> Thanks for your recommendation. Have you found a way in pianopub to 
>>>>> change stations? Selecting the station in the table doesn't seem to work. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Marc
>>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:16 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, 
>>>>>> I use an app called PianoPub. It's very good, just buttons need 
>>>>>> labeling, but that is easy to do, since they all have help tags. 
>>>>>> Brianna 
>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>>>>> I went to their website and it requires flash to be installed. I 
>>>>>>> noticed that the installation doesn't seem to work with Voiceover. Any 
>>>>>>> tips?
>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>>>>>>> I use Pandora on my iPhone with no trouble. I have never used it on 
>>>>>>>> the Mac.
>>>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> How do people on this list access pandora? Through the webpage or via 
>>>>>>>>> an app. I tried the Pandabar app and it doesn't seem to be 
>>>>>>>>> accessible. Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>>>> -- 
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Reading Conversations in Mail

2012-01-25 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi List,
When there are multiple messages in a conversation, i have noticed that you can 
use vo-j to get to all of them. If you press delete the first message is gone 
and the next one in the stack appears. How can I move between threaded messages 
without having to delete any of them? Thanks.

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Re: Facebook on Mac

2012-01-26 Thread Marc Sutton
Are these mobile and desktop facebook apps that yu can toggle between just the 
web page or a separate easier to navigate specific app? In other words, I 
wonder if there is an app that makes reading news feeds  more efficient than 
using the web page. Thanks.
On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:12 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's good 
> with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the desktop versions of 
> Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you like. The buttons are now 
> clearly labeled and the app, although in the menus normally only reachable by 
> using the physical mouse has a short cut key (by default it's control+f) to 
> reach the app.
> I like it very much.
> /Krister
> 25 jan 2012 kl. 22:32 skrev Kirsten Edmondson:
>> Hi, 
>> I have recently discovered the plethora of fb aps for the IPhone, so I was 
>> wondering are the same aps apply for the Mac, or are there similar versions? 
>> I just go to the m.facebook webpage currently, but wondered if I could make 
>> it easier for myself. 
>> Thanks. 
>> Kirsten. 
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2012-01-27 Thread Marc Sutton
This has already been discussed on the list before. Can someone point me 
towards information on using dropbox on the mac? I noticed that when i copied a 
file into the dropbox folder it doesn't show up on my pc's dropbox. I wonder if 
there are settings on the mac side that involve sharing, etc. How can i access 
the fropbox settings, for example. Thanks for any help.

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Re: converting tapes to MP3

2012-02-07 Thread Marc Sutton

I have a Macbook Air. I don't believe it has in input jack. What usb sound 
cards do people recommend  for use in these situations? Thanks.

On Feb 7, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Not at all.  Just let it record all the way  through.  You can do all the 
> track deviding later when you're done recording.  In fact, I've done the same 
> with vinyl LP records.  after I descratch and denois them, (using RX from 
> Izotope), I go back to Amadeus pro and cut out the parts where the record 
> changed sides and then, still using amadeus pro, I place all my marks exactly 
> where I want them.  Then, I fade out the end of each track and insert silence 
> between each track and then, I go through and take out the markers I no 
> longer want and then, the fun begins.  I enter the marker window and rename 
> all the markers to correspond with each track.  Make sure, by the way, that 
> you place a marker at the beginning of the first track when you do this 
> otherwise, that first track will not be marked up for devition.  Now, after 
> you've made sure that each marker is exactly at the beginning of each track 
> and you've named them, Now, you can go in to the sound menu and devide the 
> file according to the markers.  This opens up a window where you can choose 
> what format you want each segment saved in.  Also, be aware that the folder 
> that is created when you do this will have the same name as the file from 
> which the other files were taken.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 8:42 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Do you have to stop the tape every 10 minutes to divide in to tracks?
>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hello Sarai ,
>>> There are many different ways to do this on the mac.  I'll outline for you 
>>> how I do it.  First I have a regular tape deck on a stereo so I purchased 
>>> the Griffin iMike.  this usb device lets you plug in the output from your 
>>> stereo or from a mike directly into your computer.  So once you plug a 
>>> cable with the input into the Mike you will select the setting on the Mike 
>>> for powered or unpowered.  for a stereo it is unpowered.  I use a cable 
>>> with two RCA plugs attached to the tape output and on the other end a 
>>> standard 35 millimeter jack like the one on headphones for the iPhone.
>>> Next I use Amadeus pro.  With that program you can input the tape then edit 
>>> tracks and much more.  I then save in the format of my choice  and my tapes 
>>> are now digital. 
>>> I do the same thing for vinyl records.
>>> There is a slightly outdated podcast on I think I called 
>>> it Amadeus Pro Vinyl to CD.  It covers a lot of the Amadeus Pro basics. 
>>> If you have a USB tape player then you will not need the Griffin iMike. 
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> eRic Caron 
>>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Hi guys:
 Is it possible for a blind person to convert tapes to MP3 files using a 
 Mac with Voiceover? If so, what is needed to do this, and what is the 
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Re: converting tapes to MP3

2012-02-07 Thread Marc Sutton
Actually the 2011 models do not support this. The only choice available for 
input is the built-in mic.

On Feb 7, 2012, at 7:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> sure the Macbook air does.  Its just that input and output is handled by the 
> same jack.  Go to systempreferences/sounds and you can select if the 
> headphone jack is used for input or output.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Macbook Air. I don't believe it has in input jack. What usb sound 
>> cards do people recommend  for use in these situations? Thanks.
>> Marc
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Not at all.  Just let it record all the way  through.  You can do all the 
>>> track deviding later when you're done recording.  In fact, I've done the 
>>> same with vinyl LP records.  after I descratch and denois them, (using RX 
>>> from Izotope), I go back to Amadeus pro and cut out the parts where the 
>>> record changed sides and then, still using amadeus pro, I place all my 
>>> marks exactly where I want them.  Then, I fade out the end of each track 
>>> and insert silence between each track and then, I go through and take out 
>>> the markers I no longer want and then, the fun begins.  I enter the marker 
>>> window and rename all the markers to correspond with each track.  Make 
>>> sure, by the way, that you place a marker at the beginning of the first 
>>> track when you do this otherwise, that first track will not be marked up 
>>> for devition.  Now, after you've made sure that each marker is exactly at 
>>> the beginning of each track and you've named them, Now, you can go in to 
>>> the sound menu and devide the file according to the markers.  This opens up 
>>> a window where you can choose what format you want each segment saved in.  
>>> Also, be aware that the folder that is created when you do this will have 
>>> the same name as the file from which the other files were taken.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 8:42 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>> Do you have to stop the tape every 10 minutes to divide in to tracks?
>>>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>>>> Hello Sarai ,
>>>>> There are many different ways to do this on the mac.  I'll outline for 
>>>>> you how I do it.  First I have a regular tape deck on a stereo so I 
>>>>> purchased the Griffin iMike.  this usb device lets you plug in the output 
>>>>> from your stereo or from a mike directly into your computer.  So once you 
>>>>> plug a cable with the input into the Mike you will select the setting on 
>>>>> the Mike for powered or unpowered.  for a stereo it is unpowered.  I use 
>>>>> a cable with two RCA plugs attached to the tape output and on the other 
>>>>> end a standard 35 millimeter jack like the one on headphones for the 
>>>>> iPhone.
>>>>> Next I use Amadeus pro.  With that program you can input the tape then 
>>>>> edit tracks and much more.  I then save in the format of my choice  and 
>>>>> my tapes are now digital. 
>>>>> I do the same thing for vinyl records.
>>>>> There is a slightly outdated podcast on I think I 
>>>>> called it Amadeus Pro Vinyl to CD.  It covers a lot of the Amadeus Pro 
>>>>> basics. 
>>>>> If you have a USB tape player then you will not need the Griffin iMike. 
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> eRic Caron 
>>>>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi guys:
>>>>>> Is it possible for a blind person to convert tapes to MP3 files using a 
>>>>>> Mac with Voiceover? If so, what is needed to do this, and what is the 

Ios: Rearranging apps on home screen

2012-02-20 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Listers,
I was reading that you can use Itunes to rearrange items on your iphone. When I 
select apps in itunes after making sure source is my iphone, i can't seem to 
move them in any way to change screens or move them into folders. Does anyone 
know how to do this? Thanks.

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Re: Ios: Rearranging apps on home screen

2012-02-20 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the useful explanation. I will stop tryint itunes for now. I noticed 
that sometimes it is really tricky to find a folder to drag an item into. But i 
guess that is just practice. I also imagine it is helpful to get a good idea of 
the page layout before dragging apps so you know where to move your finger. If 
you just use flick navigation then you don't have a good idea of where items 
are located.

On Feb 20, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> I've never been able to rearrange Apps using iTunes using VO.  I believe that 
> it is using elements that VO doesn't recognize.  I find it quite easy to do 
> though directly on the iPhone itself.  Simply do the following:
> To create a folder:
> 1.  Double-tap and hold on the one of the Apps you wish in the folder.
> 2.  Slide it onto another App you wish in the foder.
> The iPhone will make a blip-blip noise then create a folder after you lift 
> your finger.  It will give it a name that it thinks is related.  You can edit 
> that name if you wish.
> To simply rearrange Apps:
> 1.  Double-tap and hold the App you wish to move.
> 2.  Slide it to approximately where you wish to drop it.
> 3.  Do not place on top of another App, otherwise, you'll begin the folder 
> creation process.  Your iPhone will announce the row and column it is on, 
> lift your finger and it will drop there.  The rest will be pushed on after 
> this one.
> This is occasionally tricky as you need to find the sweet spot where it 
> announces the row/column but not right on top of another App.  Things can be 
> pushed off one page and onto the next as well.
> To move Apps to another page or out of a folder:
> 1.  Double-tap and hold on the App you wish to move.
> 2.  Slide your finger to the left or right depending on which page you'd like 
> it to move to.
> The iPhone will announce if it's going to the next or previous page or moving 
> outside the folder if using this method to take an App outside of a folder.
> A couple things to note, you need to press the Home button once to take the 
> iPhone out of Edit mode after doing this otherwise you'll get frustrated.  
> Also, I have found it sometimes frustrating locating the correct area when 
> sliding left or right to move an App to the next/previous page although it is 
> perfectly accessible, I think it's just me.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-02-20, at 1:01 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi Listers,
>> I was reading that you can use Itunes to rearrange items on your iphone. 
>> When I select apps in itunes after making sure source is my iphone, i can't 
>> seem to move them in any way to change screens or move them into folders. 
>> Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
>> Marc
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Ical question

2012-02-25 Thread Marc Sutton
I am just starting to explore the Ical program. I have it set to week view. I 
added some entries. When I move through the week using vo, i will hear about 
one event on a particular day. Does anyone know how to hear the time of that 
event and even hear all the events for that day spoken at once. I am trying to 
figure out how to quickly and efficiently use the calendar. This would be one 
feature that could make that possible--the ability to quickly scan events 
scheduled for the future. Any tips?
Thanks. Marc

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Re: Ical question

2012-02-25 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Kiwal,
I am wondering how you choose the table view in ical. There is no menu choice 
for this under view. Thanks.

On Feb 25, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hello Mark.
> I suggest if you are using the Ical on your mac, make sure your contacts are 
> in table view then when you get to what entry you want to hear, stop 
> interacting with that entry, go to the scroll area and interact twice and vo 
> right arrow through that entry.  That is how I do it.  You can also install a 
> wigit or you have a wigit which you will find (forget where it is) as I've 
> not used them yet, and there you can view your calendar entries.
> Please someone correct me if there is a better way to use the calendar.
> Kawal.
> On 25 Feb 2012, at 09:34 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am just starting to explore the Ical program. I have it set to week view. 
>> I added some entries. When I move through the week using vo, i will hear 
>> about one event on a particular day. Does anyone know how to hear the time 
>> of that event and even hear all the events for that day spoken at once. I am 
>> trying to figure out how to quickly and efficiently use the calendar. This 
>> would be one feature that could make that possible--the ability to quickly 
>> scan events scheduled for the future. Any tips?
>> Thanks. Marc
>> -- 
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Re: Ical question

2012-02-26 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Kawal,
I don't find any tables in ical. I am just wondering what you mean vy contacts. 
Do you mean events? I am using ical under lion and there are dates listed but 
not in any table view. Thanks.

On Feb 25, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I found that choice by accident when doing VO right arrow once I got past the 
> contacts table (not in the view menu) either.  There is a list view or a 
> table group, it's radio buttons.  Just choose the table group.  I had 
> formatted my Mac prior to this so I don't know if that was the default.
> Kawal.
> On 26 Feb 2012, at 03:24 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi Kiwal,
>> I am wondering how you choose the table view in ical. There is no menu 
>> choice for this under view. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> On Feb 25, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hello Mark.
>>> I suggest if you are using the Ical on your mac, make sure your contacts 
>>> are in table view then when you get to what entry you want to hear, stop 
>>> interacting with that entry, go to the scroll area and interact twice and 
>>> vo right arrow through that entry.  That is how I do it.  You can also 
>>> install a wigit or you have a wigit which you will find (forget where it 
>>> is) as I've not used them yet, and there you can view your calendar entries.
>>> Please someone correct me if there is a better way to use the calendar.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 25 Feb 2012, at 09:34 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am just starting to explore the Ical program. I have it set to week 
>>>> view. I added some entries. When I move through the week using vo, i will 
>>>> hear about one event on a particular day. Does anyone know how to hear the 
>>>> time of that event and even hear all the events for that day spoken at 
>>>> once. I am trying to figure out how to quickly and efficiently use the 
>>>> calendar. This would be one feature that could make that possible--the 
>>>> ability to quickly scan events scheduled for the future. Any tips?
>>>> Thanks. Marc
>>>> -- 
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Re: Ical question

2012-02-26 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Kawal,
No problem. I suspected you might be referring to the addressbook. It seems 
like there is a lot of interacting necessary in order to browse a calendar. I 
will see if the iphone app is more efficient.

On Feb 26, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Oh Mark,
> I just realise that I have been talking about the address book.  Please 
> forgive me for that as I must have been very tired when I wrote that first 
> message and I had been in my address book yesterday and thought it was the 
> calendar for no good reason.
> But yes, interact with the entries on your calendar and you need to interact 
> again with the information once you find an entry that you want to read.  I 
> normally use the calendar on my I phone as it is much easier than my Mac 
> although I have entered dates and events using my Mac Book Pro and when 
> putting in new events, I normally do command N for new, then vo right tro 
> where the title and location is to go, and so on until the fields are all 
> filled in, once I want to go to a particular entry, stop interacting, then vo 
> right until I get to the scroll area, interact twice to read the information.
> Again please accept my apology.
> Kawal.
> On 26 Feb 2012, at 07:22 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,
>> I don't find any tables in ical. I am just wondering what you mean vy 
>> contacts. Do you mean events? I am using ical under lion and there are dates 
>> listed but not in any table view. Thanks.
>> Marc
>> On Feb 25, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I found that choice by accident when doing VO right arrow once I got past 
>>> the contacts table (not in the view menu) either.  There is a list view or 
>>> a table group, it's radio buttons.  Just choose the table group.  I had 
>>> formatted my Mac prior to this so I don't know if that was the default.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 26 Feb 2012, at 03:24 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hi Kiwal,
>>>> I am wondering how you choose the table view in ical. There is no menu 
>>>> choice for this under view. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Feb 25, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>>>> Hello Mark.
>>>>> I suggest if you are using the Ical on your mac, make sure your contacts 
>>>>> are in table view then when you get to what entry you want to hear, stop 
>>>>> interacting with that entry, go to the scroll area and interact twice and 
>>>>> vo right arrow through that entry.  That is how I do it.  You can also 
>>>>> install a wigit or you have a wigit which you will find (forget where it 
>>>>> is) as I've not used them yet, and there you can view your calendar 
>>>>> entries.
>>>>> Please someone correct me if there is a better way to use the calendar.
>>>>> Kawal.
>>>>> On 25 Feb 2012, at 09:34 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am just starting to explore the Ical program. I have it set to week 
>>>>>> view. I added some entries. When I move through the week using vo, i 
>>>>>> will hear about one event on a particular day. Does anyone know how to 
>>>>>> hear the time of that event and even hear all the events for that day 
>>>>>> spoken at once. I am trying to figure out how to quickly and efficiently 
>>>>>> use the calendar. This would be one feature that could make that 
>>>>>> possible--the ability to quickly scan events scheduled for the future. 
>>>>>> Any tips?
>>>>>> Thanks. Marc
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>> -- 
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Re: Ical question

2012-02-27 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks for this tip. I notice that working pretty well except that as i 
command-right-arrow through dates, if there is an event on a particular date, 
voiceover doesn't tell me that fact unless i move back to the events list. It 
would be nice if there were some indication. I wonder if there is some 
voiceover setting or other trick that could be employed to get this info spoken.

On Feb 27, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> Set your calendar to view by day, that way you can see your events. I believe 
> there is a table to the left of the calendar that has a list events.
> On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,
>> No problem. I suspected you might be referring to the addressbook. It seems 
>> like there is a lot of interacting necessary in order to browse a calendar. 
>> I will see if the iphone app is more efficient.
>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Oh Mark,
>>> I just realise that I have been talking about the address book.  Please 
>>> forgive me for that as I must have been very tired when I wrote that first 
>>> message and I had been in my address book yesterday and thought it was the 
>>> calendar for no good reason.
>>> But yes, interact with the entries on your calendar and you need to 
>>> interact again with the information once you find an entry that you want to 
>>> read.  I normally use the calendar on my I phone as it is much easier than 
>>> my Mac although I have entered dates and events using my Mac Book Pro and 
>>> when putting in new events, I normally do command N for new, then vo right 
>>> tro where the title and location is to go, and so on until the fields are 
>>> all filled in, once I want to go to a particular entry, stop interacting, 
>>> then vo right until I get to the scroll area, interact twice to read the 
>>> information.
>>> Again please accept my apology.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 26 Feb 2012, at 07:22 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hi Kawal,
>>>> I don't find any tables in ical. I am just wondering what you mean vy 
>>>> contacts. Do you mean events? I am using ical under lion and there are 
>>>> dates listed but not in any table view. Thanks.
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Feb 25, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>>>> I found that choice by accident when doing VO right arrow once I got past 
>>>>> the contacts table (not in the view menu) either.  There is a list view 
>>>>> or a table group, it's radio buttons.  Just choose the table group.  I 
>>>>> had formatted my Mac prior to this so I don't know if that was the 
>>>>> default.
>>>>> Kawal.
>>>>> On 26 Feb 2012, at 03:24 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kiwal,
>>>>>> I am wondering how you choose the table view in ical. There is no menu 
>>>>>> choice for this under view. Thanks.
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> On Feb 25, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Mark.
>>>>>>> I suggest if you are using the Ical on your mac, make sure your 
>>>>>>> contacts are in table view then when you get to what entry you want to 
>>>>>>> hear, stop interacting with that entry, go to the scroll area and 
>>>>>>> interact twice and vo right arrow through that entry.  That is how I do 
>>>>>>> it.  You can also install a wigit or you have a wigit which you will 
>>>>>>> find (forget where it is) as I've not used them yet, and there you can 
>>>>>>> view your calendar entries.
>>>>>>> Please someone correct me if there is a better way to use the calendar.
>>>>>>> Kawal.
>>>>>>> On 25 Feb 2012, at 09:34 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> I am just starting to explore the Ical program. I have it set to week 
>>>>>>>> view. I added some entries. When I move through the week using vo, i 
>>>>>>>> will hear about one event on a particular day. Does any

Re: Ical question

2012-02-27 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Anne,
Thanks for your ical tips. Do you know of a quick way to get to the grid of 
dates? Once in add event mode things get a little unpredictable. Thanks.

On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Marc,
> To create a new event in iCal, press Cmd-n then type something like: "Dental 
> appointment on Friday March 2nd at 3:30 pm", then press Return. iCal will 
> format the event for you and you can add bits or change things by navigating 
> right to the scroll area, where you interact. Here you'll find all the 
> possible fields, including the menu for selecting the appropriate calendar.
> To go to a particular date, press Cmd-Shift-t and start typing the date you 
> want. iCal will autofill the field and you can adjust it to what you want, 
> then press Return.
> To look at the week's events, interact with the grid. Navigate using the VO 
> keys and you'll hear something like Monday 2 events. Tuesday list. Where it 
> just says List, there are no events. To look at the events on a particular 
> day, interact with the list.
> HTH,
> Anne
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Calendar and Mavericks Problem

2014-03-24 Thread Marc Sutton
Hello Listers,
For some reason my calendar has stopped working. That is, when I Tab through 
it, I just hear "blank" "blank" etc. I have it set on week view and usually as 
I tab around it would tell me the event title and time and date. Any ideas how 
to get this back on track or to at least get to a mode in calendar that works. 
I don't know that I changed anything in particular.

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Re: Youtube for Mac?

2015-02-27 Thread Marc Sutton
I use a program called Downie which converts Youtube and other video links into 
video or audio files. I set it to convert to mp3 and listen at whatever speed I 
want using VLC Media Player. The developer is always coming up with updates and 
seems aware of accessibility concerns.


On Feb 27, 2015, at 9:24 AM, Joe Quinn  wrote:

> Is there a version of YouTube for the Mac? Basically what you won't have to 
> go to the website to listen/watch videos?
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Re: Strange thing with iTunes eleven

2012-12-02 Thread Marc Sutton
When and where does that compilation checkbox occur? When I import cd's i just 
get a dialog asking whether or not i want to do so.

On Dec 2, 2012, at 6:42 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> That helps so much.
> Thanks,
> On Dec 1, 2012, at 9:49 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> Yes. When you check the Compilation checkbox when importing a CD the iTunes 
>> creates the folder with the name of the compilation instead of the artist. 
>> It shows up in your Media folder under Compilations.
>> For example, your Hits of the 80s compilation might contain Men at Work, 
>> Sade, toto and Banana Rama, but when compilation is checked, the folder 
>> "Hits of the 80s" is created under Compilations.
>> As an aside, I've rarely needed to manage media in the Finder unless I'm 
>> copying songs to a USB key for work.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Kevin
>> On 2012-12-01, at 10:12 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Yes, it was a soundtrack from a musical. I didn't look to see if the box 
>>> was checked.
>>> Would that change how it imports things?
>>> On Dec 1, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
 Was it a compilation CD? If so, was the compilation check box checked on 
 the disc when you imported?
 On 2012-12-01, at 9:37 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just ripped a double CD soundtrack since upgrading to the latest 
> version of iTunes and when I looked in my library it had placed each song 
> according to artist in folders of their own.
> With earlier iTunes versions all songs on an album were together. Is this 
> a bug, or is this new way the way it should be. I hope not. 
> I think things were more organized in older versions of iTunes.
> Can someone give me your experience with ripping cd's since the upgrade?
> Thanks,
> -- 
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Re: Itunes 11 and sorting (NOT)

2012-12-06 Thread Marc Sutton
I looked on Applevis but found no results. I am wondering if anyone recommends 
an accessible Mac id3 tag editor other than itunes. That way tag info can be 
edited before import. Seems like that info isn't available in the finder.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 9:06 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> This isn't just with iTunes 11; the same thing has always happened in iTunes 
> when the id tags are not the kind that iTunes recognizes or are in some way 
> messed up. This is why I tend to use iTunes for purchased files and vlc for 
> other files by dragging my folders into the vlc media library.  You can fix 
> the organization relatively easily by using cmd-i and entering the correct 
> info but if you have a lot of files like that, you may decide it's not worth 
> it.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Dec 6, 2012, at 10:34 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> Yeah, geez; what a heinous painus in the … bum.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Accessibility of tax Filing process

2013-01-29 Thread Marc Sutton
I was wondering if anyone has found a more accessible tax filing solution than 
the taxact site mentioned in the previous messages of this thread. 

On Jan 29, 2013, at 5:19 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi again
> I forgot to mention something. I found the process of dealing with TaxACT to 
> be easier on my iPhone. I have no idea why. The input of the basic 
> information on the Mac I found it easier easy, but when I got around to 
> putting in the tax information, I found my iPhone worked a lot better. I know 
> this sounds weird, but that's my experience with it.
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 28, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> Thanks for the information; I had been planning to use Taxact but saw the 
>> state's free e-file and wanted to investigate it. I haven't done anything 
>> yet except go through the forms manually and figure everything out as to 
>> refund amounts so I will know what I'm doing when I actually file. So if you 
>> input the information, which is certainly possible, does this eliminate the 
>> need to send attachments after receiving the acknowledgment of the receipt 
>> of your return or does Taxact do this for you? I definitely do intend to 
>> complain about the inaccessibility of this system; there is plenty of 
>> information on these documents that can be validated by directly inputting 
>> instead of having to send the attachment with scanned files.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 6:17 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Cheryl.
>>> First, how far have you gone in this process? If you have not already 
>>> started sending through your state's web site, you may be able to send both 
>>> your federal and state at the same time. Although there are some issues 
>>> with accessibility which I can further explain if you need to know, I have 
>>> been using Tax Act at for the first time this year. I finally 
>>> figured the best way do it to make the process work better. 
>>> If, however, you have gone far enough in the process where you're ready to 
>>> send in the papers, it sounds like you could scan them and send them. 
>>> However, I for one would be a little skeptical about doing that because it 
>>> would be difficult if not impossible for you to check the accuracy of what 
>>> you sent in. I guess our sighted friends get to look at the image before 
>>> they send it in. (The state should be yelled at for doing it this way 
>>> because it's not the best accessibility choice. It's been my experience, as 
>>> a former blind IRS employee, that the federal systems are usually more 
>>> accessible than the state's. At least that true for Texas.) 
>>> If you use a web site like however, you can type in the W-2 
>>> information yourself so that, although it's a pain to edit, you can do it 
>>> if you make a mistake. If you get all the information together first so 
>>> that you can input it all at once, the process is easier. Presumably you 
>>> can do the same with the state information although I have not tried it 
>>> since Texas doesn't have a state income tax. But I notice there is a choice 
>>> for state questions and answers for putting in the information. 
>>> I hope all this makes sense. If I can help you further, please ask. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 12:11 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
 Hi all.
 I've been getting things to gether to do my taxes and was looking at the 
 process for my state. I see that after I get my acknowledgment back I have 
 to send them an attachment with files of my w2, rent certificate, and 
 other papers. I would imagine maybe the IRS requires this for the federal 
 return too. So I have two questions.
 (1) Does anybody know whether the transfer mechanism for sending these 
 files is accessible on the Mac?
 (2) Is this just a matter of scanning the files? My state says it accepts 
 tif, bmp, jpg and pdf files. But I'm wondering if just scanning them like 
 I do my mail and books is going to be okay or whether they could still 
 receive an attachment with unreadable files. I'd really like to be able to 
 do this but I sure don't want to make my tax experience a long, drawn-out 
 one or have to re-do everything and have to wait and wait for my refund.
 Any input would be appreciated.
 May the words of my mouth
 and the meditation of my heart
 be acceptable to You, Lord,
 my rock and my Redeemer.
 (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
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Re: Accessibility of tax Filing process

2013-01-29 Thread Marc Sutton
I am wondering what makes these sites beter than using the irs's own electronic 
filing system. Is it inaccessible? I am thinking about filing electronically 
for the first time this year and am not up to date on all the options. Thanks 
for catching me up.

On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:51 AM, Randy George  wrote:

> i have used in the past and it has worked fairly well for 
> me.  free for federal filing and only like ten bucks for state. 
> hth, 
> randy 
> On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if anyone has found a more accessible tax filing solution 
>> than the taxact site mentioned in the previous messages of this thread. 
>> Marc
>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 5:19 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi again
>>> I forgot to mention something. I found the process of dealing with TaxACT 
>>> to be easier on my iPhone. I have no idea why. The input of the basic 
>>> information on the Mac I found it easier easy, but when I got around to 
>>> putting in the tax information, I found my iPhone worked a lot better. I 
>>> know this sounds weird, but that's my experience with it.
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the information; I had been planning to use Taxact but saw the 
>>>> state's free e-file and wanted to investigate it. I haven't done anything 
>>>> yet except go through the forms manually and figure everything out as to 
>>>> refund amounts so I will know what I'm doing when I actually file. So if 
>>>> you input the information, which is certainly possible, does this 
>>>> eliminate the need to send attachments after receiving the acknowledgment 
>>>> of the receipt of your return or does Taxact do this for you? I definitely 
>>>> do intend to complain about the inaccessibility of this system; there is 
>>>> plenty of information on these documents that can be validated by directly 
>>>> inputting instead of having to send the attachment with scanned files.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Cheryl
>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 6:17 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Cheryl.
>>>>> First, how far have you gone in this process? If you have not already 
>>>>> started sending through your state's web site, you may be able to send 
>>>>> both your federal and state at the same time. Although there are some 
>>>>> issues with accessibility which I can further explain if you need to 
>>>>> know, I have been using Tax Act at for the first time this 
>>>>> year. I finally figured the best way do it to make the process work 
>>>>> better. 
>>>>> If, however, you have gone far enough in the process where you're ready 
>>>>> to send in the papers, it sounds like you could scan them and send them. 
>>>>> However, I for one would be a little skeptical about doing that because 
>>>>> it would be difficult if not impossible for you to check the accuracy of 
>>>>> what you sent in. I guess our sighted friends get to look at the image 
>>>>> before they send it in. (The state should be yelled at for doing it this 
>>>>> way because it's not the best accessibility choice. It's been my 
>>>>> experience, as a former blind IRS employee, that the federal systems are 
>>>>> usually more accessible than the state's. At least that true for Texas.) 
>>>>> If you use a web site like however, you can type in the W-2 
>>>>> information yourself so that, although it's a pain to edit, you can do it 
>>>>> if you make a mistake. If you get all the information together first so 
>>>>> that you can input it all at once, the process is easier. Presumably you 
>>>>> can do the same with the state information although I have not tried it 
>>>>> since Texas doesn't have a state income tax. But I notice there is a 
>>>>> choice for state questions and answers for putt

Re: Accessibility of tax Filing process

2013-01-29 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks for that summation. I guess those electronic pdf files which you refer 
to are some service of the irs? I'll take a spin on their website.

On Jan 29, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Unless there is something new (which is possible), the IRS doesn't offer, 
> unless you're an employee, direct electronic filing. You have to go through 
> an approved electronic filer. I don't believe, unless things have changed, 
> that you can just electronic file directly from your computer to the IRS web 
> site. You can fill out those PDF files done by the Alternative Media Center. 
> I did that last year. However, you do have to use Windows to do those. They 
> are accessible with Windows. Too bad good old Adobe hasn't got on the stickso 
> we can do them with our Macs. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Jan 29, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> I am wondering what makes these sites beter than using the irs's own 
>> electronic filing system. Is it inaccessible? I am thinking about filing 
>> electronically for the first time this year and am not up to date on all the 
>> options. Thanks for catching me up.
>> Marc
>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:51 AM, Randy George  wrote:
>>> i have used in the past and it has worked fairly well 
>>> for me.  free for federal filing and only like ten bucks for state. 
>>> hth, 
>>> randy 
>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering if anyone has found a more accessible tax filing solution 
>>>> than the taxact site mentioned in the previous messages of this thread. 
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 5:19 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>>>> Hi again
>>>>> I forgot to mention something. I found the process of dealing with TaxACT 
>>>>> to be easier on my iPhone. I have no idea why. The input of the basic 
>>>>> information on the Mac I found it easier easy, but when I got around to 
>>>>> putting in the tax information, I found my iPhone worked a lot better. I 
>>>>> know this sounds weird, but that's my experience with it.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Gigi
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the information; I had been planning to use Taxact but saw 
>>>>>> the state's free e-file and wanted to investigate it. I haven't done 
>>>>>> anything yet except go through the forms manually and figure everything 
>>>>>> out as to refund amounts so I will know what I'm doing when I actually 
>>>>>> file. So if you input the information, which is certainly possible, does 
>>>>>> this eliminate the need to send attachments after receiving the 
>>>>>> acknowledgment of the receipt of your return or does Taxact do this for 
>>>>>> you? I definitely do intend to complain about the inaccessibility of 
>>>>>> this system; there is plenty of information on these documents that can 
>>>>>> be validated by directly inputting instead of having to send the 
>>>>>> attachment with scanned files.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 6:17 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Cheryl.
>>>>>>> First, how far have you gone in this process? If you have not already 
>>>>>>> started sending through your state's web site, you may be able to send 
>>>>>>> both your federal and state at the same time. Although there are some 
>>>>>>> issues with accessibility which I can further explain if you need to 
>>>>>>> know, I have been using Tax Act at for the first time this 
>>>>>>> year. I finally figured the best way do it to make the process work 
>>>>>>> better. 

Re: question about Vo speaking dates

2013-01-31 Thread Marc Sutton
I haven't played with this much, but i have noticed that if i use the format of 
year using four digits, then the month and day using 2 digits, all separated by 
dashes that vo wil trnslate it into the month day and year. 

On Jan 30, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Is there anyway to control how voiceover speaks dates? For example, how can I 
> format dates using numbers so that voiceover recognizes them as dates?
> Thanks for your help,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
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Mouse Overs

2013-02-05 Thread Marc Sutton
Hello List,
I encountered a webpage where you needed to hover the mouse over a link and 
then click on the resulting menu that would appear. Are there any voiceover 
tricks for accessing this resulting menu? I searched on the page for the 
supposed info and it wasn't there. Thanks for any tips.

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Re: good twitter clients

2013-02-05 Thread Marc Sutton
I just did a search for Nambu and it seems that development has ceased. Too 
bad. I was hoping to find an alternative to nightowl.

On Feb 4, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Nicholas Abrahamson  

> Hey Jed,
> I use Nambu.  It isn't available in the app store but I like it's ease of use 
> and the fact that it can handle multiple accounts.
> Peace,
> Nick
> On Feb 4, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Jed Barton  wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Any good twitter clients for the mac?
>> Thanks,
>> Jed
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Re: Mouse Overs

2013-02-05 Thread Marc Sutton
Unfortunately that didn't work on this particular page. Thanks for the 
suggestion. I will add it to the list of things to try next time.

On Feb 5, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> Good afternoon;
> What I normally do is Villon left over the link, and then Villaume right back 
> over the link, I see then normally that the menu pops up. Just a suggestion.
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Feb 5, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> I encountered a webpage where you needed to hover the mouse over a link and 
>> then click on the resulting menu that would appear. Are there any voiceover 
>> tricks for accessing this resulting menu? I searched on the page for the 
>> supposed info and it wasn't there. Thanks for any tips.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Reading by Paragraph

2013-02-07 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Listers,
I am probably missing something, but I haven't noticed a voiceover command for 
advancing to and reading the next paragraph. It is a good way to read through a 
document and not have to read the whole thing. Any suggestions?

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Re: Zip files

2014-12-27 Thread Marc Sutton
If you highlight (bring focus to) the folder you want to compress then use the 
context menu command (vi-shift-m), arrow through the menu until you get to 
compress. Select it and you will have a zip file of that folder.

On Dec 27, 2014, at 12:56 PM, Joe Quinn  wrote:

> I have a bunch of nls books in folders that I want to compress to zip files. 
> I want to compress each folder intoits'  own   zip file. And like about doing 
> this on the Mac? Obviouslyselecting multiple folders result in compressing  
> everything into one zip file which is what I don't want. Any help on this 
> would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
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2013-03-20 Thread Marc Sutton
Hello Lsters,
Does anyone know if Excel is accessible with VoiceOver? Somewhat accessible? 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Flac files inquiry

2013-05-16 Thread Marc Sutton
If you want to import the flac files into itunes and preserve their lossless 
quality, two programs that work well with voiceover are xld and flac tunes.

On May 16, 2013, at 8:31 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Christine,
> VLC will certainly play those files, and is a good program to have on
> your Mac.  The FLAC conversion to another format is only a suggestion
> if you want to be able to transfer and play the music files to an
> iPhone or other iOS device, or to an iPod.  Another non-iTunes music
> player that a number of people like to use is Cog, which is free and
> which will also play FLAC. The URL for Cog is:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On May 16, 3:21 pm, Christine Grassman 
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Esther. I will give Easy Music a whirl, since I would like to 
>> convert, but I did download VLC, and the files are playing perfectly.
>> On May 16, 2013, at 9:06 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> If you just want to convert the FLAC files to mp3 format in order to
>>> play it, a number of people have used a new Mac app named Easy Music
>>> Converter:
>>> • Easy Music Converter (current price $5.99)
>>> This app does fast batch conversions between a large variety of audio
>>> and video file types.  (Oddly enough, AIFF format, which is the Mac
>>> standard uncompressed format, is not one of the supported types,
>>> although WAV format -- the Windows equivalent standard uncompressed
>>> format for sound files -- is supported.)  The program will also do
>>> audio extraction from video files.
>>> I think this will be easier for you than using Fluke.  By the way,
>>> many people who regularly use FLAC format for ripping and storing
>>> music on the Mac (but who are not on the macvisionaries list), prefer
>>> to use a free program known as XLD (for X Lossless Decoder) to rip,
>>> convert, and work with FLAC files and cue sheets.  XLD will support
>>> more accurate ripping if you are a music purist, and want to include
>>> more metadata information (e.g. tags) in the FLAC format files.  The
>>> main challenge for new users is that XLD's command switches follow the
>>> tradition of terse unix and linux manual page descriptions.  So unless
>>> you want to maintain FLAC libraries and work with cue sheets, I'd
>>> recommend that you simply convert from FLAC to mp3.  If the buzz words
>>> about accurate ripping, cue sheets, etc. don't convey anything to you,
>>> then you probably don't want to work directly with music in FLAC
>>> formats.
>>> The program I suggested should be much easier for you to use, and may
>>> be useful for other purposes. While Easy Music Converter was offered
>>> for free for about the first day and a half it was introduced in the
>>> Mac App Store in mid-April, the current price of $5.99 is a relatively
>>> low price.  It just dropped to $5.99 today from $9.99.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On May 16, 2:19 pm, Christine Grassman 
>>> wrote:
 There's a mac app called alltomp3. Will that work?
 On May 16, 2013, at 7:57 PM, erik burggraaf  
> Flac stands for free lossless audio codek.  They ar compressed audio 
> files that can be decompressed to the exact specification of the original 
> audio.  No quality loss.
> Apple doesn't support these as far as I know which is a great loss.  You 
> can do one of two things.  The Approach I recommend if you really must, 
> is download fluke and add Flack support to both ITunes and Finder.
> The other approach is to download flip for mac and install quicktime and 
> then presumably it makes flac happen, but fluke is so easy when it works 
> that I can't see why you'd want to bother.
> The third option which is what I recommend, is to ditch ITunes and get 
> VLC.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
> the ontario disability support program 
> at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-05-16, at 7:40 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Has anyone ever heard of these? I was just sent some music which has 
>> flac as an extension. Can these be imported into my music library 
>> without too much hassle?
>> Christine
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Logitech Media Server

2012-08-29 Thread Marc Sutton
I recently installed this software to control my Squeezebox Classic. I am 
noticing some challenges with using Voiceover. Does anyone have tips for using 
it with the latest versions of both? For example, When I click on the different 
settings categories, nothing happens. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Piano Pub Questions

2012-08-30 Thread Marc Sutton
My Pianopub started working again under Mountainlion once i updated to the 
latest version (1.55). I was running 1.52 and didn't know of the upgrade.

A work around for changing stations is to go to preferences and change the 
start-up station. You can do that in the table of stations under preferences by 
selecting the radio button in column 1. Then restart Pianopub and away you go. 
I, also have had no luck selecting a different station from the main window in 
this version.
On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:49 AM, Hank Smith  wrote:

> what pandora app do u use?
> On 8/30/2012 9:52 AM, Rose Waagan wrote:
>> Thank you for letting me know that, Alex. I use a different pandora app on 
>> the Mac now, which I find to be more accessible. But I do try to keep up 
>> with piano pub. I'll try and see what the problem could be when I get home.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 9:02 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Maybe an dupdate happened since you wrote that guide, but it doesn't seem 
>>> to work quite right. First, I can't switch stations at all. Second, I 
>>> clicked the button that was supposed to be skip, and nothing happened. I 
>>> labeled the thumbs up/down buttons, and they suddenly appeared in reverse 
>>> order. I really with Q would port Hope over to mac...
>>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Rose Waagan  wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Perhaps this page on my web site will help you.
 Here I explain the order of buttons in pandora as well as how to play 
 music. Simply refer to additional notes..
 Hope this helps.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Aug 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Dan Roy  wrote:
> First, Piano Pub ver 1.5 is working ok in Mountain Lion.  However, this 
> is the first time I am using this software.
> 1.  Does anyone know if there is a way to pause the music, I can't find 
> anything in the menus or by tabbing around. there doesn't seem to be a 
> help file or hotkeys either. I did figure out how to move from station to 
> station, but, it's a little strange.  Apparently, you have to hit the 
> left mouse button twice to change the selected station, that's a little 
> odd.  I need to hit VO-shift-spacebar twice which, as I understand it, is 
> the same as a left mouse click, I find it weird that you have to have 2 
> of them.
> Also, there are several unlabeled buttons,  I can probably figure it out 
> by trial and error, but, if someone knows the order of those buttons, I 
> would appreciate some help, thanks.
> -- 
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> -- 
> websites:
> personal email:
> twitter:
> @hanksmith2011
> facebook:
> zello:
> hanksmith5
> Klango:
> hanksmith
> Skype:
> hank.smith966
> Amateur radio call sign:
> ke7ief
> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> also you can find my youtube channel at:
> -- 
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Re: Following A User With Yoru Fukurou Twitter Client

2012-09-02 Thread Marc Sutton
Anyone know how to do this if you just have a user name that you want to look 
for and/or follow? Thanks.

On Sep 2, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:

> Yeah, you do it in the user actions menu, inside the drawer, when you're 
> looking at one of that user's entries. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Sep 2, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> It seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure out how to do it.
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
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Syncing or Mirroring Two Folders

2012-09-02 Thread Marc Sutton
I was wondering what people use to accomplish this. That is, keeping an exact 
copy of a particular folder as a way of backing it up. Are programs like 
superduper capable of this and vo friendly? Others? Thanks.

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Re: Logitech Media Server

2012-09-04 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks for the tip about how to access classic mode. I was having trouble 
changing those settings using the default mode, so this should help. Right now 
I need a sighted person to switch the music source back to my Mac using the 
remote. So, once that happens I will be up and running. Unless you know of a 
way using the LMS software to switch sources.

On Sep 1, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> It's an amazing piece of software that I use everyday to play and manage the 
> music of my whole home.
> You can use a lighter interface that is totally accessible. Just append 
> /classic/ to the URL you use to access your interface. E.g.: 
> You can also use an app called iPeng on your iPhone, the developer made an 
> amazing job to make it 100% accessible. It's impressive!
> A few years ago I developed an application to remote control the server using 
> your voice. It responded to some microphones and phones I had in the house. I 
> stopped it since it started going off randomly. hahaha
> Enjoy!
> On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> I recently installed this software to control my Squeezebox Classic. I am 
>> noticing some challenges with using Voiceover. Does anyone have tips for 
>> using it with the latest versions of both? For example, When I click on the 
>> different settings categories, nothing happens. Thanks for any help.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Re: Syncing or Mirroring Two Folders

2012-09-04 Thread Marc Sutton
Thank you. This seems like the easiest and cheapest method.

On Sep 4, 2012, at 2:02 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> If you don't mind using the terminal you can do
> rsync –a SourceDirectory DestinationDirectory
> if you don't care about preserving the timestamps, modifications dates and 
> stuff you can just do
> rsync –r SourceDirectory DestinationDirectory
> You can do
> man rsync
> for more details. You can also look into launchctl to schedule running a 
> command periodically.
> CB
> On 9/2/12 8:21 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
>> I was wondering what people use to accomplish this. That is, keeping an 
>> exact copy of a particular folder as a way of backing it up. Are programs 
>> like superduper capable of this and vo friendly? Others? Thanks.
>> Marc
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Logitech Media Server

2012-09-04 Thread Marc Sutton
Thanks. I will try out the ipeng app.

On Sep 4, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> There are quite a few way to change source, but it is very dependent on how 
> you're set up. If you can see your player, than you can change it's source 
> from the LMS.
> I advise you to try iPeng, it is a lot more powerful than the remote in my 
> opinion. If iPeng can see your player, it's a breeze to change source.
> On Sep 4, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Thanks for the tip about how to access classic mode. I was having trouble 
>> changing those settings using the default mode, so this should help. Right 
>> now I need a sighted person to switch the music source back to my Mac using 
>> the remote. So, once that happens I will be up and running. Unless you know 
>> of a way using the LMS software to switch sources.
>> Marc
>> On Sep 1, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>>> Hi Marc,
>>> It's an amazing piece of software that I use everyday to play and manage 
>>> the music of my whole home.
>>> You can use a lighter interface that is totally accessible. Just append 
>>> /classic/ to the URL you use to access your interface. E.g.: 
>>> You can also use an app called iPeng on your iPhone, the developer made an 
>>> amazing job to make it 100% accessible. It's impressive!
>>> A few years ago I developed an application to remote control the server 
>>> using your voice. It responded to some microphones and phones I had in the 
>>> house. I stopped it since it started going off randomly. hahaha
>>> Enjoy!
>>> On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> I recently installed this software to control my Squeezebox Classic. I am 
>>>> noticing some challenges with using Voiceover. Does anyone have tips for 
>>>> using it with the latest versions of both? For example, When I click on 
>>>> the different settings categories, nothing happens. Thanks for any help.
>>>> Marc
>>>> -- 
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Re: Logitech Media Server

2012-09-05 Thread Marc Sutton
Yes, I was able to do this once I found out how to get it into that mode 
initially. It's working great now. Thanks.

On Sep 5, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> BTW you can set the classic mode as default.
> On Sep 5, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Thanks. I will try out the ipeng app.
>> Marc
>> On Sep 4, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>>> There are quite a few way to change source, but it is very dependent on how 
>>> you're set up. If you can see your player, than you can change it's source 
>>> from the LMS.
>>> I advise you to try iPeng, it is a lot more powerful than the remote in my 
>>> opinion. If iPeng can see your player, it's a breeze to change source.
>>> On Sep 4, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the tip about how to access classic mode. I was having trouble 
>>>> changing those settings using the default mode, so this should help. Right 
>>>> now I need a sighted person to switch the music source back to my Mac 
>>>> using the remote. So, once that happens I will be up and running. Unless 
>>>> you know of a way using the LMS software to switch sources.
>>>> Marc
>>>> On Sep 1, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>>> It's an amazing piece of software that I use everyday to play and manage 
>>>>> the music of my whole home.
>>>>> You can use a lighter interface that is totally accessible. Just append 
>>>>> /classic/ to the URL you use to access your interface. E.g.: 
>>>>> You can also use an app called iPeng on your iPhone, the developer made 
>>>>> an amazing job to make it 100% accessible. It's impressive!
>>>>> A few years ago I developed an application to remote control the server 
>>>>> using your voice. It responded to some microphones and phones I had in 
>>>>> the house. I stopped it since it started going off randomly. hahaha
>>>>> Enjoy!
>>>>> On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>> I recently installed this software to control my Squeezebox Classic. I 
>>>>>> am noticing some challenges with using Voiceover. Does anyone have tips 
>>>>>> for using it with the latest versions of both? For example, When I click 
>>>>>> on the different settings categories, nothing happens. Thanks for any 
>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> -- 
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Yurufukurou and Lists

2012-10-15 Thread Marc Sutton
Hello List,
Does anyone know how to create lists in Yorufukurou so that you can have 
separate lists of tweets from specific users. LIke combining all news tweets 
into one table, music related in another, etc. Thanks.

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Mog Question

2012-11-16 Thread Marc Sutton
I am using the Mac app and wondering how folks, when doing a search, select the 
album search-type instead of track. There is a list which contains album, 
artist and track. That list does not seem clickable. Any tricks would be 
appreciated. Thanks.

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Moving a Folder in Mac Mail

2012-11-29 Thread Marc Sutton
Has anyone successfully done this with vo? Even if i am trying to do this with 
contiguous folders, vo tells me that the original folder is no longer available 
for dragging (using the vo-comma and vo-period commands). Thanks for any help.

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Re: Moving a Folder in Mac Mail

2012-11-29 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Teresa,
Thanks for the full-screen mode tip. That did the trick. It also seems to work 
better in classic than modern view but i am going to go back to modern view and 
see what the results are like now that i am getting success. And, yes, it was 
the old 5-key mouse-down command that made it work as well. Thanks again.

On Nov 29, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Marc,
> Drag and drop seems to get much better results when using full-screen mode. 
> Did you try this? Also, you can use the "old" method for drag and drop, 
> VO-command-shift-space at the beginning and end of the operation.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "We're made of star-stuff."--Carl Sagan
> On Nov 29, 2012, at 11:27 AM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully done this with vo? Even if i am trying to do this 
>> with contiguous folders, vo tells me that the original folder is no longer 
>> available for dragging (using the vo-comma and vo-period commands). Thanks 
>> for any help.
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Re: organizing safari bookmarks

2017-02-28 Thread Marc Sutton
I use an app called Safari sort which will alphabetize bookmarks and/or
bookmark folders.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Caitlyn Furness 

> thanks Tim!
> As always, you’ve been a great help!
> Cait
> > On Jan 29, 2017, at 5:40 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > The fastest way that I've found is to be in Safari, go up to the menu
> bar to Bookmarks, then select Edit Bookmarks from the menu items.  There
> will now be a table with Favourites, Bookmarks Menu and any other Bookmark
> folders that may exist.  Just expand the Favourites, or other folder you
> wish to manipulate then navigate to any Bookmarks or embedded folders
> within and use cmd-x to Cut and cmd-v to Paste Bookmarks wherever you want
> them to go.
> >
> > Note the following, when you are inside an expanded folder and paste,
> the Bookmark will be pasted inside that expanded folder.  When navigating
> up through the table, if you stop at a specific place, when you press cmd-v
> to paste, the item will be pasted above where you stopped.  When navigating
> down, pasting will place the item below where you stopped.  When you're
> done, just, close the window then press cmd-l to enter an address and you
> should be good to go.
> >
> > Hope this makes sense.
> >
> > Later...
> >
> > Tim Kilburn
> > Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >
> > On Jan 29, 2017, at 11:38, Caitlyn Furness 
> wrote:
> >
> > I would like to know if there’s an accessable way to organize my safari
> bookmarks.  I have a whole slew of them, but was lazy and just dumped all
> of them into favourites.  Now, I want to make folders and sort the
> bookmarks accordingly.  Everything I’ve read says to drag and drop, which
> never works.
> >
> > any hints?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Caitlyn
> >
> > --
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> >
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> >
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> >
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> Fo

Re: organizing safari bookmarks

2017-02-28 Thread Marc Sutton
If you have trouble finding it let me know and I can track it down or send
you a copy. It is shareware.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Caitlyn Furness 

> Hey, thanks for the app tip!  will check it out!
> Cait
> On Feb 28, 2017, at 4:03 PM, Marc Sutton  wrote:
> I use an app called Safari sort which will alphabetize bookmarks and/or
> bookmark folders.
> Marc
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Caitlyn Furness <
>> wrote:
>> thanks Tim!
>> As always, you’ve been a great help!
>> Cait
>> > On Jan 29, 2017, at 5:40 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > The fastest way that I've found is to be in Safari, go up to the menu
>> bar to Bookmarks, then select Edit Bookmarks from the menu items.  There
>> will now be a table with Favourites, Bookmarks Menu and any other Bookmark
>> folders that may exist.  Just expand the Favourites, or other folder you
>> wish to manipulate then navigate to any Bookmarks or embedded folders
>> within and use cmd-x to Cut and cmd-v to Paste Bookmarks wherever you want
>> them to go.
>> >
>> > Note the following, when you are inside an expanded folder and paste,
>> the Bookmark will be pasted inside that expanded folder.  When navigating
>> up through the table, if you stop at a specific place, when you press cmd-v
>> to paste, the item will be pasted above where you stopped.  When navigating
>> down, pasting will place the item below where you stopped.  When you're
>> done, just, close the window then press cmd-l to enter an address and you
>> should be good to go.
>> >
>> > Hope this makes sense.
>> >
>> > Later...
>> >
>> > Tim Kilburn
>> > Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> >
>> > On Jan 29, 2017, at 11:38, Caitlyn Furness 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I would like to know if there’s an accessable way to organize my safari
>> bookmarks.  I have a whole slew of them, but was lazy and just dumped all
>> of them into favourites.  Now, I want to make folders and sort the
>> bookmarks accordingly.  Everything I’ve read says to drag and drop, which
>> never works.
>> >
>> > any hints?
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> > Caitlyn
>> >
>> > --
>> > The following information is important for all members of the Mac
>> Visionaries list.
>> >
>> > If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list,
>> or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the
>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> >
>> > Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark
>> at: and your owner is Cara
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> >
>> > The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> >
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Re: Accessing tidal music service on the Mac

2017-02-28 Thread Marc Sutton
I have had success with listening to Tidal through the Audirvana app on the
Mac. Audirvana also has a remote app for the iphone which enhances this
experience. If you want more details and specifics, feel free to email me.

On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 6:47 AM, Terje Strømberg 

> Only in the inaccessible Tidal desktop app for mac/pc. Later phones will
> have it too. Don’t hold the breath for the masters quality. It is diferent
> opinions of if it is better or sounds the same as cd’s.
> Tidal works very good in Sonos with tune in radio. Masters will not work
> in Tidal for Sonos. Sonos only support 16bit 44/49kHz cd quality. Masters
> MQA is 24bit. Maybe later all hardware will support MQA, but maybe only
> long-eared bats can hear the difference. Try before buy.
> Take care
> > 5. jan. 2017 kl. 19.45 skrev Mary Otten :
> >
> > I seem to recall someone mentioning that you could access the TIDAL
> music service running a Mac. I think there were using a third-party app to
> make that happen, but I don't remember what it was. Can anyone refresh my
> memory? I'm interested in this because of the recent announcement that
> master quality audio is now available on TIDAL for some albums.
> > Mary
> >
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
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Re: Downloading audio from a web site

2017-03-16 Thread Marc Sutton
There is a Mac app called Downie that allows you to type or paste a url
into the app and get a video or audio file as a conversion. It works on
many websites and the developer is keen on accessibility. If you want to
send me a specific link i can try it out or i bet they have a demo version.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Paul Hopewell 

> Hello,
> I am running the Safari on the latest El Capitan on my iMac.
> I belong to a choir at
> The words and music of our songs are stored on the above web site. I would
> like to download the music so that I can transfer it to my iPod for easy
> rehearsal. Alas I cannot figure out how to do this.
> So have a look at the above web site. Interact with “Monster domain” and
> click on “words and music”. then click on the first song “the parting
> glass” and towards the end of the web page you will see the 4 parts of the
> song with an audio player to play them. With some difficulty I can play the
> parts on my iMac but cannot work out where they are stored so that I can
> transfer them to iTunes and then to my iPod Nano. I could probably do this
> using something like the “audio hijack” application but feel there must be
> an easier way.
> Any ideas?
> Many thanks…..
> Paul Hopewell
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Re: A simple audio converter on mac

2017-03-26 Thread Marc Sutton
XLD is a good app as well, and plenty accessible.

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Anders Holmberg 

> Hi!
> Vlc can do that but i don’t know how easy it is to convert with it.
> /A
> 26 mars 2017 kl. 17:18 skrev Tim Kilburn :
> Hi,
> No, sorry, iTunes cannot read those formats, therefore won't be able to do
> what you're asking.  I used to use an app called MPEG Stream Clip that
> could do this, just not sure how compatible it is with Sierra.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Mar 25, 2017, at 00:51, Ramy Moustafa 
> wrote:
> From wma or wav to mp3.
> Can i tunes achieve this?
> Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 24, 2017, at 9:34 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> What sort of audio conversion are you trying to do?  iTunes will convert a
> few audio formats quite easily.  It just depends on the file type you have
> and what you wish it converted to.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Mar 24, 2017, at 03:48, Ramy Moustafa 
> wrote:
> If accessible and will work with sierra? I will pay, did u try it?
> Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 24, 2017, at 1:34 AM, Ray Foret jr  wrote:
> IF you don’t mind paying a little, might I suggest “Easy Music Converter”?
> Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in
> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray,
> Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon
> Wireless iPhone7+ and Apple TV user!
> On Mar 23, 2017, at 5:01 PM, Ramy Moustafa 
> wrote:
> Hello all:
> I need an accessible audio converter on mac.
> Thanks
> --
> Ramy MoustafaSaber
> Music instructor @:
> Faculty ofmusical education
> Music arranger and Sound engineer @:
> Harmony Recording Studio
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Re: It appears that The Vario Ultra Braille Display is back

2020-01-07 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi Donna,
Slightly off list topic. Can you post the Vario Ultra mailing list subscription 
info to the list? Or send privately?

> On Jan 7, 2020, at 5:00 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just passing along a bit of info re the VU braille display, in case it is of 
> interest.
> Yesterday the CEO of a company called InsideVision contacted the VarioUltra 
> list. He announced that he is the U.S. distributor for the VU and all 
> formerly Baum--now VisioBraille--products. He also announced that development 
> of the VU--and I think other braille products--has resumed.  His name is Igor 
> Feinberg, and  his contact info is:
> 781-799-2971
> For me, of course, this means that I'll be sticking with my VU. But thanks to 
> all of you for your feedback on the Focus and the Actilino. I'll keep all 
> that info in mind, should I need it in the future.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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