Re: NeoOffice problems when opening files

2009-10-01 Thread JC Helary

On 2 oct. 2009, at 00:51, Israel wrote:
> When I worked in windows, I was most comfortable typing and saving
> files in Word Perfect.  More recently I used MS Word and saved my
> files as RTF to share with friends, but when switching to Mac, I moved
> all my Word Perfect files to the new Mac.  I was told I could open,
> edit, print, and so forth these WP files with NeoOffice.

 From what I read here, NeoOffice does not offer support for VO.
You need, which is equivalent software-wise (it is the  
same code base with a few things added to NeoOffice, like "Services"  

The download link is here:

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Time Machine Restore

2009-10-03 Thread JC Helary

On 3 oct. 2009, at 21:53, Chris Hofstader wrote:

> So, can someone help with restoring?

I am pretty sure you need to do a DVD reboot and then to select the  
Time Machine backup day of your choice to do a full system restore.

If you just launch Time Machine and click on "restore", you'll restore  
the files/folders that were selected when you did that but you can  
never be sure that you restored everything to normal.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Basic Web Authoring Tool for the Mac

2009-10-06 Thread JC Helary

On 7 oct. 2009, at 10:07, Simon Fogarty wrote:

>> notepad 2,

Notepad 2 is for Windows isn't it ?

> I am looking for a web authoring tool that would be good for a  
> beginner or
> web author with intermediate skills.  Any suggestions?

For Mac you can use TextWrangler.

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Re: How Much is My Macbook Worth?

2009-11-12 Thread JC Helary

Le 13 nov. 2009 à 10:30, Tiffany D a écrit :

> I'm really considering selling my Macbook if I can't just get it fixed under 
> warranty. As I mentioned in the previous thread, it was bought in December of 
> 2007.


> We originally bought it for about $1,700, but that was with the Apple Care 
> plan

Apple Care is supposed to last you 3 years.

While your machine is under Apple Care, Apple will fix anything wrong with your 
machine that they can reproduce. For free.

I have a first generation Mac Book (Core Duo) and I sent it 3 times to Apple. I 
did not send it in fact, they sent a truck to pick it up... It is in Japan so I 
don't know for where you live.

Anyway, get in touch with them and follow their instructions. That's everything 
you have to do.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: + Buy Apple computers and pay and pay and pay (fwd)

2009-11-17 Thread JC Helary

On 18 nov. 2009, at 07:04, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> I got this on another list.  They cannot be serious?  Can you imagine what 
> this would sound like, not to mention the gross intrusion on computing? 
> The list of possible places for these ads,  is frightening.

Apple fills a lot of patents applications every year. Some are for their 
products and eventually get implemented, some are to ensure they don't get 
screwed by people who have silly ideas and never get implemented. They are just 
here to ensure silly people would have to pay Apple to implement them...

Whatever this one is, it is not implemented yet and considering the current 
state of the market I don't see how Apple could use it without hurting its 
business, which it is know not to do. So I would not worry about all those 
fear-mongering frenetics who claim Jobs is the new Staline of the 21st 

Jean-Christophe Helary


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Re: + Buy Apple computers and pay and pay and pay (fwd)

2009-11-18 Thread JC Helary

On 18 nov. 2009, at 20:12, Chris Hofstader wrote:

> I suppose the only possible positive is that Apple could create two classes 
> of Macintosh: a full priced MacBook Pro for $1199 or one locked down with ads 
> for $599 giving a slightly crippled solution to people who want to save some 
> money.

I think such patents would rather apply to mobile devices, within third party 
I can imagine that Apple has patented this relatively obvious process so that 
all the app developers who want to implement such processes for iPhone would 
have to pay a license to Apple.

I can't see such processes implemented as part of a "subsidizing package" for 
Mac users. The best proof is that Apple has _always_ refused to put all the 
ugly stickers makers are famous for putting on PC cases. Intel first.

Jean-Christophe Helary


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Re: no mac for blind people in Belgium

2009-12-01 Thread JC Helary

On 1 déc. 2009, at 23:37, Chris Hofstader wrote:

> According to NFB numbers, there are 1.5 blind people and about 10 million low 
> vision in the US.  With a total population of over 300 million, we are an 
> absolutely tiny fraction of the population.

For people who rely on niche devices that is a very important market. I suppose 
you mean 1.5 million people...

Jean-Christophe Helary


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Re: webkit

2009-12-02 Thread JC Helary

On 2 déc. 2009, at 20:01, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, I just downloaded webkit because I am getting sick of the slowness of 
> safari. I thought webkit was only the underlying framework of safari. Or is 
> it identical in functionality?

Webkit looks and feels exactly like Safari except for the icon (gold instead of 
silver if you have a way to perceive the difference).

> Also, if I want to upgrade it doI have to download the nightly builds 
> manually or can software update do it?

Webkit tells you when there is a nightly build to download. You just need to 
press "install now" etc and you get the new build.

Jean-Christophe Helary


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Re: webkit

2009-12-02 Thread JC Helary

On 2 déc. 2009, at 21:14, anouk radix wrote:

> Hi, I personally get A LOT mre safari busy messages with webkit then i did 
> with safari, 

I couldn't tell about that. Even in the Japanese country side we have optical 
fiber so nothing feels busy or slow...

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Re: webkit

2009-12-02 Thread JC Helary

On 2 déc. 2009, at 22:05, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, well thats just the strang e thing. I have an uber fast internet 
> connection (50mbit down) and a very fast pc 3.0 ghz and 4gb ram so it SHOULD 
> not be slow...

Safari menu > Reset Safari

can help sometimes.

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2009-12-04 Thread JC Helary

On 4 déc. 2009, at 20:54, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> I'm currently learning LaTEX, and I've been looking for a Macintosh 
> interpreter. Can anyone help with this? Google interestingly leads me to 
> Latex rubber and fetish sites. It's kind of creepy. I figured I'd just stop 
> Googling.

This should work better:

Look for "Latex OSX".

Jean-Christophe Helary


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Re: the kitty is about to pounce

2009-08-28 Thread JC Helary

Le 29 août 2009 à 12:53, Yuma Antoine Decaux a écrit :

> I have all my data files backed up on my external drive, and all i
> actually need is to preserve my mail settings. Is that automatically
> done when upgrading?

Think of Snow Leopard as a "normal" software update. The OS retains  
all your preferences and you can use it right after the update is over  
(after a reboot, but that also is automatic).

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-29 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 05:53, Jonathan C. Cohn a écrit :

> Chris,
> What are the requirements for emacs speak?

I could not find requirement information on the emacspeak page so I  
suppose the package works on any Unix like machine with a fairly  
recent emacs installed. I say Unix because it seems there is a need to  
run the "make" command to install the package.

That may mean that you need to install the Unix developers tool in  
Snow Leopard to get that. The developer tools are available from the  
install DVD.

>  When last I used emacs regularly on a Ultra-2, I had no need for a  
> screen reader, just
> setting my fonts at 28 pt and reverse video  (thanks Kyle Jones for
> the help). I know there is a copy of emacs in /usr/bin and I think it
> might even be GNU's version.

It looks like version 22.1.1. From GNU.

> If so what would need to happen to use
> emacspeak on my Leopard machine and could it interface with the Mac
> synthesizers or would GNU  ones have to be added.

I never used emacspeak myself so I guess you'd have to go through the  
information on this page:

Jean-Christophe Helary
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Re: Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-29 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 07:57, Rich Ring a écrit :

> Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was  
> that since this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean  
> upgrade.  Should I just put the SL DVD in the drive press C and  
> eventually press command f5 and do the upgrade, or do I have to set  
> up the Mac first.

The Snow Leopard DVD is a bootable DVD just like any other OSX DVD  
before. Leopard users can follow an upgrade path similar to a  
"software update": put the DVD in the box with Leopard launched, click  
on the Install icon and let the thing run. Not only will it update the  
system but it will also look for other software updates online and  
install them too.

But if you do not have Leopard or if you need to do a clean install,  
you can just as well boot your machine with SL and do a clean install.  
I suppose in your case either would be fine. I'd go the "press C" way  

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Open Office, inserting Current Date into a document

2009-08-29 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 09:31, Dane Trethowan a écrit :

> Hi!
> To be honest I'm not expecting a quick answer to this question from
> the list as I'm probably the only one using Open Office with a Mac but
> I thought I'd give it a go anyway .  Does anyone know how you
> go about inserting the current date into a document? This function can
> be called easily enough in other word processing software such as
> Pages but I can't seem to locate such a function in Open Office thus
> far, anyone any ideas?


If you open the Help and enter "date" you should find a "dates:  
inserting" item.

Here is a copy of the contents (from NeoOffice, but it should be  
exactly the same in OOo)

(begin quote)

Inserting a Fixed or Variable Date Field

You can insert the current date as a field that updates each time you  
open the document, or as a field that does not update.

• Choose Insert - Fields - Other and click the Document tab.
• Click 'Date' in the Type list and do one of the following:
• To insert the date as a field that updates each time you open the  
document, click 'Date' in the Select list.
• To insert the date as a field that does not update, click 'Date  
(fixed)' in the Select list.

(end quote)

Hope that helps !

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: is it possible to cut files?

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 20:45, a radix a écrit :

> Hello, going to boot my mac later today again, is it possible to not  
> just copy files but cut them or script this?

My understanding is that when you copy a file, OSX does not put the  
file in memory but only its location, so that when you paste the file,  
it fetches the file from its location and copies it to the paste  

That seems to be the reason why you can't cut a file: if the file is  
removed then there is nothing to fetch for the later copy.

The Finder equivalent of "cut" would be "move", with the mouse.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: SL Install?

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 21:30, M AUSTEN a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I've now got my copy of SL.
> Will a simple upgrade allow me to install with out erasing all my  
> data such as iLife and all my applications. Also all the data store  
> on my HD?

It is always better to backup all your data and check that it can be  
restored in case any problem occurs, before upgrading the OS.

But in any case, yes, the upgrade will not (is not supposed to) erase  
anything. You will even end up with more space on your disk since SL  
takes less space (I had 12gb left before SL, I had 24 after SL was  

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: going up a folder

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 22:27, a radix a écrit :

> Hello everyone, is it possible in fidner to go back a folder like  
> you can do with backspace in windows? I dont have it set so that a  
> fodler opens in a new window.

This is usually command + up arrow.

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Re: Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 23:38, Krister Ekstrom a écrit :

> It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go into
> the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,
> although there should be.

It looks as if the services available in the application menu depend  
on the context. If there is no "context" a service can use then that  
service won't be available. For ex, the services available if you  
select a string are different from those when you select a file.

If nothing is selected then no services are available.

> There's a settings command and choosing it
> takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings, but i
> don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable
> services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to
> know what gives and if i can do something about it.

You should select something on which to apply a service.

> Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do
> one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by
> another program. Now i'm confused again.

I think it is safe to use the defaults.

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 16:36, M. Taylor a écrit :

> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware  
> but I
> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to  
> favor those
> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.

I'd try the free Virtual Box from Sun Microsystems:

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 17:37, hank smith a écrit :

> how do you use that with vo?
> I couldn't get it to work last I tried that

Apologies. It was just a virtual machine suggestion. I did not intend  
to say it worked with VO. In fact I am pretty sure you'll only be able  
to use VO to access the VM software, but not its contents.

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Re: text-files and openoffice?

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 22:07, a radix a écrit :

> Hello, I opened a text-file in openoffice and while it did open and  
> i think it showed righton the screen i got no brialle and it just  
> said soemthinglike sheet, as if it was a table.

It sounds like your document was open as a spreadsheet.

> I couldnt figure out how to navigate it, i could open it in textedit  
> but i wonder why i cant open it normally in openoffice and navigate  
> through it?
> word documents seem to work fine in openoffice.

What you could do is open it in TextEdit, save it as RTF or DOC and  
reopen it in OpenOffice. I am pretty sure that would force OOo to  
consider it as a text document and not as a spreadsheet.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: (extedit) how to select text, start a new page

2009-09-02 Thread JC Helary

Le 2 sept. 2009 à 17:20, anouk radix a écrit :

> Hello, can I just select text with cmd-shift down arrow and then i  
> can copy it?

Yes. Copy is Cmd+c

> I guess I will have to be careful to have my cursor at the beginning  
> of a line?

Beginning of line is ctrl+a, end of line is Ctrl+e.

> Also how can I start a new page?

Cmd+N should do if I understand you well.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: (extedit) how to select text, start a new page

2009-09-03 Thread JC Helary

"Start a new page" can be done by using the "Edit" menu, "Insert"  
item, "Page break" item.

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Re: Webkit

2009-09-07 Thread JC Helary

On 7 sept. 2009, at 22:50, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I believe it is. When you launch webkit, it actually uses the safari
> browser, but I think it is using the webkit engine you have installed
> to process the html.

That is correct. The application's name is Webkit but it looks and  
feels exactly like Safari. The only difference is that it regularly  
asks you to update to a daily build. Which is the point of Webkit:  
browse on the bleeding edge.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: VLC does not work on Snow Leopard at the moment

2009-09-12 Thread JC Helary

It works fine here. But I am still on a 32 bits machine (first  
generation Core Duo MacBook).

On 12 sept. 2009, at 23:11, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> From what i've been reading VLC does not
> currently seem to work on Snow Leopard. Just thought I'd pass this  
> on. I
> apologize if this is out of date news.

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Re: Query about 10.6.1 update

2009-09-13 Thread JC Helary

On 13 sept. 2009, at 20:44, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> From what I've read the update is 75MB but the update I just  
> downloaded from
> software update is only about 10MB. Does anyone know why? I will go  
> to the
> Apple website and get the 75MB update but I was just curious to know  
> why the
> update was smaller than previously stated.

I did not notice that on SU. But what matters is that your About This  
Mac window shows "10.6.1" after install.

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Re: Query about 10.6.1 update

2009-09-13 Thread JC Helary

On 13 sept. 2009, at 22:10, James & Nash wrote:

> Thanks Anne,
> Did the update upgrade your Flash version?

That's one thing it says it does:

"Includes an update to Adobe Flash Player plug-in version"

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Re: Query about 10.6.1 update

2009-09-13 Thread JC Helary


According to:

The Flash plugin that comes with 10.6.1 is the latest version  
available on Mac.

On 13 sept. 2009, at 22:25, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello James,
> No, it didn't update the Flash player plugin. It's still dated May  
> 5th.
> You can get the latest version from:

Jean-Christophe Helary

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