Re: I just switched back to Safari from Chrome, here's why

2012-08-18 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello everyone,

What exactly is Chromevox and what does it do thad VO doesn't?


On 8/17/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> One reason I rarely use Chrome with Chromevox is that it's not compatible
> with Braille. Otherwise, it's kind of fun to use.
> Teresa
> On Aug 15, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ever since getting the mac, I was told Chrome would serve me better; it
>> was faster, easier, and vo would not be "busy" as much. Now, though, I
>> have decided to make Safari my default browser, and here's why.
>> * Reader: the reader feature is amazing. I opened an article from twitter
>> and was faced with a bunch of social network links and other junk I didn't
>> want to read before I could find the article text. I remembered Reader,
>> and thought I'd try it. I pressed cmd-shift-r and... wow! The article's
>> title was a level one heading, and right below that was the article text.
>> This will save a lot of time in the future.
>> *Text Selection: I don't need it much, but now that we can select text in
>> Safari and not in other web browsers, I like knowing I have the option; in
>> Chrome, this would be impossible, or nearly so
>> * Speed: I don't find Safari any slower than Chrome, and neither browser
>> gives me busy messages.
>> * Downloads: I haven't tried it, but I hear there's a keystroke to show
>> download progress. I like this, as I had nothing but problems downloading
>> more than one file in Chrome, even if the files were downloaded separately
>> and not simultaneously.
>> * The address bar: in Chrome, cmd-l brings me to a field in which I can
>> type a url or a search term. That would be fine if it didn't also load a
>> page on whose content vo focuses, thereby causing me to have to find the
>> address bar all over again. In Safari, nothing of the kind happens; cmd-l
>> jumps me to a (properly labeled and hinted) edit field and leaves me
>> there.
>> That's all I have for now. If anyone has questions, let me know. If anyone
>> is using Chrome, I suggest you take another look at Safari, especially the
>> latest version (version 6 I believe).
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Questions About Running Windows On my Mac

2014-03-14 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello, List!

I am now running Windows on my Mac, through Bootcamp. My question is
how to select which system to run at start-up: Mac OSX or Windows. As
of now, my sighted friend holds the OPTION key down when the computer
starts up, in order to get the list of options. Is there anything I
can do so that I will get an audio option prompting me with a list of
options to select fom?
Also, what key do you all use fas the INSERT key with JAWS? How can I
check the battery status of my Mac while running Windows?
And finallly, do you all have any tips that you can offer me to get
strated with running Windows on my Mac? FYI, I am familiar with using
JAWS, as I use to have a PC years ago.
Thank you all for any tips you can offer! :-)


Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Re: Questions About Running Windows On my Mac

2014-03-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. It means a lot. :-)
Now, can you please tell me how you check your battery status while on Windows?


On 3/15/14, Piotr Machacz  wrote:
> Another way to switch what OS you're booting into is through the startup
> disk options. If you're currently on the mac, go to system preferences, then
> startup disk. You will need to unlock the settings, then you can choose if
> you want to boot into OS X or windows and also have a restart button. On
> windows, you can do the same thing if you find the bootcamp icon in your
> system tray. Open the context menu on it, and either choose "restart in OS
> X", or "bootcamp control panel" if you just want to change the startup disk
> without restarting. Lastly, I'd also want to agree with every one who's
> suggesting that you drop JAWS and switch to NVDA.
> On 15 Mar 2014, at 02:20 am, Ezzy Bueno  wrote:
>> Hello, List!
>> I am now running Windows on my Mac, through Bootcamp. My question is
>> how to select which system to run at start-up: Mac OSX or Windows. As
>> of now, my sighted friend holds the OPTION key down when the computer
>> starts up, in order to get the list of options. Is there anything I
>> can do so that I will get an audio option prompting me with a list of
>> options to select fom?
>> Also, what key do you all use fas the INSERT key with JAWS? How can I
>> check the battery status of my Mac while running Windows?
>> And finallly, do you all have any tips that you can offer me to get
>> strated with running Windows on my Mac? FYI, I am familiar with using
>> JAWS, as I use to have a PC years ago.
>> Thank you all for any tips you can offer! :-)
>> Cheers,
>> Ezzie
>> --
>> Ezzy Ez Buenito
>> (512) 553-8553
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Re: SiriusXM WebPlayer & MACBook PRO ... VoiceOver (VO) Navigation

2014-04-20 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello Robin:

I use Radium to play SiriusXM and many other radio stations. I don't
remember the cost of the app, as I downloaded it two years ago. Radium
works great with VoiceOver.


On 4/20/14, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> Unless something has changed, this player is all flash based, flash is not
> accessible on the mac. Hopefully they will move to html 5, this offers all
> the benefits of flash and is usually accessible.
> On Apr 20, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Robin  wrote:
>> Has anyone on this list been able to navigate on a MACBook PRO the
>> WebPlayer on the SiriusXM WebSite, I am unable to INTERACT after I CLICK
>> on the Listen OnLine Link, but have observed Ol'Sighty has been able to. I
>> am wondering if any of those advanced users, who claim that you can do
>> what you can on a PC can also perform the same on a MAC. I am able to use
>> SiriusXM's Internet WebSite WebPlayer using Freedom Scientific's JAWS.
>> Sent From Berkeley,CA
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Page Up and Page Down

2014-04-25 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello friends:

Which keys do you all use as Page Up and Page Down keys?

Thank you all,


Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Re: how to skip ads on youtube?

2014-05-04 Thread Ezzy Bueno
I, too, would be interested in the ways others use to skip ads on
YouTube. It is possible on the iPhone, but have not figured out how to
skip the annoying ads on the Mac.

On 4/27/14, Dionipher Presas Herrera  wrote:
> can somebody figure out how to skip ads on youtube, because when i tried to
> view short clip on youtube i can just refresh safari to view the video, but
> when i try to view more than 10 minutes, the longer the ads will be
> displayed, even if i refresh safari
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Intro and Questions

2010-11-23 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 My name is Ezzy, and I am new to the Mac Visionaries list.  I 
am a college student and am also new to the Mac.

 I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer:
 1.  What exactly do I need to create a mail record? I've tried 
setting up my Gmail account, but I believe I keep doing something 
 2.  On the Internet, how can I browse by specific elements (for 
example, by headings)?

 Thanks in advance.  Have a wonderful day!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Intro and Questions

2010-11-23 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thank you so much, Kim!


- Original Message -
From: Kimberly thurman I can answer your question about browsing the internet.  To 
browse by headings press control/option,command/H for headings.  
For tables:  control/option/command T.  For visited links:  
control/option/command V.  Also you might find the web item rotor 
handy.  Press control/option U and then VO right, left, and up 
and down arrows to see elements on the page divided into 
categories such as links, visited links, tables, etc.  Press 
enter on the element you would like to go to.  In order to get a 
complete list of all the elements on a web page, press control 
option I.  You can then begin typing any word you might be 
looking for and you will move to that in the list.  You will need 
to press enter on it to go to the actual element.

I'm sure someone else can answer your question about mail.  hth 
and welcome to the list.

On Nov 23, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ezzy, and I am new to the Mac Visionaries list.  I am 
a college student and am also new to the Mac.

I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer:
1.  What exactly do I need to create a mail record? I've tried 
setting up my Gmail account, but I believe I keep doing something 
2.  On the Internet, how can I browse by specific elements (for 
example, by headings)?

Thanks in advance.  Have a wonderful day!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Intro and Questions

2010-11-23 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thank you so much, Carolyn!


- Original Message -
From: Carolyn Haas There is also something handy called the web item roter which you 
can set up to allow you to move quickly to links, headers, frames 
etc.  You can invoke the roter by pressing VO-keys U.  Then you 
can arrow down whichever collumn you want to search.  I used that 
a lot in the beginning when I couldn't remember all the cmmands 
to go places on a web page.

Gmail still somewhat illudes me.  I kind of set mine up by 
accident.:)  So, I'll leave that for someone else.


On Nov 23, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Thank you so much, Kim!


- Original Message -
From: Kimberly thurman I can answer your question about browsing the internet.  To 
browse by headings press control/option,command/H for headings.  
For tables:  control/option/command T.  For visited links:  
control/option/command V.  Also you might find the web item rotor 
handy.  Press control/option U and then VO right, left, and up 
and down arrows to see elements on the page divided into 
categories such as links, visited links, tables, etc.  Press 
enter on the element you would like to go to.  In order to get a 
complete list of all the elements on a web page, press control 
option I.  You can then begin typing any word you might be 
looking for and you will move to that in the list.  You will need 
to press enter on it to go to the actual element.

I'm sure someone else can answer your question about mail.  hth 
and welcome to the list.

On Nov 23, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ezzy, and I am new to the Mac Visionaries list.  I am 
a college student and am also new to the Mac.

I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer:
1.  What exactly do I need to create a mail record? I've tried 
setting up my Gmail account, but I believe I keep doing something 
2.  On the Internet, how can I browse by specific elements (for 
example, by headings)?

Thanks in advance.  Have a wonderful day!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Carolyn Haas
When you come to a fork in the road,
It's time to eat.

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Re: Intro and Questions

2010-11-23 Thread Ezzy Bueno
 Thank you very much, Rafaela! I like the Quick Nav methon a 


- Original Message -
From: Rafaela Freundt there is yet another way to navigate by headings, links, etc.  
press the left and right arrows together to turn on quick nav.  
this will allow you to navigate without using the vo keys which 
are control option.  so instead of using control option right 
arrow to move to the next element, you just hit right arrow.  It 
will let you edit text fields, doesn't interfere with the 
When in quick nav mode.  you can press the right and up arrows 
together to go right on the rotor described before, and the left 
and up arrows to go left.  then, you just hit down or up arrow 
and you will be in the next of that element; eg tables, links, 
etc.  You are just there, don't have to press enter to find it.
Something else with quick nav.  Pressing the right and down 
arrows together lest you interact just like control option shift 
down arrow, and the left and down arrows together stops 
interacting like control option shift up arrow.
Oh, another method I forgot is the trackpad commander.  If you 
are using a macbook or have a trackpad, you can turn it on by 
pressing control option and turning two fingers on the trackpad 
clockwise like a dial.  then, you can navigate by flicking left 
or right or by moving your finger down the trackpad and touching 
the different elements on the screen.
to use the rotor, turn two fingers clock or anti clockwise on the 
trackpad until you find the element you want, then flick up or 
down and you will be on the previous or next instance of that 
element just like with quick nav.
also, to interact, flick right with two fingers and to stop 
interacting flick left with two fingers.

hope this helps and welcome to the list and to the world of the 
wonderful mac and voiceover.

El 23/11/2010, a las 22:40, Ezzy Bueno escribió:

Thank you so much, Carolyn!


- Original Message -
From: Carolyn Haas There is also something handy called the web item roter which 
you can set up to allow you to move quickly to links, headers, 
frames etc.  You can invoke the roter by pressing VO-keys U.  
Then you can arrow down whichever collumn you want to search.  I 
used that a lot in the beginning when I couldn't remember all the 
cmmands to go places on a web page.

Gmail still somewhat illudes me.  I kind of set mine up by 
accident.:)  So, I'll leave that for someone else.


On Nov 23, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Thank you so much, Kim!


- Original Message -
From: Kimberly thurman I can answer your question about browsing the internet.  To 
browse by headings press control/option,command/H for headings.  
For tables:  control/option/command T.  For visited links:  
control/option/command V.  Also you might find the web item rotor 
handy.  Press control/option U and then VO right, left, and up 
and down arrows to see elements on the page divided into 
categories such as links, visited links, tables, etc.  Press 
enter on the element you would like to go to.  In order to get a 
complete list of all the elements on a web page, press control 
option I.  You can then begin typing any word you might be 
looking for and you will move to that in the list.  You will need 
to press enter on it to go to the actual element.

I'm sure someone else can answer your question about mail.  hth 
and welcome to the list.

On Nov 23, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ezzy, and I am new to the Mac Visionaries list.  I am 
a college student and am also new to the Mac.

I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer:
1.  What exactly do I need to create a mail record? I've tried 
setting up my Gmail account, but I believe I keep doing something 
2.  On the Internet, how can I browse by specific elements (for 
example, by headings)?

Thanks in advance.  Have a wonderful day!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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iChat And Aim

2010-11-23 Thread Ezzy Bueno

 Hello Listers,
 Thanks for welcoming me to the lcst! You have been helpful so
 On iChat, when signing into Aim, how can I view my Facebook
buddy group? I can see all of my other buddy groups, except that
one.  I've got FaceBook linked to Aim.
 How can I check the battery on my MacBook Pro?
 Thank you all in advance!
 Best Regards,
Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz
Facebook: wwwddfacebookddcomstsillyez

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2010-11-24 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello everyone,

 Today I downloaded Skype into my Mac.  What do I need to do to 
make it accessible? How do I get it to open IM messages in 
separate windows?

 Thanks for the help you can offer.

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Microsoft Office

2010-11-26 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Listers,

 I've been trying to install Microsoft Office into my Mac.  I've 
inserted the CD but nothing happens.

 Am I doing something wrong?

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-28 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Folks,
 I have a couple of questions about using Skype:

1) How can I navigate from window to window?
 2) How can I check my voicemails?

 Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are 
online? I connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  
Where are the Facebook ones?

 Thanks for any help that you can offer!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Ezzy Bueno

If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!

- Original Message -
From: "John D.  Lipsey" Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your 
facebook account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as the server.  I posted an article from adium 
about this to the list a couple of times.  I'll see if I can dig 
up the link again, if you want it.

On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Folks,
I have a couple of questions about using Skype:

1) How can I navigate from window to window?
2) How can I check my voicemails?

Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are 
online? I connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  
Where are the Facebook ones?

Thanks for any help that you can offer!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hey! I know this is gonna sound dumb. How can I tell who the sender of
the voice mail is?
Sorry, I'm still thinking PC. LOL.

On 11/29/10, Colin M  wrote:
> Hi Ezzy!
> heres that link!
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 19:57, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>> If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "John D.  Lipsey" > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 06:12:18 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Skype and Adium Questions
>> Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your facebook
>> account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as
>> the server.  I posted an article from adium about this to the list a
>> couple of times.  I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if you want it.
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have a couple of questions about using Skype:
>> 1) How can I navigate from window to window?
>> 2) How can I check my voicemails?
>> Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are online? I
>> connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  Where are the
>> Facebook ones?
>> Thanks for any help that you can offer!
>> Sincerely,
>> Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
>> (512) 553-8553
>> Skype: SillyEz
>> Facebook:
>> --
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(304) 997-4559

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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Slau,

 I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For 
example, I can use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and 
Facebook, right?

 How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?


- Original Message -
From: Slau 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a 
hot spot.
2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot 

Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to 
instantly move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.  
If you want VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to 
it, use VO-Command and the number.  If you want VoiceOver to 
automatically speak the contents of the hot spot whenever it 
changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.



On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:12 PM, trahern culver wrote:

hey guys can any one tell me how to use the hot spots feature in 


your help with this question would be most welcom!!

kind regards trahern.

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Unzipping Files and Skype Recorder

2010-12-05 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi all,

 How exactly do I extract music from a zipped folder and get it 
to iTunes?
 Do any of you know of a Skype recorder that will work with the 


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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-12-05 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Chris,

 How exactly do I connect my Facebook account to iChat? Sry, I'm 
soo new to the Mac.  LOL.


- Original Message -
From: Chris Moore Actually I am starting to get a bit fed up with Adium, Facebook 
can be a bit flakey on there and not always connect.  Plus I 
sometimes have problems navigating the conversation window due to 
a recent bug in Adium where am unable to move through the 
conversation without hitting the end key first.

So I decided to give iChat another go as its been 6 months since 
I last used it.  And I have to say I was very impressed how well 
it works with Facebook chat and how very VO friendly it is.  
Adium reads out a long number which is a friends profile picture, 
this drives me nuts, but iChat simply just says the person's name 
and announces profile picture without reading out a silly list of 
numbers which is obviously the filename allocated by facebook..

My only real gripes with iChat are if you have more than one 
account, they do not appear in the same buddy list, but appear in 
separate buddy list windows.  Also, you can't connect to 
MSN/Yahoo  natively within the application.

Maybe in the future we will see these features added and maybe 
integration of Facetime, Twitter, Skype?

I think iChat is a very under rated product, and does not seem to 
be given much backing by Apple of late, so I think we should add 
our support and send Apple some positive feedback on how it 
should be developed for the future..

On 30 Nov 2010, at 00:38, Ezzy Bueno wrote:d
Hey! I know this is gonna sound dumb.  How can I tell who the 
sender of

the voice mail is?
Sorry, I'm still thinking PC.  LOL.

On 11/29/10, Colin M  wrote:
Hi Ezzy!
heres that link!


On 29 Nov 2010, at 19:57, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!

- Original Message -
From: "John D.  Lipsey" Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your 
account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as
the server.  I posted an article from adium about this to the 
list a
couple of times.  I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if 
you want it.

On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Folks,
I have a couple of questions about using Skype:

1) How can I navigate from window to window?
2) How can I check my voicemails?

Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are 
online? I
connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  Where 
are the

Facebook ones?
Thanks for any help that you can offer!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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(304) 997-4559

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Re: Unzipping Files and Skype Recorder

2010-12-06 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Júrgen

 Thanks for your help!
 For some reason, it's unable to archive the folder.  Why could 
this be?


- Original Message -
From: Jürgen Fleger just press VO + Space on the zip-archive.  Then you've got an 
unzipped folder with the music.  From there you can import the 
files to iTunes.

For recording Skyp calls and many other things you can use Audio 
Hijack Pro:


Am 05.12.2010 um 23:21 schrieb Ezzy Bueno:

Hi all,

How exactly do I extract music from a zipped folder and get it 
to iTunes?
Do any of you know of a Skype recorder that will work with the 


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Re: Unzipping Files and Skype Recorder

2010-12-07 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Yep! It's definitely a zipped file and I've been getting an error 


- Original Message -
From: Jürgen Fleger is it really a zip archive or maybe rar? Normally Snow Leopard 
can extract zip files out of the box.  Just set your cursor on it 
and press CMD + O or VO + Space.  Do you get an error message?

Am 07.12.2010 um 01:55 schrieb Ezzy Bueno:

Hi Júrgen

Thanks for your help!
For some reason, it's unable to archive the folder.  Why could 
this be?


- Original Message -
From: Jürgen Fleger just press VO + Space on the zip-archive.  Then you've got an 
unzipped folder with the music.  From there you can import the 
files to iTunes.

For recording Skyp calls and many other things you can use Audio 
Hijack Pro:


Am 05.12.2010 um 23:21 schrieb Ezzy Bueno:

Hi all,

How exactly do I extract music from a zipped folder and get it 
to iTunes?
Do any of you know of a Skype recorder that will work with the 


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Recording Online Streams

2010-12-08 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Good evening, listers,

 Do any of you know of an accessible program that will allow me 
to record online radio streams on my MacBook Pro?


Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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re: A Few Updates

2010-12-10 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thanks sooo much! I'm one of the newbies!


- Original Message -
From: Tim Kilburn I made a few updates on my web-site for any newbies that don't 
mind reading through my Help pages.  I've added an iTunes page as 
well as a Safari page.  You can check them out at:

If you see any glaring errors, please let me know off-list and 
I'll hopefully be able to fix them quickly.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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2010-12-14 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi all,

 Is there a program that will solve CAPTCHAS on the Macs?

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Re: Solving CAPTCHAS

2010-12-14 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Carolyn,
 I used Solona for Qwitter.  LOL.  Thanks.  I'll give it a try!


- Original Message -
From: Carolyn Haas I've never done this, but I'm told it works well.  (Personally 
I'd like to wring the neck of the brain who came up with that way 
of screening out 'bots.:)

Carolyn Haas
On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a program that will solve CAPTCHAS on the Macs?

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Re: Solving CAPTCHAS

2010-12-14 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Sarah,

 OK, so how exactly do I tell it to solve a CAPTCHA? I've only 
used it on my PC on Qwitter.  LUL!


- Original Message -
From: Sarah Alawami it works, except when they are not online to do it.  it all works 
through volunteers who solve the captchas andI think they are 
usually online at night.  lol!

On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Ezzy:
You can get capchias solved by going to

I've never done this, but I'm told it works well.  (Personally 
I'd like to wring the neck of the brain who came up with that way 
of screening out 'bots.:)

Carolyn Haas
On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a program that will solve CAPTCHAS on the Macs?

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Re: Solving CAPTCHAS

2010-12-14 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thanks Sarah!


- Original Message -
From: Sarah Alawami You submit a screenshot to there site with cmd shift 3 and submit 
it.  by default it will save to the desktop.  submit the png file 
and they should be able to solve the captcha in 90 seconds or 

On Dec 14, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Sarah,

OK, so how exactly do I tell it to solve a CAPTCHA? I've only 
used it on my PC on Qwitter.  LUL!


- Original Message -
From: Sarah Alawami it works, except when they are not online to do it.  it all 
works through volunteers who solve the captchas andI think they 
are usually online at night.  lol!

On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Ezzy:
You can get capchias solved by going to

I've never done this, but I'm told it works well.  (Personally 
I'd like to wring the neck of the brain who came up with that way 
of screening out 'bots.:)

Carolyn Haas
On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a program that will solve CAPTCHAS on the Macs?

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Connecting To Wireless

2010-12-17 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi all,

 I'm not ture what I'm doing wrong.  I'm trying to connect to my 
wireless network at home, which does not have a password.  Yet my 
computer is unable to connect.  I am able to connect on my 
BrailleNote just fine.

 Any help would be appreciated.

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Unchecking Items On iTunes

2010-12-19 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi All,

 As most of you may know, I'm slowly learning my way around the 
Mac.  Thanks to those of you who have helped me so far!
 Tonight, I've got a question regarding iTunes.  How exactly can 
I uncheck songs that I do not want synced into my sister's iPod?

any help would be appreciated.

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
(512) 553-8553
Skype: sillyezFacebook:

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Facebook Navigation and Converting Music On iTunes

2011-01-02 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 I'm slowly getting used to my Macbook Pro.  I would like to 
start using the regular Facebook site instead of the Mobile one, 
as I use to do on my old PC.
 I'm having trouble updating the About Me section on my Facebook 
profile.  I've tried entering text, but nothing is entered.  I've 
interracted with the cell in which the text is to be typed, but 
nothing ever gets entered.  What am I missing here?
 Also, how do I navigate through the different chats that are 
opened and close them? I know I've got 11 chats.
 Finally, how do I go about converting MP3 music on iTunes? How 
can I share my library with my school network?
 I'm sooo sorry for all my questions.  Any help would be 

Ezzy Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
 I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that 
is accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio 
streams.  What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

 Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Scott,

 I use the BrailleNote Apex.  My USB Port is super short, which 
is why I wanted to try using it via Bluetooth.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it 
via USB? There are some Braille displays that are having 
difficulty at this point with bluetooth connections.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is 
accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  
What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
--Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Quick Skype Question

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 How can I hide the time stamp on my chat messages? I'm using 
Skype 2.8.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thanks, Scott!


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell I am sure you can get a longer cable, which may at least address 
the issue for now.  I would suggest you let Apple know by sending 
a note to and let them know the type of 
Braille display and if you can provide the firmware version, that 
would be possibly helpful.  Let them know which version of SNow 
Leopard you are using and the fact your connecting via Bluetooth.  
If you can test via USB that would be good info if you experience 
no issues as well.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Scott,

I use the BrailleNote Apex.  My USB Port is super short, which 
is why I wanted to try using it via Bluetooth.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it 
via USB? There are some Braille displays that are having 
difficulty at this point with bluetooth connections.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is 
accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  
What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
--Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Twitter Apps

2011-01-16 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Listers,

 Which apps do you all use for Twitter, beside Syrinx and Nambu? 
Any app suggesttions are welcome.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Skype Voicemail

2011-01-26 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Everyone,

 How can I record a Voicemail greeting for Skype?

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Playing Skype Voicemails

2011-02-20 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello, everyone,

 I finally decided to use Skype Voicemail, instead of forwarding 
calls to my cell phone. How do I play the messages on my Skype 

 Thanks a lot for any help you may have.

Ezzie Bueno
 "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before 
My Father who is in heaven."

 --Matthew 10:33
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Visit wwwlessillyezcom
Daily Jokes and more!


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App Store Question

2011-03-08 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hi All,

I tried downloading a couple of the free apps off of the Apple App
Store. I entered my email and password, as I needed to verify my
account. When I clicked the billing button, I was back at the previous
page, except I was signed in.
How exactly do I retrieve the apps?
Sorry for the lame questions. LOL.


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A couple of basic questions

2011-03-12 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello Everyone,

VoiceOver decided to go back to it's default settings. I'm not exactly
sure how it did that.
Can someone please remind me how I could have it not echo every letter
as I type? How can I prevent these settings from going back to the
In Mail, when sending large messages, how can I find the precentage completed?

Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Keynote Question

2011-03-16 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to read the text on several Powerpoint notes. How exactly
can I have VO read them using Keynote?

Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Re: Keynote Question

2011-03-17 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Thanks sooo much, Anne! :)
Where can I locate the podcast you mentioned?


On 3/17/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Ezzy,
> Once you've opened the document with KeyNote, use the command VO-Cmd-T to
> find the table of slides. Once you've selected a slide, stop interacting
> with the Scroll area and navigate right to the next Scroll area and
> interact. Here you'll find the Layout Area, interact with this and you'll
> find your slide.
> There's a lot of interacting involved with using KeyNote.
> Have you listened to the VoiceOver On podcast on Pages and KeyNote? You
> might find it helpful.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> --
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Re: Keynote Question

2011-03-18 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Thanks a bunch, Anne!


On 3/18/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Ezzy,
> You can subscribe to the VoiceOver On podcast through iTunes. Just enter
> VoiceOver On in the search field and it should be the second result after
> VoiceOver Getting Started.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Mar 2011, at 05:49, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>> Thanks sooo much, Anne! :)
>> Where can I locate the podcast you mentioned?
>> Ezzie
> --
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Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Question About Pages

2011-03-25 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello List:

 I'm trying to adjust the formatting on Pages, but do not see 
the OK button and can't seem to adjust the formatting.  I'm 
trying to do this for a paper that I need to turn in.  Any help 
would be appreciated.


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Question About Downloading Podcasts

2011-03-29 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello listers,

I just subscribed to a podcast. I know that iTunes will 
download the latest episode.
I see a list of "undownloaded" podcasts within the podcast 
itself. How exactly do I ensure iTunes downloads those episodes, 
without me going into the iTunes store, searching for the 
podcast, and manually downloading the missing episodes?

Any help is appreciated.

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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re: What software comes with Mac OS?

2011-04-04 Thread Ezzy Bueno


The Mac comes with iTunes as well as Textedit, iChat, Mail, Power 
DVD, a calculator and a number of other applications.
With Textedit, you can save documents as Word documents, so that 
you can later open them using MS Word or other applications.
Mail works well on the Mac. It is easily usable and you will love 
it. I can't really compare it to Outlook, since I never used it.
The Mac will not come with apps such as Excel and Powerpoint. I 
bought the iWork application, which comes with Numbers (same as 
Excel), Pages (same as Word), and Keynote (same as Powerpoint). 
The app will cost you about $75.


- Original Message -
From: bigboy529 Hi sorry this is a very dum question but I don't know anything 
Mac but want to get myself one. I want to know what software 
standard with lets say snow leopard, as I understand it comes 
with quite a lot. If compared to windows software does it come 
email software like outlook, software like MS word and excel, 
does it
come with a  PDF reader like adobe reader? I at least know it 
with itunes but that's about it, thing is I'm trying to work out 

much money I'll have to spend on software when getting a mac, I
basically just want to do simular things as those I currently do 
on MS

office, adobe reader, power dvd and itunes but I'm already using
itunes on my pc.

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Accessibility of Social Networking Apps

2011-04-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Everyone,

 Was wondering if anz of you use the "Fuony Status Updates for 
Facebook" app as well as the Facebook Alerter. Are there apps 
accessible were VO?

Which social networking apps do you all recommend, if any?

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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Re: Accessibility of Social Networking Apps

2011-04-16 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Are you talking about Twitter for Mac? I tried using it, but 
couldn't read any of the timelines. All I see is an empty. Let me 
know how you work with the app.


- Original Message -
From: Christine Grassman To: "" 

Date sent: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 09:13:13 -0400
Subject: Re: Accessibility of Social Networking Apps

Twezr and facely hd. Twitter is fine for me as well.

Sent from my iPhone

On 16/04/2011, at 0:16, Ezzy Bueno  wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Was wondering if anz of you use the "Fuony Status Updates for 
Facebook" app as well as the Facebook Alerter. Are there apps 
accessible were VO?

Which social networking apps do you all recommend, if any?

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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2011-04-24 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Listers,

 Happy Easter to you all.
 I've been using a MacBook Pro for some time, but have not 
really played around with the dashboard. I know I can check the 
weather via the dashboard. How exactly can I review the forecast 
of different cities?

 Any help will be appreciated.

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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Recording Podcasts

2011-04-28 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello listers,

 Er exactly do I go about recording a podcast and making it 
available in the Podcast directory?

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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Re: Dashboard

2011-04-30 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hey, Mark,

 Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I finally found a 
chance to play with the Dashboard. Fun times!
 I'll blow you up on Skype sometime this weekend. Hope 
everything is cool!


- Original Message -
From: Mark BurningHawk Baxter I can help out with Dashboard off list, if you want, via Skype, 
as we have before.  Very briefly:

Pressing F4, or Function F-12, depending on how your keyboard 
preferences are configured, will bring up Dashboard.  Dashboard 
is a series of widgets, mini-apps, which are like tiny little 
tools you might keep on the dashboard of your car--tweezers, 
mini-flashlight, cigarette lighter, gold-framed photo of me, 

Choosing which widget you want is done by hitting VO F2 (OR VO 
Function F2, depending on the above keyboard settings) twice 
quickly.  Then, use the up and down arrows until you come to 
Weather, and press Enter.

To change the forecast shown, VO right arrow until you come to an 
image labeled with the name of the city whose forecast is 
currently being shown.  This is important:  You MUST VO SHIFT 
Space bar on this image, to enact a mouse click, otherwise 
nothing will happen.

If you VO Shift Space on this "(city name) info," image, it 
should bring up an edit box in which you can type the zip code 
for your city.  Once you type that in, VO navigate to the "DONE," 
button and, once again, you must mouse-click, or VO SHIFt 
Space-bar, on it.  This should set it up to always bring up your 
forecast when you hit F4 or whatever your keyboard is set for.

Hope that helps--blow up my Skype if not.

Sorry for the "very brief," lie in the beginning; really, 
everything I say is a lie.

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: Recording Podcasts

2011-04-30 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thanks a bunch, Kevin. Sorry for the late response.


- Original Message -
From: Kevin Reeves Hello. Recording and publishing a podcast, while easy to do, 
takes some explaining. Head over to 
There, you should find tons of guides and explanations on how to 
record and publish. Hope this helps.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 8:45 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello listers,

Er exactly do I go about recording a podcast and making it 
available in the Podcast directory?

Ezzie Bueno
(512) 553-8553
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