Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I just downloaded the voxer app. I have some questions about it, 
or better yet a question. How do you listen to a message? Do you just double 
tap on the time of the message? I guess that was two questions. Oh, well.


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Re: Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks for the timely reply 

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moveing the itunes library

2012-03-05 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, what is the easiest way to move my whole itunes library to a 
external drive? After it is all said and done what files are ok to delete from 
the computer?
Thanks, Ed

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Re: Amadeus and GarageBand

2012-03-24 Thread Ed Worrell
I have not used Amadeus much, but I think the big difference is that Garageband 
has virtual instruments, I don't believe Amadeus does, I could be wrong. I use 
Garageband and all the Jam Pack extensions, I love the accessibility of 
Garageband, there are a few parts of Garageband that are not accessible, but I 
have not run into many occasions where I wish it was more accessible. If you 
would like to hear some stuff done with Garageband you can check out my 
soundcloud page
All these songs and remixes were done with Garageband. Enjoy, and I am more 
then willing to help out were I can.


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Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I am here waiting for my Apple Tv to get here this mourning. Is 
there any things that I should know before I crack open the box and start 
setting it up?
I can't remember what button to press, but wasn't there a way to turn on 
voiceover at start up?

And how is Airplay used from iPad to Apple Tv?
Thanks, Ed

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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Jason, I have sucsessfully hooked up and got the apple tv going. I just 
can't seem to get the airplay feature to work with Hulu, can this only be done 
with the iPad app or can it be done with the iPhone app as well? I can try it 
on the ipad, maybe I am just missing where to go to get it to work. 


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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, where vis the airplay mirroring option found?

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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Ed Worrell
For some reason I am not getting the mirroring option, this should be after the 
airplay button?

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iTunes/Apple TV remote issues

2012-03-27 Thread Ed Worrell
HelloListers,  I am have ingsome issues with iTunes on my Mac Book Pro, and the 
remote for my 3Rd Gen. Apple TV. If I have my computer on while using the aTV, 
The remote will control the volume of my computer if I use the up/down arrow 
keys, it will also launch iTunes on the computer if I press the play/pause 
button to watch something on the aTV. I have told iTunes to forget all remotes, 
and I am still haveing the issue. Is there anyway to get them to play nice? I 
don't have my iTunes library attached to the aTV in anyway. Please help.


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Re: iTunes/Apple TV remote issues

2012-03-27 Thread Ed Worrell
I also found, finally, a post in the Apple forums, I had to turn off using the 
Infored remote on the mac. I did this by going into the security settings 
panel. Thanks for the responce though. I will bookmark this page just incase .
Thanks Ed

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Re: iTunes/Apple TV remote issues

2012-03-28 Thread Ed Worrell
That's what I ended up doing, I couldn't remember where that setting was, I 
found it with a little looking around.
Thanks, ED

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Re: Amadeus or GarageBand

2012-03-31 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Jonny, I believe that Garageband is the best option for recording with 
digital instruments. I can't say much for the other options, as I mostly use 
Garageband. I feel that Garageband is the easiest to use, but that is just my 
personal opinion. You would have to play around with both of them and see which 
works out better for you and what is the best for what you need to get done.


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Re: Amadeus or GarageBand

2012-04-01 Thread Ed Worrell
I just have to add, that if you don't have the budget, to purchess, Pro Tools, 
Garageband comes with any mac and just incase it didn't it only cost about $15, 
It won't break the bank like Pro Tools will. If you figure out and spend some 
time with Garageband you can do anything you can do with Pro Tools, for free or 
really cheap. You can expand the instruments with bundles from several online 
sources. Just my thoughts on this option. Then again if you have the money go 
for it, from everything I understand about Pro Tools it has become big and 
bloated over the years and most performers don't need 75% of what Pro Tools 
"can do", once again just my humble opinion.


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Re: Amadeus or GarageBand

2012-04-02 Thread Ed Worrell
You can use the included voices in garageband, and then switch them to see what 
they would sound like as a different instrument. You also can copy midi tracks 
into Garageband an play around with the different voices to change the effects. 
I don't think it records in midi format though.

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apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-10 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
still use the apple tv?

Thanks Ed

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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Actually I am going to teach at the Montana association of the blind's Summer 
program, and I want to listen to movies, and wanted to show what the apple tv 
could do. I don't have a small tv to take with, and I am totally blind so the 
tv really wouldn't be needed.


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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I too have this app, it acts as a wireless remote for itunes on the 
computer and apple tv. You have to have homeshareing set up on the device you 
want to use it with. I don't like using it as a remote with apple tv, but it 
comes in handy if you need to type something in a search field. 
hth, Ed

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Re: ILife Apps

2012-04-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, the iLife apps are Garageband, iMovie,iWeb and iPhoto.

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digital book publisher

2012-04-22 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I am taking on a project that is mosty likely over my head, but 
I think it is worth it in the long run.
What I am trying to do is make a guide for using Voiceover on the iDevices, I 
want to make a version of the user guide that can be read on any device or 
computer but I want it to feel like a book and not just another word document, 
is there any accessible book creation software out there that will allow me to 
put said book or guide in a format that can be read by all devices and 
I have played around with the iBooks Auther program, but I just can't grasp how 
to use the program, any advice on this program would be great as well.
Thanks Ed 

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getting Microsoft SkyDrive up and going

2012-04-24 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I am having trouble getting SkyDrive up and going on my MacBook, 
I have the helper application installed, the file assigned but any of the files 
that I put into the SkyDrive documents folder don't show up in the cloud, I 
can't see them from the iPhone app. So what am I doing wrong?


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Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Ed Worrell
HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been working 
with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more accessible. He is now 
ready to have the app tested, and is wanting some people in the blind community 
to test it and make sure it works with Voiceover. Here is the link to get 
Please help out this developer and give him some good feedback.

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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Ed Worrell
The beta test is for a Facebook app called FaceDekk, This was the first app 
that I used outside of the Facebook.com app, I got in touch with the developer 
and he is willing to make the app 100% accessible to the blind, infact this app 
is in the app store, he is currently making a new version of the app for 
everyone else, but he is devoted to making a fully accessible Facebook client 
app with all the features of the Facebook.com app but more straight forward to 
use for the blind.

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FaceDekk beta news, and link to sign up

2012-04-27 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, I have just talked to the developer of FaceDekk, he has asked me 
to post a message and say that the beta will be ready for testing next week.
And to all that don't know what FaceDekk is , FaceDekk is a Facebook client for 
the iPhone/iPad/iPod that is very easy to use and the developer is making the 
app fully accessible with voiceover, and is very open to suggestions from the 
blind community and wants our feedback to make his app work better for us. If 
you haven't signed up for the beta test team sign up here
Thanks again.


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Re: FaceDekk beta news, and link to sign up

2012-04-27 Thread Ed Worrell
He is fixing the inaccessible parts of the app. HE just wants to get the fixes 
right,and see if there is any other suggestions of better ways to get the app 
to interact with voiceover. He just wants some feedback on the accessibility of 
the whole app.


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Re: FaceDekk beta news, and link to sign up

2012-04-28 Thread Ed Worrell
No problem, and to answer the other question, I don't think there is but you 
can email him at supp...@facedekk.com and see if he plans to make a version for 
the computer, The Developer's name is Tony and he is pretty good at getting 
back to people.


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Is total control useable by Voiceover users?

2012-05-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone has had luck with HoneyWell's app for 
the Total Control Security system, can you control the alarm system with 
Voiceover on the iPhone? The log-in screen seems to be very accessible, any 
help is welcome. If you don't want people to know of your alarm system please 
email me off list. I am wondering how useable this system is to the blind 
through the app. 

Thanks, Ed

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Re: Is total control useable by Voiceover users?

2012-05-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, from what I can tell all the new alarm systems work with the iPhone app, 
the website is http://honeywell.com
The alarm system that Me and my wife were looking at was the one with the touch 
screen, forgot the name of it, sorry.

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Re: Is total control useable by Voiceover users?

2012-05-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Sorry I got the app name wrong, It is called, Total Connect.


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Re: Making cd's without using iTunes

2012-05-12 Thread Ed Worrell
You could also try Softcon Audio Burn, it was made to work with voiceover, and 
here is the link to download it, and it is free aswell.


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Re: Accessible Fruitmachine is published

2012-05-14 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, the other thing that might make the app better is even a swipe down 
gesture to activate the start button, all though the shake feature would be 
interesting too.

Ed Worrell

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Boot Camp and Voiceover

2012-05-14 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I was wondering if there was anyway to get Voiceover to read the 
boot screen? I want to run windows using Boot Camp. Is there anyway to to get 
VO to read this boot screen.
Thanks, Ed

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Re: Boot Camp and Voiceover

2012-05-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, Thank you both for the answers, they will help me out greatly.


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Re: iso facebook app that is vo friendly?

2012-05-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, you could try Friendly HD, there is a paid version and a free version. 
It works fairly well. There are a few unlabeled buttons. but they are easy to 
figure out.


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FaceDekk beta info, for those involved

2012-05-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, sorry for the cross post. Just emailing the people that are 
involved with the FaceDekk beta testing. Here is what I have been told by the 
developer. The developer has said that he hopes to have a new version of 
Facedekk out soon for all of us to test, he has run into some issues with 
Facebook saying that he can't use the FaceDekk name anymore, and he is trying 
to unify the interface instead of having two apps for the same purpose in the 
app store. 

Thanks, Ed

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Re: FaceDekk beta info, for those involved

2012-05-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, try emailing him at supp...@facedekk.com I have had good luck with that 
email address.

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Re: FaceDekk beta info, for those involved

2012-05-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, try emailing Tony at supp...@facedekk.com and see if he will let you 
join the beta team. hth


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Re: Either i'm utterly stupid or...

2012-05-23 Thread Ed Worrell
HEllo, If you use the website after your file is uploaded to SkyDrive your able 
to share it with people and send them a link to download the file. You can also 
download the IOS app, this app is pretty cool and easy to use. I haven't played 
around with the app much, but everything is accessible with Voiceover, 
apparently you can edit .doc files on the IOS app, haven't played with this 
feature yet. You can also choose people from your contact list to email files 
As for the app on the computer the SkyDrive app does the same thing that the 
DropBox app does, forgranted the Dropbox app is hiden in the background better, 
both apps do the same thing, they sit there and watch for new files to be added 
to the proper folder then they send it to the cloud. I feel that MIcrosoft has 
done a good job and it works just as well as Dropbox.



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Re: Voicebook VO

2012-05-25 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, the done button acctually is the save button one flick to the left from 
the text field. hth


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Re: Voicebook VO

2012-05-26 Thread Ed Worrell
No problem, If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I was on the beta 
team so I can help you out as much as you need, I think the app is pretty 
straight forward though.


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Re: Voicebook VO

2012-05-26 Thread Ed Worrell
HEllo, not at this point. The developer said he will be working on those 
features for a future update to the app.


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Re: GB Jam Packs

2012-05-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, yes I have all the Jam packs. Apple no longer sells them, from what I 
can tell, but just do a search for them on Amazon, and you can find most if not 
all of them.


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Re: Garage Band Loops

2012-06-05 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, platninum Loops, Mac loops, just look up garageband loops in google and 
you get a few things.


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Re: what's the story with Menu Tab for Facebook?

2012-07-31 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I am using Friendly for Facebook. I have been looking for a accessible 
iPhone Facebook app, to no luck. Then I started to look at apps on the Mac, and 
I dove into Friendly for Facebook, and it is a great app so far.

On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:19 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hi Alex, I don't know why it's not working for you but it works for me. When 
> I press my designated hotkey for it to open, which is control+F, I can see 
> pretty much everything on my Facebook. I even have Growl configured to tell 
> me if there's a new notification. Perhaps you might want to set up a hotkey 
> to open it yourself. Although, I would be interested in finding out if 
> there's a better program than this, I would like to be able to have news 
> feeds from friends and companies that I've liked automatically read out to me.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: what's the story with Menu Tab for Facebook?

2012-08-01 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, yes it is in the Mac app store. I think there is a free version with 
adds, and a paid version without. I think the paid version is $2.99 US. It is 
the best app that I have found on the Mac for Facebook, I have tried most if 
not all of them. hth   

On Aug 1, 2012, at 7:48 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hi Ed, is this app in the App store and how much does it cost? Does it have 
> Growl support?
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
> On 2012-08-01, at 8:39 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
>>   Today
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Re: What's your fave faceBook solution?

2012-08-09 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, the app that I have had the most luck with is Ace For Facebook. This is 
a great app. You may want to relabel some buttons, but the buttons all work, 
there is a free version of the app if you want to try it out. The paid version 
gets rid of the adds. If you have any questions feel free to email me off list 


On Aug 9, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am so frustrated.  I am not one of those people who are always on FB but 
> when I do use it I am always so disappointed.  I was hoping voice book for 
> iOS would be the solution.  However, I just discovered that my newsfeed is 
> not accurate.  So, back to the mac and Safari, but the website is so 
> frustrating and slow.  It also won't let me read the whole newsfeed.  It just 
> keeps bouncing me back to the top of my newsfeed after I get a few posts down 
> the page.  :(  :(
> Thanks of any help.
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
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Re: What's your fave faceBook solution?

2012-08-10 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Chris, I just relabeled some of the buttons because they were labeled 
poorly. I just labeled them to make a little more scence.

On Aug 9, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Christopher-Mark gilland  

> You say that you have to label some buttons... is this because they are not 
> correctly labeled in the first place, or it is more just they're not labeled 
> very well.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: Ed Worrell
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 7:10 PM
> Subject: Re: What's your fave faceBook solution?
> Hello, the app that I have had the most luck with is Ace For Facebook. This 
> is a great app. You may want to relabel some buttons, but the buttons all 
> work, there is a free version of the app if you want to try it out. The paid 
> version gets rid of the adds. If you have any questions feel free to email me 
> off list ed.worr...@me.com
> hth
> Ed
> On Aug 9, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am so frustrated.  I am not one of those people who are always on FB but 
>> when I do use it I am always so disappointed.  I was hoping voice book for 
>> iOS would be the solution.  However, I just discovered that my newsfeed is 
>> not accurate.  So, back to the mac and Safari, but the website is so 
>> frustrating and slow.  It also won't let me read the whole newsfeed.  It 
>> just keeps bouncing me back to the top of my newsfeed after I get a few 
>> posts down the page.  :(  :(
>> Thanks of any help.
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> -- 
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Re: What's your fave faceBook solution?

2012-08-10 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, this is an IOS app, the version that I am talking about is the one for 
the iPhone not the one for the iPad. The one for the iPad is good but not as 
easy to navigate.


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Gb issues please help

2011-12-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers I am having an issue with Garageband. Well kinda, I am 
compressing my project to mp3 using the export feature in GB, after the 
conversion is complete the mp3 I am left with is really soft compared to the 
project level. Anyone know how to get the mp3 volume up without destroying the 
sound quality.

Thanks Ed

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Re: Gb issues please help

2011-12-16 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, Thanks for the help. It fixed my issue. I am working on a renix for a 
competition for the band Korn. I thought it would be fun and. It was begining 
to make me mad because the converted track was so soft, but anyway thanks again.


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Re: Gb issues please help

2011-12-16 Thread Ed Worrell
yeah I have been working on the drum part for a few days, a few long days, lol. 
My brain is fried with this one. Oh well, I will let you know when it is up on 
the website so if you would like you can give it a listen, I also think that 
fans can vote on the songs too, I am not sure on that part of the contest. 
anyway thanks


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Boxwave bkbcv2 iphone case questions

2011-12-25 Thread Ed Worrell
I just got a bkbcv2 iphone case and I can't figure out how to do the VO space 
command, or can't this be done with the keyboard? thanks 

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iphone 4 won't pair with bluetooth devices

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
I had my boxwave buddy case paired with my iphone just a few minutes ago, Now I 
can't seem to get it to pair no matter what direction the switch is on the side 
of the case. I also can't get the iphone to even see my Plantronics bluetooth 
head set, the power is turned on on the head set. Please help me get these 
things paired. 


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Re: iphone 4 won't pair with bluetooth devices

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I tried that and It wouldn't pair, that was the first thing I tried. Is 
there a way to reset the bluetooth settings all together?


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Re: iphone 4 won't pair with bluetooth devices

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks Ester, I did make sure that the iKeyboard program wasn't paired. I 
finally did get it to pair. I think it was pure dumb luck though. I also 
figured out how to reset the bluetooth headset by pressing the up and down 
volume buttons at the same time. Thanks for your suggestion, I will remember 
that it isn't possible to pair two keyboards, 

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How do I get VO in headset

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello all, I am trying to get VO to come through my new Plantronics headset, I 
have set the mono audio togle to on but VO still doesn't come through the 
headset, what am I doing wrong? Or is there another setting that I am missing? 

Thanks for the help

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Re: How do I get VO in headset

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, No I don't get VO through the headset unless I am on a call.  I don't 
know what the settings need to be set at to achieve getting VO to come through 
as if I were wearing headphones, Please help if you can.

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Re: How do I get VO in headset

2011-12-26 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I don't know how I would go about updating the headset. it didn't come 
with a usb cable, just a wall plug. So I would assume that it doesn't support 
a2dp then. So what headset would you reccomend? I don't want to break the bank 
with buying a headset. Thanks for any suggestions, Ed

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best bluetooth headset

2011-12-27 Thread Ed Worrell
Sense no one would answer me on this one I will ask again. I need a bluetooth 
headset that will let VoiceOver come through it, the one I have does not do 
this, what are you people using for this? Please answer me back.


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Re: best bluetooth headset

2011-12-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks Jenny and all that have answered me back. I think I will see if I can 
find a Plantronics Voyager Pro like you told me about Jenny, thanks for this 

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FaceBook iphone replacement app

2011-12-31 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I have found a really great app to replace the Facebook crap of 
an app. The app is called Facedekk it is made by Taknology, you can search for 
either of these and find it in the app store. I don't know if it is in all the 
app stores I live in the United States. It is a great app the developers have 
made it fully accessible with VO, not sure if this was intentional but it is 
great anyway, It does everything the Facebook app is supposed to do. The only 
thing that I have found that doesn't work is the settings section of the app, I 
did send a email to the developer to see if they would fix this issue, and to 
see if they would add push notifications to the app. The app even uses the Vo 
gestures to back to the previous page which I missed greatly on the Facebook 
app. It is a all around well done app. There is two versions of the app one 
that is $.99 and that is free, I have purchesed the paid version. 


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most likely off topic,used Garageband to do remix, please help out and vote

2012-01-10 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello all you music fans out there, I have done my first remix contest, I do 
believe that I am the only blind contestant in this contest. I just want to see 
if the blind music community would like to help me out and give me a few votes, 
you can vote here
The remix is of a heavy metal group called Korn, I will warn you that there is 
some swearing in the song so please don't think I di this, I didn't want to 
take this out of the song because it would take the message of the artist out. 
So please give me some support and vote often.

Thanks in advance, Ed

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Re: most likely off topic,used Garageband to do remix, please help out and vote

2012-01-10 Thread Ed Worrell
sorry I just found the player on the website isn't accessible, it is done in 
flash, but here is a link to listen to it

You have to use the support link to vote for the song on the 
Sorry for the confusion, I didn't think to check out the player before I posted 


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Web design applications

2012-01-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I am looking into making a website to promote my music. I was wondering 
if anybody knows of a Website Design application that is accessible with 
Voiceover, and is simple to use. I don't know html or any programing, but I am 
willing to figure it out and learn it aswell.
Thanks in advance.


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removing an application from launchpad

2012-01-19 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I downloaded an application a while back, I have found that I don't use 
the app, I want to delete it from the computer, but the stupid thing is that it 
installed it in the launchpad, of which I don't use and can't figure out how to 
remove an application from this worthless section. Please help

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Re: facebook application question in regards to using voice over?

2012-01-20 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I just found another app to add to the list of better apps. It is called 
Facebook Plus Messenger Pro by Mangoo. It allows you to comment and like 
status's and best of all the buttons are labeled and work. The only thing that 
I had to get help with is that couldn't figure out how to post a status, there 
is a button labeled share down in the top right corner of the app, you need to 
double tap on this button, then find the button again and drag your fingure 
down from the button and there will be a couple of buttons here  one is Upload 
Photo, the other is labeled feed, this button is the one that you use to post a 
status update. I have found it difficult to find these buttons at first, if you 
stay close to the right edge of the phone you will find thes buttons. The other 
thing is when you press on the comment button you are taken to another page and 
the button that you have to press to make a comment on the status is labeled 
feed, so press this button and a text field will pop up and then when you are 
ready to post the post button is one flick to the left.
So far the app seems very accessible eccept for the wierdness I described above.


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Re: facebook application question in regards to using voice over?

2012-01-20 Thread Ed Worrell
I believe it does. I have it turned off, I use an app called Boxcar for the 
push notification. it works really well for this because that is all the app is 
used for.

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Facebook and twitter app

2012-01-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I am looking for an app that will handle Facebook, Twitter, 
Linked-In, Tumblr, and any other social networking sites, and is easy to use. 
Does anyone know of one of these mythical apps?

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Deleting bookmarks from Safari

2012-01-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I am using Safari 5 with Lion on my macbook pro. I can't seem to figure 
out how to delete bookmarks from Safari. I go into the bookmarks menu like I 
sued to do, and go to show all bookmarks,and I can't even see my bookmarks in 
this menu, please help me figure out how to delete old bookmarks from Safari. 
Can this be done from Finder?


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Re: Deleting bookmarks from Safari

2012-01-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello. I have tried to do this, but I just come to a add button of which I 
can't do anything with. If I tab again I get another button that says add. I 
find the search field when I press command option B, then tab to the field that 
has History, bookmark menu etc. Then tab twice and I get those buttons labeled 
add. I can't find any field where all my bookmarks should be located. 

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Re: something wrong with the accessibility apple address?

2012-01-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I got an email from Apple on this error message. They are not sure why it 
is sending out an error message. The messages are going through, I guess.


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Re: Deleting bookmarks from Safari

2012-01-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Colin, I tried this too, and I still can't seem to get to the field where 
my book marks should be. I am so frusterated right now…

Not sure why it has changed on me, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Can I access the bookmarks from finder some how?

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Re: Deleting bookmarks from Safari

2012-01-30 Thread Ed Worrell
I don't know if this helps, but I get two fields that I can interact with after 
I hit the tab key two times. I get New collection group and New folder group. I 
don't know what these are. The only thing that I can do either of these is add. 
I am stumped with this lack of functionality… I thank you for all the help and 
I have some research to do I guess.
Thanks again

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IBGStar meter and app for iphone

2012-01-31 Thread Ed Worrell
HEllo Listers, I was wondering if anyone is using the IBGStar meter that plugs 
into the 32 prong connecter of the iphone and ipod. I live in the United 
States, and this meter was just approved by the FDA last month.
I was wondering if anyone in Europe was using the app and meter and could tell 
me if it was accessible with VO


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Rss feed reader questions

2012-02-04 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, can anyone recommend a good RSS feed reader program for the 
iPad. I am using RSS Runner on the iphone, but there is no iPad version of the 
app. I have tried to run the app in 2x mode, but there is some flakyness with 
the app in 2x mode. Any recommendations are welcome.
Thanks Ed

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Labeling buttons with Lion

2012-02-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Is there a simple way to label buttons with Lion like there is with IOS 5?
Thanks Ed

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Re: Labeling buttons with Lion

2012-02-12 Thread Ed Worrell
Thank you that is most helpful.

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New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello LIsters. I have been working with an app developer to make his Social 
networking app accessible. The app is called Status Report. Here is the direct 
link to it in the app store.
The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your status 
and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It will not 
allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to chat with 
them, but it is a great app and Anders the developer should be commended for 
his quick turn around on this app. He is very quick to respond and had many if 
not all of the bugs with voiceover fixed with in a couple of hours of talking 
to him.

To refresh the page and see new posts by your friends just find the first 
status on the main page and double tap and drag down and this will refresh your 
feed, he  even made it so voiceover tells you that it is updateing and when it 
has finished updateing. This is a simple and great app that should not be 
overlooked. He is planning to add more social networking sites in future 

Give it a shot


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Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, for right now it works with FAcebook, twitter, Foursquare, and 
Instagram. He is going to add more social networking sites in the future.


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Secure phone book app for iphone

2012-02-21 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, here is my question. Is there a secure phone book app that will 
allow me to set a password so no one can look at my clients phone numbers? I am 
starting to contract with the state and I would like to keep clients phone 
numbers on my phone and not let them be seen by prying eyes…

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Network problems

2011-07-13 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, I am having some issues with seeing my network hard drive. My 
drive is plugged into a NetGear wireless hub. I can not see the hub or the 
drive plugged into it with my MacBook Pro. My MBP is running the latest version 
of the OS. Please help me figure it out. If need be , contact me off list at 

Thanks ED
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at

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Re: Network problems

2011-07-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Mark. Thank you for thee offer to help.

Great Falls, Mt
11am to 2pm
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at

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Thanks to Mark Taylor, for helping with networking problems

2011-07-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, I would just like to say thank you to Mark for helping resolving 
my not so simple networking problems. He was great to deal with, and very very 
nice to talk with. Very knowledgeable wiht the networking issues. Thanks again 

ED Worrell
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at

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2011-07-18 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello. does anyone know if the read2Go app works with NLS copy protected daisy 

Thanks, ED
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at

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IMap weather radio app question

2011-07-19 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, I just downloaded the IMap weather radio app. Does the app have 
to be running in the background, or does it just work after I set up my 
location and alerts that I would like to be pushed to my phone? I am using the 
app on the iphone 4 if that makes a difference.

Thanks ED
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at

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getting more voices for 10.7

2011-07-20 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I was wundering if anyone knew where to find, the place to download the 
new voices for Lion.

Thanks ED

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using Boot Camp

2011-07-24 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I am thinking of running my mac book pro with a windows partition with 
Boot Camp. Is there any suggestions on the best way to do this. And then my 
other question is how do you get it to boot in the windows os? Thanks for the 


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anyone use boot camp for win7

2011-07-24 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I was wondering if anyone has used Boot Camp to do a duale boot 
system? In the same question any tips to do this process?

Thanks ED

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Garageband success again

2011-07-27 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am very 
proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, please 
email me at edworr...@bresnan.net with comments. So her is the link to My sound 
cloud page, the song is called The Suspect


Thanks ED

P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile


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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-06 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Paul, I am not sure why It won't play for you. You can try this link

This link will take you to my main page and you can find all my songs on this 
page. I  just checked the page and it worked on this end. The song is still out 
there, so I am not sure why you are having the issues, sorry I can't help you 
hth ED

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iMac display questions

2011-08-13 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers. I have a 27 inch iMac. I was wondering if it was possible to use 
the Monitor as a monitor for a display for a second computer? The computer is a 
windows machine. I would like to know if any one has done this successfully.

Thanks Ed

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Re: Fade in and out in garageband

2012-08-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, you can use audio ducking. this will put a fade on the end of tracks 
that you want to have fade out. There should be  a check box in the Track Info 
field under the master track tab. Then to activate ducking on a specific track 
find the track in the arrangement and then tracks list. then press the control, 
option, and J keys at the same time, then scroll down to the ducking check box 
and now the track will fade out.


On Aug 29, 2012, at 8:35 AM, Daniel Montalvo Charameli  

> Hi all:
> I am trying to use fade outs in garage band for several tracks in different 
> positions. Selecting the option under the track menu causes all the audio in 
> the project to fade out and that is not what I want. I wonder if someone has 
> been able to make a particular sound fade out or in in garage band despite 
> the fact that flex and drop  pointers cannot be used with Voice Over.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Sygic Offline GPS App

2012-08-31 Thread Ed Worrell
Not at all accessible. Voiceover doesn't read anything on the screen. This is 

On Aug 31, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Jane  wrote:

> Anyone tested this for accessibility?
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sygic-ukraina-gps-navigacia/id447067819?mt=8
> Jane
> -- 
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Re: how to use midi keyboard and macbook air

2011-08-17 Thread Ed Worrell
Yes it is possible to use a midi keyboard with the laptop. I am using a M-Audio 
keyboard. This is the best brand to use with Garageband and Logic from what I 
understand. I have had no problems with 3rd party plug-ins or loops. I too am 
looking forward to getting a few Jam packs. you can purchess them from with in 
Garageband. If youwould like to hear what is possible with Garageband please 
check out my soundcloud page

If you like it you can purchess it from my band Camp page

I am in love with how accessible the new version of GarageBand is with 

If you have anymore questions feel free to email me off list at

Hope this helps a little bit.


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accessible music selling page "BandCamp.com"

2011-08-30 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers and fellow musicians, I have run across a really good website to 
sell your own music on without spending a whole lot of money to 3rd party 
labels to get your music out there. the website is 
This site allows you to upload as many albums or songs of your own, as long as 
you are the rightful owner of said song. you can go as far as creating 
promotions like percebtages of your music or albums. You can also sell 
merchendise from the site as well. I have an Ep up allready. I have a full 
length album set to be released 11/11/11 so saying that, you can also set 
prereleases, the trick with this one is that you have to go into the settings 
of the album and chek the release this album when yo uwant to release it. The 
shopping cart uses paypal, so you need to set up a free paypal account. this 
only takes a few minutes to do. and in the setup process the website tech 
support is willing to help with. If you would like to see the site after it has 
been setup, please check out my page at
If you like the music I have done use this code in the coupon code space  
musicbook  and you will get 50% off My ep The sightless. Thanks 


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Re: I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-02 Thread Ed Worrell
I too  have had this problem. What I did to get around this was do VO shift M, 
if it doesn't work the first time. Press esc, and do it again and that seems to 
fix the issue, not sure why. It seems to work though.

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Type in braille app for iphone

2011-11-06 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers… I have found a pretty neat app for a typing allternitave. It is 
called Type in braille, itunes link
Here is the Help Guied from the website  to help you get started using the app


TypeInBraille Help

TypeInBraille is a mobile application that allows visually impaired users to 
type using Braille symbols. To use TypeInBraille turn VoiceOver on.

How to Enter a character

In Braille, each cell consists of three rows. On each row there are two dots, 
in one of these combinations: one raised dot on the left, one raised dot on the 
right, two raised dots, no raised dot.
Four gestures are available to insert each row. You insert a Braille character 
row by row. The iPhone touchscreen is vertically split into two rectangles, one 
on the left, one on the right. The gestures are listed below.

One finger tap on the left rectangle: one raised dot on the left;
One finger tap on the right rectangle: one raised dot on the right;
Two finger tap: two dots;
Three finger tap: no dot.
Whenever you insert three gestures, each one corresponding to a row of the 
Braille cell, the character is entered.

Example 1

Use the following gestures to enter the letter “a”:

one finger tap on the left rectangle;
three finger tap;
three finger tap.
Since some characters contain dots on the first and/or second row only, there 
is one additional gesture to speed up typing: with the “one finger right flick” 
you can specify that the character terminates. For example, you can also enter 
the letter “a” as follows, using two gestures only:

one finger tap on the left rectangle;
one finger right flick.
Example 2

Let’s see another example with the letter “f”. Use the following gestures to 
insert the letter “f”:

two finger tap;
one finger tap on the left rectangle;
three finger tap.
You can also insert the letter “f”  as follows:

two finger tap;
one finger tap on the left rectangle;
one finger right flick.
Note that you can tap with two fingers wherever on the touchscreen. You are not 
required to tap with one finger on the left rectangle and the other finger on 
the right rectangle.

Example 3

Use the following gestures to insert the letter “l”:
one finger left tap;
one finger left tap;
one finger left tap.
Note that you can tap three times on the same position to save time.

How To: Insert a Blank Space or a New Line

Since a blank space is a Braille cell without any dot, you can insert it by 
repeating three times the three finger tap. Alternatively, and much faster, you 
can make the one finger right flick gesture.

To enter a new line, use this gesture: one finger down flick.

List of Braille characters

In the following we report the combination of gestures needed to enter the 

a | one finger left tap, one finger right flick
b | one finger left tap, one finger left tap, one finger right flick
c | two finger tap, one finger right flick
d | two finger tap, one finger right tap, one finger right flick
e | one finger left tap, one finger right tap, one finger right flick
f | two finger tap, one finger left tap, one finger right flick
g | two finger tap, two finger tap, one finger right flick
h | one finger left tap, two finger tap, one finger right flick
i | one finger right tap, one finger left tap, one finger right flick
j | one finger right tap, two finger tap, one finger right flick
k | one finger left tap, three finger tap, one finger left tap
l | one finger left tap, one finger left tap, one finger left tap
m | two finger tap, three finger tap, one finger left tap
n | two finger tap, one finger right tap, one finger left tap
o | one finger left tap, one finger right tap, one finger left tap
p | two finger tap, one finger left tap, one finger left tap
q | two finger tap, two finger tap, one finger left tap
r | one finger left tap, two finger tap, one finger left tap
s | one finger right tap, one finger left tap, one finger left tap
t | one finger right tap, two finger tap, one finger left tap
u | one finger left tap, three finger tap, two finger tap
v | one finger left tap, one finger left tap, two finger tap
w | one finger right tap, two finger tap, one finger right tap
x | two finger tap, three finger tap, two finger tap
y | two finger tap, one finger right tap, two finger tap
z | one finger left tap, one finger right tap, two finger tap
. | three finger tap, three finger tap, one finger left tap
, | three finger tap, one finger left tap, three finger tap
? | three finger tap, one finger left tap, one finger right tap
‘ | three finger tap, three finger tap, one finger right tap
: | three finger tap, two finger tap, three finger tap
; | three finger tap, one finger left tap, one finger left tap
” | one finger right tap, three finger tap, three finger tap
# | one finger right tap, one finger right tap, two finger tap
$ | one finger right tap, three finger tap, one finger right ta

New Garageband artist

2011-01-14 Thread Ed Worrell
Hi my name is Ed Worrell.

I got a macbook pro about 6 months ago. I have been slowly learning the tricks 
of the trade with garageband. I wanted to hear from my peers, and get some 
input on my music. I was wundering what you guys on the list think of the music 
I am produceing

Here is the link to my soundcloud page.


Please check it out and let me know what you think

Thanks in advance 


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Networking help...

2011-01-14 Thread Ed Worrell
I just got a net gear wireless router not to long ago. I was able to see the 
router on my network the first day I had it setup. I am using a Macbook Pro. I 
can get on the internet. But I can't access the network hard drive now. How do 
I get that ability back?

Thanks in advance, 

ED Worrell

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Re: New Garageband artist

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts on my music. I learned how to use 
Garageband by trial and error. There isn't much out there to help voiceover 
users on this program. If you need any help feel free to email me off list at 
edworr...@bresnan.net I am still learning too. So I will try to answer 
questions to the best of my ability.


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Re: soundcloud app

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hi my name is Ed Worrell,

I also downloaded the sound cloud app, how do you get it to upload your tracks? 
the sound cloud website always crashes on me when I get to the tags text box. 
so I could use the help with the app please.

thanks ED

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